Destiny of an Earth

By Silvenfox

Published on May 20, 2003


Disclaimer: I don't know Nsync. I don't know Justin Timberlake in real life. This will be a Justin Timberlake centered story. This story is in no way meant to imply that he is homosexual in real life. This story is simply the work of a fan and is pure fiction.

I don't own The Lord of the Ring or any other works of the series. The rights of the series goes solely to the series author JRR Tolkien.

Now that's out of the way. This story appeared in my head when I was trapped in the car with my relatives for a 24-hour road trip. I was really really bored! I shudder just thinking about that trip. Anyway, if your below legal age to read this where your from, then all I can tell you is stop and don't let your parents catch you. He he that's not much of a warning, but hey what else can I do.

Now if you have any comments, feedback or you just want to drop a word. Send them to

Chapter 11

They made camp for the night in a clearing. They could go no further in the dark. It was too dangerous. Justin scooted closer to the fire trying to get warmer. Legolas sat beside him with an arm around his shoulder for added warmth.

"Las, Do you think Frodo and Sam are alright?" asked Justin.

Legolas looked up at the stars. After a moment he looked back at Justin as if they gave him the answer. "With Sam looking after Frodo I think they are fine."

It was a quiet night. And everything was tranquil and calm. Justin looked at the stars and saw familiar constellations. He felt a pang in his gut as he thought about his home.

Justin laid his head on Legolas's shoulder. "Las I wish you could see my world." Legolas ran his fingers through his love's hair. "What is it like?" Justin closed his eyes looking through his memories.

"It's really nice. Humans have came along so far." He looked up at the moon. "We have been traveled to the stars. We've even been to the moon."

"Really?" asked Legolas in wonder. Justin nodded. "We have city's that have buildings made of glass. Some are so tall that they touch the clouds. People are happy and carefree. Most just live in the now and don't worry about the future."

Legolas squeezed his shoulder. "It sounds very beautiful where you're from."

Justin smiled wistfully. "It is."

Justin was dreaming. It was one of the best dreams he had had in long time. Dream Legolas was touching him in all the right places. He moaned in his dream completely unaware that he was moaning aloud too.

Gimli, Boromir, Aragorn, and Legolas looked down at the sleeping Justin with shocked looks. "What is wrong with him?" asked Boromir. They all thought Justin was ill.

"I don't know," said Legolas worry creeping into his voice.

"Is he hot?"

"Is he cold?"

"Is his breathing normal?"

Legolas held up his hand getting them to stop asking questions. "Ohhhh... that feels good," moaned Justin.

Their eyes widened as they realized that Justin wasn't sick. He was merely dreaming. And it sounded like a very good dream. "That feels sooooo good Las." Everyone looked at each other their face red. Gimli coughed and looked at the ground. "I guess someone should wake him up."

Legolas shook his shoulder. "Justin. Justin. Justin," he called softly. Justin awoke and looked up at everyone sleepily. "What going on?" he asked yawing widely.

Everyone suddenly found something more interesting to look at. Justin narrowed his eyes at the men. "What?"

Legolas leaned down and whispered in his ear. His eyes widened comically like an anime character. He looked down at the ground blushing redder than a strawberry. "I can't believe you guys heard that."

Boromir gave him a teasing grin. "You almost woke the dead with that moan."

Justin rolled his eyes. "Ha Ha Bo. You always have to find humor in sexual jokes." They laughed knowing how true his statement was. Aragorn looked up at the sky. The first rays of dawn were fast approaching. "Time to pack up. We have to get moving."

Justin bowed his hair mockingly. "Yes. King Arageek."

"Aragorn," he corrected quickly. Justin cocked his head innocently. "That's what I said." Legolas sighed and took Justin's hand in his. "All we need is two minutes Aragorn."

Everyone went back and started to pack up. Justin looked at Legolas and put on his best adorable face. "I love you."

Legolas cupped Justin's cheek. "I love you too Luv. But you have to stop baiting Aragorn. He is our leader and my friend."

"He is your leader," Justin corrected. "I don't like him and that's never going to change." Legolas frowned. "He's a good guy. He needs your respect."

"He has to earn it first," retorted Justin. He got up and hurriedly began to pack on all his things without so much as looking at Legolas. He couldn't believe he was actually defending Aragorn.

All the Ranger has done since Gandalf died was give orders. He hasn't done one thing that proves him a capable leader. If barking out orders was what a leader did then Aragorn would get the job. But it's not.

Lastly they threw dirt on the first and began their trek. The Urak-Hai had left a trail of deep footprints for them to follow. All they had to do was follow the tracks and catch up to them.

Justin made sure to stay far away from Legolas and Aragorn. He had no intention to talk to either of them for the rest of the day. As far as he was concerned both of them could go off and leave them. He knew he was being stupid but he was just disappointed that Legolas took Aragorn's side instead of his.

Boromir saw Justin walking by himself. Usually Justin walked with Legolas. There could only be one reasonable explanation for this. That meant that the two of them must have got in a fight.

Boromir went to Justin's side. "What's wrong Siren?" asked Boromir. Justin grinned a little at the nickname. Justin had made a comment about himself being a Siren after he learned his power. Boromir had asked what one was and ever since he had been calling Justin that.

"It's nothing," he mumbled. He kept his eyes focused on the ground. He knew once he looked into Boromir's eyes everything would come out.

"Siren -" said Boromir. "Justin look at me."

Justin sighed and gave up. He looked into Boromir's eyes and his story immediately came pouring out. "It's me and Legolas. We got into a stupid fight."

"What was it about?"

"Aragorn," Justin said sourly. "He's mad that I don't like him. And every time I'm near him I make a comment."

Boromir laughed. "And those comments you make are funnier than my jokes. I have to bit my tongue so I won't laugh." Justin looked triumphant. "I knew you were laughing."

Suddenly, Aragorn held up his hands signaling them to stop. He put his finger against his lips. They quieted and Aragorn lowered himself to ground so he was on his knees.

He placed his ear to the ground listening intently. Justin looked at him and raised an eyebrow. Who did Aragorn think he was -- Batman? He stood up hurriedly and turned to the company.

"Their pace quickens. They must have caught our scent," he said urgently before running ahead.

Justin thanked Iluvatar for making him part Elf. He wasn't even winded from all of the running they were doing. "Come on Gimli!" Boromir kidded running ahead.

The Dwarf was huffing and puffing beside them. He may have short legs but he was keeping up with them at an amazing pace. "Three day's and night's pursuit.. no food... no rest... and no sign of our quarry but what bare rock can tell," grumbled Gimli under his breath.

They ran for a long period of time. They ran across rocks and plains that seemed to go on and on forever. Aragorn was in the lead with everyone trailing behind after him.

Aragorn stopped in the middle of his sprinting. He bent over to the ground and picked up something. They all stopped and came up behind him. "What did you find?" asked Legolas.

Aragorn held up the object for them to see. They gasped as they recognized what it was. It was an Elven broach. Justin unconsciously gripped the one he wore on his cloak. The broach had come from either Merry or Pippin own cloaks.

"Not idly do the leaves of Lorien fall," Aragorn said softly.

Hope entered their eyes. "They may yet be alive," said Legolas joyfully. Justin smiled and looked at Boromir. He looked back at him with a wide smile. This was good news indeed.

Aragorn nodded and stood up. "Less than a day ahead of us, come!"

Together they ran off again. This time they all had hope in their hearts that their friends were still alive. Legolas smiled happily and looked down at his Dwarf companion. "Cone on Gimli! We are gaining on them!"

Gimli scoffed and glared up at him. "I'm wasted on cross-country. We dwarves are natural sprinters. Very dangerous we are over short distances."

They came over a hill and paused. They took a minute to gaze at the plains below. It was so beautiful, Justin mused silently. It was very rare to find a scene like this in his world.

"Rohan, home of the horse-lords," Aragorn said fondly.

Justin raised his eyebrow. "How can you be a lord of a horse."

Aragorn rolled his eyes and continued. "There's something strange at work here. Some evil gives speed to these creatures. Sets its will against us. Legolas! What does your elf eyes see?"

Justin and Legolas both looked towards the distance. Justin squinted his eyes and the view suddenly sharpened and he could see farther than he normally could. He could see the Orcs moving swiftly across a mound of hills far away from their own position.

Legolas frowned as he realized where the Orcs were headed. "The Uruks turn Northeast. They are taking the hobbits to Isengard!"

Isengard. Isengard. Where had Justin heard that name before. He vaguely remembered hearing the name somewhere. It could have been at the council meeting.

That's what I get for not paying full attention. I was too busy drooling over a certain Elf at the time. The expressions on everyone's face turned grave at Legolas news.

"Saruman," Aragorn said darkly.

Justin's eyes widened and he looked back at the Orcs in the distance. "Saruman's the crazy wizard right?"

Boromir nodded his gaze troubled. "He was once a great wizard. Now he has turned against us and joined Sauron."

"We really don't want to go there? Do we?" asked Justin. Boromir shook his head. "That would be a very very bad idea," said Boromir.

They ran off again once more giving chase to the Orcs. The Orcs seemed to be going at a constant fast pace. "They run as if the very whips of their masters were behind him," Legolas remarked.

"Maybe someone gave them steroids," Justin said to Boromir who was running beside him.

"What's steroids?" asked Boromir. Justin grinned slyly. "A friend of my mine likes to call them penis killers."

As the sun set and the moon came out the company stopped and decided to make camp. Justin and Legolas hadn't spoken to each other since their spat earlier. Justin sat on one side of fire with Boromir and Legolas sat on the other side with Aragorn. Gimli didn't care to sit with either of them. So he sat in the middle.

"Do you think Merry and Pippin are okay?" asked Boromir.

Justin nodded. "I think those two are just fine. Knowing them they've probably escaped by now." Boromir laughed loudly. "Your right. Those two are quite the mischievous pair."

"They remind me of the Weasley twins."

Boromir cocked his head. "Who were they?"

Harry chuckled and clapped him on the back. "I forgot you don't know what I'm even talking about."

"Tell me then," pressed Bormir.

"Well," said Justin thinking of where to start. "Okay it all starts one night when a boy named Harry Potter became the Boy Who Lived . . ."

Boromir and Justin were dead tired when they awoke early the next morning. Justin had spent most of the night telling him Harry Potter and Sorcerers Stone from memory. Boromir was entranced by the story. When Justin told him there were three other books Boromir made him promise to tell him the rest of the stories another time.

Justin yawned widely trying to keep up with the others. Dawn had just broken and he was dead tired. He had probably only gotten five hours sleep in all.

Legolas looked at the sky with a small frown. "A red sun rises. Blood has been spilled this night."

Justin sighed. He really had to teach his boyfriend that making bad omens was something people didn't want to hear in the morning. They jumped as the sound of horse's galloping reached their ears.

Aragorn quickly got them to hide behind some boulders. A large group of horsemen quickly galloped by them with their banners flying high. Aragorn motioned for them to get up.

He raised his hands to his mouth and called out. "Riders of Rohan! What news from the Mark?"

The lead rider gave a signal and the riders made a quick turn around. They headed towards them and enclosed them in a tight circle. They stopped and pointed their long spears menacingly at them.

"What business does an elf, a man, and a dwarf have in the Riddermark? Speak quickly!" The lead rider said.

Justin saw red as one of the riders jabbed his spear threateningly at Legolas. He may be mad at his love right now. But no one messes with what's his.

Unnoticeably, Justin's eyes turned completely blue like they did back in the woods. He narrowed his eyes at the riders surrounding them.

"BACK!" The one word sounded as if it was a hundred voices speaking as one.

Their spears flew out of their hands and their horses drew back in fright. Legolas moved over to Justin and took his hand in his. "Luv it's alright."

Justin immediately calmed down. The glow in his eyes receded and his natural blue eyes returned. "What magic is this?" the leader asked shocked.

"I like to call it Don't Piss Me Off," said Justin icily.

Gimili laughed loudly. "I bet you won't try that again!" he said to the riders.

The lead rider dismounted his horse and stepped toward Gimli. "I would cut off your head, Dwarf, if it stood but a little higher from the ground."

Quicker than any of them could follow, Legolas pointed an arrow at the rider. "You would die before your stroke fell."

The riders had retrieved their spears and pointed them closer at them. Justin's eye's narrowed and turned a darker blue. Aragorn pushed down Legolas's arm.

"I'm Aragorn, son of Arathorn. This is Gimli, son of Gloin, Justin son of Randall, Boromir son of Denethor and Legolas, from the Woodland realm. We are friends of Rohan and of Théoden, its King."

"Théoden no longer recognizes friend from foe," the rider said taking off his helmet. "Not even his own kin."

The man was handsome. He had long brown hair and deep brown eyes. "Saruman has poisoned the mind of the king and claim lordship over this land. My company are those loyal to Rohan," he gestured to those behind him. They had withdrawn their spears.

"And for that, we are banished. The White Wizard is cunning. He walks here and there they say, as an old man, hooded and cloaked. And everywhere his spies slip past our nets."

"We are not spies. We track a band of Uruk-Hai westward across the plains. They have taken two of our friends captive," Aragorn said trying to make peace.

"The Uruks are destroyed. We slaughtered them during the night."

"But there were two Hobbits," Boromir said in despair. "Did you see two Hobbits with them?"

"We left none alive. We piled the carcasses and burned them," the rider said sadly. He pointed off into the distance where there was a smoking pile of carcasses.

Justin felt a cold numbing chill enter his body. He couldn't believe Merry and Pippin were dead. Gimli shook his head disbelievingly. "They're dead?"

The rider paused briefly then nodded. "I'm sorry."

"Hasufel! Arod! Elbereth!" Three riderless horses came forth.

"May these horses bear you to better fortune than the former masters. Farewell. Look for your friends, but do not trust to hope. It has forsaken these lands." He walked to his horse and mounted it.

He turned to the riders. "We ride north!" They took off in the direction they were headed before Aragorn stopped them.

Justin looked to Legolas. "They can't be gone. He must have made a mistake," Justin said trying to convince himself.

Legolas squeezed Justin's hand. "We will not count them dead until we see their dead bodies. They may yet have escaped."

Justin nodded and looked towards the distance. "I hope your right Las. I hope your right."

I know that I was supposed to kill Boromir last chapter but I just couldn't. I know you guys like him better alive. Right? OH YEAH! If you haven't seen the Matrix: Reloaded. GO SEE IT. It's a good movie!

So what do you think. Do you like it? If you have any comments, feedback or you just want to drop a word send them to

Next: Chapter 12

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