Days: Hypnotic Games

By Grant Colby

Published on Apr 20, 2002



This story is a work of fiction based characters in the television series "Days Of Our Lives" and "Passions". Days of Our Lives characters are trademarks of and copyright Corday Productions Inc., in association with Columbia Pictures Television. Passions characters are are the property of Outpost Farms Productions and NBC Studios (US).

It was a slow day at Dot Com. The usual after school teen crowd hadn't shown up in it's usual numbers.

Philip Kiriakis and Mimi Lockhart were seated at a table together, neither of them saying much. Philip's mind was on Chloe, as usual, and Mimi... well, did anyone ever know where Mimi's mind was at any given moment?

"We need to get Shawn to tell us the truth about Jan's baby!" Mimi declared.

"What truth?" Philip asked. "He's the father. He cheated on Belle."

"Philip, there's something he's hiding. I know there is!" Mimi declared.

"So what do you want to do about it? Tie him up and not let him go until he talks?" Philip asked, a grin spreading across his face. The more he thought about, the more he was certain that Mimi really wouldn't mind having Shawn Brady tied up and at her mercy.

"No, but I have an idea. I was reading this book Kevin gave me the other day, and it just made perfect sense!"

"What did?" Philip asked, his mind still half lingering on the image of Shawn tied to a bed while Mimi had her way with him.

"Hypnosis!" Mimi declared, sitting back and smiling proudly at the brilliance of her own idea.

"What? Are you high, Mimi? Have you been toking up?" Philip laughed derisively.

"No! It works, Philip. If we could just get Shawn under hypnosis, he'd tell us the truth!"

"And how do you think we're going to get him under hypnosis?" Philip asked. "Wave a watch in front of his face in history class?"

"No! See, I was reading that there are other forms of hypnosis than just the whole 'you're getting sleepy' routine. There's this drug that you can give someone that induces the hypnotic state within minutes!" Mimi explained, excited at her own superior knowledge of the subject.

"Okay. So, where do we get this drug? Salem Place? C'mon, Mimi!" Philip shook his head.

"I don't know. Dr. Evans probably has some. Or any other psychiatrist. Or, if you had the right connections, you could probably get it," Mimi mused.

"Yeah, great. I'll call up Belle's mom and say 'Hey Doc, lend me some of that hypno wonder drug, will you?'" Philip rolled his eyes.

"Shut up!" Mimi sighed. She knew Philip was right. "We could just try it the old fashioned way, I guess."

"Yeah, good luck with all that, Mimi," Philip laughed, standing up.

He headed for his car in the parking lot of Dot Com. Mimi Lockhart and her nutty ideas! Although, Philip realized that he wouldn't mind getting Shawn under hypnosis, just to mess with him a bit. Ask him things like "How often do you beat off?" and "How big is your dick?", things that guys would never admit truthfully in the normal scheme of things. Just so he could torment him later, if he wanted to.

Philip got in his car and put the keys in the ignition. Before he could actually start the car, though, a pair of hands grabbed him from behind his seat.

"What the-" Philip didn't have time to finish his startled exclamation. A rag soaked in choloroform was placed over his nose and mouth and within seconds the world went black for Philip Kiriakis.

Things were quiet at the Brady house. Bo and Hope had taken JT over to Gran's house for the afternoon and Jan was asleep in her room.

In his own room, Shawn Brady was laying shirtless on his bed, his hands behind his head as he stared up at the ceiling.

Was he doing the right thing? Was sacrificing his relationship with Belle in order to save an unborn child noble, or just stupid? Shawn couldn't decide.

He loved Belle so much. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, making her happy. But Jan's baby would have died if he hadn't agreed to pretend to be the father. She would have had the abortion.

It was all so complicated. But, that was life. Shawn had learned that at a very early age, as all kids did in Salem.

Downstairs, the doorbell rang. Shawn sighed and rolled up into a sitting position. For a second he contemplated letting whoever it was just think that the house was empty. But then he remembered that Jan was napping and it was probably best for the baby that she not be woken up.

Shawn charged down the stairs, hurrying before the bell could be rung again. He opened the front door and looked around in surprise.

There was nobody there. "Hello?" Shawn called out, just to be sure. No one answered.

"Weird," Shawn muttered. As he started to close the door, Shawn was grabbed roughly from behind. He felt a jolt of surprise and fear- someone was in the house!- but before he could even begin to struggle, a rag dipped in chloroform was placed over his mouth, putting out all the lights for Shawn Brady.

The blackness began to fade a bit. Slowly, Philip began to swim towards consciousness, his mind fuzzy. His eyes felt too heavy to open. He struggled with that for a few minutes, slipping back and forth between being halfway conscious and mostly unconscious.

Finally, though, he managed to open his eyes a bit. His mind was groggy, but he tried to focus, to take in what was going on. He had no idea where he was, or how he'd come to be there. Casting his mind back, he tried to remember something... anything.

Mimi. He remembered being at Dot Com with Mimi. What the hell was going on? One second he's with Mimi, the next he's.. where?

Philip heard a soft groan to his left. Someone else was nearby! He forced his eyes open wider and managed to turn his head in the direction of the moan.

He saw a long, metallic table, like the kind you see on TV shows. TV shows where they show bodies in the getting ready for autopsies. The thought gave Philip a chill as he realized that he himself was laying on just such a table.

The moaner next to him was a guy close to his own age, a dark haired guy that Philip had never seen before. He looked like he might be Latino. He seemed to be mostly unconscious, despite the moan. Philip looked at him for awhile, willing him to wake up so at least he wouldn't be alone.

"Help me," Philip felt a jolt rush through his body, though it was too sluggish to respond physically. The voice, no more than a weak croak, had come from the other side of him.

Slowly, Philip turned his head in the other direction. He saw an identical table as the one to his left, with another guy laying on it. This guy was dressed in shorts, with no shirt on. A silver cross was gleaming on his bare chest. Philip felt a start of recognition. He'd seen that chest before. Many times Philip had found himself almost mesmerized at the gleaming silver cross bouncing against Shawn's sweaty upper chest as they played one on one in the park.

"Shawn?" Philip tried to ask. His own voice came out sounding rusty and unused, a frog's croak.

The guy on the other table turned his head towards Philip.

"Phil?" Shawn's eyes were filled with fear and confusion.

"Yeah. What's going on?" Philip asked.

"I don't-"

"Good morning, gentleman." Shawn's answer was interrupted by a voice from somewhere else in the room. It wasn't a voice weakened, as their own voices were. It was a strong, confident voice. "I'm glad you're awake."

Shawn recognized the voice. It harkened back to the hallways at school.

"Kev.. Kevin?" Shawn croaked out.

"That's right. Gold star for you, Shawn," Kevin Lambert grinned as he walked closer and looked down at his two schoolmates.

"What.. what's going..." Philip tried to croak out.

"What's going on? You guys are about to become my greatest experiment! Congratulations!"

"You.. you kidnapped us?" Shawn asked.

"That is a correct hypothesis, Shawn. Of course, I couldn't do it on my own. I had to have help. As you saw on the Island last summer, I do have an impressive upper body. But I needed someone even more buff than I am, to make sure you didn't get away," Kevin explained.

"Who?" Philip asked.

"Number one, come out here!" Kevin called out. It sounded like an order.

Both boys watched as Brandon Walker came into view from someone just outside of the room.

"Brandon? Why?" Philip demanded weakly.

"Oh, he can't answer you. You see, gentleman, Brandon Walker was my prototype for this experiment. That's why I call him number one. He's completely under my control. As you will be," Kevin grinned.

"That's crazy," Shawn groaned. "I don't believe you."

"I don't have to prove anything. You'll see soon enough. But, what the heck? Let me show you, anyway," Kevin smiled.

"Number one. Remove all your clothes," Kevin commanded.

Shawn Brady and Philip Kirakis watched in shock as Brandon Walker quickly stripped off his shirt and and began to undo his pants.

Soon the hunk stood before them, completely naked. Philip couldn't help darting his eyes down to check out the size of Brandon's member. Size always interested Philip, even in a situation like this. It was automatic. Brandon seemed to be well hug. The slab of meat hanging between his legs looked to be about five inches, soft.

"Now I'll show you how completely I really am in control," Kevin declared. "Brandon, get hard."

Shawn and Philip's eyes both dropped involuntarily to Bradon's dick. Without even being touched, it began to rise to it's full length.

"What... what's going on?" Philip jumped a little as a new voice broke his amazed attention to Brandon's incredibly rising cock. The voice belonged to the third guy in the room, the one one the table to his left.

"Ah, good. You're awake, too. Now the experiment can really begin! Oh, where are my manners. Shawn Brady and Philip Kirakis, this is Miguel Lopez-Fitzgerald. He's from out of town. Miguel, this is Shawn and Philip. The three of you are all going to know each other really well by the time this day is over."


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