
By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Mar 6, 2008



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Deluge, by justjames17.

The long drought had broken up on the mid to northern east coast of Australia, the wet season arrived with a vengeance bringing torrential record breaking rains. Day after day the bilious heavy bellied clouds dropped their water in blinding deluges causing massive floods across the parched countryside. The rivers and creeks, long reduced to a trickle or completely dry, responded by swelling to raging, rushing and fast spreading torrents racing down towards the coast. Young trees that had grown in their dry sandy beds, where their roots found what little moisture that was left in the sun parched soil, were torn out of the ground and swept tumbling and spinning along the now vast flood plains.

Homes were either washed away or inundated by the huge volumes of swirling muddy water, people raced for their lives to high ground leaving their stock of cattle, sheep and horses to fend for themselves as the land disappeared beneath the brown raging floods. Highways were cut as bridges were torn asunder by the torrents or were swamped under meters of racing water, traffic was banked up for miles cut off in front and behind as the roads vanished from sight, the travellers stranded mostly in the middle of nowhere wondered what they could do as the deluge continued unabated.

Many vehicles carrying either people or goods were swept off the roads and tumbled along the racing rivers to sink drowning their terrified passengers beneath the coffee coloured torrents. One particular car a 4 wheel drive containing a family, the Johnson's, Roger the father, Joan the mother and Dean their 17 year old son was crossing a road bridge spanning the Deep Creek as the flash flood of water swept around the upstream bend. A dirty foaming wave surging along at incredible speed bearing all kinds of flotsam struck the bridge lifting the vehicle and sweeping it through the wooden guardrails that shattered as the heavy car was tossed against them.

The Nissan Patrol was tumbling over and over in the dark murky raging waters the car's windows were soon smashed as floating trees impacted on the now battered car allowing the water to flood inside sinking it to the bottom where it was rolled along over and over like a piece of laundry in a washing machine. The screams of the occupants as they were tumbled about were lost in the rushing water as they struggled attempting to escape the car, Dean being younger and slimmer wearing only his speedos, as it had been so hot and humid slipped through a smashed window while his parents struggled. Dean was torn away from the car and swept along downstream leaving the heavy car and his drowning parents far behind, he was semi conscious after colliding with a tree trunk, his eyes mouth and nose filled with muddy water as he was pushed along on the torrent.

Dean was coughing and spluttering desperately trying to breath as his lithe young body was carried on the flood, his strength waning rapidly as he fought to stay afloat and alive. His body, battered and bruised by the buffeting water and debris, was powerless to swim to safety as he was tossed and rolled about half drowned by the foul tasting filthy water. Eventually the raging torrent eased as it spread wider across the plain, Dean's limp exhausted body drifted in an eddy and gradually he was deposited on the thick oozing mud bank at the water's edge as it receded.

I owned a farm bordering the river, luckily I had suspected the deluge would create a devastating flood and had driven my stock up onto the highest paddock near the homestead thus saving them from drowning on the lower pastures. Two days later the rain eased, I ventured out to see what damage the flood had done to my fencing. In the lower paddock, still partly flooded I found a huge slimy build up of mud and debris near where the river torn down my fencing. I stood on the quad bike and surveyed the fence line now draped in everything imaginable, plastic rubbish, grass, twigs and small branches had all been trapped on the three-strand wire fence flattening the whole length onto the muddy saturated soil.

Nearby were several drowned sheep from upriver, draped like large muddy cushions about the mud bank then I heard a faint moan, I looked about unable to see anyone stirring and climbed down from the Honda to investigate the area. My boots squelching as the mud tried to suck them from my feet as I slipped and slid on the thick greasy oozing mess. I struggled across peering about carefully searching then the moan again sounded and t was close by I stopped and looked carefully in the direction I heard the sound from, there was a small tree lying in the mud but beside it I saw a shape. Was that a human being? It was difficult to tell it blended in with the mud completely; it was covered in the gelatinous goo.

I reached the long lumpish shape and squatted down reaching out a hand to raise the branch semi covering the body, it was a lad his face was almost free of mud as his head rested on another leafy branch, the whole of his almost naked body was coated with thick black mud. I slid my arms under his neck and knees lifting him up, the clinging mud squelched attempting to keep him in its glutinous grasp. I squelched back towards the quad carrying him in my arms he stirred slightly coughing deep in his chest, his breath rattled in his slender throat as he breathed shallowly. I settled him in the large carrier on the rear of the bike as I started the engine and turned heading back up the saturated paddocks towards the homestead. I looked over my shoulder to check on my passenger and saw his head rocking about and limbs swinging as the bike traversed the rough ground.

I pulled up at the house and killed the engine before climbing down and lifting the lad up to carry him up to the veranda, I placed him in a plastic chair and grabbed the hose to wash him down and remove most of the glue like mud before taking him into the house. As I gently squirted him with the hose the filthy goo slowly released and I used my fingers to help it on its way. The feel of his smooth flesh under my fingers was turning me on as gradually his slim but well proportioned torso came into view; the cool water and the motion of my fingers raised his small nipples excitedly another moan and cough escaped his lips.

After some minutes I'd bathed most the mud from his superb young frame, his saturated speedos clung to his shrunken boyhood but even his cold effected genitals still looked incredibly erotic. I lifted the waistband after undoing the cord and removed his swim trunks before flushing his groin with the hose washing the trapped mud off his crotch and arse, he moaned and shivered on the seat. I bathed his legs and when clean I grabbed a towel and began towelling him dry, rubbing quite firmly to stimulate his blood flow, I could see the multitude of scratches and bruises on his smooth body and eased up on the rubbing to pat him dry gently.

When dry I carried him gently inside and into the third bedroom placing him on the bed naked and covering him with a sheet, I walked outside and picked up his still muddy speedos and washed them in the trough before hanging the flimsy garment out to dry in the warm muggy air. I went back inside and sat in a chair watching him sleep; he tossed and turned sometimes whimpering as he dreamed. I dozed off after a while and my dreams were filled with my guest as he awoke and began making love to me, he was an accomplished and aggressive lover in my dream and he took me after much foreplay with his mouth and tongue.

I awoke suddenly at the sound of a voice, a weak gravely voice but still a voice, I opened my eyes to see the lad awake and half sitting up resting on his elbows as he asked, "Where am I and who are you?"

I smiled at him and explained how I'd found him washed up on my land and I asked how he'd been caught in the river, he shook his had eyes staring wildly as he said, "I can't remember what happened or even what my name is."

I stood and moved to sit on the bed as I hugged him saying, "Don't worry, it will come back to you once the shock eases up I'm sure, don't worry too much now it will only make things harder."

He hugged me back as a shuddering sob wracked his body and he began crying heavily as I rubbed his smooth naked back resting my head against his. His sobbing slowly eased and he relaxed again as I asked, "Are you hungry mate?"

He nodded silently on my shoulder so I asked, "Do you feel like getting up or would you like me to bring it in here and we can eat together?"

He replied quietly, "In here would be great I don't think I'm up to getting up yet. What I call you?"

I hugged him again and replied, "My name is James and I'll call you Moses for now, after Moses in the bull rushes of biblical times."

He didn't react to my little joke so I guessed he didn't remember his bible classes if he'd had any, I got to my feet and ruffled his short hair relishing the feel of his spiky hairdo. I hurried out to make some sandwiches and was soon back with a tray of food and two cans of Coke, he sat up and asked, "I've got no clothes on was I naked when you found me?"

I shook my head and said, "No Moses you were wearing a pair of speedo swim togs, I removed them when I was washing the mud off you, they are hanging up outside on the veranda drying. Would you like me to bring them in for you?"

He shook his head mouth bulging with food as he chewed away, it appeared he was starving hungry and I wondered how long since he'd eaten. The food seemed to evaporate into his flat young tummy and soon the plates were bare except for a few crumbs and a smear of chutney as he gulped down the cold soft drink. He finished and wiped his pink lips on a paper napkin and a soft belch escaped his mouth as he giggled, I chuckled back as it was the first sign of a real boy that I'd seen so far. He seemed to have relaxed a lot while eating then he looked at me blushing and said, "James I need to go to the toilet -- I need to piss."

I grinned at him and said, "Ok get up I'll take to the bathroom."

Moses blushed deeper and said, "But I'm naked James I have no clothes on."

I laughed and hugged him saying, "Its ok Moses, we are both guys you surely don't have anything I don't. Its ok if you are naked, in fact I think you are perfect remember I bathed you and put you to bed so I've seen all there is and as I said you are perfect."

He looked up at me his big brown eyes uncertain then he lifted the sheet and swung his long coltish leg out and stood up, I looked down and saw he was fully erect with a piss stiffy, his perfect smooth 5inch boyhood fully engorged and throbbing to his fast beating heart. He looked down at himself then up at me and smiled in an embarrassed manner as I led him by the hand out and down the long passageway to the bathroom at the end, his stiffy pointing the way and his pale ivory buttocks bobbing as he walked. Moses was a picture of pure perfection as he walked to the bathroom his bare feet padding on the old-fashioned linoleum. He bolted into the loo and began pissing like a horse, I waited leaning on the wall watching his beautiful rear view.

Once he'd emptied his bladder he shook off the last drops then washed his hands as I said, "Would you like a shower Moses, you still have a dusting of fine mud on you by the look of it."

He nodded and I turned on the shower adjusting the temperature for him after lighting the ancient chip heater, he climbed into the bath and stood under the flowing warm water as he began soaping his lithe taut body. I stood back enjoying the show as he turned about washing himself, then out of the blue he suddenly said, "Could you wash my back please James?"

I jumped at the chance to caress those broad young shoulders and nicely muscled back then the thought of massaging his full rounded buttocks had me shaking with excitement. Moses said with a tremulous voice, "Are you going to undress and join me? Its ok if you do James."

I shucked off my t-shirt and shorts quick as a flash, I was going commando as I usually did at home and my own rod was semi erect and wagging as I joined Moses in the tub. He stood there waiting offering me the soap his cock stiff as a steel spike as he stared at my six-inch prong, he raised his eyes and smiled, "Nice one James, I like the colour of your pubes, sort of darker than your blond hair."

I went weak in the knees as he turned and offered me his back to bathe, I rubbed the soap on his soft wet smooth flesh and he pushed his hips forward almost purring as he tossed his head back arching his throat. I bent close to his face next thing I knew we were lip locked snogging like crazy as Moses pressed his hot arse against my straining hard on. Moses seemed to know what he was doing as he wriggled about trying to capture my cock in between his full firm arse cheeks, he reached behind grasping my bone in his hand steadying it and pulling me into his hot hungry hole. I felt his tight ring nibble at my knob before it swallowing it into the molten hot slickness of his incredibly reactive rectum.

Moses took me, swallowed my cock completely inside his unbelievably silky hot slick innards, he ground his full buttocks against my groin as he squirmed and wriggled with what seemed like total lust. The change in this previously meek and quiet lad was almost frightening as his body reacted to the pleasure he seemed to crave. I was shaking with the incredible sensations his tight young body was transmitting through my rampant rod as I rammed and withdrew thrusting and grunting with delight. I clutched his right hip with one hand and my left was grasping his steel hard teen tool. In no time we both reached climactic eruptions as our cocks spurted and sprayed sperm, mine filling his writhing innards while his spattered the bath tub.

He staggered and I had to hold him tight against my still humping hips as we folded over together before dropping to our knees under the spraying shower. We knelt there water hitting my back as we gasped for air, then my erection wilted and slid from his clutching ring. Moses gasped as my cock slopped from his slippery muscle, I sat back in the tub resting my back on the taps studying the lad's hunched back and leaking arse. His anus closed slowly then tightened as he moved to turn himself around facing me, his legs stretched out between mine as he stared at me with a weird expression.

He suddenly sobbed his whole body wracked to the core as he began to wail, "My parents, my parents are gone drowned in the car when the flood washed us off the bridge." I looked at him stunned, a few minutes ago he was rampantly aroused and demanding sex now he was wailing and crying fit to die. I was dumbfounded by the sudden turn about, I couldn't think straight, should I cuddle him or leave the bathroom so he could cry himself out? I decided to hug him and I moved myself up and grasped him lifting him up and turning him around then after turning off the shower I sat down holding him to me his bum between my spread thighs my head on his shoulder as I whispered over and over, "Its ok Moses, everything will be ok mate. C'mon we'll sort things out don't worry, I'll look after you bubs."

Moses wailed and sobbed in my arms as we sat together on the hard tub's surface, I rocked him as we sat kissing his soft neck and nuzzling his ears as I tried to comfort the distraught lad. My own eyes teared up and I tried my best to control my emotions but eventually I too broke down weeping, my tears running down his smooth shoulder and pectoral. The hard surface on our arses was becoming uncomfortable so I eased Moses up and helped him from the tub; our bodies had dried except for where our tears had run. I picked Moses up and carried him to the bed he'd slept in but he clung to me begging me to stay with him, I said, "This bed is too small bubs we need to go to my larger bed ti be together."

He nodded sobbing his tear stained face a picture of utter misery, my heart nearly exploded with love for this tormented lad and I carried him up to the master bedroom and lowered him to my king sized bed he held my hand as if afraid I'd leave him but I lay down and hugged his sweet body to my own. We lay there together slowly calming and drifted off to sleep. I awoke later feeling a warm body snuggling against me, I at first was sleep befuddled and wondered what was going on before my brain kicked into gear and I remembered what had happened and who was snuggling alongside me. I opened my eyes in the gloom and kissed the spiky hair on Moses' head, he made little sleepy noises, sort of a snuffle, and snuggled tighter as I slipped an arm about him.

I looked at the clock on the bedside cupboard and saw it was nearly 9pm, my tunny rumbled with hunger and I decided to slip off the bed and begin cooking some food for both of us. As I disentangled from the sleeping Moses he moaned in his sleep and moved searching for my warmth, he then pulled a pillow into his torso and curled about it before calming again. I made my way to the kitchen and thought something quick and easy would fill the meal needs; I opened a cupboard pulling out a can of chunky minestrone soup and poured it into a saucepan putting it on the stove to heat while I buttered some bread and butter to go with it.

I heard the sound of bare feet padding down the passage and a frightened little voice, "James are you there?"

I replied, "Yes Moses in the kitchen making dinner bubs."

He appeared in the doorway an image of pure beauty, his slender fit body glowed in the light accentuating his burgeoning musculature, a sleepy expression on his cute face as he rubbed his eyes he replied, "James my real name is Dean not Moses but you can call me either if you wish."

I nodded and answered, "I'm glad you have remembered your real name bubs, come and sit down while I dish up the soup I hope you like minestrone?"

Dean nodded and said, "I'm starving hungry James I think I'd eat anything."

I placed the plate in front of him and he set to shovelling the hot food into his mouth, I warned him, "Careful bubs you'll burn your sweet mouth if you bolt the food like that."

He slowed the pace and began blowing on the soup to cool it before eating it, I sat opposite him and began eating watching him and feeling a warm glow as he ate. We finished the soup and bread then sipped on our mugs of tea, Dean looked at me and a tear trickled down his soft cheek as he said, "I wonder if we can find my parents James?"

I nodded and replied, "The river is down now bubs we can go searching tomorrow if your up to it or we can contact the police and they will carry out a search for them and the car."

He shook his head and replied, "No I think we should do it ourselves James, I don't want strangers finding them."

I nodded silently wondering if I was doing the right thing as I asked, "Do you remember what road you were on when the flood hit Dean?"

He nodded and replied, "Highway 1, the main road."

I thought the poor lad had been swept over three miles down river before he was beached on the mud and he was lucky he hadn't been killed where the river flooded the causeway where I drove out to get to the highway. We would have to follow the river bank on the quad bike as no heavy vehicle like a 4wheel drive would negotiate the mess and morass left by the flood, it would be a torturous trip with a sad grim ending I felt. We returned to bed after rinsing the plates and Dean snuggled up to me his cute bubble bum pressed to my crotch, he wriggled and squirmed until I was raging hard. I kissed his neck and whispered, "Are you sure about this Dean?"

He nodded and replied, "Yes James I feel the need for you to love me."

I sighed, "I love you bubs you don't need me to enter you to know that."

He maned, "But I really want to feel you are a part of me, I want to feel your warmth inside me and know when you cum its your love up deep in my body."

We made love and both moaned in unison a duet of love as we spermed together in a dual climax, then Dean whispered, "Please keep him inside me all night James I love feeling him there."

We slept locked and spooned together awakening at just after dawn pinked the morning sky, I hugged Dean tight and he clenched his anus on my morning arousal as he sighed, "Feels so good James please make love to me again before we get up. It's going to be a sad day I need you to love me and make me strong."

He turned his head presenting me his sweet lips, I kissed him and our tongues danced a fandango together as I began sliding my boner in and out of his so tight hot entrance. He tensed and moaned clamping on me increasing the sensations to both of us while we kissed feverishly, his teen body writhing and pressing back onto my crotch digging me deeper into his humid slick hole. Our loving soon erupted as he ejaculated and his sphincter rioted clenching and releasing with each spurt, his flexing ring and rippling internal muscles coaxed and dragged me moaning to climax. We both lay panting and sweating in the warm tropical muggy air but after a few minutes my cock slurped wetly from his arse and we both groaned. I sucked on his ear lobe nipping it then said, "Come on Dean we must get up and shower mate then eat and start the search for your parents."

We did the necessary and walked outside, I refuelled the quad bike and we climbed aboard and set off down to the river bank, the fat heavy lugged tyres squelching through the mud banks and bouncing over the rubbish left behind by the raging waters. We came around a bend of the creek and there partially wrapped around a tree was the badly battered 4wheel drive, it was on its side covered in debris and mud. We stopped the quad and I told Dean to stay on the bike while I checked out the interior of the bent and damaged Nissan Patrol. Dean objected but I gruffly told him to stay on the bike as I squelched through the mud and garbage trapped about the vehicle.

I peered inside through the smashed windscreen to see the remains of his parents half buried in mud and rubbish, in the humid conditions things weren't pleasant and there was no way I'd let the lad see them in this condition. I used my mobile phone to call 000 and notified the police of the wreck. Dean pleaded with me to let him see his parents but I hugged him tight and said, "Not now mate, let the police come and remove them you can see them later, believe me you don't need to see them like this."

Dean wailed and cried but I held him tight until he calmed down, the police arrived and we left them to it after giving them our names and my address. A couple of days later Dean was asked to go into Mackay and identify the bodies, they had been cleaned up and looked at peace, not like I'd seen them in that ghastly wreck. He identified the bodies and we left town driving back to my farm, Dean made up his mind that he wanted to remain with me and a solicitor was contacted back in Brisbane to take care of the selling of his family home and the money set up in a trust fund for him and his further education if he wished to go on to university later.

Dean was old enough to decide where his life was going and he told the authorities he wanted to stay with me if I was agreeable, which I was delighted about. He also decided to attend an agricultural college to learn farming and he told me that if I'd have him he wanted to share our lives together and settle down in a true relationship once he'd finished his education. He would have to board at the college as it was in New South Wales but that he'd come home every holiday to spend time with me. I was overjoyed at the news and even though our eight-year difference of age was a worry to me it seemed to be irrelevant in his view.

The end.

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