Destiny of an Earth

By Silvenfox

Published on Jul 28, 2003


Disclaimer: I don't know Nsync. I don't know Justin Timberlake in real life. This will be a Justin Timberlake centered story. This story is in no way meant to imply that he is homosexual in real life. This story is simply the work of a fan and is pure fiction.

I don't own The Lord of the Ring or any other works of the series. The rights of the series goes solely to the series author JRR Tolkien.

Now that's out of the way. This story appeared in my head when I was trapped in the car with my relatives for a 24-hour road trip. I was really really bored! I shudder just thinking about that trip. Anyway, if your below legal age to read this where your from, then all I can tell you is stop and don't let your parents catch you. He he that's not much of a warning, but hey what else can I do.

Now if you have any comments, feedback or you just want to drop a word. Send them to

Chapter 16

JC chuckled quietly. "Justin is this part where you're going to pull a Dorothy impression?" He made his voice real high and delirious sounding. "And you were there and you were there. And you too!"

Justin shook his head. "Josh you don't understand! It was more than a dream," he said frustrated. "It felt as if I were there for months."

"That must have been one freaky dream," replied JC.

He looked down at Justin and immediately felt guilty for his earlier behavior. Justin looked as if his favorite monkey just died. JC sat down beside him on the bed and put his hand on Justin's shoulder.

"Its alright Just. I'm sorry okay. I didn't know you were serious," he apologized.

Justin gave him a weak attempt of a smile. He felt as if someone had shot a hole through his chest. How could everything he experienced be just a dream? It wasn't right. No, fuck that. It wasn't fair. He had met the man he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, only to have him just be a figment of his imagination. How could God be so cruel to him? What did he do to deserve this fate?

JC bit his lip looking at his glum friend. "Justin look, how about I let you get dressed and then me and the guys will take you out? Come on, we'll have a good time. Get your mind off this dream of yours."

Justin sighed. How could he just go out and party? A part of him wanted to just curl into bed and pass the day away. JC started to make a sad face causing Justin to smile.

"Ok. Ok. I'll go," he relented, rolling his eyes as JC broke into a wide grin.

"I knew you would fall for the look. Your so easy," laughed JC.

Laughing, Justin pushed JC off his bed. "Shut up. You know I feel sorry for you sometimes. What with your horrible fashion sense and all."

JC put his hands over his heart in false heart. "Though has woundeth me with thoust false claims of cruelty."

Justin clapped with mock enthusiasm. "The make-believe acting performance award goes to Josh Chasez."

"Kiss my ass," said JC, walking to door. "I'll be downstairs. I swear if I have to come up here to drag your ass out the will not be pretty."

Justin nodded. "Yeah Yeah, I got it. I'll be down. Now leave, so I can get dressed."

JC left closing the door behind him. Justin sighed, putting his face in his hands. He was a good actor when he wanted to be. JC completely bought his performance. How could he really be happy when the world he had known for almost a year was just gone?

"I don't hear any moving up there!" JC's voice yelled, from downstairs.

Justin rolled his eyes. "Hold on Josh! Chill alright!" he yelled back. He got off his bed and went to his closet to pull out his clothes. His band mates would be pissed if he called off their celebration. After all, they were doing it for him. He just didn't he feel like it was a time for celebration?

He took his time getting ready. Just as he always did. But this time he was actually dragging his feet. He stopped and looked out his window to the sky above. The sun beamed down on him illuminated his figure.

"Legolas I don't care if your are just a dream," he said softly, his hand pressed against the window glass. His eyes were wet, but he refused to be weak and let tears fall. "I still do love you."

"Justin you have five minutes! Or I swear to God -- "

Justin chuckled quietly. He knew that JC was ready to go. Really, he should be used to this though. Justin was always the last person ready for anything.

"I'm coming Josh. Stop pms-ing and hold on!" he called back.

He looked one more time out the window before leaving the room. Justin walked down the stairs slowly, not in a rush to go out. A smile did come to his face as he looked in the living room. His band mates had arrived while he was getting ready. They were all just like he remembered them to be. Of course to them he hadn't been gone anywhere. To him he hadn't seen any of them in almost a year. His eyes misted a little as he looked at the faces he never thought he would see again.

"I see Prince Congeniality has finally graced us with his presence," said Lance teasingly.

"Haha Lance. Its nice to see you too," Justin replied, with a smile.

"Hey, Justin," greeted Joey, yawning loudly.

Chris just grunted a little. Justin smiled. Chris was only grumpy when he hadn't eaten breakfast. Only after a morning meal would he be his usual hyperactive self.

JC stood up and tossing Justin a smirk. "Its about time. I didn't think you would ever finish primping."

"I don't primp!"

"Sure. What ever you say."

"What's that supposed to mean."

"It means what it means."

They both crossed their arms and turned their backs to each other.

"Remember Josh revenge is a bitch!" said Justin, smiling.

Josh had a smile playing on his face also. "But payback is a mother fucker."

Chris stood up clapping his hands together. "Okay, now that we've all had our daily fix of Days our Lives. Can we go now and get something to eat."

"Let's go," said Justin, cuffing JC on the back of the head before running out the room.

"Sonof--Justin get back here you poor excuse for a homeless man's urine!" JC yelled, running after the younger man.

The others laughed and followed out the door. They climbed into Joey's car heading for the nearest restaurant. It was one they frequented visited whenever they were near Justin's place. Justin for his part was sitting in the back oddly quiet. He was staring off into space not aware of his surroundings. His mind was on his blonde Elf. He knew it was a dream, but it felt so real to him. He couldn't help but want to just jump out the car and go back there somehow.



He was jolted out of his musing by Chris's voice. "Hey, man we're here. Come on."

He just nodded and followed his friend into the restaurant. The establishment was pretty good because with its privacy, so they didn't have to worry about interruptions. That was a reason they came here a lot.

Justin sat in the shared booth once again looking at nothing. The four men shared curious looks with each other. JC told them about them about the dream Justin had quietly. He didn't have to whisper anyway, since Justin wasn't even paying attention to them.

"So, let me get this straight," began Joey. "Justin is acting all broody because he had a dream."

JC nodded. "That's basically it."

"It must have been a hell of a dream," said Lance, frowning at Justin's sad face. He kind of felt sorry for him. His eyes usually alive and dancing. Were dark and sad.

They ate their meal each one of them engaging Justin in conversation. Justin for his part talked and tried to act like he was alright, but they could tell he was pretending. It seemed the more he tried to act upbeat the sadder he got.

Justin for his part sat watching his friends dance in the middle of the room. He had no will to join them. After breakfast JC decided they should go dancing. So there they were dancing away. And here he was sitting alone at the table falling into depression. Justin couldn't very well tell them he didn't want to come. He could tell they were making an effort to try and get him out of his state, so he had agreed to come. He sat at their VIP table nursing his drink.

Suddenly, someone bumped into him from behind. He swiveled in his chair and met the eyes of a blushing young woman. "I'm really sorry about that," she looked at him and recognition flashed across her face.

She put on her most seductive look and tried to play coy. She tossed her red hair back. "Hi, what's your name."

Justin almost laughed. She knew good and well his goddamn name. Why was she pretending? He gave her a charming smile. "My name is not."

She blinked. "Not? What's your last name?"

"Available," said Justin, still smiling dashingly.

The girl laughed lightly, putting up her hands surrendering. "Alright, I can take a hint."

Justin nodded and turned back around to his drink. He drank the last of his drink and went back to the bar for another. He flagged down the bartender.

"What can I get you?" the man asked, over the thumping music of the club.

"I'd like a shot of Jack Daniel's with a beer chaser," replied Justin. The man nodded and went to work. Justin turned around and surveyed the swinging club. Once upon a time he would have been the first person on the dance floor. Now he felt like a whole new person. He was the same inside. It was now he just had different views on what was important.

"Here you go," said the bartender.

Justin turned around paying the man. He took the drink back to his seat. It was only a moment later he was back into deep brooding mood.

"Can I sit here?"

Justin looked up. Standing before him was a man about his age with black hair and unnatural looking black eyes. That had to be contacts because no one's eyes were that black. After a pause Justin shrugged signifying it was okay for him to sit there. The dark haired man sat down watching Justin inquisitive. Justin for his part didn't even look at the stranger. He was staring unblinking down at his drink. He just kept wondering what if?

The stranger cleared his throat getting Justin's attention. "I don't mean to pry or anything, but are you okay."

Justin shook his head. "Not really."

"My name is Ron. Do you want to talk about it?" he asked.

Justin looked at Ron with open curiosity. He didn't seem to know Justin or if he did he didn't care about the fame. Justin found himself getting lost in those inky black eyes. It wasn't as if he was attracted to Ron. It's just his eyes had to be contacts. Nobody's eyes are that black and bottomless.

Those dark eyes compelled Justin to share his secrets. He found himself doing just that. Within minutes Justin was telling Ron, a stranger, his whole story. Ron nodded along and commented at certain parts of the story. For the most part he was silent. Justin didn't need for him to talk. All he needed was a willing ear to listen.

Ron leaned forward appearing to be entranced. "So, do you know that full extent of your powers?"

"No," said Justin, shaking his head. "All I know is that it was the wizard part of me. I would sing and the next thing I know people would act all high."

"What about when you guys were ambushed by the Rohan riders. You said that they you got angry and you wrenched their spears from their hands with by will alone."

Justin nodded slowly. Mentally, he was frowning. Ron seemed really interested in the story. He hadn't even doubted him about his claims that the world of Arda might be real.

Justin crossed his arms leaning back in his chair. "Why do you believe me? You haven't even laughed at me."

Ron gave Justin a smirk. "I'm a psyche major at the University."

"So, you're trying to be a shrink or something," replied Justin.

Ron sent Justin a mysterious smile. "Lets just say I've always have been able to get inside peoples heads."

Justin narrowed his eyes a little at his tone. For some reason when he said that Justin's hair on the back of his neck stood on end. "Er -- right, I guess."

Ron didn't catch Justin's hesitation. "I'm still surprised that you tapped into the power of the Istari without the use of a staff."

Wait a minute, Justin thought. Gandalf had told him once that the proper names for wizards such as he and Saruman were called Istari. Instantly, alarm bells started to sound off inside of Justin's head. He knew for a fact that he hadn't mentioned that. He looked at Ron with wide eyes. The dark haired man gave Justin an evil grin that chilled his bones.

"I see you have finally caught on, boy."

Justin glared at Ron. "How the fuck are you!? And how in the Nine Circles of Hell did you know about the Istari! I know for a fact I didn't tell you."

Those black eyes flashed and the blackness spread. Ron's eyes turned completely black from edge to edge. Justin shuddered watching it. He schooled his emotions and put on a brave front. "Nice trick Houdini. Will you be so kind as to tell me who the fuck you are!" Ron didn't even blink an eye at Justin's anger. "Do I have to break your arms to reinforce my point."

All humor vanished from Ron's face. "Do not use such language with me, boy! You haven't figured out who I am have you?"

Justin cocked his head pretending to think. "Hmmm... Are you Barbara Strisen? No, she's better looking. How about Lord Voldemort -- "

Justin stopped talking noticing the darkening expression on Ron's face. The shadows of the club began to grow and stretch. They covered the entire room and also the dancing people. Justin didn't have time to think about it before the shadows receded and he was standing in the middle of what looked like an old throne room.

Justin paused for a moment. "Well, that was some trick. I'm guessing your not Superman."

"I am the Dark Lord Sauron. You will soon feel pain you have never before felt in your life," said Sauron, in a deep voice that sounded like the little girl from the exorcist.

He raised his arm and wave of dark energy rushed from his palm and struck Justin in the dead center of his chest. He let out a scream of pain as he was forcefully knocked backwards into a wall. He impacted the wall and slid to the ground half unconscious.

Before his eyes Ron began to change. Justin closed his eyes to block out the horrifying sight. When he opened them he let out a whimper at the sight before him. A flaming lidless eye was looking down on him.

"I will know the secret to your powers!" boomed a voice in his mind.

"Argggggghhhhhhh!" Justin screamed, thrashing wildly on the floor. He could feel him in his mind. Sauron tearing and hammering looking for something. Justin brought his hands to his head clawing at pain inside his skull. He didn't care if Middle-Earth, Legolas, Boromir, the Hobbits, or any of it were real. Justin did the only thing he could do. He screamed out for the one he loved.


There was a loud crash as a section of a wall exploded inward. Legolas tumbled into the throne room, looking the entire world bewildered. He didn't register anything else, but Justin's screams. He ran to his side and dropped to the floor. He put his hands on Justin's shoulders shaking him. "Justin! Justin!"

Justin continued to scream in pain. His eyes were shut tightly. Blood tears fell from his closed eyes. Sauron hammered at his mind relentlessly. The pain was becoming more intense by the second. Legolas' senses flared and he looked up at the flaming eye above them.

"By the One!" he said, in a breathy whisper.

His head snapped back around to Justin. "Luv. You have to get us out of here! Please Justin!"

Justin eyes opened hearing Legolas' voice for the first time. He bit his lip to hold back his screams. Justin bit down too hard drawing a thin stream of blood. Whimpers of pain still escaped his throat.

"Please Justin! Concentrate! I know you can do it," said Legolas frantically. He was truly at a loss. There was nothing he could do for his love. It was tearing at his very heart to watch him in whither agony.

Justin closed his eyes listening to Legolas. He gritted his teeth to try and sooth the pain Sauron was inflicting on him. He reached deep inside of himself for the part of him that made him a wizard. Justin had never done it before. He had only called on his powers by instinct during battle. Quickly, he tapped into the well of power and magic that was there waiting inside of him. His eyes snapped open. Legolas gasped seeing Justin's eyes glowing brighter than they had ever before.

With all his will Justin wished he and Legolas out of Sauron's grasp. He felt his power flare outwards and he knew it had worked. The throne room faded before their very eyes.

Justin and Legolas sat up in bed. Justin was breathing heavily sweat dripping down his face. They both were back in the room inside of Helm's Deep. Legolas wrapped his arms around him. "Justin are you okay?"

After a minute of getting back his breath Justin nodded. "I'm fine Las."

Legolas looked at Justin with a look akin to wonder. "You pulled me into your dream," he said.

Justin gave him a look. "Forget the pulling thingy. What I want to know is why Sauron was in my dream."

Justin leaned back into the Elf's arms. He could feel them squeeze him tighter calming him his razzled nerves. "It seems the Dark Lord has felt your power. He has set his sights on you."

Justin cleared his dry throat. "Well don't that just makes me feel all warm and tingly inside."

I was going to end with another cliffhanger too! But I felt bad for having two cliffhangers back to back. You guys lucked out. Lucky you.

So what do you think. Do you like it? If you have any comments, feedback or you just want to drop a word send them to

Next: Chapter 17

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