Dealing with It

By Asharia Stone

Published on Jan 11, 2004


Here's Chapter 8, finally finished and ready to read. You know the legal shit, so I'm not saying it again. Enjoy.



Christmas was always my favourite time of year. There's something in the air that just seems to make the season a little more magical. I had always loved the smell of pine trees and snow; that mix that means Christmas. Ci and Cae's house smelled of that mix, smelled like Christmas, and I spent a large amount of time there, just breathing in the aroma. Not to say I didn't spend time at my own house, but my father and sister both had lives of their own, and the house was too large to sit in alone. This Christmas was proving different from any I had ever experienced before, starting with the Secret Santa, and ending with the annual party at Ci and Cae's house. It was past midnight now, and the party was still going in full swing. It wasn't that there were many people there; the normal group of Rich, Rick, Jeff, Cae, Anthony, Ci, and I plus about five more people who I hadn't known before tonight. There was alcohol there, and all the parents were aware of it. It was a deal made a few years before; the kids behave all year and in reward get to drink at the Christmas party. So, I'll admit I was well on my way to being drunk beyond belief and quite happy with myself. We had exchanged presents before everyone arrived, and I was grateful that Rick liked my present. I had spent a good amount of time trying to figure out what he was interested in, besides Jeff, and I noticed that he constantly had a book in his hands. A closer look one day showed it to be a book of poetry by various authors. I hunted for a while before I found something suitable. It was another book of poetry, this one not the tattered wreck constantly in his hands but a leather-bound, gold embossed book. I refused to tell anyone what I paid for it; to me the price didn't really matter. I always loved giving presents; I love the look people get when you give them that perfect gift. Now, my gag gift wasn't as nice. It was a flashlight, a pair of tweezers, a magnifying glass, and a tiny condom with a note attached that said, "So Jeff can find it." It was pay back for filling my locker with water balloons after practice one morning. I had to spend most of my day soaking wet. Everyone had gotten their person a thoughtful gift as well as something really stupid or humiliating, so I was surprised when Ci approached me with a gift. "For my best friend," she said as she handed me the small box. Inside was a small heart-shaped charm on a long chain. On the back was inscribed the word "For." "Thank you, Ci," I told her as I hugged her. She only smiled before shouting, "On with the party!" Now, hours later, I couldn't help but finger the gift hanging around my neck. I felt bad about not getting her anything, but anytime I said anything she said it was payment for putting up with her.

Caelum Christmas at our house is always the best. Mom goes all out with the decorations and food. Grandma and Grandpa come over to celebrate with us. Then there's the party. This is the third annual party in which we got to drink. We always have full run of the main floor and the basement. Mom barricades herself upstairs saying that if we need her; we know where to find her. Because the nearest house is so far away, we can get as loud as we want. It's the best. This was the first year in a long time that we played Secret Santa, though. I do have to admit that the thoughtful presents were great, and the gag gifts were hilarious. Everything seemed to be going great, and since Ci was playing the responsible one and staying semi-sober, I decided to drown myself and enjoy the night.

The music was blasting and everyone was dancing, laughing, and talking. It was the way a party was suppose to be.


I awoke again locked in warm arms. This time I could feel the hard body pressed against the front of mine, and I could feel the warm rush of breath against my temple. I licked my lips and was startled to taste the salt of skin against them. Opening my eyes, I stared at the mocha-cream skin my lips were pressed against. Images of the night before came flooding back into my mind. Anthony and Ci crashing on Ci's bed, Rick and Jeff cuddled together on one couch, and Rich and his latest girlfriend occupying the other. The rest of the people had left and I had the choice of Cae's bed again, or the floor. Of course, I took the bed. I must have passed out, because I don't remember him getting into the bed this time.

Suddenly, I became aware of what woke me in the first place as my bladder made its condition known. When I tried to sit up, Cae wrapped his arms tighter around me and nuzzled his face in my hair. I tried again, but he wouldn't let go.

"Cae, you gotta let go. I need to piss," I whispered, shaking him softly. He made a soft sound and pulled me closer. I wondered who he was dreaming about to feel that fiercely. "I'll come back, Cae, I promise. I just gotta use the bathroom." Finally, his arms loosened around me, and I slipped out of the bed.

I passed Ci and Anthony, who were snuggled together as close as they could get. In the living room, Jeff and Rick lay spooned on one of the couches, Jeff's arms wrapped tightly around his love. Rich and his girlfriend lay on opposite ends of their couch. I had a feeling that that relationship wasn't going to last long. As soon as I was done in the bathroom, I made my way quickly back to bed, not wanting to linger in the chill of the basement. The place may have been furnished, but it wasn't insulated that well, and it got a bit cold. Cae had rolled over onto his back, and I slipped in beside him as quickly and quietly as I could. Before I could get the covers pulled back up, his arms wrapped back around me and pulled me back against him. This time I could feel his erection against my back, and I found myself hardening in response. I didn't fight as Cae's arms tightened and he buried his face in my hair again and brushed his lips against the back of my neck. Part of me knew I should get up before he woke, but I decided, drunkenly of course, to enjoy the sensation of his arms holding me.


Hangovers suck. Really, they do. I can't really think of anything that's worse than a hangover. I suppose it doesn't help that I woke to the slightly smothering weight of Ci sitting on my chest. Granted, my sister is very small, but that dead weight on my chest didn't help me breathe any.

"Get off!" I grunted, bodily moving her to the side. "It's way too early for this."

"No it's not," she retorted, "it's after 12, and you have to help us clean up."

Rolling over, I buried my face beneath my pillow. "Don't wanna."

"Okay then," she replied, way too cheerfully for my taste. "We can talk about the way you were wrapped around Zane last night," she paused, "and most of this morning."

That woke me up quickly. I did it again. Pulling the pillow off my face, I turned slightly and looked at Ci, gauging the seriousness of it all by the expression on her face. A small smile hovered around her full lips, and her eyes were concerned. It was serious, but not major. Not yet at least. "Who saw?" I asked softly. "Everyone."


"Yeah, well, he kinda couldn't miss your arms wrapped around him," she laughed.

"This isn't funny, sis. How am I supposed to explain this to him? I don't think he remembers last time, but there's no way he'll forget this one." My luck was the worst. I wondered briefly what I did wrong in a past life to deserve this.

"Maybe you should talk to him, tell him how you feel about him, and find out his reaction to all this," Ciana suggested.

"I don't think I can. I'm afraid he'll hate me, that I'll never see him again. That I'll ruin what the two of you have."

"You've never shied away from anything before, Cae; I don't think you should start now." She slid off the bed and headed toward the door. "Just to let you know, he didn't seem upset this morning. Confused, but not angry or upset."

She shut the door behind her, leaving me alone in the silence of our room; alone with my thoughts, fears and longings. Ci was right. She always was. I'd never backed down from anything before in my life. I'd always gone after what I wanted and never stopped until I got it or it truly got away from me. Why was I so afraid to pursue Zane?

Next: Chapter 9

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