Denny and his Friends

By D One

Published on Dec 9, 2005



They had hung out since they were little kids. Denny, Marc, Aaron, Kim and Coal.

They joined the cub scouts, learnd to swim, went to summer camp and stayed at each other's house on a regular basis.

So it wasn't unusual for them to compare armpit hair, pubic hair and erections as their bodies grew.

Sitting side by side, they jacked off comparing speed and distance.

But as time passed, each developed their own interests in various sports, school work and even girls.

But the summers found them gravitating back together. Some had summer jobs and nobody went to summer camp anymore. But on the hot afternoons and evenings they hung out as they had been doing for years.

And most interesting was they usually wore under wear or nothing at all. In fact, when they were alone most of them enjoyed being naked around each other. If one or more got an erection he was picked on by the others.

Wrestling always happened and the parents in whatever house they were knew better then to interfere, though they'd yell to quiet the ruckus.

One summer Denny thought things were changing. During a sleep over at Coal's house, the boys gathered in the basement family room, watching bad horror films into the wee hours of the night. Popcorn was devoured and one or two snored but were awakened by the others.

Their smooth, young naked bodeis lounged around the room, on couches, sleeping bags and chairs as the laughed at dumb jokes, made fun of the films on tv and made fun of each other.

Denny loved those times. He knew he was gay ever since he recognized the cause of his lust were usually hot looking men not the least of which were his friends.

He'd get boners with them around all the time and they were used to it kidding him each time. Of course he wasn't the only one and so he wasn't the only one everyone made fun of.

That one summer, something happened. Perhaps it happened before and Denny didn't know about it. Perhaps he just couldn't go to sleep that night for some reason. But as he lay there in the dark with the sounds of breathing and light snoring around him, there was another sound.

It was unmistakable as he heard the muffled groaning. He assumed one of his horny buddies was jacking off. But there were more then one set of sounds. He even heard a whispered "god" or "good" he wasn't sure which.

He peered into the dark toward the sounds. As he stared his pupils opened and Denny saw two silhouettes. He listened closer and it was unmistakable that one of his friends was sucking another friend's cock.

Denny moved his sleeping bag back so he could touch his instant erection. He stroked it as he listened and watched the two.

He figured one was Coal cause that's who's sleeping bag was in that direction. But the other one, Denny couldn't make out. It could be Kim who always made fun of Coal's erections making like he was going to kneel in front of him and things like that.

Then again it could be Marc. Marc always liked wrestling with the others and Coal was usually one of his partners.

Of course there was Aaron, the quiet one and Denny's mother always warned him to beware of the quiet ones."You never know what they're thinking or when they'll do something you don't expect." She'd say.

"Who is it?" the whisper in his ear told Denny it wasn't Kim. Kim had crawled over to him and apparently had been watching and listening.

"Dunno" Denny whispered back.

"You hard? God you are" Kim said having put his hand on Denny's crotch. Kim's hand wrapped around Denny's cock and began to massage.

Denny heard himself groan as he lay back.

"You guys horny too?" a whisper belonging to Marc heard. So it indeed was Aaron sucking off Coal.

His cock was soon in Dennys hand and Denny responded by stroking him.

"Yea get it nice and hard" Marc said in a voice louder then a whisper.

Denny concentrated on Marc's thick cock, playing with the cockhead then stroking the thick stalk.

"Oh shit" Denny exclaimed as Kim's wet and warm lips surrounded his cock. It was his first blowjob and one of his buddies was doing it to him.

"Yea my turn" Marc pulled his cock out of Denny's hand and straddled him. "You got to give to get" he said laughing.

Denny felt Marc put his cocks on his mouth "Just no teeth, right guys?"

Denny heard someone say something. Everyone knew he was aout to suck cock. And he opened his mouth to feel Marc's fat dick fill up his mouth.

The sucking sounds became louder. Everyone knew everyone else was doing it so nobody cared to hide anymore.

"Someone needs to fuck him" Denny said but he was too busy to know who said it or who the voice was talking about. He soon found out.

Coal and Kim soon moved to where they were and the five friends, touched, stroked, sucked and fingered each other.

Denny was on his hands and knees stucking Marc while Kim continued to suck him. Each sensation was new and more pleasurable then the one before.

Denny felt the finger in his butt and didn't know if it was still Kim or who. But soon he gasped with pain as someone pushed their cock into his ass.

It hurt like hell but he had been cornholed by a cousin once before so he knew the pain would soon subside. Besides Marc pulled his head back onto his cock.

Denny was being sucked, fucked and was sucking at the same time. He wondered where Coal or Aaron was and which one was fucking him.

"Do me" He felt Kim's lips leave him and head him say that. Then Kim uttered an "ouch" so Denny figured that whoever it was wasn't merely sucking Kim.

Marc held his head firmly and said "swallow" and Denny did as he was told feeling the thick juices shoot against the back of his throat. He started to choke then swallowed instead.

The cock that was in his ass pulled out and there was movement. Soon another cock was in his mouth. Denny presumed he was sucking the cock that had been in his ass.

He felt his own body spill out into Kim's mouth. He heard Kim chock.

"Shit man you cum alot" Kim said and the others laughed.

The night wasn't over. Denny felt more cocks in his ass, hands and throat. He lost count how many and whose he had tasted or felt.

"Shit man you were hot last night" Coal said to him putting a plate of pancakes down in front ot Denny the next morning.

Everyone was laughing and talking about a number of things but nobody talked about the sex they had all shared the night before except for Coal's brief comment.

They ran outside, shirtless and in shorts for an impromptu football game on the front lawn. Some of their friends came by and joined in.

"You guys staying over tonight?" one of them asked.

"Sure" Coal said "they're sleeping over, why don't you join us?"

Denny and the others looked at the guy he was talking to. And Denny knew each one was wondering the same things about the possible new addition to their fun.

"We can always use another friend" Coal said.

And not only Denny agreed.

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