Degree My Love

By Daniel M

Published on Aug 12, 2004



Over a year off and I still hate this part... alright here we go. If you are under 18 (or 21 depends on your local legal system) please avoid this as I accept no responsibilty should ya mama walk in and catch you chokin' the chicken to this. If you are offended by M/M concepts I think ya in the wrong place! Why not go to I claim no knowledge of the personal lives of mentioned celebrities within this fictional piece. I am not associatedwith Univeral records (or any other record company for that matter). No Goldfish were harmed in the making of this story!


There is so much I could have to chat about here, but then I guess that'd defeat the purpose of a chat wouldn't it. Hmm... it's still to early and I think I need more coffee. If I seem a little bit weirder than usual in writing this chapter I'm like really sorry but work has gotten to me and I'm like fully not with it. I'd do an evil laugh but still not enough coffee in my system. I've found it very evil having blood in my caffine system. Told you I'm in a weird mood today didn't I. Have you ever had one of those days where you just wonder if all this is worth it? Relationship where nothing is going right, working on a Saturday and trying to figure out what size ladies heel you are. Yes, I get more bizare every couple of entries. For those who aren't used to... swallow a few prozac and then a vallium and you'll get the idea


Thank you to Nifty for allowing me to post on this wonderful site along with so many other talented writers. Thank you to Danny. You are my twin you! Steve... you've been there for me through the hardest times and through the best times. You are an angel in disguise. I don't care what you do for a job... I still love you. Brad... you and your kids are amazing... and you put up with my moods while writing for weeks on end. You even put up with me first thing in the morning ... marry me? LOL. Your insight is amazing and I'd be lost without it.Now go and make me another bloody coffee! Mandy, my saviour, confident, friend and everything else thrown in the mix.

I love you girl! Aunty Normy... an aunt with a penis (and a big one at that - shit did I say that?) where would I be without you? Probably still sane. Coffee or prozac for breakfast? Chrissy, I love you, take care of yourself for me, I'll be home in September. Lastly, my Little Dragon, you know who you are... love you eternally, just smile and I have a reason to wake up in the mornin.


Shut Up - (boy bands) - It's another 98 Degrees story. Again with the charming Nick Lachey attached... and no I'm not drooling over him! Gimme Jeff any day.

My Everything - (boy bands) - charming story with Nick Lachey nad non-celeb called Sean. Very fast paced... just the way I like it. Stories that is... now go fetch your minds from the gutter people!

Search and Rescue - (boy bands) - One of the best stories I have ever read on Nifty. I'm in two minds though at the moment seeing as Matt is dead :o( , but JC is still around so it's not all bad :o)

Looking For Love In All The Right Place - (boy bands) - JC story (can't compare to JC Dreams) but is still fantastic read. Sorry Dreamy... had to say it. Love the story and the writer.

Everytime - (boy bands) - Another 98 Degrees story with Nick Lachey in it. Waiting on an update -=hint hint=-

Bodyguard - (beginings) - Just a lovely story to read. By the same author (Craigger) as Everytime. He's actually very talented y'know (read this as his cheque didn't bounce hehe).

FEEDBACK: - messenger attatched to this email so feel free to add me. If you email me, can you please note in the subject that you are writing in relation to this story.

The Story:

Degree My Love 08 by Sun Child

Waking to the sound of a door crashing open, Mark sat bolt upright in bed. Looking around, he felt slightly disorientated and then realised he was in Ryan's room. He looked at the sleeping man beside him and smiled fondly only to be alerted again to why he had awoken by something toppling in the hall. Pulling on his boxer briefs and pants he opened the door cautiously and glanced down the hall. He saw Anita's door crack open and Justin peek his head out and Lani walk out of his room wrapped in his robe. Mark waved her back as he and Justin crept out of the bedrooms and made their way down the hall to lounge where they could hear movement. Justin stuck his head around the corner and then walked into the room glaring. Mark looked around and saw Jeff standing there. Walking in he finally spoke.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" He asked heatedly.

"I came to see my boyfriend." Jeff slurred at him, black eye shining from his earlier fight with Ryan.

"Then go find him, because he sure as shit doesn't live here." Mark told him.

"Yes he does, there's a photo of me with him on the mantle over there. Wait, you're him." Jeff stumbled towards him.

"No Jeff, we broke up." Mark told him flatly. Stumbling towards Mark, Jeff tried again.

"Why'd we break up? Oh shit, I was bad wasn't I?" Jeff fell to his knees, tears trickling over his cheeks. Mark bent down and sat on his haunches. A time which Justin felt prudent to leave the room.

"Yes Jeff, you were bad. You hurt me really badly." Jeff looked up at Mark, tears streaking his face.

"Can you start to forgive me?" Mark looked down.

"If I do, will you even remember in the morning?" Asked Mark cooly.

"Of course I will. I love you and I miss you." Jeff mumbled.

"I miss you too, I guess I do forgive you, but I can't handle being cheated on so I don't know if I am in love with you anymore." Mark said gently.

"Can we be friends?" Jeff asked hopefully.

"We'll work on it." Mark replied coolly. Mark walked over and lifted Jeff to the couch. Mistaking it, Jeff tried to kiss Mark who pulled his head away.

"I said we'll work on friends. Don't expect open arms. You have to earn my trust again." Jeff looked down then back up and nodded. With that, Jeff stretched his arms out to Mark, who lifted him up and helped him to the couch. Jeff collapsed backwards onto the couch and looked at Mark.

"Can I at least have a hug?" Mark sighed and leant over and hugged Jeff then let him go. Fetching a blanket from the closet, he placed it over Jeff. Jeff smiled drunkenly at Mark.

"I'm sorry that I hurt you, but I'm happy we can be friends." Mark brushed Jeff's hair gently.

"So am I." With that Mark stood and walked out of the room. Stopping by the front door, he closed and locked it again, picking the spare key up from the floor. Mark looked at the key and spoke to it as though it would talk back.

"This time, you don't go back under the pot plant." Placing the key on the hallway table he headed back to bed.

Slipping in under the covers he felt Ryan roll over and cuddle in.

"What was all the commotion?" He asked.

"Jeff." Was all Mark could say. Ryan sat up, anger etching at his face.

"Why's he here?"

"I don't know, he thought we were still together. He's drunk out of his brain. He's asleep on the couch at the moment." Mark told Ryan. Ryan looked down.

"Well, as long as you're happy with that it'll do me." Ryan said lying back down. Mark rolled over to look at Ryan.

"Are you okay with it?" He asked.

"I'll be fine. Just so long as he doesn't press more charges." Mark sighed and leant his forehead against Ryan's.

"I will talk to him and make sure he doesn't." Ryan smiled and started to rub Mark's chest again, his hand slipping down over this stomach. Mark arched an eyebrow.

"Again already?" Mark grinned evilly.

"No rest for the wicked, which means we'll never sleep again." With that Ryan slid down under the covers and Mark started to moan.

Sunlight was flooding into the room when the first shriek came. A few moments later a second one came. Justin, Ryan, Anita and Mark flew out of their bedrooms in time to see Jeff sail out of Mark's room closely followed by a very pissed off looking Lani. Jeff looked at Mark wide eyed.

"There was a woman in your bed. An angry woman who looks like Alanis Morissette." Mark stiffled a laugh.

"That's because she is Alanis Morissette. She's in my room because I didn't want to have to subject her to Anita and Justin rucking like fabbits all night." Jeff tried to shake the cobwebs from his head which only caused it to hurt more. Ryan tapped Mark on the shoulder. Turning to look at Ryan, he blushed when he realised Ryan was offering him a robe to wear to cover his naked state. Pulling the robe on he turned to look at Justin and Anita who were looking everywhere else but at Mark.

"Not a word Anita." Mark said sternly. Anita looked at Mark sweetly, trying to put on a show of innocence.

"We weren't going to, we were too busy trying to get our sight back after being snowblinded by that white ass of yours." Justin threw at Mark. Mark arched an eyebrow.

"You're learning to be a smart ass, well you still got a while before you catch up to this white ass." Mark threw back. Jeff slowly stood up and stumbled down the hall.

"I think I need to use your couch again." Mark and Justin seperated so Jeff could pass between them. Anita and Justin shrugged and went back to their room, while Lani walked up to Ryan and Mark.

"Not together huh." Grinned Lani. Ryan blushed and Mark grinned.

"Shut ya hole bitch. You've been working on this relationship for the past two years with scheming and mayhem. Go write another album telling people to get fucked." Lani blinked her eyes innocently.

"I'm not angry at the moment. I've got too much to be excited about at the moment." Mark cocked his head to the side.

"What've you done this time?" He asked. Lani grinned.

"Tell you when Ryan gets in." Mark looked down and noticed the ring on her finger.

"You got engaged you dirt whore and didn't tell me." Lani jumped up and down squealling with Mark.

"I was waiting for Ryan but yes. I'm going to be a married woman. How unreal is that?!"

"He better take care of my Lani Girl." She grinned and winked.

"He already does."

"What so you don't need your kickstart vibrator anymore?" Lani laughed and punched Mark in the arm.

"Get fucked. I'm going back to bed now." Mark felt Ryan tugging on his sleeve.

"From the feel of it I'm about to be." Mark winked and closed the door.

Stirring again to the sound of the phone ringing, Mark fell out of bed again and grabbed the robe which had been torn from his body not long after entering the room with Ryan. Wandering out and down the hall, he picked up the handset and pressed talk. After a few moments discussion, he hung up and headed for the shower. Stepping out, he walked down to his room, opened the door to his room and saw Lani sitting there with a book in her hand reading.

"You coming for the drive or waiting here for him?"

"Make him wait to see me." She grinned at Mark. Mark smiled and nodded, closing the door. Starting the car, he drove off down the road with some random song playing as he drove. Pulling up at a set of lights, Summer Rain started to play and it haunted Mark as words wove into his mind telling him and reminding him of Jeff. Leaving the set of lights, Mark changed the radio station, only to continue being haunted by Jeff's face.

Waiting at the airport, he looked around for someone trying not to be noticed. Standing there he noticed a tall man walk towards him with a goofy grin on his face. Mark walked towards him a little. When they finally caught up with eachother Mark punched him in the arm.

"Ow what was that for?" He asked.

"Taking my cousin away from me Mr Reynolds. You're mean!" Mark laughed. Ryan smiled and hugged him.

"I think it'd be more concerning if I took you from her don't you."

"Dream on Ryan, dream on." Mark smiled.

In the car, Ryan broached the subject of Jeff.

"So he's back in town I hear." Mark nodded, watching the road.

"That doesn't surprise me. I think he realised he fucked up, what did surprise me though was that he was sleeping on your couch this morning and went and crawled into bed with the girl." Mark sighed and propped his elbow against the window, his head resting on his hand.

"I didn't know what else to do other than offer him the couch. I don't know what hotel he's staying at so I couldn't send him home in a cab, I couldn't let him sleep on the street and I certainly wasn't sleeping with him."

"No, you were too busy with Ry from what I hear." Mark blushed and turned the stereo up. Ryan smiled and turned the radio back down.

"You still care for him, don't try and tell me you don't. I think it's cute that you look out for you ex-boyfriend. Just don't let him hurt you again." Ryan said as he leant back in his seat and turned up the volume on the radio.

Pulling up in the driveway, Mark got out of the car and spotted his Ryan sitting on the steps looking out, a ciggarette dangling from his lips and a coffee mug in his hand. Mark walked up to him watching his eyes light up.

"Alright, what's on your mind?" He asked.

"Jeff started playing twenty questions about why you walked out of my room naked. I didn't know what to say so I came out here. I know you still care for him and don't want to hurt him, but hiding it is just as painful. Especially if he does find out and you know he will." Mark looked at his shoes then back up at Ryan.

"I hear you, I just don't know. I'll deal with it when it comes across. Until then, let's just sit and poke fun at the straight boy trying to lift a fluro purple suitcase out of my car."

"I heard that you skank, now come and give me a hand." Ryan called back from Mark's car. Giggling, Mark walked over and lifted the suitcase straight out of the trunk. Walking to the house he yelled out.

"Lani, Ryan R's here." He heard a squeal and saw a lithe brunette shoot by him. Turning he saw Ryan on his back on the lawn with Lani sitting on top of him. A few moments later, Anita and Justin stumbled out into the daylight, Justin cowering from the light and Anita bouncing down the steps and out on top of Ryan and Lani. Jeff followed slowly behind. His eyes went wide.

"You have Ryan Reynolds here as well. Christ, who's next?" Jeff asked.

"Some try hard boy band member most likely." Jeff dead-panned. With that Jeff and Justin both leapt at Mark pinning him to the ground. Lani, Ryan and Anita looked on while the other Ryan leapt to his feet ready to beat either of them if Mark called for it. Anita got up and put her hand on his shoulder and sat him down. The boys rough-housing was interrupted by a taxi pulling up out the front. Looking, Mark started to laugh as did Jeff and Justin as Drew climbed out of the cab. Lani started to roll on the group laughing.

"You're a psychic." She laughed. "Or is that just psychotic?" Ryan looked at them confused.

"Some try hard boy band member." Mark smirked at him. Drew walked up as the others tried to pull themselves together. Drew looked at them and shook his head.

"How y'all doin?" He said slowly.

"Mental as always, how's you Chuckles?" Asked Mark. Drew shrugged

"Had to get away from Nick's ranting. He was driving me mad. No I don't think you're the devil incarnate like he does." Drew said. Mark nodded and stood up and walked over to Drew. Drew looked at Mark and then threw his arms around Mark's neck.

"Don't hate you man, don't hate you." Drew said. Mark smiled and stood back.

"Thanks Chuckles. Now if you'll excuse me, I have blood in my coffee system." With that Mark ambled inside and into the kitchen.

Standing at the bench waiting for the kettle to boil, Mark felt a body press up against him and arms wrap around his waist.

"Yes Neets, we can't, Ryan will walk in." Mark got a smack upside the head. Grinning Mark turned and kissed Ryan on the lips.

"Aaw aren't they cute." Came Lani's voice from the doorway.

"Yeh so is that puppy you got, still wouldn't fuck it." Said Anita grinning. Mark rested his head on Ryan's shoulder, giving Anita the one fingered salute.

"Don't you need to go play in the traffic or something?" Ryan called over his shoulder.

"Only if I play train driver and you the tied up victim with no hero in sight." Anita said dryly. Lani through her hands in the air.

"Ding ding, welcome to BitchFest 2004 people."

"This is only the prelims too. Scared yet?" Mark grinned at his cousin. She shook her head.

"I grew up with you until you disappeared remember." Lani turned and looked at Anita and Ryan.

"Do you know how much it cost me to find him? More than I expected let me tell you."

"Not that you will ever regret it right?" Asked Mark smiling.

"Not that I'll ever admit to this again, but it's one of the proudest things I've ever done." Lani agreed. The cousins smiled at each other.

Later on Ryan and Mark were sitting in the lounge, when Jeff walked in and looked at Mark.

"Mark, I just wanted to apologise for last night. I can't really remember what happened, but I have a feeling I was a little foolish." Jeff said contritely.

"Jeff, it's ok. You were here and safe, all that matters." Mark said smiling, patting Jeff's arm. Ryan stood up and walked out of the room. Mark reached out and grabbed his arm.

"Where are you off to?"

"Just going to make coffee." Mumbled Ryan quietly. As he left the room Mark and Jeff looked at each other. Mark's indecision over whether to stay and try and repair their friendship and his desire to go after Ryan washed across his face. Jeff nudged Mark.

"Go after your boy." Jeff smiled, with a hint of sadness at Mark. Mark hugged Jeff briefly.

"Thanks for understanding." With that, Mark leapt off the couch and went after Ryan.

Wandering the house, Mark found Ryan sitting alone in the backyard. Sitting beside him he nudged Ryan.

"You still love him don't you?" Ryan asked seriously.

"I always will." Admitted Mark. "Doesn't mean that I don't love you either." Ryan looked at Mark.

"Will you ever be in love with me though?"

"How do you know I'm not?"

"How do you know you are?" Ryan shot back. Mark turned and looked at Ryan.

"Why are you so determined that I want to be with Jeff more than I want to be with you?" He demanded. Ryan looked down at the grass he was playing with.

"I don't know, I just feel that sometimes maybe he would make you happier than I can." Admitted Ryan.

"Ryan, let you in on a secret. You make me as happy as he did, and at times you make me happier." Ryan smiled at Mark.

"Happier, is that in bed or out of bed?"

"Here's something else. I never let him top me. I always topped him." Ryan's eye widened.

"But you've never topped with... ooooh." Mark winked and nodded.

"Getting an idea here?" Asked Mark. Ryan grinned and leapt at Mark, both men falling and laughing. Ryan landed on top of Mark.

"Now this seems very familiar."

As they evening grew dark, Mark started to pace restlessly. Ryan finally got up and dragged him to the bedroom.

"What is going on?" Asked Ryan. Mark looked at him and shrugged.

"I have the itch to go out, but I know I can't and I don't want to hurt Jeff or you and it's all just building up and I'm restless." Mark sighed. Ryan hugged him close.

"Well why don't just the two of us go out to a bar or something and have a drink, or even just catch a movie?" Mark looked at Ryan.

"Our very first date. How cute." Mark smiled and Ryan nodded.

"I need a shower first though." Said Ryan. Mark arched an eyebrow.

"It is rather dry here at the moment, share it?" Mark asked. Ryan grinned and bolted for the bathroom, Mark trailing just behind.

--- Feedback always welcome. -= =- Hugs n stuff, SC. xxx

Next: Chapter 9

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