Days Beyond

By Michael Prymula

Published on Jul 20, 2022



Disclaimer:Disclaimer: "Days Gone" and its characters are properties of "Sony Bend Studios". This story is for entertainment purposes only and I do not make any monetary compensation from it. No copyright infringement is intended.

Summary:Lisa Jackson and Crystal Adkins are two lost souls desperately trying to find one another. They discover one another and so much more

Author's note:(Lisa's sister was never named in the game, so I came up with one)

category: Bisexual/Celebrity

BOOM! A bright flash of lightning lit up the sky along with a loud clap of thunder as rain poured down relentlessly. It was another dark and stormy night in Oregon, everyone from drifters to Rippers to marauders were scrambling for shelter as nobody in their right mind wanted to be outside on a night like this when the Freakers were wandering about. Dealing with them in the daytime was bad enough, but encountering a wandering horde in pitch darkness where you could barely see ten feet in front of you without any kind of light source and in stormy weather? A recipe for disaster if there ever was one. But there were some folks that had enough of a death wish to actively go out during a thunderstorm, and Lisa was one of them, she was waiting behind one of the many abandoned gas stations for a passing freaker horde and looked through the scope of her assault rifle for any signs of life.

She didn't care about the weather or the Freakers, she'd survived for many years all by herself after her family vanished without a trace, so she could handle a little rain. Besides, less people outside meant she wouldn't have to deal with fighting other bandits for Freaker bounties. Lisa practically thrived in this kind of environment, she remembered the night she came home from gym practice and saw a note from her parents on the fridge, it was raining that night as well, she remembered waiting for hours for her parents to show up and opting not to go with her friends to the bunker as she was confident her parents would show up. But they never did, she had no idea if they (or her friends for that matter) were alive, dead, or worse-got turned into Freakers. She remembered that night she returned to Lost Lake and Sarah Whittaker had told her about her younger sister becoming a Newt and her failed attempt to cure her and restore her to normal, Lisa immediately thought about her older sister Amy and her parents and was concerned they had met a fate worse than death. Sarah was so nice to her, she was so warm and friendly with the prettiest eyes you ever saw, and a pretty fine-looking a-, Lisa mentally slapped herself before she got too lost in her thoughts of lust, much as she wanted to masturbate to relieve her boredom while waiting for her prey, now was not the time to get distracted, there would be time for that later after she was done collecting bounties.

The rain soaked her jet black hair, which had finally grown back after she'd shaved it months ago to join the rippers, she was glad to no longer be part of that group and had been quite shocked to learn that Deacon and Boozer had unintentionally created them after they burned off the Mongrel tattoos of Jesse Williamson AKA Carlos after he murdered a fellow Mongrel over some meth, had she known what kind of psycho Carlos was, she never would've considered joining. She just wished Deacon and Boozer had killed Jesse way back then instead of just maiming him as that would've saved her and countless other people from having to deal with them. Maybe then Skizzo wouldn't have felt the need to betray Deacon and offer him to the rippers to stop them from attacking the Lost Lake camp and Deacon wouldn't have had to blow up the wall of the dam to destroy the rippers hideout. Then again Skizzo was the kind of worm who was only out for himself and probably would've done something else equally as dumb, she remembered when he sent her out on a supply run the first time she'd arrived in Lost Lake. She was actually enjoying herself there before Skizzo had reared his ugly head, she could tell what kind of scumbag he was the moment she laid eyes on him, she didn't mind doing the supply run, she just hadn't trusted Skizzo not to use her as a human shield or something, after overhearing him talking about ousting Iron Mike, she knew she couldn't live at Lost Lake as long as he was there.

Still the fishing trip with Rikki was lovely, she'd managed to catch a massive Rainbow Trout and Rikki hugged her in excitement. She had such lovely caramel skin and really nice brea-, "no! bad Lisa bad!" she chided herself silently, "must not think sexy thoughts" Lisa muttered under her breath, she quickly tried to think of something to calm down her raging hormones before she completely lost all self-control and masturbated in the rain naked, fun as that might be it would make her a sitting duck for Freakers. She eventually calmed herself down by thinking about Ada Tucker naked, the thought of that evil old cunt nude would terrify even the least discerning drunk, Lisa couldn't believe how nasty her old neighbor had become.

It wasn't like she minded working at Tucker's camp, she understood she couldn't just sit around or everyone would starve, but Tucker had no idea how to motivate people without making them feel miserable, everyone at the Hot Springs camp made no secret of their dislike for her(people speculated that her husband had committed suicide not because of the Freakers, but because he couldn't stand being around Tucker anymore)openly calling her a crazy bitch but Tucker didn't care, as she preyed on people's desire for safety and shelter from the Freakers and knew she could manipulate people into becoming her slaves. Lisa ran off because she was tired of being talked down to by that old hag, she'd survived years by herself, she didn't need that old witch constantly yapping at her to dig so she got fed up and left. Lisa wasn't surprised to hear that Tucker was the only person in the North that hadn't personally joined in on the assault on Wizard Island to stop Garrett and the Deschutes County Militia from attacking their camp as deep down beneath her tough veneer Tucker was a coward plain and simple, she wouldn't dare set foot outside the camp by herself as she wouldn't have lasted ten minutes.

That was one thing she admired about Iron Mike in her short time at Lost Lake, he was a damn good leader who knew how to be firm but inspiring, he'd been nothing but understanding of everything Lisa had gone through, needless to say she was practically in tears when she heard that bastard Skizzo had killed him. She spent some time at his grave site mourning him, he reminded her a lot of her father. Lisa's train of thought was interrupted by the telltale Freaker shriek, she immediately crouched down and trained her scope on the main road, sure enough a long line of Freakers was wandering down the road, lit up by the fluorescent lights on the gas station. Lisa closed one eye, took aim and started squeezing the trigger, BAM! BAM! BAM! one by one the Freakers all went down with perfectly placed headshots, they barely had time to react and the weather confused their senses, so they couldn't tell where the shots were coming from, in only a few minutes the two dozen or so Freakers were all dead. Lisa quickly ran out with her sack and knife and started slicing off Freaker ears at lightning speed, soon her sack was full of blood and appendages. She then quickly ran inside the gas station, quickly checking to see that nobody else was holed up inside there.

Fortunately, she was completely alone, she set down her sack in the office, luckily enough there was already a cot in there (likely left behind by some unlucky marauders). Satisfied with how the night had gone, Lisa took off her soaking wet clothes, using a space heater in the bathroom to dry them off, she then crawled into bed nude and finally went back to her fantasies about other women. Lisa wasn't sure if she was gay, bi or somewhere in between, she'd debated telling her family for a long time, but she'd never had the guts to do so. What made things more awkward Is that she had fantasized about both her mother and sister, she remembered finding her sister's soaking wet panties in the hamper, sniffing and licking them and masturbating into a horny frenzy and collapsing on the floor in bliss, she also remembered sneaking in her parents bedroom, trying on her mom's lacy panties, finding her sex toys and fucking herself with abandon, hiding out in the closet while her mother had sex with her best friend's mother and using mom's lacy panties as a gag so the two of them wouldn't hear her orgasming over watching the two of them going at it. She wondered if her family had ever found out and was just waiting for her to confess, several times she could've sworn her mom and sister were deliberately showing off for her, god Amy looked so hot in her cheerleader uniform. She was actually planning to come out to her family and confess everything on the night they all disappeared, she vowed that if her family turned out to still be alive, she would tell them everything, consequences be damned. Fortunately one silver lining about this whole apocalypse thing was that sexual taboos like incest were no longer well taboos so at the very least if her family wasn't interested in saving sex with her, at least they would never disown her. At Lost Lake she'd seen more then one person having sex with relatives, sisters Gabbi and Abigail had been getting hot and heavy under the stars one night when Lisa accidentally wandered into them, they were all too happy to let Lisa join in on the fun. She remembered eating out both of them and giving them rim jobs and they happily returned the favor (she cried when Gabbi told her about Abigail's death the night she returned to Lost Lake and the two of them mourned Gabbi in their own way by engaging in a slow and prolonged lovemaking session).

Then the next day Lisa heard what she thought were screams of pain and rushed to the cabin next door to find cousins Jen and Nicole fucking each other with reckless abandon, they too were happy to let another person in on the action and luckily, they'd brought some sex toys along with them, both of them ended up double-teaming her leading to a bone-shaking double orgasm. Then there was Rikki and Addy, god they made such a cute couple, she remembered watching them taking a bath together and having sex, but unlike with the other two couples she'd had sex with In Lost Lake, she was too nervous to breach the topic to those two, especially Rikki who reminded her of her own mother. So, she just quickly fingered herself to climax and got out of there before being spotted, the fucked-up part was she'd gotten the idea to spy on the two of them from Skizzo of all people who she'd overheard bragging about spying on the two of them. After hearing how angry the two got at Skizzo, Lisa was worried about what they'd say if they caught her spying on them. The last thing she wanted was the two of them angry at her.

Finally there was Sarah, sweet beautiful Sarah. Upon seeing her for the first time, she understood why Deacon had risked everything to search for her and rescue her from the militia. Deacon was a lucky man, she remembered breaking down and hugging Sarah after they both shared painful stories about their past. She remembered unintentionally grabbing Sarah's ass and lingering a little too long, she had to run off to compose herself before she started ripping Sarah's clothes off and taking her right then and there. All these fantasies were making her hot and sweaty, she slid down her boxer shorts and slowly pushed her fingers in and out of her pussy and ass while gently caressing her nipples with her other hand, she lifted her fingers up to her face, inhaling the scent of her own sweet juices and then licking her fingers marveling at the delicious taste. This was too much for her and she started orgasming without even touching herself any further, she was shaking like an earthquake had just gone off and she soon collapsed into a pile of her own juices, she slowly relaxed, drifting off to sleep to the sound of raindrops splattering on the roof.

BANG! A loud crash caused Lisa to abruptly jolt up from her slumber, she quickly got dressed and armed herself in preparation to deal with freakers and/or humans. She slowly crept over to the window armed with a sniper rifle, she looked through the scope and saw a young woman with jet black hair and tattoos wielding a machete and fighting a group of marauders armed with melee weapons. She was holding her own quite well, Lisa watched in admiration as the woman kicked one of the marauders in the crotch, causing him to double over and she promptly sliced his neck open with the machete, the three other marauders tried to use this as an opportunity to close in on her and jump her, but the woman spun around 360 degrees while holding out her machete, slicing all three enemies and causing them to fall to the ground bleeding out.

The woman then pulled out a handgun and put a bullet in their heads, their brains splattering all over the asphalt. The woman then holstered her weapons and began checking the bodies for ammo, Lisa then saw another marauder crouched behind a group of nearby shrubs and drawing a bead on the woman with a rifle. Lisa took aim at the guy's head and squeezed the trigger, BOOM! The guy's head exploded like a watermelon and the woman turned around in surprise and confusion. Suddenly Lisa heard a familiar growl, "oh shit a horde!" she thought. Sure enough freakers poured in by the dozens, catching the woman off guard, she pulled out her gun and started firing rapidly, she put down quite a few but there were far too many for her to take on alone, so Lisa helped her out by using her rifle to headshot the freakers, the woman had run out of ammo for her handgun so she started throwing grenades and taking out several freakers at once, soon she resorted to getting up close and personal with her machete. Lisa herself ran out of ammo for her rifle, but by then then Horde had been whittled down to only half a dozen freakers so she figured she could take them on with her melee weapons, Lisa reached into her pack and grabbed a ripper blade and immediately dashed outside towards the woman, who had gotten knocked down by the freakers. They were about to tear into her when Lisa started bashing them with her blade, causing them to groan in pain, Lisa was aggressive, she wanted so badly to protect the woman that she wasn't thinking straight and a freaker latched onto her and bit her arm, the pain caused her to cry out. Meanwhile the dark-haired woman used the opportunity to get up and use her machete to slice and dice the last of the freakers, their bodies dropping to the ground with a thud. The dark-haired woman grabbed Lisa by the hand and said, "thanks for the assist, I'm Crystal, who are you?".

"I'm Lisa", Lisa said. "

You got bitten too eh?" Crystal remarked, showing off her arm with a large bite wound, "damn freaker ruined my tattoo", she spat out.

Lisa was a mix of emotions, on the one hand she'd managed to save Crystal's life, on the other hand she'd gotten bitten in doing so and Crystal was also bitten, so the two of them might possibly be infected with the virus and who knows what would happen to them? She knew they both wouldn't last long out here in their condition, they had to get help and fast. Lisa immediately thought of Lost Lake Camp, she'd been reluctant to stay there last time but now she was seriously beginning to warm up to the idea of staying there and not having to look for shelter every single night. "I know a place where we can get help!" Lisa exclaimed, "It's only a few miles away!".

"I don't need help, I'll be fine!" Crystal grunted stubbornly. "Wow she's as stubborn as me" Lisa thought in surprise.

"No, you won't, Lisa said sternly, there's probably more marauders and freakers on the way right now and we're both sitting ducks if we don't get these bites treated".

"You know a doctor?" Crystal remarked derisively.

"As a matter of fact, I do", Lisa responded, "Addison Walker, she's at Lost Lake Camp and if anyone can help us it's her".

"Alright fuck it" Crystal said with a laugh, "I could use some real food anyways".

Lisa looked around to see if it was clear and saw a bike crashed into a car nearby, "that your bike?" she asked Crystal. Crystal nodded, "fucking bastards blinded me with a flash grenade and I couldn't see shit" she spat venomously, "I stole that bike from my piece of shit stepdad after I killed him for trying to drug and rape me", "when I busted out of prison first thing I did was go to the impound lot and take it back, now it's totaled" she remarked with a hint of sadness.

"Shit I'm sorry" Lisa said with remorse.

"it ain't your fault" Crystal said resignedly, "I just always seem to run into shitty people everywhere I go, mom died giving birth to me and my dad died before I was born, so I got adopted by my piece of shit step dad so he could get more money from the state, he barely did a damn thing for me, I had to steal just to survive". Crystal paused and continued, "then I got arrested while trying to drive out of the state and some piece of shit judge threw the book at me even though I only killed the fucker in self-defense" she hissed. "So from then it was basically like Orange is the New Black" she quipped, "I ran that joint and had tons of honeys drooling all over me, there was hardly a moment when I wasn't fucking a bitch, some of the guards even got in on the action". Lisa was taken aback by Crystal's story and couldn't help but try to picture it in her head, Crystal was hardened but still quite nice to look at, she was wearing a sports bra that pushed out her breasts nicely and a tight pair of gym shorts that perfectly complimented her ass and her tattoos only made her sexier, Lisa blushed as she got lost in thought.

Crystal hardly seemed to notice, continuing on with her story, "one time I was getting double-teamed and they came in me, then I turned around when they pulled out and saw two chicks with dicks" she remarked casually, "hottest fucking thing ever" she said with a sexy grin. Lisa nearly fainted upon hearing that, her vagina was leaking like a faucet and soaking her boxers, she was tempted to take Crystal right then and there, but she knew it would just leave them open to getting attacked, best to get to camp and get treated first.

"That's uh very nice" Lisa sputtered awkwardly, but we really should get going right now". Crystal nodded and they both headed towards Lisa's bike, Lisa climbed on and Crystal hopped on the back, wrapping her arms tightly around Lisa's waist. Lisa smiled warmly at the contact, she then started the engine and drove off into the horizon towards Lost Lake.

It was a beautiful day in Oregon, the sun had just risen and showed off some gorgeous vistas of the landscape. Lisa and Crystal rode in silence until the camp came into view, they approached the gate. "Hey, it's Lisa" one of the guards shouted, the gate then slid open and they rode on through and parked their bike by the mechanic. By now the two were beginning to feel a bit-lightheaded from their bite wounds and they nearly stumbled as they got off the bike.

"Lisa!" a familiar voice cried out, "What happened to you?". Rikki Patil ran up and hugged Lisa, who was all too happy to return the favor.

"we both got bit by freakers" Lisa said matter of factly, "we need to see Addy right away". Rikki grabbed Crystal and Lisa and led them towards Addy's office, she opened the door and the two collapsed onto the floor in exhaustion upon entering the room.

Lisa felt her vision beginning to dim, she then closed her eyes, too tired to stand up anymore. Sometime later she awoke in a bed, Crystal was next to her and also awake, by now their wounds had mostly healed. Addy entered the room with a look of relief on her face, "thank god you're awake!" she said excitedly, "you two gave me quite a scare".

"We're not gonna turn into freakers or anything are we?" Crystal asked angrily.

"I very much doubt that" Addy scoffed, "there could be side-effects, but this sort of thing isn't really my area of expertise, you'd have to ask Sarah about that, she's been studying those freakers more than almost anybody else on the planet" Addy remarked in admiration. "Anyways you two should be able to walk around normally by now, so you might want to go see her now" she commented concernedly. Lisa and Crystal both got up from bed and wandered outside,

"Lisa!" a familiar voice screamed, Lisa then looked to see Deacon running towards her, Lisa grabbed him tight and hugged him, "god I was so worried about you!" Deacon said joyously.

Crystal meanwhile took a moment to process seeing Deacon again and then exclaimed surprisedly, "you two fuckin know each other?".

"Yeah Deacon helped me out after my parents got killed" Lisa said forlornly "how bout you?".

"we were both at the same boot camp, crazy fuckin general didn't like my tats and sent me into forced labor, busted out of there first chance I got" Crystal said pointedly. "then the fuckin bastard sent Deek over there to kill me".

"Really?" Lisa said in shock. "Yes, that bastard general sent me to kill her" Deacon cut in, "but I just couldn't do it, not after everything she'd been through, so I took her rings and gave them to the general to let him think I killed her".

"Speaking of which, where are my fuckin rings?" Crystal barked, "I heard that bastard and his whole fuckin army got killed and I want my shit back!" she said spitefully.

"hold your horses" Deacon said calmly, "I got all the stuff he took from recruits back". Deacon then reached into his pocket and pulled out some fancy looking rings, Crystal couldn't help but smile as she eagerly grabbed the rings and slid them on her fingers, admiring how they made her look.

"good you're both OK" Rikki said, striding into view, "as touching as this reunion is, you two should really go see Sarah now" she said urgently. Deacon then led the two towards the main building. Lisa saw Sarah in the foyer with a bunch of lab equipment and tables set up. Sarah turned towards them,

"Ah Lisa, good to see you again" she said warmly, "so you two both got bitten by freakers?".

"yeah, fuckers came right the fuck outta nowhere" she remarked bluntly, "I would've been freaker chow if it wasn't for this hot piece of ass here" she said jokingly and then slapped Lisa's butt, causing Lisa to squirm awkwardly, her pussy leaking more juices into her already damp shorts.

"what's uh going to happen to us?" Lisa stammered nervously.

"Well you're not going to turn into one of them if that's what you're wondering" Sarah joked with a smirk, "my studies on these creatures has shown that they cannot pass the virus onto others through human contact", "a bite from them is no more dangerous than that of a regular animal" "arguably less dangerous since with freakers you don't have to worry about rabies" she laughed.

"thank fuck!" Crystal said in relief.

"However, I would like to take some samples of your blood just in case" Sarah said.

"I ain't no fuckin guinea pig" Crystal spat rudely.

"Relax" Sarah said calmly, "it'll only take a second". "Hey what's that over there?" Sarah said suddenly. Lisa and Crystal turned in the opposite direction in confusion, before they knew Sarah had put needles into both of them and extracted their blood.

"What the fuck blondie?" Crystal said angrily, raising her fist, Lisa grabbed and pulled Crystal back,

"calm down, she's just looking for a cure" Lisa said reassuringly. "Cure for what?" Crystal asked derisively.

"The freakers" Sarah interrupted, "I know you must think I'm nuts, but they were once human too, I worked for months on a solution to try and cure my sister, but it just killed her" Sarah sadly.

"So, you're going to use our blood to try and cure those things?" Lisa said quizzedly. "If everything goes according to plan then yes" Sarah said plainly.

"alright lady, but no more poking at me with needles like I'm some kinda lab experiment" Crystal said menacingly.

"Don't worry, no more needles, just drink this" Sarah said holding out two cups of strange looking liquid.

"what the fuck is that?" Crystal asked inquisitively. "Just some solution me and Addy came up with to treat freaker bites, this should prevent any kind of infection" Sarah said. Crystal needed no more convincing and quickly gulped down the liquid, Lisa soon followed suit. "alright that's all I need from you two, if all goes we could potentially be looking at a cure in a matter of days" Sarah said with excitement, "Rikki will show you two to your living quarters now".

Rikki then came in and led Crystal and Lisa towards a cabin by the lakeside, carrying their packs with her. Upon entering Crystal remarked "Nice fuckin pad!", "it used to belong to that traitorous piece of shit Skizzo" Rikki said in a barbed tone, "since he's dead and all, you two might as well have his place". "Thanks" Lisa said with a warm smile. "Alright I'll let you two get settled" Rikki said, as she turned around and left. The two then emptied out their packs admiring all their stuff, Lisa showed Crystal the Thunderegg that Deacon had given her, Crystal showed all the jewelry she'd nicked from corpses. Lisa told Crystal all about her life before the outbreak, including fantasizing about having sex with her family and thinking about coming out about her bi-sexuality to them.

"so, you're Bi too eh?" "cool, wanna fuck?" Crystal said bluntly. Lisa was caught completely off-guard by Crystal's casual proposal and she tried to open her mouth, but no words came out. "I'll take your stunned silence as yes" Crystal said sexily before grabbing a hold of Lisa and giving her the most intense and stunning kiss of her young life.

Lisa's heart was beating at a million miles an hour, sure she'd kissed a few boys in high school and even a few girls while playing spin-the-bottle and truth or dare at friends sleepovers, but none of them had ever felt anything like this, so hot and sensual. Lisa's nipples stiffened in response, showing prominently through her tank top. Lisa returned the kiss with as much vigor as she could muster, soon Crystal and Lisa' tongues were dueling, Crystal then took things a step further by pulling off Lisa's shirt and exposing her nice 34-C breasts, Lisa returned the favor, yanking off Crystal's top and letting her lovely 34-D breasts breathe.

No more words were said as the two continued making love, jumping onto the bed and licking, sucking and caressing each other's breasts. Soon things progressed even further, Lisa got even bolder and grabbed Crystal's juicy-ass, squeezing her cheeks and pulling down her shorts and boxers, Crystal pulled down Lisa's bottoms as well. The two then hurriedly started grinding their pussies against each, sweating and panting in delight, soon the two of them were overcome by an incredible orgasm, with both of them squirting their juices onto one another before lying down, the two both quickly passed out from exhaustion and collapsed into each other's arms, holding one another tightly as they fell into a deep slumber.

Soon the sound of activity at Lost Lake woke the two up from their slumber, as they both stirred awake they both felt like something was distinctly different about the two of them. They then both walked into the bathroom to look at themselves in the mirror, Crystal and Lisa were both gobsmacked at what they saw- right above their pussies were giant veiny cocks complete with a large set of balls. "Holy shit we've both got fuckin dicks!" Crystal exclaimed in her usual blunt manner of speaking.

"How did that happen?" Lisa asked confusedly.

"I bet it's a side-effect of that fuckin potion blondie gave us" Crystal remarked. Their cocks twitched and their pussies throbbed at the thought of Sarah in her tight outfits,

"so what should we do now?" Lisa asked awkwardly.

"Let's take these fuckers for a test drive!" Crystal shouted excitedly. Lisa didn't have to be told twice, this time she made the first move, grabbing Crystal's cock and leading her back into the bedroom, causing Crystal to yelp in surprise at how bold Lisa had gotten. Lisa threw Crystal onto the bed, devouring her cock like a woman possessed. For someone who had never given a blowjob before, Crystal marveled in awe at how skilled Lisa was as her dick was enveloped by her hot wet mouth, her tongue gently caressing the shaft in all the right places and licking the tip like an ice cream. Lisa alternated between fast and slow sucking and showed zero gag reflex, quickly taking the dick down her throat like it was nothing, Crystal felt she was on fire, on the verge of not only the most intense female orgasm ever but also her first male orgasm, just when she was about to blow Lisa stopped, taking the dick out of her mouth, Crystal looked at her like a sad puppy with those gorgeous emerald eyes, silently begging her to finish her off. Lisa then gave Crystal's swollen nutsacks a nice tender tongue bath while sliding one hand in and out of Crystal's dripping soaking wet pussy and using her other to massage and squeeze her breasts and her diamond hard nipples. Crystal's balls were seriously starting to ache now from holding in so much cum and as much as she hated to beg for anything, she felt like she was going to collapse into a coma if she didn't unload, so she yelled out "make me fuckin come already!" Lisa grinned, loving having a tough strong woman like Crystal completely at her mercy,

"ah ah ah you didn't say the magic word!" Lisa taunted in a mocking tone,

"Pretty please with a fucking cherry on top and a shitload of every fucking topping there is!" Crystal whined, almost in tears by that point. "As you wish" Lisa said breathlessly before grabbing Crystal's testes in her hands, slowly massaging them, she then reached into her bag and pulled out two vibrators, inserting them both into Crystal's ass and pussy and cranking them up to maximum. Crystal felt the inferno rising in her, she grabbed and squeezed her swollen twits and tweaked her nipples in anticipation, then Lisa grabbed Crystal's red angry looking cock(which had grown to over a foot in length at that point) and gently kissed and licked it right below the head, the reaction was instantaneous, Crystal screamed in pleasure so loudly she thought she was going to blow out her vocal cords, she felt like she'd just been struck by a thunderbolt, the pleasure rushing through her. There was so much pleasure she felt like she was going insane with the vibrators giving an incredible vaginal/anal orgasm while her cock erupted like Mt St Helens. The orgasm seemed to stretch on for an eternity, it was so strong that both vibrators were ejected from her ass and pussy and her semen blasted Lisa in the face full on like a fountain. Lisa immediately opened her mouth and tried to catch as much sperm as she could, she savored it in her mouth, marveling at the delicious taste of it before swallowing it, she then inserted the cock into her mouth, trying to swallow it all but soon she had to stop as Crystal's cum-supply was seemingly never-ending, settling for letting Crystal paint her body with it. She spewed for 5 minutes straight and shot over 100 times before her cock finally calmed down.

Crystal fell back in a relaxed state of bliss, "best fuckin orgasm ever" she said dreamily. Lisa meanwhile was covered from head to toe in Crystal's spunk, the scent was intoxicating and turning her on, Lisa massaged her breasts, coating her hands with cum and using them to stroke her own rock hard dick, it wasn't long before she was at full mast. Crystal recovered quickly, immediately jamming her mouth over Lisa's dick, sucking her like a vacuum cleaner. Unlike Lisa, Crystal's blowjob technique was fast and furious, she was very experienced in sucking cock and knew how to make dicks spew quickly and she was determined to give Lisa the best damn blowjob ever. Lisa could hardly breathe, she'd never known such pleasure before, she then inserted her fingers into her pussy and asshole and started finger-fucking herself with reckless abandon. Crystal went to town on Lisa's dick like an all-you-can-eat buffet, licking and sucking the tip and swirling around the shaft in an expert fashion that had Lisa gripping the covers tightly, feeling like she was going to die from all the pleasure. Crystal then took the dick all the way down her throat, the feeling her cock pushing against the back of her throat was all it took, Lisa shrieked in delight, her cock blasting cum down Crystal's throat like a garden hose and her pussy squirting like a sprinkler. Lisa's orgasm was not quite as long as Crystal's, but no less intense, blasting 75 thick wads of cum down Crystal's gullet before her dick calmed down. Crystal effortlessly drained her, sucking down all of her love juice without spilling a drop. Once again the two collapsed in sexual satisfaction, neither one feeling the urge to get dressed and get up.

Addy was getting worried, breakfast had some and gone and still no sign of Lisa and Crystal. She decided to go check up on them, hoping they were OK. Addy knocked on the door but heard no answer, she then used the master key to open the door and was floored when she saw Lisa and Crystal not only naked together but both covered with cum and sporting massive penises to boot. Addy may have been a lesbian, but a part of her had always been curious what it would be like to have sex with a woman with a penis and so she couldn't help but her turned on. Lisa and Crystal both grinned when they saw Addy walk in, admiring how well her scrubs complimented her figure, neither of them was the least bit ashamed at being found in the state they were in. Addy felt like her crotch was on fire from how turned on she was, but the rational side of her told her to control herself, this was probably one of those side-effects. "So I see you've both grown something extra and it's fully functional" Addy said nervously, not really sure how to approach this situation.

``Yeah it was probably a side effect from that potion blondie gave us" Crystal remarked.

"well then you should both go and see Sarah" Addy said urgently.

"Sure but first maybe you should run some ahem tests on us" Crystal said with the sexiest smile she'd ever seen. Addy knew what she was getting at and knew that she shouldn't be having sex with someone else without first asking Rikki(The two often held orgies with other women at camp, on the condition that both of them were involved and didn't engage in sex with other people without one another's permission)but there was something in the air that completely overrode her common sense, those cocks looked so nice and juicy and she had always wanted to try one, finally she moved forward as if being mind-controlled, grabbing Lisa and Crystal's cocks, one in each hand before shaking them up and down. Lisa and Crystal came back to reality, turned on as hell and soon back to being at full length. Addy then alternated between sucking off both of them, driving Lisa and Crystal into a sexual frenzy as a result. The cock-teasing eventually became too much for both of them and they caught Addy off guard by shoving both of their cocks into her mouth at the same time, amazingly they both fit inside and even more amazingly Addy took them with no trouble. Lisa and Crystal groaned at the feeling of their cocks rubbing against one another and hitting the back of Addy's throat, it wasn't long at all before both of the cocks started spewing like volcanoes again. Addy quickly backed off both of them and opened her mouth wide to catch as much delicious sperm as humanly possible, she was so caught up what was going on she hadn't even heard the door to the cabin creak open, eventually Lisa and Crystal deluge of cum tapered off after about 50 shots each off, they were soon startled by a familiar female voice.

"What's going on here" Rikki asked in a baffled tone, having come in the cabin after Addy had disappeared to come and see what was going on. Addy, shocked at her entrance, stumbled over her words trying to explain before Rikki shushed her with a finger to her lips, "it's OK Addy" she said softly, "just next time tell me first". Ricki marveled at the sight before her of two naked young women covered in cum and sporting massive meat-sticks and her girlfriend's face painted with male cum. "Let me guess, side effects right?" Rikki said slyly. Addy, Lisa and Crystal all nodded in unison, "been a long time since I've had dick" Rikki remarked wistfully, "I sure could go for some right now".

Lisa and Crystal took the hint and pounced on Rikki, dragging her onto the bed and practically tearing her clothes, Rikki sucked both of their fucksticks until they were nice and hard and then spread her asscheeks invitingly, no more words were exchanged, Lisa and Crystal knew exactly what she wanted, Lisa shoved her cock into Rikki's steaming hot pussy, while Crystal eagerly shoved her tool into Rikki's tight asshole. Lisa and Crystal were both stunned at how tight Rikki's holes were, feeling like their dicks were getting suffocated, both of them rapidly drove their cocks into her holes like jackhammers, soon feeling that intense build-up of pressure before releasing a huge load of cum into both of her holes. The feeling of cum getting blasted into both of her roles turned Rikki on like crazy, she kissed Addy ferociously, Addy returned then savor, sucking on Rikki's breasts and nipples causing her to go into overdrive, screeching as she had the most intense orgasm of her life, eventually both cocks slipped out of her, both of her holes leaking cum like a storm drain. Addy eagerly licked some cum out of both of her holes, the two then kissed, swapping cum between one another. The sight of that was enough to get Lisa and Crystal hard and ready again, their stamina was quite remarkable, Addy took notice and said "my turn" in an authoritative tone. Her voice was like a drug, Lisa and Crystal removed her clothes before fucking her with reckless abandon, this time the two switched places, with Lisa taking Addy up the ass and Crystal shoving her meat-missile into her vagina. Rikki using her tongue to bathe their cocks as they drove in and out of Abby like pistons, soon neither of them could take it, shooting off their cum into Abby's pussy and anal passage.

Eventually they all calmed down long enough to realize how badly they needed a shower, they all climbed in together and enjoyed the feeling of hot water on their skin. Thank fuck the damn being destroyed hadn't wrecked the power to the camp, they all took time to wash themselves thoroughly, Crystal hadn't had a good shower since prison and Lisa hadn't had one since Gym practice that day(she'd often spied on her female teammates fucking each other in the showers after getting turned on watching them practice in those tight gym shorts, but was too nervous to join in for fear of being outed, so she just masturbated in the corner). Addy and Rikki both started to feel a strange tingling sensation in their crotches, they both looked down and their eyes nearly popped out in shock when they saw two huge cocks sprout from just above their pussies.

"Holy fuck, you grew dicks too"? Crystal exclaimed in surprise.

"Guess you passed the side-effects onto us when your sperm got inside us" Addy remarked offhandedly. "we should all go see Sarah now, she'll no doubt want a sample".

"I'm not giving any more blood!" Crystal said defiantly,

"don't worry you won't have to" Addy said reassuringly, ``she's just going to want some of your sperm so she can determine how we got male genitalia and what else might happen". They all agreed, but first Lisa and Crystal tested up Addy and Rikki's new equipment by giving them blowjobs, neither one lasted long before shooting huge wads of cum down their throats, the two women then eagerly fucked Lisa and Crystal up both holes, cumming several times before they finished their shower, got dressed and headed over to Sarah's makeshift lab.

Sarah was running tests as usual, cursing in frustration at coming so close yet so far to finding a cure for the virus, only being broken out of her stupor when Addy, Rikki, Lisa and Crystal all walked through the door. "So, any side effects"? Sarah remarked as though she was psychic. All four women then dropped their shorts revealing their big cocks all standing at almost full mast. Sarah blushed and turned every single shade of color imaginable before composing herself. "I'm um going to need a sample of your sperm" she said quickly, struggling to stay in control and fighting every impulse to tear off her clothes and suck and fuck these gorgeous women nonstop. The women didn't need much encouraging, eagerly stroking themselves rapidly, causing precum to drool out, Sarah quickly collected it all into a cup, the four kept stroking until Sarah sharply said "whoa whoa, I just need a little bit, I don't want you cumming all over my equipment". The four women stopped stroking themselves, struggling not to bone each other right then and there. Sarah quickly ran some tests using her centrifuge, spouting some complicated scientific jargon none of them could understand.

"In English please"? Crystal groaned.

"Well the gist of it is those bites combined with the potion caused your body's cells to accelerate their growth rapidly in one particular area" Sarah explained. She then turned to Lisa and Crystal and said "Since you both got bitten by a male freaker", some of his x-chromosomes got transferred into your bloodstream and that resulted in you getting male attributes, and when you transferred your sperm into Rikki and Addy they too gained mail traits".

"Fascinating" Addy remarked, "so what does this all mean?".

"It means that we're closer to a cure now than ever before!" Sarah said, practically jumping for joy, with a few more tests on your samples, we might very well be looking at a cure for the freakers!". All the women smiled more than they ever had in their entire lives, they could hardly believe it, finally a real chance at life getting back to normal. "Thank you so much" Sarah exclaimed in a grateful tone to Lisa and Crystal, "I could kiss you both!".

"Oh I think you can give us much more than that" Crystal said in a sexy smoky tone. Sarah felt her pussy moisten just from those words, but she couldn't, not in her lab anyways. Sarah hurriedly motioned them all upstairs to her and Deacon's bedroom.

Once they were all inside the bedroom, the door was slammed shut and locked and Sarah was thrown onto the bed, her clothes quickly vanishing as the four women descended up her. Crystal and Rikki thrust their cocks towards Sarah's gorgeous mouth, she had perfect luscious blow-job lips and she soon used them to her full advantage, sucking both women off with expertise, alternating between fast and slow sucking combined with stroking both shafts. Lisa and Addy meanwhile took aim at Sarah's holes, shoving their cocks in eagerly and fucking her, with Lisa jackhammering at her pussy rapidly while Addy stuck her chocolate fuckstick in and out of Sarah's asshole at a more measured pace. Soon Rikki and Crystal blasted their hot white cum onto Sarah's pretty face, she opened her mouth trying to catch it all, and by the time their orgasms subsided she was practically blinded with semen, she then excitedly pinched her nipples and reached down to stroke Lisa and Addy's cocks while they thrust in and out of her. Soon they couldn't hold back any longer, their cum exploding like geysers into Sarah's holes, the feeling of being filled so full caused Sarah to have the hardest orgasms she'd ever heard, screaming until she was hoarse and almost passing out.

Soon she felt a tingling sensation in her groin and witnessed a nice long cock growing above her pussy. Sarah then decided to show off, bending her legs back at a seemingly unnatural angle until her cock was pointed towards her lips(all those yoga classes definitely were coming in handy), she then took her cock into her own mouth and started sucking it like there was no tomorrow, soon she shuddered in delight as her own cock pulsed and filled her mouth with her tasty cum. The sight of this turned on the other women and soon they were in a full-blown orgy sucking and fucking each other well into the afternoon, by the time they were done practically every inch of the room was covered with semen and they were all coated with slime. Another long hot shower ensued until they were all nice and clean.

Sarah announced to everyone the good news and everyone at camp agreed to have a big celebration to celebrate the close progress to a cure. Alcohol flowed like rain and soon everyone was drunk and fucking each other's brains out, the futas wasted no time in fucking every woman in sight, soon every single woman in camp had big meaty cocks. None of the men minded too much, Deacon in particular was enjoying getting fucked up the ass by Sarah (she'd once spotted some shemale magazines under his bed, secretly masturbating to them many times)and sucking her off. Boozer meanwhile was getting assfucked by Crystal and sucking off Lisa while Rikki and Addy were engaged in a 69 position, eagerly sucking one another off and savoring the taste of their cum before fucking each other in both holes many times. As the entire camp collapsed into a deep slumber, utterly drained from all the sex, Lisa smiled at Crystal before drifting off to sleep in her arms, to think this was all possible because she had decided to save her on a whim and now humanity had a real chance at getting back to normal, maybe she could even find her family. Who knows what tomorrow would bring?

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