Destiny of an Earth

By Silvenfox

Published on Aug 12, 2003


Disclaimer: I don't know Nsync. I don't know Justin Timberlake in real life. This will be a Justin Timberlake centered story. This story is in no way meant to imply that he is homosexual in real life. This story is simply the work of a fan and is pure fiction.

I don't own The Lord of the Ring or any other works of the series. The rights of the series goes solely to the series author JRR Tolkien.

Now that's out of the way. This story appeared in my head when I was trapped in the car with my relatives for a 24-hour road trip. I was really really bored! I shudder just thinking about that trip. Anyway, if your below legal age to read this where your from, then all I can tell you is stop and don't let your parents catch you. He he that's not much of a warning, but hey what else can I do.

Now if you have any comments, feedback or you just want to drop a word. Send them to

Chapter 17

Justin and Legolas quickly put on their clothes and hurried from the room. The morning rays of the rising sun streamed through the windows of the stone hallway. They walked swiftly to the meeting room they met in yesterday. They barged into the room to see Boromir, Theoden, Aragorn, and Gimli all present. They all looked up curious, seeing them enter with such purpose.

"What has happened?" asked King Theoden, seeing their expressions.

They approached the table not sitting down. Legolas slid his hand into Justin's. "Sauron invaded Justin's dream -- "


Justin crossed his arms scowling at the memory. "He made me think I was back home. He was trying to trick me into telling him how my powers worked. Why didn't any of you tell me Sauron was a wannabe Freddy Krueger."

Aragorn was pensive with his head bowed in deep thought. "Sauron must have felt your power sometime ago."

Boromir stared at Justin scrutinizing. "I see he did not harm you."

Justin snorted. "He almost blew up my head trying to take information out of my mind."

Legolas and Legolas walked sat down in a pair of empty seats next to the Boromir and Gimli. They talked no more of Sauron. It was decided they would wait until later to analyze the meaning of his new plan. For now they had to worry about the host of 10,000 Uruk-hai that was heading their way. The army would be on them come nightfall. Theoden was still set on sending the young boys into battle despite the Fellowships arguments against it. He was dead sure that nothing could penetrate the walls of Helm's Deep.

Justin shook his head listening to the king shoot down another one of their claims. "King Theoden there is no reason for the younger boys to fight. They won't even last a full minute against an Uruk-hai. They will just be throwing away their lives."

Theoden rounded on Justin. "What would you have them do? Cower in the caves with the women folk."

Justin nodded. "Basically."

"Nonsense," replied Theoden.

Legolas narrowed his eyes at the king not liking the way he was talking to Justin. A pressure on his hand made him turn his head. Justin looked at him with a calming smile. Legolas found himself smiling back despite his earlier irritation.

Boromir rubbed his temple soothing his headache. "Are you really so set in you ways my lord that you will let innocent boys die," he asked, Theoden.

The king stood up quickly. "That is enough! I am king here and I will listen to no more of this. Be prepared. We do battle with the enemy tonight!" He marched from the room without a backward glance.

Justin rolled his eyes. "Does he always have to be so dramatic? I feel like I'm watching Susan Luchi on Days of our Lives."

Gimli snorted. "Here he goes again with his mindless dribble."

Justin gave him the finger not even looking at him. He glanced at Aragorn to see the future king stare at the table desolate. Legolas saw it too and felt a wave of guilt flood him. Justin remembered the big falling out they had last night.

Legolas gave Aragorn a kind smile. "We have trusted you this far, you have not led us astray. Forgive me. I was wrong to despair."

"Ú-moe edhored, Legolas," said Aragorn.

"What are you saying to him! Let the rest of us hear!" said Gimli, loudly.

Justin smacked the Dwarf on the arm. "Gimli, calm down! All he said was there is nothing to forgive. Sheesh! Go take a Midol or something."

The others hid their smiles, as Gimli grumbled something about know it all men. Justin tapped his foot impatiently. These thoughts of war and battle were making him jittery. On top of that the thought of Sauron invading his mind was weighing upon him heavily. "So are we just going to wait here for the enemy?"

Boromir pounded the table with his fist. "Siren's right! We need to be helping and preparing."

"Then let us prepare," said Aragorn, in a commanding tone.

"Way to state the obvious, Professor Snape," muttered Justin non-to quietly.

Aragorn ignored his remark as they stood up and exited the room. Justin intentionally avoided Legolas' eyes. He knew the Elf didn't like it when he goaded Aragorn. Justin couldn't help it. The ranger was such an easy target. He reminded him of Cyclops from the X-Men. Both of them were leadership oriented and uptight. They walked to the open court of the keep that was on the ground floor. People were being outfitted with armor and swords from the armory. They all split up to help wherever they could. A small space was cleared allowing warriors to practice with their swords.

Justin was just watching not seeing anyway he could help. Legolas was helping the archers. Aragorn was teaching some of the kid's proper sword techniques. Gimli was off being Gimli. Which meant he was near the gate telling them to reinforce it with Dwarf ingenuity. Boromir came up beside Justin and nudged him with his elbow.

"Hey, you. How about some sword practice?"

"Sure. Why not," replied Justin, shrugging.

They walked to the circle getting a good distance away from each other. Justin unsheathed the Dawnbringer from its scabbard at his side. The sword gleamed as the sun hit the blade, making it shine softly. Justin grinned at Boromir who grinned right back. They settled into fighting stances and without warning they charged at each other. Justin went into what he called Highlander mode. He didn't have any idea as to what he was doing, but his body just reacted instinctively. Justin met Boromir's swings and strikes with well met ones of his own. They both knew that if this was a real battle Justin's killer instincts would have kicked in and annihilated Boromir.

Boromir gave Justin a look that said let's kick it up. Justin smirked in answer. The sparring match speeded up and they stopped going half speed. Justin swung his sword hard and knocked Boromir's sword away. It skidded across the stone ground a few feet away. Boromir held up his hands admitting defeat, as Justin held the Dawnbringer to his throat.

Justin sheathed his sword. "I know. I'm just too good."

Boromir walked over to his sword picking it up off the ground. "You just got lucky. It won't happen all the time."

"Yeah. Yeah. You talk a good, but you can't walk the walk." Justin paused and thought over what he just said. He made a face. "Remind me to never say that again. Pretend that I was just having a really ugly Elementary school flashback."

Justin looked up to see Legolas walking along the castle wall giving the archers directions. He literally felt his heart quicken in his chest. The sunlight had caught Legolas form making him almost glow. To Justin he was an ethereal beauty from heaven. Sensing he was being watched, Legolas looked around him. He gazed down and met Justin's eyes. He mouthed I love you. Justin mouthed it back, blushing at the how intense the Elf's gaze was.

"Do you two ever stop," said Boromir, in pretend exasperation.

Justin grinned at his friend. "Are you jealous, Bo?"

Boromir smiled back. "You wish. You can't handle me. I would..."

Justin blushed heavily listening to Boromir go on. It was official now. He had been spending way too much time with Boromir. He had picked up almost all of Justin's mannerisms and bad habits.

The day quickly past because of all the battle planning going on. The Fellowship stood together in the meeting room when they heard the piercing sound of a horn go through the air. They rushed outside. People started to immediately panic thinking it was an Orc horn. Legolas looked into the air listening intently.

"That is no Orc horn!" he said, assuredly.

A guard standing on the wall yelled down from above. "Send for the king! Open the gate!"

The gate opened and to everyone's disbelief an army composed entirely of Elves marched in. Justin was suddenly reminded of the troops from Earth. These Elves would have done the Army's drill team proud. Not one of them was off step. They marched in perfect synchronization.

Theoden rushed down the stairs in full armor. He looked at the army awed. "How is this possible?"

An Elf that the Fellowship instantly recognized broke from the army to greet the king. Haldir gave them a brief smile before turning his attention to the king. "I bring word from Elrond of Rivendell. An alliance once existed between Elves and Men. Long ago we fought and died together. We come to honor that allegiance."

Aragorn smiled gratefully at Haldir. "You are most welcome!"

Justin once again had to prevent the urge from saying something to Aragorn. Haldir was talking to Theoden and Aragorn once again acted like he was king and just butted in.

Haldir turned to all the watching people. "We are proud to fight alongside men once more."

Justin blushed again for the third time that day. Haldir looked at him with a tender expression. "It is good to see you again, Justin."

Legolas moved in front of Justin, frowning at the other Elf. "We thank you for coming to our aide."

Haldir gave Legolas a leveled look before turning back to his men. He directed them to take up posts along the walls. Justin tossed Legolas a reprimanding look before turning and following the elf-troops and the Fellowship to the upper wall.

The sun was rapidly going down and soon darkness was upon them. Saruman's army could be seen approaching in the distance. Everyone stood ready to fight. Gimli looked up, frustrated, for his head stood well below the wall, and he couldn't see a thing.

"Argh... could you have picked a better spot," he said, condescendingly.

Boromir, Legolas, and Justin shared looks with each other hiding their grins. Aragorn approached them a resolute expression fixed upon his face. He had come from speaking with the king.

Gimli gave them some last minute advice. "Well lads, whatever luck you live by, let's hope it lasts the night."

Justin snorted thinking Gimli's advice was not that helpful. Thunder clashed loudly a warning for the rain to come. Aragorn turned to the Elven troops with his I'm the leader face on. Justin had to admit he did look very confident and commanding.

"A Eruchin, u-dano i faelas a hyn, an uben tanatha le faelas," shouted Aragorn, loudly.

'Good final last words,' thought Justin. Aragorn had told them show them no mercy for you shall receive none.

The Uruk-hai stopped a little distance away from the Deeping Wall. They gazed upon the keep growling and spitting angrily, but they didn't move.

Gimli huffed impatiently. "What is happening?"

Legolas looked down at him slyly. "Shall I describe it to you? Or would you like me to find you a box?"

Gimli laughed heartily. Justin and Boromir laughed too. Justin could remember when Gimli would have took offense to that and gone after Legolas axe swinging wildly. The Uruk-hai growled louder and together they started stomping their spears on the ground. Aragorn drew his sword and the elf-soldiers put their arrows to their bows. The humans copied although not doing it as gracefully as the Elves.

Justin saw it right as it happened. An old man got frightened and accidentally let an arrow fire. Aragorn put up his hand in warning. "Hold!"

'Aragorn must have forgot that Uruks don't listen to him,' Justin thought. The arrow hit an Orc and it fell over dead. The Uruks screamed in anger and with a mighty cry they charged the wall.

Justin gripped the Dawnbringer tightly praying this wasn't the end. 'Time for a quote, I think,' thought Justin, somewhat in shock at the approaching army. "Fuuuuuuuuccccckkkkk mmmmeeeeeeeeeeeee......"

I had to leave here so I can save all the action for the next chapter. It will be good! Hahahaahah! I'm getting all excited thinking about it. I suddenly feel the need to put on, 'It's Almost Over Now' by: N.E.R.D. I always thought that made a good fight song.

So what do you think. Do you like it? If you have any comments, feedback oryou just want to drop a word send them to

Next: Chapter 18

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