Destiny of an Earth

By Silvenfox

Published on May 12, 2003


Disclaimer: I don't know Nsync. I don't know Justin Timberlake in real life. This will be a Justin Timberlake centered story. This story is in no way meant to imply that he is homosexual in real life. This story is simply the work of a fan and is pure fiction.

I don't own The Lord of the Ring or any other works of the series. The rights of the series goes solely to the series author JRR Tolkien.

Now that's out of the way. This story appeared in my head when I was trapped in the car with my relatives for a 24-hour road trip. I was really really bored! I shudder just thinking about that trip. Anyway, if your below legal age to read this where your from, then all I can tell you is stop and don't let your parents catch you. He he that's not much of a warning, but hey what else can I do.

Now if you have any comments, feedback or you just want to drop a word. Send them to

Chapter 10

The Fellowship had been travelling down the great river, Anduin, for almost a week. After travelling for most of the day they decided to stop and make camp on land.

Aragorn and Boromir hid in the shadows and watched a log float in the river. Nothing was out of the ordinary about the piece of wood until one looked closer upon inspection. A tiny creature was attached to it.

"Gollum," said Aragorn recognizing the creature. "He has tracked us since Moria. I had hoped that we would lose him on the river. But he is too clever a waterman."

"And if he alerts the enemy to our whereabouts, it will make the crossing even more dangerous," worried Boromir. Aragorn nodded his head in agreement.

Boromir saw his head nod so he continued. "Minas Tirith is the safer road. You know that. From there we can regroup. Strike out for Mordor from a place of strength." Aragorn sighed and looked to the stars. "There is no strength in Gondor that can avail us."

Boromir scowled. "You were quick enough to trust the Elves. Have you so little faith in your own people?" he questioned harshly. Aragorn started to say something but Boromir didn't let him start.

"Yes, there is weakness, there is frailty. But there is courage also, and honor to be found in Men. But you will not see that. You are afraid! All your life, you have hidden in the shadows. Scared of who you are, of what you are."

The rest of the Fellowship heard their conversation but didn't want to but in. For it was not their place. Justin had a feeling he was the only one silently cheering when Boromir told off Aragorn.

What Aragorn said next was enough to make Justin want to hit the Ranger for Boromir. "I would not take the Ring within a hundred leagues of your city." Justin frowned noticing the way Aragorn said your and not our city. Boromir noticed it too. He shot the Ranger an icy look and stalked back to the campsite. He sat down heavily glaring at the fire as if it wronged him in some way.

Justin looked at Legolas. The Elf nodded showing that he knew that the Steward needed his friend. Justin kissed his love and walked over to join his troubled friend.

"Hey, you okay?"

Boromir broke his gaze from the fire and stared at Justin. His usual cheerful brown eyes were clouded over in anger and sadness. He shook his head and turned back to stare into the fire.

Jusitn patted his back. "He really got to you didn't he?"

Boromir sighed. "Why does he not have the faith in our people that I have?" he said monotone.

"I don't know, Bo. But Gondor will not be destroyed. We will save your city," he assured him. Boromir gave him a half smile. "Yes, we will save Gondor. We won't let the white city fall."

Justin clapped him on the back. "That's the spirit Bo." Boromir cocked his head in Legolas's direction. "I see a certain Elf that looks lonely."

Justin looked at Legolas and a wave of tenderness flooded his heart. "Don't get any ideas Bo. He's mine," he kidded.

Boromir laughed and the cheerfulness reappeared in his eyes. He placed his hand over his heart in mock hurt. "You wound me with your cruel allegations."

Justin rolled his eyes. "Geez, And I thought the list of awful things about you couldn't get any worse. Now I have to add bad acting to it."

"Hey!" Boromir yelled. He tackled Justin around the waist. They were a mass of arms and legs rolling around in the dirt. When they realized they were laughing loud enough to wake the dead they stopped and looked up at their comrades clearly embarrassed.

Justin disentangled himself from Boromir and hugged Legolas. He looked down at the ground when the blonde raised an eyebrow at him. He pointed his finger accusingly at Boromir. "He started it!"

The next day they were back to rowing down the river in boats. Boromir was in a better mood than yesterday. But every time he saw Aragorn his face would form into a scowl.

In the noontime they passed into a canyon. Aragorn's voice rang through the quiet air. "Frodo, the Argonath! Long have I desired to look upon the kings of old. My kin."

The Fellowship looked up in awe at the towering splendor of the Argonath. Two majestic statues, carved right out of the rock, proudly stand on each side of the Anduin. Their left arms are held aloft, their palms facing outwards in gesture of warning.

Justin's 'spider sense' was going off again. He looked around for the source of the alarm but nothing troubling was in sight. He looked to Legolas to see if he felt it too. Legolas eyes met his and he nodded. "Do you feel that?" Legolas asked scanning the shore carefully.

Justin nodded. "What is it Las?"

All the other Elf could do was shake his head. "I don't know, Luv? We need to be very careful though."

They rowed a little bit further till they got to Parth Galen. Which was the lawn above the Falls of Rauros. Amon Hen, the hill of sight, was only a few leagues north of their location. It was a very old construction that was made during the days of the great Kings.

They disembarked and pulled the boats on the gravel of the Parth Galen. Justin looked around for the source of his unease, but still nothing was seen. He closed his eyes and tried to feel the source out only to still get nothing.

"We cross the lake at nightfall, hide the boats, and continue on foot," dictated Aragorn. "We approach Mordor from the north."

"Oh, yes? Just a simple matter of finding our way through Emyn Muil?" Gimli said sarcastically. "An impassable labyrinth of razor-sharp rocks? And after that, it gets even better!" Justin frowned. He didn't like the sound of this. He wasn't the only one. Pippin was looking alarmed as well. "Festering, stinking marshlands, as far as the eye can see!"

"That is our road. I suggest you take some rest and recover your strength master dwarf," said Aragorn.

Gimli looked scandalized. "Recover my... phfwahh..."

Legolas gripped Justin's hand. "We should leave now," he said quietly to Aragorn. The Ranger shook his head. "No. Orcs patrol the eastern shore. We must wait for the cover of darkness."

Leoglas brow furrowed. "It is not the eastern shore that worries me. A shadow and a threat has been growing in my mind. Something draws near. I can feel it."

Justin nodded. Normally he wouldn't talk to Aragorn, but this situation was becoming drastic. "I have felt it too. Something is coming." Out the corner of his eye he caught the sight of Boromir and Frodo leaving. He tugged his hand from Legolas to follow. The other Elf didn't notice his departure. He was too busy trying to talk Aragorn into leaving now.

He hid behind a tree as the sound of voices reached his ears. "I ask only for the strength to defend my people! If you would not only lend me the Ring . . . "


"Why do you recoil from me? I am no thief!"

"You are not yourself."

"What chance do you think you have? They will find you. They will take the Ring. And you will beg for death before the end! It could have been mine. It should be mine! Give it to me! Give me the Ring!"

Justin ran as fast as he could as Frodo's voice grew louder with fear. Boromir's voice kept getting angrier and bitter. Oh please no. Not you, Bo. Don't let the ring get to you. Fight it.

If Justin was focused and aware he would have realized the speed he was running at. No human or Elf was capable of the speed he ran. The trees around him were nothing but brown blurs as he sprinted through the forest like some cross-country runner.

He ran into the clearing and saw Boromir alone on the ground with his face in his hands. "Bo!" he cried racing to his friend's side. He looked up his face desolate and sad. "I tried to take the Ring from the little one," he said remorseful.

Justin drew him into a hug. "I know. The Ring is too strong for anyone to resist for long. Since you worry about Gondor and your people the Ring fed on it and used it to twist your mind."

Boromir stood and wiped his eyes. "I must apologize to Frodo."

Justin suddenly stopped moving and froze in place. He looked off into the distance. "They're here. They have finally found us," he said softly. Boromir touched his shoulder. "Justin what is wrong?"

Justin shook his head coming out of his daze. "Boromir sound the horn. The Orcs have come."

The other man didn't waste time. He snatched the Horn of Gondor from his belt and blew with all his might. They heard voices yelling yards ahead of them. Simultaneously they pulled out their weapons and ran towards the direction of the sound.

They came into another clearing. Merry and Pippin were waving at the Orc army each had their daggers drawn. Justin caught sight of Frodo running away. Merry and Pippin were bravely distracting the army so their friend could get away.

The little hobbits breathed out sighs of relief when they saw them. "Finally the cavalry comes!" said Merry.

They stood together as the Orc surrounded them. These were not ordinary Orcs. They were bigger and muscular. They were Uruk-Hai. Justin gripped his sword tight looking at the Orcs around them with trepidation. "It looks like the Orcs went and discovered steroids."

"Justin this is really not the time," said Boromir. Justin was about to reply but the Orcs advanced. They were forced to go on the offensive.

Waves and waves of the Orcs fell under the combine might of Boromir and Justin's blows. They were stronger but no smarter than the regular Orcs. It was a fight for their lives. One little slip could be the end of them.

Boromir decapitated an Orc and turned to Merry and Pippin. "Run you two!"

Merry dodged an Orcs swing. "No we will not leave you!" Pippin made a nose of agreement before jumping on an Orcs back and stabbing it in the base of its neck.

Justin fought with everything he had. They were making considerable damage to the other side but not enough. They needed the others help and soon. They could only fight by themselves for so long.

Pippin and Merry lift their swords high. "For the Shire!" They cried together. They never had a chance to strike. The Uruk-Hai lifted them up and carried them off.

"No! The little ones!" yelled Boromir seeing them get carried off. Justin saw it too. But there was nothing they could do. The Orcs had them closed off on all sides. They were coming from everywhere.

A huge Uruk-Hai came from seemingly nowhere. It had a white handprint on its face and something akin to intelligence was in its gaze. It said something and the Uruk-Hai troops started to disperse. It sneered at them and raised a black bow aiming for Boromir.

Time seemed to slow down and go in slow motion. Justin saw the Uruk-Hai raise the bow and take aim. Suddenly a voice began to whisper in his ear. 'The power is in your voice. The power is in your voice. The power is in your voice. Use your voice!' Justin didn't know where the instructions were coming from.

With a start he realized those were Gandalf's last words to him. Then it clicked. He knew exactly what the voice was talking about. It all made sense now. Why every time he sung people went into a trance.

He had been using his wizard powers all along. And he didn't even know it. His power was in his voice! Gandalf recognized it after he heard him sing all those months ago.

Justin took a deep breath and let loose. An impossibly loud scream louder than humanly possible issued from his mouth. The Uruk-Hai that happened to be still near him fell to their knees screaming in agony. Each had blood trickling out of their ears.

The rest of the Fellowship burst into the clearing to find Justin screaming at the top of his lungs. Dead Orcs littered the ground. Each had blood pooling around their heads.

Amazingly Justin's screaming didn't effect the Fellowship. They knew it was loud but it was bearable. They gasped as they caught sight of Justin. He was standing next to a shocked Boromir. More shocking than his scream was his eyes. His eyes had turned totally blue and they were glowing brightly.

Legolas ran to Justin and shook his shoulders. "Justin! Justin! You must stop!" he yelled.

Surprisingly he stopped at the blonde's command. He closed his mouth and he blinked. The blue in his eyes receded and the glowing stopped. "Luv, what happened?"

"I-I understand now," Justin said breathing heavily.

Boromir placed his hand on his friend's shoulder. "Understand what? What magic was that?"

Justin leaned against Legolas. "When I was brought here Gandalf said I was part Elf, Human, and Wizard. I have been unknowingly using my wizard power all along. Every time I sung. You all went into a trance. That was because of my Wizard power."

Gimli leaned against his axe. "So that is what Gandalf meant when he said the power is in your voice. He knew."

Justin nodded. "Yeah. He must had realized it after I sung for you all," he said exhausted. "Forget about me for now. The Orcs took Merry and Pippin." Boromir made a noise of agreement. Then he looked around. "Where's Frodo?"

"I let him go," said Aragorn.

Boromir looked down sadly at the ground. "Then you did what I could not."

Justin frowned and turned to Boromir. "Bo, I told you the Ring is super crazy. It's like Lex Luthor. Only packed into a cheap looking twenty five cent ring."

Justin sighed as he met blank stares. He buried his head in Legolas's shoulder. "Why do I even bother," he said his voice muffled by the Elf's tunic.

They walked back to the boats to retrieve their things. Legolas rushed out into the water. Frodo and Sam were across the other side of the river rushing off into the bushes.

"Hurry! Frodo and Sam have reached the Eastern Shore!"

Aragorn looks saddened. "Frodo's fate is no longer in our hands."

"What are you talking about?" Boromir asked looking towards Frodo's and Sam's location. "The Ring-Bearer must continue his journey without us."

Gimli hupmhed angrily. "Then it has all been is vain. The Fellowship has ended."

Aragorn shook his head. "Not if we remain true to each other." Justin nodded along. "I hate to say it. But Aragoon--"

"Aragorn," Aragorn corrected.

Justin continued on as if he didn't hear him. "He is right. We do need to remain true to each other. We are all we have left."

"Yes. We may be broken but we are still the Fellowship," said Bormir.

Aragorn looked around at their determined faces. "We will not abandon Merry and Pippin to torment and death. Not while we have strength left. Leave all that can be spared behind. We travel light. Let's hunt some Orc."

"Yes!!!" cheered Gimli. Justin laughed at his excitement. "I see someone went and gave the Munchkin some sugar."

Everyone couldn't help grinning. Aragorn looked at his comrades. "Let us depart!" Justin squeezed Legolas's hand. They looked at each other and the love they had for each other was spoken through their gaze. With a wasting a moment they ran into the woods following Aragorn, Boromir, and Gimli.

So what do you think. Do you like it? If you have any comments, feedback or you just want to drop a word send them to

Next: Chapter 11

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