Dean and Hanson

By Dean Lidster

Published on Apr 5, 1999



by Dean Lidster =======================================================================


(Chapters twenty to twenty-three)

DISCLAIMER ~~~~~~~~~~

This story contains sexual acts between boys. If this is not to your tastes, then why in God's name are you reading this in the first place, huh? If you're curious, then that's fine by me - just remember: an open mind and an open heart is the secret to a good and happy life. If you are UNDER the age of concent for state / geographical location / planet that you're in / on etc, please leave now (unless you want to be educated and have an open mind that is!)

I spose this story is copyrighted. By this, I mean that I wrote it and would not particularly want anyone to subtly alter it and pretend it is their own. However, you MAY post it to any newsgroups, archives etc, print it, give it to friends without my prior permission PROVIDED THAT I STAY ACCREDITED AS THE AUTHOR AND YOU DO NOT CHARGE FOR DOING SO. Easy :-)

The story is fiction, and whilst there are references to real live people in here, none of this took place outside of my hormone-driven mind...

If you like this story, mail me at If you don't like it, mail me anyway and tell me why!

The latest version of this saga may be found at my web site:

Cheers, Dean

Dedicated to Lee - I will love you forever.

Chapter Twenty

It was tactically hopeless: despite his high ground (on top of Nathan's bunk) Zac was well and truly surrounded by his "Comrades", Gareth heading them up armed with the heaviest un-fluffable school pillow he could find.

"Hanson the Bad - DO YOU SURRENDER?"


"THEN DIE!!" yelled Gareth, hurling the Pillow from Hell at Zac, causing him to fall back onto the bunk. Whilst he was incapacitated, Gareth clambered up on to the top bunk with Zac and pinned him down using as much of his body as was physically possible.

"NOW do you surrender?"

"Why don't you play 'hide and go fuck yourself'?"

Gareth grinned and pressed down harder on top of Zac, emphasising each word with a little bounce of his body.


"Fucking EAT ME!" yelled Zac, laughing uncontrollably.

Gareth tried again, his bounces this time a little more pronounced.

"DO YOU SURR..." He was cut short by a rather impressively loud cracking sound from the bunk, and a second later, the head-end of the upper tier dropped through the frame onto the one below, Zac and Gareth ending up in a ball of flailing limbs, laughing their arses off along with the rest of the dorm. At least they were until Russell came bursting into the room intent on inflicting some mental pain and anguish.


"Hiya Dave!" giggled Zac from underneath Gareth. "I, uh, think you need to get this bed repaired! In fact, you may as well do, like, all of 'em coz it sounds like a set of crickets in here when we're all beating off..."

Russell was, once again, shocked, angry and astounded by the remarks that flowed from Zac's mouth. A myriad of images raced before his mind, including one that briefly showed him a naked Zac, legs spread, right hand wrapped around 5 inches of slender hardon with his back arching almost painfully upwards as if trying to meet his impending climax...

This scared Russell. In fact, it scared him so much he simply turned and walked briskly out of the room. Zac was actually rather disappointed by this as he had been mentally preparing a barrage of insulting and belittling quips to hurl at him when the anticipated temper tantrum erupted. This actually worried Zac as, from what Gareth had said, the guy NEVER backed down unless he was hopelessly beaten, and even then reluctantly.

Zac untangled himself from a still-giggling Gareth and headed for the door after Russell.

"Whe're'ya goin'?"

"To see 'him' - keep the bed warm," grinned Zac, and walked off down the corridor.

Gingerly, Zac rapped his knuckles against the white, gloss-painted wooden door that lead to Russell's part of the house. No answer. He tried again, and after a half-minute or so, there came a very turse "WHAT?"

Zac took a deep breath and lifted the wrought iron latch, the un- oiled hinges complaining as the door opened. He was presented with Russell's kitchen, and his first impressions were that it had been vacated it was so bare, but as he looked around under the sterile fluorescent light, he realised it was used, but was also kept immaculately tidy.

In the centre of the creme-tiled floor was a white-topped oak table with a single, solitary chair. In the chair sat Russell, who was staring absent-mindedly at a picture frame that had been placed exactly on the table's centre.

"Uhh, Da.. I mean Mr. Russell? Sir?"

"What do you want," he snarled, Zac not being important enough to warrant a glance of any kind, never mind a death stare.

Zac decided to take a slightly less direct route than the one he'd originally anticipated and began to walk towards the table. "Who's in the picture?"

Russell snatched the frame off the table in an attempt to hide it, but Zac simply reached out and pulled it away from him slightly. Surprisingly, Russell relinquished once more, allowing Zac to see the photo. In it was a middle-aged woman who was "pleasant" to Zac's eye (good-looking not usually a term he applied to the opposite sex) and a boy about his age who, despite having a fairly sharp, angular look to his face, was fairly good looking.

Russell set the photo back down on the table and continued to stare at it.

"Who are they?" asked Zac tentatively. No response. "Sir?"

"That's my wife May and my son, Jacob."

"Woah! You're married?"

"I was..."

"Oh... uh... sorry. What happened to them?"

"She left me. Or rather we left each other."

"Where's Jake now?"

"He was killed not long after this was taken." Russell's harsh voice had begun to mellow somehow. "A car hit him when he was riding his bicycle."

Zac was stunned. "Shit... Uh, sorry, man... I mean sir..."

Russell failed to notice Zac's choice of words completely and sighed.

"I don't have a single picture of us all together, you know. It was either him and her, me and him or her and him."

Nothing was said for a few moments as Zac just stared with Russell at the photo.

"Where is your wife now?"

"I'm not sure. The last time we saw each other was at the funeral. We didn't speak a lot, but I suppose we each blamed the other for not looking after Jake, or not spending enough time with Jake... It was difficult - we are both teachers, and you just CAN'T show favoritism towards a pupil, even if he IS your own son... In hindsight I think I was over-hard on him."

"He's kinda cute..." grinned Zac, then realising what he'd said, added " Uhh - for a guy, that is..."

"He was the year's heart throb," he agreed, a thin smile briefly appearing on his face. "All the girls were after him, and I wouldn't be surprised if some of the boys were, either... I never really told him I loved him. In fact, I was a complete bastard to him. Not just in school time either - for some reason I kept it up right the way through the school holidays too...

"May told me to ease off on him, but I just kept the pressure turned up - he was my boy, and it 'simply wouldn't do' if he didn't live up not just to my expectations, but to the rest of the staff's also. May got so fed up with this, that she just packed and went to her father's farm in Wales with him.

"'Why didn't you just let him be a normal boy, David?' she asked at the funeral. Those were the last words she said to me. I still don't know why I didn't."

"It's, like, the only way you knew, sir. You were just wanting him to do well."

"It wasn't that. It was me being selfish. I wanted Jake to do well so that I would be seen as a good father and a good teacher. Yes, I wanted him to do well for himself, but it was more for my benefit. I felt like I couldn't cope with having a son that performed anything less than 110%."

"Nobody would have cared, sir. He was himself - if he was a dumb fu... err... if he was dumb, he was dumb - no one would have minded! It wouldn't have been your fault..."

"I realise that NOW..." he said, turning to look upon Zac for the first time. He saw his concerned look, and smiled that thin smile again. "Let me get you a chair."

He stood up and strode out of the kitchen, reappearing a moment later with what looked like the matching partner to the one Russell had been sitting on.

"Soooo..." said Russell, sitting down next to Zac. "To what do I owe the reprieve?"


"Why are you suddenly being so amiable?"

"Oh... Well you looked kinda upset... I was only being such a shit because you were to me! What goes around..."

"It's the only way the boys will respect me."

"RESPECT? You think they respect you? They're scared shitless of you! They hate your guts, man!"

Russell looked quite surprised. He sincerely thought he was 'commanding respect'...

"Try being a bit more reasonable - explain why you do things the way you do, and LISTEN to what they have to say."

"I shouldn't have to explain myself to them!"

"Why not?"

"I just... Well.... I just shouldn't have to."

"Says who?"

"Well, I never used to have to..."

"When did you start teaching?"


"Thirty-six years ago - that's a long time you know, sir... Things have changed just a tinsey bit! Try it - try explaining why you're punishing someone, why you're not letting them do something - REASON with them! ASK them to do things rather than just barking orders all the time."

"But they won't do what I ask..."

"They will if you give them incentives to do things - encourage them - get them to WANT to try and please you. I'll help if ya want..."


"I'll behave."

Russell laughed out loud.

"I will!"

"Zachary, I hav..."


"All right, Zac - I haven't known you for very long, but I'm fairly certain that the term 'good behavior' doesn't exist in your vocabulary!"

"OK - so I'm lousy at spelling, but I can behave - as long as you keep your end of the bargain..."

"I'll try..."

"Nuh huh - trying isn't good enough!"

"OK - I will keep my end of the bargain to see how it goes. This is going to be strange for me."

Zac smiled. "It is for me too! Me? Be good? I've... um... got an idea to help us get going." Russell raised an eyebrow. "Do you got a REALLY heavy pillow?"

Ike wearily stepped out of the taxi infront of his boarding (or was that boring?) house. He trudged up to the door and half-heartedly pressed the bell push, shivering as the cold wind was pronounced by his physical state.

The curtain of the TV room was pulled back, one of the lads seeing Ike and opening the door for him. They exchanged customary "hello" smiles and immediately went their separate ways - the guy who'd opened the door went back to lounging infront of the TV, Ike upstairs to his dorm. He flopped onto his bed, quickly falling asleep as his indifferent mood could think of nothing better to do.

"Go on, Tay!"

"Yeah, tell us!"

"I'd bore you guys to death! You got far more interesting shit to talk about!"

"Like hell we have! You're a superstar, man! WE'RE NOT WORTHY!!"

Tay smiled that wonderful 'I don't wanna' shy smile of his and reluctantly answered "OK, OK - so whaddya wanna know?"

Assorted questions about what it was like being famous, permanently on the move and lusted after by a few thousand girls all under the same roof followed, Tay actually quite enjoying being able to talk perfectly freely about what he thought.

"Ya know how we always say we love the fans and shit? THEY MAKE MY LIFE HELL! Sure they buy our records, but hell they also STEAL from us! Would you believe some jerkoff stole our goddamn lawn mower just because it was ours and I MAY have touched the handles? Why can't they just leave us alone!"

The conversation then swung to the plus sides of touring, and eventually came to England's green and pleasant land. Throughout all this, Tony had sat cross-legged, his ear latching onto every word Tay uttered as if his life depended on it. When there was a lull in the conversation, he asked the question he'd obviously wanted to ask for some time.

"How did you actually meet Dean?"

We looked at each other and grinned, flashbacks of a rather steamy night in a certain theme park hotel giving us immediate hard-ons that didn't go un-noticed by the other three.

"So it was like THAT was it?" grinned Jamie. "SAY NO MORE!"

"Well, I did manage to get Tay's trousers off of him in a public place."

"You WHAT?"

"Dilweed here managed to pour steaming hot tea in my lap. We were on that Eurostar thing and I was just like kickin' back trying to ignore my bodyguard's snoring. Then Dean walks by and I'm kinda like 'woah - that guy is hot!' but the fucker walks straight by me! I took my shades off to try and catch his eye, and I guess it kinda worked!"

"Now THAT is cool," smiled Triv "but how did you DE-BAG HIM, Dean?"

"As far as I can remember I asked for his autograph and I didn't have anything one me 'cept for a couple of napkins... I tried to pull one out of my hand and managed to pull me Dad's cup of tea out with it!"

"It didn't really hurt that much ya know - I just wanted to give him a memory he wouldn't forget too quick! The coolest bit was when he offered to give me a pair of his shorts - damn he was so kind... I accepted and in the hotel that night in Paris? I didn't have a whole lot to do, so I... ummm... kinda jerked off in them thinking about Dean. Then I sent 'em back to him!"

"You did WHAT?"

"I packaged them up a couple of days later after another few rounds and sent them back to him... I just wish I coulda seen his face!"

"As far as I can remember it looked something like this," I said, screwing my face in feigned orgasm as I yanked on an imaginary dick.

We all dissolved into terminal fits of laughter for no real reason - it just felt so good to be among friends with everyone having fun at no-one else's expense - not a word of malice had been uttered all evening. It was so refreshing, ya know?

"I dunno about you guys but I'm gonna hit the sack... I'm fucked!" announced Jamie.

"You soon will be," smiled Triv and, so saying, dragged him off into the two man tent.

"I'm gonna take a shower," said Tony, picking up his wash kit. "See ya in a bit..."

"And then there were two..."

Tay stood up and held out his hand. I took it, the strength behind it seeming to contradict his almost delicate physical appearance. Damn he was so... so... It was useless my mind trying to strive for a mortal word to describe him. Everything about him seemed so ethereal, so superior yet at the same time so real, so tangible - almost as if he were a metaphor for all things that were good.

We started to walk along the path that skirted the campsite.

"Three weeks," I said.

"I know..."

"What are we gonna..."

"I don't know. Flying you over won't be a problem... But that's hardly fair on your folks..."

"I never want this to end, Tay..."

He stopped and we turned to face each other. His unwashed hair had become slightly greasy and straggly, but it simply endeared him more to me. The swooping lines that hinted at his cheek bones, his dark, defined eyebrows, his infinite eyes....

"It won't, Dean, it won't... Out of the billions of souls on this planet we are two, and we met. There's fate and then there's destiny. Fate brought us together, but destiny will keep us that way. Trust me, I know..."

How did he? How did he know? "You can't say that, Tay..."

"I just did. And I believe it too - I know it sounds kinda corny and "moviefied", but think about it, Dean: So was the way we met!"

He did have a point, and just the way he said it began to make my apprehensions far less real to me. OK, so we lived on different continents but hell, it were only six hours away! Dammit it took that long to get to Scotland!

"I dunno where I'd get the money for the flights from,"

"Dean you're such a freak sometimes! I'd fly you over!"

"Yeah but... but... I'd feel guilty knowing you were blowing all your money on me..."

Tay took a step forward and hugged me tightly. "I'd get rid of everything I had if it meant I could be with you for just a minute," he whispered into my ear. "You have to remember that the money is just a nice side effect of a lot of people enjoying the music we make!"

We released each other and he smiled at me. "Forget about 'three weeks' for now... How about we go take a shower with Tony? My hair looks like it's been used in one of your chippies!"

I reckon Tony thought we'd followed Jamie and Triv's example, as when we walked into the shower room he must've leapt a good foot into the air, quickly spinning round to face the wall and looking guilty as sin as he stuttered "H... Hi, guys..."

Tay and I looked at each other and smiled broadly.

"Hey Tony," Tay grinned. "Whatcha doin'?"

"I'm taking a shower. Ain't that kinda obvious?"

"Uh, well, it would be if the water was running..."

Tony, already ruby red, now turned a vivid beetroot colour.

"I'm not gonna get out of this one am I?"

"Nuh uh..."

"Well, umm.... D'you want to give us a hand?" he asked, turning round to reveal was, to my mind, the biggest hard-on I could ever recall having seen. Tony must've had two inches on us at least, and that were probably a rather conservative estimate!

Sticking out at a perfect forty-five decree angle from Tony's crotch were 8 inches of die-straight, throbbing, circumcised meat, complimented by a set of bollocks that looked like they could give you a bruise should they swing in your direction.

"FUCK!" was the only thing Tay and I could honestly think of saying as we scrutinised this text book example of male genitalia. Tony's embarrassed grin turned to one of slight concern.

"What? Woss wrong?"

"Uh, nothing Spidey - it's just that... umm..."



Tony's look of concern immediately turned into one of immense pride. "Ya think?"

"I know!"

"Tay - do you want the honour or..."

Tay shoved a hand (with difficulty due to the large tent that had formed in the front of his trousers) into his pocket and retrieved a fifty pence piece. "Heads for head, tales for balls - your call?"

"Sounds good to me!"

Tay flipped the silver coin into the air and deftly caught it, flipped it over and placed it on the back of his hand.


Tay lifted his hand away, revealing a tail.

"Haha! Bollocks to you, man!"

Tay and I hurriedly pulled off our clothes, the sight of which obviously pleased Tony - his hardon throbbing and bouncing as even more blood was forced into it. Tony was visibly shaking as Tay and I approached him, hardons bobbing infront of us. Tay stood directly infront of him so that the tip of his hardon touched Tony's, causing another flurry of jerks and spasms. He smiled his wicked, sex driven grin.

"Just relax and enjoy it..." and with that, Tay stooped down and began coating the monster cock in liberal quantities of his saliva. I too squatted down next to Tay and began to tongue-bathe his heavy, hairy bollocks, occasionally straying up his shaft to get a taste of Tay's sweet saliva mixed in with Tony's incredibly erotic, slightly sharp aroma that seemed noticeably 'heavier' than Tay's light, delicate, almost fruity one.

As I strayed up into cock territory once again, I met Tay's tongue on the way to sample Tony's hangers. The moment they touched it seemed like an electric current passed through us. Our tongues went into overtime as they slid over Tony's cock, bashing into and pushing past one another in an aimless motion that seemed to send Tony to the next level of pleasure. Gradually, we moved up his eight inch length to his flared head, our lips meeting and creating an airtight seal around one of the most sensitive organs in his entire body.

We sucked and slurped away as our tongues pushed over the head and onto each other's mouths, its jerking becoming more and more pronounced. Our hands were roaming over any bare flesh within reach, indifferent to who any particular body part belonged to as long as it was soft and warm: stroking, squeezing, rubbing and massaging, taking us all into a friensied sexual state that none of us had ever experienced before, least so Tony. Granted it was nowhere near as fulfilling as making one-on-one love with Tay alone, but the thought of initiating Tony to the pleasures of gay sex introduced an exciting sense of satisfaction in that we could pass this simple gift of pleasure to Tony.

Then it happened. With a groan that practically shook our rib cages, Mount Spider erupted with a force unparalleled by anything in the Animal Kingdom. Tony's initial copious jet of cum broke through our lips, curling round onto our cheeks and dripping down onto the floor. Two eager tongues attempted to harvest all of the seed that was produced, but the crop was good: the first blast was succeeded by a further four, all of similar quantity but progressively less intense, the final spurt dribbling into our mouths.

Tony now looked physically exhausted, but had a dreamy, spaced-out smile on his face that can only be produced when you've gotten off good and proper.

His state of bliss was only momentary, however, as we heard a pair of voices that weren't Jamie and Triv's approaching the showers. In a panic, we all dived for our respective clothes that seemed to have rearranged themselves whilst we weren't watching in order to preserve what little modesty we had. The owner of one of the voices came right to the door, still talking to his friend, but thankfully they decided to visit the shop first before taking their showers, not knowing what time it stayed open to.

Tay, Spider and I looked at each other and burst out laughing: From the way we were dressed, even the most innocent of minds would have been easily able to decide what we had been doing.

"May I make a suggestion?"

"Go for it, Tony..."

"How about we actually lock the door next time?"

"And just exactly how do you now there will BE a net time, Mr. 'I've got a redwood between my legs'?"

"Uh... I... I didn't mean it like that," grinned Tony awkwardly

"But you're right, we will lock it next time!"

Chapter Twenty-One

We decided that Tay and myself being together naked in the shower was tempting fate, so the shower idea fell by the wayside and we headed back to the tent, Tony in tow.

As we approached, some very - well - "contented" sounds were coming from Jamie and Triv's tent. I looked at Tay: He was in exactly the same state as me - trousers remarkably tented and a hungry look in his eyes.

"Um, Tony? Do you mind if we... err..."

Tony grinned back and said he was going to go to the shop and buy something bad for his teeth.

Tay tore the tent flap open and pushed me inside. Without speaking another word, we both hurriedly tore off our upper garments. Tay's totally hairless chest and lightly tanned skin really did something for me that I simply couldn't explain. His flat chest just hinted at a perfectly symmetrical set of abdominal muscles which, although not pronounced, complimented perfectly his overall physique: To my eyes, he was an anatomical masterpiece.

My eyes wondered joyfully up to his armpits and then to his upper arms themselves, his biceps and triceps flexing alternately as he fought the tight pullover over his head. He flung it to the ground and raked his hair out of his eyes in the same automatic way I did and looked at me, smiling shyly once again as he realised I had been admiring him once again.

"I've shown you mine," he said, crossing his arms so he was holding his shoulders. "Your turn..." He looked soooo cute kneeling there, naked from the waste up and biting his bottom lip in anticipation.

I pulled my T-shirt over my head and could feel those wonderful eyes of his drinking every detail of my torso, my mind turning the impression into a physical sensation that sent a tingle throughout me. The neck of my T-shirt cleared my head and for a second, we just knelt there, both in mutual admiration of the other.

Tentatively, Tay extended his arm towards me and traced his fingertips up the centre of my chest, then veering right, pulled his fingernails over my left nipple. Once again, Taylor had induced a feeling in me unlike any other I had ever experienced. Never before had the touch of another excited and thrilled me so - in fact, the intensity was so great that I had to concentrate hard to stop myself from cumming right there.

Tay smiled naughtily as he saw my eyes shut tight and my dick flex and jerk, but as I opened my eyes, that mischievous glint morphed into something a whole lot more deep and emotion driven. I looked at him pleadingly to continue, but he seemed slightly preoccupied. "What's the matter Tay?"

"I... Uh... I can't believe just that made you feel so good... You..." he was struggling for words. "I... I mean... It's so amazing that I can do this to you..."

"Close your eyes."


"Close them," I said, reaching out and gently closing his eyelids for him. Being careful not to touch him, I whispered into his ear "Just let your mind go...". The sensation of my breath on his ear and neck had the effect I hoped it would have: he shivered quite violently, his smooth skin becoming dimpled as the thousands of minature muscles beneath each follicle pulled the light blonde hairs on his arms vertical.

Tay's face broke into a wide grin as he suddenly understood the effect he had had on me, and surrendered himself to the cascade of feelings that partly me and partly his own mind were generating. I slowly, I mimicked what he had done to me by oh-so-gently tracing a finger from his navel, up his chest and onto his nipple. The sensations that I was giving to his body may not have been intense, but the huge amplifier of love had the volume cranked all the way up, and was powered by extreme horniness. His entire body tensed and relaxed as if sparks were arcing within his rib cage, the immense voltages almost overloading his motor control. I decided to take it one step further, and lowered my moistened lips onto his now very firm nipple.

Tay threw his head back and screamed a scream that was silent to the entire world apart from us. His entire frame tensed and stayed tense as I saw the bulge in his trousers jerk, and then become darkened as his cum began to soak through the material. I wrapped my arms around the now limp form before me and hugged him close, kissing his neck and gently cradling him."

"Damn, Tay! If that was your nipple, I hate to think what I could do with your dick!"

Tay began to kiss my neck back, and then began to chew and bite on me whilst pressing his slippy crotch against mine, becoming aroused again as he felt my as yet un-satisfied hardness pressing into him with a delicious force.

He broke off his chewing and kissed me deeply on the lips.

"I want you to fuck me Dean. You make me feel... Complete, I guess..."

Without moving my face from his, I pushed my hands down into his underwear and clasped the firm globe of his arse, allowing my middle fingers to sneak in between his buttocks and play around his hole. He drew breath and pulled himself into me once again and started to push my trousers down. As he lowered them, he ran his fingers around the elastic waistband so that he could guide it over my six inches that has long since escaped from my boxers. Once they were clear, he wrapped his slender fingers around my dick and jerked it a couple of times, causing my pre-cum lubricated foreskin to slip deliciously back and forth over the head.

Gradually, I began to pull Tay's trousers down as he'd done to me, his recently exploded cock already back to it's full hardness in anticipation of what was to come. I pushed both his trousers and boxers to his knees, the wonderful example of teen-hood bobbing with each pump of his rapidly beating heart. I ran my fingers through the dark blonde bush of pubic hair that crowned his member, then turned my attention to his tight, plump balls: The lack of all hair on them providing a dramatic but welcome contrast.

I squeezed them gently in the palm of my hand, feeling the testicle itself roll around inside. Tay obviously did too, moaning from deep within his throat. I took my hand away from his balls and brought it to my nose, the smell of the pheromone-laden sheen of sweat making me dizzy with desire.

I began to suck on my index finger, Tay's unique scent being one that tasted exactly smelled. Tay smiled and took hold of my wrist, removing my finger from my mouth and placing it into his, his slightly rough tongue swirling around and sucking on it. After a moment, I pulled it out and eased it between his buttocks, pushing gently at his insanely tight rosebud. I felt him relax as he tried to grant me access, but there simply wasn't enough lubrication. We began to repeat the process, me alternating between having my finger sucked and pushing it into his backside.

After a few repetitions my finger slid quite easily into him, so we added my index finger to the equation, his arsehole stretching to accommodate them after a couple more attempts. Feeling that his arse was being wasted on my fingers, I motioned for him to turn around. He did so, and in the process pulled off his trousers and boxers completely, no longer a stitch of clothing to hide his beautiful body from my ravenous eyes.

His wonderfully tight backside was now presented to me, his "eye" winking at me and his balls penduluming slightly directly beneath it. I too shrugged off the rest of my clothes and planted my face firmly into Tay's crack, causing him to squeak with delight. I lost no time in trying to pump as much saliva into him with my tongue as I could, simply allowing it to drop to his balls every once in a while to allow that wonderful taste to make my mouth drip.

After a few minutes, I decided it was time to fulfill his request. I picked up his boxers and wiped the copious load he had shot into them all over my dick and balls, then guided myself towards his hole. With only a moderate amount of pressure, he granted me access, my dick gliding into him until my balls touched his. Tay threw back his head, his hair travelling in a perfect arc until it landed on his back, mouth open in agonising bliss. I bent forward and wrapped my arms tightly around his chest, his rapid breathing causing them to be prized apart and allowed back together.

I began to kiss and nibble at his shoulders and neck, then started to slowly pump myself in and out of him, the sensitive head of my uncircumcised dick reveling in the pleasure his smooth insides were giving to it. I was not the only one lost in both the physical and emotional sensations: Tay was grunting, shivering and squirming beneath me, his arsehole clamping down tight every time my flared dickhead rubbed over his prostate, causing him to literally drip precum on to the sleeping bags below us.

He shifted his weight to the left and balanced us on his left hand, moving his right beneath us. I stopped my humping as I felt his fingers reaching for my bollocks, and when they reached their target, he drew my balls and his together, the exquisite heat and dull pressure giving me a yet another unique sensation. I felt Tay have a similar response, his arsehole beginning to rhythmically clench and relax around me - DAMN! He was jerking me off with his arse!

I began to push into him again by flexing my hips against him, the small movements adding to the cacophony of stimuli we were both subject to and in this instance, pushing us over the edge. With three or four final pronounced thrusts, I felt as if my very life force was being transferred into Tay with each blast of cum. Seconds later, Tay tensed and began sending streamers of his pearly white cum over the sleeping bags to join the patch of precum that had dripped from his dick.

Such was the effect of our mutual orgasms all of our limbs, no longer able to withstand our weight, collapsed sending us into a heavy- breathing pile - but what a contented pile it was! I wrapped myself round Tay even tighter and kissed his neck once more, my softening dick still firmly seated in his backside.

"Zac, I don't think this is such a good idea..."

"Relax, will ya? You're bigger than all of us! Well, height wise anyway..."

"I know, but... but..."

"Look, it doesn't matter if you get the sh... umm, if you get beat - just enjoy it!"

Zac armed Russell with a particularly large feather-filled pillow.

"OK - I'll take the left and you take the right. One... Two... THREE!

Zac planted his trainer-clad foot firmly against the door sending the waste basket that was behind it spinning across the tiled floor, distributing its contents over the battlefield. All the boys in the dorm looked in utter bemusement as Zac and David Russell - yes: the same David Russell that was such a bastard all the time - came storming into the room, bashing the crap outta anyone in their way with a pair of pillows.

Of course, it was Gareth who overcame his initial shock having seen the look in Zac's eyes and yelled "RETALIATE". The entire dorm leapt towards their beds and retrieved their "weapons" and began to lay into Zac, almost scared of the consequences of clobbering a member of staff. Zac spotted this and pointed out to a couple of them that the whole house would have been gated for a year by this time had Russell not been game. The logic followed, and the most tremendous pillow- fight that the junior boys' boarding house had ever seen since Russell had been there ensued, allis being gained and lost with each stroke of the pillow.

"OK - TRUSE!" Yelled Russell after five minutes of clobbering and being clobbered. Everyone froze as if they'd been caught peeing in a swimming pool, and waited for the inevitable retribution - even Zac thought he'd reverted to his former state. He needn't have worried.

Russell had the biggest grin on his face he could ever remember: Never in many years had he felt this good! He was actually ENJOYING himself - not in the snidey, sadistic way he was used to, but in a childish, happy way. It had been a long time since his childhood and even though he had been surrounded by children for the majority of his teaching career, he had lost sight of the things that fuel an adolescent's life: Peers, dreams, ambitions... sex...

Even though the last thought concerned his "sensible" side briefly once again, he dismissed it as conjecture and put forward his idea to the nine nearly-naked boys in front of him: "DORM RAID!!"

As in any good public school, dorm raids were a long-standing and fiercely defended tradition. For the uninitiated, here is the basic concept: One dorm (let it be called 'Dorm A') will decide to attack another dorm ('Dorm B') based on many factors including the age of the dorm members, the dorm's physical location, number of people in the dorm, aptitude of the dorm members etc. The members of Dorm A will enter Dorm B, overpower it's members, capture certain trophies (usually essentials needed for sleeping such as the slats from a bed, duvets, pillows etc) all as quietly as possible, and to the extent where the members of Dorm B are sufficiently pissed off as to try and retaliate, but not so much so that they go and whine at the master on duty. This in itself is bad enough, but given the usual two-in-the- morning timing of these events, the MoD's wrath can me multiplied accordingly.

However this time it was different. The MoD's wrath need not be accounted for, as the MoD himself was initiating the raid...

I woke up to one of the best feelings in the world - that of a Hanson prodding my balls from behind with a morning piss-hardon. I took a deep breath as my mind tried to initiate higher thought functions and felt the arm that Tay had draped over me hug me to the hard body behind me.

"Morning," he whispered.

"Somebody's happy to see me,"

"Don't flatter yourself, Brit-boy" he smiled, making his hardon flex between my legs.

"Are you two EVER satisfied?" asked Tony, sleepy eyes opening to be presented with Tay's dick peeping out from under my balls, and my own very quickly growing to it's full length.

"Ummmm - no." said Tay matter-of-factly.

Tony smiled. "Well, seeing as you two seem to be quite... uh... well, excited, I spose the least I can do is return the favour,"

"Tony, you don't have to, man... I mean, we both got our fair share last night," interjected Tay, trying to make sure he wasn't just caught up in the swing of things. "I mean, your first taste of cum should be from someone you really care about..."

"It was," he admitted shyly.

"Eh?" Now it was my turn to become confused. "I thought you'd never..."

"I hadn't, but I couldn't exactly sleep on top of the mess you guys left now, could I? I spose I cleaned up a little. Who's was it, coz it tasted really cool..."

Tay owned up to squirting his rather generous load all over Tony's sleeping bag, just the thought of which snapped my dick to full attention.

"Thanks for the concern, Taylor, but I'm sure I want to!"

"OK, but remember that Dean kinda goes off like a fire hydrant..."

"Tony grinned and without another word, began his ministrations upon our already aroused genitals, his tongue starting as far down the exposed shaft of Tay's prick as it could reach, then travelling slowly but forcefully along its length, then over my displaced balls and finally along my length, licking off the drip of precum he's squeezed out.

I have to say, it was astonishing: We were getting a lick job! Tony's logic was that if he began to suck, he'd have to leave one of us "in the dry", so licking it was. Despite Tay not having all of his nads exposed to Tony's rough tongue, the inaccessible bits were well and truly sandwiched between my soccer-player thighs, giving him more than enough pleasure for his level of satisfaction to equal that of mine.

I was so preoccupied thinking about Tony and how he'd opened up (understatement of the year there) that my orgasm really managed to sneak up on me. With little more than a "TONY I'M GONNA..." my balls drew tight against me and four spurts of my cum flew from the end of my dick: One onto Tony's forehead, one up his nose, and the final two into the preferred target of his mouth. My tensing and shivering effectively made it so my thighs were jerking Tay off, and seconds later he hugged me tight once again as his balls unloaded for the first time that day, painting Tony's neck and jaw in hot, sticky, sweet-smelling cum.

As our breathing slowed and our minds began to allow senses other than the one created by one hell of an orgasm to have attention paid to them, we noticed Tony had that similar "absent" look that could say nothing other than "I've just cum..."

A glance at his crotch confirmed this - his tight grey briefs had a very large wet patch on the front, centered by the flecks of white where the force of his ejaculation had projected his cum clean through the flimsy material.

Tony followed our gaze and smiled. "Well, that was a first! I never knew you could just, well, cum!"

Then the grin on Tony's began began to change. His eyes, started to squint and his breathing became shallow, almost non-existent.

"Oh fuck Tony NO!" yelled Tay.

Too late. He sneezed. Half of the cum from his nose was sucked viciously into the back of his throat in the quick intake of breath before the major event, and then every orifice in his face expelled a mixture of saliva and cum at a quite astonishing velocity, spraying myself, Tay and practically everything else in the tent with a fine aerosol of the stuff.

Tony grinned, and proceeded to lick up the mess he'd created.

"What the HELL do you think you're doing in there?" boomed a voice from outside the tent. Momentarily, we were all scared shitless until Jamie's unmistakable giggle gave Triv's game away.

Tony stuck his head out of the tent flap and grinned up at Jamie and Triv. "What makes you think we were doing anything other than sleeee-eeeeeooooohhhhfuck..."

There was no way we could help ourselves: As Tony was on all fours, his tight backside and damp-cotton-encased love spuds were easily accessible. A pair of tongues were soon being pulled across the cum- soaked kegs, much to the owner's approval.

"Oh, nothing at all," smiled Triv back. "But now that you mention it, the look on your face and the drip of cum hanging from your nose may give you away slightly..."

Chapter Twenty-Two

Zac lay in bed, enjoying one of his favourite states of mind: That limbo time in the morning when you're neither awake nor asleep - your mind just meandering aimlessly from memory to memory, perhaps a light dream forming that you can influence and control instead of being whisked along by the preset "plot" that your subconscious constructed...

A smile appeared on his face as he remembered the previous night, and how sincerely happy Russell looked. Zac by his very nature was not considerate. It wasn't a conscious decision, and it was not as if he set out to hurt people - more like he was so extroverted that he spoke his mind before he even considered analysing what he was about to say, sometimes the most scathing remarks that he usually regretted later being uttered.

He was pleased that, for once, HE had actually made a difference to someone's life in a positive way, and it gave him a glowie feeling all through him.

He sighed pleasurably as real consciousness displaced sleep, and gradually became aware of his achingly full bladder and his five inch morning stiffie that was holding it all in.

Hearing the "thump thump thump" of feet running towards the bathroom, Zac unbashfully pulled his bedclothes back and ambled towards the bathroom, his boyhood stuck out proudly infront of him.

Ike was in a similar predicament, however the oldest brother was somewhat more concerned about other people's opinions of him. He was depressed. There was no other way to put it. When he was around his brothers, their exuberance tended to bring him out of his shell also. On stage it was different - the screaming fans had a preconceived idea of how he behaved and what he was like and for the most part never had the chance to find out otherwise.

The phone call to Andy had shattered him. He couldn't really blame him for looking elsewhere, but it still left a hole in his psyche that he was finding hard to come to terms with.

'Tay and Zac are so lucky...' he thought to himself as he got out of bed, doing his best to arrange his hardon into a less conspicuous position and trudged towards the bathroom. The sound of water running and nylon bristles against teeth greeted his ears, and he took up a stance infront of one of the urinals, nothing more than a polite "Hi," being exchanged between him and a few of the other lads in there. Some of them were laughing and joking, but the pressure of 'A' level modular exams was weighing heavily on their minds, their whole (usually frivolous) attitude to life suddenly being transformed into something a whole lot more critical.

Ike almost wished he were under the same pressure so they could associate with one another. This made him think - he had never actually taken an EXAM in his entire life, bar his driving test... Sure, his mum made them do tests, but never had he done anything official - no SATs, no IQ tests - hell, at the rate he was going he could be twenty-five and not have a single academic qualification. What if Hanson's success didn't last? What if some new kid band turned up that was more appealing than them? What then? "Celebrity" appearances on daytime chat shows, guest appearances in two-bit soaps, more Eggo commercials and cameos on South Park. This was not good...

Ike sighed and shook the last drip of piss from his dick and proceeded to wash his hands and brush his teeth before hauling himself up to school. At least he'd be out of the place this weekend... If only he could have Andy back...

The morning's walk had been less than demanding: the terrain being flat and our allotted time being nearly twice that required. Seeing as the pick-up time was fixed, there was no point in rushing at all. The morning was chilly but fresh and sunny and, as ever at the end of one of these events, spirits and self-respect were high.

We sat on the kerb of the car park designated as our pick up point, idly chatting about nothing at all, just enjoying the "we've done it" atmosphere. Life was just so good at these times - any worries were well and truly overridden by the feel-good factor provided by the achievement of having walked through the countryside "on our own" for a couple of days, and any differences between the members of the group - if they even existed - were also forgotten.

The end of our two-and-a-half day adventure was signaled by the filthy Transit van screeching round the corner at a very unhealthy angle, the smoke trail behind it something the Red Arrows would've been proud of.

It pulled up sharply, Gillie rolling down the window and grinning at us. "Still alive then?"

"Just about..."

"Good! Enjoy it Mr. Hanson?"

"Yeah man, that was cool!"

"I'm glad you think so! Your group seems to have faired the best anyway - none of the others are at their pick-up points yet. You may as well get in..."

Five rucksacks were hurled oh-so-carefully into the minibus and we took up roughly the same positions as we had done on the outbound journey. Tony looked distinctly isolated, so Tay tapped him on the shoulder and motioned for him to come and sit on the back seat with us. He grinned as we squashed up against each other, the usual uncomfortable feeling created by you wondering if you were sitting too close to someone for comfort completely absent.

The abused vehicle coughed into life, scrambled to find first gear then gazzelled across the car park in the vague direction of Derbyshire. Suddenly, the threadbare seats of the Transit became very, very comfortable when compared to the carrimats that we'd been lying on for the last couple of nights: Soon, we had all slipped back into a deep, contented sleep.

"FUCK!" yelled Zac as he picked himself up from the tarmac. He'd managed to quite convincingly trip over his own hockey stick again.

The Saturday morning game of roller hockey on the school car park had, supposedly, been blessed with a player who could out-skate anyone on the "field". Actually, he could. Only problem was that he could only do it WITHOUT his hockey stick, as it seemed to have a huge affinity for the wheels of his in-line skates.

Ike couldn't help but laugh as he leaned against one of the huge beech trees that surrounded the car park. Zac was so used to doing everything without thinking that now he had actually come across something that took a little effort on his part, he was getting as frustrated as hell. Ike didn't like to think of himself as malicious, but it WAS funny. He had an audience too, which did little more than to quite obviously add to his frustration.

Zac's salvation came in the form of the noisy arrival of our battered Transit hurtling into the car park, sending skaters leaping out of its path, bringing the game to a premature conclusion. Wanting to pre-empt the possibility of the game re-starting with him involved, Zac skated over to the Trannie and feigned interest in our return. We wearily dragged our rucksacks out after us as Zac did a very bad job at pretending to be interested in what we'd been up to. Tay read Zac like a book, grinned and lobbed his rucksack straight at his younger brother, causing him to go arse-up yet again.

Ike meandered over and was, in complete contrast to his younger brother, actually genuinely interested in what we'd been doing, the friendship between him and Taylor - even though Ike felt overshadowed by him sometimes - still well and truly cemented in the way only siblings know how.

We all enthusiastically recounted the experience, especially the part where Taylor "rocket-scientist-wannabe" Hanson made a concerted effort to be the first human to put a Primus stove into low earth orbit under its own power.

"Oh, Ike - this is Spider, A.K.A. Tony." said Tay, suddenly realising that the identity situation was very one-sided.

"Hi there," smiled Ike, managing to produce a warm, gentle smile as opposed to the slightly goofy one he wore usually. Tony positively grinned back and extended his hand, a move usually considered excessive by us lot - however, if I simply wanted to touch another person, perhaps that was as good a way as any to do it inconspicuously...

Zac was now back on his feet and ready to retaliate. "Hey Tay, I'm glad you didn't spend TOO much time in the shower... I don't know what the flies'd be doing without you!"

Tay looked at me with a raised eyebrow, then sprinted at Zac.

"Oh fuck," he yelled as he desperately tried to avoid his brother, turning round and skating at top speed away from him. For all of five metres, Zac looked like he may actually evade capture, but alas his discarded hockey stick was destined to piss on his strawberries. Once again, Zac's blades stopped dead as the top half of his body continued oblivious.

Tay pounced on the once again spread-eagled Zac and got him in a headlock, giving his head a damn good scrubbing with his knuckles.

"Gerroff me you freak!"

"Not until take it back!"

Tay smiled inwardly as he heard the all to familiar dialogue begin between him and Zac for the umpteenth time.

I, on the other hand, smiled outwardly along with Jamie and Triv as we were presented with the wonderful sight of their two tight backsides waving and jumping infront of us. Had there been fewer people around, my will power would've buckled and I'd have had to teach them both a "lesson" for fighting...

I was actually quite annoyed when a subtle nudge from Triv broke my train of lust over Tay's posterior, but nonetheless followed his gaze. Now THIS could be good - Ike and Tony seemed to be hitting it off rather well, Tony's usual eyes-to-the-ground character seemingly completely absent as he started at Ike, Hanson senior quite obviously returning his stare with equal intensity.

Tay gave Zac a final Billie-bop for good measure and leapt off of Zac, evading the guaranteed random swipe that always followed such sessions.

Our group plus Tay and Zac ambled over to the bothy to hand our borrowed kit back in, Zac "helping", Ike and Tony... well, just talking with each other.

After failing miserably to come up with an excuse other than Taylor blowing the fuck out of it, we were all charged the best part of a tenner and told to "piss off before you break anything else!".

The look on me Dad's face when he came to pick us up was one of bemusement, to say the least. Not only had the number of people he'd expected to be taking home increased by two (Gareth and Tony had decided to invite themselves along) but one of us had assorted cuts and grazes over his elbows and knees and the other two looked like they'd been dragged through multiple hedges backwards, forwards and every other way one gets dragged through a hedge.

He sighed, thanked the Lord that he didn't have a car that that he'd feel guilty about getting dirty, and motioned for us to get in with the oh-so-familiar "boys will be boys" look on his face.

I can swear that my parents would have got the part if they'd gone to the auditions for "The Brady Bunch" - just once in a while they could come out with what they thought were the most "hip" and "cool" statements: "So - do you guys have anything planned for this weekend?"

My dad never used the word "guys". "Lads" and "blokes", yes, but never "guys". It just didn't sound quite right.

"Not that I know of, Dad..."

"Well, I'm thinking of buying Kev's Defender off him."

"Kev as in Chatsworth Kev?"

Kevin Lauden was a gardener. Not just any gardener, mind you, but the head gardener of the Chatsworth Estate. Eight hundred acres of gardens, lakes, meadows, tracks and hilly terrain - a large proportion of which had been turned over just recently to the RAC rally for one of their stages.


"How long are you there for?"

"A couple of hours, I'd have thought - plenty of time for you to go yomping!"

"Yomping?" asked Tay, slightly confused.

Please don't ask where the term "yomping" came from, I have absolutely no idea! Suffice it to say it was our word for Greenlaning, i.e. taking some form of 4x4 and charging through mud and undergrowth much for the same reasons as mountain-climbers seem to climb mountains: because it's there.

"Oh cool man! Do we get to drive?"

"If you're careful, yes," grinned my dad, who was looking for any excuse to part company with our aged Series III in favour of one of the later 'Defender' models, complete with the ride comfort that coil springs provide. The Discovery had obviously spoiled him.

"OK, your turn, Zac!"

"It's impossible! There is no way we can get up there! Ike just proved that!"

A forty degree muddy slope can seem a bit daunting, it's true, but it IS possible.

"You've driven a manual car before, right?" I asked.


"He means stick shift..."

"Oh, yeah - Ike's truck,"

"Good - this is just the same, but remember you're in low box here, start off in third..."

"OK - hang on to your butts!" yelled Zac as he gripped the steering wheel and dumped the clutch. The BFGoodrich tyres did their job, sending four fountains of mud a good ten feet in the air and catapulted us forward towards the slope. About half way up, we began to loose traction and gently slowed to a halt, wheels still spinning unchecked.

"See? Now how the fuck do I get down from here?!"

"Just put it in reverse... That's it, and gently let out the clutch until it starts to bite... OK, now take your feet off all the pedals."


"Just do it."

"I can't touch the brake?"

"You can't touch the brake."

"Uh, OK, but it's your Dad's truck..."

Zac turned round as best he could, gritted his teeth and released the clutch and brake.

Gently and professionally, the car reversed steadily back down the hill, the engine-overrun keeping all wheels braked, but not locked so the vehicle was still under control.

"Cool! I never knew you could get an adrenaline rush at five miles an hour!!"

"OK, Tay's turn,"

I decided to give Tay a bit of an unfair advantage. As he sat in the driver's seat, I whispered a couple of tips into his ear.

Just like Zac, he selected third and charged at the hill, letting the momentum of his run-up get him to the halfway point. However, instead of following his instinct and gunning the engine like the other two had, he studiously followed my advice, and eased off, allowing the revs to drop. The further up we went, the slower the car was going until the engine was almost stalling, but he made it.

Tay turned round and grinned smugly at his brothers.

"Cheat," pouted Zac.

"Dean, umm, is it OK if we get out and walk for a while?" Asked Ike. Never one to get in the way of a budding friendship, I directed Tay to a spot that seemed less muddy than the rest of the field we were in and let them out.

"When d'you want picking up?"

"Oh, no hurry," grinned Tony. I smiled back and climbed back into the Landie.

As we sped of in a cloud of smoke and a shower of mud, Ike suddenly felt guilty.

"Uh, sorry man - I just remembered you've spent that last three days walking!"

"S'OK, I don't mind..."

They turned and began walking down the gentle gradient on the other side of the hill not saying a word, Ike ever so slightly infront of Tony. Then he stopped, Tony managing to walk straight into him.

"Uh, sorry ma..."

Ike grabbed his shoulders and looked straight into his eyes. "Umm Tony, uhh, D'you think... would it be pos..."

Tony leant forward and gave him a quick kiss on the lips, rather taking Ike by surprise. "I'll take that as a yes, then," he smiled. He pulled Tony to him, luxuriating in the feeling of closeness he had been longing after for so long.

Tony felt the same. He'd never consciously allowed himself to look at other guys before, and here he was in the arms of one - and it felt so right! Sure, he'd been hugged and kissed by girls before, but there seemed something so... so real about this, more sincere... Less innocent. He knew that the establishment would scowl upon the lifestyle he'd opened himself up to, but what the hell? He'd spent his whole life so far trying to please either his parents, his teachers or his peers, and had quite successfully managed not to on all three counts.

Now he was, quite literally, going to please himself. He wanted to go for it, so screw everyone else - he damn well would. If they didn't like it, tough. They weren't him.

Tony allowed his right hand to move down and squeeze Ike's arse cheek, and rested his head against his new found friend's.

Chapter Twenty-Three

The bastard who invented time must've been a vindictive sod: whenever you were having a really good time, you'd suddenly realise the four hours you had had turned into four minutes. Conversely, the forty-minute maths class seemed to be the only time when the second hand of your watch took five seconds to move on a tic.

Time flies. Bollocks. Time is friggin' jet propelled! The weekend had been soooo good - after our yomping session we went back home and just did a lot of nothing in particular - chatting, eating everything that was bad for you and generally kickin' back and enjoying life.

Sunday was almost as bad time wise - we meandered into Derby and had a good four rounds of Quasar (Team Hanson vs. The Rest), spent a fortune at Pizza Hut (how on God's earth can Zac eat so friggin' much?!) and rounded the day off with a movie.

Although uneventful, the following week at school raced past simply because Tay and I were together in every lesson we had. His parents had obviously not taken their sons' homeschooling lightly, as Tay breezed through the lessons and tests without effort, dispelling the roomer that pop stars may be able to sing and look good, but usually only have one brain-cell to share between them.

Zac seemed to settle in extremely well, but much to the dismay of his teachers, never for one moment settled down. However, his interest in history and maths stood him in good stead, allowing his behavior (or lack thereof) to be held in perspective.

Ike was now happy. He had found someone that had been in exactly the same predicament as him as regards his sexuality - unsure of what or who he was, and not wanting to admit it to himself. Being able to both recount and listen to experiences they had had turned them both round. Ike started talking to people, and they talked back. Being in different forms, and hence having different timetables, meant that they couldn't spend half as much time together as they had wanted to.

All this was about to change: the week had passed, and it was Saturday again. I was excited. Hell, I was more than excited! My dream of visiting the States was just around the corner and who better to give me the tour than THE cutest guy on the face of this earth?

Next: Chapter 9: The Exchange 6

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