
By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Apr 27, 2002



On a trip back from the desert once, I stumbled upon an old highway rest-stop amazingly still in operation. Closer to the city than the desert, it had probably once been essential before the area grew to metropolitan status. Why it hadn't been torn down was strange. Perhaps the old Spanish architecture, or the elaborateness of it all, had temporarily saved it. It was off the beaten track on an old stretch of highway now lightly travelled. It was massive for a rest-stop. Six urinals, four sinks, four toilets, a large shower stall, and all in decorative ceramic tile! I had noticed on my earlier visit that it still had wooden partitions between the stalls, and recently-made gloryholes were present in at least two of them. While this stretch of highway was no longer a major artery, it was by no means deserted. I figured I needn't worry that the place would be packed like a college library john. The gloryholes were probably made by locals--no one else would have had the patience to spend all that time carefully carving smooth perfect holes out of that old hard wood. Locals who spent many lonely hours waiting and hoping for someone to come along. Perhaps they had special days when it was the place to go for a quick blowjob. I'd have to check it out on a Friday or Saturday night. But this was Thursday and that was OK. If I did get lucky I'd be pretty sure there'd be plenty of privacy.

It took me twenty minutes of driving 'til I arrived around 11:00. The place was deserted except for one pickup truck in the parking area. But when I entered the well-lit interior it was empty. After checking out the still- apparent, but a bit dilapidated splendor of the place, I parked myself in one of the middle stalls and spent about ten minutes stroking my cock lightly and reading the carved graffiti. Then I heard voices.

"Man, I gotta take a wicked piss!"

"No wonder, the way you were putting away the beer."

"What the fuck else you gonna do?" the first explained, his piss bubbling in the urinal, "the cunts at the party were either dogs or already taken. Besides, you were keeping up with me pretty well."

"Yeah, guess I was. Listen, thanks for bringing me back to my truck."

"No problem!" He zipped up. "Can't believe you don't hafta piss too."

"I do. But I'm gonna take a monster dump before heading home."

"OK, man, take it easy. I'm gonna split before you smell up the joint. I'll see you at the bar tomorrow, right?"

"Yeah, about ten. See you then."

The friend left and his buddy was heading for the stalls. Luckily the old stalls were deep. You couldn't tell if someone was in one of them unless you got right down and looked under the partitions. I kept quiet. I heard him enter the stall to my right and shuffled my feet to the left while glancing through the gloryhole to watch him drop his pants--tightfitting Levis with no underwear. He had on a tank-top shirt so there was no obstruction to viewing his full, tight buttocks. Compact and muscled, they were really FINE! I got a quick glimpse at his lightly-haired crack as he sat down, whistling.

Moving forward a little, I watched him push a hefty penis with a fat knob between his legs and start to splatter the bowl with lots of piss. He grabbed some toilet paper and wiped off the end of his piss-dripping dick. I was then able to look up. He was a stunner! About twenty with dark hair, a handsome face with a hint of a natural cruel sneer about the mouth, and a smooth body he obviously worked out on. Not for muscles--more for tone. He grunted couple of times.

"Damn! Mutherfuckin' constipation again. Probably that bitch Eileen's fault. Got me full of shit with aching balls to boot! Cock teasing whore!"

He spoke his mind out loud, confident he was alone.

"Might as well jerk YOU off while I'm here, Tiger," he spoke to his cock, lifting it and beginning to stroke it into hardness. "Maybe if I cum I can shit too."

He was paying no attention in my direction, so I glued my eyes to the hole, watching him make love to a rapidly expanding, double-handful prick. He soon had it up and ready but seemed in no particular hurry to get it off. He groaned a couple of times, more from stomach pain than from exertion.

"Aw, man. I gotta shit soon, even if I hafta reach in and pull the sonofabitch out!"

His expression caught me offguard and I let out a muffled chuckle. I didn't think he heard it, though. His stroking slowed considerably, then he suddenly thrust his face at the hole...staring me straight in the eyeball. He let out a yelp.

"Goddammit! Fuckin' queers are everywhere!" He banged his fist against the partition, rattling my ears. "Can't I EVER sit my bare ass down anywhere without some cocksucker drooling all over himself? You're lucky, ASSHOLE. You're lucky I'm not a violent person. Some guys would climb over there and beat the shit outta you!"

He had my adrenalin running, but I accepted his words about violence and decided to keep to my usual aggressive attitude in matters like this.

"Besides, even if I was--I'm too fucking tired to fight, too drunk, and TOO FULL OF you no doubt heard!" He sat back, exasperated, his cock still in his hand, though it had lost some of its hardness.

"Hey, fella," I offered, "don't blame the looky-loos. That fine cock and ass of yours is enough to make ANYBODY peek in for a look."

"Yeah?" he begrudgingly allowed, and you could imagine the sneer he probably had on his butch face. "Well thanks for the compliment there, little lady, but I'm still not gonna fuck your face. You wanna watch me jack off, be my guest. I don't give a shit. But no guy's gonna touch ME!"

"Particular, aintcha?" I goaded.

"Damn betcha," he said matter-of-factly, seemingly not in the least bothered by what-ever I might say. I could tease, insult, beg...he would not change his mind. And he didn't care if we sat there for hours. "Keep forgetting to look under the stalls. DAMMIT! Every fuckin' time!" he said more to himself.

"Can't handle being admired, hunh?" I chuckled. "Can't handle seeing someone drool over that sweet sausage you like to play with in public? Poor baby!"

"Hey, dicklick! This is supposed to be private. And talk about drooling," I could feel a story coming, "sometimes I think you faggots are born and raised in toilets. I'm sitting here one day--and yeah, okay, I did come in that day just to pump the panda--but, anyway, I'm sittin' here when all of a sudden this queero face comes pushing in here on the floor, right under the partition. And this guy's lickin' his lips and lookin' up at me saying STICK YOUR DICK IN MY MOUTH--CUM lN MY MOUTH--PISS IN MY MOUTH--ANYTHING, MAN. SIT ON MY FACE, BABY, LET ME SUCK YOUR HOT ASSHOLE! And I know he's beatin' his meat. My first reaction is to stomp on his face. But he's a kid, you know. A fuckin' high school kid faggot! And I'm thinking WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON? Good-looking kid like this laying on a toilet floor begging some strange dude to let him tongue his smelly asshole! Then I felt sorry for him and realized you queeros can't help it--you're just sick. Wantin' some guy's piss. Come on! Are you like that, too, fag britches?"

I couldn't answer him immediately. I was wondering if I might run into that kid if I came back often enough.

"You just can't imagine that your body might be such a turn-on to some guy that he'd want to do those things to you, can you? You eat pussy?" I asked.

"Sure! I love pussy," he replied.

"And how about the times you're scarfing 69 on a hot cunt? She's sitting on your face and you can't help but have your nose right on her asshole, right? If you've eaten a lot of pussy, you've smelled a lot of asshole. Doesn't that count?"

"Well, I guess so. Hell, you can't get away from it. It's right there--just two inches away. What're you gonna do? You try to ignore it!"

"Next time, shove your tongue up her ass, man. You don't know what you've been missing!" I advised.

"Shit. I guess you answered my question. You go in for that sick stuff too, hunh?"

"Let's put it this way," I ventured. "You let me put my fingers and tongue to work and I guarantee I'Il take care of that constipation problem of yours!"


"Well, you said to yourself a while back that you were about to reach in and pull it out."

"OH, YEAH, SURE. So you're gonna do it for me, is that it? Gonna lick my butt and get it all wet so you can fingerfuck my ass and get your fingers all shitty? Gonna coax the shit out of me, is that it?"

"Something like that." I sounded evasive.

"Why do all you guys like playing such nasty games? It's kinda filthy, don't you think? What if your mother was watching?"

"First of all, fuck my mother! Second of all, 99.9% of gay guys wouldn't do what I want to do to you."

"Hah, couldn't prove it by me!"

"You don't understand, hot stuff. Let me just lay it out straight, so to speak."

"Awright, fag britches. Just what is it you DO want to do?"

"Well, I'd LIKE to lick your balls, suck out your hot cock cream, fuck your butt, sit on your dick, sit on your face, fuck your mouth, smell your asshole, piss down your throat while you're pissing down mine. But what I really WANT to do, YOU BIG-DICKED BASTARD, is shove my face in your ass and lick and suck on your hole until I get it wet and relaxed and really opened up enough with my tongue and fingers until you BEND OVER DOUBLE AND SHIT A REALLY BIG TURD RIGHT INTO MY MOUTH! I'll climb in and get it--with my lips! You understand now? I want to wrap my lips around that monster turd you got up there and DRAW IT RIGHT OUT AND SUCK YOUR ASSHOLE JUICES OFF OF IT! And if you wink at me, I'Il even chew on it and swallow it right down. Clear enough?"

He didn't answer. But I could hear him gulp.

"Okay, asslick," he finally spoke, softly. "You pulled my bluff. Anybody with the balls to say what you just did deserves something. Here, go ahead and suck me off. What the hell!" He rose to stick his cock through the hole. It was stiff and dripping.

He missed the point. But not one to pass up a beauty like this, I knelt down and started to lick up and down his offered shaft. Our conversation had really gotten his juices flowing. In abundance. It ran in rivulets over the head of his cock and down his shaft. I cleaned the shaft off good, then concentrated on his fat knob, teasing and sucking, swirling my tongue madly over under around and around, then into his piss slit. When I heard him gasp an ooooh, I went to work on the shaft, taking as many inches as I could. He was at fever pitch before too long.

"Holy shit!" he cried. "What have I been missing! No cunt ever sucked cock like that. Are all you queer boys that good on the blowers, man?"

"Usually," I replied. "It's all because we really REALLY love cock."

"I'm gettin' the picture. Suck it back in, man, I'm about ready to squirt!"

"Not yet." I wasn't about to let him get his rocks off too soon. I stuck my face right into the gloryhole so he could see my hungry lips and tongue. "Turn around. I want to lick your asshole. Back right up to the hole."

"Fuck that pervert stuff! I'm ready NOW!" He tried to stuff his cock back in.

"Don't you ever learn?" I asked, getting exasperated. "You just said you realized you'd been missing some good action. Let me show you more. Girls don't suck ass, either. You're gonna get off on this."

"Do all you guys like licking shitty holes, too?"

"The only guys who don't get off on rimming another hot guy's butthole are the ones who haven't tried it! Now if you want me to finish that blowjob, let's see that rear end in my face. I came here to suck an gimme!"

"What a hog!" he muttered. "Alright, alright. I'll let you nibble for awhile. You want me to wipe it first?"

FUCK, was this guy dense. "NO, STUPID! I want all the smell, and all the flavor!"

He backed up quickly and spread his cheeks, positioning his cheesy hole right into the slot. "Here, faggot, you got it. Suck my raunchy tailpipe. It's your fuckin' tongue!"

The aroma that hit my nostrils nearly made me pass out. It was divine!

"OH, BABY, you got one fine-smelling craphole. If it tastes as bad as it smells, I'll be in Shithole Heaven!"

It was the opposite of Reginald's. It looked and smelled like a MAN'S ASSHOLE. Large and dark, with big corrugated lips. I reveled in the sight and breathed deeply time and again. I also took the opportunity to lower my pants to my ankles and lightly stroked my throbbing cock. In his bent-over position, the guy couldn't help but see it. From my kneeling position, flat up against the wall, my knees and cock were actually on his side of the partition.

He was getting impatient and sarcastic. "Jeez. I bet if I were to leave right now, you'd be scooting behind me all the way with your nose stuffed up my ass! Sniffing and stroking, sniffing and stroking. When the hell does the slobbering start! I thought you wanted to EAT IT-not tickle me to death. Let's feel some faggy tonguework back there!"

"Relax, man. You gotta catch a bus? Can't you just go with it and enjoy? I'm gonna eat your hole out so's you'll never forget. I'll probably never get another chance, so let me enjoy it too."

"Yeah, OK. It's just that my fucking cock's leaking all over and this whole homo scene is making me nervous as hell!"

"We're all alone, remember? And even if your stud buddies walked in right now, they'd probably just help you feed cock and ass to the kneeling faggot anyway. Hmmm. Wish there was a phone in your stall. You could call them up and invite them over!"

"That's all you guys think about, isn't it? LUST. And you'll do it just anywhere."

"Right, Baby. Now spread that spread wider and relax those muscles. I'M GONNA CLEAN YOUR RECTUM!"

He did as told, scrunching up tightly against the gloryhole. I think whoever carved those portholes must have been an asslicker. They were perfect. Half the size would have been sufficient for just cock and balls. I was ready to finally go to town on this treasure. I slurped up and down his valley, teasing around his anus, and occasionally flicked my tongue rapidly into the center of the ditch. I tried every trick and took my time. I was sure he was a rim-virgin, and I knew that if I was going to get every- thing he was packin' I'd have to make him delirious. In fairly short order he was squirming against my mouth and moaning softly. I began to drive my tongue in deep--tongue- fucking him rapidly.

"Whoah!!! Hey, that's feeling alright. You know your stuff man. Yeah, eat that ass. SUCK OUT MY ASS, FAGGOT!"

When I'd sucked his anus into complete capitulation, I wet my two index fingers and slowly slipped them in. He flinched slightly but didn't fight it.

"What's with the finger-probe?" he finally asked.

"Feel good?"

"Not too bad in and out. But...HEY!...Why in the hell do you keep pulling me apart sideways? You tryin' to stretch me enough so you can get your whole head in?" He laughed for the first time. I kept stretching and licking. "Damn. Wish I knew a good African head-shrinker. I could dig having you lick me from the inside, having just your little head bob-bing around in there with a constant tongue harden. HA! And while you were in there you could kick that fuckin' turd out. It's killing me. I just gotta..."

He stopped chuckling abruptly and I felt his anus tighten, clamping down on my probing fingers. It happened so fast I almost got my tongue held captive. He slowly raised his head and looked back toward me. He pulled away from me and slowly turned around. He knelt on the floor, our faces only a couple of inches apart, staring through the gloryhole. I could smell his beer breath; he could probably smell his own asshole on my breath. Then he spoke in a soft, but menacing, voice.

"You really are a fucking pervert, aren't you? I thought you were only kidding, but you're really trying to literally suck the shit out of me, AREN'T YOU, POOPLIPS?!!"

I stared right back at him, and even went a little closer. "YOU BET, BABY! I want that turd of yours; I want it bad."

"Well, you can just forget it. Now get it straight: I'M NOT GONNA SHIT IN YOUR MOUTH, you piece of filth!"

"Why not? What do you care? You'll feel better...and you obviously consider me no better than a toilet anyway. Why not use me? Won't that be the ultimate way to degrade me? You'll probably shoot your rocks at the same time!"

"Aw, man, that's mostly all talk. We use those words so often I'm beginning to think we get some kind of uncon- scious sexual thrill just from saying the word FAGGOT. Damn! You had me feelin' really good there for awhile. Now it's all ruined...and...and...sonofabitch! You really loosened me up; I feel like I can finally shit now. Gotta sit on the can!"

"Wait. Hold it in." I reached into a pocket. "Will this soothe your sensibilities?" I reached through the hole.

"What is..." His mouth fell open at first. Then he seemed to be doing some emergency moral calculations.

"Buddy--FUCK IT--with this thousand-dollar-bill you just bought yourself one monstrous mouthful of my own special blend! But this gloryhole ain't gonna work." He reached down and started pulling me through to his side.

By the time I got my pants the rest of the way off and straightened up, he was already bent over, ready to do what a moment before was completely unthinkable. The crisp green tender was clutched between his teeth until he realized how he must look in the throes of instant greed. He quickly slipped it into his pocket.

"I guess if you want it, it's your life." He grunted a couple of times. "I just hope it isn't a false alarm. My gut aches something awful."

"Drop the lid and stand up on the toilet seat," I directed. "Then grab those side rails and squat way down."

I knelt down as he quickly obeyed and lowered his buttocks obscenely to my mouth. He couldn't have missed the excited look of anticipation on my face. Wetting two fingers from each hand, I plunged them up into his hot cavern and slowly pulled his anus apart.

"Oh, yeah!" he cried. "I got a grip. Now if I can just push it out. Mother of Mercy! You're ripping me wide, but don't stop. Open that fuckin' shithole, man, even if you have to cram both your hands in there!!"

"I see it!" I announced breathlessly. "I can see it coming my way. Oh, you fuckin' hot stud bastard! Bear down. Come on, shoot me your hot, dark tube!" I was pulling his asslips as wide as I could without injuring him. Slowly they started to give way on their own. I pulled my fingers out and held his cheeks. He was grunting and groaning loudly. His hole was gaping enormously now, and I was going out of my mind.


I thrust my face upward and shot my tongue inside, licking and slurping around his anus while spit-polishing the end of his meaty turd.


My mouth was stuffed. I grabbed with two hands what was already outside his asshole and broke it off violently. Much more followed and fell out. I had retired to the floor. When he gave his final gasp and stepped down, he turned to watch me, completely mesmerized. I looked up at him and smiled, all the time running my tongue up and down the column of shit I held in my hands.

"Mmmm, good shit...lovely, lovely turd...thanks!" I sucked on it as if it were a hard stiff cock. He didn't say a word. I don't think he was even capable. He just aimed his dripping prick at me and squeezed it very hard. A monstrous stream of rich, thick cock juice burst out of his crimson knob and inundated my face, especially splattering my lascivious lips and running down the sides of the turd itself.

"MY GOD!" he cried, "WHAT AN ORGASM! Man, I don't know if you're insane or a cosmic sex devil. You fuckin' look crazy, sitting there sucking on that smelly thing and jacking off. I guess it doesn't much matter if you are or not. I'm gonna do it anyway. I'm sure you'll love it!"

"Hunh? What, Baby?" I asked. "You got something more for me?"

"It's just that now I gotta piss again. So I'm gonna piss all over you--every fuckin' drop. You're too much, man. One crazy son-of-a-bitch. I think I like you. But nevertheless, today you truly are my toilet. HERE! DRINK IT!"

I saw it coming at me furiously, and opened my mouth. He aimed a couple of mouthfuls deliberately, but was more intent on drenching me completely in his hot piss.

"Shoot your wad, man!" he ordered. "You're a fucking toilet. You taste my shit; you taste my piss. Now flush out your cock and shoot all over yourself!"

His piss was still dribbling down my throat when I came. I tried to repeat his cock-spray. I squeezed it tightly and aimed it right up at him. It felt wonderful, but came nowhere near having his intensity. He smiled, though, and chuckled admiringly as my spurt arched high in the air only to fall back down on my legs.

The ride home seemed to take forever. I was exhausted. But it had all been worth it. What a day of sex! Luckily, I was able to shower there--what a stench! The guy (I'd never asked his name until it was over, and then he refused to tell me) gave me a pair of old overalls from his truck. I just tossed my clothes in the trash. But on the way back I started to think about how obsessed and daring I'd become. Christ! I could have been arrested in there, and jeopardized that poor boy's future. Poor boy my ass! He was a thousand dollars richer. I would have bet another ten thousand that he would never tell anyone how he got it. Hmmm. On the other hand, it was so outrageous he might tell everyone! Who knows. I hope not. I intended to visit that rest stop occasionally, and I certainly didn't want a crowd of fag-bashing jerks lining up, drawers down, expecting to get paid a thousand dollars a turd as they shoved my face into each others' assholes. Nice for a fantasy, but in reality I probably wouldn't get out alive.

Bertram met me at the door. "Well, good evening sir. And aren't we looking spiffy tonight!"

I realized how stupid I looked, naked except for overalls and shoes, and laughed.

"I'll tell you about it some time, Jeeves. Boys asleep?"

"Yes sir, all in one bed I imagine." He offered coffee.

"Thanks. Wow, that Reginald of yours is some hot little boy, Jeeves. You alright about this?"

"Still a bit shaky, sir, but I suppose the alternative would be quite worse. On both of us." Then he raised an eyebrow. "Little bugger was way ahead of us, wasn't he, sir?"

"Wasn't he though! I suppose I should have expected it with those horny boys of mine around. I just didn't imagine they'd be interested in such a young boy. I will scold them."

"No need, sir," he said, sipping his coffee with a mischievous grin. "The lad and I had a talk afterward. Seems it was he who originally burst in on the boys while they were...anyway, his curiousity led him to demand to be included else he would tell on them! I'm sure the boys gained amusement over that threat!"

"In that case, I'll scold them for not letting me in on it! Good night, I'm bushed."

Touted in my mind as the shitting of the century-- little Reginald's--the event proved to be much less of a celebrated occasion than expected. I forgot that young boys have small bodies. Consequently, they shit more often. Exhausted as I was, I must have missed the boy's tapping at my door early in the morning. I awoke to his gentle tapping on my arm.

"Jack...Jack, sir!" he coaxed softly.

"Hunh!" I asked groggily.

"Jack. I gotta go!"

"Uh, okay, see you later." I answered, not fully awake. He tapped harder.

"No, Jack, I mean I GOTTA GO!"

I opened one eye to see the boy kneeling beside the bed with his sleepy face scrunched up in pain.

"Oh." I finally responded. "Just hold it 'til later. Gotta sleep." I closed my eyes again and nestled my head in the pillow, starting to drop off again. I wasn't fully awake and didn't want to be.

"Gee. I can't hold it, Jack. And you said I couldn't go your mouth!" The boy stood up.

I opened my eyes again just as he turned around and dropped the bottom of his pajamas. The sight of those perfectly delicious little buttocks bent over within reaching distance was like being instantly shot up with six cups of coffee. I grabbed the boy around the waist and pulled his ass to my face. I emitted fierce animal sounds as I rubbed my nose frantically up and down his boycrack, smelling the child's sweet aroma. I spread his cheeks as he bent down and pushed his bottom toward me. Licking his luscious anus gave me an instant hardon, though I still would have preferred to put it off until later in the day. Besides, I had promised the boys they could watch.

"OK, Junior. Climb up here. But I'm only going to take out enough so you're not hurting. The rest you'll still have to hold until this afternoon."

Thinking back on it now, I'm amazed that I didn't even think of telling the boy to go ahead and shit in the bath- room. Hell, there would be many other opportunities. It was never considered.

Sleepily, he straddled my face, then bent down and rested his head in my crotch, rubbing his cheek against my cock without enthusiasm. I didn't bother to pull the covers off, and he was unconcerned about sex. Our operation was going to be almost passionless. His little dick never even twitched.

"Now try to let it out slowly, Reg," I directed, cupping his cheeks, afraid to pull them apart until I was quite ready. "When a good chunk is finally out, squeeze real tight to hold the rest in. Stay like that and keep squeezing your butt until you know you can hold it."

"Alright, Jack...are you gonna eat it?"

"I don't know, kid. Let's see how it tastes first!" I propped up a pillow and pulled his little ass back to my face. As soon as I stretched it wide, I clamped my mouth over his anus. No urgent thrust, so I licked a bit then pulled back for a look, pleased and surprised that he was able to expel slowly. Feeling his butt tighten, I realized that even though he desperately needed to relieve himself, his sense of embarassment held him back.

"It's alright." I kneaded his buttocks. "You just go right ahead. I want it, honey boy, I really do want it. Now POOP!"

He let out his breathe and groaned. His little pink anus pushed out at me, then the lips blossomed and unfolded like a flower, spreading just wide enough to ooze along a soft, skinny, cream-colored boyturd. I put my index finger on top of it and my thumb below and let it slip out between them. It was beautiful to watch. Beneath the blanket my cock throbbed against his cheek. About an inch was out when I opened my lips and slurped on it, wanting just a taste.

"Oooh, it's delicious!" I cried, more to myself. I pulled back again and watched another inch slip through my fingers. The sight inflamed me and I opened wide and bit off the end of it. I tasted and chewed his little offering, then swallowed. He squeezed his anus shut at this time. My fingers held the decapitated turd and I shoved the rest of it into my mouth, munched on it lovingly, then sucked it down my throat. When I had consumed it all, I licked back up between his cupcakes and cleaned his anus. Passionless?!!

By the time he climbed off and turned around, I had sloshed my tongue over my teeth and gulped down all residues. For the first time, I was truly embarassed. Older boys and men were one thing. But this child...I felt completely depraved and deranged. I strugged with a smile. He looked around, then right at me.

"Uh, where is it?" I just smiled and shrugged stupidly. "Jack?" he teased, wiping his moist face from my ejacula- tion which had seeped through the sheet and blanket. "Is that what's called a shit-eating grin?"

I lowered my eyes and nodded like a scolded schoolboy. "BLOODY HELL! You did it. Just like you said. Blimey!"

Seeing he was not disgusted or angry, just completely amazed, I grabbed his waist and stroked his buttocks. "I know I'm a little strange, kid. You don't have to hold that in if you don't want to. Go get rid of it. I won't put you through it again. But I gotta say this. You got the sweetest tasting shit in the world, little boy. Now I won't mention it again, OK?"

"You're bonkers, Jack. A suitable case for treatment, Father says. But you're the boss. And I think you're our friend. So if you want, I'm going to go ahead and save it for later." He climbed off and pulled on his bottoms, reached over to my crotch and mashed my wet groin, then said as he went out the door, "Besides, I promised Donny and Grant they could watch. Can't go back on my word, now, can I?"

The precocious little bastard was really getting into it. We sure lucked out getting the rare boy who reaches puberty that young. I reflected that perhaps it was a shame that he would probably pass up a lot of things boys his age usually indulge themselves in. A lost childhood. But then I thought of all the great times I could have had if I had but known the pleasures that lie ahead when I was his age. At the least I would have sucked about a hundred miles of cock much earlier. I rolled over for another couple hours of sleep.

My mind drifted as I settled into a twilight sleep. Suddenly I was back in junior high. My two best friends, Jan and Tom, and I were in the middle of one of our frequent circle jerks. I announced that we were going to try some new thing that I had heard about. The guys were naturally curious and excited about anything that might intensify our newly discovered sensations, so eagerly followed my directions. We had once felt each other's erections just for a moment, but hadn't actually jerked each other off. I pulled them toward me and stroked their bones, one in each hand. They were surprised but delighted, and pushed their erections into my fondling fists. Then I knelt down and said, "I'm a cocksucker!"

Tom looked at Jan then said, "Well, in that case I guess we'd better put our dicks in your mouth." They both pressed forward and soon I was slurping on two thrusting boy bones at the same time. It was incredible! My mouth was stuffed, but they were slim enough that I could comfortably take them both down to their balls. What a sensation having TWO cocks ramming down your throat!

(The end)

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