
By M

Published on Nov 11, 2004


As I stumbled out into the cold winter evening, as fate would have it, I turned right into a rather large man and dropped everything. The shaving cream exploded as it hit the ground and the white cream erupted from the can and showered us both. "Oh shit", I thought. Maybe I was now going to be more interested in being completely sincere with this apology. "I'm sooooo very sorry sir", I said. He glared at me and I was sure he was going to beat the living crap out of me. Fortunately he stepped around me and entered the store. I bent down and picked up the now half empty can of shaving cream and the vaseline, not to mention the change which was scattered about everywhere also. Finally having gathered everything up, putting the change in my pocket, I looked to see where the stunning woman had gone. No where to be seen, anywhere, of course. Now I was completely frustrated. How would I find the exotic woman that had caused me to make a fool of myself to everyone in the store, but most importantly, to her. I looked all around me trying to figure out what I should do. Dejectedly, I slowly made my way back to my apartment.

By the time I arrived at my apartment I was completely frozen, but more concerned about the fool I had made of myself. I was sure I was too embarassed to ever go back in that store again, and I was also sure that the man I had ran into lived in my building and I would have to do my best to avoid him for awhile. Then there was the whole matter of where the woman had gone. This was not a good evening. "Oh Shit, I am also late for Mistress Akira".

Frantically, I rushed to my computer and began the agonizingly slow process of logging onto my server. Man these things sure take forever when your in a hurry. Finally I was online, having used the time to clean the rest of the shaving cream off of my hands and set stuff down and get out of my coat, grab a cup of coffee from the pot I had started right before I left for the store. I didn't have to wait long before Mistress Akira IM'd me. "Your Late"!!!! Oh what can I possibly say now? I am sooooo in trouble. Mistress Akira has been happy with my online service up to this point, but I have never let her down, and now I am late, and she is pissed, I can tell. Typing rapidly I made an elaborate attempt to apologize to her. It was met with nothing but silence. "Mistress? Please forgive me!!!! I am soooo sorry I am late!!!! Please Mistress, PLEASE FORGIVE ME"? I heard the door shut in the background of my computer as Mistress Akira logged off and left me sitting there staring at my computer thinking this was by far the worst day of my life. It couldn't get any worse......Could it?

Next: Chapter 3

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