
By Art Thomas

Published on Jun 18, 2004



(This is fiction but some of the characters and places are real)

I was roused from my snooze by the shrieks of girls and booming voices of the young men who were, I'm certain, causing those shrieks. Slowly opening my eyes, I viewed the scene before me. We were around my backyard pool where my twin daughters were celebrating their recent graduation from college at a pool party with their friends. The hot June afternoon sun warmed by 46 year old body and I was loath to move from the deck chair in which I was laying, comfortable and relaxed.

My eyes wandered over to Demetrius, an African-American young god who was my daughter's current boyfriend. When Amy first brought him to our house last January I was a little taken aback because I hadn't really had much experience associating with Blacks on a social level. Oh, of course we employed African-Americans in our company but I seldom ever socialized with them except at company parties. My mind was suddenly engulfed with memories of an encounter in high school with one of the tight ends on our football team which caused my dick to swell slightly. But that was many years ago.

Demetrius was 25 years old and stood about six foot four. He worked as a physical therapist at the hospital and had a body to die for! He was what African-Americans refer to as `light skinned' and was extremely good looking. He'd spent a lot of time at our house the past few months and I wondered momentarily if Amy was serious about him. But I quickly dismissed that idea because Amy was too involved in getting a career started so I didn't give it any more thought.

"Hey, Mr. W!" yelled Demetrius whose body I was admiring from behind my reflecting sunglasses. "Come on...we need help" obviously referring to the task of dumping the girls in the pool against their wishes. His gleaming smile melted into me and for an instant I wondered if he had a big dick like most African-Americans are supposed to have. Again the encounter with Alex, our tight end in high school, came to mind. Now there was a young man with a humongous dick! At least, it appeared so to me at that time. Not that I was any slouch in that department. My respectable six and a half inches always seemed to satisfy the girls.

"Oh no, no way" I laughed. "I've got to live in the same house with them and their payback could be hazardous to my health!" Laughing and shaking my head to confirm my resolve not to get involved, I raised myself out of the chair to go into the house to get another beer. Donna, my wife, was in the kitchen cleaning up after our very sumptuous meal.

"Can I help you with that?" I asked while she scrubbed the sink.

"No, thank you," she smiled at me. "You go out and make sure that the boys don't get too rough with our girls."

"Oh, I think Amy and Abby can take care of themselves" I said with a smirk. We had been married for nearly 24 years and I thought what a smart decision I made when I married her. Our four girls (we had two younger daughters besides the twins) were wonderful children and I couldn't have been happier raising them with a mother as great as Donna.

Taking my beer with me outside I decided to go to the pool house and do a few pushups and lift a few weights. My body was in pretty good shape for my age but the beer and soft living was beginning to take its toll. The pool house was large enough for several workout benches and exercise machines that I installed a few months ago. I'd been easing off at work over the past several months letting my partner Sam run things in our small company. We started out as two pharmacists in a small pharmacy that we leased in a local grocery store. Over the past 23 years we expanded and now own a string of eleven pharmacies located along the Mid-Atlantic. We weren't millionaires (yet!) but the income did allow us to live very comfortable lives. Both Sam's house and mine were large modern homes of about 5000 square feet located along a private waterway, each on a couple of acres of land. We each had our own private dock and boat. Sam's house was about a mile west from mine.

As I pushed the weights up I thought back to my beginnings in New England where I grew up. In high school I played football and ran track so I always tried to keep my body in good shape. Again, the memory of Alex and what happened the night after we won the state football championship came to mind. My dick swelled again thinking about that experience. Alex was a fairly dark Black youth with great athletic ability. In fact, after high school he went on to star at Syracuse University and then was drafted by and played for the Buffalo Bills in the NFL. The particular night in question was on a Saturday and, as I said, it was after we won the state football championship. The game was played on the state university's field in the state capitol during the afternoon. The bus ride home took about two and a half hours and, as you can well imagine, was filled with raucous laughter and great glee. We were all pounding each other on the back and even hugging, which we would never even think of doing under other circumstances. But this celebration called for letting oneself go and we did just that.

Alex lived only a few blocks from my house so when we arrived back at our school and after storing our equipment, my Dad offered to give him a ride home since Alex's father was at work and couldn't come to get him. Of course we wanted to celebrate our win a lot more so Alex and I agreed to meet at a local teenage hangout in an hour. We made whispered comments to each other (so my Dad wouldn't hear) that we expected to get laid that night, if for no other reason than that we were the champs and we earned it! Our laughing and giggling made my Dad look askance at us a few times but he didn't say anything. At 17 Alex and I had raging hormones and could hardly wait `til we got some girl alone to satisfy our lust.

We'd all seen each other naked in the shower and the general consensus among the team was that Alex had the biggest dick. Of course we never dared to touch each other but we did a lot of towel swatting if anyone just happened to be in range. Sometimes it got out of hand and if anyone got swatted on their dick it really smarted. Tempers would flare and then coach would come in and tell us to cool it. We were typical teenage boys with too much testosterone in our bodies.

It was after 10 p.m. when I finally got to "Jerry's", a local hamburger joint where most teenagers met. Alex was already there and looking like a lost soul. Although there were many pretty girls there I didn't see Joy, the girl I had been dating on a fairly steady basis. I spied Joy's best friend, Maxine, and asked where Joy was. Maxine informed me that Joy's parents had to go to a funeral and Joy was required to stay home with her younger sister and brother. I was momentarily disappointed but then realized that Joy was not the type to put out anyways so I really didn't expect to get any action from her. But there were other girls who had reputations for being `easy' and I was sure that I could get one of them to help me with my problem. Now it was only a matter of finding one and getting her alone somewhere. But I didn't see any of them around and, because of the late hour (it was now after 11 p.m.) the place began to thin out because they closed at midnight. Only a few couples were left and I was beginning to feel that my sexual desires were going to be satisfied by the old fashioned way: my hand. I actually was a little pissed off because there was no one around to service my needs. After all, WE won the state championship so why couldn't THEY see that and help me out?

I walked over to where Alex was chatting with a couple. We slapped each other on the arm and congratulated ourselves for the umpteenth time. He asked why I took so long getting there and I told him that I had to have a victory dinner with my parents before I could get away. As we talked about the big game, it became apparent that we would soon be the only ones left in the place. It wasn't long before the guy behind the counter said that he was closing and that we had to leave.

Alex was as pissed about the situation as I and remarked that he needed to get some pussy or he'd die from blue balls. His girlfriend, Tamara, was not around either and he said that the last time they were together they had a fight so he didn't expect her to come running when he called. We finished our Cokes and again expressed our dissatisfaction with our plight.

Finally, Alex said "Fuck `em! Let's go celebrate on our own. I know where we can get some beer and get high."

I said "Sure, let's go!" and we did. I had no idea where he was headed but I followed along thinking that Alex would find us some pussy and beer.

He went to a house not far from "Jerry's". He told me to wait outside and he went in. After about twenty minutes he came out carrying a paper sack. "It ain't very cold, but its beer!" he exclaimed. We headed toward the railroad yard where there were several boxcars on a siding. We found one that was unlocked and went inside. It must have been used to haul goats or sheep because it really stunk. We sat on some straw in the far corner so no one could see us and he pulled out a six pack of beer. He handed one to me and then realized that we didn't have a bottle opener. We did finally get them open by putting the cap under the door hasp and yanking down hard. Of course the beer spewed all over because it was not cold and we hurriedly put them in our mouth so as not to waste too much.

Even though the warm beer didn't taste all that great we slugged it down. My inexperience with drinking alcohol soon became very apparent and it only took two beers to get me feeling very silly and acting stupid. Alex also seemed to be getting fairly high on the warm beer and we were giggling and talking with thick tongues. After all six bottles were empty we talked about how horny we were and how it wasn't fair that we didn't have any pussy available. I don't remember who went first but we both had to piss real bad so we stood in the open boxcar door pissing onto the ground. Neither one of us were inhibited about showing the other our dicks what with the inebriated state we were in. When our streams died down, Alex left his dick sticking out of his pants and began fondling himself. I was mesmerized by the sight and watched in awe as his seven and a half inch snake grew until it was fully erect.

"Wow!" I said as he continued to stroke himself. "I never saw one that big."

He turned toward me, pointing his black monster in my direction, and said "Well, there's only one way to get off now" and he began stroking harder and faster. My own dick was rigid by now and it too peeked out from my fly since I didn't zip up after pissing. "Let's see what you got there, Tom" he said moving closer to me. My eyes were glued to his pole and I fondled myself never once taking my eyes from his cock. Although it was night and he was pretty dark skinned, the moonlight made his shiny black cock look like ebony.

Alex moved even closer to me and touched the tip of his cock to mine, giggling as he did so. Electricity shot through me and I nearly came at that moment. He rubbed his cock against mine so that our precum was mixing and spreading around our cockheads. I moaned out loud as the feelings within me rose to new heights.

"You like that?" he whispered, leaning forward towards my ear. My response was another moan and I just nodded my head. While keeping his dick touching mine, his hand slipped down his penis and slid over mine. I thought that I'd pass out from the intense feelings that were encompassing my body. My knees were getting weak and I was sure that I'd explode any second. "Hang on" he whispered, his lips almost touching my ear. "Don't come yet." He slid his hand back up my shaft and onto his dick then back down again, increasing his grip and speed. Feeling his hand rubbing up and down my cock was almost too much and I knew that I couldn't hold off any longer.

"I'm going to come!" I warned as he increased his jerking on our cocks.

"Not yet!" he almost shouted in my ear.

"I can't hold it any longer" I screamed and began shooting cum all over his dick and his pants. I came so hard and so much that I felt as though my balls would suck back up into my body and never come out again! It was such an explosive orgasm that my knees finally buckled and I sank to the floor of the boxcar, kneeling in front of Alex who was still jacking his dick.

He stopped suddenly and looked down at his pants. "Shit! Look what you did to my pants!"

I was still in a daze but slowly realized what I had done. "Oh God, Alex" I cried, "I'm sorry! I couldn't help it."

The look on his face turned to lust and he pointed his monstrous cock at my mouth saying "Well, now you can suck me off to pay for what you did to my pants."

I was completely shocked but before I could say anything he touched his cock to my lips. I had never before done anything like this and immediately wanted to turn away and run. But he kept pressing his dick into my lips while pulling my head towards him. I don't know what I was thinking. Actually, I wasn't thinking at that moment and without realizing what was happening I opened my mouth and his black monster slid in. It shocked me that I had a dick in my mouth but then he pushed harder. The taste was salty and the odor was very strong. I heard Alex moan and slowly pull back. My tongue automatically rolled over his cockhead; a normal reflex, like checking out the foreign substance in my mouth. Then he pushed forward again and continued fucking my mouth. I just knelt there and let him do it. Within seconds, or maybe a minute at the most, he made a final thrust and I felt his cum shooting out of his dickhead. His huge cock had grown even larger and it was lodged in my mouth so that I couldn't pull back. He continued to hold my head to get more of his cock down my throat. I gagged but couldn't get lose. The fact that everything happened so quick had taken me by surprise and I finally relaxed my throat muscles and let his cum slide down to my belly. Alex emptied his balls into my throat and then he too slumped to the floor, still holding onto me for support.

"Holy shit!" he exclaimed, recovering his senses. "That was fan-fucking-tastic!" He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me until I thought I'd die from suffocation. I pushed him back to catch my breath. Looking into his eyes, the realization that I had just sucked off my friend hit me and I started to cry like a baby. I turned to crawl away and hide when he grabbed me again and I melted into his arms. I was so ashamed of myself and I didn't want to look him in the eye.

"It's ok," he whispered in my ear. "I won't tell anyone. What you did was fucking unbelievable, but we can keep this just between us."

I was still blubbering and wondering whether I should just kill myself or what? I knew that the friendship we had between us was changed forever and I felt like a cheap whore.

"Really, Tommy" he said, "I promise to God that I'll never tell anyone." It was the first time that he had called me Tommy, a name that only my own family ever called me.

Well, I did survive that episode and nothing else ever happened again between Alex and me. True to his word and as far as I know, Alex never breathed a word of it to anyone. Perhaps he thought that if he told guys about what happened that night that they would think that he was queer so he kept silent. In later years I did have a few mutual jackoff sessions with my college roommate but we never touched each other and I never again sucked a guy's cock. But I must admit that I thought about that encounter with Alex many times. Over the years, it has become my all time biggest fantasy when jacking off. I even thought of Alex and his big black cock spewing his load into my mouth a few times when I was fucking my wife. And yes, I felt guilty when doing it...but the guilt never stopped me from thinking about it.

I was as hard as can be while exercising and thinking about Alex and me. I decided to go into the house and use the downstairs bathroom to get my rocks off. We had a bathroom just inside the hallway that led from the kitchen to the garage and normally it was used by visiting guests. Walking out of the pool house I saw that all of the kids had left and the pool area was deserted. I felt a pang of regret because I wanted to feast my eyes again on that sexy Demetrius. Oh well, I thought, I'll go inside and get relief with him and Alex on my mind. As I entered the hallway I noticed that the bathroom door was slightly ajar. Nothing unusual about that because many guests left it that way after using the bathroom. The light was off inside so I pushed the door open and reached up to flick the light switch on. As the bathroom became illuminated I saw someone standing there nude with his back to me. I immediately knew that it was Demetrius. I gasped at the sight of his tight bare buns and the strongly muscled back when he turned completely around while toweling off his head. My eyes dropped to stare at the biggest dick that I've ever seen! If I thought that Alex was big then Demetrius was a giant! My mouth hung open as I drooled at the sight of this boy god. My God! I nearly fainted.

"Hi, Mr. W." he said flashing me that million watt smile of his. "Do you need to use the bathroom? I'll be out in a sec." He continued to act as though nothing was amiss and finished drying his hair while I kept staring at his huge dick. It was a thing of beauty! Oh my I thought, if he's dicking Amy then she's getting the fuck of her life. Then immediately I was ashamed at what I was thinking and turned beet red. I still couldn't get the image out of my mind of my daughter being fucked by this wondrous man standing bare-assed naked in front of me. I coughed and stammered "Sorry", turned around and ran out of there.

I literally ran up the stairs to my bedroom and slammed the door behind me. Thank God Donna wasn't around so I didn't have to explain my crazy actions. I was sweating and panting from both the exertion of running up the stairs and from my excited state at seeing Demetrius naked. I went straight to our connecting bathroom, closed and locked the door and stripped my clothes off. I started the shower and got in while the water was still warming up. I couldn't wait to get my hand on my pole and began furiously jacking off while the image of Demetrius' big black dick filled my head.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 2

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