Dean and Hanson

By Dean Lidster

Published on Aug 16, 1998



by Dean Lidster =======================================================================


(Chapters thirteen to fifteen)

DISCLAIMER ~~~~~~~~~~

This story contains sexual acts between boys. If this is not to your tastes, then why in God's name are you reading this in the first place, huh? If you're curious, then that's fine by me - just remember: an open mind and an open heart is the secret to a good and happy life. If you are UNDER the age of concent for state / geographical location / planet that you're in / on etc, please leave now (unless you want to be educated and have an open mind that is!)

I spose this story is copyrighted. By this, I mean that I wrote it and would not particularly want anyone to subtly alter it and pretend it is their own. However, you MAY post it to any newsgroups, archives etc, print it, give it to friends without my prior permission PROVIDED THAT I STAY ACCREDITED AS THE AUTHOR AND YOU DO NOT CHARGE FOR DOING SO. Easy :-)

The story is fiction, and whilst there are references to real live people in here, none of this took place outside of my hormone-driven mind...

If you like this story, mail me at If you don't like it, mail me anyway and tell me why!

The latest version of this saga may be found at my web site:

Cheers, Dean

Dedicated to Lee - I will love you forever.


Zac's day had dragged by. "When the minutes seem like hours and the hours seem like days..." Zac quietly sang to himself as he lay in his bed, Gareth sleeping soundly. He reckoned that he must've spent at least three hours in Russell's classroom today, and as they didn't have PE or Games on Thursdays, he felt he'd hardly seen the light of day!!

"Zac, you awake?" came Gareth's whispered voice.

He took a deep breath. "Yeah," he sighed, bracing himself for another verbal assault.

"Look, I'm sorry for what I said... I... It... It's not fair on you... I was just jealous... We never said that you couldn't be with anyone else... I guess I was just jealous. I... Sorry, man..."

Zac turned onto his side, propping his head up with his arm, just being able to determine Gareth's outline. "Gareth, I..."

"Don't bother," he sniffed, fighting the already lost battle of holding back his tears. "It wasn't your fault. Don't be unhappy because of me. If I'd have been Jon, I would have done the same..." His last word was drowned slightly as his voice portmentaued up a couple of octaves as the tears broke through his depleted barrier of self control.

Zac thought about his situation and for a moment wished he could just escape - leave everything behind and start over. Then he realised he'd be leaving the love of Gareth - the love he had simply overlooked - taken for granted - until now. He never wanted to do that. He'd seen Ike get messed up by this "love" thing before, and it had managed to change him into an unhappy, unpleasant person that was all to quick to chastise and recriminate. But it had happened to him without him really knowing it, and there was nothing he could do.

In the split-second it took for Zac to think all this, he recalled all the fun he'd had with Gareth in their trailer at the NEC, how much he'd felt for him.

Zac threw his covers back and walked over to Gareth's bed, slipping in beside him. He felt Gareth tense as he did this, so he put his arm around him and kissed him on the cheek.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, his breath moving a wisp of Gareth's hair, causing Gareth to smile as it tickled his cheek. "I shouldn't have let it happen. I was too dumb to realise how I felt for you... Sorry, Gareth."

Those few words from Zac made him drop all inhibitions towards him, and even though he knew in his heart that Zac would never ever be able to behave himself for any period of time, right then he didn't care as the hot body of the stunning twelve-year-old pulled itself against him. Gareth breathed a long, contented sigh, the anguish of the day having taken a toll on him both mentally and physically.

"See you in detention tomorrow," he whispered to Zac. He kissed him gently on the cheek, and the two reconciled boys gradually drifted off into the solace of sleep.


"Deadliest," exclaimed Tay.

"What? You can't get 'deadliest' from Dean's name!"

"You sure can," he said as I fed him another bite of his pizza. "You could have 'deadlines' too, but 'deadliest' sounds cooler..."

You can tell how boring evenings can be when stuck in a field with practically nothing to do, especially when five lads are reduced to trying to find the longest anagram from each others' names. Usually, cow-pushing was the main attraction but that was out of the question as there were no cows in the vicinity...

"I got a good one for Triv," grinned Jamie. "'Teeniest'!"

"No - that's you, bare bone boy... Besides, I don't think you can live up to your anagram!"

"Oh yeah? What's that?"


"Hey, just coz I can still have multiple orgasms..."

"I can't get anything out of Tony's name," I said, scribbling out my scrawl for the umpteenth time on the back of the pizza box.

"It's actually 'Anthony'," Spider sheepishly admitted.

"Anthony?" questioned Jamie, bursting out into fits of laughter.

"What's wrong with that?" he asked, his face starting to go into 'kick the shit' mode.

"Nothing. Just wanted to see your reaction!" grinned Jamie.

"Well, that helped a bit, Spidey, the only problem is I now get 'Hootenanny'!"

"Or 'hothead'," chipped in Tay, peering over the now very congested lump of cardboard.

"How the hell can you do that?"


"Just look at a word and see anagrams like that?"

"Uh... I dunno... Just can. More pizza, please," he said, holding his mouth open.

"You, Mr. Hanson," I said, gently feeding the corner of an exceptionally large slice into his mouth while I ran my free hand through his hair and up the back of his neck, "are getting a little too big for your boots, me thinks!" and with that, I smeared the contents of the slice all over his face, causing him to fall backwards off his log with surprise. Never one to miss an open opportunity, I leapt off my log and landed on top of the now pepperoni-smelling Hanson.

The sight of my favourite pop star covered in my favourite pizza topping looked good enough to eat, so eat I did, licking the spicy tomato sauce from his face and gently nibbling along his eyebrows.

"Fuck it: who needs the pizza?" exclaimed Jamie as he jumped on Triv and began licking his face in earnest, initially to Triv's disgust, but gradually becoming more and more appreciative, he in turn licking back at Jamie. Of course, the licking for both parties naturally escalated to kissing and finally to a full-on snog.

"Friggin' hell! Would you guys PLEASE cool off just a bit? Its bad enough a STRAIGHT couple doing it in front of you, but... well..." Spider looked quite pissed off.

"Just coz you ain't gettin' any!"

"I don't fuckin' want none of that shit, ta very much!"

"You're gonna have to put up with it, I'm afraid," smiled Triv. "You're sleeping with us!"

"Oooooooh no - I AIN'T sleeping with you arse-bandits. No way!"

Tay and I sat up from our reclined position and disentangled our limbs from one another as we watched the show.

"So where are you gonna sleep then?"

"I can tell you where I AIN'T sleeping!"

"Awwww - come on, Spidey - we're only fooling around..."

"That's what's worryin' me!"

"Triv, Jamie - would you mind if Tay and I spent the night with you in your tent - that way Tony can have ours to himself... If that's OK with you, Tay..."

"Yeah - sure! The more the merrier!"

"Triv? Jamie?"

"Yeah - sounds cool..."


"Uhh - yeah, I guess... Sorry, guys, I'm not kinda queering out on you or anything... Just that I wouldn't feel comfortable with... You know..."

"Hey, no problem, Tony... Just don't make a mess on the groundsheet!"

"Heh, no I... DEAN!!"

"I'm kidding!"

We doused the fire down in the only way five cola-filled lads knew how and went to our respective tents. Triv and Tay dived in first, Jamie and myself following closely, both sets of partners immediately engaging in the compulsory snog. As things slowed a little and we lay there, gently kissing, licking and groping each other, I decided I had to know how long Triv and Jamie had been "at it", so I asked them.

They smiled gingerly at each other. "Ever since the world cup thing, I spose," Triv answered.

"You kept it kinda quiet, didn't you?"

"Yeah... I spose we didn't really want to admit to each other how we felt, although I guess we have done now,"

"Big style," grinned Jamie, rubbing his hand over Triv's impressive bulge.

"Uh, Dean?"


"Does it hurt?"

"Does what hurt?"

"You know... Doing it?"

"At first, yeah. But that soon goes away - you won't believe anything can feel that good!"

"Do you think you could, um... Could you explain how we..."

"We wanna fuck - how do we do it?" said Jamie, exasperated at Triv's floundering.

"We'll do better than that," said Tay, pulling my combats down to reveal my boner sticking through the fly of my boxers. "We'll show you."


Ike lounged in River House's common room, staring vacantly through the TV, oblivious to the programming he was being presented with.

"OK, kiddies, bread's in the kitchen: David, PLEASE wash your knife this time before putting it back in the draw..."



"Well, judging by the mess you lot left there last night, I thought the first formers had moved in!" smiled Jaykes.

"That ain't fair, sir! It's only a select few..." said XXXX, poking Dave Marsden in the ribs "...who do that!"

"Yeah, well, perhaps you could lean on those members of the elite to actually clean up after themselves..."

"No problem, sir," grinned XXXX, grabbing a cushion and whacking Marsden across the head with a muffled thump.

"Isaac, can I see you for a moment?"

"Huh? Me?"

"Yeeeeees - no other Isaac here, so it must be you!" said Jaykesie, smiling a gentle, encouraging smile at Ike.

Jaykes led Ike into his private sitting room which was furnished quite lavishly with a decor appropriate to the house's age - big leather sofa, slightly warped oak bookcase full with volume upon volume of title-less, red and gold leaf bound books and a complete panorama of dusty oil paintings mounted upon the Oak panelling.

Ike just stood in awe at the richly furnished room, which was so different from the parts of the school he'd seen to date. This seemed so different, regal almost...

Jaykes flopped down in one of the leather chairs, causing the air trapped in the cushion to hiss noisily from the seams, attracting Ike's attention.

"Like it?" he asked, already perceiving the answer from the look on the eldest Hanson's face.

"This is awesome, man!" exclaimed Ike, gingerly pulling one of the leather bound volumes from the bookshelf, revelling in the near intoxicating smell of the musty, brittle paper. As he gently leafed through the pages, descriptions of life at the school in the last century began to unfold themselves. One section that particularly grabbed his attention came under the heading "How, then, are the dormitories to be organised?"

"Aw man - can you believe this?" asked Ike as he sat himself down on the sofa adjacent to Jaykes. "It says here that 'all boys are to sleep on their side with their under-side leg semi-folded for stability. Sleeping on the stomach and back is forbidden and will, upon discovery, render the boy open to punishment at the housemaster's and / or headmaster's disgression. Sleeping on the stomach impedes breathing and hence the supply of oxygen to the brain, making the boy prone to idleness in both choir practise and morning class. Sleeping on the back had been proven to induce bad dreams and hence may adversely effect a boy's mental and spiritual development.' What a load of shit! Ermm... I mean rubbish, sir..."

"You'd better believe it," smiled Jaykes. "Our great and glorious founder had some very strange ideals back in 1874. I found some of his old notes and journals while I was cleaning out part of the school's attic. He goes into great depths describing how he'd observed that boys that slept on their backs were far more likely to have wet dreams than their peers who didn't. I spose that's what he meant by 'adversely affecting a boy's spiritual development'. Then again he didn't exactly help matters by punishing anyone who had been caught, or even roumered to have been caught, masturbating."

Ike was a little taken aback by the very frank discussion about 19th century boarding school life, yet found it strangely fascinating.

"I just think it was all a clever ploy, though,"

"Huh? In what way?"

"He was a boy lover."

Ike looked at Jaykes in utter disbelief. "But how... How did he get away with it?"

"No real social services back then. Boys were to be seen and most definitely NOT heard. This place was sold to well-off parents as a radical departure from the 'typical' boarding school of the time such as your Etons and Reptons of this world. He believed - or so he said - that a very subtle balance existed between mind, body, soul and the natural world around us - a balance that could be so easily destroyed by over-emphasis on any one of those components. That's why your brother's stuck in a tent in the Lakes! Anyway, he also suggested that the links between each aspect of life should be fully explored, and much to his delight, he got not a single complaint when he decided to 'investigate' the physical-natural link..."

Ike swallowed hard. "Uhh, how ex... AHEM... exactly did he, uh, 'explore' that one?"



"Yeah," chuckled Jaykes, standing up and opening one of the cupboards, revealing a TV, VCR and a bank of video tapes. "Kinda funny, you know - ever since I started digging around with all of this stuff, I seem to have been appointed school archivist! One... of... the... other... things I found" he said, tracing his finger over the spines of the tapes, finally selecting one labelled 'Swimming Pool Corner', "were canister on canister of old black and white 16mm cin' film. It was so old and brittle that I daren't play it, much as I wanted to. I eventually hired one of those jobbies you stick between the projector and your camcorder and managed to transfer the whole lot onto video. Lucky, too - the film was so stiff it actually snapped as it went on to the take-up spool!"

He pulled the tape from its cardboard cover and poked it into his VCR, grabbing the remote from the top of the machine. He walked back over to the sofa and sat himself back down next to Ike and pushed the play button.

A slightly off-white screen appeared with a wide white line rapidly leaping up the screen, the strobing effect sending shadows of the coffee table dancing over Ike's feet in the dimly lit surroundings. After a moment, a picture lurched onto the screen and as the camera struggled to focus, Ike began to recognise as Football Lane.

"Wow! Look at the trees!"

Sure enough, the wooded sides to Footy Lane that he'd seen were no more than shrubs - nothing but open fields could be seen as the camera steadily panned round.

"Woah... Can you wind it back a few seconds?"

Jaykes hit the pause button and began to step backwards frame by frame, the camera retracing its steps.

"There! What's that?" Ike asked, walking up to the TV and pointing at a small stone tower about three feet high with an engraved spiral along it's length.

"Oh, that's an Oahkenstone," explained Jaykes. "It was supposed to signify the intersection of four or more lay-lines. Supposedly had some kind of magical properties like aiding fertility and the ability to grant wishes..."

"Is it still there?"

"I don't think so - when the school initially wanted to build a swimming pool, i.e. after skinny-dipping started to become frowned upon, they were going to build it right on top of the Oahkenstone. I'm not sure what happened, but they decided to change the site of the pool AFTER they'd ripped the stone out. You never know, the bottom half of it may still be buried in the ground..."

Jaykes hit the play button again, the black and white panorama resuming its progress and smiled as Ike sat down cross legged on the rug in front of the TV like a little kid. He watched, enchanted, as the camera played across the games fields that he'd been on that very day - everything looked familiar, yet very different at the same time.

He was so lost in trying to determine the subtle differences that he was quite taken aback when the video cut to a full frontal of a rather well endowed boy preparing to jump off a diving board at a bend in the river. He watched, transfixed, as the athletic form jumped once, twice, three times, spiralling into the air, somersaulting, then disappearing into the grey water to join his friends.

"See what I mean? Try a stunt like that now and every child rights agency in the country would fall on you like a ton of bricks, even if all the lads were willing..."

Ike got up and returned to the sofa, his eyes never wandering from the screen. They continued to watch in silence as the swimming and general tom-foolery continued, even extending to the masters themselves joining in with the boys.

The film progressed to document other sports such as tennis and five- a-side football, the only difference being that the team that was playing in "skins" took the term absolutely - not a stitch of clothing to be seen! Ike smiled to himself, the film reminding him of one of those shitty naturalist videos he'd seen once - the only exception being that there wasn't a single overweight or ugly looking boy anywhere to be seen. This struck him as being quite odd as the law of averages simply would not allow it. Then again, between what Jaykesie had said and the wise-cracks that were going round about "Our Glorious Founder", he simply wouldn't have accepted any ugly kids in the entrance exams, deeming them as "incompatible with the school's ethos, morals and ideals".

Ike jumped as he felt Jaykesie's hand brush through his ponytail and rub round the back of his neck. He suddenly felt very scared - trapped, almost - and it was a feeling he had not felt for a long time: he didn't like it a bit.

"Wh..." Ike's voice failed him, causing him to swallow and mentally kick himself for revealing his intimidated state. "What are you doing, sir?"

Jaykes looked directly at him then pulled his hand away sharply as if he'd been burnt.

"I'm sorry, Isaac... I... I wasn't thinking. That was very unfair of me..."

An uncomfortable silence descended upon them, both pretending to watch the video, but neither doing so. After what seemed like hoursm it was Ike that spoke first.

"I think I'd better go," he said, standing up.

"Yeah... I think that would be best," admitted Jaykes, quite obviously regretting his actions.

"Listen, sir, if you're worried I'm gonna say anything, I won't, OK? You seem like a straight... Um... bad choice - DECENT enough guy - it was a lapse of concentration..." said Ike, walking towards the door.

"Thankyou, Isaac - you're a good lad..."

"I dunno, perhaps under different circumstances... 'Night, sir,"

"Good night, Ike. Sorry..."

"Listen, forget it, man... These things happen. 'Sides," said Ike, a mischevous grin creeping onto his face, "If you were as gorgeous as me, I guess I'd have tried something too!"

Ike shut the door just in time to hear the cushon hit it with a thud.


I swear if Jamie's eyes had grown any wider they would have fallen out of their sockets. I smiled and closed my eyes again as I felt Tay's tongue pushing hard against my arsehole, the muscles in my arms flexing as they held my legs over my head. Tay stopped his direct assault and began a series of long, slow licks which started at the base of my spine, ran over my hole, across my balls and finally ended at the tip of my throbbing dick, the ecstasy they provoked causing me to shudder along with the tips of Tay's hair tickling my arse cheeks.

After a moment of this, he went back to his tongue-fucking, now able to get the majority of the slimy muscle into me. He then knealt back on his haunches and licked his middle and index fingers and proceeded to gently slide one, then the other into me, the base of the palm of his hand gently massaging my bollocks.

"OK, now you try it," he smiled.

I opened my eyes to see Jamie enthusiastically shedding every shread of clothing on his person.

"I, er, take that to mean it's you that gets fucked," said Triv, looking extremely embarrassed and slightly apprehensive, yet ultimately horny at the same time - the damp spot on the summit of the tent in his trousers testament to this.

Jamie just smiled widely at his lover as he lay on his back and pulled his legs over his head, displaying his modest (but aroused) boyish genetals and minute hole to Triv and Tay.

"I ain't never gonna fit in there," said Triv as he surveyed the tiny puckered orifice. "Dean's seems a whole lot bigger..."

"That's only because he's done it before," explained Tay. "Jamie will get to be that big if you work at him..."

"Yeah, Trivett! Get workin' at me!" said Jamie, waving his arse at Triv and gently rubbing his bare boner.

"Uh, OK... Wh... What do I do?"

Apprehension was definitely the dominant emotion displayed on Triv's face, so Tay pulled his fingers out of me so he could move closer to him.

"Remember, you don't have to do this if you don't want to,"

"I really want to..."

"OK. Just try, like, licking round him for a while - just to get used to the idea."

Triv gingerly lowered his head between Jamie's legs and took a gentle lick at his balls. Jamie shrieked with ecstasy, his unbroken voice causing any bats in the area to become seriously confused. It was not only the bats, though - Triv leapt back from him looking deeply distressed.

"You OK Jamie?"

"Fuck yeah! Just get that tongue back where it was!"

Triv smiled sheepishly and went back to his task, dribbling Jamie's balls around in their sack with his tongue. Jamie shuddered, moaned and smiled as his body reacted to the tactile sensations he was recieving, so much so I picked up my discarded boxer shorts and shoved them into his mouth the next time I saw him about to groan. The smell of my sweatty boxers simply acted as a catalyst to the sensations he was getting, causing him to wrythe, shudder and moan to an even greater extent.

Spurred on by this, Triv gradually moved his tongue down to Jamie's arsehole, tasting the strangely appealing salty-sweet taste of his nether regions, his nose filled with the sweet boy-scent of Jamie's bollocks. After a moment's hesitation, he let his tongue swipe across Jamie's hole and, not tasting anything displeasurable, produced some spit and began to probe and push at the tightly shut anular muscle.

In the meantime, Tay was getting so hot watching Jamie having his hole eaten for the very first time he was practically wearing a hole in the front of his trousers he was rubbing himself so hard. I nudged hum with my foot, pointed at his crotch and then at my mouth. He smiled and tore his trousers and boxers off, presenting me with the most beautiful sight in the world - so beautiful, infact, my dick spasmed and lurched desperately trying to hold back a spontaneous orgasm that had sneaked up on me without me noticing! Despite the confines of the tent, he managed to manouvre himself so that he was kneeling astride my head, dangling his ready-to-burst testicles directly above my nose. Now it was Tay's turn to groan as I pulled him down on to my face, my tongue guiding his love spuds into my waiting mouth.

Breathing through my nose, I formed an airtight seal around the base of his sack, exhaled through my nose then tried to breathe in as hard as I could through my mouth. I could feel his whole body tense as his balls expanded and, when I could suck no more, took a deep breath through my nose then tried to exhale as hard as I could through my mouth, squeezing his bollocks with the even air pressure. Tay moaned a second time and thrust his head between my legs, attacking my hole with his tongue with renewed vigour, managing to reach deeper into me than he had ever managed before.

Just then, Jamie's hands thumped down onto his sleeping back, his entire body tensing as it was racked by orgasm, his dick jerking and lurching, but as yet nothing emerging. Triv held onto Jamie as he rode his climax, his powerful arse clamping down rhythmically on Triv's tongue.

"You ready for the next bit?" I asked as Jamie came down from Cloud 199.

"Fuck yeah!"

Tay stopped his tonguing and looked underneath himself at me and smiled. He shuffled forward and pulled open the zip of the tent inner, allowing him access to the "porch" area where we stacked our rucksacks. He located his and unzipped one of the side pockets, retrieving a now-battered tube of KY. In doing this, he treated me and Jamie to an exquisite view of his taught, muscular backside and freshly sucked balls - the sight of which turned me on no end. I raised my right foot and gently began rubbing his balls with the top of it, making him "mmm" slightly and thrust against me. I then took the initiative of letting his dick become trapped between the 'V' of my big and next toe. Curling them slightly allowed me to pull his foreskin back and forth, his helmet being squeesed like a nail being pulled with a claw-hammer. He gave one final thrust and wiggled his way out of my grip and turned round, his now ultra-hard dick straining upwards, the head a deep, angry purple.

"Hold out your hand," he said to Jamie and suqeezed a generous dollop of the slimey gunge onto his palm. "Triv - get astride him so he can reach, OK? And get your pants off!"

Triv eagerly removed his lower garments revealing a dense patch of dark blonde pubes crowning an impressively thick almost-seven-inches of boymeat. Jamie practically drowned in his own drool as Triv revealed his worldly goods to him, and motioned for Triv to get closer. The moment he was within range, Jamie grabbed him with his KY-free hand and enclosed Triv's head in his mouth, running his tongue around and inside his foreskin, savouring the heavy, manly tastes and odours. Triv began to buck his hips as the cute little red-head tried to forcably extract the contents of his balls without his intervention, and would've been unable to stop his rapidly approaching orgasm if Tay had not gently but forcably separated them.

"You'll have time for that later," he smiled. "Just get him greased up for now."

I took the tube of KY from Tay and dispensed a similarly generous quantity on my hand, proceeding to coat his pole with it. I carefully slid back his foreskin to reveal his helmet and, after giving it a lick for good luck, gave it a similar treatment. Once he was 'fully prepared', I handed him the tube back and he shuffled back down to my hips, lifting my legs onto his shoulders. He then stuck the tip of the tube into my arsehole and squeezed hard, provoking a yelp from me as exceedingly cold gel invaded my insided.

"OK, Triv - your turn," he said as he slid his fingers easily into my backside for the second time, making me push hard against him.

Triv wasted no time in applying a large dollop of the gell to Jamie's bud and then poking it home bit by bit with his fingers causing Jamie to start his moaning / thrashing routine again.




"I'm listening, Dean: It just feels so fuckin' good!"

"Remember, when Triv starts to go into you, push down like you're taking a shit - that way it won't hurt half as much, 'K?"

"Ooooooooooh yeah..."

Tay ran his hands down the insides of my legs until they may at my arsehole. He moved forwards slightly and I felt the tip of his hot cock brush gently at my slick opening. Tay looked me straight in the eye as he gently thrust forward, my sphincter progressively surrendering to his flared head. I felt the slight closure as my arse clamped down behind his head and luxuriated in the feeling of my bowels being steadily but firmly invaded, the ridge of Tay's cock sliding over all the sensitive bits that make me feel sooo good. Within moments I felt that jolt of ecstasy as he came into contact with my prostate, invoking a small jet of pre-cum to spray from the tip of my dick over my chest.

All too soon, I felt his pubes brush stiffly against my arse cheeks, indicating that he was fully seated. I smiled at him and wrapped my legs around his back as he lowered himself on to me to coax those last few millimetres of his dick into my hole, my sphincter spasming and clamping down hard on him every few seconds.

Triv and Jamie looked on wide eyed as they saw Tay's full six inches steadliy disappear into my backside, me obviously enjoying every inch of it!

"You want to?" asked Triv, his voice wavering as the question passed from his dried lips.

Jamie didn't answer, but instead leant forward and grasped Triv's cock, gently revealing the engorged virgin head. Triv carefully shuffled closer to his cute partner and looked down at their crotches, the difference in size and development being as plane as black and white, but nevertheless each at the peak of arousal.

Jamie guided Triv to his target, indicating for him to proceed by giving his dick a gentle tug. It was do or die time. He took a deep breath and held it as he carefully applied pressure to Jamie's hole by progressively moving his hips forward. The feeling of Jamie's tight little arse hugging his dickhead was like do other he'd ever felt and, as far as he was concerned, nothing else existed apart from his dick entering his best friend's hot backside.

Jamie screwed his eyes up and gritted his teeth in preparation for the escalation of the slight pinch of pain that shot from his rectum. However, instead it very quickly transformed itself into a completely new, unique sensation that his bodily senses had never conveyed to him before. The fusion of the physical with the concepts, emotions and desires of the actions he was sharing with Triv culminated in what could only be interpreted as complete, total and inabrogatable sensory overload: every muscle in his young body tensed to their absolute limits as his heart momentarily stopped beating. For a brief instant, Jamie was neither alive or dead. Everything that he was focused itself on the almost intolerable pleasure Triv was giving him, desperately searching for a method to quantify and interpret it into an intelligable form. However, the feelings were so alien, so new, it could find none, so had no alternative other than to unleash the raw sensations upon his mortal mind.

Triv watched as his lover tensed and trashed about beneath him, his arsehole practically pulling his cock inwards. He thrust forward implanting three further inches of steely-hard teen dick into his friend's bottom and saw him freeze, face contorted as a mammoth orgasm shook his very foundations, his balls drawn tight to the base of his cock, which itself was leaping around, searching for a surface on which to rub itself. Triv obliged by leaning forward, the ripples of his stomach muscles gripping the underside of Jamie's dick like pairs of tiny hands all intent on extending the awesome feelings he was experiencing for the longest time possible.

Then Triv began the motion that every boy has had hard-wired into his mind since the dawn of the species - slowly at first but rapidly picking up pace, his cockhead playing havoc with Jamie's tactile senses.

Tay and I were mirroring Triv's and Jamie's actions, albeit in a slightly more experienced manner. Tay had wrapped his arms around my back and was fucking me with long, paced strokes that were sending me absolutely wild as I felt myself being rhytmically filled and vacated. I squeezed tighter on his backside with my legs and wrapped my arms round his upper body, my fingers clawing at his flexing spine. Our mouths, too, were being exercised to the full as they bit, chewed, sucked and licked on every accessible part of each other, us always rendez-vousing to exchange saliva as we swapped sides.

Tay's thrusts became progressively more agressive, accompanied by small "nngh" and "uhh" sounds along with the steady beating of his bollocks against my arse cheeks. He unclasped his hands from my arching back and manouvred them under my shoulderblades, each hand grasping my shoulders from behind to act as a brace for his next move. With each thrust, Tay began to move his outstretched knees and legs closer to me, slowly moving my arse into the air much like the back end of a car being jacked up.

After twenty or so thrusts, Tay was fucking my backside in a kneeling position, the new angle causing his dick to bash into parts of me I never even knew existed. His thrusts were now those of a horny teenager desperate to unload the cargo his balls had been so carefully looking after for the last few hours. Suddenly, he straightened his knees, shifting our entire weight onto the balls of his feet and my shoulder blades. His fucking now became frantic as he pounded into me, his now highly acute angle of entry sending yet another battery of feelings through me. I could no longer hold on and, just as Tay's mouth rejoined mine, I screamed down his throat, my dick squirting jet upon jet of my cum over both Tay and myself. I squeezed Tay as hard as I could with my embracing arms, legs and arse as he to yelled and began pumping his hot, white jizz deep into me with such force I felt sure I could taste it in my mouth.

We both came for what seemed like an eternity, my own jizz turning from a thick, creamy consistancy on my first couple of squirts to an almost water-like substance and finally to nothing at all, my testacles and prostate now completely depleted of all fluids. Yet we continued to cum, our orgasms waivering at the brink of ecstasy, the once so familiar feeling of orgasm without cum rushing back upon me, rather taking me by surprise.

As our orgasms began to fade, Tay slowly relaxed his over-tense legs, lowering us back down onto the soft SympaTex cover of my sleeping bag whilst the copious amounts of cum that had escaped the barrier of my arsehole ran down between Tay's balls and the top of my arse.

As we tenderly licked and kissed each other, both suffering from post-orgasmic shock, we suddenly became aware of the increading amount of noise and motion from our students. Triv was supporting his own body weight on his forearms so that there was about an inch gap between himself and Jamie, his biceps quite literally rippling as he steaded himself against the rhythm of his bucking hips.

Jamie, who was happily riding out what looked to be his fifth or sixth successive orgasm with an air of what could be described as nothing but euphoria about him, had one leg wrapped over Triv's lower back and the other twisted round one of his legs. Suddenly, Triv began to speed up his until now quite astonishingly well regulated strokes for a first-time-fuck, pushing Jamie further and further towards the back of the tent. Triv shuffled forward to keep his position relative to Jamie's migration until the taught canvas prevented them from going any further. However, this did result in the entire tent frame being whipped backwards and forwards. This, combined with canvas' lack of sound-proofing awards would certainly not leave a whole lot to the average passer-by's imagination.

But we didn't care. The tent smelled of that wonderful pheromone- laden hot-lad smell that, in my mind, simply could not be beaten. With an eerie yell that reverberated around the sides of the glacially formed valley, Triv plunged himself so hard into Jamie's arse that the seam joining the tarpaulin-style groundsheet to the canvas sides split, sending Jamie's head out into the cold night air. Tay and I, still coupled, watched as Triv's bittocks flexed marking each squirt of his his orgasm. We counted five strong pulses, closely followed by the customary aftershocks.

Triv collapsed as if unconscious on top of his apparantly headless partner, his racing respiration gradually slowing to one of rest.

The peace lasted a whole twenty seconds.

"ARRGH! What the fuck was that?" came Jamie's slightly muffled voice from "outside" the tent.

"At a guess I'd say that was Triv," smiled Tay who was now lieing half on me, tracing a circle round my very erect right nipple with the tip of his finger, his sweat-matted hair splayed across me.

"Unless he's grown shitloads of wool since I last saw him, that definitely weren't Triv!" he protested, trying to wiggle his head back through the newly created back door.

Just then, we heard a blood-curdling scream from the other tent. We all looked at each other for a moment, then started the manic scramble for underware to facilitate the rescue of Spider from whatever evil had set upon him. In assorted stages of undress, we stumbled out into the exceedingly nippy air to see a rather strange shadow projected through the canvas of his tent by one of the many torches he had been carrying. I ran over to the flap and, seeing that it was already half way open, ducked down and stuck my head inside.

What I witnessed will be engraved in my memory for all time and caused me to piss myself with laughter almost immediately. "Hey guys, have a butcher's at this!"

The others came over and pulled the zip all the way open to reveal the source of my amusement. Spidey was huddled up right in the corner of the tent, knees drawn up to his chest and face as pale as stone. For good reason. Next to him, looking quite bemused at all the fuss, was a moderately large sheep, content on chewing Spidey's pair of discarded boxer shorts.

"I DON'T FUCKING BELIEVE IT!" laughed Jamie, practically doubling himself up.

"Look, Spider - all ya had to do was ask, man," chipped in Tay.

"Just get this fuckin' thing outta here!" yelled Spider, obviously not at all amused by the situation in the slightest.

"OK, Tony... Gi's a hand will ya, Triv? Triv?" I looked up to see him running back from his tent armed with a camera.

"Say 'Mint Sauce'," he grinned as he squeezed off a few frames, much to Tony's horror. On the fourth shot, Triv turned the flash on to supplement the orangie yellow glow of the torch and pressed the shutter. The sheep looked like it had had a red-hot poker rammed up its backside and legged it full pelt into the darkness, sending me and Jamie flying - but not before it had time to jettison the partially processed contents of its large intestine into his tent.

"SHIT!" yelled Spider at the pungent smell of sheep-diahorea filled his nostrils. The brown-green slime started to make its way down the slightly sloping floor of the tent towards the cocooned Spider, desperately trying to get his hands free so he could execute an evasive manouvre. He failed, the lake of crap surrounding his sleeping bag. Tay lent in and grabbed Tony under his armpits and pulled him out into the open, managing to shrug off his shit-soaked sleeping bag and abandon it at the tent's entrance.

"So, where you gonna sleep now?"

"Yeah! You reckon you can put up with us queers?"

"It'll get pretty friendly in there - five in a three man tent..."

"What the fuck else can I do?"


Gareth couldn't help himself. He'd done his very best, but he couldn't hold out any longer. He laughed out loud as Zac tickled him hard under the arms.

"Shhhh! You'll get us busted!"

"Stop fucking tickling me, then!"

The majority of Zac's mind was shouting out to him to completely ignore Gareth and continue his onslaught, however his usually dormant "sensible bit" had been given a damn good kick up the backside by their joint punishment that they had yet to complete.

"We got to get him back,"


"That Russell guy."


"How do I know? It's your school and he IS your housemaster..."

"Keep it down, will you? Some of us are trying to get some sleep!" yelled one of the lads from the other side of the dorm.

"He's right you know. You wanna sleep here?"

Again, had Zac not spent every second of his spare time that day staring at a sheet of feint-ruled A4 he would've done.

"I'd better not - I sleep like a log, ya know? If HE saw me in the morning we'd be really screwed!"

Gareth hugged Zac tight to him. "Night, then,"

"Yeah," said Zac, kissing him sloppily on the tip of his nose. "Night." and with that, he got from underneath Gareth's covers and padded over to his own, cold bed, dutifully stubbing his toe on one of the draws under it.

Gareth smiled, shook his head and rolled over. "Night, Zac."

"Night, man..."


"Uh, hi um... C... Could I speak to Andrew, please?"

Ike could feel his phone shaking against his ear as he spoke to Andy's mum. Was it too late to be calling? Should he have left it to the morning?

"One moment please..." The reciever was placed on a table and Ike could hear footsteps walking off, then a feint "Andy? Phone!"

Ike's heart began to beat faster and faster as he heard a heavier set of footsteps approach the phone.



"Hey Ike! How you doin'? Where are you?"

"I'm good, thanks! You?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, mate! Where are you?"


"You're WHERE?"

"Yeah! Do you remember Dean?"

"Lidster? Of course! How could I forget after I did a George of the Jungle into that beam?!"

"Yeah, well, I'm at his school! We're on exchange for a couple of weeks, then he and Gareth are coming back over to Tulsa with us for a while."

"Cool... Me dad's a bit upset at the moment - he hurt his back doing a gig and I seem to do nothin' but get under me parents feet just recently..."

An awkward silence fell upon the conversation, the only noise being the feint hiss of the phone line. Ike had to do something.

"So, er... Like what are ya doin' this weekend?"

"Uh, not a lot, why?"

"Well, I was kinda wondering if we could meet..."

"Listen, Ike, I gotta tell you... I... What we... When... Shit. I gotta tell you, Ike: I've got a boyfriend. Listen, I never thought we would see each other again... I love him, man... It was great while it lasted, but... FUCK! I'm sorry, Ike, I love him too much to.."

CALL ENDED - Cost: o0.92

Ike threw the phone onto the bed and ran down the stairs, practically sending Jaykesie flying as he passed him.

"Ike? IKE!" he yelled after him. He heard the sound of the front soor slamming and the soft scrunching sound of feet on gravel. "Friggin' hell," breathed Jaykes, grabbing his coat and car keys.


"Uh, Triv, could you get your elbow out of my crotch?"

"Shit - sorry, Dean!"

Five people in a three man tent. Five. Four was feasable, but five was just getting a little cramped, especially when the fifth occupant was more than a little jumpy at the prospect of "being surrounded by a bunch of queers - no offense!"

"Look, Spider, we are NOT going to try anything on, OK? I'm sure we can lay off the you-know-what for the rest of the evening, CAN'T WE, GUYS?" said Tay, poking Jamie and Triv in the ribs as they stared vacantly into each others minds.

I'm not quite sure what woke me: It was one of those strange, almost dream-like sensations that whistled through the deserted halls of my unconscious mind, stirring me back into the real world. As I woke, I became aware of the rhythmic sounds of my peers breathing in sleep, combined with the eerie whistling of a moderately strong wind outside.

But something wasn't right. As I stared upwards to where the tent canvas was cloaked in darkness, I tried to figure out what. Carefully, I pulled a torch from the pocket beside me and twisted it on, cupping my hand over the end to shield the intolerably bright beam. My hand glowed an incandescent red, giving me quite an impressive view of my bones and blood vessels, the glow it produced just bright enough for me to make out the forms of my sleeping companions: Jamie and Triv were lieing practically on top of one another, inextricably linked by their entwined limbs. Spider was huddled up in a ball, sucking his thumb and making little squeaking noises, and Tay was... NOT THERE!

My mind, dispite it's lethargic state, reasoned that I was in a tent and hence there were not a whole load of places to hide. My logic therefore carried through he was not in the tent - not a bad deduction for three in the morning...

I switched the torch off and replaced it in its pocket on the sloping side of the tent and pulled on my fleece that I'd been using as a pillow, being careful not to wake the others. I moved towards the end of the tent and winced as I pulled the zip up, it's distinctive sound somehow seeming a hundred times louder than it did during the day. Progressing more slowly this time I opened the "door" notch by notch just enough for we to wriggle through it.

As I stood up outside, I was greeted by a very surreal scene: Our camp ground was lit by an intensely bright full moon that highlighted everything with a quite stunning silver sheen. I looked around and saw the stationary clouds that were the sheep dotted around in the field next to us. I continued my panorama and noticed a single, solitary tree positioned at the top of the surrounding valley, now coloured the same ghostly, inanimate silver.

Everything seemed so calm, so unearthly. My mind raced at the realisation that this is how life should be, the way God intended it. Everything my eyes fell upon seemed preserved and untouched by man - even the old farmhouse a couple of hundred metres away had taken on that limbo state of quasi-existance - was it there, wasn't it there. Does it even matter if it is or it isn't? Schrodinger would've been proud of me...

Then I spotted him. He was lieing in his sleeping bag just outside the log circle, staring directly upwards into the heavens. The moon was again performing her magic by making his blonde hair appear an etherial silver, his eyes now two brilliant stars embedded in the universe of his lunar-paled complection. Quietly, I padded over to him, my bare feet being tickled by the damp, sheep-cropped grass beneath them. Gently I lay down beside him, not wishing to disturb his idyllic form.

Without moving, he whispered to me. "How can people say He doesn't exist? When you look up there and see each of the stars, perhaps with planets like ours, how can people say that they're there because of an explosion?"

I let my gaze follow his up to the pinpricks of light in the deep, deep blue of the night, suddenly realising how insignificant everything was, how petty we were in the grand scheme of things.

"See that star there?" he whispered, pointing to a very dim one, fairly detached from the others. "Just think - there might be two souls there lieing outside looking at these stars from the other side, wondering why..."

We lay there in silence for the best part of an hour, watching the universe slowly rotate about us, a couple of stars that were at the horizon disappearing over the lip of the valley, only to be replaced by an equal number appearing on the opposite side. Not a word was spoken, yet we spoke volumes to each other just by our physical closeness.

On an urge, I suddenly looked over at Tay to see a single, silver tear roll down his ashen cheek. He looked at me then leapt into my arms, sobbing.

"Dean, please don't ever leave me!" he cried, his whole body trembling with emotion.

"Sssshhh, Tay," I whispered into his ear as I hugged him close, gently rocking backwards and forwards. "I will never leave you. You mean so much to me..." my voice waivered and trembled as all of my emotions burst through and hit me in one giant rush, quite overwhealming me. Every time I thought I realised how much I loved him, I was prooved wrong. We had become so close, so intimate, so... one. We knew each other as well as we did ourselves, not a single secret being hidden. I pulled him back slightly and kissed him tenderly on the cheek. "I will always be here for you..."

He hugged me close again and began to whisper-sing into my ear:

"Kiss the rain whenever you need me Kiss the rain whenever I'm gone too long If your lips feel lonely or thirsty Kiss the rain and wait for the dawn to come Keep in mind we're under the same skies And the nights are as empty for me as for you If you fell you can't wait till morning, Kiss the rain, kiss the rain, kiss the rain..."

Gently, I lay back with Tay still holding onto me as if I was life itself. For the next hour or so, we simply lay on the ground and cuddled, the chilly breeze making us glad of each other's warmth, just gazing, thinking and trying to come to terms with how lucky we were to have even met, never mind share in a love so fundamental it would bond our spirits forever. My eyelids were getting very heavy indeed and, seeing as we had a full day of walking ahead of us, whispered to Tay that we should get back into the tent. Reluctantly we picked ourselves up and re-entered the cramped, boy-smelling canvas structure and very soon fell asleep in each others' arms.


Ike shivered as he sat on the parapet of the bridge, legs swinging, as the cold breeze blew over his T-shirt clad torso. Looking down, he could see his moonlight-silhouette in the sparkling black water below him along with the ghostly leafless skeletons of the surrtonding trees.

What'd he done to deserve this? How come his younger brothers didn't get this strife? Tay had a quite astonishing relationship with that british lad and Zac could throw himself at practically anyone AND still end up with his boyfriend. WHY COULDN'T HE?

Why had his dad gone so ape when he told him he thought he was Bi? Of course, Taylor "Perfect-I-can-do-whatever-the-fuck-I-want-and-get- away-with-it" Hanson only got a "Well, you know your own mind, Taylor - we're your parents and we'll always support you..." whereas he'd been given the full nine yards! For the next week his dad would barely look at him, never mind talk to him.

And Zac, the cocky little fuck: he was always winding him up and whenever he tried to retiliate, mommy and daddy would always come running to the rescue.

AND his boyfriend had dumped him. AND he'd been hit on by a frigging teacher.

In fact he'd probably be better off dead. No-one'd mind. No-one liked him, anyway. He wasn't a particularly talented guy - the group could find a replacement. WHY DID HE BOTHER?

He sighed and looked down at his reflection again. No - he didn't want to die. He just wanted to start over, do things a little differently. So thinking, Ike spun himself round and alighted back on the bridge's Tarmacadam road surface. He was about to set back off towards river house when a car sped round the corner on to the bridge. He spun round to see a second car coming from the opposite direction at a similar speed. The cars saw each other and pulled hard towards their respective side of the road, completey oblivious of Ike due to his taste in dark clothing.

Faced with the rather unappealing prospect of making contact with the speeding vehicle's front bumper, Ike leapt back onto the bridge wall just as the vehicle's bumper sent a shower of orange sparks into the night as it made contact with it.

Ike had been a little over-zealous with his jump. He not only made the wall, but cleared it. He was left hanging by the tips of his fingers onto the loose sandstone capping, nothing but five metres of air beneath him. Everything had suddenly gone very, very quiet. Ike took a deep breath and tried to pull himself back onto the wall top, but the weathered stone was in no condition to support his weight and gave way, plunging him into the near-freezing water below.

Ike surfaced, gasping and spluttering, his muscles cramping with the intense cold of the surrounding water. Then the stone that had been dislodged fell onto him.

Jayksie got out of his car, swearing to himself, and walked round to the passenger side bumper.

"SHIT!" he exclaimed, seeing the patch of missing chrome where he'd come into contact with the bridge. Running his fingers through his short hair in an exhasperated manner, Mr. Jaykes grabbed a torch from the glove box of the car ans started to walk back along the road to find the place where he'd actually hit the bridge. As he was approaching, he heard a feint cry, then a splash. Not quite knowing what to expect, his walk turned into a trot, then a jog, then a full speed sprint as assorted scenarios flashed through his head. He reached the edge of the bridge and looked over, shining the bright beam of his torch into the darkness below.

The sight that met his eyes made his blood run cold. He saw Ike steadily floating under the bridge, face down and motionless. As if playing some perverse game of pooh-sticks, Jaykesie raced over to the other side of the bridge. A moment later, Ike floated into view, still hopelessly unconscious, his lungs now full with the muddy waters of the River Dove.

Jaykes raced down to the side of the bridge and leapt over the rickety fence on to the sheer bank the other side. Almost immediately he lost his footing and rolled down the bank, disorienting him. Frantically he got up and looked for his torch. Nothing. The fall must've blown the bulb. Dismissing it from his mind, he ran over to the muddy river bank, his shoes being sucked from his feet within the first few steps. Undeterred, he waded into the icy water, the intense cold causing him to quickly draw breath. In the light of the full moon, he could just make out Ike's limp, lifeless form. Gritting his teeth, he strode into the river's gentle flow and grabbed Ike's arm and began to pull him back to dry land.

Everything was black.

"That's OK," thought Ike. "It's night time - it's supposed to be black..."

Then he realised he wasn't cold any more. Come to think of it, he wasn't hot either. He couldn't tell what temperature he was. He couldn't smell anything. He listened. Nothing. Complete and absolute silence. Not even the vague rumble of the blood through his ear drums. Nothing.

Ike tried to get up. He couldn't. He didn't know why he couldn't, he was just incapable of it. He decided to try something less challenging. Carefully he extended his arm, and brought it towards his nose. Nothing. No sense of movement. NO SENSE!

"HOLY SHIT!" he thought. "I'm in a coma!"

Ike began to think. Images of Tay, Zac, little Mackie, his mum and dad flashed before his mind in a way he'd never experienced before. All of his thought processes seemed to have taken on a whole new set of dynamics, now that they were no longer hampered my the regiment of consciousness or the restrictions of his physical form. His mind was free do think - and comprehend - whatever he wanted.

"Isaac," came a familiar voice. Not loudly, but it was such a contrast to the soundless void he was in it took him by surprise.


"Hello, darling," she cooed, her voice penetrating Ike's mind to the very core, symbolising to him all that was good and right.

"Grandma, ummm, arent't you, like, dead?"

"That's one way of thinking of it," she continued. "Come to me."

Not knowing how, Ike began to move towards the voice, now culminating in a pinprick of light. As he moved, the spot of light began to expand into his field of vision, revealing what he remembered as his Grandma's farm back home in Tulsa.

Ike stopped at the lip of the blackness. "Do you really want to leave your family, Isaac?" she asked.

"I... I... No... Where am I?"

"You're nowhere. You're everywhere. Does it matter?"

"I guess not"

"It is not your time," she said. "Go back to your family. They need you more than I."


"Just walk away from this place..."

"I don't wanna leave you, grandma..."

"I'll be with you in your dreams, Isaac. Remember me."

Ike turned from her and began to move away from the light, back into the vast expanse of nothing. He faultered.

"I'll be with you, Isaac..."

"COME ON YOU SHIT!" yelled Jaykes as he desperately pumped on Ike's rib cage with all his weight. Pinching Ike's nose and tilting his head back, Jaykesie filled his lungs for the fifteenth time, wishing that their lips meeting had occured in a far different curcumstance. He exhaled gently into Ike's lungs then resumed his chest compressions, his hope of reviving him ebbing with each push.

Ike moved away from the voice and as he did so, he started to feel the "restrictions" of his body begin to return. Shit it was cold! Then he became aware of the awful sticky, tight feeling in his chest. He wanted to throw up it made him feel so bad. Summoning up all his strength, he coughed.

"Jesus Christ thankyou," yelled Jaykesie as Ike spluttered back to life, gasping for breath. Quickly, he pulled Ike into the recovery position to allow whatever fluid was left in his lungs to drain out. "Fuck you had me worried there kid,"

Ike continued to expel the murky water from his lings and replace it with the fresh, still air of the night, his breath clouding out as he exhaled.

"Come on - we're getting you to the San..." Ike was in no position to complanin.

With a fair struggle, Jaykes managed to heave Ike up the slope to his car and gently sat him in the passenger seat. He ran round to the other side and got in, turned the car around and drove back up to the main school estate where the Sanatorium was located. Ike just looked at him as he hung on to the steering wheel. 'Oh no,' he thought. 'I mustn't....'


Next: Chapter 7: The Exchange 4

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