Dazed and Confused

Published on Nov 29, 2022


Dazed and Confused

Fic: Dazed and Confused I

Dazed and Confused

Author: Aphrodite

Feedback: Yes, send to nsaphrodite@yahoo.com

Disclaimer: Jason singing to Katy Perry's summer anthem did happen. Anything beyond that is a figment of my imagination.

Rating: NC-17 for voyeurism, smut, and light bondage.

Summary: Jason is dazed and confused. So what's new?

Author's Notes: I've been having a difficulty time getting my latest fic, The Measure of a Woman's Worth, past the filter system at Nifty so here's another story to satiate your appetites in the meantime. Dazed and Confused as well as my other stories including September Mourn and The Measure of a Woman's Worth are posted at Castrofics. See Jason Castro perform 'Sweet Medicine' live at the FlyTrap Music Hall in Tulsa on 11/29. Also, an exclusive lunch date with Jason Castro will be auctioned off beginning Dec.1 for the annual Grammy's Charity Auctions to benefit Music Cares Foundation.

Affiliates: Castrofics --a comprehensive Jason Castro fanfiction archive. I've locked the site to prevent spammers and protect the kiddies from the adult content so you'll have to register to view the stories, but I promise it'll be worth the extra mintue to sign up. And while you're at it, check out these lovely titles: Dance Without Me, I'm a Creep, I'm Only Happy When It Rains, You Could be My Everything, Extraordinary Love, Happy Birthday MJ, Poker Night Series, Apocalypse, Three's Not A Crowd, Faith, With a Cherry On Top, Cookstro Date, Groupie, Silent Screams, and many more...
Jason Castro's Myspacec -not really mine, but do visit and play his music so the big wigs in the music industry can see the light and realize that Jason Castro can sell albums and tickets.Jason Castro can sell albums and tickets.
Jason Castro's YouTube --Jason's beautiful, but does he have a personality to go with the pretty face?
Jason Castro's Official Site --pretty boy's official website is just as pretty as its muse.

Dazed and Confused I

"I kissed a girl and I liked it
The taste of her cherry chap stick
I kissed a girl just to try it
I hope my boyfriend don't mind it
It felt so wrong
It felt so right
Don't mean I'm in love tonight
I kissed a girl and I liked it
I liked it"

The music was blaring so loud that it was becoming a nuisance to all the other guests on the floor. Phone call after phone call jarred David out of bed. The last threatening call came from Carly, who swore up and down that she would strangle the boy if he didn't turn down the damn volume so she could rest, which was a good thing that only David had the keycard to Jason's room.

David threw his hands up in the air, defeated.

"Fine. I'll go check on him."

David slammed the phone down on the receiver. Cursing under his breath, he pulled on his tight jeans, rocker boots, and slipped on his plain white tee. He quickly combed his hair and armed with the extra keycard to Jason's room, David emerged from his room just as Carly and Brooke were leaving theirs.

"Give him a good whipping, well ya?" Carly commented.

"Good morning. Hope you slept well. I sure as hell didn't." Brooke added. Her normally gorgeous blonde locks were a disheveled mess.

"Good morning to you, too." David greeted them both.

He didn't understand what all the fuss was about. The hallway was complete void of sound other than Chiekezi's loud snoring and Michael fuckin' his wife. The always perceptive Ramiele shook her head.

"Don't be fooled, David." She crossed her arms over her chest. "Just wait a second and he'll be at it, again."

After giving Ramiele a nod, David continued his plight. He marched down the hallway as the other idols cheered him on. He arrived at Jason's door. Looking in both directions, he gave his tour-mates a smirk, and slid the key card. The door buzzed open and no sooner did he step his foot in the room, the music came earsplitting loud just as Ramiele had predicted.

"This was never the way I planned
Not my intention
I got so brave, drink in hand
Lost my discretion
It's not what, I'm used to
Just wanna try you on
I'm curious for you
Caught my attention"

David followed the sound of deafening music to the private bathroom tucked in the corner of the luxurious suite. He slid the door open, surprised that the loud music was carried through closed door. He leaned against the door frame, admiring the beautiful boy before him.

Jason was still in his boxer-briefs. Believe it or not it was quickly approaching noon now. He was wearing a deep eggplant purple silk robe that hung loosely on his body, his right shoulder exposed as the silky material slipped off his shoulder. His pretty long dreads were bouncing up and down, tumbling down his beautiful lithe yet toned sun-kissed body, along with other known assets of Jason Castro. David licked his lips, appreciating the private show.

"I kissed a girl and I liked it
The taste of her cherry chap stick
I kissed a girl just to try it
I hope my boyfriend don't mind it
It felt so wrong
It felt so right
Don't mean I'm in love tonight
I kissed a girl and I liked it
I liked it"

Jason sang into the blow dryer, eyes closed as to feel deeply connected with the song as he always did with all the music he played. He swayed his hips to the music, biting his lower lip. His silk robe continued to slip off of his body, hanging precariously onto his bent arms. With eyes closed and arms raised, he twirled around and continued to sing into the blow dryer.

"No, I don't even know your name
It doesn't matter,
You're my experimental game
Just human nature,
It's not what,
Good girls do
Not how they should behave
My head gets so confused
Hard to obey"

Jason jumped up and down, shaking his head from side to side, forward and backward. Pretty long dreads flying in all directions as the music enveloped his whole being. He raised his arms in the air, exposing his perfectly toned chest, thrusting his hips delectably forward to much of David's delight.

"I kissed a girl and I liked it
The taste of her cherry chap stick
I kissed a girl just to try it
I hope my boyfriend don't mind it
It felt so wrong
It felt so right
Don't mean I'm in love tonight
I kissed a girl and I liked it
I liked it"

Jason slowed down his awkward dance moves to seductively sway his hips in orgasmic inducing circles as he continually thrust his hips forward. He closed his eyes, bit down on his all too plump bottom lip, raised his arms in the air, one hand caressing the other arm sensuously and David wondered where the hell did the boy learn all these sexy dance moves. He sure didn't learn them in the bedroom he shared with David.

"Us girls we are so magical
Soft skin, red lips, so kissable
Hard to resist so touchable
Too good to deny it
Ain't no big deal, it's innocent"


Next: Chapter 2

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