Degree My Love

By Daniel M

Published on Apr 14, 2004


DISCLAIMER: Over a year off and I still hate this part... alright here we go. If you are under 18 (or 21 depends on your local legal system) please avoid this as I accept no responsibilty should ya mama walk in and catch you chokin' the chicken to this. If you are offended by M/M concepts I think ya in the wrong place! Why not go to I claim no knowledge of the personal lives of mentioned celebrities within this fictional piece. I am not associated with Univeral records (or any other record company for that matter). No Goldfish were harmed in the making of this story!

AUTHOR'S CHAT: There is so much I could have to chat about here, but then I guess that'd defeat the purpose of a chat wouldn't it. Hmm... it's still to early and I think I need more coffee. If I seem a little bit weirder than usual in writing this chapter I'm like really sorry but work has gotten to me and I'm like fully not with it. I'd do an evil laugh but still not enough coffee in my system. I've found it very evil having blood in my caffine system. Told you I'm in a weird mood today didn't I. Just as a curiousity, I've been having dreams about this guy who was teaching me in training, is that wrong? They have sexual reference, ok well maybe it has sexual content... ok so maybe you're right, maybe it is graphic... fine ok, I'm guilty... it's down right explicit... should I be worried by that?

AUTHOR'S THANKS: Thank you to Nifty for allowing me to post on this wonderful site along with so many other talented writers. Thank you to Danny. You are my twin you! Steve... you've been there for me through the hardest times and through the best times. You are an angel in disguise. I don't care what you do for a job... I still love you. Darren... thanks for the shoot the shit conversations, they help me more than you will ever know. Brad... you and your kids are amazing... and you put up with my moods while writing for weeks on end. You even put up with me first thing in the morning ... marry me? LOL. Your insight is amazing and I'd be lost without it.Now go and make me another bloody coffee! Mandy, my saviour, confident, friend and everything else thrown in the mix. I love you girl! Aunty Normy... an aunt with a penis (and a big one at that - shit did I say that?) where would I be without you? Probably still sane. Coffee or prozac for breakfast? Chrissy, I love you, take care of yourself for me, I'll be home in September. Lastly, my Little Dragon, you know who you are... love you eternally, just smile and I have a reason to wake up in the mornin.


Shut Up - (boy bands) - It's another 98 Degrees story. Again with the charming Nick Lachey attached... and no I'm not drooling over him! Gimme Jeff any day.

My Everything - (boy bands) - charming story with Nick Lachey nad non-celeb called Sean. Very fast paced... just the way I like it. Stories that is... now go fetch your minds from the gutter people!

Search and Rescue - (boy bands) - One of the best stories I have ever read on Nifty. I'm in two minds though at the moment seeing as Matt is dead :o( , but JC is still around so it's not all bad :o)

FEEDBACK: - messenger attatched to this email so feel free to add me. If you email me, can you please note in the subject that you are writing in relation to this story.

The Story:

Degree My Love 06 by SunChild

Jeff turned around in Mark's arms and looked at him.

"Do you really mean it?" Mark dropped his arms from around Jeff's waist, shook his head and turned away. Jeff stood there, feeling his entire heart shatter and plummet into his stomach. When Mark backed straight up to Jeff and leant against him, wrapping Jeff's arms around his waist.

"Of course I do baby." Mark smiled pulling himself into an embrace that wasn't returned for a few moments, then he felt Jeff's arms wrap around him.

They stood standing together for a few moments, when a rather unpleseant burning smell started to fragrance the kitchen. Jeff stood up, alarmed, and turned around to find his eggs turning to charcoal before his eyes. Mark peeked over Jeff's shoulder.

"All yours baby boy, I am not going near them." Jeff pulled one off the pan and put it on his plate. Gingerly he poked it with a fork, only to decide it was better left dead than attempting anything more. Dumping the rest of the frying pans contents onto the plate, he and Mark walked out of the room into the den where they both collapsed on the couch.

Feeling a need for coffee, Mark climbed off the couch tiredly and walked towards the kitchen. Jeff moved slowly after him. As Jeff was walking down the hall he saw Mark bolt from the kitchen, down the adjoining hall and a heard a door slam. Curious, Jeff walked into the kitchen and found Drew sitting there chewing away on the burnt eggs.

"What was that all about?"

"I dunno, he walked in, said good morning, looked at my plate and bolted." Drew shrugged. Jeff giggled to himself.

"I think it may have been what you were eatting." Drew looked down at the plate then back up at Jeff.

"They were only a little burnt, not as bad as what Nick has fed us before."

"Yeh except we weren't hung over like a bitch then were we." The guys heard the toilet flush and bathroom door creak open. Mark padded slowly back in, looked at Drew and shuddered. Jeff wrapped his arms around Mark's shoulders and pulled him in close. Mark sighed contentedly and rested his head on Jeff's shoulder.

A few hours later Anita emerged to join the others. Anita looked at Mark and Jeff and cursed them.

"May your first born child have webbed feet." Grumbled Anita as she put on her sunglasses and pulled down the blinds.

"Not feeling healthy this morning?" Asked Jeff with quiet smile in his voice. Anita glared at him from behind the sunglasses and gave him the one finger salute. Mark laughed and then turned his attention back to the television which was playing some thoughtless tribute to music which was killing off the brain cells faster than the alcohol did the previous night.

Mark was sitting on the floor between Jeff's legs when a sneaker cruised through the air, collecting him in the side of the head. Shaking his head slightly, he picked up the sneaker and looked in the direction from which it came to see Ryan tumbling down the hallway doing up his jeans and shirt. Rubbing his head, Mark lifted the shoe and looked at Ryan,

"Lose something?" Ryan stuck his tongue out.

"Yeh, 6 years ago, in the back of a chevy owned by someone called Billy Bob." Ryan grabbed his shoe and was about to run out the door.

"How about breakfast?" Mark called.

"Drew told me he was straight." Ryan called back disappearing out the door.

"Is he always like that?" Asked Drew.

"No, sometimes he's actually weird." Anita mumbled from the opposite couch.

By mid-afternoon the group had somewhat collected themselves, emptied several packets of asprin and drunk copious amounts of water, making them ready for public consumption. Agreeing to stop by the hotel so that Drew and Jeff could collect a change of clothes, the foursome decided to brave the mall. Meandering outside into the sunlight, Mark instantly regretted it, being not as healthy as he had first thought. Snagging his sunglasses from their resting place he jammed them on his face and felt slightly better. Reversing the car into traffic, they made way for the hotel.

Jeff, bored with silence, ficked on the radio to have them all blasted with the obnoxious beat of some hapless popstar. Anita cringed, Mark groaned and Drew held his head. Jeff grinned at Mark sheepishly and turned down the volume. When the ringing in his ears had stopped, Mark looked at Jeff.

"You are banned from ever touching my stereo again. Next thing I know, you'll be playing me Britney." Jeff laughed.

"You work in a music shop, you have to listen to Britney."

"Says who? Have you listened to the music in my shop. We play alternative and boy bands, not lala sissy crap."

"God knows it would be like listening to himself." Anita threw in.

"I'm curious Neets, did you cry when that house landed on your sister in Oz?" Asked Mark glaring at her in the rear view mirror. Drew opened his mouth but realised Mark was watching him in the rear view, a comment forming on his lips.

"What the matter, Chuckles no wanna play?" Drew gave him the finger and looked out the window.

Arriving in Jeff's room, Mark headed straight for the couch and flopped down feeling exhausted. Jeff sat down by him and ran his fingers through Mark's hair.

"Mark, how do you know you love me?" Asked Jeff. Mark remained silent then looked up at Jeff.

"I can't put anything like it into words. There are these special feelings and I get this feeling in my stomach when I see you and you walk by. There's something the bubbles under my skin and warms me to the core just knowing you are there." Mark said. Jeff looked down and smiled.

"How about you?" Asked Mark. Jeff shrugged.

"I know because each night before I go to sleep, I can't think of anything but you and when I wake up and you are there, I feel like there is nothing left in this world that could be more perfect for me." Mark smiled and nuzzled into Jeff's side, who sat there stiffly for a moment.

The pair were sitting quietly watching the television when there was a loud bashing on the door. Sighing, Jeff lifted Mark's head and walked to open the door. As he was reaching for the door handle, the door flew open, collecting Jeff in the temple. Jeff dropped to the ground as Mark sprang from the couch to his fallen lover's side. Drew looked down at the pair.

"What is it about you, your friends and doors? First Anita, now Jeff... who's next? Ryan?"

"Like it'd do damage... only improvements." Mark said viciously helping Jeff to sit up. Jeff shook his head slightly shaking off the cobwebs.

"That's it, doors are officially a safety hazard. Now what can I do for you?" Jeff asked in a daze. Drew shrugged.

"We've got rehearsals and need to get going. Show tonight apparently." Jeff looked at his watch.

"Cutting it fine aren't we? It's already five." Drew shrugged.

"We don't need to rehearse as much, besides you were busy with lover boy here. All we have to do is just a sound check." Nodding, Jeff got to his feet with Mark's help. Reaching for his wallet, Jeff handed Mark some money.

"Go get some clothes for tonight or something." With that he walked out the door with Mark looking after him. Drew looked at Mark curiously.

"Why do I get the feeling I was just petted on the head and told to sit in the corner?" He asked. Drew hung his head then looked up.

"Perhaps he wasn't thinking properly?" Mark slapped the money down on the counter.

"I do not get petted on the head, nor do I take money from anyone." He snorted. With that Mark breezed past Drew and down the hall bashing on Justin's door while yelling.

"NEATS! CHARIOT LEAVING!" With that he kept going and pushed the elevator signal. When the elevator arrived he stepped in and turned around and could not see Anita, so he shrugged and pushed the button to close the doors. Sighing, he slumped back against the wall and looked up at the Heavens and sighed.

Sitting at home, Mark waited for his cell phone to ring. Bored, he flicked on the television and watched the news and drifted off to sleep. He was awoken by the sound of the front door closing and looked at the clock which read just after two in the morning. Ryan tried to creep by as Mark sat up.

"What are you doing here?" Asked Ryan. Mark shrugged and looked at his cell to see if he had missed a call or gotten a message, of which there were neither.

"I was waiting for Jeff to call. He didn't though." Mark said frowning. Picking up his cell, he dialed Jeff's number only to be put straight through to voicemail. Mark frowned and put his cell back on the table and looked at Ryan and shrugged.

"He must be tired after the show, I think I'll go to bed." With that, he rose out of his seat and wandered down to his bedroom.

The next day, Mark woke up feeling disorientated and realised that he was alone in bed. Getting up he wandered down through the house and could see no sign of Jeff. Frowning, he picked up his cell to check for messages. Not finding any he tried to dial Jeff's cell again. When it rang, Mark breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hello." Came a tired male voice that Mark didn't recognise.

"Is Jeff there please?" Asked Mark, his stomach sinking.

"He's asleep, can I help you?"

"Umm, what's your name?" Mark asked.

"Nathan, why who's this?"

"I'm Mark, his boyfriend."

"Oh shit, just a sec I'll wa..."

"Don't bother Nathan, I think I'll change that to ex-boyfriend." Mark snarled as he disconnected the call. Mark sat down, tears streaming down his face. Ryan staggered out of his room as he heard Mark yell and hurl his phone at the wall, shattering it to pieces, only to collapse to the floor crying again. Ryan wrapped his arms around Mark.

"Sssh, Baby, what's wrong?" Ryan cooed in his ear. Mark cried a little longer then looked at Ryan.

"It's all over. I called Jeff and this guy called Nathan answered the phone." Ryan pulled Mark back to him.

"Calm down babe, it'll be alright." Mark looked up at him with tear streaked cheeks.

"If it'll be alright, why does it hurt?" Ryan sighed and pulled Mark closer. Mark sobbed once more and looked at the clock.

"I've got to get ready for work." He sighed. Ryan looked at him.

"You are not going to work." Mark shook his head.

"Yeh I am. I assume you still want have a roof over your head. I have to work to make these mortgage payments you know." Ryan shook his head.

"Not good move Mark. You know it isn't a good move." Ryan kissed Mark on the forehead.

"Don't coddle me Ryan. I've got to be strong here. If I sit and mope, I'll never get back on my feet." With that, Mark pulled himself to his feet and walked to his bathroom and stepped in the shower.

Later that day, Rachel stuck her head into Mark's office.

"Mark, there's someone here to see you."

"I'm busy and don't want to see them." Mark through back.

"Ok, no worries." Rachel called and went back away. Five seconds later Mark was disturbed again by a boisterous chittering female bounding into his office.

"Don't want to see me, I'm crushed." Anita chided lightly. Mark smacked his head down on his desk.

"I must have driven a truck through a shop of mirrors to deserve this." Anita smacked the back of his head making it bounce on the desk.

"Hey, I heard that." She threw at him. Mark smiled half-heartedly and looked at her.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"No need to snarl. Jeff was asking where you were this morning."

"Ask Nathan." Mark threw back.


"The guy who answered his cell this morning when I called it." Anita's smile dropped off her face.

"You're kidding... what the..." Anita was interupted by Mark's office phone ringing. Mark put his hand up to signal silence.

"Hello, Smooth Rapture, this is Mark." Anita watched Mark put his head in his hand a sigh.

"Alright officer, I'll be there as soon as I can." Mark said hanging up the phone and looked at Anita.

"Ryan just tried to beat the shit out of Jeff." Anita looked at him plainly.

"Good, he deserves it." Mark shrugged.

"Maybe, but now I gotta go bail the little fucker out." Mark sighed and pushed his chair back and grabbed his bag. Walking out, Anita in tow, Mark looked at Rachel.

"I gotta go bail out Ryan, I'll be back." Rachel looked at Mark confused.

"I've got Jeff holding on line 2." Anita got a look of disgust on her face.

"Tell him to go back to Nathan." Mark said and walked out of the store.

Several months later, Mark was sitting back at his desk when Rachel walked into his office.

"Jeff's on the phone again." Sighing, Mark leant back in his chair.

"What call are we up to today?"

"Thirteen if you include the hang up which I would assume is him." Mark shook his head.

"I'm still busy." Rachel nodded and returned to the counter. Several moments later, Mark's cell phone went off. Picking it up, he looked at the caller ID only to be told it was a private number.

"Mark speaking, how can I help?" Asked Mark automatically.

"Take my calls would be a start." Came a familiar voice.

"What makes you think I would want to?" Mark snapped back.

"The same reason that I know you still have a photo of me on your desk." Jeff's voice trailed over the phone. Mark sat bolt upright.

"What makes you think that I would leave something like that there."

"Because I can see it." Came Jeff's voice from behind him.

---- OOOH! Now I hope that you can put up with my twists, turns and other little dramas in here. Feedback always fantastic. Hasta lasagne, SC. xx

Next: Chapter 7

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