Destiny of an Earth

By Silvenfox

Published on Mar 25, 2003


Disclaimer: I don't know Nsync. I don't even know if any of its members are gay. This story is in no way meant to imply that any of its members are homosexual in real life. This story is simply the work of a fan and is pure fiction.

I don't own The Lord of the Ring or any other works of the series. The rights of the series goes solely to the series author JRR Tolkien.

Now that's out of the way. This story appeared in my head when I was trapped in the car with my relatives for a 24-hour road trip. I was really really bored! I shudder just thinking about that trip. Anyway, if your below legal age to read this where your from, then all I can tell you is stop and don't let your parents catch you. He he that's not much of a warning, but hey what else can I do.

Now if you have any comments, feedback or you just want to drop a word Send them to

Chapter 1

The Elvin city of Imladris or, Rivendell, sat peacefully near the calm waters of Bruinen. Usually Rivendell was a city of safe haven, now that was not the case. The One Ring had arisen again and with it was its will to reunite with its master, the dark lord Sauron. The ring was entrusted to one Frodo Baggins, a hobbit, to deliver safely to Rivendell. The journey was hard but Frodo and friends made it through. Now the Council made up of all the races of Middle Earth was meeting to decide the fate of the ring.

From the race of men in the south came Boromir of Gondor. The Dwarves arrived from the depths of their caves led by Gimli son of Gloin. From the Silvan Elves of Mirkwood came Prince Legolas son of King Thranduil. Already present were Elrond, the ruler of Rivendell and the wielder of Vilya, one of the elven rings of power. Frodo Baggins was also present along with the mysterious ranger Strider, also known as Aragorn, whose true identity as Isildur's heir was known to very few outside of Rivendell. Last but certainly not least was Gandalf the Grey a powerful wizard who had realized what the One Ring was when many might have overlooked it. He was also the secret weilder of Narya, one of the eleven rings of power. As Frodo arrived and was introduced to everyone a hush fell over the group as Elrond stood and opened the Council.

"Greetings friends there are perilous times ahead of us that bring us all here today," Elrond began. "Before we begin I would like us to gather and pray to Iluvatar for his wisdom and aid to decide the best action to take against the One Ring."

All joined together in grasped hands. Silence filled area as they closed their eyes in respect.

Unnoticed to any of them on Gandalf's and Elrond's hand glowed their respective rings of power. Elrond bowed his head and began to lead them in prayer. "Please Iluvatar we come together today to decide the best way to stand against the darkness that is ahead of us. We ask for your help so we may stand a chance against the great peril."

Narya glowed red and Vilya glowed light blue each reacting to their master's prayers. Then something unexpected happened. The air began to cackle like the sound of electricity being channeled through a conductor.

The wind began to pick up and blow their hair wildly about them. No one opened their eyes for fear of stopping whatever was happening. Even Gandalf and Elrond didn't know what was happening, but everyone present could sense deep within their very being that something more powerful was at work.

They looked up suddenly as a rushing sound was coming above their heads. The air above them was shimmering and turning blinding white. The light started to move about like the waves of an ocean.

***Los Angeles, California

Justin Timberlake walked into the parking lot and pulled out the keys to his Porsche. He hummed in contentment. He had just finished shooting his newest video Cry Me a River from his solo album Justified. He felt like he was on top of the world. He had a successful career, fame, and money.

"It doesn't get any better than this," he said to himself getting into his car and starting the engine.

He zoomed out of the parking lot and into the street. It was 2:00AM and the streets of LA was deserted. The ringing of his cell phone startled him from his thoughts.

He picked it up and sighed as he read the name on the caller id. "Hi mom."

"Are you done with you shoot yet honey?"

"Yes, everything went fine. We just wrapped up. Why are you calling me so late?"

His mother suddenly adopted an innocent tone. "Cant a mother call her son and worry about what he is doing."

Justin couldn't keep the smile off his face as he realized his mother was up to something. "Who are you trying to set me up with now Mom?"

Lynn Harliss laughed. "I knew I wouldn't get away with it. But since you asked Linda has a son who has just recently become single."

Justin rolled his eyes laughing softly under his breath at his mother's matchmaker antics. "I should have never told you I was gay Mom. You've been trying to fix me up with every gay guy who has crossed your sight ever since I told you."

"I knew you were gay before you did, honey. I would have tried to fix you up with someone regardless if you told me or not about your orientation."

Justin could hear the smile in her voice through the phone. "Mom I told you I don't like to fixed up with guys. I rather love find me."

Lynn sighed in defeat. "Are you sure you don't want to meet him?"

"I'm sure mom. My battery is going low. I'll call you soon. Love you."

"Love you too."

He took the phone from his ear and turned it off. He took his eyes off the road and reached down to plug his cell into recharger. He sat back in his seat and focused back on the road. "Oh shit."

He hit the brakes hard and his car screeched loudly to a halt. He unbuckled his seat belt and hurriedly got out and ran to the front of the car. A foot in front of his car, frozen in shock stood a small golden retriever. "Thank god I didn't hit you," Justin said softly smiling down at the dog.

The pup glared at Justin and let out a small bark before running off into the empty night.

"Well goodbye to you too."

Suddenly a strong feeling overcame Justin's senses. 'What is that?' he thought to himself. It was almost as if he could feel that something was wrong in the air.

He pulled his waist length black jacket tighter around him. The wind had picked up to a strong level now. The crackling of lightning met his ears and echoed of the buildings around him. He whipped his head around trying to locate the source.

"What's happening?" he muttered starting to feel fear.

He closed his eyes as his vision began to become distorted and he became dizzy. The last thing Justin saw before slipping into unconsciousness was the golden retriever looking at him with something akin to knowledge in its gaze. Justin fell backwards but never hit the pavement. A swirling portal of white light appeared under him and it disappeared taking with it Justin.

The Council stepped back as the portal above them flared brightly. A figure was hurled out of it and landed next to the pedestal that the One Ring lay. Those gathered stared at the figure in amazement. The wind died down and portal above them vanished.

They each held their breath as they gazed at the unconscious figure on the ground. They stepped closer and let out sighs of relief. The figure was a young man dressed in strange clothes. It was obvious he was no threat, as he showed no outward signs of being a servant for the dark lord.

Boromir glanced at Gandalf baffled. "What type of magic is this?"

Gandalf gripped his staff in looked down at Justin. "I don't know. It was very powerful I know that much, but I do know that this boy will pose no threat to us."

Aragorn glanced sharply at the old wizard. "How do you know this?"

Gandalf sighed. "I don't know for certain, but he could be the help we prayed Iluvatar for."

"Do you really think this boy can really help us?" Gimli scoffed.

Gandalf closed his eyes and expanded his senses. He stepped back in shock as he looked at Justin with new eyes. He shifted back to his regular senses and gave the dwarf a mysterious smile. "Yes, I do think he can help us. For he is no ordinary human. His aura is changing."

Legolas tore his gaze from Justin. "What do you mean?"

Elrond widened and he answered for the wizard. "Look at his ears," he whispered in awe.

They studied the young mans ears and gasped. His ears slowly lengthened and took on a definite pointed shape at the tips that matched the Elves gathered around. Lord Elrond came to his senses. "The Council is dismissed until he regains consciousness."

The Council started to disagree but stopped when they saw the hard look in Elrond's eyes.

So what do you think. Do you like it? If you have any comments, feedback or you just want to drop a word send them to

Next: Chapter 2

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