Dean and Hanson

By Dean Lidster

Published on Jan 6, 1998


Date with Taylor Hanson (b/b) by Dean Lidster

This is my first attempt at a story, so go easy, OK? I'd like to point out that however much I'd have liked this to have happened, it hasn't (yet...).

This is now the complete story - thankyou to everyone who supported me while I was writing it, i couldn't have done it without you!

Now the infamous disclaimers....

The following is a work of fiction featuring sex between teenage boys. These boys DO exist outside of my imagination, (I'm one of 'em!) but the events described never took place in reality. If this isn't your cup of tea, so to speak, or if you're too young to legally be reading this, please go elsewhere. I think I'm probably too young to be reading this but I wrote it, so what the hell!

Please pass any comments and criticisms on to me at

Date With Taylor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHAPTER ONE

It was raining. Shit I hate English weather. It was the beginning of the Summer Holidays and I'd just broken up for the best part of eight weeks. If the weather didn't change soon I swear I'd die of boredom.

I lived in THE most boring part of the Midlands possible - right out in the country - not even a corner shop or a post office were within walking distance. Not the best place for a hyper-active 15-year-old to live. As I went to boarding school most of my friends either lived in the far extremetes of the country or Europe - the farthest being two brothers from the US (Chicago, I think) -- their Father had been sent over here on business and the family had decided that they were going to spend the Summer "back home".

I was so bored I had resorted to watching Daytime TV. Flicking through 20 or so satellite channels the only vaguely entertaining of which was the Gerry Springer show on UK Living. There's only so much daytime TV you can take in one go, so I clicked the set off and headed for my room.

I threw "Middle of Nowhere" into my CD player and absent-mindedly looked at the picture of Ike, Zac and Tay on the front cover. Geez he looked cool. If only I could get to meet him.

From the moment "MMMBop" went to number one in the UK I'd been a closet Hanson fan. At my school, if you were a lad, admitting you liked Hanson was like admitting that you were gay. The ironic thing is that I am. However life at the hell-hole I attended was bad enough (it was co-ed, so there was none of the boy-boy "action" I could have done with) and the pecking order was dictated by the amount of macho posturing you could come up with infront of the girls.

I somehow had managed to do quite well at this - a couple of my friends had informed me that the some of the girls thought I was "cute" and apparantly I was also considered somewhat of a bounder: That being because I roller-bladed and had my hair just below shirt collar length. The school rules dictated that pupils must "have their hair cut so that they are within the acceptible limits set out by the school."

These so-called "acceptible limits" ensured that no-one had a pony- tail, dreadlocks, or "hair that came to below their eyebrows or longer that a centimetre above the shirt collar". Most armies are not this strict....

I get the feeling I'd been given some slack as I was a rather good academic - the only reason my parents could afford to send me to the school is because I'd been awarded a Science scholarship. I noticed that my grades often appeared in the prospectus as an indication of the sort of standards the school was capable of (I'd already taken English and Maths GCSEs a year early and got As in both). I'd also made a couple of promotional videos for the School over the last year that they used at ISIS exhibitions (bit like Comdex for Private Schools) and as a "reward" I was allowed to keep my hair just that bit longer. That was my reasoning, anyway...

I get the feeling I frustrated one or two of the girls, however, as I NEVER took them up on a date (as much as you could date at a boarding school).

Anyway, back to the story: I liked Hanson. To a fault. AND I COULDN'T TELL ANYONE! Geez....

As "Thinking of You" pounded through the stereo, I fired my computer up for the first time in two months and prayed. I'd built Beastie (as he'd become known) myself from bits and pieces my dad had brought home from work (he worked for a hardware support company). It'd usually die about once every week or so whilst I was at home, but couldn't complain - I hadn't paid a penny!

Windoze 95 eventually spluttered into life and I initiated a dialup connection to my ISP. Suitably surprised by getting an "Online" message first time, I started my mail run. Now I wished I hadn't subscribed to all of those mailing lists over Easter....

Whilst that was busy I fired up Internet Explorer and surfed (well, swam leisurely) over to Nifty and had a look at the "Gay Celebrity" area, hoping for something about Hanson. Nothing. OK - news groups then. alt.binaries.nude.celebrities.male. One pic of Taylor fully dressed. How kack! He was still cute though, and I couldn't help thinking about what I'd like to do to him. The jeans I was wearing seemed to get progressively tighter as my 5" hardon tried its best to cause me as much discomfort as possible. I continued to gaze at the pic of Tay on the screen as I rubbed the bulge in my jeans.

I imagined that it was him that was rubbing me and that I was grabbing and rubbing his bulge in return. In my mind's eye Tay looked straight at me and sat astride me, pushing his crotch into mine. I imagined I could feel his own hard-on pressing into me as he leaned forward and kissed me, his long blonde hair falling over my ears. As we pushed our tongues into each others' mouths, I can feel him pump his hips against me and moan slightly - a moan that I can feel through my whole body as I'm pressed so tightly to him. He steadily speeds up his thrusts and I grunt as I shoot my load into my kegs, a large wet spot appearing.

As I came back to reality, Beastie beeped informing me that 150 messages had been successfully downloaded. I hung up the phone.

I flicked through the message headers as I re-arranged myself in my now sperm-coated underware. I don't know why, but I've always liked the feeling of my underware slippy with cum. I felt myself beginnng to harden slightly again as I did this. One of the e-mail headers catches my eye - it was from the Hansonline mailing list. I opened the message and found that it was a list of tour dates and to my amazement, found that they'd be performing live in two weeks' time at the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham! I couldn't believe it.

Just as I was reading this my father yelled from down stairs:



"Can you come down for a minute? I've got a surprise for you..."

This was odd. My dad never came up with any surprises - he was just that sort of person.

"Sure, hang on a tic..."

I leapt out of my chair dragging my jeans off and frantically searched through my wardrobe trying to find a clean pair. Once I was dressed again, I went to see my dad. I went into the living room and found both my mum and dad grinning at each other in a "we know something you don't" sort of way.

"Dean, we've decided that seeing as we haven't really been on a 'proper' holiday for quite a few years now and that you've put up with it so well, we thought we'd treat you -- I've managed to book us a trip to EuroDisney!"

WOW! I never thought I'd ever getto go whilst I was still young enough to really appreciate it.

"Dad, that's great! When do we go?!"

"In about a week and a half's time. It's slightly pre-season I know, but it should be a bit quieter then...."

Shit. SHIT SHIT SHIT! The one time I get to do something really great I end up fucking missing an opportunity to go and see my favourite band (and my favourite jack-off fantasy) in the flesh. Crappin' hell!

"That's great, dad!"

I couldn't look disappointed as I knew both my parents must've worked really hard to get this for me. I just couldn't disappoint them - they were so pleased I was pleased and, after all, they hadn't seen me for 8 weeks...


I didn't even bother calling the NEC to find ticket prices for the Hanson concert. I couldn't believe that the one (and probably only) time that Hanson decides to come to the UK I have to bugger off to bloody France. Shit. Just my luck.

I kept on trying to find good points to console myself. I did get to go on the EuroStar and we'd be staying in one of EuroDisney's top hotels.

Or I could see Taylor in the flesh.

Still no contest, but I was starting to feel a bit better....

The trip down to the EuroStar was uneventful enough, although as we got closer I was starting to get more excited. We boarded the huge Channel Tunnel train and were directed to the first class section. I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT! My dad was really making up for the last year or two...

The train started to pull out of the station and my dad grinned at me. I couldn't believe it was happening. I decided to put my ruck-sack in one of the overhead lockers and just as I'd stood up, the brakes were slammed on, sending me flying down the centre isle.

Half an hour later we were under way and in the Chunnel, the carriage lit by rather un-subtle fluroescent lights. I was starting to feel hungry so I decided to head to the buffet car in the next carage. My mum fished around in her hand bag and pushed a ten quid note into my hand saying that this was my holiday. I thanked her and decided to have something slightly more interesting than the drink I'd intended. My dad stuck in an order for "anything rubbishy and a cup of tea" so I meandered towards the buffet.

As I walked through into the next carrage I saw a blonde kid with a pony-tail and Ray-bans sat fiddling with a walkman, and for all I could think it seemed just like Taylor Hanson. I just dismissed this as my over active imagination lusting over him and went on to the buffet car. I ordered two burgers, fries, a coke and a cup of tea and headed back to my seat. Halfway down the car I froze -- it WAS Taylor Hanson sat there! I couldn't believe my luck!

I took a deep breath and walked towards him. As I neared his seat he looked up at me and smiled. I couldn't believe how great he looked! I think I said hi, but I couldn't be sure I was so overwhelmed! After what seemed like minutes, I got the courage to say something:

"Uh, Taylor?"


"Um, hi! I wondered if, er I... If I could have your autograph..."

"Sure! What do you want me to sign, then?"

This stumped me for a moment. I then realised I didn't have anything for him to sign!

"Um, could you sign this napkin? I haven't got anything else on me..."


I tried to pull the napkin from between my fingers, but in doing so managed to send my dad's cup of tea flying straight into Taylor's lap. He yelped and lept a foot in the air, desperately trying pull his jeans off.

"Shit, man, I'm sorry....."

"Hey, it doesn't matter - these things happen..."

"Yeah, but... Sorry, man, really..."

"Look - it doesn't matter. Why don't you put that stuff down and THEN give me the napkin."

"Uh, ok..."

I couldn't believe I'd just drenched my idol in steaming hot tea. And I wasn't exactly making an engaging converstaion....

"OK - now, who do I make this out to?"

"Ermmm, Dean."

"That you? Cool name."


I watched as he scribbled on the napkin:

"To Dean - Thanks for steaming my wallnuts! Tay."

"Hey - do you mind if you sit here for a while - it gets kinda boring on my own."

"Er, sure! Are you on your own?"

"Yeah - we had a recording session in a French studio a couple of days back. Apparantly I messed up on my vocals so I gotta go back to re- record them. Ike and Zac get to go to Alton Towers while I'm doin' this. Life really sucks sometimes."

"Yeah. I really wanted to come and see you in concert, but my parents got me a surprise trip to EuroDisney. We're just on our way now."

"To be honest I don't think you'll miss a whole lot - Ike's just got over having Flu and he can't sing for shit at the moment - kinda messes up the harmony, ya know?"

"I'd still like to have gone..."

The converstaion continued, us talking about where we lived and what our hobbies were. It turned out that we both liked the same sort of music, were both into video and both roller-bladed. It also sunk into my head that not only was I sat next to Taylor Hanson, but that he was sat with nothing but a shirt and a pair of Calvin Klien's on. I started to get a major hard-on just looking at him. From what I could see, he was fairly well packed for a 14-year-old and this was not helping the situation at all. I looked back up at him and our eyes met. Shit! He'd seen me checking him out. I looked away. A moment later, I felt his leg against mine. I looked back at him and he said

"When are you getting back from EuroDisney?"

"In a week's time. My dad can't afford us to be there for any longer."

"That's a shame - you'll miss all the UK dates then. We're not leaving straight away, though - my dad wants to take us walking in the Derbyshire Dales, wherever they are."

"They're only about a half-hour from my house..."

"That's cool - maybe we could see each other again! You could show be the highlights of the Midlands..."

"Highlight. And that's Alton Towers..."

"Hey - gimme your phone number - I'll call you in a week"

"Yeah, right..."

"No really I will - I promise!"

I gave him my number but didn't pin much hope on him calling me. Why would he, a young superstar that could do anything he wanted, want to see me again?

Just as I gave him the number the EuroStar was pulling into the Paris station. I couldn't believe we'd been talking the whole time. Tay suddenly realised he didn't have any dry trousers to wear. I told him to hang on for a second as I legged it back down the train. My parents watched bemused as I pulled a pair of Bermuda shorts from my ruck sack and legged it back down the train again. Tay thanked me and a minute later he was gone. At least he'd have something that might possibly remind him of me....

I have to admit that EuroDisney was absolutely excellent - I don't think I'd ever had that much fun in a week in all my life. However every night as I lay in my bed I kept thinking of Taylor in just his Calvins sitting right next to me. Each night I'd wank two or three times thinking about him - and towards the end of the week I decided that I was in love.


I was absolutely knackered when I got home a week later -- I was really wrecked. However, before I was allowed to crash my mum sent me round to our next door neighbour who'd been collecting our post whilst we were away.

To my surprise there was a smallish package addressed to "Dean" amongst the usual brown envelopes. I thanked our neighbor and went back home, giving the rest of the mail to my mum who frowned and started shuffling through what must have been bill after bill.

Once I was in my room I opened the package. I found the bermuda shorts I'd lent to Tay and a note. It read:

"Hi Dean!

Sorry for splitting like that but I had

to meet a ride to take me to the studios.

My dad managed to get your address from

your phone number - hope you don't mind

Thanks for the shorts - I didn't have

time to wash them - hope they're not too dirty!

I'll still call - Taylor"

I couldn't believe it! I took the shorts out of the parcel and unfolded them and as I did my dick lurched - right over the crotch was a crusty cum stain! Slowly, I brought the shorts to my nose and inhailed deeply - it definitely wasn't my cum - it smelled sweeter somehow, less heavy. Just as I was about to taste it, the phone rang. My heart skipped a beat and I dived for the handset.


"Hi there - is that Dean?"

"Yeah - Taylor?"

"Hiya man! How was EuroDisney?"

"Great! Listen - thanks for calling. I didn't think you would!"

"I said I would, didn't I? Did you get your shorts back?"

His voice sounded slightly uneasy as he asked this....

"Uh, yeah..."

"Sorry I didn't wash em.... Hey - d'you wanna give me a guided tour of Alton Towers tomorrow? Zac and my dad caught flu from Ike and we can't go walking - you up for it?"

"Erm, sure - I've just got to break it to my parents that I'm going to Alton Towers with a pop star. I still can't believe it..."

"You'd better believe it! Listen, call me back if your parents have any problems with this OK? I'll pick you up tomorrow - say tenish?"

"That's fine. See ya then..."

"Yeah - bye"


It took half an hour for my parents to say yes to Taylor's invite - five minutes was used for the "d'you think it's safe for..." routine and 25 for me to convince them that I wasn't joking and that Taylor Hanson was going to be picking me up at 10am the following morning.

Thankfully it was a beautiful day - I was up at seven I was so wound up. I coundn't think what to wear. I eventually settled on a baggy white Prodigy T-shirt and the very shorts that Tay had jerked off in. They were slightly too small for me and hugged my dick and balls well - for once I wanted him to see me "properly". I got hard again when I saw the cum on the inside of the shorts but purposely refrained from wanking - I wanted to give Tay everything I could if it came to that.

At a quarter to ten the dog went crazy which usually means that someone he doesn't "know" has arrived. I raced down stairs yelling to my parents that I was off and careered out the door. Just as I got out a black Range Rover with tinted windows pulled into the driveway, and Taylor jumped out of the back.

He walked up to me and hugged me - something which I know Americans can do without feeling self-conscious - I suppose we Brits are a bit more "stuffy" in that respect. He grabbed me by the hand and pulled me into the Range Rover.

We talked about what Alton Towers was like - him mainly asking the questions and me trying to be as vague as possible so that it'd be all the more fun when we got there.

While we talked, I took the opportunity to look him over properly. Tay was wearing a white tank top and a pair of tight knee-length cut-offs that did not do anything to hide what was between his legs and Nike CrossTrainers. He had a very light dusting of blond hairs over his legs which looked bronzed and well toned, and turned me on no end. I noticed that he was looking me over as well, and this time when our eyes met I did not look away.

Tay suddenly scooted over the leather seat so he was sat close up to me and rubbed his hand over the cum mark on by bermudas. My dick which was already half hard sprang to full attention.

"Sorry I didn't have time to wash them - looks like you didn't either..."

"It's OK, I don't mind..."

"After the way you were looking at me on the train last week, I got the feeling you wouldn't."

I looked down at his cut-offs. The bulge that was there before was now noticably bigger than before and a dark patch was just starting to form at the end of the lump of his cock.

"Looks like you've got the same problem with these," I said as I squeezed him through the denim. Tay groaned and pushed his crotch into my hand. I could feel his erection growing under my hand and it made my cock lurch with anticipation.

A couple of seconds later the car pulled into the Alton Towers' gates, and came to an abrupt halt as we joined the three lanes of queueing traffic.

"Damn. Usually if you get here early-ish you can beat this,"

"No problem," said Tay as he picked up a mobile phone from the centre console and dialed a number. While he was waiting for an answer, he tried to pull a card out from his left pocket. To do so, he had to lean on his side quite a bit, treating me to an excellent view of his erection through his jeans. My dick spewed another load of pre-cum into my shorts. Tay just grinned and put my hand back on his bulge and I squeezed and massaged as much as I could.

He eventually managed to pull the card from his pocket. It was an Alton Towers Gold Card - I'd had the use of one before as a lad who went to my school called David Hollingsworth just happened to be Alton Towers' MD's son! He invited a group of frends and I round for his birthday party, but we had a good three hours round the park beforehand. All you had to do was present the card to any security guard or ride operator and they'd immediately escort you through the crowds stright to the front of the queue.

This was no exception. "Hi there! This is Taylor Hanson, authorisation code 34545, we're at the main gate."

A couple of minutes later, two Alton Towers security vehicles charged up to us and motioned us to follow. They took us back out of the main gate about a mile down the road and into the service entrance.

As soon as we'd stopped, an usher opened the door and greeted us with "Welcome to Alton Towers, Mr. Hanson. Please feel free to use any of the facilities here and enjoy your stay at the Alton Towers Hotel."

"Hotel?" I asked

"Shit, I forgot to say, we're staying over in the top floor suite in the hotel tonight. That is unless you don't want to...."

Geez this guy was sly -- of course I wanted to: "Sure, but I'd better call my parents a bit later on to say what we're doing. I don't have any PJ's either..."

Tay just grinned back at me. "That's OK - neither do I!"


"There's something we've got to take care of first, though," Tay said as he grabbed a small nap-sack from the back of the Range Rover. I looked a bit aprehensive as my mind was running wild - I didn't quite know what he meant. He seemed to notice this and said "The big problem with being famous is that people recognise you and you can't have any fun. C'mon!"

We followed the usher into a small trailor parked near the entrance and Tay opened the door. It was a fairly sparse interior, the only slight decoration being a Henry Hound suit (one of those large dogs that meander round the park hugging people). Tay sat down and rummaged through his nap-sack, pulling out a box of what looked like hair dye.

Tay smiled. "I've never had to do this before - I've always been a bit of a succer for attention in the past. I just can't be doing with it today," and so saying pulled off his shirt and went over to the sink. He looked over his shoulder at me. "You gonna help me or not?"

I didn't have to be asked twice. "It's one of those '9 washes' dye things," he said. "Don't want to have permanantly brown hair - don't think it'd suit me. Makes you look good, though...."

I didn't say anything as Tay lay back in one of those hairdresser's recliners. He looked so cool wearing just his cut-offs. My eyes just scanned his lightly muscled chest as he looked back at me. Tay broke the spell. "You'll have plenty of time for that later - I wanna get this hair done so we can go round the park..."

I took the shower head from the side of the sink and let it warm up. As I started running the water through Tay's dirty-blond hair, he closed his eyes and groaned slightly. Again I couldn't believe this was happening to ME! I picked up the bottle of hair dye and began massageing it into his hair. I rinsed it a couple of times and toweled him off as best I could.

I hadn't noticed, but all through this Tay had been rubbing the bulge in his cut-offs again. I was just about to put the towel back on the rack when he grabbed my arm and pulled me on top of him. I could feel his hard-on pressing into mine and it felt soooo good - far better than I could ever have imagined it. I felt my head go light as I stared into his deep emerald eyes, almost hypnotised by them. Our heads drew closer together and I kissed a boy for the first time in my life.

I was very inexperienced with this but luckily Tay was in the driving seat. I felt his tongue press against my lips which soon parted allowing him access. His tongue darted in and out of my mouth and, getting the idea, mine soon followed into his mouth. I probed every possible part of his mouth I could reach and it felt so great I never wanted it to end. I ran my hands up the sides of his chest and through his (now brown) hair. He started humping his hips into me and arched his back slightly and I took the opportunity to wrap my arms completely around him, hugging him tight to me.

He was feeling me all over, his hands gradually making ther way to my arse. He started feeling my cheeks and running the tips of his fingers along my crack. He then moved his hands back up and pushed the tips of his fingers under the wasteband of my bermudas and did the same thing, although this time he went a bit further and the tips of his fingers rubbed the bottom of my ball sack.

I was surprised I'd managed to hold off the inevitable this long, but the rubbing of my arse combined with Tay's tongue in my mouth and his erection pressing rhythmically into mine sent me over the edge. I groaned down Tay's throat and thrust my hips into his as my penis sprayed its load into my shorts. Feeling this, Tay plunged his index finger into my arse hole that was already slick with sweat and I could feel myself gripping his finger with every shot. A moment later, Tay sort of yelped and I felt his rigid cock jerk beneath mine. I contunued thrusting my hips to milk his cock as he came. I looked down on his face - he eyes screwed tightly shut and a strange sort of half- smile on his face.

After it was over we lay together ear to ear, our breathing gradually slowing to a normal pace. Tay hugged me and kissed me on the neck. "We'd better get going otherwise we'll have no time in the park,"

"Yeah," I replied and tried to get up. A large sticky patch joined Taylor and me at the crotch. Tay wiped some of my cum from my shorts and licked it off his hand. "You taste great," he said - I couldn't do anything but blush.

"We can't go out like this," I said, rubbing the large damp patch on his cut-offs.

"Yeah, you're right..." Tay got up, went to the sink and pulled the hose off the shower tap. "Come here..." I moved closer to him and he turned the taps on full force. The spray from the basin absolutely drenched us from head to toe, and quite convincingly hid any 'evidence'. "How's that?" Tay asked.

"Looks fine to me!"

"Let's get going, then!"

Taylor pulled his tank top back on and dragged the hair out of his eyes with this fingers. He picked his nap-sack up and I followed him out of the trailor. He gave the bag to his driver and asked him to drop it off at the Hotel.

In front of us lay the quite impressive wooded landscape of Alton Towers - Kiddie's Kingdom to our left and a huge lake to oir right. The SkyRide cable cars leisurely drifted by and unusually they actually served a purpose here - they were the quickest way of getting from the main entrance to the other end of the park - and you got to see a real life plan view of the whole site.

"Guess it doesn't have a patch on some of the US parks..."

"Actually it's quite refreshing - It's so green! So, where are you taking me first?"

"Well, seeing as we're already half-drowned, how about the Grand Canyon River Rapids followed by the Log Flume? They're just over there in Katanga Canyon. After that we could head for Death Valley and have a go on Nemesis and ThunderLooper..."

"Sounds like you know the place pretty well..."

"My school has an anual trip at the beginning of the Winter term - it sounds strange to go then instead of at the end of the Summer term, but we practically have the park to ourselves..."

"Heh - sounds cool. So, we off to the rapids first, then?"



After getting a more thorough soaking on the Rapids and Log Flume than we'd anticipated, we headed for the Arcade. Tay absolutely beat the shit out of me at Mortal Kombat, but I evened out with Ridge Racer. After a half hour or so, Tay suggested we go eat someplace. There was a great reasturant by the cable car station that did an awesome spaghetti bolognaise, so we headed off there. As we were walking back from Katanga Canyon, I noticed how well the change in hair colour actually disguised him - Most people would take a second look at him if he had shoulder length BLOND hair: As it was no-one had raced up to him for an autograph. I told him so and just as he was agreeing with me, there was an "Oh my God - IT'S TAYLOR HANSON!!!" and a stampede of girls came racing in our direction

Tay looked at me and said "Do you know EXACTLY where this restaurant is?"

"Yeah, why?"

"RUN FOR IT!! I'll follow!"

And run I did! I decided to take a slightly scenic route back through the arcade, much to the disgust of a security guard but thankfully he spotted what was going on and somehow managed to stop the screaming hoards.

As we walked back towards the restaurant, catching our breaths, Tay decided that it was pretty good going in the sense that it had only happened once today. "You should see what it's like when the three of us are together - it's almost unbearable!"

"I'd've thought you'd have liked it..."

"We did at first, but the novelty soon wears off. Zac still enjoys the chase, though."

"Yeah, I noticed he likes to pay more attention to the camera than to his drumming...."

"You wouldn't believe how many times he's messed up during live performances doing that - it really winds Ike up. He likes to give the impression thet we're perfect in every way - he practices so hard now - all the fun seems to have gone out of it for him. Dean?"


"Can I ask you something personal?"

I wasn't going to say no -- what could get any more personal than what we'd already done! "Sure, Tay, anything."

"Are you gay? I mean REALLY gay?"

"I'd have thought you could have answered that by now!"

"Well you could be bi, or just wrapped up in the swing of things, ya know..."

"Well, I'd say I was - girls just never seemed to do anything for me. Sure I'd get hard if I read through a porno mag or whatever, but whenever I'd jerk off, I'd always be thinking about another lad. Tay?"


"Are you gay?"

"I've never told anyone before but yeah, I think I am. I get the feeling I'm the same as you - I do get hard when I look at porno mags or whatever, but I just don't like girls. Worst thing is about 95% of the Hanson fans ARE girls. Can you imagine what'd happen if it ever got out that I AM gay? We'd be ruined. I love my family too much to ever let that happen. You won't tell anyone, will you?"

"If I did I'd be badged as well - life at my school would become unbearable. In fact, I'd probably be expelled!"

"Expelled? Isn't that a bit harsh? I mean, you are what you are, right?"

"We're talking about a 100-year-old british public school here. Although a few of my friends'd accept it, I doubt the school would. Just last term a lad was expelled because it was SUSPECTED he was gay - unfair I know - but that's just the way it is."

"Man, and I thought I had it rough..."

"Yeah, well.... You still hungry?"

Tay smiled for the first time in the whole conversation. "Yeah. It's on me..."


Lunch went well - Tay ordered a single huge bowl of spaghetti bolognaise (another Gold Card advantage - you don't need cash until you check out) and while he ordered, I took the opportunity to call my parents and tell them I'd be staying overnight. Again convincing them took far longer in my opinion than it should have, but they eventually agreed. I walked back over to our table and we both tucked in. The 'exertion' of the morning had made us both very hungry indeed!

Just as we were finishing the first course, a middle-aged woman, who I'd noticed had been glancing over at us from time to time, got up and walked over to our table.

"Excuse me, are you Taylor Hanson?"

Tay lookad at me in a 'why can't people just LEAVE ME ALONE' sort of way and turned to her and put on his killer smile. "Yes, ma'am,"

"Oh my goodness! Er, my daughter is absolutely mad about your group - it's a shame she's over the other side of the park..." Tay looked at me relieved. "Do you think I could take a photo or two - she'll never forgive me if I don't..."

"Yeah, sure!"

Tay shuffled his chair right next to mine and threw his arm around my shoulder. I was caught off guard a little, but put my arm around his as well. A couple of polaroids later, Tay produced a black marker from his pocket - apparantly "For emergencies," and signed his photo. He then pushed the photo infront of me.

I looked back at him blankly. "Go ahead! You're in the photo - she might as well know who you are..." Fair enough, I thought, and signed over my picture next to Tay's. The woman thanked us and left. The other polariod was left behind - tay picked it up and shoved it into his back pocket.

"What're we on with now, then?" he enquired.

I suggested that we do a tour of the Towers' "White-Knuckle Rides", but first have a walk round the grounds to let the excessive amount of bolognaise we'd eaten between us settle.

We meandered through the Japanese-style garden that was origionally Alton Towers' only attraction -- it started life as a very impressive show-graden and park area. Then rides began to appear more as a side line and amusements than a money-making operation. It soon became apparant that the public wanted more and more, and gradually the Theme Park took shape.

Whilst we were walking, Taylor filled me in a bit on his life on the road. I could now see why his music was so involving and sincere - he really loved it with a passion. He said that playing music was one thing, but being on stage and have thousands of people share that passion - sing the words and move to the music - was just out of this world.

We took a seat on a bench overlooking a lake that had one of those old Japanese style houses in the middle with a huge fountain coming from the top. Tay flung his head back and gazed through closed eyes into the sky.

"The one thing that gets to me the most is the way I look - I'm 14, for Christ's sake and you still can't easily tell if I'm a boy or a girl from a distance. It really pisses me off. And to make matters worse it's the first thing people pick on if they don't like me. I suppose I'll grow out of it or something..."

"I hope you never do," I whispered under my breath, hoping he wouldn't hear. He turned and looked at me, and smiled faintly. He held my had and I squeezed back. "You up for Nemesis, then?" I asked.

"Go for it,"

The rest of the day was fairly uneventful - Tay's Gold Card again proving its worth as we happily strode to the front of every cueue in the park - and geting to ride as many times as we wanted without having to get off and cueue again. It was great. The icing on the cake was that Taylor and I got on so well - it seemed as if we could talk together about anything we wanted to without apprehension. It had to be one of the best days in my entire life. Ever.

By this time it was about half six in the evening and we were feeling pretty knackered, however Tay wanted to experience Alton Towers' infamous Cork Screw before we headed off to the hotel.

"Have you ever tried eating anything while you're on one of these?" I asked.

"Not that I can recall - why?"

"Well there was a TV show that used to be held here during the 80s called Snakes and Ladders - I think you can still see the remnants of the set up by the castle... Anyway, one of the challenges was to try and eat an ice-cream and drink a small coke and spilling as little as possible - I've never tried it but have always wanted a go. You game?"


I went off and waved Tay's Gold Card at one of the stores by the Cork Screw and picked up two 1.5 litre Colas and two 'so big you can hardly hold 'em' ice creams and handed one of each to Tay, who just looked bemused. The gates opened and we were escorted to the very front car.

"OK - no eating or drinking until we're over the first drop - the guy who's eaten or drunk the the most with the least over him or all the nice people behind us wins!"

Tay just looked at me in disbelief as the lift started to pull us up the first slope. I just grinned back. "You can see the whole park from up here! Hey, look at th... Oh shit. Ohshitohshitohshitohshitohshit!"

"START EATING!!" I yelled.

As we went down the first drop, Tay took quite a convincing bite out of his ice cream. Not a good move - the car immediately went into the first loop and as a consequence Tay's hand was pushed down with the G- force,spreading copious amounts of vanilla ice cream all down the front of his tank top.

I was too busy watching tay to notice the loop as well - the top flew off my Cola and decided it would spray me, Tay and about another 8 people behind us as we went through the loop.

The second loop directly followed the first and caught me the same way with the ice cream. Tay still managed to hold on to his cola, but this time a sharp clockwise barrel role caught him, hurling the cola all over me.

By the time we pulled back into the station, we were absolutely covered from head to toe in 3 litres of cola and a bucket full of melted vanilla ice-cream. We simply couldn't stop laughing.

"How d'you say we go back to the hotel and get ourselves cleaned up," suggested Tay.

I agreed and we boh stumbled as if drunk down to the other end of the park and onto the monorail that would take us back to the Hotel.


Taylor and I stumbled over to the reception desk, still convulsing with laughter and dripping a mix of cola and ice cream all over the floor.

"May I help you, sirs?" a very snooty-sounding voice enquired.

Tay managed to calm down enough to explain who we were. The guy behind the desk was a little taken aback at first, but handed over the plastic slide-key to Tay and wished us a pleasant stay.

While this was going on, I took the chance to scan my surroundings - I coulndn't believe how glamorous the place looked - almost over the top for Alton Towers.

In the centre of the foyer there was a huge "tall ship" with a baloon where the mast should've been and sure enough the ship took off and rose towards the four-storey high ceiling. Tay grabbed my wrist and dragged me into the lift and hit the button for the top floor. Alton Towers' trade mark "Hall of the Mountain King" was being steadily played through speakers in the lift as we both dripped leatholly slippy gunge onto the polished floor of the lift.

It pinged and the doors slid open to reveal a crystal lined corridor. Directly in front of us was a large pair of oak doors. Tay strode out and pushed the key into the slot below the handle and let himself in, me following.

As soon as we were inside, tay slammed the door and turned to face me. He ran his fingers slowly over my cheek and then through my matted hair and smiled. He ran his hand round to the back of my neck and pulled me close to him. Just before we kissed, he said "I've been waiting for this all day..."

Instead of actually kissing me straight away, he ran his tongue all over my face, finally forcing it between my lips. I immediately tried to force his tongue back with my own, wanting to taste the inside of his mouth once more. While we were kissing, Tay ran his hands down to the bottom of my t-shirt and began pulling it up over my head. We broke the kiss so he could pull it completely off.

We resumed out kissing, but Tay started to move down my neck to my chest. He sucked each of my nipples in turn, making them grow erect. As he did this he ran his hands up the insides of my legs, him finally rubbing the tent that had appeared in my shorts. As he worked his tongue lower he hooked his fingers into the wasteband of my shorts and pulled them down to the floor, complete with my boxers.

Tay took a step back to admire his handywork and smiled. I stood there completely naked except for my trainers - my five inch boner stuck out in front of me, skin almost glistening with sweat, saliva and ice-cream.

"Do I get to see you too now?" I playfully mocked. I hugged him close to me again and started to do the same to him as he had to me. I pulled his tank top off and dropped it on top of mine with a splotch.

I licked my way down his chest detecting no hair whatsoever, and began to suck on his nipples. I'd never done this before but e started groaning so I presumed I was doing it right. I could actually feel them getting harder as I sucked - it was so amazing!

I let my hands wander down to his cute arse and squeezed each globe through the tight, wet denim. I brought my hands round to his front and felt his erection - it felt so hot to the touch and I swear I could feel his heartbeat - that was such a turn-on. I released his nipple from my mouth and knelt down infront of him, his hardon pushing the wet denim out towards me. I simply couldn't resist any more and started nibbling at his cock head through his cut-offs. Tay moaned and thrusted his hips towards me. I quit nibbling and undid the button and flys and slowly pulled them off him, gradually revealing his beautiful erection...

I'd guess he was just under 5 inches long and was crowned with a smallish blond patch of pubes. He wasn't circumcised either - somehow I'd got it into my mind that he would be... His balls were something else, though: They seemed huge compared with the rest of his body and even though it was warm, his sack was fairly tight and high up to his body. I could smell his scent - definitely not a man's, but certainly not a boy's either. I was just about to start kissing his balls when he pulled me up level with him and hugged me again, this time our naked dicks and bulls rubbing together. "Like what you see?" he whispered.

"Oh yeah..."

Tay eased off the huging and grabbed a hold of my dick, but instead of rubbing it, he pulled on it and led me into the bathroom like a bull by its ring, his erection bouncing around infront of him. He turned the shower on and stepped in, pulling me in as well. The shower was big enough so that both of us could easily stand out of the water jets and had a small rack of built-in shelved at the far end.

He picked up a bar of soap from one of the shelves and told me to turn round. He started to soap me up all over - Jesus that felt good. He paid specific attention to my arse, dick and balls (doing more than enough to keep me excited) and every now and then would push a finger into my arsehole. When he was done, he passed the soap to me.

As I began to rub it over his chest and under his arms, Tay sort of slumped against the wall, eyes closed and smiling slightly. I progressively worked down his stomach, being able to feel the beginnings of a nice six pack, and purposely skirted his pubic area. I moved to his feet and began washing up his legs, allowing my hand just to graze the bottom of his ball sack when I reached the top. I gently turned him around and began to wash his back, the tip of my hard-on just skimming his buttocks, sending shock waves through me.

I paid just as much attention to his arse as he paid to mine - spreading the cheeks apart and gently soaping up his rosebud. Once I decided it was slippy enough, I pushed my index finger gently into his backside, making him groan and push back against my finger. I moved it around for a while and then decided to try two - holding them close together I started pushing both my index and fore fingers into him. Tay grunted slightly and I could feel him forcing outwards to try and let my fingers in. After a bit of persistance, I eventually had both my fingers in up to the second knuckle. I started slowly pushing them in and out when Tay spoke for the first time since we got into the shower: "Dean - I want you to fuck me. But not here - lets go through to the bedroom..."


I wasn't sure I'd heard him right - he wanted ME to fuck HIM??? Even my fantasies didn't stretch this far....

Tay squeezed my fingers out of his arse hole, turned round and kissed me deeply on the lips, gradually moving us under the powerful stream of water. My boner felt so hard I thought it was going to break off! Once we'd got rid of all of the soap, Tay took me by the hand led me through to the master bedroom (complete with four-poster bed, of course) and lay down.

"Er, Taylor? I.... I've never done anything like this, you know...."

"Me neither - but it'll be fun learning together."

So saying, Tay rolled over onto his stomach and pulled his nap-sack from under the bed. He rummaged around for a moment and produced a large tube of KY jelly.

"C'mere," he said, holding his arms out to me. I climbed onto the bed and gently lay down on top of him, his boner pressing wonderfully into the bottom of my balls. Just that nearly sent me over the edge - I couldn't believe how turned on I was. "I want you to rim me, OK? It'll feel good and help things along a bit." I was't about to argue!

I lifted my weight off him to allow him to tun over. Tay grabbed a pillow from the top of the bed and placed it under hus hips as I moved a bit further down the bed. Infront of me had to be one ot the best sights I'd ever seen in my entire life - and I moved in closr to get a better look! I gently pulled Tay's cheeks apart to reveal his freshly washed rosebud.

I took a deep breath and made a long lick right from the base of his balls all the way to the top of his crack, provoking a low moan from Tay. Spurred on by this, I moved my tongue back down again and started licking over the top of his rosebud and gradually started trying to press inside. After a little perseverence, it seemed to 'give way' to my tongue and a started probing inside. All I could taste was a feint hint of soap, but the things that surprised me the most was how warm it was and how powerful his sphincter muscle was. As I continued, Tay started wiggling his arse around, almost as if to try and get more of my tongue into him.

After a good ten minutes of this, I felt Tay moving underneath me. I pulled my tongue out so I could see what was going on and saw him reaching for the KY. He opened the tube and motioned for me to come closer. He ran his hand down the lenght of my dick and cupped my balls, squeezing them gently, causing me to moan involuntarily. He then stuck out his tongue and began licking my dick from base to tip like an ice cream cone. He then pulled my foreskin back and very gently put the tip of my dick in his mouth and sucked gently, continually running his tongue round the ridge of the head, and occasionally probing at the piss slit.

I warned Tay that if he kept this up I'd cum before I could do anything else. Reluctantly he pulled off my dick. "You taste great, Dean," and with that, squeezed a large bead of KY from the base of my cock to the piss slit, and gently rubbed it round. He then handed me the tube and told me to do the same to his arse. I moved back down the bed and squeezed a liberal amount of the goo straight into his rosebut, and put a little on the end of my finger. I slowly pushed in and before I knew it my finger was totally buried in Tay's backside again. Then two, then three, all the way to the second knuckle. Tay's breathing had speeded up somewhat and he seemed slightly tense, so I just kept my fingers in there for a while so he could get used to it.

After a couple of minutes, Tay told me to go for it. I straddled him and aimed my slick erection at his rose while Tay held his cheeks apart. I felt the tip of my dick make contact with his ring and so I pushed gently forward. It didn't take a lot of pressure thanks to the KY and me fingering him beforehand, I suppose, but he clamped down hard on my dickhead with his butt as soon as I had entered him, almost making me cum. I had to pause for a moment before gradually applying pressure again and continuing my entry. "If it hurts, Tay, tell me, yeah? The last thing I wanna do his hurt you.."

"You're OK at the moment man - just go slow...."

Inch by inch I gradually worked my way into Taylor Hanson's backside and after a couple of minutes, felt my pubes against his back. I lowered my weight onto him again and rested my head by his, kissing him on the neck. I wrapped my arms under his and slowly began to move my dick in and out of his arse.


The feelings I was getting were indescribable: I thought life couldn't get any better when I accidently brought myself to orgasm at the age of nine whilst straddling the branch of a tree I was climbing. It took me so by surprise that I lost my balance and fell about seven feet to the ground, fracturing my right arm in the process. I was taken to hospital and my arm put in plaster - this was great as somehow I managed to skive a whole week of school, during which I learnt how to beat off. (This is also why, even though I'm right-handed, tend to wank with my left hand) Life couldn't get any better, and I soon settled into a daily wanking routine.

Then at twelve I actually made sperm for the first time. I was having my usual evening toss when I felt my climax coming. But instead of peaking when I was expecting it to, it just kept building and building - my had motions got faster and faster until suddenly about a teaspoon of thin, milky-white fluid shot from my dick and landed about half way up my stomach. It didn't quite click what was going on straight away - I thought I'd somehow managed to piss myself until I turned my bedside lamp on and noticed the colour. I also noticed that I didn't really want to do it again - usually I was good for three or four rounds - this time it seemed as if all four had been combined into one - WHICH WAS OK FOR ME!

Then the following year when I'd just turned 13, I was lying face down on my bed steadily leafing through an Argos cataogue. I reached the sports section and noticed this particularly cute 14-15 year old modelling a pair of football (soccer) shorts, and I was absolutely convinced that he was either hung like a horse or had a fairly major hard-on - the slight shadow caused by the photographic lights accentuating it. This really turned me on and I had a hard-on within seconds. I tried to adjust my position on the bed and in doing so, thrust my hips forward slightly. This sent my erection between the waste band of my boxers and my stomach and it felt sooo good...

I did it again.... and again.... and soon had a steady rhythm going. Before I knew it I'd shot my load into my jeans. The feeling of my warm sperm slowly oozing through the fabric and matting my few pubic hairs together got me horny again and I started to hump the bed for a second time. Having my previous load already in my underwair made all the difference as my sensitive head moved over the slippy fabric. In half the time I ws groaning and shooting my second load to join the first - from that moment on I was hooked on jacking off in my underwair or trousers - it just felt sooo cool...

Then Tay had started licking my dick. My 'it can't get any better than this' notion was shattered again as Tay's tongue probed over my cockhead; and then again as I tentatively pushed into his backside...

My thrusts into Tay were getting steadily faster and faster and he was starting to meet my thrusts, tightening his arse as I pulled out. "DEAN! FUCK ME! FUCK ME AS HARD AS YOU CAN!!" he yelled. I willingly obliged and thrust in as far as I possibly could, then pulled out almost to the very tip before plunging in again.

Both Tay and I couldn't stand for much more of this: He sort of half moaned, half yelled, his voice cracking slightly with the volume. I felt his arse spasm uncontrolably round my cock, so sending me over the edge. I thrust deeply into him for the last time and felt myself pumping my sperm deeply into him. I collapsed on top of Tay, breathing heavily. "Th... That was great," I panted.

"First time's always the best." We just lay together, me still inside him, gently allowing our breathing to settle. After about ten minutes, Tay suggested we get into bed - personally I wanted to stay like that all night but I suppose it wasn't the most comfortable positon for him. I slowly pulled my not-quite-soft dick out of Tay's beautiful backside and he rolled over, displaying his dick and balls covered with his sperm.

I leant over amd began to slowly lick all the sperm off him - he tasted so cool - somewhat sweeter than my own but just as thick. He thrust his hips towards me and ran his fingers through my hair. I couldn't believe how good something as simple as that felt - if it was knowing that it was him doing it I didn't know, didn't care!

I gradually felt his dick begin to harden under the onslaught of my tongue, slowly hardening to its full length and standing slightly off his chest - I dunno, the virtues of being young and horny... For a moment I just looked at it and ran my fingers over his entire length, gradually pulling his foreskin back, revealing a reddish-purple helmet. As I stroked him, a drop of pre-cum appeared at his slit. Not wantng to waste any of him, I moved forward again and took the head of his dick into my mouth as he'd done to me, gently licking round the ridge of his helmet.

I then started moving down on his shaft, sucking as hard as I could, eventually bottoming out with hus pubes tickling my nose. I gently squeezed Tay's balls and could feel his dick gently nudging my tonsils, causing me to swallow. Tay groaned and asked if he could do me too. Keeping my mouth on his dick, I shuffled round placing my dick over his face. He reached up and guided my dick to his lips, forcing his tongue under my foreskin. I lowered myself to get more inside his mouth. In doing so, I caused him to swallow - now I could see what the big deal was! Tay started to bob his head up and down, pressing his lips tightly around my shaft when he pulled back. I was so involved with the feelings I was getting I almost forgot to continue sucking him! I returned the favour and started bobbing my own head - awkwardly at first - but soon getting into a steady rhythm.

Without any warning whatsoever, I felt Tay's dick swell even larger than it already was and a long, powerful jet of cum was injected into my mouth. I squeezed his balls trying to coax as much from them as possible and a couple of seconds later was rewarded with a second, third and fourth jet of his wonderful liquid. Just as he'd finished shooting his last spurt, I began with my own. Tay grabbed my arse and pulled me deeply into his mouth, his nose pushing up against my balls. I shot three good spurts straight down his throat and on the fourth, pushed me back slightly so he could catch it in his mouth.

After he'd milked the last of my cum from my dick, he crawled out from under me and lay close to me. Our mouths draw together and we kissed again, his cum mixing with mine, making a taste like no other I'd ever experenced.

Tay broke the kiss and shuffled under the tight sheets, me joining him. We fell asleep in each other's arms.


I was dreaming - my mind floating in and out of consciousness. I was with Taylor Hanson - kissing him, feeling him, tasting his most intimate secrets. Then he was kissing me, feeling me, rubbing me; taking me to the peak of ecstasy -- and then some!

Then consciousness kicked my arse back into reality. Oh, but what a dream! My hardon ached for relief under the silk sheets.

Hang on a tic, I don't have silk sheets. My eyes opened slightly.Come to think of it, I don't have a four poster bed either... I swallowed hard, my brain doing its best to grapple with the barage of facts being hurled at it as it was forced to relinquish the comfort of unconsciousness a bit quicker than usual. Then an arm draped itself over my bare chest. I jumped. I physically jumped, my head whipping round to try and find the owner - my brain making the first correct conclusion of the day in that the arm was actually attached to a person.

"Hi," said the arm's owner.

"Wha.. Who..." I blinked a couple of times trying to focus on the face infront of me. The full moon streamed in through the open window straght into my eyes, not making it any easier. "Tay? Is that you?"

"Who the hell else is it gonna be?" he asked, pulling me closer.

My mind was swimming again; the line between my fantasies and reality becoming even more indistinct. "Tay... Did I... I mean did I really... You know...."

He climbed on top of me, my hard dick pressing into his balls. "Yeah, you sure did," he said, smiling sweetly down on what must've been a completely astonished expression, his hair acting like curains blocking the moon's gaze. "Feel's like you're all hot and bothered again," he said as he slowly ground his hips against me, one of his smooth balls on either side of my dickhead. I couldn't do anything but groan it felt so good. I could smell him - only feintly - but it was so sweet. It was at this time I decided I was in love.

No, wait - this couldn't be happening: I was just a regular kid - did regular things with regular people. "Why me?" I asked, more to my self than anything?

"I could ask the same thing," replied Tay. This confused me slightly.


"Well, there I am, sitting on a train just listening to my walkman and the cutest guy I've ever seen comes walking right by me, hardly noticing me! I mean, I couldn't just walk up to him and say 'Hey man, you're as cute as hell - wanna be my boyfriend?' now could I? So I decided when he walked back I'd try to remember his face as he walked back from the buffet to, you know, give me something to think about..." Tay looked distinctly embarrased as he said this. "Imagine my surprise when he walks back loaded with food, stops and asks me to sign his napkin! AND he gives me an excuse for me to get my kit off! Man, you don't know how hard it was for me not to pop a woodie when that happened... I noticed your interest in all the 'wrong' places, you know..."

"Was I really that unsubtle?"

"I dunno - 'suppose not. I guess it was just me looking for it.... Dean?"


"Um, I'm not quite sure how to say this.... I - I think I love you. I mean REALLY love you..."

He didn't know how much this meant to me - the cutest guy in the whole world who could have chosen any of those screaming fans, and probably almost any guy, was lying on top of me, slowly stroking my hardon with his nuts and telling me that he was in love with me!

"If this is a dream, I'll top myself if I ever wake up. Pinch me, Tay..."

"I'll do better than that," he said, reaching for the tube of KY that was still on the bed. I turned over, my heard racing with anticipation. A moment later, I felt Tay's warm breath playing over my buttocks and then his tongue snaking between them, probing for my love hole. He soon found it, pressing his tongue as hard as he could into it. My rosebud soon responded and before I knew it, I could feel Tay's tongue tasting parts of my body no-one had ever tasted before - twisting, swirling and plunging, sending wave after wave of stimulus through my body. Every now and then my arse hole would clamp down around Tay's tongue, and I couldn't believe how good that felt.

All too soon, the lump of flesh that was giving me such pleasure was withdrawn and I almost yelled with frustration - the sensation of being empty contrasting coldly against the feel of his tongue. I did not have long to wait, though - a moment later I felt cool goo being gently spread along my arse-crack and then a finger being slowly slid up inside of me. Then that was withdrawn, but almost immediately replaced with two, stretching my hole with a delicious pleasure/pain as they were rotated. Finally, a third finger joined the other to, making me quickly draw breath. Then again all too soon they were gone, the empty feeling returning.

I felt movement and opened my eyes to reveal a hard five inches of boymeat pointed directly at my lips. All of hell and damnation could not have stopped me taking that throbbing pole into my mouth - dropping the pretenses I simply dove onto Tay's cock in one fell swoop, provoking him to yelp with pleasure. What seemed like only moments later, Tay pulled out: "Woah, man I'm gonna cum if you keep that up! Try the KY, but don't squeeze too hard!"

I squeezed a generous dollop onto the the palm of my hand and encircled the base of Tay's cock, the KY oozing through my fingers as I pulled up the length of his shaft to the head. I then moved my hand back down, gripping slightly tighter and exposing his helmet to the muggy night air. I ran my hand lower still, gently massaging each of Tay's testicles until they were shining with lube, finally returning to gently massage the sensitive tip.

I grabbed the pillow that Tay'd used earlier and pushed it under my hips, my cock and balls sliding easily over the cum-soaked material. Tay moved down the bed and straddled me, leaning forward until he was resting on his elbows. "Tell me to stop if it hurst too much," he whispered into my ear, nibbling slightly at the lobe as he said it and with that, I felt his head part my arse cheeks.

Tay shifted his weight slightly, freeing his right arm so he could guide himself more accurately to his target. I closed my eyes as I felt his helmet come into contact with my quivering rosebud and then, oh-so-gently, he began to push into me. I felt the head enter me and impulsively flexed my ring, causing Tay to shudder. I was secretly surprised that it hadn't hurt - yet...

Once the initial penetration was done, Tay moved his weight onto my back and, like I had done to him, hooked his arms under mine and hugged me tight. "OK?" he asked softly.

"Oh yeah," I replied. I felt him slowly pushing his dick further into me: much further than I'd ever dared put anything myself, until I felt his bollocks resting against my own. During this I only felt the slightest twinge of pain near the end of his stroke, but that was immediately replaced by a feeling so fundamentally different to anything I'd ever felt as the end of his cock pressed aganst my prostate, causing me to gasp out loud and squirt precum onto the pillow below me.

"You all right?"

"Yeah - whatever you're doin', keep doin' it!"

Tay began kissing my neck, ears and shoulders as he gently withdrew his shaft and then delacately thrusting back in. He gradually accelerated his pace as he received only engouraging grunts and moans from me: I was too involved with the incredible feelings that my prostate was giving me as his dick pushed against it. Almost instinctively, I felt the need to thrust my hips back to meet him to accentuate the feelings I was getting, my ring squeezing down on Tay every time he pulled out.

I could feel my inevitable climax coming one step closer with each stroke of Tay's dick, and I guess he could to: His thrusts going at an almost unbelievable speed. Then it happened. His thrusting slowed but became twice as hard and I felt his cock grow and throb inside of me. One final thrust, so hard it felt as if he were trying to get his balls in as well, accompanied a yell so sweet that it brought all of my fantasies as well as the previous day's experiences crashing together infront of my minds eye. I came, my load virtually blasting a hole through the pillowcase and into the bed beneath us, my hole gripping Tay's nob with each shot. Simultaneously, Tay shot his load deep into my bowels with such a force I could almost taste it in my mouth. We matched each other shot for shot, moan for moan.

As we lay together, chests heaving, sweat running from our bodies, my mind tried to rationalise the feelings that I'd just been given. The terms ecstasy, bliss and euphoria, multiplied together thousands of times, didn't even pretend to come close to how I fealt right then. I had no worries or concerns, no fears, no secrets - only an undeniable and unbreakable love for the boy on top of me. The unknown boy who, when MMMBop raced to the top of the UK charts earlier that year, immediately stole my heart, even though I didn't quite know it then...


My eyes flicked open, not knowing quite what'd woken me. Tay was lying right behind me, his arm draped over my chest, soft dick just slightly trapped between my bum cheeks.

There was a second knock at the door. Now I know what'd woken me. I dragged my left arm from under my side, one of the buttons of my watch scraping painfully over my skin. I blinked hard a couple of times, trying to bring the digits of my watch into focus (difficult at the best of times as the battery should've been changed months ago). "Oh shit!" I leapt out of bed. "Tay!.... TAYLOR!"

"Mmmmph... Lemme sleep..."


"Wossamatter? Come back to bed....."


Tay just grinned back at me. "Yeah, nice try..."

"I'm not joking! Someone's at the door!"

He looked at me, still slightly skeptical, but when he didn't see even a glimmer of a smile on my face, he soon became as panicked as me. He leapt off the bed and frantically looked for his clothes. Even with all this going on, I still couldn't help admiring his body...

Tay legged it out of the bedroom as naked as the day he was born.

"Argh, shit! I forgot! They're still covered with ice cream!" Now it was my turn to panic. I raced out after him, spotting the pile of ex- white t-shirts and shorts in a vaguely pink-coloured puddle on the mosaic floor. Tay picked up his tank top with a squelch and looked at me.

"No way can we wear these..."

Glancing round, my eyes spotted a pair of bath robes hanging up next to the shower.

"This is no time to go releave yourself," Tay shouted after me.

"I'm not. Here - catch!"

"Oh thank God..."

I quickly picked up the congealed mass of clothes from by Tays feet, motioning for him to answer the door.

"Oh, good mor... OH MY GOD!!" Here goes.... "It's Taylor!!"

"You really do spout some shit you know, Rachel...." said a disbeliving voice from down the corridor. I heard footsteps approaching and the voice got louder. "I mean, first you say you think you saw him in the park yesterday and now you reckon he's in the hotel. As if he'd come all the way here. It's probably some toffy- nosed snob from JCB agai.... OH MY GOD!!!"

"Hi there, girls," said Tay in his best 'I'm a sex god and I know it' voice. "What's up?"

"Oh, er, hi... I'm Jayne and this is my friend Rachel. We're your biggest fans!" Tay leant back and peeped round the door, pulling a dispairing face at me. It was all I could do not to burst out laughing.

"So, what can I do for you, ladies?"

"Well, ermm, are you ready to leave your room? We're due to tidy it at eleven. OW!" Jayne kicked Rachel in the leg to stop her from distroying what could be a once-in-a-lifetime experience for them both.

"Heh... What Rachel meant to say was 'is it OK if we come in and do the rounds'? You wouldn't mind, would you?" she said, fluttering her eyelids in an attempt to appeal to Taylor. This had less than the desired effect as, if you were being flattering, Jayne could best be discribed as a hippopotamus. And in all likelyhood the arse-end thereof.

Tay looked at me again and said to them "I'd like you to meet a friend of mine. Dean, come over here a sec, would ya?" Not hearing any movement, he leant back round the door. I could do nothing but mouth "NONONONONONO!" at a very rapid rate of knots. Tay grinned a shit- eating grin at me and grabbed my wrist, pulling be into view of the girls.

"Rachel, Jayne, I'd like you to meet Dean. He's a good friend of mine, and has been showing me round the park..."

"Hi..." I said. There eyes didn't move from taylor. Not even an inch. Not that I couldn't blame them, of course - mine soon focused on him also...

Noticing this, Tay changed his tone to a more scolding one. "As I said, Dean's a good friend of mine. A VERY good friend. And now if you'd excuse me, we're a bit busy at the moment!" So saying, he grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him, kissing me violently on the lips. With his free hand, he slammed the door in their faces.

He gently broke the kiss and grinned at me. "Risky, I know, but it sure as hell'll get rid of them!"

I was a bit shocked to say the least. "Tay, they might tell someone..."

"And what if they did - no-one in thier right mind'd believe Ren and Stimpy there..."

He was right, of course. Who (apart from those in the Hanson-bashing fraternity) would believe that Taylor Hanson, lead vocalist and general lust object to millions the world over, was kissing a Derbyshire lad in a hotel in the middle of England? I did feel flattered, however, that he gave a full and open display of his love for me to the general public. All two of them...


I picked up the squidgy mass of our clothes and carried them into the bathroom. Looking around I saw some of those pathetic little bottles of shampoo. I say pathetic because, unless you had a crew-cut, there was barely enough to cover a gnat's arse. I usually got through at least three of these bottles per wash, and I can imagine Tay'd need the same...even more. Reasoning that, although my hair was matted together with sweat and possibly a bit of cum, I could live with that discomfort rather than being a wasp-magnet for the rest of the day...

Once I'd managed to get the majority of the ice-cream and cola cocktail out, I squeezed as much water out as I could. However, we wouldn't be dry....

"Doesn't matter," said Tay. "The Log Flume's our first stop!"

We checked out of the hotel under escort - the manager called our room and said that there were nigh on a hundred or so Hanson fans clinging round the hotel entrance. "I need to find that radio collar," said Tay as we were practically frog-marched through the kitchens.


"How else do they find me? Either that or they're telepathic. Ike'd love that one..."

"Oh yeah, how's his book going? I've heard rumours he's supposed to be writing a Sci-Fi story."

"Rumour's are true. I'd say he's about half done. He won't let anyone see it until its finished, but I managed to sneek a look just before we flew over. I was actually thinking about ways to put him down for writing such a shitty story even before I saw it, but I have to admit what I saw was cool..."

We burst through a pair od double-doors into the blinding English sunshine. It was a beautiful morning, or at least it would be for, ooh let me see, another ten minutes! I still couldn't believe how late we'd slept: I know know where the term 'shagged-out' comes from...

All too soon our day was over and we were back in the air-conditioned luxury of the Range Rover being whisked along the steep, winding roads of Alton. We didn't say much to each other on the trip back to my house - we didn't need to. We simply sat holding hands, our eyes slightly glazed as we both relived the past thirty-six hours.

All too soon, we turned into my driveway, greeted by the manic protestations of my Jack Russell. As I opened the door, Tay pulled at my arm. "Here," he said, his voice croaking slightly. He passed me the photo that the woman had taken of us in the restaurant. I looked back at him - he was crying. My God, had I done this? Had I really had such an impact on him?

I threw my arms wide and he leapt into them like a little kid.

"I'll miss you," I said, it being my turn for the waterworks.

"I'll stay in touch," he sobbed, and this time I could believe it. We kissed quickly and he climbed back into the Range Rover, the V8 burbling back into life. I stood at the end of our drive, waving with my right hand, my left tightly clutching all I had left of him. I watched as the car drove steadily on with Tay leaning out of the back window, the sun catching in his wind-swept hair, waving back at me.

As he disappeared over the slight brow in the road, I looked down at the photo. Turning it over, I discovered the back was crammed tight with Tay's slanting script. It read:

My dearest Dean,

I can't think of any better way to put it. Just know

that I will love you forever.

Isn't it weird, Isn't it strange?

Even though we're just two strangers on this runaway train

We're both trying to find a place in the sun -

'Cause we've lived in the shadows, but doesn't everyone?

Isn't it strange how we all feel a little bit weird sometimes?

Isn't it hard, standing in the rain?

You're on the verge of going crazy and your heart's in pain.

No-one can hear though you're screaming so loud,

You feel all alone in a faceless crowd:

Isn't it strange how we all get a little bit wierd sometimes.

Sitting on the side, waiting for a sign, hoping that my luck'll change:

Reaching for a hand that can understand - someone who feels the same...

When you're living in a cookie-cutter world being different is a sin -

So you don't stand out, and you don't fit in.


I wiped the tears from my eyes and walked back to the house. However, inside I was changed - I knew we'd see each other again. Maybe not as soon as I'd like, but it was inevitable.

======================================================================= I'm afraid this is the end...

However, I've got an idea for a new story, probably involving all three Hansons as a follow-on to this one - it just didn't seem right to mix the two plots together: I'll fill you in as and when - keep checking my web site for late-breaking details!

Comments and criticism welcome - =======================================================================

Next: Chapter 2: Touring with Hanson

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