Dean and Hanson

By Dean Lidster

Published on Feb 15, 1998


Touring with Hanson By Dean Lidster

DISCLAIMER: ~~~~~~~~~~ This story includes sections depicting sexual acts between two minor boys - if you are of an age or in a position where it is illegal / immoral / generally naughty in your state / country / orbital position / household to read (or even consider reading) such material, then please STOP READING NOW! You will (probably) also find a key marked "DELETE" conveniently located on your keyboard...

If you are like me and classed as a minor, I personally have no problems with you reading this. Your parents / guardians / party-poopers may have, though - "UNDER 18s MAKE SURE YOUR PARENTS AREN'T HOME BEFORE READING!".

I would also like to say that I have nothing whatsoever to do with Isaac, Taylor, Zachary or any other Hanson, Mercury Records, PolyGram, Bread 'n' Jam music, their licensees or lawyers - at least not yet! I have the highest respect for these three lads and do not wish to do ANYTHING whatsoever to damage their images or careers - I like what they do and want them to keep on doing it!

Finally, I would like to say that I just have an over-active imagination and that is the ONLY place any of this ever happened, OK? You can believe otherwise if you wish, but take my word for it - I'm not that lucky ;)

INFO: ~~~~ The sequal to "Date with Taylor" - available from Nifty (

As ever, comments, questions and suggestions welcome - Enjoy, Dean



Four and a half months. Four and a half lousy months and not a word from Taylor. Not that I didn't love him any more, I loved him more than ever. I was just disappointed that after all we'd shared together, I hadn't heard from him. From the show of emotion he gave as he left my house (and my life) that beautiful summer's afternoon when we came back from Alton Towers, I simply couldn't conceive that he didn't want to speak to me again.

I on the other hand had been doing my homework, so to speak: I traced his every move via all media sources available to me - Sky News, CNN, Hansonline, even the headache-inducing Hanson IRC server. But I heard nothing from him.

In the four-and-a-half months since my euphoric day (and night) at Alton Towers, things had changed quite a bit at my school, and I was now caught up in an emotional dilemma. No longer was it the hellhole I described to Tay - the whole attitude to life at school had changed. This had been brought about by what the student body thought was quite an amusing incident, our views being shared by the local press.

Our smarmy, old fashioned, fat wanker of a Headmaster had been, unbeknownst to him, under surveillance by the School's Governing Body on the suspicion that he was embezzling school funds. Now this in itself is not unusual - private schools in the UK are, to a great extent, self governing - if we don't want to we don't have to follow the national curriculum and such, as long as we get the grades... What was unusual, though, was that the governors decided the problem was so acute they hired a PI, acting as a stand-in teacher, to watch over him. After a month, he had enough evidence to do a very large amount of damage to the man.

When he'd been presented with this, the governors' decided to give him the option to settle out of court: He would pay back every penny he ever stole, and they would not press charges.

I'm sorry, I'm rambling.... Anyway, to cut a long story short, the old HM was kicked out on his arse and a new, dynamic, young, modern-thinking HM was employed. And what a difference it made! It started with little things: I was allowed to grow my hair back to a 'decent' length and ware it in a pony tail, the only condition being that I looked presentable in uniform. Without the ponytail I was the first to admit I looked like a hippie, so ponytail it was!

The girls were allowed to wear make-up, again using common sense (no bright purple eye shadow etc) and, best of all, as soon as school finished at six in the evening, we were allowed to change into our casual clothes. Previously we had to wear uniform all day, except in games lessons when we had to wear school-issue strip that cost a small fortune.

Everyone was now a whole lot happier and, as a consequence, numbers started picking up (the school had been on a steady down-hill run for the last five years or so...).

Some of the governors didn't think that these ideas were applicable to "a learning institute of our calibre", but soon shut up as they saw potential fee-paying parents pleading to allow their kids to go to school here.

But the change that had the most impact on me was his views on sexuality. One morning in Chapel (our equivalent of Morning Assembly) he shocked the whole school, staff included, to silence by talking openly and freely about drugs, sex and sexuality. Chapel normally lasts for twenty minutes. We were there for three hours.

After his drugs bit, he announced that he had no hang-ups whatsoever about a pupil in his school being a gay, lesbian or bisexual.

"You are who you are, not what you are. In my opinion sex is the most fundamental and natural thing in the world. I know in the past, pupils were expelled for not being 'straight', and that is appalling. So I've invited them back with my apologies. Sexuality can be bad enough at your age - you don't need to have it suppressed: it needs to be discussed in the open, talked or argued over, but never, and I mean never discriminated over. "Sex wise, there are only two things you can be expelled from this school for. The first is rape. I will not tolerate it. It is wrong. Fundamentally wrong. One of the definitions of sex is a pleasurable experience by two or more consenting people. The other is discrimination. Just because that lad in your class happens to be gay and you think it's wrong does NOT give you the right to call him a shirt-lifting arse bandit every time you see him. If I find it happening, you will only get one warning. If it happens again, you're no longer welcome here. Dismissed."

And with that, he swept out of the room. There was silence. Not a single giggle or whisper. The prefect on duty then stood up and let us out form by form.

From that moment on, the school was never the same. I was almost expecting the school to turn into a permanent orgy, but it never happened. He'd robbed us of the Taboo that goes with sex and in doing so, got rid of the 'look I'm cool' element.

It also prompted me to come out, along with two other lads in my year, I even told my parents! However, they managed to steal my thunder a bit: It took me a whole week to wind up to it and when I announced that I was gay, I got a "We know."

"He? Bu... bu... bu...."

"We've known for a while. Or at least suspected. We didn't want to say anything in case you weren't and we hurt your feelings..." my mum replied.

Oh great, now they tell me... "Sooooo, you're not mad or anything?"

"Why should we be, daring? We're your biggest fan's you know!"

Something wasn't quite right here. What did they know? "How d'you mean?"

"Well, when we saw the look on your face when you came back from Alton Towers with that Hanson lad, we knew. Plus the photo was a fairly big hint..."

"You've seen the photo?" This was not good. I only left it out once by mistake and I could only hope that this was when they saw it. At any other time it was wrapped up inside a towel with about 30 loads of cum on it....

"Yes. We think you ought to get it framed or something. It's getting all crumpled in that towel"

Oh, shit... "Uh, yeah, I might now...." I said, trying to slide out of the door.

"Dean, darling?"

"Yes, mum?"

"Remember, a friend of yours is a friend of ours. If you ever feel like having someone special to 'sleep over' or something, just let us know and we'll get out of your way, OK dear?"

If the rest hadn't shocked me enough, this was the icing on the cake! "Sure, mum. Thank you..." I raced over to them and gave them a hug. I just decided I had the best parents in the world.


This is where the emotional problem really came into play. Everyone in school now knew that I was a "raving homo" and surprisingly, I got on with everyone a whole lot better than I ever did before - I was no longer living under a blanket of false pretence. However, I was now an active target as a date for any other gay bloke in school, and I didn't realise it straight away. It was only when I cottoned on to the fact that this really cute kid in the year below me started hanging around I realised I had a problem.

Gareth was quite unbearably cute: He was about 5'3" tall, had short, vividly golden-blonde hair, deep blue eyes and an arse that wouldn't quit. I'd seen him around before and almost without fail he'd get my dick pointing skywards. But that was before I met Taylor.

Here was the problem - I could either stake my hopes on Tay calling me again and us having a romp in the hay every six months or so when he was in the country, or I could have Gareth whenever I wanted. Sure his looks were dynamite (it looked as if he had a quite sizeable lump of C4 in the front of his trousers as well) but unfortunately however good he looked, he was as equally shallow. He could play any sport you threw at him very well, but that's precisely where his talents ended. Except, of course, the talent he had for standing practically every horny guys cock on end, gay or not.

Despite all of the 'cons' to the Gareth argument, I was starved for sex. Tay had spoiled me. Only once, mind, but that was enough.

It was Saturday afternoon and I'd just arrived home for the weekend. It was the sixth of December and it was bloody freezing outside and, just to round it off nicely it was raining. Horizontally. The wind was so strong it was unbelievable and, more importantly, had knocked our satellite dish of position so all we could receive was TV Polonia and whatever the BBC, ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5 could offer us. After a good half-hour of scrambling through the TV guide I decided that the evening's TV highlights could be counted on the fingers of Captain Hook's bad hand. On satellite however, there were a whole host of goodies to be had: Friends, MTV Hot, UK Charts, 3rd Rock, King of the Hill, something about skydiving on Discovery, the list was endless. And I was stuck with TV Polonia screening a classic episode of "The Avengers". In Polish. Great.

OK, plan B. IRC - that can prove to be quite interesting. I sauntered into my room and fired up Beastie (my computer who has, as a matter of interest, the same attitude towards hard work as Beavis - Huh huh huh huh.... Uh Huh huh huh.... Er, like, no...) who surprised me by firing up quite successfully. However, when I tried to connect to the Internet, I get a "NO DIALTONE" message back. I pick up my handset. Yep, no dial tone.

"Dad?..... DAD!" I yelled downstairs.


"Are you on the phone?"

"Couldn't be if I wanted to - tree fell onto a telegraph pole on Thursday night and cut us and three other houses off..."

Perfect. Information blackout. I looked out of my window - it still looked horribly windy but the rain had changed to snow, and it was drifting already. Even though it was only three in the afternoon, it was almost dark outside the snow was that dense. I fell onto the bed and dragged a shoebox from under it. Opening it up I pulled out my picture of Tay and myself at Alton Towers, along with a booklet of stories about Hanson I'd downloaded from the Internet over the last six months or so. I pulled my cock out of my jeans and began to beat off (what else was I supposed to do?!). I'd just gotten to my favourite part in one of them where Zac was experiencing his first orgasm of his life when the power failed, plunging me into a grey darkness with nothing but the sound of the howling wind outside.

I couldn't find the torch I kept next to my bedside table, so decided to imagine the story back to myself as I wanked in the dark. I was so involved with my self-pleasure I didn't notice Mutley, our Jack Russell, doing his 'someone's just arrived and I want to kill 'em' routine. It was my dad's voice that broke into my fantasy.

"Dean? Can you go and see who that is - your mum's asleep and I'm trying to get the fire going down here..."

"Shit," I swore under my breath. "Yeah, hang on a tic, dad..." I sped up my pace but it did no good - I was out of the mood and that was the last of it. Pulling on my bomber jacket and hat, I went out of the back door to see which fool was trying to visit us on a day like this.

The black Range Rover was having quite a hard time getting through our gate as it kept nearly sliding into the gateposts.

"What the hell's aunt Penny doing here in weather like this," I asked myself. About a month before hand, she'd bought herself a brand new shiny black Range Rover. I didn't like it as it reminded me of Tay all over again...

As I drew closer, I realised that the number plate wasn't the "PEN1 22S" I was expecting. In fact it looked rather like "HAN 50N" to me. Han fifty en. Who the hell was that? Or was it a pun on HANSON - surely not...

In the mean time the driver, whoever it was, quite sensibly decided that pulling into the drive wasn't the best idea in the world. Seeing this, I continued to walk over, trying to keep my excitement levels down so as not to be disappointed when I found out it wasn't Tay coming to whisk me away from this sub-zero, entertainment-starved environment.

I was right. It wasn't Tay. I could tell from the way he slipped over on the icy driveway as he leapt out.

"Shit," squeaked a high pitched voice.

It couldn't be, I thought to myself...

"Aw man, I just had these washed...."

"Zac? Is that you?"

Realising he had an audience, Zac scrabbled to get up, his trainers failing quite convincingly to stop his feet from sliding sideways. He managed to sort of stand half way up with a lot of arm flailing.

"Is that, uh, shit was his name..."

"Dean?" I volunteered

"Yah - you Dean?"

"Certainly am," I said, walking up to him. I could barely see his face due to the amount of scarves and hats he was wearing. He grabbed my outstretched hand which, far from steadying him, managed to send us both bum over bollocks, landing with a thud against the Range Rover. I managed to get off of the drive and onto what I knew to be grass where the tread of my boots managed to get a slightly better purchase. Bracing myself against the fence I dragged Zac up with me. "You OK?" I enquired.

"I've had worse..." he said, grinning.

"Come on - let's get inside before we freeze to death. Is that Kevin driving?"

"Yeah - how'd you know that?"

"Met him last time..." I replied, waving at Big Kev to follow us. He clambered out of the car, immediately sliding around on the ice Zac'd found. Try over here, there's grass under the snow rather than slippy concrete..."


"Mum, Dad, we've got visitors!" I yelled as I let myself in.

My dad surfaced with a candle from the living room covered in soot. He'd been prating around with the fire again, although I wasn't about to complain - the house was freezing 'cause of the power cut.

"Dad, this is Zachary Hanson and his bodyguard, Kevin" My dad vigorously shook Zac's mittened hand, sending snow everywhere over the hall carpet.

"David Lidster, pleased to meet you! Fran, one of Dean's friends is here..."

After the introductions were complete, my dad asked Kevin into the living room where he promptly dropped onto the sofa and fell straight to sleep, snoring loudly. I escorted Zac up to my room.

"Does he ever stay awake for longer than a half hour at a go?"

"Not since I've known him," grinned Zac, pulling his gloves and scarf off and allowing me to see his face for the first time since he arrived. "He may not say a lot, but he sure looks as mean as shit!"

"So, what you doing here? Where's Tay? Is he in the country?"

"Woah, take it easy!" laughed Zac. "Tay's busy rehearsing with Ike at that NEC place in Birmingham. They've written a new song: It's Ike's first solo singing performance. Just his voice, a piano and a guitar. Nothin' for me to do..." he said, shoving his hands deeply into his pockets and swivelling on his heel, trying to look deeply dejected.

"There's another tour on, then? Geez, you don't get to hear a thing about anything like that at school..."

"Yeah - Tay said. That's why he wondered if you, like, wanted to come tour with us for a week or so."

I was, for want of a better expression, gobsmacked! "I.... I...." I stammered."

"Don't worry, you could crash with us in our trailer. There's plenty of room....."

I was back to the 'I can't believe it' thing again in my head. A trip round Alton Towers with Tay those few months ago seemed worth more than a lifetime's good luck. Now there was Zachary "the cute one" Hanson standing in the middle of MY bedroom, dripping melting snow onto MY carpet, asking ME if I want to spend the next week of my life with them. Who was I to argue with fate? "I... I'd love to!"

"Cool!" replied Zac. "I hoped you would. Tay never stops talking about you - it might shut him up for a while..."

He didn't know how much that meant to me. "When are we leaving?" I asked.

"Soon as possible - I've gotta get back to the rehearsals before Ike starts yelling' at me again..."

"Does he always give you such a hard time? I mean, it looks like you get on so well in your video..."

"Heard of acting? I think he's pissed 'cos I get more screams than he does!" grinned Zac, throwing his hair back in an exaggerated manner.

"Listen, I'd better tell my parents..."

"OK - I'm not goin' anywhere," said Zac, flopping down onto my bed. "Shit, man, I'm beat..."

I went downstairs to inform my parents that no sooner had I come home, I wanted to bugger off with the Hanson lads for a week - missing that week of school to boot!

I was relieved to see that my mum and dad seemed to be getting on quite well with Kevin, even if they did look slightly intimidated by him.

"Er, mum, dad, can I ask you a big favour?"

"Dean, if it's about you spending a week touring with your friend, then I'm afraid..." SHIT! I'd NEVER get another chance like this... "...the answer has to be yes!"

Did I hear that right?

"Kevin here says that the boys have a tutor that goes round on tour with them and you can sit in with them, plus you got a fairly good report at the parents' evening the other night. It's fine by us as long as you stay out of trouble..."

"Don't think we'll be getting' very far this evenin', though" said Kevin. "It were bad enough gettin' 'ere, never mind trying to get back to the NEC. There ain't 'owt I can do wi' this much snow, even in a Range Rover..."

"Looks like you'll have to stay here overnight, Kevin." My mum said. "You can have the spare bedroom. Dean, is it Ok if Zac stays in with you?"

"Sure..." DEFINITELY! ABSOLUTELY NO PROBLEM AT ALL!!! My mum was always good at situations like this - even though the house wasn't particularly big, she always managed to find a bed and a meal for any number of people at short notice. I thanked my parents on Zac's behalf and went back upstairs to tell him the "bad" news.

I went back upstairs to find Zac completely dead to the world. He looked so cute as I stood over him - a wisp of his long, blonde hair tracing down from his forehead to his lips, his chest moving in the slow rhythm of deep sleep.

Not having the heart to move him, I took his shoes off and pulled my duvet over him and got in beside him. Having no heating to speak of in the house, the warmth of his body was welcome.


I woke up very early Sunday morning to see my bedside clock flashing 12:00. At least we had power back. I gently got out of bed, being careful not to disturb Sleeping Beauty next to me, the dream I'd had about him last night still vivid in my memory.

We were kissing passionately, limbs intertwined, pressing as much of our bodies against each other as we could...

I mentally slapped myself round the face. 'Stop it - he's only twelve, for God's sake...'

'Yeah, but what a twelve year old...' my dick replied...

As I was pulling my trainers on, Zac stirred. "Where am I?" he asked, rubbing his eyes with the backs of his hands. "Oh, mornin', Dean. Did we sleep here last night?"

"Yeah. Snow was still falling. Kevin didn't think we had a hope in hell's chance of making it back to Birmingham with the roads how they were yesterday..." I walked over to my window and pulled the curtains back. It was a grey morning, but the snow had now turned to heavy rain again. Looking down at the drive, the now had started to melt a bit, but there were still large drifts around. "What d'you want for breakfast?"

"Dunno. What you got?"

"How about a traditional English fry-up? That'll get the cholesterol into your veins! I'll need a hand, though..."

An hour and a broken plate later, Zac and I served what had to be the least healthy breakfast to my parents and Kevin ever: Bacon, fried eggs (sunny side up, of course), French toast, toast, grilled tomatoes, potato cakes and copious amounts of coffee and orange juice.

To my surprise, Kevin didn't seem to have too much of an appetite, but Zac made up for it. He shovelled the food away so fast I couldn't believe all of it was going into his mouth.

After his fourth round of toast he finally announced he was full, much to the relief of everyone around him, who'd finished quite a while earlier. When he noticed everyone was watching him, he simply responded with "What? Most important meal of the day!"

After breakfast, my mother the miracle worker presented me with a kit bag filled with clothes. "There should be enough to last you the next week..." she said, implying that there never would be, so do your best!

I thanked my mum and headed outside with Zac and Kevin to the car.

After some shovelling and shoving, we managed to get the Range Rover out on to the freshly snow-ploughed road. I had to explain to Kevin that, although it was a 4x4, it could get stuck just as easily as the next car as it had road-only tyres on it, so allowing the snow to get stuck in the tread.

Once we were out on the main road, the conditions improved somewhat thanks to gritting lorries and snowploughs, so allowing us to make a fair pace down the A38 towards the NEC.

Now I saw why Zac had to eat so much - he had to be the most hyperactive kid I'd ever met. He literally couldn't sit still! He could also talk like no one else I'd ever met - me often going for minutes on end without saying a word. Not that I minded, of course: this was an easy way for me to catch up with what Tay'd been doing in the previous four months. As it turned out, not a whole lot. Most of the time they'd been in Tulsa, going to school like "regular" kids, the only break being the recording of the "Snowed In" Christmas album.

Through our (rather one-sided) conversation I good a good impression of Zac - sure he had a very 'in-yer-face' character, but he was damned clever as well - I never realised he wrote, composed and sung "Lucy"...

Very soon we'd pulled into the NEC and were making our way round to the back of the Arena - one of Birmingham's premiere venues: host to such things as UK Gladiators, Microsoft's "Vision of the Future" tour and even U2...

We pulled up next to a convoy of trucks and trailers with the Hanson logo on them. Just as we arrived, Tay and Ike walked out of the stage door. Spotting the car, Tay grinned and ran over. As I got out, he grabbed me and gave me a huge hug, and I realised how much I'd actually missed him.

"Dean, man, it's so great to see ya again..."

"You too, Tay. How's life? Busy?"

"That's one way you could put it... Did shit-head here give you any hassle?" Tay asked, grabbing Zac in a headlock and giving him a noogie from hell.

"Lemme go!" yelled Zac, limbs flailing in a futile attempt to release himself from Tay's grasp.

"Nah - no trouble at all. He was fast asleep within an hour..."

"Was not!"

"Was too!"


"Too!" I yelled, enjoying the sheer stupidness of the situation.

Tay interrupted us. "C'mon. Dean, I'll show you around..." and, so saying, took my hand and pulled me off towards his trailer.

"Woooooo, Taylor's got a boyfriend!" taunted Zac.

"So? Better than you'll ever do," retorted Tay.


"He knows?" I asked.

"All the family do now. Thanks, Dean. You really helped me with this, ya know. Do your folks know about you?"

"Yeah. They've known for some time, apparently. They just didn't want to say anything in case I wasn't and they hurt my feelings. How'd you break it to them?"

"Well, I told Zac first. I know it sounds crazy, but he's the one I trust the most. The thing is, we both decided to tell each other the same thing at the same time..."

"What, Zac's gay as well?!" I wasn't sure I could believe what I was hearing...

"He's not sure yet. He's never been with ANYONE yet, so he can't really make up his mind. Ike doesn't seem to give a shit, and my dad almost seems relieved. I went through a tough time with him a while back, and me opening my heart to him seems to have helped a lot. My mom's still not sure about it, though. She's sorta accepted it, but still can't quite get to grips with me checkin' other guys out... We've all decided it best if we keep it to ourselves, though."

Inside, Tay's trailer looked pretty nice - there was a double bed at each end, a wide screen TV and VCR, satellite receiver ("Can't be doin' without MTV, ya know"). About half way down the cabin, there was a smallish kitchen and what I presumed to be a fairly decent sized bathroom. Tay pulled his shoes off and leapt onto the bed, me needing no encouragement to follow.

We talked for a while, Tay telling me some about the hectic schedule he and his brothers'd had to follow over the last four months or so, including thirty-seven concerts, fifteen interviews with them playing live, and the recording of their second album, me filling Tay in on the incidents at school and in my life. I finished by leaning forward and kissing him on the nose. "You don't know how much I've missed you, you know..."

"I think I got a pretty good idea," he said, kissing me full on the lips. I was lost in ecstasy again - I'd almost forgotten how good it felt to have Tay's tongue probing my mouth, mine doing the same to his.

Hen we heard the giggle. We both looked up, seeing Zac with his head poked round the door, convulsing with laughter.

He made "kissy-kissy" sounds at us and raced off yelling "Dean and Taylor can't catch me, they're K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

Tay leapt off the bed and pulled his roller-blades on. "You blade, don't ya? Here, use my spare pair..." I strapped the blades onto my feet and followed Tay out the door. "You are so dead, Zac!" yelled Tay, speeding across the open tarmac parking area. "Dean, you go round that way - try to head him off!"

I skated round the edge of hall D, down the service alleyway, through the link building and out the other side. Just rounding the other corner was Zac, Tay in hot pursuit. Spotting he'd been headed off, Zac stuck out his arm and grabbed a hold of a sign post, catapulting him through a right angle down a footpath. Tay just managed to grab the lamp post, but not quite hard enough, sending himself full-tilt into (or rather through) a hedge.

I slowed to ask Tay if he was all right. "KEEP GOIN'! I'll catch you up! Just get the little twerp!" I skated off after Zac, gaining slowly. The footpath took us in a quarter-mile loop around the arena and, if I hadn't have been chasing Hanson Junior, would have probably quite enjoyed it. Not that I didn't enjoy the sight of his arse through his tight jeans...

I was definitely quicker in the straight, but Zac could out-corner me easily and he knew it! He'd wait to the last possible second to turn and, more often than not I'd overshoot. However, as we were approaching the place where Tay decided to go hedge-spotting, Tay leapt out in front of Zac, causing him to corner a little harder than even he could cope with. He veered off to the right, down an embankment and into an ornamental pond that'd obviously taken someone a very long time to get just right. I swear he actually water-skied for a short time he was going so fast, but gravity soon took a hold on the situation: pulling him, arse first, into the murky green water. Tay and I coasted down the path next to him laughing our guts out. "There, that'll teach ya to laugh!" grinned Tay. I held my hand out to the bedraggled sibling and, spotting a chance to even things out, Zac accepted by pulling me in on top of him.

Now it was Zac's turn to laugh. "Y... Yo... You're all wet......". He was absolutely pissing himself. I couldn't help but start to laugh either. Tay extended a hand to me this time, and just as I was getting out, Zac grabbed me by the waste, pulling me back in along with Tay, who landed astride me. Face to face, a spark flew between Tay and me as it did every time we were that close: it was a physical effort for me not to kiss him.

Tay thankfully broke the moment by getting off me and pulling Zac up by his shirt. "C'mon, Zac - we're gonna have to teach you a lesson."

Tay and I climbed out of the pond, covered in green slime and wildlife and pulled Zac out afterwards, his blonde hair now having a rather unappealing green tinge to it. "Wha... What are you gonna do to me?" he asked, still trying to catch his breath.

"You really don't want to know," I replied, having no idea myself. Tay just winked at me: He obviously had a pretty good idea...


Back at the trailer we puled Zac inside, who was doing his best to try and escape. He might've managed it had it been either just me or Tay, but both of us together could just about keep this flailing twelve-year-old in check. Once inside, Tay closed and locked the trailer's door, and we threw Zac onto his bed. "Arrgh, shit man - you've got my sheets all wet..."

"Shut up, dip-shit," yelled Tay with an evil grin on his face. "What d'you wanna do with him?" Tay asked me.

I just looked at the bedraggled (but cute) mess on the bed and leapt on top of him, tickling him for all I was worth. Tay dragged his blades and shoes off and began tickling his feet as well. Zac was laughing again now, but uncontrollably! The amount this kid squirmed, yelled, giggled and thrashed around had to be seen to be believed. To provide better access to his ticklish rib cage, I pulled his sweater and shirt up over his head, so immobilising his arms. I faltered slightly as I saw the expanse of tanned flesh in front of me, his body without a single hair on it. Shaking it off, my hands dived for his chest and armpits again as I continued to make Zac bag for mercy.

"Dean! Stoppit! DEAN! I'm gonna... I'm gonna piss myself....."

"We can't have you messing your clothes up even more, now, can we?" said Tay, grabbing Zac's belt buckle and pulling his jeans right off while I continued my assault on his upper body. "Hey, Dean..."

"What?" I asked, not turning round.

"Zac must REALLY like this..."

"Huh?" I turned round to see what Tay was on about, and saw Zac's tight briefs tented quite impressively from his crotch. Seeing this, my own dick responding in kind, growing to its now five-and-a-half inch length.

"It's a piss-hardon!" complained Zac, breaking the silence.

"Well, looks like we'll have to do something about it, one way or another," replied Tay. He ran his hand up the inside of Zac's leg, continuing all the way to the top of his cotton-encased dick. Zac groaned and pushed his hips up under me, the tip of his hardon coming into contact with the small of my back. My head was swimming again. Then I felt a hand on my bulge: It was Zac, his cute face looking up at me. I turned round to Tay, for approval more than anything. He looked up at me and smiled sheepishly. "We help each other out sometimes," he explained and pulled Zac's briefs down to his knees, his four-incher standing up defiantly and pulsing in time with his heartbeat.

My attention swung back to Zac himself as I felt my flies being pulled down and a small hand snaking its way inside my jeans. He found my dick and gently manoeuvred it out of my boxers. Once it was out in the open, he grabbed my hips, pulling me towards his mouth. His tongue lapped at my dickhead, sending jolts of ecstasy throughout my entire body. Then he moaned. I looked round to see Tay taking all of Zac into his mouth at once, Zac showing his approval my bucking his hips wildly, trying to fuck Tay's face. Spurred on by this, Zac pulled me even further forward and dived down onto me, the angle we were at causing him to gag slightly.

Once he started breathing through his nose, he immediately began to bob his head madly up and down, matching his hip movements. About twice during this, Zac would suddenly tense for a moment, stopping his bobbing and thrusting. The second time this happened, I realised he was cumming, and probably not actually ejaculating yet. The thought of this sent me over the edge and with very little warning, pumped my pent-up load into his mouth, Zac happily slurping down all I had to give him.

I pulled my softening dick from Zac's mouth and kissed him deeply. He was a bit shocked by this and obviously hadn't done this a lot (if at all) before. He was a very quick learner, though, and soon I was licking my cum from the inside of his mouth.

I suddenly remembered Tay and on turning round, saw him slowly stroking his hard-on that was protruding from the fly of his jeans.

"Hey, don't stop 'cause of me," he grinned. "You two look so sexy..." Just seeing him lounging back with his hard boymeat stuck from his flies caused my dick to stir again. I got off Zac and sat in Tay's lap: facing him with my legs wrapped around his back, our hardons pressing together.

"Stop a moment," said Tay and, leaning back, pushed his hardon into the fly of my jeans and into my boxers, his head running through my pubic hair. I got the idea and did the same. Tay started to grind his hips into me, pulling my head closer to his. Our lips met for the second time and saliva was swapped. The tickling feeling of Tay's pubes against my sensitive uncircumcised dick and the tightness of the pond-soaked denim round my balls sent me over the edge quicker than I expected, and I groaned down Tay's throat, pumping my seed into his underwear. A second later, Tay hugged me even tighter and I felt his dick spasm against me, shortly followed by a warm wetness that slowly trickled round the base of my dick and over my balls.

"I love you, Tay," I whispered into his ear. I climbed off him slowly, savouring the feeling of our sperm-coated dicks slipping past one another, one or two strings of cum trying to prevent them from separating. Tay scooped them up with a finger and brought them to his nose, inhaling deeply before sucking it off.

"Woah, shit...." Yelled Zac, whom we'd completely forgotten about. We both looked over at him to see a spurt of clear liquid shoot from his dick. I think we were as surprised as he was! This was shortly followed by a slightly more milky one, and finally one shot of thin boycum.

I leant over to Zac and licked his first load off his chest. It was so sweet and thin, almost like a soft drink. Not wanting to rob Zac of this, I kissed him, allowing his cum to dribble into his mouth. He looked at me with an embarrassed grin on his face, and licked his lips.

"Congratulations, little bro," said Tay. "Just remember, I want some of that next time..."


Looking Zac over, it seemed as if I was seeing the Taylor of two years ago - obviously his facial features were different but his build and proportion were uncannily similar to Tay's, most noticeably his testicles. It must be a family tradition: Zac's balls seemed huge for his age and seemed almost out of place on a frame his size. I was not, however, going to complain...

I shivered, realising I was still soaking wet from our little swim earlier, and commented on this. Tay agreed and suggested I take a shower first as I was the guest here and the shower stall in the trailer was not really big enough to comfortably fit more than one person.

I pulled off my top, jeans and boxers and stepped into the shower, the pathetic spray doing its best to try and produce a steady stream of water. I found a bottle of shower gel hanging on the holder and yelled to Tay, asking if I could use it.

Whilst I rubbed the gel through my hair and over my body, my mind was storing the images of Tay and Zac sucking each other off - one I felt sure would never leave me as long as I lived...

Stepping out of the stall, Zac chucked me a towel and leapt in after me, not even asking Tay if he wanted to go next. I sat on Zac's bed next to Tay, drying my hair. I hadn't had it this long in quite a while, and had forgotten what a pain it could be, although I liked the feel of it round my neck and ears...

"I hope you don't mind us two fooling around with each other," said Tay. "He's the only other I've ever done anything with, and that was after I'd met you. I don't love him - no, I do, but as a brother, ya know? I mean, I don't want you to feel bad or anything..."

"I love you too, Tay - Zac's cute, but I'll always love you." With that, we hugged each other, again reminding me that I never wanted to leave him again.

"Woooooo," came Zac's voice as he got out of the shower. Tay looked up and, grabbing the towel from round my shoulders, spun it up into a "string" and whipped Zac's backside, causing the appropriate yelps and streams of insults.

As Zac dried himself off, Tay started undressing. He bent over to take his jeans off, treating me to a wonderful view of his bubble-butt through the tight, damp cotton of his boxers.

Once we were all back in dry clothes again, Tay offered me a tour of the Arena before we had lunch. Going in by the stage door, I was awe-struck. I've been to the Arena many times before, but never when it's been empty. It was absolutely huge! As I walked onto the stage, I was astonished by how little of the "audience" you could actually see due to the brightness of the lighting. Turning round to face the back of the stage, there was a huge Hanson logo, at least fifteen feet in diameter, suspended by cables that ran all the way to the roof, and behind that were roof-high stylised pictures of Zac, Tay and Ike.

"Where are all the back stage guys?" I asked, looking round me in awe - the whole Arena being deathly quiet, the only noise being the distant drone of the ventilation fans.

"They've got the afternoon off to let us practice in peace. You try doing a vocal piece with hammering and sound tests going on..." Tay walked over to the front of the stage, resting his foot on one of the monitor speakers.

"Who actually designed your logo?" I asked, still gawping at the enormity of things.

"Me and Zac," replied Tay. "I was doodling on our garage wall back in Tulsa, and it sort of came to us. Ike simply said 'what the hell's that?'. We tried explaining it to him, but he didn't like it. Our PR guys did, though!"

"Did you do the web site as well?"

"Yeah. We had loads of good ideas, including articles and other stuff done by us, but it was decided by the powers that be that we should have no personal involvement with it. That really sucked as far as I was concerned but hell, what can ya do? I can't even put up a homepage! You interested in computers?"


"Lemme show you somethin'"

Tay took me by the hand and led me stage right. Sat there was a huge mixing desk and a couple of computers, running what looked like a sequencing package. "If one of us starts to mess up real bad, the computer'll take over the instrument for us - it'll even play someone's part! Here, watch..."

Tay jogged over to his keyboard and started bashing out the opening chords of Thinking Of You, the mixing desk lighting up like a pinball machine. Apart from the first drum beat on the first chord, the computer decided what song he was playing and sure enough on the third bar, played the drum-roll and Ike's guitar section. Just to prove a point, Tay slowed down and speeded up, the computer matching him beat for beat. When he stopped, it stopped. When he carried on, so did it. Quite incredible!

"That's our safeguard. It doesn't put us right if we go wrong, but if I were to miss a chord completely, it'd fill in for me. Because it 'thinks', it knows we can change a bit as well, it being a live performance and all. D'you wanna see the best seats in the house? C'mon!"

He grabbed me by the hand again and pulled me to the back of the stage and behind the rear blackout. There was a huge spiral staircase, reaching all the way to a gantry in the roof. Tay started climbing the steps, me in tow.

When we reached the top, I could see a huge lattice of these gantries that stretched across the entire roof of the Arena. I hadn't noticed them as the strip lights that were illuminating the floor were hung below them, shielding them from sight. We walked about a third of the way down the length of the building and hooked a left so we were standing directly in front of the stage, albeit at roof height.

Tay was right - the view was very impressive indeed. Tay looked down at the floor through the mesh gantry and swallowed hard, his hand gripping tighter to the hand rail. I looked down as well, but the sight of the floor about forty feet away didn't have quite the same impact.

Up until about a year ago, I'd had the most unbelievable fear of heights. Not the usual "shit, I'm a long way up" feeling, but a completely irrational fear that seemed to be tightly imbedded into my subconscious. I didn't know why I had it - I just did. Then I took the dare. A group of friends and I were at a car show and one of the attractions was a crane-mounted bungee jump thing. It was rather expensive (about 20 a go, if I remember) and none of us had enough money. Someone suggested that we pool our cash and draw straws for who got to jump. Why I drew a straw was beyond me. Why I didn't offer my jump to one of the others when I was picked I'll never know. I was glad I didn't.

A half-hour later, I was eighty-odd feet in the air, shaking like a leaf and close to tears. A large length of what seemed like nothing more than elaborate knicker elastic had been tied precariously around my ankles. I looked down and saw a few blobs on the ground jumping up and down, waving violently. I reasoned that they must be my "friends", although how they could let me go through with this without even a word of concern brought their friendship into question in my not-so-logical mind...

Then it was time. The fool that was operating the crane yelled in my ear: "OK - on the count of five: ". It wasn't the normal 'second-between-each-digit' count I was expecting. It was more of a "FIVEFOURTHREETWOONEBUNGEE!!!!" and before I knew it, I had spontaneously chucked myself out of the flimsy carriage. My heart stopped. I suddenly became a devote Christian. I hated Newton and ALL of his laws of motion (without exception). I remembered I hadn't put the cat out before I'd left that morning. Did I really hate sprouts that much? Why were the adverts for the "FarmFoods" freezer stores so utterly shite? And, most important of all, why where my friends so much closer than they were a second ago? "SHIIIIIIT!" I yelled as I saw the ground hurtling towards breakneck speed. Then, God stuck his nose in and grabbed my ankles, yanking me up to heaven. That was it. I'd died. I just knew. Then I was floating - looking around me, I saw the curvature of the earth and the whole of the showground. I spotted the TVR stand we'd been at not minutes earlier, and a huge crowd of people below me. Then I started falling again, very quickly, but this time, I laughed. I wasn't dead - and it felt great!

All too soon, it ended. I was left bouncing around, upside-down on the end of a sixty-foot length of purple knicker elastic, and I'd loved every minute of it.

From that point on I changed. To quote someone famous (whom I can't remember the name of) "There's so much more to life than football". They couldn't be more right - from that point on I was game for anything: Rock climbing, abseiling, potholing, parascending, hangliding - you name it. My parents now had a new worry - I was now not only 14 and at boarding school, but I was an utter psychopath when it came to regard for my own life, as far as they were concerned. In reality, they couldn't be more wrong. True, I wasn't afraid of heights, falling or even hitting the ground. But I did have a pretty healthy fear of death, and still do Hankyu very much!


Tay looked at me and, seeing I'd seen his reaction to seeing the ground, blushed slightly. I just grinned back and held his hand.

"Tay? TAYLOR?!" Ike came storming onto the stage with Zac following.

"See? They're not here. Damn - practice is cancelled, see ya!" Said Zac and tried to make a hastened exit.

"Not so fast," said Ike, grabbing Zac by the hood of the sweat shirt he was wearing.

Tay shoved two fingers into his mouth and gave an ear-splitting whistle. Damn I wish I could do that... "Up here, Ike!"

"Get your ass down here right now!" Tay just shook his head and slouched back towards the stage.

As we came back down to ground level, Ike was stood at the bottom of the steps, hands on his hips looking every bit the prize shit-head Tay'd made him out to be, even if he did look slightly fit at the same time. That thought was soon sent flying from my head as soon as he opened his mouth.

"What the hell do you think you're doin'? Didn't you remember we were supposed to be goin' over that new arrangement we talked about this morning? And who the fuck is this?" he said, gesturing off-handedly at me. I was really starting to get pissed off by his attitude.

"I'm sorry, Ike, I was just showin' Dean here around... Guess it musta slipped my mind..."

I had to stifle a laugh. Here was Ike, Hanson Senior, trying to run the show and Tay was just fobbing him off just as he did Zac. Zac, however, was not so lucky in the suppression of his amusement, and a snigger escaped his tightly pursed lips.

"Shuddup, dick-wad," yelled Ike, pushing Zac back into his drum kit, his head crashing down through one of his 'pastie' cymbals.

"One hour. You'd better be here..."

"And if we're not?" I asked, now really narked at his attitude.

"It's none of your business, queerboy," he yelled, not even turning round.

Now, I'm usually a fairly tolerant sort of person, but I would not stand for that pig-headed tosser shouting at my boyfriend and sending a kid four years his junior flying...

"Would you like to come here and say that?" I enquired politely. Ike stopped mid-stride, spinning on his heels to face me. Slowly and deliberately he walked back so that we were just inches apart. Word by word, almost whispering he repeated his sentence, poking me in the chest with his index finger: "I said, 'It's none of your business'". I took advantage of our proximity and grabbed his testicles hard through his tracksuit trousers, Ike yelping, more with surprise than anything.

I whispered back to him. "Yeah - I am a queer, and obviously you have a problem with that. I don't. What I do have a problem with is you shoving a kid half your height just because he knows you're making a complete tosser out of yourself. Try it again, you'll be singing and octave higher than him," I said, giving his balls an extra twist before releasing him. He fell into the foetal position at my feet, whimpering slightly. "C'mon, Zac," I said, pulling him up from in between the cymbal stands and microphone cables, dragging him out of the stage door into the bright winter sunshine.

"I, I'm sorry," I said as we walked back to the trailer. "I shouldn't have done that..."

"Yeah you should!" grinned Tay. "I've wanted to do that to him for the last year or so. You wouldn't believe how unkind he's been to Zac and me, but I have to live with him, ya know? Anything I did might've just made things worse... You alright, Zac?"

"Yeah, I'll mend..." he replied, rubbing the back of his head furiously.

"Hey, your bleeding..." Sure enough, there was a slight red tinge to the back of Zac's hair.

"You got any surgical spirit or somethin' back at your trailer?" I asked.

"Should have - my mom insists we carry the essentials..."

Back at the trailer, I bent Zac over the sink and poured cold water over his head to remove the stain from his hair and to soothe the cut slightly. Hell, it always worked when I ripped up my knees on the pavement... He winced slightly as the stream of water hit the cut. "OK Zac, brace yourself..."

"Why... YARRRGH!" he yelled as I dabbed a tuft of cotton wool soaked with surgical spirit onto his wound. "Shit that hurts..."

"It's obviously doin' some good, then," said Tay...

After we'd patched Zac up and he was back to his usual hyperactive self, Tay called one of the take-away restaurants on the site and had a couple of Pizzas delivered. I was absolutely ravenous and dived into the first box as soon as it arrived, as did Zac, proving he was fit and well.

As the number of slices deminished, we laughed and joked about anything and everything, each of us full of anecdotes and amusing stories of times past. Then Zac came out with a conversation-stopper.

"So, what did you two guys get up to at that Alton Towers place, then?" I think he sincerely meant the park itself, but none-the-less, Tay and I stopped and looked at each other, then at Zac.

The look of genuine curiosity slowly changed to sly understanding without a word passing. "Should we tell him?" asked Tay.

"Don't see why not..." I replied.

"Did you, you know, 'do' each other?" Zac asked, fidgeting in his chair and leaning forward with anticipation. Just as I was about to answer, there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it..." said Tay, leaping out of his seat like a gazelle on steroids, a relieved look on his face. "Oh, it's you..."

"Can I come in?" asked Ike, looking rather sheepish. Tay looked at me. I just shrugged.

"I suppose..."

Ike sat down at the table and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry," he said. Tay actually looked shocked - it was the last thing he was expecting his brother to come out with. "I've been acting like an asshole recently,"

"You damn got that right!" yelled Zac.

"Hey, let him finish," I said, holding Zac's arm.

"I've been acting like an asshole and I want to say I'm sorry. For everything. You all right, Zac?"

"Yeah, no thanks to you..."

Ike nodded his head slowly. "Dean, can I have a word with you? In private?"

I looked over Ike's shoulder at Tay - now it was his turn to shrug.

"Sure. You wanna go for a walk?"

Ike and I sauntered round to the pond that I'd gone swimming in earlier that day and sat on one of the benches.

"Dean, you're gay, right?"

"Last time I checked..." I grinned back at him

"Can you be serious for a moment... Thing is, I think I may be as well. I don't know who else to talk to..." I was shocked! All three? Surely not... "Thing is, ever since I've been on this tour, I've been thinking about this guy all the time. His name's Andy - he's one of the lighting fitters. I think he's 17..."

He was really chewed up inside, I could tell.

"Thing is, ever since Tay told us he thought he was gay, I've been thinking about it myself. Ever since I was twelve or so I've always liked looking at guys, but kept telling myself it was wrong and I shouldn't be doin' it..." Uh oh, mistake #1... "Thing is, I like girls as well - hell, I've dated enough of 'em..."

"Have you ever had sex with a girl?"


"Did you enjoy it? I mean emotionally as well as the sex?"

"I guess... I loved her, I think..."

"Don't think I'm being rude here, but did you ever think about another lad while you were doin' a girl?"

"No! No....."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I think..."

I felt like one of those shitty "Find your sexuality" questionnaires you get in trashy teen magazines. Less than 20 points - Heterosexual. 20-60 points - bisexual, 60-100 points - gay...

"Well, you might be bi..."

"You... You mean I'm not gay?"

"I didn't say that. Try not to put yourself in a category, or at least not yet. Do you get on well with Andy?"

"I... I don't really know him. I've seen him looking at me a couple of times..."

"Then get to know him! When's he next due to be around?"

"Tomorrow morning, for the sound test..."

"Then may I suggest you 'accidentally' bump into him? And remember - be yourself, not who you think he wants you to be. If he doesn't want to get to know you, he'll tell you..."

Ike looked at me in a way I'd never seen before. Suddenly a whole different aspect of his character had been opened up to me.

"Sorry I was such an asshole," he said again. "These feelings have got me real beat up inside. I just had to take it out on someone. I guess I was jealous of Tay - he'd found his love and declared it. I wanted it to be as simple as he made it look..."

"It wasn't simple," I said, squeezing his hand. "It'll work for you. Just wait and see..."

"Would you tell Tay and Zac for me? I don't think I could do it..."

"Sure. They'll be pleased for you..." I patted his hand and stood up. I could tell he wanted to be on his own for a while.



"Thanks, man..."

I just smiled and walked back to Tay's trailer.


"No shit?" asked Tay, still shaking his head.

"One of us gets a good idea..." grinned Zac.

"Hey, go easy on him, will ya? He's a bit shaken up at the moment." Tay nodded his approval. Zac just got that shit-eating grin on his face.

"Come on, Zac..." coaxed Tay. No change. "Right - GET HIM!"

After Zac had submitted and promised not to tease Ike under pain of tickling to suffocation, we had to decide what to do with the rest of our afternoon. I suggested we drag Kevin out of his perpetual slumber and get him to take us to the Bull Ring - the large shopping centre in the middle of Birmingham.

It was a unanimous "yes" to this idea, so Kevin was dragged, blurry eyed, from his caravan and propped into the driving seat of the Range Rover.

"Is he safe to drive like that?" I asked.

"Well, we do have seatbelts..." said Tay.

An hour later, we were stood in the middle of the Bull Ring in suitably ridiculous camouflage gear, each of us dressed very out-of-character. Zac was wearing a pair of Realtree paintball trousers and a fleece, the hood of which he had pulled up tight round his face, and a pair of Cat boots. Tay was wearing a baggy black Lee top, loose fitting black jeans, Raybans and my Prodigy woolly hat I'd lent him. The black CrossTrainers he had on finished it off quite nicely. I was wearing Tay's AirWalks, my favourite pair of jeans that were threadbare at the knees, and a red 'Lumberjack' shirt. Kevin just looked a mess, but a bloody mean one none-the-less. I had to get a photo of this - we looked absolutely priceless!

Looking around, though, I soon realised that what we were wearing was about right - everyone else around our age seemed to be wearing that baggy Gangsta shit (you know, crotch at your knees, trainers with tongues big enough to be shin pads...). We looked normal for god's sake...

Our excursion started in an HMV MegaStore. As Tay leafed through the "Best of..." style compilation albums with Zac, I headed to the MiniDisc section. I'd had an MD deck for a while, and I'd recently bought an MD walkman to match. But could I find any pre-recorded software for it where I lived? Like hell I could... H... Ha... Han... Shit! No Hanson... Oh well. Prodigy - Music for the Jilted Generation. I didn't have a real copy of that...

Half an hour and fourteen quid later we all emerged with our respective purchases. The rest of the afternoon was fairly uneventful - the only remarkable incident being Zac loosing his balance on an escalator, the result being him, myself, Tay and Kevin all stumbling back down, taking a few innocent bystanders with us.

Only once did we get a "Are you Taylor Hanson?", although that was swiftly dealt with by Kevin. "No. He definitely is not..." They didn't argue...

The traffic was bad in Birmingham's city centre as we tried to fight our way back to the NEC. By the time we arrived, it was nigh on half six. As we turned into the Arena car park, Kevin yelled "Heads!". Tay and Zac immediately got into an aircraft crash-landing position. Not quite knowing what was going on I just stayed how I was, looking around. Then I saw them, a sea (albeit a small one) of people in front of us in the middle of the road, waving Hanson banners. Oh, shit...

Kevin slowed down dumped his elbow on his door lock, the central locking isolating us from the undulating masses outside. He literally had to push his way through them with the car, hands bashing the windows and trying the doors. Now I realised why they were crouched down. Accompanying the screams were a multitude of camera flashes - now I too was curled up! Once we'd pushed through, the NEC security team did an admirable job of keeping them back.

"They're here already?" I asked.

"That's about right," said Tay. "We've known people arriving at venues even before we have!"

"Look, lads," interrupted Kevin, "I don't wantcha out 'ere this evenin' wi' them around, OK?"

"Looks like solitary confinement again," sighed Zac. That suited me just fine...

Back in the trailer, Zac flicked on the TV and started channel-hopping. "Is that all?" asked Zac, having reached channel 44 on the satellite receiver. "That's crap..."

Zac's flicking eventually settled on MTV. That dodgy girl from Byker Grove was hosting MTV Dial. Zac picked up the cell phone from the counter and dialled.

"Zac - you're not..." I couldn't finish my sentence: Zac brought his finger to his lips to shush me.

"Yeah, Zac from Birmingham...." He said after a short pause. "Er, number 64, I Will Come To You..."

Dario G's Sunchyme finished and the next caller was announced. "I love the costume's they wear in that video... Anyway, we've got Zac from Birmingham on line 4 - Hi Zac!"

"Er, Hi!"

"So, what video have you chosen for us, then?"

"I'd like Hanson's I Will Come To You..."

"And who would you like to dedicate it to?"

"Um, my brother Tay and my friend Dean, please..."

"Sure - you just did! OK, Here's the Huggable Hanson brothers with their latest European Number One, I Will Come To You... Hey, are yo..." she was cut off as the opening black and white scenes of what I thought was the best of their videos started, Zac quickly pressing the 'end' button.

"It really cracks me up when he does that..." grinned Tay. "Half the time they never realise it's actually one of us and the other half they don't believe it!"

The conversation sort of fell dead for a while then, all of us just quietly watching the video. Then I remembered the pack of cards I'd brought with me. "Anyone for strip poker?"


I lost the first two hands (beginner's luck, I guess) but Zac soon caught me up, his smooth chest soon bared to my eyes and complaining that he was "crap at poker - It's not fair!". To my utter disgust, Tay hadn't even lost the band holding back his hair. This had to change.

Lady Luck must've been listening in on my thoughts: Tay embarked on the most dramatic loosing streak I'd ever seen in my entire life. You had to try to do that badly. Then I cottoned on, and strangely enough, Zac was suddenly sat at a table with to very-nearly-naked lads. The cool air in the trailer very quickly got to Tay and myself - our respective boxer shorts tented quite impressively at the front, although Zac couldn't see either of us from the position he was sat at the table. I, however, was within grasping range of Tay's love tackle, and grasp I did, gently manoeuvring his hard but velvety-soft erection through the fly and starting to beat him off slowly. Tay simply re-adjusted himself in his chair, spreading his legs to give me better access. We then continued to give Zac the pasting he needed to get the rest of his kit off - all the time not noticing that I was beating his brother off good under the table.

Tay's breathing started to become irregular and laboured and Zac, looking genuinely concerned, asked "Are you alright, Tay? You look a bit weird..."

Tay answered Zac's question simply by holding tight to the edge of the table and groaning loudly, his body shaking as four or five strong spurts of his cum rocketed out of the end of his dick in an arc, splattering down on his Royal Flush. I'd completely forgotten how much Tay could pump out, shocking me almost as much as Zac who was just sat, motionless and wide-eyed.

I picked up the King of Hearts from the table and licked it clean and turning to Tay (who still looked a little dazed from the post-orgasmic bliss he was experiencing) kissed him, running his sweet cum into his mouth. He sucked on my tongue hard and swallowed, moaning slightly.

He ran his hand down over my chest, rubbing my nipples and feeling the ripples of my developing abs before wrapping his hand around my throbbing dick that'd found it's own way out of my boxers, jacking me slowly.

He pulled out from the kiss and began necking me, gently biting, nibbling and sucking me all over my neck, ear and cheek, depositing a thin film of his spit-diluted cum as he went. He withdrew his tongue from my ear for the fifth time and whispered "I want to do what we did at Alton Towers..."

I nearly came I was so excited! Tay stood up and walked over to his bed and, reaching underneath, pulled out a shoe-box very reminiscent of the one I kept under my bed at home.

While he was retrieving his goodies, I looked over at Zac. He'd pulled his chair way back from the table and his tight white briefs were around his ankles. His right hand was working his beautiful little dick as if it were the last orgasm he'd ever be allowed to have, bouncing his ample balls up and down in their tight sac.

"Ease off a bit, Zac: You might need it later..." I grinned. He smiled nervously back and slowed his strokes.

"Can you do me a favour, Zac?" asked Tay, settling down on all fours between my legs, armed with a tube of KY.

"Uh, sure, I think..."

"I want you to rim my ass while I get Dean slick. That OK with you?"

Zac looked a little embarrassed and didn't move. "Ermm, what d'ya mean?"

"He wants you to lick his arse with your tongue so I can get into him more easily," I explained. Zac's dick jerked in his hand.

"You mean you're gonna fuck him?!" he asked, eyes lighting up.

"He sure is," said Tay. "Long and hard..."

"Coooool..." said Zac as if he were thinking out loud, and without hesitation, knelt down behind Tay, pulling his arse cheeks apart. "You're not gonna fart in my face, are ya?" he asked, looking slightly concerned.

"Only if you hurt me real bad..." reasoned Tay. That was enough for the twelve-year-old - promptly plunging his face against his brother's firm buttocks. Tay's eyes closed with sheer ecstasy and moaned as he felt the squirming tongue lick over his rosebud. "Push, Zac - I want all of your tongue in me..." Zac grabbed his hips, pulling Tay back against his face. He obviously succeeded, Tay's quick intake of breath signalling their joining.

After a few moments, Tay remembered my dick in front of him and in one quick move, took my whole length into his mouth, his nose buried in my pubic hair. He inhaled deeply, dragging my scent into his nostrils as he started to suck, the back of his throat and tongue cradling my sensitive head. He then pulled back and ran his tongue between my foreskin and dick head, leaving me thrashing around in the chair, eventually having to hold on to the arms for support.

He let my cock slip from his lips and buried his head between my legs, slowly looking up so that his nose lifted my balls. He stuck out his tongue and licked from the bottom of my crack to the slight valley between each testicle and then round the base of my cock before opening his mouth wide and sucking both of my bollocks into his warm heaven. I groaned louder, my fingertips going white with the pressure I was putting onto the arms of the chair. Gently, Tay nibbled them whilst running his tongue all over their hairless surface inducing a sensation that sort of hurt, but felt so good I never wanted him to stop.

"Tay - I, I'm gonna cum..."

He immediately pulled off me, obviously wanting me to put my load in the "correct" place before I gave him something he could style his hair with...

Meanwhile, Zac was still busy at Tay's arse-end. I could see the top of his head bobbing gently as he tongue-fucked his older brother, and every now'n again, drop from sight completely as he gave Tay's bollocks a tongue bath.

"Woah, Zac, that's great, man. You sure you've never done that before?"

Zac just shrugged and sat back on his heels, his little hard-on pressed tight against his stomach. Tay squeezed some KY onto his hand and greased my shaft and balls, and then gave the tube to me. I got a good dollop on my fingers and told Tay to stand up and rest against the counter as if he were being searched. I then pressed my forefinger into his backside with next to no pressure at all. That was soon joined by my index and third fingers, and I gently twisted them round. This all seemed a little too much for Zac - he just stood there transfixed, not even playing with his dick. I lined myself up behind Tay and pushed forward, his flower opening up to envelop my swollen cockhead. I held onto his hips and pushed slowly and steadily forward, sinking my entire length into Tay. Zac moved round to the side of us to watch the entry and summed up all our feelings: "Woah......"

Once I was "fully seated" so to speak, Tay stood up straight, his two globes of firm muscle closing tightly round either side of my dick, pulling me further in. I wrapped my hands around his chest and gently played with his nipples as I kissed him on the neck and shoulders. I gently started humping my hips into him and within moments we'd both established a common rhythm. Tay wrapped his hands behind me and pulled on my arse trying to get as much of me into himself as he could. As our pace increased, Zac stood in front of us, jacking his four inches at top speed again.

The sight of his little brother getting off watching us fuck was obviously too much for Tay: without anything touching his dick at all, he shot his wad, splattering Zac's crotch with his essence. The feeling of his brother's warm cum landing on him, making his dick and balls so deliciously slippy set Zac off, returning a smaller, but still impressive, volley of cum right back at Tay. This combined with the continued spasming of Tay's insides sent me over the edge. I pulled Tay's hips as hard as I could against me, my cock depositing its creamy load deep within him. Even after my balls'd been emptied, I continued to convulse in a seemingly never-ending orgasm, some of my cum seeping around my dick and running down my balls to drop to the floor.

Zac took a step forward and hugged us, pushing his cum-covered crotch into Tay's. I released my grip on Tay's hips, sliding one hand to fondle Zac's arse, the other scooping up some of their combined loads from between them. I brought my HansonCum covered hand to my mouth and licked it clean, savouring the taste before repeating my actions.

In the back of my mind, I still couldn't believe this was happening to me - it had to be a dream. I dismissed this thought though as Tay's sphincter squeezed down on my slowly softening cock. A dream could never be this good...


My attention then turned back to Zac. "Wow! I didn't think it could possibly feel that good," he sighed as he pulled away from Tay, strings of cum stretching between us like some bizarre scene from "Alien".

The sweet smell of cum was strong in the room and acted like an aphrodisiac to me - I still hadn't gone soft yet, although that was probably due in no small part to the fact that Tay continued to squeeze down on my dick with his arse. I felt so good, so safe inside him. I simply never wanted to be away from him again, and kissed him on the neck.

It wasn't particularly comfortable standing as we were even though it did feel so damn good. I gently pulled back out of Tay, my dick making a slurping noise as I left him. Turning him round so that he was facing me, I looked deeply into his eyes and once again felt as if I was drowning in a sea of passion.

Inevitably, our lips drew closer and we kissed again. Every time we kissed was special to me, but for some unknown and inexplicable reason it just kept getting better and better: I simply couldn't get enough of him! I'd never grow tired of the feelings he gave to my cock as he squeezed on it with his arse, or to me in general when we kissed and touched each other as we did now, Tay's cum-covered dick and balls slipping over my own.

We cleaned ourselves up and, for "safety's" sake, got dressed again. Zac, Tay and myself then settled down for the evening with a few cokes and True Lies, me sat between Tay's legs on a bean bag, my head resting against his chest. Zac, sat on a bean bag all by himself soon got lonely and scooted over next to us, Tay pulling him in close.

The last thing I remembered was seeing Arnie and that fat bloke walking into "Omega Sector - The Last Line of Defence". I'd slipped into a deep, deep sleep...

= = = = =

I was woken up by the sound of a siren. As my eyes opened, I saw the trace of a blue flashing light flicking through the curtains. Tay stirred a moment after I did. "What the..."

He got up and pulled open a curtain just enough to peep through. "Hey, Dean - there's an Ambulance here! C'mon!" he said, pulling on his AirWalks and leaping out the door. Zac just stayed curled up, fast asleep on the beanbag. The evening's excitement must've been a little too much for him...

Sure enough, just outside was an ambulance, two paramedics legging it towards the stage entrance, Taylor and myself racing after them in hot pursuit. Once inside, it wasn't immediately apparent as to what'd happened. Ike was on stage, looking up into the gantries in the roof. "What's happened?" I asked.

"One of the lighting guys has fallen off of the catwalk and hit his head on a lighting bar - he's out cold..."

I leapt off the stage and ran to the cluster of people (including the paramedics) standing in the middle of the floor, looking up into the ceiling, trying to shield their eyes from the harsh fluorescent lights.

"...and he's the only one who can climb..." one of the riggers was saying.

"So how in God's name do we get 'im down, then?" asked one of the paramedics.

As my eyes became more accustomed to the lights, I could see a guy hung slumped in his harness. From what I could tell, he'd been working too far from where his rope was attached, slipped and swung pendulum-fashioned into one of the uprights, his head taking rather too closer a look...

"Well I'm sure as hell not goin' up there! Gotta be at least forty foot..." the other paramedic said.

"You got a spare harness?" I asked.


"I said, 'Have you got a spare climbing harness?'" I was met with nothing but silence and a couple of rather strange looks. "Well, do you have a harness or not?"

"Uh, yeah - over there by the side of the stage..."

I ran over to the bundle of climbing gear he was on about and pulled out a bright pink harness. MM., tasteful... Pulling it on, it soon occurred to me it was way too big for me to use safely. "Tay! Camera a sec..."

As Taylor approached, the look on his face turned from concern to disbelief. "You're not even considering goin' up there..."

"Shush for a moment and give me your belt."


"Your belt! C'mon - if that guy manages to tip at all he could fall out of his harness! I need your belt!"

"OK..." said Tay, undoing the buckle and pulling it through the loops on his jeans.

Grabbing it from him, I looped it under one of the leg straps, round the waste band and round the other leg strap.

"OK - now pull it as tight as it'll go. I can't reach back there..."

As Tay pulled on the buckle, I felt the waste band and leg straps tighten to something that was near enough correct. For those of you who don't know, the best way to check if a harness is correctly fitted is to look at the size of the bulge in your trousers - honest! The leg straps tend to push your dick and balls forward if they're tight enough. Tay noticed this and just smiled...

I grabbed a couple of ropes, a climbing tail and two carabinas and legged it up the stairs at the back of the stage. Once up there, the only way I could tell where he was was by the group of people on the floor. I found a suitably secure mounting on the walkway and tied one end of a rope to it, chucking the rest over the side. My heart stopped for a moment as I thought the rope might hit the guy dangling like a worm on a hook - thankfully it missed, but only by a foot or so.

I wrapped the climbing tail round another support point and clipped one of the carabinas onto it, threading the other rope through it as I did so. With any luck, the guys on the ground could belay for me if the abseil rope decided to go for a holiday under the extra weight. Now I now these ropes can take the weight of a Volvo (don't ask how I know - I just do, OK?!) but the ones I was using looked decidedly worn. I wasn't going to put my faith in just one of them...

I hooked the abseil rope through the pan-handle on the front of my harness and tied the belay rope directly into the harness itself. I yelled over to the guys on the ground to grab the belay rope and hold on tight and be ready to grab it if I started to go too fast. Taking a deep breath, I climbed backwards over the gantry into nothingness, the nearest foothold now being forty feet or so below me... I moved my right hand away from my body, so allowing the rope to slide through the pan-handle and I started my descent.

The guy I was aiming for was now about five feet directly below me. I slowly approached him and with my free left hand, grabbed his supporting rope. As I got level with him, I suddenly realised that this guy was not much older than myself, I'd have said seventeen-ish. He wasn't half bad looking either - ear-length dyed blonde hair (the roots were starting to show) in a centre-parting and a couple of earrings were the first things I noticed, shortly followed by the square jaw line. There was quite a gash on his forehead where he'd decided to argue with the support strut, and a couple of bruises on his arms. Apart from that, he looked OK, but I couldn't tell if he'd broken anything. I pushed my two forefingers on to the artery in his neck and felt a good, strong pulse. His breathing was slow, but regular. At least he was alive...

I clipped the second carabina onto his belt, and then clipped his existing one onto mine. We were now literally joined at the hips. Gently, I undid the precarious knot that was holding his entire weight. He suddenly dropped by about 8 inches as the slack was taken up by our respective harnesses: I was ready for this but the blokes on the ground were not - a sudden gasp going up.

I checked the ropes one final time and released the rest of the knot that was supporting him - he was now resting completely on my rope. I gently moved my right hand away from my body again and began the agonisingly slow descent to the floor. Under normal circumstances this would've taken about ten or fifteen seconds if I were by myself, but with an extra passenger (possibly a badly hurt one) a much leisurely descent was called for.

A couple of minutes later as my feet were approaching head height I heard Ike's voice.

"Oh my God.... ANDY!!!"

"OK, guys, get ready to take his weight - he can't stand up by himself at the moment..." It needed saying as everyone was still slightly shocked. The paramedics soon came round and supported his body as my feet touched good ol' Terra Firma. As soon as I could, I wrenched the harness off my hips - the combination of it being the wrong size and Andy's weight on the front had cut off the blood supply to my legs...

I handed the belt back to Tay. "You'll have to teach me to do that some time,"

"Abseiling's easy..."

"No, I meant show me how to put a harness on," he said, discreetly cupping my crotch. It was all I could do not to moan out loud...

My mind was brought back to reality by the sound of Ike's obviously concerned voice.

"He'll be OK, won't he? Jesus, Andy..."

Just as he said that, Andy moaned and twitched a bit. "He's coming round," yelled the rigger, the paramedics giving him a real good no shit, Sherlock sort of look. "What's his name?"

"Uh, Andrew. Andrew Birkett..."

"Andrew? Andrew, can you hear me?"


"Andrew, I want you to open your eyes for me..."

"Nnngh, just another five minutes, dad? Pleeeese...."

The paramedic gently opened each of his eyes, shining his pen torch into each of them to check for a pupil reflex.

"They're slightly dilated, but responding normally enough. Nothing's broken. We'll take him in just in case he starts to show signs of concussion."

"Can I stay with him?" asked Ike. He really had gone pale as if all the life'd been drained from his very soul. He knelt down and took Andy's hand, squeezing it and talking to him to let him know he was there.

I suddenly realised the mental torment Ike was going through: Secretly, he'd loved Andy and he'd never told him so. He could have lost him. Forever. I looked over at Tayles and I could see from the expression on his face that he'd realised exactly the same thing. Yet another bond was formed silently between us. Neither of us had realised true love until we'd lost it (albeit only temporarily as Tay went back to the states) but now, each of us witnessing a potentially more tragic situation as third parties, we realised it must never, ever be allowed to happen to us...

The paramedics carefully loaded Andy on to a stretcher and wheeled him out to the ambulance, Ike in tow.

= = = = =

Back in the trailer, we found Zac still fast asleep on his beanbag, looking as cute as ever. "Look's like Psycho Boy's had a bit too much fun for one day..."

"Does he try to be cute, or can't he help it,"

"He hates being called cute," smiled Tay.

"Yeah, but how can he deny it?" I said, looking his face all over. I noticed that his nose was ever so slightly crooked - hardly enough to notice, but he was under my microscope at the moment... "Did he break his nose or something?

"Uh, sort of..."

"How d'you mean?"

"It was my fault - I'd been watching the Animaniacs and decided to try their 'rock on the end of a see-saw and jump on the other end' thing. Works quite well. The only problem was that Zac caught the stone with his face..."

It seems strange, but it never even occurred to me that Hanson was, in reality, just a bunch of kids like me. They fooled around, played games, impersonated their favourite cartoon characters... I was surprised, but pleasantly so. An anecdote as simple as that put a whole new perspective on them: they played music - it's what they were good at and loved to do - but they just happened to be famous at the same time!

I picked Zac up and laid him on Tay's bed (I reasoned that as it was a cold night he'd probably get cold and join us at some point anyway) and pulled off his shoes, socks and jeans and then puled the duvet up around him. Tay and myself then undressed and got into his bed, Zac to my right, Tay on my left. Tay wrapped his arms around me and we kissed lightly, safe in the feeling of our togetherness.

The aftershocks of my abseil, the shopping trip and "everything else" had left me very tired, and I slowly slipped into a deep, contented sleep, an equally tired Hanson on either side of me. I'll be with you in your dreams...


Zac was not subtle. Not in any way, shape or form even if he tried really hard.

I was just reliving the moment we first met on the EuroStar those few months ago - Tay sat listening to a walkman and me acting the stereotypical, awe-struck fan, struggling for words and trying to get him to sign a napkin. I was just getting to the bit where I'd chucked my dad's cup of tea in his lap and he was pulling his jeans off when I felt a heavy weight land on my chest with extreme force.

"MOR... NIN'... DEAN..." yelled Zac as he bounced on my chest with each syllable. I couldn't believe how heavy 96lbs of Zac could feel at half past nine in the morning. However, I wasn't the only one to get the Zac Attack. "GET... UP... TAY... LOR...!!"

"Mmmmmph... Piss off, Zac..." mumbled Tay, pulling his pillow over his head. Zac was on a mission, though. Instead of sitting astride Tay, he pulled his knees together to create more pressure.


Seeing he wasn't going to get any more kip this morning, Tay decided to do something about his little brother ordering him about. In one fluid movement, Tay grabbed the pillow that he had over his head and moved it in a powerful arc, connecting quite successfully with the side of Zac's head.

This caught Zac so much by surprise he fell sideways on top of me and promptly rolled of the edge of the bed with a thump. A couple of seconds later, he reappeared brandishing the bean bag he'd been sleeping on last night and attempted a swing at Tay. However, the bag was heavier than he thought and as he swung, lost his balance and missed Tay completely. However he got me with 100% accuracy.

"Woah, shit - sorry. Dean..."

I didn't even wait for the explanation as I grabbed my own pillow and whacked him hard over the top of the head and then in his side as he crouched over. I jumped off the bed and "fought" him all the way down to his end of the trailer, eventually cornering him. Zac grinned and, grabbing my bollocks gently, scooted between my legs. Now it was my turn to be surprised. Thankfully I had backup:

"Hey, Zac! Catch!" Yelled Tay as he threw a bunch of keys towards him. Reflexes took over and Zac dropped the pillow he was holding to catch the keys. Big mistake. Tay charged at him with the bean bag Zac'd tried to use on Tay, knocking him backwards onto his bed. Tay immediately jumped on top of him and pinned his arms with his knees.

"Give up?"


In another slick move, Tay flipped Zac over and pulled one of his arms up tight against his back. "NOW d'you give up?"

"Hell no..."

Tay yanked his arm slightly higher.

"Arrgh! OK, OK I give up..."

He leapt of Zac straight away and proceeded to get dressed. I got the impression this was a daily routing that they'd obviously got down to a tee...

"Whaddya want for breakfast?" he asked me.

"Um, dunno - Where are we eating?"

"That little cafeteria up in the Foyer - the whole team eats there in the morning..."

We proceeded to have a shower and get dressed. Roller blades were attached to three pairs of feet and we headed off to breakfast. It was a sharp, crisp morning outside - a thin film of frost covered everything causing the sun to reflect off every surface possible. All I could see of Tay and Zac infront of me were two silhouettes, a pair of ponytails swinging from side as they skated.

We rolled into the cafe and a huge cheer went up - apparently news of my little abseil had spread somewhat. A guy in his mid forties came over to me and hugged me tight and then vigorously shook my hand, words of thanks flying from his mouth. Apparently, this was Jon Birkett, Andy's dad.

"I just wanna say thankyou for saving my son's life... He's all I have left after my wife died last year.. I... I... THANKYOU!" I didn't know what to say - I did what I had to...

"What the hell was all that about? And where's Ikeypooh - He's usually up by now..." asked Zac, a little confused.

Tay explained to him about my leaping off a gantry with nothing but a piece of string to support me, and how I managed to catch Andy just as the buckle on his harness broke...

"Wow, really?" asked Zac, wide eyed.

"'Course not really," grinned Tay. "But he did abseil down and bring Andy back to safety..."

"Why didn't you wake me up?!" asked Zac, disappointed to have missed all the action.

"We didn't want to disturb your beauty sleep," I replied. "You need it..."

Zac tried to kick my shin under the table, but instead hit his leg on the crossbar of the table, much to our amusement. Just then, the Range Rover puled up outside the caf and Ike got out the back. He then ran round to the opposite side, and helped Andy out. He still looked a little shaky on his feet and had a large bandage wrapped like a bandanna round his head, but otherwise seemed OK. As they walked in, Andy's dad hugged him and showered him with kisses, telling him how much he loved him. Wow - I'd never seen such a display of genuine father-son concern before...

Ike and Andy walked over to our table and sat down. He held out his hand and I shook it. "I take it you're Dean - thanks, man... I can't remember exactly what happened, but thanks..."

"Hey, no problem," I said, visibly blushing: I hated all this attention, it just wasn't me.

As a conversation got going, I began to notice Ike and Andy's body language: they were sitting a lot closer together than would normally be deemed "acceptable" for two teens (then again, so were Tay and myself) and they had no problems about casually touching each other, again a lot more that 'normal'. When Andy looked away for a moment, I raised an eyebrow at Ike. He smiled widely back and nodded his head. He was a completely different person to the guy I'd nearly castrated the day before; happy and glowing and enthusiastic again. Not at all the moody, depressed teenager with long greasy hair that had been the bane of Zac's and Tay's lives for the last few months.

They were noticing it also and seemed a lot more happier around him than they had previously, now laughing and joking, and not having to keep their guard up all the time. I felt slightly sorry for Zac, though. He didn't have a partner and seemed a little saddened by the fact that both of his older brothers had pulled and all he had was his left hand...

As the conversation continued, it turned out that Andy, as well as being one of the lighting riggers, was also a camera operator for the performance. Because the Arena was so large, video screens were required to allow people in the tiered seats around the edge and those on the floor at the back to get any sort of a decent view of their favourite group.

Also, as you probably already know, the Hanson brothers are video freaks - filming almost anything and everything they do. Well, the concerts over the next few days were going to be recorded for "library footage", and also for possible use in their next video. However, Andy didn't feel well enough to do his job properly and a replacement would need to be found.

"Dean's a bit handy with a camera, aren't you..." volunteered Tay. I was forced to admit that a film myself and a couple of friends made a few months back entitled "The Secret Life of the Badger" won an award from the BBC's Country File programme.

As it turned out, one evening when we were filming, a pair of badger baiters turned up and decided to have a go at our badgers. We were scared shitless in case they saw us, but carried on filming none the less and later submitted the film to the police as evidence. We were informed a few weeks later that our tape had helped convict the two men, and had been sentenced to a short time in prison...

"Well," said Andy, "looks as if I've found my replacement cameraman..."

"What do I have to do?" I asked, never actually having filmed a 'live' performance before.

"It's easy - just come to this morning's rehearsal and do whatever the director tells you to do through your headset. Just stay in focus, on time and out of the way and you'll be fine..."

Well, it sounded easy enough...

An hour or so later, everyone was in the Arena getting ready for this evening's performance. Since last night, two of those aerial cameras (you know, the ones on huge hydraulic lifts) had been set up along with four "microcams" - two on Zac's drums, one on Tay's keyboards and one clamped to the side of Ike's microphone stand.

I met the director with Andy as he explained what had happened. He seemed a fairly reasonable sort of bloke and after realising that there was no way he'd be able to get another cameraman in time, willingly agreed to let me do Andy's job.

I was given a medium-sized Sony DV camera with a cunning box of tricks on the back - as well as recording to its own tape, it used a tiny radio transmitter to send the pictures back to the vision mixer, as well as keeping me in contact with the director. As a consequence, my brief was to get where the other cameras couldn't go - the middle of the stage, behind the stage (to follow them as they walked on) in the roof and even out in the audience if one of the brothers decided to pick someone to come up on stage with them.

Things went well - the entire show was scripted, but in a way to allow Ike, Tay or Zac to modify it if they wanted during the evening. It was also a first in the sense that they had never performed "At Christmas" live before...

"OK - you ready, Zac?"

"Yeah - just get on with it!"

I couldn't believe how good Tay's opening piano piece sounded, so full and rich - the emotion simply oozed out of the speakers... The first verse went fine, but the chorus came tumbling down with their harmony bit

"ZAC! You're late again!"

"I'm not late! You were later than me..."

"Would you two quit arguing?" interrupted Tay. "Let's just play it through first, OK? We can nit pick later..."

Once they'd got going, I was very impressed by how good it sounded considering they were performing live.

Can't you feel it changin'

Sense the anticipation

You can tell we're almost there

Precious time we're takin'

Memories we're makin'

There's Christmas in the air...

Apparently, the computers'd been turned off as one of them had crashed, rendering itself unusable. This didn't seem to phase them at all and as far as my untrained ear could tell, they were doing damn well!

At Christmas, Christmas

No matter who you are or how far you've come

This is where you belong

At Christmas, Christmas...

During this performance, the aerial cameras were floating around and I was getting assorted shots of both Tay and Ike, Zac being covered by one of the other guys. Whenever I glanced away from my viewfinder, Zac was permanently singing, mugging and generally performing to his camera, and not to where the audience would be, but I guess it was just his style.

I was then asked to get a head-on shot of Tay by the director, so I moved round and stood in front of him. Tay was too preoccupied playing his keyboard to notice I'd turned up, but when he did look up, he gave me a flash of his killer smile that I knew would've provoked a huge scream from the floor of lust-filled girls, had they been here. Thankfully they weren't and I got to enjoy it all by myself...

The rehearsal broke for lunch at about a quarter to three in the afternoon. I didn't realise how quickly the time'd gone I'd been so busy - I then realised how bloody hungry I was! A fried breakfast and a couple of rounds of toast can only last so long...

As we walked over to the stage door, Ike was conspicuous by his absence, and mentioned this to Tay. Looking around, we eventually spotted him: He was sat on the bottom step of the flight of stairs that ran up to the roof, Andy sat next to him. As my eyes got used to the darker back stage area, I could see they were holding hands. Suddenly, Ike leaned over and kissed Andy full on the lips. Andy was obviously not expecting this and it took him off guard slightly. Ike immediately looked worried, thinking he'd gone a bit too far, too fast. He needn't have worried, though - Andy just pulled him closer and they began snogging good and proper...

My heart froze as I looked at Zac. Leaping over to him, I clamped the palm of my hand down hard over his mouth, just managing to prevent whatever he was about to yell at the two lovebirds in. Keeping my hand over his mouth so I had him in a sort of head lock, I began walking towards the door. Tay grabbed my free hand and squeezed it, I just smiled back. I wasn't sure, but I think it was a 'than you' for sorting his brother out...

As we walked out into the cold December air, my mind wandered back to what I'd said to Ike earlier. I was pleased he'd 'bitten the bullet' so to speak and, thankfully, it'd worked. I couldn't have imagined what he'd be like now if Andy had refused him. But he hadn't, and Ike now had a very special friend he could talk to about anything and everything; and I'd guess the same would be true for Andy as well...

I released Zac from my headlock and mussed his hair a bit to show there was no hard feelings. He grinned back at me, but he seemed a bit subdued when compared to his 'normal' Psycho Boy state. I couldn't be sure, but he seemed a bit upset he hadn't had the chance to meet someone his own age yet. Little did he know that that would all change that very evening...


For the rest of the afternoon, Tay, Ike, Zac, Andy and myself just hung around, not doing a whole lot. We hit upon the idea of teaching Andy to rollerblade, so we strapped a pair on his feet and a crash helmet to his head and guided him out to the car park. Considering that this was his first attempt, he did surprisingly well, managing to skate practically un-aided after the first five minutes or so.

All too soon, the stage manager came out and gave us a bollocking, saying we should be getting ready for the performance. Looking at my watch, I saw it was five minutes to six - only about an hour to go!

We all headed off towards the dressing rooms (another trailer) and watched as Ike, Tay and Zac got ready. I wish I had the resources to get a wardrobe like they had together - Zac ended up in a pair of tight white jeans and a near-fluroescent yellow tank top. Tay wore a white Adidas T-shirt with twin black stripes down the arms alog with a pair of very baggy maroon trousers and his favourite CATs. Ike wentt for the biker look: Black jeans, plain white T-shirt and a black leather jacket.

By this time it was T minus thirty minutes and counting, and everyone was nervous - even Andy who wasn't actually doing anything! (Infact this probably compounded the problem - If you don't have anything to do, then you have more time to worry...)

I decided I'd better go and get my camera ready. I too'd changed my clothes but into something a little less conspicuous: Black jeans and a long sleeved black shirt. For the first time since I'd been with Tay, I actually tied my hair back, revealing the undercut I'd got. I'd done this as it allowed me to be casual when I wanted, and relatively smart looking when required. Although not required to look smart this evening, it kept my hair out of the viewfinder!

I told everyone to "Break a leg" and kissed Tay good luck. I headed to the vision mixing room and picked up my camera and a couple of spare batteries, the director giving me a few extra ideas about the sorts of shots he wanted. To my horror, the first thing he wanted me to do was walk into the middle of the stage and wave at the crowd. With any lick, they'd see themslves on the huge screens either side of the stage and wave back. I took a deep breath and headed towards the stage door.

Before I even got close, the thing that impressed me was the sheer volume of the crowd - and Hanson wasn't even on stage yet! When I opened the stage door, the sound waves hit me like I'd run into a brick wall. You didn't just hear the sound, you experienced it with every sense your body posessed, and then some! Words simply fail to express the shere enormity of the situation. To give you some idea, my camera's VU meters had already dropped off the far end of the scale and, if they'd had their way, would've punched a hole in the side of the viewfinder!

I braced myself and walked up the short flight of steps to the stage. Peering round the wings, I could see nothing but an ungulating, swirling, flowing mass of people, all of them without exception here for one purpose and one purpose only: to experience the child prodigies known as Hanson...

Pulling myself together, I decided to "jump" and stepped out onto the stage. As soon as I became visible, the volume level doubled, that in itself was something to be experienced. Here was I, an unknown, standing on stage with a Sony DV camcorder pointed right at a few thousand people. I took a few steps foreward and raised my left hand to wave with. Immediately, everyone in the audience who was directly infront of the stage started waving back and leaping around, desperate to make it into my field of vision.

Deciding this wasn't too bad, I headed for the steps thet led from the front of stage to the camera run, between the stage and the audience. Trying to keep the camera as stedy as possible, I did a tracking shot, walking backwards aling the entire front of the crowd - arms being waved and banners displayed, everyone pronouncing their passion for their favourite group.

When I was about half way along the line, I fealt sure I recognised one of the faces that was waving wildly, however I could not stop until the shot was complete. Once I'd reached the end of the line, my "on-line" light went out, signalling I was no longer being "used" by the director. His rasping voice in my headset told me that was a great shot and to stand by.

I took the opportunity to walk back to the centre of the line to investigate who it was I thought my mind had recognised. It must've been the hair that caught my attention as that was all I could really see as I approached, but within moments, I recognised the hair's owner to be none other than Gareth from school!

"Gareth!" He just kept waving with the crowd...

"GARETH!!" A puzzled look appeared on his face as he wondered how the hell one of the Hanson stage crew knew his name. He decided which one of us was yelling and suddenly recognised who I was.


"IT'S A LONG STORY! I MET TAYLOR HA... JUST COME HERE..." I yelled, pulling him over the barrier. The other fans around him decided this was a good idea too, and tried to leap over after him, but were soon put back in their place by Kevin and his colleagues.

Gareth was physically shaking with excitement. First it was pure luck he'd been able to attend. Second, somehow he managed to get himself to the very front as the huge wave of people washed into the arena, and now a friend from school, inexplicably managing to be one of the crew, had pulled him over the crowd barriers so he got a better-than-front row seat! You could easily see he was overwhealmed...

Just then I got a message through my headset saying they were about to come on stage. "Dean, cover the crowd as they walk on. I want some of those over-reactions from the girls..."

"GET READY!" I yelled at Gareth. He just looked back at me, the expression on his face one of sheer disbelief and anticipation. By the looks of things, everything was going just that little bit faster than he'd expected...

Then the show started - the entire arena was plunged into pitch darkness and everything went quiet. Then there was a crash from on stage.

"Hey - anyone got a torch?" asked Zac's amplified voice from the centre of the stage. A huge scream went up from the crowd as he said it, quite taking me by surprise (although I guess I should've expected it...)

"Over here, Zac," came Tay's reply from the right. Tay then switched on a torch and pointed it at his own face. The scream that went up then was something else: it must've been four times louder than before! My hearing started crackling like a tape that's been over recorded...

"Uh, guys, I think I've found the power switch," said Ike from somewhere off the side. A couple of second later, there was the sound of a large circuit breaker being thrown and the three brothers were each illuminated by their own private pool of dim light.

Ike came out from the wings (to yet another scream) wearing a hard hat with a head torch strapped to the top with parcel tape, and picked up his guitar.

Without saying another word, they immediatly started playing the opening bars of "Thinking of You", the lights on the stage coming back to life one by one with each of Zac's drum beats. It must be said that these guys sure knew how to put on a performance!

Throughout the whole song, almost every time Tay sung "I'll be thinkin' of you..." he kept glancing at me. Here were thousands upon thousands of people, all desperately wanting his body (and I'm sure he could've had any of em - boy or girl - if he'd have wanted to) but he kept looking at ME! To say I was happy was a severe understatement...

As I was leaping around with the camera, I noticed that Gareth was still stunned: he was hardly moving and just gawpsing at the Adonii on stage.

"Dean, I want a shot of Zac from the side so he can mug at the audience..." I decided to really make Gareth's day, so I grabbed his arm and began pulling him towards the stage with me. I suddenly felt the resistance increase and looked round to see what was wrong. The expression on his face had gone from disbelief to shit-scared. I smled back to encourage him and yelled "YOU DON'T HAVE TO COME ON STAGE - JUST STAND IN THE WINGS WHILE I GO FILM ZAC!"

He nodded his ascent and allowed me to guide him back stage. We jogged round the backdrop and I strode on stage, leaving Gareth in the wings. Zac didn't disappoint and immediately started showing off - not looking at his drums or the others, just the camera. I saw his eyes leave me a couple of times, something that he doesn't normally do. As soon as my "on-line" light went out, he mouthed "Who's that?"

"A friend," I mouthed back. Zac just grinned widely and craned his neck to try and get a better view. Not wishing to put him off too much, I stood out of his way and started filming Tay instead. Just as the song was finishing, I got a "OK, Dean, I want... Oh, you're already there!" through my headset. As he said that, I was back on-line to cover Tay addressing his adoring fans.

"Hiya, Birmingham!"


"Shhhhhhhh...." The screaming died down to a more reasonable level. "There's only one rule at Hanson concerts - you must NOT stand still! We want you all to join in!!"

That did it. The room virtually exploded with sound. Just to top it all, Ike picked up a sound meter from by his mic stand and announced: "Now, Zac and Tay here think you're the loudest crowd we've ever had - BUT I DON'T BELIEVE IT!"

The scream that went up that time was louder than all the rest put together. I just gave up trying to hold by headphones over my ears to block it. I already had permanent hearing damage...

"Dean - get over to Ike and film that sound meter..." the director yelled in my ear. Good thing, too, or I wouldn't have heard him...

"Who's your favorite group?"

"Hanson!" yelled the crowd in unison.



The sound meter was peaking at about 115dB. That's almost as loud as a jet aircraft at 30 metres...



That did it. The needle buried itself over on the far right of the scale at the 135dB mark and got stuck. Permanantly.

"Well, that's it - you're now officially the most rowdy crowd we've ever played for!"

A huge cheer went up, everyone obviously impressed with their efforts.

"And as such, we couldn't possibly go for more than A Minute Without You!"

The rest of the concert was excellent, Hanson shining through and performing (and I mean performing) every song from "Middle of Nowhere" and in the middle of it all, completely unanounced, sang such a moving vocals-only rendition of O Holy Night it nearly brought me to tears. Just hearing those three voices - nothing else - singing those immortal words in perfect harmony was just magical:

"Fall on your knees,

O hear the angel voices,

Night devine

O night when Christ was born..."

If you weren't a Christian when you entered the building, you sure were when you left...

It all went without hitches bar one: Zac got a little too over-enthusiastic in MMMBop and managed to break a drum stick, sending it flying about five feet into the air. Luckily it was in a convenient place and the crowd did an excellent job of singing for them whilst one of the guys backstage raced around looking for a spare pair.

The concert finished with a lot of stage re-arranging, something that I for was not expecting. Off went Zac's drums, Tay's keyboards and Ike's electric guitar, being replaced by a full size grand piano and a string quartet! Everyone in the crowd looked as puzzled as hell, but soon everything became clear as Tay sat down at the Steinway. The whole arena fell to silence as he played the opening bars of "At Christmas", soon being joined by Ike leading the vocals and accompanying Tay with his acoustic guitar, and mainly the double bass and cello from the quartet.

During the second chorous, the heavens opened, snowflakes and baloons gently falling from the roof onto the crowd, me getting it all on tape. By the end of it all, I could honestly say I'd been shaken by my emotional foundations: the intenation and feeling that Ike, Tay and Zac put into this performance surpassed my expectations ten-fold. Every note, every chord, every harmony - they all came from deep within their hearts and there wasn't a single person there that didn't feel the magic generated by these three talented young men.

The cheer that went up at the end wasn't just one of "well done", it was a sincere, heart-felt emotion that was amplified by the shere number of people, darting from euphoria to sadness and back again, all in a split second. It was unlike anything I'd ever witnessed before or since.


I took some final shots of the audience, and then followed Hanson off stage. As soon as they walked off, they met Gareth who, not expecting to see them closer than a few hundred feet away, was now close enough to notice the slight chip on Tay's right front tooth from when he decided to have an argument with a microphone in Germany...

Zac took a shine to him immediately and within moments were chatting as if they were old friends. I took the opportunity to give Tay a big hug, kiss him and congratulate him on the performance, as did Andy to Ike. A couple of minutes later as we broke from our respective embraces, Gareth had his seemingly ever-present look of utter disbelief on his face, although this time I knew exactly what he was thinking. There was, however, one important addition this time: the rapidly growing tent in the front of his jeans. Zac, who'd been looking him over constantly since he'd seen him skulking in the wings, spotted it immediately and took it as a green light.

He literally jumped onto him, sending them both crashing to the ground, Zac on top. Without pausing, he attached his lips to Gareth's and began to kiss him passionately. Gareth, again completely shocked (how much more he could take I wasn't sure - he never was very good with surprises), didn't quite know what had hit him, but was soon returning Zac's show of emotion with all the energy they could muster. It has to be said that they were an excellent match - although Gareth was about a year Zac's senior, they were of a similar height, same hair and eye colour and from the looks of things, similar interests. Occasionally it was difficult to see where Zac finished and Gareth started, and it was all we could do not to give a big "Awwwww...".

We didn't even try separating them, just suggested that we go somewhere a little more private. They agreed and all six of us walked round the back of the stage down towards the dressing room.

"I hate this part," said Tay as we walked in.

"What part?" I asked, thinking he was refering to us.

"The bit where Ten adoring fans get to meet Hanson in person" said Ike, managing to do a very unconvincing British accent. The phrase rang a bell in my mind and traced it back to a Radio One competition that was run about a month previously. It ran something along the lines of every hundredth caller got a back stage pass to meet them in their dressing room after the performance. Oh great.

"Come on then, guys," I said, addressing Andy and Gareth. "We'd better leave this lot to be slobbered over in peace..."

"And where in the hell d'you think you're goin'?" Asked Tay, slamming the door infront of me. "We need moral support here! D'you know how depressing it is watching ten sweaty, fat, adolescent teenage girls mentally undress you whilst they huddle together in the corner and do nothing but giggle? It's not normal!"

"You're not normal,"

"Oh, thanks a bunch, man," laughed Tay.

"You know what I mean. Meeting a celebrity isn't exactly a common-or-garden experience for them."

"Yeah, but is it too much to ask to get them to stop drooling? And they fucking steal things! Some bitch has got my favourite soccer ball pendant pinned to her wall with a notice saying 'Taylor Hanson gave me this'!" I was beginning to see his point. It must get quite appaling when you're promoted to being a deity at fourteen...

"Brace yourselves," warned Zac. Sure enough, high pitch, excited voices could be heard coming down the corridor, but quickly tailed off as they approached the dressing room door.

"I can't do it - you knock..."

"You wanted to,"

"Yeah but now I don't, OK?"

"Fine, I'll knock."

"I wanted to knock as well..."

"Jesus! Just knock on the damn door, will ya?"

"We'll all knock together."

"They'll think we're all mad if we do that..."

"They'll think we're mad if we just walk in! Are you going to knock or what?"

"OK, OK, I'll knock. Does my hair look OK?"

"It looks fine - just knock on the bloody door!"

I didn't think it could possibly take that long to give three almost inaudible taps on the door. Zac decided to milk the situation a bit and signalled for us all to be quiet.

"Perhaps they didn't hear you..."

"Perhaps they've died WAITING!"

"You knock then."

"I'm not gonna knock - you're the knocker..."

"Would someone please just KNOCK ON THE DOOR!"

"SHHHHHHHHH! You'll upset them..."

I couldn't stand any more of this. I walked over and opened the door. A sudden silence descended on the once very talkative gaggle of girls before me. Tay was quite right - they were all sweaty from leaping about for the last two hours and the majority of them were fat. Although I'm gay I can tell a fit looking bird when I see one (all part of the cherade of pretending to be straight, I suppose) and, believe me, on a scale of one to a hundred in the fitness stakes, they were all struggling to obtain double figures...

"Evenin' ladies," I said, trying my best to stop my digestive system going into reverse. "What can I do you for?"


"Can I help?" I said, re-phrasing the question into words of one syllable and fewer in quantity so that someone with even the most basic knowledge of the English language could understand what I'd asked.

After another deplorable period of time that I was forced to endure the sight of them, one of them eventually replied.

"Uh, hi... Um, we're here to see Hanson?"

"Are you asking me or tellng me?" I heard a stifeled laugh from Tay. That'd confuse them for sure. They felt sure it was a trick question, and not just a case of punctuation. They conferred with each other for a moment and the girl who'd answered me the first time replied:

"Ermm, telling?"

"So you're telling me that you're here to see Hanson?"

"Y... Yeah..."

"Come in, then!" I couldn't believe such deadbeats were allowed out of the house without the supervision of an adult. Then I saw a couple of sets of parents lingering a bit further down the hall. Geez...

I stood back, allowing Tinky Winky, Dipsy, LaLa, Po and the rest of the TeleTubbies into the dressing room. They filtered into a relatively organised two-tier lineup and just stood there, feasting their eyes on our boyfriends. The cheek...

"Hi there! I'm..."

"Zac!" said one of the girls. Well, duh...

"So, is there anything you'd like to talk to us about?" asked Ike after another laboured thirty seconds of silence. This threw them again. They were supposed to talk to them? This was a bit much to ask and one of them feinted. Great... I stuck my camera headset on again and asked someone to send one of the St. John's ambulance guys round to the Hansons' dressing room. The worrying thing was not one of them paid a blind bit of notice, their eyes just remained fixed on Ike, Tay and Zac.

"Ermm, I've always wondered, um Mr. Hanson..." Mr. Hanson! Now that was a good one! "...what size shoes do you wear?"

"Which Mr. Hanson?" asked Ike.


"There are three of us, ya know..." pointed out Zac.

"Oh, sorry, Taylor."

"U.S. 13s"

More silence.

"Do you like singing?"

"We're pretty sure we do, yeah,"

Yet another silence.

"Do you have any other nicknames apart from 'Tay', Tay?"

"Erm, Tayles, I suppose,"

"Do you, Zac?"

"PROZAC!" yelled Zac, scaring the shit out of them.

"Hey listen, girls," said Tay, with his award-winning smile on his face. "We're a little tired after the performance, ya know? We might hit the sack now. Sorry if it's cut your visit a bit short - we'll send you backstage passes for the first couple of venues on our next tour, though!"

They all looked slightly dejected but, being the Zombies they were, took it at face value and slowly started to filter out of the door, one of them dragging their feinted friend behnd her.

Once the door had closed, I asked the question. "Will you really send them more backstage passes?"

"Sure! We've got their addresses from the competition!"

"I thought you didn't like it..."

"I don't. The next tour starts in New Zealand!"


Once they'd cleared off completely, we headed towards our respective trailers. We reached Ike's first and Ike directed Andy inside. Just before he himself went in, he pulled me closer and whispered "Thank you" into my ear, and gave me a peck on the cheek. I was starting to like Ike more and more as time went by: I'd never really given him the time of day before I'd come here. Sure, he lead a lot of the songs and without him, their harmonies would lack the re-enforcement the sheer power of his voice provided, but he seemed less of an interesting character than his younger siblings. Now I was begining to see him in a different light, much as I had Taylor those few months ago at Alton Towers.

As Tay, Zac, Gareth and myself stepped into Tay's trailer, I honestly thought by bed Tay'd meant sleep. I should've guessed otherwise by that hungry look he had in his eyes after he'd sent the girls packing. I still couldn't believe they'd fallen for that. Sod's law one of them would turn up, though, if only to prove a point...

Anyway, the moment the door had closed behind us, Tay locked it and leapt on me, sending me flying onto the bed. I couldn't believe how hyped he was, rivaling Zac for enthusiasm! Just goes to show the amount of adrenaline performing infront of a few thousand people provides...

He sat on my stomach and pulled the band from his hair, his ponytail morphing into long, flowing locks. I reached up and ran the back of my hand over his soft cheek, his skin being covered in that barely detectable fuzz of adolescence. I was rapidly becoming aroused, my tight jeans not helping the situation by forcing my dick into the most bizarre contortions. Tay was experiencing a similar problem, although his baggy trousers gave much more scope for him to "grow into", so to speak.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Gareth staring at us, not quite comprehending what he was seeing. Then Zac took a hold of his hand making him jump slightly and, surprisingly, led him gently to his own bed at the other end of the trailer. I doubted very much that he'd be cold this evening...

Tay leant forward and started subbing my chest. It tickled slightly, but that soon gave way to the feeling of his hands gently rubbing all over me. The shirt I was wearing wasn't tucked into my jeans, so every time he rubbed upwards, the whole shirt would move creating a delicious feeling everywhere. I was not only my sick getting hard - my nipples could not put up with this for a second longer and became erect also. As Tay's hands ran over them, he fealt it and diverted all of his attention to them, causing me to writhe in bliss beneath him.

Not content with having to feel my chest through the cotton of my shirt, he slowly unbuttoned it and opened the front, resuming his rubbing. He let his hands glide down from my developing pecs to what little I had of a six-pack (I'd been working on it for a while and was just starting to get the desired results...), tracing his fingers down the centre. Again not content with the limited contact he had, he leant forward and followed his fingers with his tongue. He licked over each subtle ridge on my chest and, whilst he was tonging my "innie" with great passion, proceeded to undo my belt and jeans.

As soon as my flies were undone, my boner announced itself by producing a tent big enough to pull the waistband away from my stomach. Tay "Mmmmm"'d his satisfaction and planted his mouth right over the end of my covered cock, sucking the spot of precum that had formed and depositing his spit all over the shape of my shaft. I decided that Tay was being a bit to modest, so I sat up and gently pulled his T-shirt over his head, exposing his mildly muscled chest. I moved my to his chest, circling his nipples with my forefingers as he did to me. Somehow, we'd managed to get sat in such a way that tay was sat on my lap, his legs extending behind me, my dick pressing firmly into his.

It took only seconds for us to start kissing, each of us running our hands through the other's hair. Tay tasted so sweet to me, and for a moment, we breathed from each other's lungs as we kissed.

= = = = =

Over in the other trailer, Ike and Andy were sitting rather awkwardly next to each other on Ike's bed, neither one of them wanting to make the first move or really knowing what to expect. Ike's mind was racing - a part of him still didn't really want to admit that he was in love with another lad whereas the overwhelming majority of his mind was shouting at him: "Kiss him you fool!". "What the hell," reasoned Ike and lean over, planting his lips firmly on Andy's.

The ice broken, nature soon began to take over, them both instinctively knowing what would make the other feel good. They gradually lay back onto the bed, still locked mouth to mouth, but now having a more free range with their hands. Ike, still being slightly restrained settled for Andy's well-muscled chest, feeling the huge bulges of his pecks through his shirt. Andy didn't have the same inhibitions, however, and dived straight for Ike's crotch, unzipping his jeans and snaking his hand inside to find his prize. He didn't have to look for long - there are only a limited number of places seven-and-a-half inches of teen cock could live, especially in the aroused state he was in right now.

Ike groaned loudly. Never in his seventeen years had another bloke ever touched his cock in order to provide pleasure and pleasure only. It was far beyond anything he'd ever imagined, Andy's expert hand moving in a way only lad's know about. This caused Ike to drop every last inhibiton about what he was doing: It felt so right, so natural that it couldn't possibly be wrong. He silently scolded himself for being so tight-arsed the last few months when it dawned on him what he'd been missing.

There and then he made a vow he'd make up for lost time and, so thinking, undid Andy's belt and jeans and started sliding them down. Andy helped by lifting himself up slightly, so making Ike's job easier. This continued for a couple of minutes until they were both completely naked. Andy pulled away from Ike slightly to survey his prize, and gently shook his head. Infront of him lay 130lbs of naked Clarke Isaac Hanson, complete with long, frizzy hair and dick pointing heavenwards.

Andy had considered himself the luckiest guy alive when his dad asked him if, after he'd left school that summer, he wanted to come on tour with him. When he'd asked who with and he'd been given the answer "Hanson", there was no stopping him. Just the chance to get to see the odd glimpse of Ike, perhaps even talk to him, was almost too much for him to comprehend.

When he was actually working on the gigs, to see Ike keep looking at him in a half-vacant "I want you" way was enough to fuel his fantasies for the next few years, even though he'd reasoned it was just a product of his over-active, hormone-charged imagination.

Since then, he'd talked to Ike, but always got the impression he didn't want to let him get too close. No matter how hard he tried, Ike wouldn't let him near - not even as a casual friend, yet he was sure he kept looking at him.

It was this situation Andy was thinking about when he fell from the lighting gantry yesterday. "Why does he act so remote," he thought. "What am I doin' wrong?". He was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't notice the spot of grease left by one of the winch cables on the bar he was crawling along. Before he really knew what'd happened, his hand had slipped from under him, causing him to roll off the gantry. He swung down and hit his head hard against an upright. Everything went black.

"He'll be OK, won't he? Jesus, Andy..." Who was that? He definitelty knew the voice. But he didn't know anyone. No names, no places, nothing. But he did know there was a splitting pain in his head, and groaned.

"He's coming round," someone yelled. Coming round where? Could no one make any sense?

"Andrew? Andrew, can you hear me?"

Who was that? Then a face swam infront of his sightless eyes. It was his father. Only his father ever called him Andrew.

"Andrew, I want you to open your eyes for me..."

"Nnngh, just another five minutes, dad? Pleeeese...." He emplored, wanting everything to go away. Then it did, silence and darkness isolating his senses.

He woke up to see a face peering down over him.

"Andy? Are you OK?"

'I'm dreaming,' he thought as the face of Isaac Hanson gradually came into focus. He squinted to try and aid the process...

"Ike? Is that you?"

"Yeah," grinned back the face. Andy's heart gave a leap in his chest.

"Where am I?"

"Hospital. You fell off of that lighting rig, remember?"


"Dean abseiled down and got you to the ground!"

"Who's Dean?"

"He's Tay's boyfr... Um, friend he's got staying..." Andy may have been only just regaining consciousness, but he'd latched onto every word. "Listen, Andy, there's something I've gotta tell you, OK? You may not like it..."

"I will be able to walk again, won't I?" he asked in a panicked voice.

"Huh? Oh yeah, sure - nothing like that..." Andy breathed a deep sigh relief

"Andy, I er... I... I love you."

He never just said that, surely... "Huh?"

"I said 'I love you'" and so saying, kissed him briefly on the lips...

"Are you just gonna sit there looking or do I have to come 'get' you?" asked Ike, snapping Andy's mind back to the present. Not waiting for a reply, Ike reached over and ran his fingers through his thick pubes, and then up his circumcised cock, causing his body to arch with pleasure. Drawing closer together again, they resumed their kissing, probing each others mhouths with their tongues, first one way and then the other.

Ike's cock was aching for release, so he climbed on top of Andy, pressing their cocks together with a delicious pressure so good that neither of them wanted it to end. Again instinct took over and Ike began thrusting rhythmically against his lover beneath him, who responded by meeting his thrusts with his own. The tempo gradually increased until Andy yelled

"STOP! I'm gonna cum..."

Without really thinking about it, Ike turned round so that his head was level with Andy's crotch. He could see his dick spasming, desperately trying to hold back the river of cum that was doing its best to escape the confines of his balls. Andy surprised him by grabbing his dick and pressing it against his face, almost becoming intoxicated by the strong male odour origionating from it.

Ike took Andy's throbbing hunk of meat into his mouth, running his tongue all around the circumcised head and sucking hard. Andy returned the favour and, holding the head of Ike's cock delicately between his lips, sucked hard and used his right hand to beat the shaft. This did nothing but encourage Ike to suck harder and lick more ferociously, now bobbing his head up and down, Andy's dick crashing into the back of his throat.

Andy couldn't have lasted any longer with all the will in the world (who could have?!) and surrendered to the feelings - his cock ejecting spurt upon spurt of thick, hot teen cum righht into Ike's mouth.

The taste of the warm, salty liquid on this tongue, the sight of his muscular legs, the feeling of him sucking on his dick, the sound of his heavy breathing and the smell of his cum assaulted Ike's senses to such an extent he too could no longer hold back: With a loud grunt he thrust his dick right down Andy's willing throat and six strong spurts of his cum erupted from its tip.

Feeling Ike convulse on top of him and the taste of his cum gave Andy a second mini-orgasm, his dick spasming again, but no cum. However the feeling was there and that was all that mattered.

= = = = =

Every time he did it I couldn't believe how good it felt. Tay's dick was buried to the hilt in my arse, and boy did it feel good! His arms wrapped around me from behinf and I felt his youthful chest come into full contact with my back. Once again, a complete state of utopia was achieved. Ther was no meditiation technique, no psychiatrist, no drug that could even contemplate creating such an overwhealming feeling of wellbeing...

Tay's strokes gradually became longer as he settled into a gentle rhythm, nibbling on my ears and kissing me all over my cheeks and neck. Every time he pushed in to me, he knew just the right angle to press at so his dick gently prodded my prostate, sending small tremours throughout my entire body.

We were getting closer and closer to our mutual goal, so I decided to urge Tay on slightly by squeezing down on him with my arse. He soon got the messgae and began to pick up speed. However, the hugging position we were in did't allow full articulation of his hips, so he lifted himself off me with his arms and began fucking me with all he had, his balls slapping my own with increased regularity. This was getting too much for me - each of his thrusts sent my dick into a small, slick patch on the sheets, creating a feeling much like that of my own hand. As this continued, my foreskin slipped behind the ridge of my dickhead, so doubling the stimulus. I could no longer resist and as I began to shoot my load into a big pool on the bed, Tay simultaneously injected the contents of his balls deep Into me, practically screaming with emotion as he did so.

As our simultaneous climaxes meled into post-sex bliss, we became aware of quite a comotion from the other end of the trailer. We both had a good idea of what was going on, but more for curiosity's sake, decided to see for ourselves.

The scene that presented itself to us as we creapt off Tay's bed was another of those "once seen, never forgotten" types: Laid spread-eagled on Zac's bed was Gareth in nothing but his tight white briefs, a very noticable tent in the front of them. Zac (who was completely naked, his four inches sticking out agresively in front of him) was just getting onto the bed but was armed - a large bottle of Johnson's Baby Oil was in his hand. Where the hell he'd got that from was anyone's guess...

As we watched, he flipped open the top and allowed a small amount to run out onto the palm of his hand. He carefully closed the top of the bottle and began to rub Gareth's chest, producing the appropriate moans and writhes from him. Not being satisfied with the effect he was getting with the oil, Zac took things to his generic "all-out" level. Grabbing the baby lotion again, he unscrewed the cap completely and simply tipped the majority of the contents onto the body beneath him. Gareth yelled as the oil was cold and took him by surprise, but when Zac proceeded to pull his now slippy kegs off him, he soon shut up. From what I could see, Gareth had a fairly decent four-and-a-bit inches on him, topped by a small, but noticable, patch of dark blonde pubic hair, now matted together by the oil. I immediately decided Tay and myself would have to try this some time...

Once Gareth was completely de-robed, Zac leapt on top of him and pimply slipped around, rubbing his dick over everything he possibly could. Both their bodies were shining with sweat and oil, accentuating Gareth's muscles. He was a swimmer and as a consequence had one of those to-die-for "bubble butts" and thighs that simply would not quit... He also had a six pack that I was quite envious of, but that didn't matter now. What did matter was that he and Zac were kissing, licking, sliding and generally giving each other feelings they couldn't have imagined were possible.

I glanced over at Tay - he was hard again (as was I) and stroking himself, watching his sibling give all he had to Gareth. I moved my had over to him, taking over his stroking. He looked at me, and did the same, running the tips of his fingers under the head of my dick, right on that sensitive spot...

Gareth was quite obviously getting into this in a big way: He was now on top, his hips rubbing against Zac at a quite unbelievable speed. Then Zac gave Gareth an invetation that couldn't be refused. He lifted his legs up, opening his little hole to Gareth. He moved down slightly so the tip of his dick slipped over Zac's balls and down into his crack, causing Zac to gasp, more with anticipation than anything else I suppose. He began to push forward and, thanks to the gallons of baby oil, slipped into him easily. Zac smiled so widely I thought the corners of his mouth were going to meet his ears! Gareth wasted no time and began ploughing into Zac's arse with (forgive the expression) gay abandon. Zac reached down and began yanking on his cock, making his balls jump up and down against Gareth's pubes. Within moments, Gareth yelled and pushed hard into Zac, moving him about a foot up the bed, his arse muscles tensing and relaxing as he pumped his seed into Zac. Shortly, Zac yelled even louder, and pumped a very respectable five spurts in a big arc onto his smooth chest. Gareth, without the slightest hesitation, leant forward and licked up all Zac had to give and swallowed immediately.

I felt Tay tense in my hand, so I quickly squatted infront of him, allowing him to cover my face in his cum...


Tay's breathing slowed as he recovered from what was a pretty intense orgasm, judging by the amount of his cum I was licking from my face. I looked up at him and smiled, licking my lips in an exaggerated manner. Tay responded by smearing what was left of his cum across my face with his dick.

I took the opportunity to clean him up a bit by shoving my tongue under his foreskin and swirling it around, producing more groans and hip movements.

Noticing the lack of action behind me, I turned round to look at Zac and Gareth: both were hard again and slowly tossing eacth other whilst they looked directly at us. First it was them turning us on, now the tables had been turned. Gareth looked so cute: his blonde hair matted together, and a mildly vacant look on his face. Zac also had that same look of lust on his face, although I got the impression most of it was directed at me. This turned me on even more and my yet-to-be-pleasured hardon throbbed in response to what my imagination was coming up with.

Just as I had had that thought, Gareth got up from the bed, releasing Zac's little member from his grasp. He moved over to where Tay and I were and looked at me as if to ask "May I?". How could I refuse such an eloquently put request? I moved aside and sat next to Zac on his bed, our thighs pressing together. Gareth was just about to drop to his knees to give Tay his second head-job in as many minutes when Tay took control of the situation: Holding Gareth by his hips, Tay lowered himpself down and engulfed Gareth with the velvety mouth that I knew so well.

Now, Zac may have been good and full of passion, Gareth acknowledged that, but Taylor had the benefit of experience. His tongue darted around Gareths tool, his throat corressing it in such a way Gareth had never imagined possible. He was never any good with self-discipline, and now what little he had went straight out the window: He grabbed two large handfuls of Tay's golden blonde hair and started fucking his face with a force that had to be seen to be believed, his balls slapping his chin with each thrust. Tay coped admirably, easily taking all Gareth could offer him with room to spare, his lips bearing down hard on the base of Gareth's shaft whilst his tongue and throat took care of the "business" end.

Just the sight of this was almost enough to send me into spontaneous orgasm, having to withhold myself from spurting my overdue load without any form of physical contact. What happened next was inevitable, I suppose. I felt long strands of hair falling over my upper thighs and groin and then fealt a single tongue-lick over the end og my exposed helmet. That was all it took to trigger gyser Lidster, my molten cum spraying with intense force into little Zac's face. He was obviously surprised by how quickly I'd cum, but responded as quickly as Red Addaire in capping the gusher with his mouth, his lips forming a tight seal around its base. However, this attempt to stop such a mighty flow was futile from the start: the fusher simply could not be stopped, just tapped. Zac did exactly this, allowing his mouth to fill and then swallowing, repeating the process three times in all.

On the last fill, he pulled off me slowly, being carefull not to let any of his precious load fall from his lips, his cheeks bulging ever so slightly. He pushed me back onto the bed, and allowed a small drop of my cum to fall onto my lips, which I eagerly licked up. Carefully, he let the rest of my cum run out of his mouth onto the palm of his hand.

"You want more?" he asked, an evil grin on his face.

"Oh yeah," I submitted, still suffering the aftershocks of my own orgasm.

"Come and get it, then..." he said, rubbing the contents of his palm all over his dick and balls. This just added an extra incentive to do what I was hoping to do anyway and so I traded positions with him, pushing him back onto the bed.

Zac's shaft was fully erect and slick with my load, his tiny foreskin pulled all the way back to reveal his angry purple head that visibly throbed with each beat of his rapidly pulsing heart. The sight of his hairless boner and balls along with the smell of my cum was turning me on like you wouldn't believe, so I began licking my load from his most private areas. Zac squirmed and thrashed around under the assault of my tongue and I hadn't even started to suck him yet! There was a sharp intake of breath as I pulled his dick away from his tummy and took the head into my mouth.

Throwing subtlety to the wind, I began a vigorous head-bobbing motion and encouraged Zac to join in by moving his hips to and from my face. He soon cottoned on and began fucking my face vigorously.

Gareth had almost attained his goal, his tight arse moving in and out against Tay's face. Suddenly, he made four or five pronounced thrusts into Tay, grunting with each one, each time his arse cheeks clenching as he sent his hot boycum into his more than willing mouth. Once he'd finished emptying his balls, Tay stood up and hugged Gareth to him and kissed him, giving his mouth full of cum back to its rightful owner. Gareth readily accepted the return and licked and slurped greedily at Tay's mouth, trying to get every last drop of his own juice from him.

I was so preoccupied watching Gareth's performance the first couple of squirts that erupted from the tip of Zac's cock caused me to gag slightly as I simply wasn't ready for them. The sublimely sweet taste immediately captured my attention and sucked even more vigorously as he attempted to fill my mouth with his load, his little hairless balls pulled tight to his body.

= = = = =

Ike groaned, thankfully more with pleasure now than the pain he'd been experiencing a few moments earlier as Andy's dick opened up his virgin arsehole for the first time. Sure, he'd played with his arse a bit before now, but only with things that were pencil width - including Zac's toothbrush once: He'd been being even more of an annoying little shit than usual on this occasion and, to make matters worse, Ike'd been forced into babysitting. Now, Zac being the dearest little goody-goody in their parents' eyes, Ike couldn't take a more orthodox method of retribution without Walker and Diane finding out. So he decided to do something he could get pleasure from without his parents or siblings finding out.

One night back in Tulsa as he was getting ready to take a shower, he spotted Zac's toothbrush by the wash basin. He was in autopilot and just about to put it back next to Tay's when the thought crossed his mind. He started the shower and got in, taking the toothbrush in with him. He soaped up his body and, after re-contemplating what he was going to do, took Zac's toothbrush and gently inserted the handle into his now slick arse. He closed his eyes with pleasure as he felt the plastic invader make its way into him. As he felt the nylon bristles make contact with the insides of his arse cheeks, the rounded end of the handle made contact with something inside of him that sent shockwaves through his entire body, his erection squirting a small amount of clear fluid from the tip.

Ike froze, not quite sure what he'd done and wondering if he'd broken something. Tentatively, he pushed gently on the head of the toothbrush and, sure enough, the same jolt of pleasue shot through him again. Automatically, his free hand found his dick and began stroking as he gently began prodding with the toothbrush...

But Andy was no toothbrush and Ike was fnding that out the hard way. Before they'd started doing "The Deed", Andy had underlined the fact that he didn't want to do anything Ike didn't either. Right now, Ike was not sur he wanted to, but his mind was being overruled by his dick that knew once he got into it, it'd be a hell of a lot of fun. So Ike suffered in silene as Andy gently pushed in and out of him. After a few moments, his mind had to agree with his dick - it really did feel good.

Andy could feel Ike starting to relax and respond under him, and so gradually began to accelerate and deepen his thrusts. Hearing nothing but a deep moan of approval he continued, marvelling at how tight and hot Ike was. As their pace quickened, Andy's balls began slapping against Ike's, giving both lads a new source of pleasure. Andy reached round to Ike's front and began to stroke his heavily inflated member.

It didn't take long: the feelings that Andy was giving to Ike surpassed anything he'd ever felt in his entire life. Ike yelled with all his might and erupted, sending his copious load into the palm of Andy's hand. Once he had a hanfull, Andy broght it to his mouth and licked all of it off. The taste of Ike' thick cum and his spasming asshole brought Andy over the edge. Holding onto Ike's hips (not an easy task due to the film of sweat, and now cum, over them both) he gave one last deep thrust, planting the tip of his dick firmly against Ike's prostate, and deposited his load...

= = = = =

As we all gradually recovered from our respective orgasms, we all looked at each other rather sheepishly as if embarassed at what we'd done. We weren't, I'm sure, but it's the sort of thing that's "just not done". Zac yawned and I looked at my watch.

"What time is it?" asked Gareth, more than just a hint of urgency in his voice.

"Uh, ten to eleven..."

"Oh SHIT! I've missed my train! You wouldn't believe how much grief my house master said he'd give me if I was late..."

"Oh, shame. Looks like you'll have to stay here tonight, then," grinned Zac.

Gareth smiled back half heartedly. His house master was still one of the "Old School" types who ruled with an iron fist and, if that didn't work (which it nearly always did) a dirty great cane. In his eyes, this insubordination was a definiate caining offence, if not being gated for a week. For the non-public-schoolboys amongst you, gating has to be the most inconvenient punishment possible: You must wear full dress school uniform at all times, including weekends. During this period, all leave is cancelled, all privileges revoked and to make matters worse, you have to report to the Master on Duty every half hour during your free time to have a sheet signed. I'd rather be suspended...

"Perhaps you could call him. Tell him you've been busy and missed your train..." I suggested.

"Nah, that'd never wash. He'd 'understand' on the phone, but he'd still kick the crap outa me as soon as I walked through the door..."

"Tay, d'you know what you're doing tomorrow?" I asked.

"Uh, bumming around, last time I checked..."

"How d'you fancy getting Gareth out of this slight problem..."


"Well, I know this is a bit over the top, but how'd you fancy doing a quick concert at my school?"

"I'd love to -I wanna see the prison you go to..." he grinned. "Don't know about Ike, though..."

= = = = =

Right now, Ike would have agreed to about anything as he lay spread-eagled on his bed recovering from his most intense orgasm to date, Andy on top of him. He couldn't believe at the beginning of this evening he was still having doubts about doing this sort of thing...

He heard his cell phone ringing and looked around for it. Andy slowly got up from on top of Ike, pulling his soft dick out gently. Ike rummaged through the pile of clothes and retrieved his phone and pressed send.


= = = = =

"Uh, Ike?" asked Tay. It didn't sound quite right for Ike. "Oh, sorry, didn't recognise you for a moment... Listen, whatcha doin' tomorrow?... You wanna go to Dean's school with us? We gotta take Gareth back... Yeah? Cool! We'll have to leave early, oh, and bring your guitar... Great - thanks, man. Later..." Tay ended the call.

"He says he'll go. Apparantly he owes you a favour, Dean. Can't imagine what for..."

We were all completely knackered and decided that as we hadan early start in the morning, we'd better hit the sack. Tay picked up his phone again and rang Kevin to make sure he'd be able to give us a lift. Kevin had no problem with this, but as six of us were going, he'd have to take us in Dorf.

"Dorf?" I asked.

"Kev's Ford Transit" replied Tay. Oh, great. I'd rather go in the Range Rover and have Tay sit on my lap. Come to think about it, I'd like to have Tay on my lap most of the time... "You'll like it, promise..." Tay assured me, seeing the dismayed look on my face.

Tay took my hand and pulled me over to Zac's bed where we'd all silently decided we'd sleep together. As I slipped into the bed, the feeling of three other hot, naked lads next to be sent shivers down my spine and within moments, was hard again. From the prods I was getting from both sides, so was everyone else, but we were all so tired, we simply hugged, kissed and rubbed against each other. I fell asleep with Tay's hardon between my legs.


Kevin woke us up the next morning at a quarter past six. Not getting a huge response, he unlocked the door using his master key (the priveliges a security bloke gets...) stuck his head inside the trailer and yelled for us to get up. When he saw Tay's bed deserted and four times the amount there should be in Zac's, he muttered something indestinguishable, shook his head and left us alone. We then heard roughly the same routine going on next door with Ike and Andy.

I asked Tay what Kevin'd think about us all sleeping together.

"He's swarn to secrecy. No matter what we get up to, Kev won't let on a bit, even to our parents. That way they don't have anything to hide from the press. Why else d'you think Kev gets such a big pay packet... The only thing he would pass on was if he thought one of us was doing drugs. We're not into that kinda shit, so no problems..."

We dressed each other as quickly as was practicable, but with some underware swapping thrown in for good measure. Zac fished a box of Frosties out fom a cupboard and we all grabbed handfulls due to the lack of milk without lumps in it...

A couple of minutes later, Ike opened the door, wielding his acoustic guitar. He informed us that it was now called Drew after Andy - he was in the habit of naming his guitars after the person he had a crush on at the time. Drew just happened to be a suitably genderless name that he could use in public without eyebrows being raised. He also told us that Andy wouldn't be coming as he was needed in pulling the lighting rigs apart.

"Dean, he told me to tell you he shouldn't need your help today," Ike grinned.

We decided we were about ready to set off and meandered outside. Kevin was nowhere to be seen but one of the huge touring lorries had its tailgate open and a pair of ramps extending from the back.

"Where is he? I thought he was the one that wanted to leave early to miss the traffic..." No sooner had the words left my mouth when the sound of a large, nearly unsilenced V8 engine ripped through the cold mornng air, closely followed by the twitter of a pair of turbochargers.

My jaw dropped as a deep pagan purple coloured vehicle began to reverse down the ramps. From the profile I had of it, it was definitely a Ford Transit, but like no other I'd ever seen in my entire life! Apart from the outrageous paintwork which was now revealed in its entirity (including finely detailed artworks of scantily clad valkeries) the vehicle sat on huge 18" Oz 3-spoke alloy wheels clad in equally impressive foot-wide Yokohama tyres. You could only see about two thirds of the above, however, as the suspension had been lowered to such an extent.

The driver's window glided down into the door, revealing a very smug looking Kevin, complete with semi-insane grin. "Whatcha think?" he asked me and Gareth, already knowing the answer from the look of utter disbelief and envy on our faces. Tay grabbed my hand and we walked over to the idling monster. He opened the slding door to reveal an interor becoming of the vehicle's impressive exterior - leather Ricaro seats and harnesses, deep pile purple carpet, purple neon strip lights everywhere at floor level and grilles covering speakers that looked like they could rival the sound system in the NEC...

Walking round the outside of the van, I could see where the name came from: I'm not quite sure how he did it, but each of the blue Ford ovals had indeed been modified to read "Dorf". The front air dam was now but half an inch from the tarmac and there were more lights embedded into it than you could shake a stick at. The normal plastc grille had been replaced with a balck mesh one, and all the windows had been one-way tinted. This was one transit I didn't mind taking a drive in at all!

We all piled in, Ike in the front and fastened our harnesses securely. Kev then pulled the autobox's selector to "D" and gently dabbed the accelerator. The huge Chevvy V8 gurgled to itself and we gently made our way across the car park. Even at 15MPH or so, you could feel every bump and pebble due to the low pofile tyres and immensely stiff racing suspension. The fun really began, though, as we hit the motorway: coming down the sliproad Kev booted the throttle and the Transit took off like a gazelle on steroids! The acceleration was such that it was a physical effort to try and move your arm from the seat, and this was accompanied by the sort of roar / scream only a tuned V8 with a pair of turbos can produce. All too soon, the acceleration died off and the roar turned back to a more civilised burble. Glancing over Kevin's shoulder I was more than shocked to see we were doing over 90! I wanted this car...

As we sweapt briskly along the motorway, Kev filled us in on how Dorf came to be. To cut a (very) long story short, it'd taken him two years and most of his salary to turn a bog standard trannie van into this purple monster, and what he didn't spend on the build went straight into the fuel tank...

We soon arrived at school to much jaw dropping and finger pointing from the just-arriving day kids and their parents.

"D'you think you can park somewhere subtle?" I asked.

"Sod that," said Kevin, stopping right infront of the school's front door. "It's not possible to be subtle in this. You just park whereyou like..." He did have a point.

"OK - can you guys stay here for a moment while I go talk to the headmaster? Don't get out or you may well be mobbed, even here..."

The school grapevine, although not necessarily very accurate, was certainly quick - today being no exception. As a result, I met the headmaster racing down the stairs to see who that "Purple monstrosity" belonged to.

After managing to calm him down a tad (never an easy task on a monday morning at the best of times) I tried to explain the situation to him.

"Well, sir, you know Gareth didn't manage to get back to school last night?"

"Mr. Russell had mentioned it to me..."

"Well, he was at this concert with me last night. He's fine, and we've brought a couple of friends with us this morning to see the school... By the way, who's taking Chapel this morning?"

"Oh sh....ugar. It's me!" he said, obviously having forgotten. It wasn't unheard of for him to forget completely and simply not turn up...

"Um, would you mind if I took it in your place?" If anything, pupils taking Chapel was actively encouraged by the staff: They said it aided public speaking. We think it gave them one less thing to do...

"No, no, not at all - as long as you don't give a repeat performance of last time..."

"Awww, c'mon. sir - you know that wasn't my fault!"

"Hmmmph, just be sure this time, OK? Do you need someone to play any music for you today?"

"Nope. Already got some..."

"OK. Well, good luck..."

The last time I took Chapel I played the first song from the Pulp Fiction CD. This would have been great had the guy playing the music read the post-it note on the front of the case, asking him to play from about 45 seconds in. But he didn't, so all of Honey Bunny's 'f'ing and blinding was played to the full school complement. Thankfully, the staff acknowledged it as a sincere mistake...

I thanked the headmaster who gave me his "No, thank YOU" look, obviously relieved that he didn't have to throw an assembly together, complete with ethics and meaning. Instead he could sit and relax for a half hour, something he couldn't normally do.

I went back out the front door again to find Dorf surrounded by my fellow students, all trying to peer through the tinted windows. I wound my finger in the air hoping that Kevin would see me - thankfully he did and fired up the engine. I'd never seen twenty people jump away from something simultaneously before, and I wished I had a camcorder. That fool Jeremy Beadle'd pay 250 for that...

I jogged infront of Dorf and led them around to the back of the school. Thankfully we'd lost the majority of the crowd, so I opened the door and led Ike, Tay, Zac and Gareth into the Green Room. A moment later, the bell rang signalling for people to start heading towards chapel. Now I was starting to get nervous. It didn't matter how many times I'd done this, I got just as nervous each time. Tay noticed I was looking slightly perturbed, so he came over and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Don't worry," he said, grinning. "You've got a good supporting cast..."

"The best" I said and kissed him back.

I heard rammle beyond the door quieten down as the Prefect on Duty did his best to shut them up for the staff to enter. After another minute or so, everything went completely quiet - my prompt to go out... I took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Morning, people," I said. There was a muffled response from about a third of the school. That was no good at all... "OK - follow my instructions: Look at the fool with long hair on the stage..." This woke about two thirds up. Good enough. "Right, I'd like to talk to you this morning about one of my favourite bands - Hanson. They are three kids about the same age as us and look what they've managed to achieve."

Now, I knew from personal experience that nothing pleased the kids at my school more than something going horribly wrong during a presentation such as this. This could be anything from someone forgetting a line to a technical problem such as a CD not playing. So I decided to give them some amusement.

"Without saying any more, I'd like to play you a track from their first album 'Middle Of Nowhere' entitled 'Madeline'".


More silence.

Laughter. This was, for once, good...

"Ermm, OK, sorry about that... I... well, for once I have a backup to the CD player..." Everyonekept laughing, albeit slightly quieter. I opened the Green Room door and beckoned for Hanson to emerge. Silence fell over the whole school as Zac emerged, closely followed by Tay and Ike.

"OK. Everyone, I'd like to introduce you to Ike, Tay and Zac Hanson. Hanson, meet my school..." I graciously retired to the side of the stage and allowed the trio to take over.

Ike took the thread and conbtinued": Well, I guess that's the introductions over.. Um, I guess we'd better shut up and play someth..."

"Its HANSON!!" Yelled one of the fifth from girls, leaping from her seat.

"Where, where?" yelled Zac, looking round in mock excitement.

"Oh, us! Thanks for clearing that point up a little," Tay grinned back. "We never really quite knew who we were..."

Sixteen pairs of eyes belonging to various members of staff and a further two hundred and fifty belonging to the pupils focused on the poor star-struck girl who slowly and carefully sat back down in her seat helped by a couple of her friends.

"Enough of the talking already," said Ike and began strumming the opening chords to Madeline on Drew. Everyone was actingpretty wooden until about the middle of the second verse when they decided that they should stop being shocked and actually enjoy the music that was being performed for them.

At the end of the song they actually got spontaneous applause - something very strange from this rabble: usually it was left to a member of staff to start the applause as no one was paying enough attention to realise that it was required. Having that happen was usually a very good sign of their approval.

"Wow, thankyou... OK - now I know you'll all know the next one - love it or hate it I want you ALL to join in the chorous - staff as well, OK?" announced Tay.

The staff all looked very apprehensive indeed but would play ball - the majority of them being good sports, the one notable exception being David Russell, Gareth's housemaster. He had to be the most balshy, miserable sod in existance - a true-to-life Scrooge if ever there was one.

"Go for it, Ike,"

As he played the opening notes of MMMBop, there was a mixed reaction from the crowd, but everyone certainly knew the words... I still marvelled at the way their three voices harmonised effortlessly as if they'd been tuned by some higher power. As the chorous approached, Tay signalled everyone to start clapping over their heads as they started to MMMBop.

This seemed to be going quite well until Zac yelled "Stoooop! Hold it! You and you," he said, pointing to a couple of lads on the back row. "Yeah, you know who you are. HANDS IN THE AIR! Well, come on, then! I'm not gonna quit until you do... That's better - and smile! Enjoy yourself... Oh, and that applies to you too, mister," he said, waving a hand at Russell.

I could see the anger building up inside him but there was absolutely naff all he could do about it, and he knew it! I'd never seen him squirm so much in my entire life - boy did it feel good. I looked over at Gareth who was smiling widely as well, obviously pleased that the housemaster from hell had got a sort of comeuppance, even if it was only a small one.


They played Man from Milwaukee and, when Tay spotted the Grand Piano in the corner, an improvised version of At Christmas. After they finished playing, there was a short question-and-answer session before the headmaster stepped in and said we'd better round it off as we'd already managed to miss half of the first period. The headmaster personally thanked each of the Hanson brothers and ushered us all back into the Green Room to the cheers of the school. All in all, it went a lot better than I expected. If people would only listen to their music rather than making a snap decision based on one song (usually MMMBop) they'd find songs spanning a whole range of musical styles, and probably finding at least one they liked...

"I like your school," anounced Tay as we talked in the Green Room, allowing the crowds to disperse in a supposedly orderly manner from the chapel. "You've only seen one part of it," said Gareth. "It's not all happy-happy sing alongs..." Gareth was the sort of person who wasn't bad or misbehaved on purpose, it just sort of happened to him, and whenever it did, he always ended getting punished as far as the school rules would allow. It usually wasn't his fault either, it generally just happened to him...

Just then, the headmaster poked his head round the door. "Ah, Dean, Gareth, good... I know you're on leave at the moment, Dean, but I was wondering if you wouldn't mind giving your guests a tour of the school. Oh and Gareth, I bumped into oh, whats his name... Kevin - he informs me that you all get around four hours of private tuition a day..." We all looked at each other, grinning " I see no reason for you not to take the rest of the week off with Dean, if that suits you all." Gareth and Zac smiled at each other. "That'd be great!" replied Zac, almost a little too enthusiastically.

" You haven't got any outstanding commitments, have you?"

"Uh, I've got a rugby game on Wednesday, sir..."

"I'm sure we'll manage without you on this one occasion... Dean, wehn you've finished, could you bring your guests up to my study - I've got a small proposal for you all..." Whilst normally being ultra precise (albeit a little forgetful), the headmaster was just as good at being completely non-comittal and vague. This was just such an occasion - I knew no matter how many questions I put to him right now he wouldn't let up to what he was thinking about until he wanted to, so I just agreed with him.

Tay looked at me questionningly. I just shrugged - I had just as much of an idea as he did. "OK, lads, I'll see you in about an hour then," and with that, the headmaster vanished again, leaving me, Gareth and three Hansons alone. In a concieled room. With a lockable door. And a comfy sofa. Damn this would be tough - tay looked sooo hot again.

'STOP IT' I mentally yelled at myself again. I was becoming obsessive... "Right, so where do you want to start?" "How the hell do I know - it's your school..."

"Uh, yeah, um OK - I might as well take you on the standard 'prospective parent' run - it's as good as any I suppose..." That was another fairly unique thing about the school - all prospective parents were guided around by other pupils, not members of staff. The thinking behind this was who knew the school better that its own inmates, um, pupils? Of course there were only a select few in each year that could be trusted to do this job 'properly' and give the desired propagander...

We started off walking through the main teaching block, going in to a couple of the classrooms so that the member of staff could give us a quick run-down of their subject and the facilities they had. Next stop were the science labs and then the computer room. Much to Tay's disgust, they were all Acorn Archimedes. His reaction was spot-on - the archimedes is a really shitty RISC based machine that is compatible with itself only. It does, however, have one redeeming feature - it's built like a brick shit-house and consequently is just right for a school environment that doesn't want to do any more than a little light word processing...

After the IT teacher had gone over the machine's good point, we headed towards the music block. This is one of the places that the school's quite well equipped: we actually have our own mini recording studio comprising of a sixteen track multitrack recorder, 24 channel mixer, samplers, MIDI sequencers and a few other keyboards and paraphenalia. It may not seem like a lot, but it's a hell of a lot more than some of our competitors...

Our slightly efemminate music master looked slightly worried as four long-haired hippies burst through his door, but became quite impressed when he found three of them could actually use the equipment to its full potential. What started as a tour of the school soon turned into an improvised jam session, and within ten minutes a completely origional tune had evolved. Tay shoved a disk into the PC and copied the sequence to it so they had something to work from later.

The music teacher was, quite simply, stunned and wanted to know when Ike, Tay and Zac would be starting as pupils. I had to break it to him gently that they lived in the USA and were only here for the next couple of hours... This completed the tour and we headed back towards the Headmaster's study. He welcomed us in and all five of us sat on and around his modestly sized couch he had for such occasions.

"Well, lads, firstly I'm honoured that you could grace us with your presence this morning - If I'd have known you were coming we could have made something slightly bigger out of this than a half-hour assembly...

"Anyway, that's not important now. What I really want to ask you is do you like the school?"

"Sure," replied Ike. "It's not half as bad as these public schools are made out to be. All the teachers seem pretty cool, too."

"Yeah," chipped in Zac. "You'd never get our lot back in Tulsa waving their hands in the air, never mind singing MMMBop..."

"Good, good... My next question is a bit more testing - would you like to stay with us for a while, say a fortnight on an exchange?"

I couldn't believe it! Now I knew our new headmester was a fairly open-minded guy, but I never expected this...

"Ermmm, we'd love to, but I'm not sure if our parents'd approve..." replied Tay.

"Don't answer now - the offer stands. When you've made a decision tell Dean or Gareth and they'll get a message to me, OK? Of course, we'd have to return the favour and send them over to the US for a fortnight. It'd be our first exchange with an American school..."

This was just getting better and better! A whole two weeks staying with Tay at his house! Wow...

"Anyway, I'm pleased to have had the chance to meet you all, and I wish you every success in the future. Oh, would you give this to your parents for me," he said, handing a copy of the school prospectus to Ike. "Just so they know the sort of place you'll be!"

Everyone was quiet as we left his office: Things seemed to be going a little too quickly again. Gareth and Zac were happy, though - they got to spend another few days with one another, as did Tay and myself. We walked slowly round to the back of the school where Kevin was waiting by Dorf, leaning lazily against the bonnet and yawning. That guy must have one of the best jobs in the world...

We all piled back into the van and set off back towards the NEC, Tay thumbing through the prospectus.

"Hey, this you?" he asked me, pointing at a guy dressed in a caving suit and covered from head to toe in thick, black mud.

"Yeah - the cave was supposed to be wet, but it had dried out into a huge underground mud slide. Pretty cool, actually... I'm in there twice more..."

Tay began flicking through all the pictures, trying to find me. He spotted the second one about half way through - I was dangling from the underside of a bridge in a climbing harness, grinning insanely at the camera. He looked at that for a moment and then continued flicking through. He stopped at a full page picture: I was standing in profile on the edge of the swimming pool just before a race in nothing but a pair of blue Speedos, a couple of drips of water running down my side and chest. You couldn't see my hair as it was all tucked up inside a matching blue swimming cap, but my "worldly goods" were quite clearly visible. Personally I couldn't believe thay'd put it in as to a certain eye it could almost be classed as mild erotica...

"Woah," said Tay after about a minute of just staring. "You look so cool like that..."

"Uh, thanks," I said, not really knowing how to reply to such a complement. Tay continued to stare and adjusted the front of his trousers to accomodate his growing size. Just seeing him get hot over my photo started getting me wound up as well.

"You want a hand with that?" I enquired, leaning over and rubbing his now very obvious tent. Tay breathed in sharply, but carried on staring at the pic. I gently unzipped his fly and slid my hand into the boxers, my boxers, he was wearing. I fealt around and allowed my hand to cup his testicles, squeezing them gently before I moved back up and began to slowly rub and squeeze his shaft as much as I could in thie tight confines of his trousers. Tay groaned out loud, causing everyone in the van to look at us, including Kevin.

"I don't mind what the hell you do back there," he chuckled "just keep it off the seats, OK? D'you know how much they cost to have cleaned??"

Gareth and Zac obviously thought what we were doing was a good idea, Zac unbuckling his seatbelt and sitting on Gareth's lap. Gareth undid his belt, lengthened the straps and put it round both of them. He then proceeded to undo Zac's flies... Ike just shook his head and turned round, fixing his eyes on the road infront - desperately trying to clear his mind of the thoughts he was having, probably about Andy...

After another couple of minutes, Tay's breathing became very shallow and suddenly he tried to pump his hips intp my hand, but was prevented from doing so by the seat harness. I felt his dick grow and a second later, my boxers were filled with a fresh load of his cum. I let his dick shrink in my grip, then gently pulled my cum-covered hand out. I grinned at Tay, letting him watch me lick his load from my fingers.

Again, the taste of his sweet cum took my oral senses by storm, sending my head reeling. I then felt his hand dub my bulge through my trousers, tracing the outline of my erect dick from my balls right to the head. He then closed his fingers around the lump and began jerking me. I was so hot I shot my wad within seconds of him doing this, doing all I could to stifle the moans and yells I wanted to make, but still probably making one hell of a racket...

"Hey, no fair," whispered Tay. "I wanted to taste you!"

"And what's stopping you, exactly?" I countered. He took the hint and unzipped my jeans, pushing his hand over the cum soaked cotton. He scooped as much as he could onto his fingertips, and then pulled his hand out, doing his best to not get it on my clothes or Kevin's seats. Bringing the strong smelling liquid to his face, he inhaled deeply before slurping himself clean and rolling the liquid round, trapping it between his tongue and the roof of his mouth before swallowing. We pulled each other to the limits of our seatbelts and kissed, swapping a small amount of each others saliva so we could taste ourselves. For the rest of the journey we sat holding hands in silence, not having to say anything as we'd already said all that needed to be said in our actions...

The traffic was heavy again on our return journey, so it was getting on for half twelve when we pulled into the NEC.

As Dorf neared the trailers, Tay's trailer door opened and for a moment I thought I was seeing double: For all I was worth I could swear a minature Zac Hanson stepped out! The similarity was uncanny - frightening almost. Then two little girls stepped out, and finally two adults.

"Uh oh, brace yourselves!" warned Ike as he opened his door.

"ISSIC!" Yelled little Mac Hanson, racing towards his older brother, arms outstretched. Ike scooped him up and swung him round in the air provoking giggles of excitement from his younger sibling. I couldn't help but smile watching that scene - Mac's giggles said it all.

"Where are Tayles and Za... TAYLES!" he yelled, enthusiasm renewed as Tay stepped out of the van, followed by Zac, Gareth and myself, a hug being extracted from all of us before he would calm down to sub-hyper. I think it just ran in the family.

"Mom, Dad," smiled Tay, giving each of his parents a big hug.

"Hi, honey," said Diane, kissing him on the forehead and terminally embarrasing him simply because I was there. I just thought what marvellous parents he had.

"Who're your friends?" asked Walker, looking at me and Gareth in a slightly apprehensive way.

"Dean! Good to meet you at last! We've heard so much about you from Taylor..."

"Is that good or bad?" I asked, smiling back.

"All good so far," answered Diane, extending her hand to me. I shook it and as I looked into her eyes, I noticed they had the same "deep" look Tay's did. "Well, I might as well introduce you to the less-well-known members of the Hanson clan: This is Mackenzie," she said, pointing over at Mac who walked forward, stuch his hand out and yelled "Howjadoo!" I smiled and shook his hand back.

"And this is Jessica and Avie, our two youngest. Say hello to Dean, girls,"

"Hullo, Dean," said Jessie, swiveling around nervously on the ball of her foot. Avie took a couple of steps back and hid behind Diane's leg. I knealt down and waved at her. She smiled shyly and gave a little wave back, then darted behind her mum's leg again.

"She's a bit shy around strangers. Once she gets to know you she'll be fine..."

"Listen, guys, sorry we missed the concert last night - our flight was delayed and we were stuck in London. We could've tried the train but we'd have ended up here at about four in the morning... Anyway, how'd it go?" asked Walker.

"The crowd here was sooo cool," exclaimed Zac.

"Yeah, seemed like every one of them knew all the words to all the songs,"

"And they were the loudest out of all the gigs we've ever played. And dean managed to save Andy..."

"Huh? Who's Andy?"

"He's Ike's b..." Zac managed to catch himself just in time. "Um, Ike's friend. E slipped off one of the lighting rigs and Dean climbed up and saved him!"

"Zac's exaggerating a little," I said, blushing. I never was any good at taking credit, especially in front of adults.

"No he's not," interrupted Ike. "Andy had knocked himself out when he fell. If Dean hadn't been there I really dunno what would've happened..."

"Sounds like you've had a bit too much fun," smiled Walker. "Anything else you want to tell us?" he asked, eyebrow raised.

"Um, well, Dean's headmaster has offered to take us on an exchange with our school in Tulsa - we'd go to Dean'sschool for a fortnight, and he'd come back over and stay with us at home..."


"Yeah, all three of us," replied Zac. "Gareth as well."

"Who's Gareth?" asked both parents simultaneously, convincved their kids were suffering from selective amnesia.

"Uh, hi," said Gareth, who'd been mooching behind us all.

"He's a friend of Dean's." explained Zac. "I met him at the concert last night and, well, invited him to stay over.

Walker and Diane looked slightly bemused, but realised it was a bit rough on their kids being in the spotlight at such an early age. To keep them away from their friends really didn't help matters, so any they made whilst on tour was OK by them, even if it was slightly unusual that they were staying in the same place long enough for that to happen.

"I'm not sure, Walker... D'you think they'd be OK by themselves in a strange country without us?"

"Come on, Diane, they're used to it! We see more of them on TV than we do in person when they're on tour. They'd be fine."

"So it's cool?" asked Tay, wanting to get a definite yes or no.

"I don't see why not," mulled Walker

"Yesss," yelled Tay and Zac who ran and hugged their parents.

So, I was going to go to America at last! Wow, I never thought it would happen this way - I had the rest of the week and then a WHOLE MONTH to spend with my favourite group and, more to the point, my favourite guy, even if it was at school. Hell, that didn't matter, just as long as I was with him...


THE END OF STORY #2. Wanna see how Tay, Zac and Ike fair in an English boarding school? Mail me if you're interested...

If anyone can fill me in on life in the USA (specifically Tulsa) I'd be very grateful. I've never been to the states and would like some info so I can make the story a bit more believable such as a school timetable, what there is to do etc... Of course I'd credit you in the story header.... Thanx, Dean (

Next: Chapter 3: Zac and Mac

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