Derek Hough and Cody Linley

By Ryan White / Licious Ryan

Published on Feb 8, 2012



Hey friends!

Season 7 of Dancing with the Stars is currently broadcasting in South Africa at the moment, and for me, who has not seen it yet, has to take care of a throbbing boner each and every time that I watch a dance from Cody Linley or Derek Hough. Now the way Derek portrays himself, I dont think him to be gay, hence the fact I've used this particular storyline in this chapter.

If u wanna chat to me, talk to me about the story or shit like that, feel free to mail me on I LOVE GETTING MAILS!!! Makes my cock superhard knowing you read my stories.

Or you can follow me on Twitter under my name RyanMpenduloi

Luv, Ryan

Derek Hough and Cody Linley

As he stepped outside in the sweltering Los Angeles sunlight, all that the georgeous young man could think of was if he had made a mistake or not in signing up for another season of Dancing with the Stars. That would possibly mean three months in which he could not audition for a part in a major musical or do other choreography work. Being named one of the sexiest dancers in America with a hot body, blond hair that makes men and woman wanna run their hands through it and a attitude that no doubt makes him great fun to be with, that was what Dancing with the Stars triple champion Derek Hough swore to live by each and every day. His record of the show was nearly flawless, having reached the Semi Finals with Jennie Garth on his first season. Ofcourse in season 6 when he fucked Shannon Elizabeth so much in rehearsals that they sucked on the dance floor more often than not, while his big break and chance came in season 7 when he won Dancing with the Stars with Brooke Burke. She got to know Derek's agile 7 inch penis very well to say the least! Ofcourse Derek also tried to have his way with Lil Kim, but the latter was in this business for far too long to fall for a sexy little blond hunk. Season 9 brought another win underneath his belt, and talking about belts...Nicole Scherzinger passed out twice when they fucked the night after they had recieved the first 10 from Carrie Anne Inaba. Jennifer Grey however was the first partner which Derek had no interest in, and rather spent his time in having his way with Samantha Harris, who rode his cock like she was the Rhinestone Cowboy herself, feeling the spunk from Derek's cock spurt inside her, and how the warm protein coated the inside of her shaved pussy. After taking a break from the show to star in the threatre production for Footloose, he returned for Season 13 to star with Ricki Lake. He could infact still feel his throbbing red cock thrusting in between her breasts as she tit fucked him, making his splash his cum all over her neck and upper chest. As Derek, wearing a black t-shirt, blue jeans and black sunglasses, marched down the street he heard his mobile phone ringing and quickly ran to catch some shade in which he could take the call.

"Hello, talk to me!"

"Hey bro, its me. Just wanted to let you know that Cody is coming over for dinner, is that gonna be okay with you?"

Derek's confidant look fell from his face as if Len Goodman had just stood naked infront of him.

"Cody...Julianne, are you talking about Cody Linley?"

"Yeah bro, who else? Hey I gotta go, see ya tonight. Love ya!"

"Yeah love ya too."

Derek slowly took the phone away from his ear and placed it back in his jean's pocket. Now concidering that Derek had been all over the female celebs and Carrie Anne since he joined Dancing with the Stars, there was one name that would forever make him cringe ever so slightly...Cody...he sighed as he sat down on a nearby bench and stared at nothing in particular. His beautiful face no longer had the care free look on it, and was replaced by one of utter shame and worry. He took out his phone once more and scrolled through his pictures. Hidden deep inside his Blackberry, one photo he had made sure to Bluetooth along with him through each and every new phone he got, was a picture of him and Cody during rehearsals that year and season. They were so freaking happy, smiling broadly at the camera with joy in their hearts and their arms around eachother. It was taken during the group routine that season...Derek closed his eyes and thought back to that afternoon, the only time he had EVER fallen in love with a guy...

Toni Braxton was just eliminated the previous week. Now if a person of her calibre in the entertainment industry could have been voted off as early as the fifth week, then anything was possible. Even Derek and Brooke knew that they weren't guaranteed safety. They have seen Cloris Leachman be at the bottom of the leaderboard since the beginning and yet she was still there. Derek knew he had a stunningly sexy body and good looks to match, and luckily so had Brooke, and the more they flaunted it, the more chance that they would stay longer. Now with his long standing friend Mark Ballas voted out in the third week already with Kim Kardashian, the only young guy left and which he felt he could relate to, was Cody. They weren't that much different, and Derek wanted to learn more about acting, and Cody obivously wanted to dance his way to the title. They had become good friends since the show began, especially since Cody was paired with Derek's sister, Julianne. They had began to hang out over weekends when Cody didn't have to shoot scenes for Hannah Montana and they really enjoyed eachother's company. Cody had been struggling with a particular move for the whole week, and there was only two days to perfect it. Cody was being hard on himself and Derek knew exactly how he felt. Julianne was fuming when, for the utmost time, Cody had gotten the move wrong, and told him that she just needed a break for 30 minutes or so, because she would say something awful to him which she would just regret later on. Derek watched as his sister blasted through the rehearsal doors, clearly in a fowl mood, and went to check up on Cody.

"Hey dude, what did you do to my sister?" he grunted at Cody, but he quickly changed his attitude when he saw that Cody was crying. What the heck happened between these two...he thought as he kneeled down aswell.

"Come on buddy, tell me what happened," he whispered to Cody, who just kept on silently crying, the tears rolling down his handsome, young face. Derek placed his arm around Cody and pulled him up. After making sure that there was no camera's still filming the rehearsals, he pulled Cody into a bromatic hug. It wasn't supposed to mean anything to Derek, but the moment he took Cody in his arms, his eyes shot open, wide with shock. Cody's arms had circled his body aswell and held him tight. Derek closed his eyes and forced himself to think of all the girls he had fucked before to try and get rid of this...whatever you could call it...feeling that he felt holding Cody in his arms. Cody must have felt it aswell, because he pulled away and looked Derek in the eye.

"What the fuck was that..." he whispered...from one sexy blond hunk to another.

"Dude...I...I don't know man..." Derek whispered back, all the while the two couldn't keep their eyes off eachother.

"I've never..." Cody said before being interupted by Derek.

"It doesn't matter...jeez bro whatever was going on here just now, its not fucking normal! What the fuck was I thinking, man? I gotta go, Cody, I'll see ya later at rehearsals." And he was off. Cody, as if in a sort of trance, just stood there, he could still smell Derek's aftershave, still see him infront of his eyes...still feel the latter's heart beating against his own as he held him in his arms. Cody Linley knew that he was gay. Lots of people suspected it, and that is why he agreed to do Dancing with the Stars, where he would have a reason to be surrounded by hot girls all the time, but in reality, his heart yearned and ached for Derek Hough. Meeting him through his partner Julianne, Cody has had a fucking hard time in hiding his feelings. From the moment he met Derek, he was in love with him, and wanted to be with him more than anything. Cody sighed, and for the thousandth time he knew that in their line of work it was simply impossible...until a few minutes ago...when, and although Derek didn't mean anything by it, the latter took him into his arms, and he could see, he could FEEL that Derek had felt the same way he had. A adventurous young, virile guy like Derek Hough doesn't just turn gay in a instant, but there WAS something, even if he didn't know what is was...Cody was dead sure. He wanted Derek Hough so bad, he could scream. He looked down at his swollen cock pushing against his trousers. If that happened from a simple hug, what would he be like to be naked in bed with him...

Fast foward two more weeks and Cloris Leachman aswell as Susan Lucci had been eliminated from the competition, not only that, Julianne had been taken ill into hospital to have her appendix taken out, and Cody have had to dance with Edyta Slivynska, and they had nearly been voted out the previous week after they had recieved the joint lowest scores with Warren Sapp and Kym Johnson. Cody was a emotional wreck, having to get to trust a new dance trainer and to survive the votes. The day after Julianne's operation, Cody was busy practising the Samba with Edyta when Derek entered the studio, looking very sexy in his simple green shirt and black pants. Cody's heart jumped when he saw Derek.

"Hey Edyta, can I borrow Cody for a little while, please?" Edyta, who was more than satisfied with Cody's efforts, pleasantly agreed. Cody was nervous, that was gonna be the first time they would be alone together since that day, the very same day to which Cody had jacked off his 8 inch teenage cock so much. Derek look into Cody's eyes...there was no hiding it this time. For all the girls he had fucked in the past, there was no running away from how he now felt about Cody. That innocent face, that broad smile, and his smooth skin...he wasn't gonna fake things anymore. He always thought he would kill himself first before liking a guy this much...but for the first time Derek's stomach lurched when he thought about sometime intimately. Cody notibly shivered when Derek approached him, but he didn't need to be worried. Derek smiled lovingly at Cody.

"Lets go the restroom, Cody. I think we have lots to talk about."

Cody followed the sexy Derek until they were alone inside the restroom, with no cameras to follow them. Derek then turned around to face Cody.

"First thing first Cody, do you feel the same way I do, dude?" Derek asked.

"I tried not to, Derek. I really did..." Cody said before he was once more silenced by the former, placing his finger on Cody's lips. Derek then reached up and placed his hand on Cody's cheek, who sighed out loud, before placing his hand on top of Derek's.

"Derek, its not fair on you, dude. You're fucking straight and..."

"Then why am I feeling like this? I really want you, Cody. And I know you want me too..."

This time it was Cody who passionately launched himself on Derek and kissed the crap out of him. Derek's heart leaped as he was kissed by a dude for the first time, and fuck, was he enjoying it! Cody ran his hand through Derek's beautiful blond hair as he pulled his face closer. Derek embraced Cody very, very tightly and this time it was Cody who made the bold move as he kissed Derek's neck ever so softly, who in turn gasped with the feelings that he felt. For the first time, he wasn't just with someone because he was looking for a quick fuck. This time, he knew that Cody cared about him, and the feeling was mutual. Before Derek realised what was happening, Cody and his sexy young body kneeled down. His hand was shaking when he reached out and started to unzip Derek's pants. As the latter's Calvin Klein covered cock appeared infront of his eyes, Cody hungrily licked his teenage lips and them looked up at the sexy Derek Hough.

"You sure you wanna do this, Derek? We can still stop."

"Not a chance, dude! For weeks I couldn't get you out of my head. I want this."

As he spoke, Derek reached down and romantically ran his fingers through Cody's short, blond hair, who in turn leaned into the caress, before he he went for the waistband of Derek's boxers. When he pulled it off, Derek's 7 inch cock almost slapped him in the face. Cody smiled, knowing that Derek's dick was hard for HIM. He grabbed it with one hand and slowly started to jack him while he completely removed his boxers and pants. Cody wanted to badly to lick that thick pre cum filled mushroom head, so much so that he nearly attacked it like a wild animal. He leaned down and gently started licking the cock from the bast upwards to the cockhead. FUCK it tasted good! It had a very distictive manly taste which made Cody's 8 incher harder than it had ever been. Slowly he started to take more of the stiff dick in his mouth, before he playfully wiggled his tongue on the shaft of Derek Hough's hard dick and completely lowered his head to engulf the love muscle. Now and again, Cody would keep just the head of the dick in his mouth, using his tongue to swirl around the sensitive piss slit.

"Ohhhh my goshhhh!! Fuck Cody, why didn't we do this long ago? Oh fuck, that feels good, do it man, suck my dick, look how hard it is for you, dude..."

At one point as Cody was going slurp-slurp up and down in Derek's dick, the latter grabbed the back of the teenager's head and forced the full length of his 7 inches down Cody's throat. He guided his head up and down the full cock, much faster than the speed that Cody was using. Derek was struggling to keep himself upright as Cody Linley sucked his cock far better than any of the whores prior had ever done. The feeling of Cody's short, spiky hair between his fingers was magical, that made him aware the whole time that a dude was sucking him off, and fuck knows that made him enjoy it even more. Derek was definitely close to shooting as his balls started to tense up. Cody also sencing this, slowed the pace, and use all his throat muscles to suck the hot cock all the way up from the base to the dickhead super slowly one more time, and that was all that Derek Hough could handle.

"Cody...oh man Cody...Im gonna cum dude, im gonna fucking cum..." he whispered while caressing Cody's neck.

Cody felt Derek's dick throb inside his mouth and suddenly what seemed like a flood of warm, white protein flooded his mouth, and he had no other choise than to swallow or he would have surely choked. He shot a good three loads of cum into the teenager's mouth before the rest came out in mere dribbles from the spent cock. Cody loved the saulty male juices that came from Derek, one of the sexiest, most beautiful men that he knew. After swallowing, Cody resucked the cock until it was completely soft, afterwards letting the foreskin slide over the senstitive red cockhead, looking and licking up any more of the tasty sperm, before Derek pulled him upwards to him with all his might and once more placed his lips on Cody's as the two young men made out as if they had been lovers for years. Cody held Derek close and he whispered in his ear:

"I...I love you..."

Derek leaned his head into Cody's neck. Normally he would have fucked up any dude who would tell him that...but the funny thing is, he felt exactly the same about Cody. He kissed Cody's hair before again enveloping him in a tight embrace.

Things didn't work out between them though. Cody was shockingly voted out the next week in the Semi Finals and due to his commitments on Hannah Montana, and Derek being in the season Finale with Brooke, they hardly saw eachother. Eventually Cody told Derek that perhaps they should let eachother go. One thing that Cody, who was wise beyond his years, told Derek was...if you love something, you set them free, if it comes back, its yours, and it doesn't, it never really was. Now, four years later, Derek were to meet up with Cody again. He wondered what awaited the two of them, later than night.

Thanks for reading! This is the first chapter in this two part mini series.

If you liked the story, please send me a email at and I'll mail you back!

Ryan White xxx

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