Degraded and Used

By Darryl J

Published on Jan 21, 2014


I want to thank you guys for the emails.

For the guy who if flying into Ct, I may take you up on the offer. Lets chat. send me another email. I deleted yours by mistake.

Ok, back to the story.

Here I am in a motel room wearing a shirt, a pair of nylons, lipstick and with a butt plug in my hole.

I handed Pedro a beer as I was told to do.

I grabbed a beer for myself also.

Jose told me kneel in front of Pedro and help Pedro get naked.

I started with Pedros shoes and socks.

Once they were off, I reached for his shirt and helped take it off.

As I was removing his clothes, the 2 of them were talking to each other in spanish.

Next came his pants.

I reached for the button of his pants and unsnapped it.

He then stood up as I pulled his pants down.

I can see a bulge in his boxers and I reached up and slowly lowered his boxers and his dick came into view.

His dick wasn't hard and it had to be at least 6 inches long already.

I reached for his dick and he said something to me in spanish and grabbed the back of my head and pushed his dick into my mouth.

He stood there letting me suck his dick for a few minutes and said something in spanish then pushed me off of him.

Jose then says to me, Slow down bitch, Pedro doesn't want to cum yet.

He then says, why don't you get over here and suck mine for a little bit.

I crawl over to Jose and start sucking his dick and Jose said something to Pedro.

I hear Pedro stand up and see him hand Jose a blunt.

All of a sudden I feel Pedro rubbing my nylon covered ass and he feels the butt plug and slaps it causing my to jump a little.

Pedro said something in spanish to Jose and Jose then says to me (Pedro wants to know if your pussy is clean?)

I pull my mouth off of Joses dick and tell him I think so.

He then pushes me off of him and tells me to go into the bathroom and take off the pantyhose carefully and also take the plug out.

He told me when I was done to let him know and he will be in shortly.

I went into the bathroom and took off the pantyhose trying not to ruin them and then I took out the butt plug and sat on the toilet and tried to push anything out and it was mostly lube.

I yelled out to Jose telling him I was done.

He then walked into the bathroom carrying a pull up diaper and the pacifier.

He handed me the items and told me to take my shirt off and to put the diaper on and come out when I was done.

As he was walking out, he said "take your denture out also, because babies don't have teeth!"

He then told me the SAFE WORD WILL BE "AMERICA"...

He told me when I come out, he wants me sucking on the pacifier and keep it in my mouth at all times unless they give me something else to suck on...

He also told me if i didn't know, Pedro doesn't speak any english.

Jose then shut the bathroom door and told me to hurry up.

I took my shirt off and put on the diaper.

I then put the pacifier in my mouth and walked out of the bathroom.

I felt so embarrassed when they saw me because this is the first time i've done anything like this.

They both started laughing at me and Jose told me to get on my hands and knees and crawl around like a baby.

Jose then handed me the baby bottle and told me to drink.

I took the pacifier out and put the bottle up to my mouth and started sucking.

As I was in the bathroom they filled the bottle up with beer.

Jose told me to drink the whole bottle down..

I sucked as hard as I could and drank the full baby bottle of beer.

When it was empty, Jose handed me the pacifier and took the bottle away from me and handed it to Pedro.

He then told me to cross my arms indian style.

When I did, he told me to hold them out.

He then grabbed the saran wrap and started wrapping my forearms together.

My left hand was grabbing my right elbow and my right hand was grabbing my left elbow.

I felt like a baby version of I dream of jeannie. lol

Jose put enough saran wrap that I couldn't do anything with my hands.

Pedro then lowered me down onto my elbows.

Here I was on my knees, elbows to the ground with me diapered ass sticking up.

Jose said something to Pedro and then Pedro stood over me and kind of sat on my back.

I then felt my diaper being pulled down and felt something being pushed into my hole.

Then I felt it being pulled out and then then I felt it again.

Jose then pulled my diaper back up and Pedro got off of me.

Jose told me to stay in that position as he got beers for them.

I then started feeling cramps in my stomach.

It was then that I realized they just put 2 bottles of fleet enima in my asshole.

Pedro said something and Jose laughed at whatever he said.

I was starting to cramp up too much and the pacifier fell out.

I told Jose I had to use the bathroom really bad.

Jose laughed and said too fucking bad faggot!

He told me to get my mouth on Pedros dick and start sucking.

As I adjusted some, I felt a little better.

As I crawled up to Pedro and started sucking his dick, I felt Jose pull open my diaper as if to check to see if I shit my pants.

He slapped me and said "I see you didn't shit yet faggot!

Then I felt Jose slide his dick into the back of my diaper and I felt something warm.

Jose was pissing into my diaper as I was sucking on Pedros dick.

Just as Jose finished pissing, there was a knock on the door.

Pedro held my head onto his dick as Jose went to the door and opened it.

In walks this black guy maybe late 20's.

He walks in and Pedro pushes me off his dick and Jose then hands the new guy a beer.

Jose looks at me and says "get over here and suck his dick faggot!"

I crawl over to this black guy and he unzips his pants and pulls his dick out.

I start sucking his dick and he gets hard pretty fast.

They talked about me as if I wasn't there.

They were calling me names and Jose was telling him what they have done to me so far.

Then this black guy starts fucking my mouth.

I can't use my hands to stop him because of them still being wrapped in the saran wrap.

I feel he is getting close to shooting his load.

All of a sudden, he pushes deep into my mouth and shoots his load down my throat.

He pulls his dick out of my mouth and says "thanks alot faggot!"

He zips up and says goodbye to jose and pedro and lets himself out.

All of a sudden, I couldn't hold it anymore and told Jose I'm going to shit my pants.

He ignores me and says something to Pedro and they both start laughing as they start smoking another blunt.

It was then that my stomach started growling and I couldn't hold it anymore and I started shitting in my diaper.

They both started laughing at me and jose stood up and asked if I just shit myself and I told him I did.

He called me a nasty faggot and took the saran wrap off me and told me to get my smelly ass in the bathroom, clean myself up, take a shower and put on another diaper and get back out there.

I went into the bathroom, I took off the diaper and threw it in the trash and took a shower.

I put on my 2nd diaper and went back into the other room.

Jose asked me if my pussy was clean again and I told him it was.

He handed me the pacifier and told me to crawl over and get them each a beer.

I put the pacifier in my mouth and crawled over and got them each a beer.

As they were drinking the beer, Pedro said something to Jose and they started laughing.

Pedro motioned for me to suck on his dick again.

As I was sucking his dick, Jose got behind me and pulled my diaper down again.

I figured he was going to inject me with the other 2 bottles of fleet enima but instead, I felt him pour some lube on my hole.

The I felt him sliding his finger in getting my hole nice and lubed up.

He pulled his finger out and told me to turn around so Pedro can slide his dick in.

I was kind of excited that Pedro was going to fuck me now.

I turned around and Pedro knelt behind me.

I still had the diaper on but it was pulled down enough for him to get at my hole.

I asked him to go slow but figured he didn't understand what I said.

Jose said something to Pedro and I figured he told him to go easy but instead, Pedro pushed his dick slowly all the way in.

Once he was all the way in, he stopped and just held me there.

I was thinking he was giving my ass time to get used to his dick.

Instead, I felt like my ass was getting bloated and warm.

He was pissing in my hole.

When he was done, He slowly pulled his dick out and pulled up my diaper.

He then walked to the front of me and Jose told me to lick Pedros dick clean.

As I was cleaning Pedros dick I noticed Jose had my baby bottle and was opening it up.

I was happy he was going to fill it up with beer because I needed something to drink because my mouth was getting dry.

Instead of filling it with beer, Jose got in front of me and put the head of his dick on the pottle and started pissing into it.

When it was full, Pedro pulled his dick out of my mouth and Jose put his dick up to my lips and told me to open up.

When i did, he slid his dick in and told me he is going to finish pissing in my mouth and I was to swallow every drop like a good girl.

He told me to grab hold of his dick so I would have control of the flow.

With his dick in my mouth, I used my hands to take control of his dick.

I would release a little at a time and force myself to swallow it..

It tasted nasty and Jose told me if I swallow really fast, I wouldn't even taste it.

I took him for his word and started releasing the pressure faster and swallowed as fast as I could.

Finally he was done and pulled his dick out and told me I was doing great.

He told me to go grab myself a beer and relax a bit.

I grabbed a beer while they were talking to each other as Pedro was texting someone.

I was almost done with my beer when Jose handed me the baby bottle and told me to lay on my back and suck it all down really fast.

Once it was empty, I drank the last of my beer to wash it down.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

Jose stands up and says "cool, WEED is here"

He opened the door and in walks...

To be continued.

HMU with your thoughts...

Next: Chapter 3

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