Dayton Chronicles

By Brad Wrangler

Published on Nov 10, 2003


Later the Same Day II

By Brad Wrangler

I sat on the log a while. From what I could see of the sun it was mid-afternoon. I was getting horny again. My cock getting stiff thinking about the great time I'd just had with Bob, Mark and John. Well, no point sitting here thinking about what already happened. I got up and followed the fence line further back into the woods. It wasn't long until I found myself back on the main path. I continued walking until I left the woods for the picnic area. I choose a nearby table, sat on the top and waited. It wasn't long until a car driven by a single guy pulled in. He got out of the car. I'll guess he was in his late 20's, thick blonde hair, around 5'7 with a trim body. He was wearing gym shorts, a tank top and sunglasses. The clean cut "All American Guy."

Instead of doing as I expected -- coming over to talk to me -- he nodded in my direction, turned and headed to the main path in the woods. So, I got up and followed at a discrete distance. He had a great butt and very well shaped hairy legs.

He just kept walking following the path all the way around the loop it made through the woods. I was disappointed he didn't take one of the side paths as I'd expected. Instead we ended up back in the main park. He walked straight to his car and got in. Oh well. I headed towards my picnic table.

When I passed his car he said, "Follow me back to my place." I stopped and looked down at him sitting in his car. He was smiling at me while slowly stroking his cock. "Is it far," I asked. "No, just past the mall." "Follow me." He started his car, putting it in reverse started to back out. I was too startled to think. As I got in my car he drove up the gravel road heading for the exit. When I got up to the park entrance he was gone. "What the hell," I thought. He said past the mall. I pulled out and turned right. Just up over the crest of the hill he had pulled over to the side. Spotting me in his rearview mirror he pulled out. Now I got the idea and followed him the few short miles. We turned into a condo complex called Habitat. It seemed nice enough so I figured he wasn't some kind of nut case. I parked next to him. We got out of cars.

"Come on; let's go up to my place."

I muttered, "Sure" as I followed him up the stairs. He unlocked the door and invited me in. The air conditioning sure felt good.

"Would you like something to drink?"

"I sure would but could I use your head first?"

"Go ahead, it's just down that hall."

He went into the kitchen. I went to the head. When I came out I went back to the kitchen. He was standing there sipping a glass of iced tea. He offered me one. I gladly accepted.

As I drank I said, "It sure is hot out there today. I must stink from sweating."

"Naw, you don't. But if you'd like to take a shower be my guest."

"That'd be great."

Leading the way back to the head.

"There soap in the shower if you want. I'll get you a clean towel and leave it here on the sink."


He left so I pulled off my shoes, socks and gym shorts got in the shower stall and turned on the water. The water felt great but I didn't waste too much time. I soaped up real good. My cock responded quickly to my touch as I washed it. I couldn't help but think about what he might have in mind. I got myself real clean paying attention to my pits, cock, balls and butt. I was rinsing off when I saw him through the shower glass enter the bathroom and put the towel on the sink.

"Here's that clean towel." He intently watched me in the shower. "After you dry off you don't have to get dressed. I'm usually naked when I'm home. It's more comfortable." With that he turned and left.

I finished rinsing, turned off the water and dried off. I combed my hair with my fingers getting it into some semblance of order. I didn't want to put my stinky clothes back on so I just piled them neatly in the corner on top of my shoes. Wrapping the towel around me -- low as I could on my hips -- I headed back to the kitchen. He wasn't there. He wasn't in the living room. I went back and looked in the bedroom I'd passed in the hall. He wasn't there either. Then I noticed the doorway beyond the bathroom I'd used. He must be in there. I hadn't noticed this door way before.

Stepping in the room was darker than the others. The air felt refreshingly cool against my damp skin. There he was lying naked on the bed propped up on some pillows absent mindedly playing with his cock with one had while holding a cigarette in the other. My eyes adjusted to the dim light so I could get a better look at him. Thick blonde hair framed a square jawed face. A five o'clock shadow was apparent. His eyes were bright blue. His arms and chest were covered with thick blonde hair. It was clear he worked out. His pecs were solid he nips poked out through the incredibly thick hair. The hair tapered as it crossed his 8 pack abs before it thinned to a line leading to his crotch. Knowing I was studying him he released his now semi-hard cock. It was straight as an arrow with a big head at the top of his six or so inches. His balls rested in their nest. His legs looked strong and like his chest were covered with hair. I approached the bed.

He said, "You smoke?"

"Yeah but I left them in the car."

"Here have one of mine. Loose the towel and join me."

I stepped closer taking the cigarette he offered. I lit it with the lighter he offered. As I leaned over to set it on the night stand the towel hit the floor. Now standing less than a foot from the bed my cock thickened and began to rise. I was mesmerized watching this great looking guy lie on the bed smoking. I stood there watching his cock rise to a full hard on as his eyes looked me up and down. His other hand pulling on his ball sack.

"You look so hot. Come here," he breathlessly murmured.

I stepped up to the bed. He rolled on his side. He exhaled blowing the smoke at my rock solid cock. The feel of his warm, moist, smoky breath on me caused my cock to swell, thicken rising now a 60 degree angle away from my taught belly. Its veins stood out proud adding emphasis to its girth. Looking down it looked like my one eyed friend was smiling up at me. I knew my bone was neither smiling nor looking at me. But I sure liked the way it felt as he continued to blow hot moist smoke at my rigid member. When my cock jumped an incredible sensation rushed from my pole through my body.

He seemed pleased with my reaction. I extinguished my smoke in the bed side ashtray. He took one long drag. As forcefully as he could he blew the smoke at me again the same result. He had to lean forward to put his cigarette out in the ashtray. His thick hair brushed my cock as he leaned back. He was now face to cock with me. His breath enticing my throbbing tool. Briefly he looked up into my face then immediately turned to my cock.

"You have a fantastic body. Your cock is incredible. So straight and thick. You have the biggest balls I've ever seen."

Slowly opening his mouth he rolled on his stomach and licked a drop of precum from the tip. "Mmmmmmmm." I shuddered as he enveloped the whole thing in his wet warm mouth.

I stood there experiencing him going down on me while watching his magnificent body spread out before me. His back was solid and tapered at his waist. His shoulders expertly muscled. His long legs were spread across the bed.

He sucked me for hours, minutes or days. I don't know which, it didn't matter. His hands crept around stroking my buns. I felt his finger probe my rose bud and enter. I thrust my cock all the way into his mouth when he hit my spot. The room spun. My senses went on overload. I couldn't tell which felt better his finger or his wet mouth. He sucked furiously bringing me closer to the edge. He could tell I was getting close. Releasing me from his mouth he continued to lick every vein and crevice of my throbbing rod. Looking into my eyes he said, "Sit on me. Straddle me so I can feel hot ass on my cock."

Climbing on the bed I straddled him resting my butt on his cock. Immediately he began to thrust rubbing his cock between my butt cheeks and across my rose bud. I leaned forward my hands on his pecs playing with the hair on his chest. He began to buck. I leaned back harder against him. He whimpered, "Stroke your cock. Cum on me. Now!" I was so hot from the feeling of his cock under me I didn't need encouragement. I grasped my rod and began to stroke for all I was worth. Again I felt cum beginning to rise. I was looking at him, feeling his cock ram against my hole and jacking. He was bucking wildly. I clenched my ass cheeks. He tensed. His face contorted. When I felt his cum hit the back of my balls I fired off the first volley. Then another and another. I could feel his dick expand and contract as he shot his load. Squeezing the last drop from my cock I shuddered. His abs and chest were speckled with cum. He stroked my thighs. I fell forward on to his chest. We lay there for a while totally spent. I really liked the feeling of his shrinking cock against my butt.

Finally I rolled off him onto my back next to him. He got us each a cigarette. We lay there smoking. He leaned on his side his fingers idly drawing in my cum covered abs and chest. He looked so good in the dim light. The hair on his chest was now matted with sweat and cum. The smoke hung in the air mixing with the aroma of sweet male sweat and cum. We finished smoking.

"You want to take a shower?" he asked.

"I think I better."

I rolled off the bed. Walking to the shower I realized how much he had cum. My ass was coated and it had dripped down my thighs.

Showering, drying off, pulling my shorts and shoes on I exited the bathroom. He came out of his bedroom all fresh and clean at the same time. We walked into the living room.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"I don't want to tell you. Don't misunderstand but I'm a teacher and I don't know you very well yet." "Besides I prefer anonymous sex with really hot guys like you," he added laughing.

"OK but, let me give you my phone number. If you call just identify yourself as my friend from Habitat."

He got me a piece of paper and a pen. I jotted down my number.

After a hug I exited to drive home and think about the great day in the park.

"I'll have to do this again.

Next: Chapter 8: The Rest of the Summer 1

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