
By chuck

Published on Jun 5, 2009


Danny sat in his math class the next day feeling torn. He was more than a little afraid of what would happen next period when he arrived at Coach's office for his first practice with the varsity squad. His ass and throat were still sore from getting reamed out by Coaches foot long dick, and at the same time, he knew that he wanted more. The confusion in his mind was overwhelming. He had never felt attracted to guys and he didn't want to be queer, but he wanted more.

Coach fucking him was shattering. All his senses overloaded and ended with, by far, the most incredible orgasm of his life. Then, when Jimmy fucked his stretched out hole, it was pure pleasure. He came a second time, almost as hard as the first. He just didn't WANT to like it.

Every time he started to think it wasn't worth being Coach's pussyboy, he remembered the look on his fathers face when he told him he had made the team. His father started to cry. It was everything he had dreamed for his son, and he burst into tears, hugging his son, saying over, and over how he was so proud of Danny, and he knew he could do it. It had been worth all their hard work, and now he had a chance to make something of his life, his father was busting with pride.

When Danny told him that Coach had given him the nickname "Deep" because he was expected to take the ball deep into their opponents territory, his father grabbed him into another hug, and said even coach must realize he has a star on his hands. Danny started to cry, he knew it would kill his father to know why Coach really called him Deep. He knew it would hurt every time his father used that name, he'd be reminded of the feel of that big black cock ramming his asspussy.

And still there was a part of him that wanted to go back to coaches office, strip off his clothes, pull the cheeks of his ass apart, and beg the big black stud to fuck his pussy, again. Deep!

As the last period bell rang, Danny found himself standing at the door to coaches office, frozen. He took a deep breathe and knocked.

Coach yelled "Come in".

Danny entered, and when coach saw him, he smirked "Faggoty little knock like that, I shoulda known it was my new pussyboy."

"Alright, let's go introduce you to the team."

Coach walked him out to the lockerroom where the nine other members of the Varsity team were changing into their gym clothes.

"Listen up boys," Coach bellowed, "I want to introduce you to the newest member of the team. This here is Deep, he's taking the open spot left by Ahmed Johnson."

All the guys stopped dressing with astonished looks on their faces. Danny could see at once that this was not a welcome anouncement.

Tyrone Watkins, stepped forward, " We don't want no white boys on our team, Coach, and he ain't even a senior. He don't belong here."

"Watkins, I'm the coach not you, and I'll decide what we want on the team. You got it?" Coach growled

"Yes sir"

"Now get out there and run some drills, I'll be out in a bit"

Grumbling, the team started for the door. They were not happy, and they threw Danny hard looks that let him know he wasn't welcome.

"It's gonna suck to be you pussy" said Coach as he squeezed Danny's asscheek. "Now strip, and put your clothes in that empty locker in the middle there and meet me in my office"

"I'll just get my clothes from my old locker and be right...." --SLAP--

Danny felt the big hand to the side of his head before he even saw it move.

"I said strip, put your clothes in that locker, and meet me in my office. NOW!"

Danny undressed as quickly as he could, threw his clothes in the locker, and rushed to Coaches office, where he found Coach sitting at his desk with his dick hanging out of his pants.

"Hurry up faggot, you know what your here for."

Not wanting to anger the Coach, Danny dropped to his knees,grabbed the big soft dick, and started running his tongue around the head until it started getting hard. Then he took it into his mouth, and started going down on the massive piece of meat. He got the first six inches in before hitting the back of his throat, and started to go back up.

He couldn't believe he was kneeling on the floor between Coachs legs with the mans gigantic cock in his mouth. He felt lower than bug shit, but he wanted more. He tried to force himself farther down the big dick, but he couldn't get the head past the entrance to his throat.

"You gonna need help getting the rest, pussy?"

Danny pulled his head from Coachs lap, and said, "It won't fit sir."

"We had it all down your throat yesterday, and we're going to have it there every day before practice, So I'll ask one more time, do you need help getting it all down?" Coach asked, as he grabbed Danny by the hair with one hand, and started rubbing his leaking cock all over his face, dripping his precum all over the boys face.

That was the scene Jimmy the team manager walked in on. "Oh excuse me Coach, I just came in to get my clipboard. I'll come back later."

Danny turned to the door, shock registering on his spooge covered face, and tried to move away from Coach as his whole body turned bright red in embarrassment. Coach kept him in place by the handful of hair he was gripping the boy by.

"Come on in Jimmy, I'm just having some fun with my bitch. Come on over, drop your pants and join me."

"Yes sir Coach!" Beamed Jimmy, he was thrilled that this big muscled ex proballer was including him, a sixteen year old freshmen,in fucking his white boy. His dick instantly boned rock hard as he walked over.

"My pussy was just asking me for something weren't, you pussy?"

"Please sir, not in front..." --SLAP!--

Danny steadied himself and looked up at the Coach, tears running down his cheeks and said, "Please sir, help me get all of your cock down my throat."

"Now why would you want my cock down your throat? Are you some kind of faggot or something?"

Danny knew the answer. "Yes sir"

Jimmy laughed.

"You know if I get my dick in your throat, I'm gonna fuck your face til I shoot my come down your throat, right?"

"Yes sir"

"That would make you a little pink pussy for black dick, right!"

"Yes sir."

"Say it. Tell Jimmy what you are."

"I'm a little pink pussy for black dick, sir"

"I already knew that Deep" said Jimmy, as tears began rolling down his cheeks.

"Alright then.Back to the business at hand." said Coach. He then grabbed Danny's ears and shoved his face down on the big black snake, and kept pulling him down until his nose was pressed up against the wiry black pubic hairs.

Coach looked back up at Jimmy, and said "See Jimmy, white boys can be useful, but they need a firm hand."

With that, coach started pulling Danny's face up and down his cock, jacking himself off with Danny's throat.

Jimmy stood there grinning while watching Coach fuck the whiteboys face, jacking his own cock. After watching the Coach punk the whiteboy for a while, he decided to get bold. He reached down grabbed Danny's hand and brought it to his dick."Start warming me up, Deep."

Coach moaned as he saw Jimmy take charge, and Danny blushed again, and that was all it took to send Coach over the edge. With a loud moan, he slammed Danny's face all the way down, and as Danny fought to get back up so he could breathe, Coach shot a huge load straight down the boys gullet.

"Keep wigglin boy, that just makes it better" hissed Coach as he shot his load into Danny's mouth.

"Look at all the fussin he did, now look how hard his dick is Jimbo. All white boys are queer for black dick. You just have to show em sometimes. Here, you feed him and watch." And with that, Coach yanked Danny's face off his dick, gave him a moment to catch his breath, and shoved his face to Jimmy's crotch. Jimmy wasted no time shoving his cock all the way down Danny's throat. Seven inches deep while Coach moved his foot to Dannys balls, and rubbed his foot across them three times before the faggots cock exploded all over the floor moaning with every shot. The moans sent his throat to vibrating around Jimmys cock triggering Jimmys climax.

"Here it comes Deep!" and Jimmy, who was already on edge, shot a load in Danny's mouth as he pistoned his dick down the boys throat.

"Mighty fine throat on my bitch, eh Jimmy?"

"Awww! Yeah Coach."

And after Jimmy caught his breath, both men put away their cocks, and zipped up.

"What about that puddle of cum Deep left on the floor?"

"Don't worry Jimmy, The pussy"ll lick that up" Coach said as he grabbed Danny by the hair, and looked menacingly into his eyes, "won't you?"

Danny was afraid to answer with anything but a "Yes sir."

"Jimmy, you stay here and make sure he licks up every drop. Then send him out to the gym to join the practice."

"Sure Coach." said Jimmy as he watched the white boy bend down and start licking up his own cum from the dirty floor, like a dog.

Danny was finally getting to practice with the Varsity Team. The excitement was almost enough to make him forget the taste of his own cum that he had just licked up from the floor of Coach's office, as he walked into the gym.

When he approached the court, Coach yelled "Deep, get your shirt off, your on skins!'

He was finally going to get a chance to show Coach that he belonged here. He hoped that when Coach saw how good he was, he would be glad he was here, and treat him better. He wondered to himself for just a second if treating him better would mean he would still get to be Coach's bitch. However, as soon as he thought it, his mind screamed "OF COURSE NOT, YOU'RE NOT A FAGGOT, AND YOU DON'T WANT TO BE ANYBODY'S BITCH!"' but he wasn't sure he believed it.

So Danny dropped his shirt courtside,and walked into the roughest game of his life.

Things started ok, he was covering one of the shirts, and doing alright. When the skins took possession of the ball, however, it was as though he was invisible. Nobody would pass him the ball. About ten minutes into the game he saw his chance, a bad pass to the man he was covering placed the ball in his reach. Almost the instant he grabbed the ball two opposing players charged him and knocked him clean off his feet. He went down hard.

As he got to his feet he heard Coach yell "Deep! get off your ass! It ain't break time!"

The whole team laughed.

That was the permission the team needed to let loose. For the next twenty minutes everytime Danny got the ball he was bumped, fouled, shoved, and elbowed by the other team. And his teammates made sure he got the ball plenty. It was no longer a game about scoring. Everyone on the court was doing they're best to help dish out as much punishment as they could to the younger whiteboy. And Coach watched from the sidelines and said nothing.

Danny finally had enough when the ball was passed to him and he managed to avoid an elbow, and made for the basket. He was just about to catch some air when Tyrone, another skin, blindsided him, and dropped him hard. Then to add insult to injury he came up behind Danny as he was getting to his feet, grabbed him by the hips and slammed his crotch into the boys ass three times before letting go and yelling "You sure is a good fuck white girl!"

The whole team fell out laughing. Even Coach was laughing.

That was it! The court was Danny's home. He wasn't going to be anybody's bitch on the court without a fight. He turned around and shoved Tyrone, and screamed "Fuck you, you faggot!"

From the sidelines he heard "DEEP! Get yo ass over here!"

"Did you see what he did?!" yelled Danny.

"Shut your goddamn mouth and sit the fuck down!" said Coach with a stare that said 'Don't fuck with me.'

Danny sat out the last ten minutes of the practice. It gave him time to realize that Coach had no respect for him at all. He was just here to be Coaches fuckhole. He didn't want to be a faggot, but he couldn't let his father down. This was his fathers dream, and he owed it to his father to soak up whatever abuse was dished out to him. He just had to man up, and be a good bitch for Coach if that's what it was going to take. His father deserved his dream. With any luck it would get easier as he got used to being a pussyboy.

It wasn't going to get easier, not by a longshot!

As soon as practice finished, the team headed for the lockerroom, followed by Coach.

Coach walked to the center of the room, and called the whole team to attention. "You all made it clear out there that you don't like my choice of new teammate." several players nodded their agreement. "But your not the Coach, I am. You will accept who I tell you to, or you don't need to be on my team. You all got that!" Again they nodded.

Danny couldn't believe it. Coach was coming to his defense. Maybe everything was going to be OK.

"As for Deep, I chose him for a reason. He's a decent baller and might come in handy on the court. I know some of you don't want a whiteboy on the team, and I wasn't crazy about the idea at first myself. Then I took a closer look, and decided he could be a useful addition. Deep get over here."

Danny walked over to Coach proudly thinking Coach was looking out for him, and everything would be alright.

"Strip, boy!"

His heart dropped.

"Coach,... Noooo!" He couldn't believe Coach would do this to him in front of the whole team.

"If you want to be a part of this team, then do what I said, You don't wanna let your daddy down, now do you,boy!"

Tears started to run down his cheeks, as he looked around the room at the stunned expressions on the face of the guys. They didn't know what was going on.


Danny started to remove his clothes.

Once he was naked Coach pointed in front of himself and said "You know what to do"

Danny kneeled in front of Coach and reached for his zipper. As he heard the gasps of shock, he went dead inside. He pulled out the growing cock, and looked up at Coach who just nodded. He knew if he wanted to be on the team he would have to do this. Still crying, Danny opened his mouth and took the head into his mouth.

The lockerroom was silent. The team couldn't believe this was really happening.

As Danny swallowed more of the big black cock, Coach readdressed the team, "See men, having a whiteboy on the team is going to have it's advantages. We got our own pussy for after practice every day, and away games are going to be a lot more fun."

The team roared its approval, and gathered around closer to get a better look at the whiteboy in action as Coach started to pump his cock into Danny's mouth.

Coach looked down at Danny and said with a grin "Let's show em what you can do boy," he then reached down for a handful of Danny's hair, and shoved his cock all the way down the whiteboys throat. Once he had Danny's throat stretched opened he started pistoning the entire length of the massive black cock in and out of the boys mouth as the team cheered him on.

Danny knelt there, taking everything the Coach had to give, offering no resistance. Confusion reigned in his mind, he didn't know if he was more frightened, or embarrassed. As Coach kept ramming his dick, balls deep, down Danny's throat, the boy began to feel himself forget where he was, and relax. He started to enjoy the feel of the big black shaft as it slid into the tightness of his throat. When he tasted the precum on his tongue, his little dick went hard as a rock. He knew it was wrong, but he also knew he wanted more. He wanted Coach to shoot his load in his mouth. He wanted to taste the big black man's cum again.

When Coach felt himself getting close he grabbed a fistful of Danny's hair, and pulled him off his hard cock, Danny lunged forward trying to get his mouth back on the big head. He was so into Coaches facefucking, that he reacted on instinct. The sound of his new teammates laughing at him attempting to impale himself on Coaches hardon bought him back to reality.

You sure like sucking my dick, don't ya?"

More laughter.

Shame overwhelmed him. He froze.

Coach yanked him up by his hair to a standing position, and spun him around so Danny's back was pressed against his chest. He wrapped one arm around Danny's chest, pulling him tight up aganst his hot flesh, and tilting his head to the side, placed his soft lips against Danny's ear, and growled "How'd you like me to show the young bothers here, how you got the name Deep?"

Between the the hot breath blowing in his ear, and the feel of that big black cockhead, soaked in his own spit, burrowing between the cheeks of his ass, Danny's shame evaporated. His knees started to buckle from the desire to feel the big black dick fucking his little pink pussy. Only Coaches strong grip around his chest kept him from collapsing. Coach actually lifted him from his feet. He could feel the knob of Coaches dick push against the lips of his ass. One small push from Coach and the head would enter his hole.

"You do want me to fuck you, don't you" Coach whispered in his ear, as he ground his hips, and made his cockhead wiggle against the tight asslips. Danny groaned.


"Alright boy, I'll give you what you need, just open your eyes, and tell your team that you want me to fuck your pretty little pussy with my big black cock!"

Danny opened his eyes to the sight of almost his entire team gathered around him, cocks out and jacking, lust filled glares focused on him. Big black cocks, dripping precum all around him. Coach ground his cockhead again in a circle on his tight little pucker. "Say it bitch!"

And Danny lost his grip.

"Fuck me! Shove your cock up my pussy, and fuck me like a bitch!" He yelled as he swung his legs back, and gutted himself on almost half of Coaches hard shaft.

The move surprised coach, who loosened his hold, allowing Danny to sink all the way to the base of the gigantic hardon. Coach moaned as Danny's whole body spasmed from the shock of being gutted by the huge black tool. Coach got his grip back on the boy, and started to bounce the whiteboy, ramming his entire cock in and out of the boy, as the pussy chewed on his shaft. He had never felt anything like it!

He stumbled to the nearest bench, and sat down, before his knees buckled. He lay back on the bench with Danny straddling his lap, Deeply impaled on the massive black pole, and said, "Now show my boys why I named you Deep, pussy!"

Danny began to raise himself to a standing position. As he slid up off the giant cock, he could feel every wrinkle, vein, and ridge as his pussy gripped it, sliding up the length of Coach's shaft. He was lost. He didn't see or hear the nine young black men standing around him jacking their big black cocks as they silently watched him ride Coach's dick.

Until he reached the top.

The only thing he was aware of, was the big black mushroom head pushing the little pink lips of his ass out, as they tried to keep it from escaping his pussy. Just as he thought it might pop free he felt a pair of hands grab him by the hair and slam him all the way back down the 10 steely inches.


He opened his eyes to see the face of Tyrone Watkins, nose to nose with him.

"Who's the faggot now bitch!!!!" growled Tyrone, as he yanked Danny back up, and slammed him back down repeatedly. Now Danny was seeing nothing but stars. His pussy was on fire. He couldn't think, or speak. He just groaned as he was lifted by the roots of his hair, only to be slammed down on Coach's monster dick, again, and again. Tryone bounced him like ball. He lost all control of his body as he felt the big black dick jackhammer in and out of his pussy, his arms, and legs flailing as he babbled incoherently. He was consumed cock in his ass.Just as he and Coach were about to lose it, Tyrone stopped.

He pulled Danny all the way off Coach.

"I asked you a question bitch!!" Tyrone slapped him across the face, bringing him back to awareness.

"You're the faggot, aren't you!!!!!"

Lust to have the cock back in his pussy, and fear from the evil glare of Tyrone overcame his shame at being fucked in the ass in front of the roomful of Black jocks.

"I'm the faggot!"

"That's right bitch, and you're gonna give up that pussy to all of us , right"

"Yessir, fuck my pussy, yeah , fuck my pussy, fuck my pussy!!!" he chanted.

"That's better bitch" said Tyrone as he slammed Danny all the way down on the ten inch cock one more time.

That was all it took. Danny shot the biggest load of his life all over the front of Tyrone. His asshole started clenching on Coach's dick so hard it practically sucked the come from his balls.

Next: Chapter 3

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