Destiny of an Earth

By Silvenfox

Published on Dec 23, 2003


Disclaimer: I don't know Nsync. I don't know Justin Timberlake in real life. This will be a Justin Timberlake centered story. Also this story is in no way meant to imply that he is homosexual in real life. This piece of literature is simply the work of a fan and is pure fiction.

I don't own The Lord of the Rings or any other works of the series. The rights of the series goes solely to the series author JRR Tolkien.

Now that's out of the way. This story appeared in my head when I was trapped in the car with my relatives for a 24-hour road trip. I was really really bored! I shudder just thinking about that trip. Anyway, if your below legal age to read this where your from, then all I can tell you is stop and don't let your parents catch you. He he that's not much of a warning, but hey what else can I do.

Now if you have any comments, feedback or you just want to drop a word. Send them to

Author Note: In the last chapter I typed in 'Harry' instead of Justin. I'm sorry about that. I was watching Harry Potter in the Chamber of Secrets while I was typing.

Chapter 21

The company didn't go to sleep for the rest of the night. Some time during the night the once barren river of Isen had been reborn. Water had rushed downstream and filled the empty bank again with blue water. At dawn they made ready to go. Justin yawned loudly as he rode horse back in between Legolas and Boromir. The sun was barely out and a heavy fog hung in the air, making the scenery a dreary gray color.

Justin was never a morning person. Getting up early still was somewhat of an odd feeling even though he had been doing it for years now. With Gandalf's guidance the company made it to Isengard after miles of riding and no mishaps. The once green, well-tended acres of Isengard were much different these days. The grass was long and weeds grew wild across the lawn.

Slowly, their final destination came into view. Nestled next to a mountain range within the Wizard's Vale, a sheltered valley open only to the south, was the tower of Isengard. More commonly known as the tower of Orthanc, currently the citadel of Saruman. It was tall, black with four piers fused together and their pinnacles looked sharp as knives. Justin could tell that this tower was once a tribute to men's architectural skills, now it was a symbol of evil.

"What has happened here?" questioned Aragorn.

Indeed what had happened to Isengard they wondered as they galloped through the Great Arch. It seemed as if the great sea had simply fallen from the sky and laid ruin to everything. Crate's, broken gear, casks, beams, and other objects floated along in the water. All the roads were drowned and their horses waded through the water, hoofs hitting the stone road under the water. Ahead of them shrouded in steam or mist was the tower of Orthanc, looking like an island with the clear water lapping at its base.

'What the hell was this?' Justin wondered looking to a great chasm that had been filled with water. Steam was rising from the area making it resemble a steaming lake.

"Has the power of Saruman been overthrown?" asked Eomer aloud.

The company sat silent, staring in marvel at the sight around them. No one had the answer to Eomer's question. It seemed that Saruman had been stopped, but by whom they didn't know. They turned their eyes to the archway and the destroyed gates. Lying on a pile of rubble beside them were two gray cloaked, small figures. Two small familiar figures.

"Merry! Pippin!"

Both were laid back on the rubble as if contended from a large feast. Which they probably had judging from the empty platters scattered around them. Pippin was chewing on a piece of meat and Merry was lounging back with a pipe in mouth, which blew thin rings of blue smoke into the air. Pippin sat up but Merry stood all the way up both was smiling widely at their old friends.

"Welcome, my lords and friends, to Isengard!" exclaimed Merry loudly, placing his hand on his heart and bowing low with an indulgent grin on his face. "We are the doorwardens. I am Meriadoc son of Sarodac and this is my companion, Peregrin son of Paladin. Saruman is within, closeted with one Wormtongue."

All except for Gandalf stared at them in wonder. He merely laughed at Merry's antics. "Was it Saruman who ordered you to guard the damage doors? And welcome guests when your attention is diverted from plate and bottle."

Merry shook his head, blue smoke whirling about. "No, my orders come straight from the eldest of the Ents, Treebeard. It is by his and the will of the Ents that Isengard now sits in ruins. He was the one who commanded me to welcome the King of Rohan with welcoming words. I think I did a superb job if I do say so myself."

Gimli couldn't hold himself any longer. He exploded, "Why you little rascals! We have searched day and night, through forest and countryside. Here we find you sitting about smoking and eating, eating... "

"Salted pork," offered Pippin, speaking for the first time. He smiled at them lazily.

Boromir shook his head a large smile playing on his face. "I must say that Gimli speaks for me too. I don't know whether to be joyous to see you alive or filled with rage."

"I echo his sentiments," laughed Legolas.

Justin didn't care what they were doing he was just happy to see them. He jumped from his horse and sloshed through the water to the pile of rubble. He scurried up the pile and pulled the halflings into a big embrace. The hobbits had always held a special place in Justin's heart because of their always optimistic and humorous nature they exuberated during the quest. Everyone watched with smiles as the friends reunited.

"Where is Treebeard, Merry?" asked Gandalf. "I must speak with him."

Pippin pointed in a direction where the sounds of distant rumbling could be heard. "He's over there with the other Ents doing something or another. I forget."

Gandalf lifted his eyebrows in surprise. "Is Orthanc left unguarded?"

Merry shook his head. "Goodness no. He left Quickbeam to watch the tower. See him over there next to that pile of rocks."

Justin looked over and sure enough there was a tall gray Ent. He was standing as still as a tree with his arms at his side. A perfect guardsman.

"Treebeard told me to tell the Lord of Rohan and Gandalf when ye arrived to meet him by the northern wall. There is food fit for a king such as yourself there when you arrive."

Gandalf nodded, turning his horse. "Then let us go and meet him. Theoden I must say that when you meet Treebeard you will learn much for he is the very Ent that Fangorn Forest is named for."

"I shall go and converse with him then." Theoden nodded to the Hobbits. "Farewell, new friends. I will talk to you later at a much more pleasant time."

The king and company rode off to the northern wall. Aragorn, Boromir, Gimli, Legolas, and Justin remained behind to reacquaint themselves with their hobbit companions.

"So how was it that you came to be here?" asked Aragorn, once they all had left their horses and sat on top of the pile of rubble with the Hobbits. They passed food around and watched the stars in the sky.

"That is what I would like to know," voiced Boromir. "We tracked you into Fangorn and then from there your tracks disappeared."

Merry and Pippin looked at each other their ever-present grins on their faces. "Shall I start Pippin or do you want the honor?" Merry asked cordially.

"No, be my guest," responded Pippin pompously.

"Are you sure because I think you would tell it much better."

"No, I must decline. You would tell our tale with more gusto."

"Honestly? I really feel--"

"Would you two just tell the story!" yelled Gimli his cheeks puffing up with a barely checked anger. His eyes flashed as he shot the two smiling hobbits fiery looks.

Merry looked bored, but Justin could see that he was enjoying getting such a reaction from Gimli. Which was exactly what they wanted in the first place. "After those Uruk-Hai captured us we thought we were goners because they wanted to take us to Isengard, so Saruman could interrogate us. I guess it was only nine days ago that we were captured. But it seems so much longer."

Aragorn reached into his cloak and pulled out a pair of sheathed daggers and a brooch leaf, the gifts from the Elves of Lorien. "Here are your treasures that you lost. I have kept them safe for you till this moment. It was very smart of you Pippin to drop your brooch for us to find."

They took the gifts gratefully. Pippin pinned the brooch to the knot of his cloak where it belonged. "I thought I would never see this again. It was a shame that I had to part from it, but it was all we could think of to leave as a marker."

"Aye, it was very smart of you," said Boromir, ruffling Pippin's curly, brown hair.

"I'm guessing you ended up in Fangorn after you escaped from the Orcs," theorized Justin. "How though did you meet Treebeard and end up here? 'Cause I have to say this is the least place I expected to find you two."

Merry chewed on his salted pork thoughtfully. "We wandered around in Fangorn for a while until we came upon Gandalf. I must admit we were very surprised he was alive."

"Us too," laughed Justin. "He went and pulled a Michael Myers. Right when you think he's gone... Bam! He's back and badder than ever..." he trailed off, noticing the looks he was getting.

Merry and Pippin both laughed. "Its good to see that you haven't changed since our separation," said Pippin.

Justin shrugged smiling, moving closer to Legolas. The elf slipped his arm around Justin's waist. Merry continued. "Gandalf left us with Treebeard saying there was something else that called him. Treebeard as the oldest and wisest Ent called an Entmoot. Which is a council of Ents. They voted on whether or not they should go to war."

"And they agreed, right?" inquired Aragorn, glancing around at the destruction.

Merry chuckled. "No, they didn't. They voted no, saying that it was mans problem and not theirs. They dispersed and Treebeard put us on his shoulders to take us to the western borders, so we could go North back to the Shire. Pippin told him to go south, saying that we would rather fight. When we came upon Isengard... let me tell you, the Ents may look slow and gentle... but you would never want to get one riled up. One look at all the Orcs of Isengard cutting down trees and burning them, Treebeard blew up with anger. He put his hands to his mouth and let out a sound that was so beautiful and deadly that I dare not try to make again. Ents from the Entmoot appeared from the forest in minutes. They saw the destruction and they too were enraged. That was the moment the Ents joined the war."

Gimli whistled lowly, "I wouldn't wish to have those creatures mad if this damage was caused all by them."

Merry shook his head negative. "No, you wouldn't. They attacked Orthanc with a vengeance. They hit and beat at it, but the tower stood strong. There must be some magic in those old black stones. The Ents after awhile gathered together and went to the dam that held back the waters of Isen. They pounded and tore till the dam burst and waters poured out, washing away the stench of Orcs and their evil machinery. The waters filled all the holes and caves destroying everything. Saruman saw the Ents outside and because the waters blocked all entrances he was trapped inside his black tower."

"Earlier, you said that Wormtongue was trapped inside there too. How is that? How did he get here?" asked Legolas.

"He only appeared this morning hours before you. Treebeard looked to the south and announced that a visitor would be arriving. We thought it would be you, but we were surprised when he rode up the road. One look at the new Isengard had him gaping like a fish out of water. He announced himself as Grima Wormtongue, the advisor to the King of Rohan. He said he was here on important business."

"I knew right away he was lying," boasted Pippin. "I told Treebeard so too. He locked Grima up in the tower with his master, Saruman. There was something a little too sneaky about that man, I knew he was evil."

Boromir stood up suddenly. "I would like to look around the Ring of Isengard that Orthanc stands in. I can see from here that the waters surrounding Orthanc are receding. Maybe we might be able to go inside the tower."

They got up and passed through a ruined tunnel. All around the base of the tower were turned over pillars and other wreckage. Slime and puddles of water dotted the land. Coming to meet them from the North, picking their way through the waste was the Rohirrim. The Riders of Rohan halted seeing them approach, walking carefully so as they do not fall into any hidden pits.

Gandalf rode to meet them. "Treebeard and I have talked much about what is to be done. After I have a discussion with Saruman we should make our way back to the Golden Hall in Edoras. Those of you who wish to come with me to see Saruman may. But I must warn you I will not tolerate jest or antics of the like. Saruman may be weakened but he still has some power and can be dangerous so beware his voice."

Gandalf gave Justin and the Hobbits long looks as he said this. Justin faked a hurt look smiling at Gandalf. They went to the only entrance door the tower had. It was very high and a set of long stairs led up to it. Windows were positioned in various spots along the tower. Gandalf and Theoden dismounted their horses.

"Who shall come with us?" asked Gandalf.

"Eomer will come with me," said Theoden for Eomer. His nephew nodded and dismounted his own horse, leaving the Riders of Rohan. They sat on their horses looking at their leader and king with dismay for their safety.

"Aragorn too will come with me then," said Gandalf.

Justin felt like he was in game of neighborhood football and Gandalf and Theoden were Captains picking their teammates. Gimli huffed himself up importantly. "Myself and Legolas will come to represent our kindred."

Justin stood next to Legolas and crossed his arms defiantly. "If Legolas goes then I go." He looked around as if daring someone to say something to this. Legolas looked at him with a small grin.

"And as the eldest son of Steward Denethor II of Gondor then I shall come too."

"Then let us go," said Gandalf.

They started forward up the stairs, leaving the Riders and the two Hobbits at the bottom of the steps. Gandalf stood before the door of Orthanc and beat on it with his white staff. It rang with a hollow sound. "Saruman, Saruman!" he cried in a loud commanding voice. "Saruman come forth!"

"What is it that you want?" cried a voice from the window above the door.

They all recognized that voice. The oily voice of one Grima Wormtongue the once ill advisor of the Lord of Rohan. Gandalf didn't have patience with the traitor. He glared up at the man through the window.

"Remove yourself from my sight! Go and fetch your master you slimy rodent!" shouted Gandalf.

They didn't even see him approach. A figure appeared standing at the rail. He was dressed in a great cloak that shifted with the light and his beard and hair were a startling white not unlike Gandalf's own white tresses. His forehead was long and his dark eyes glittered with a hidden light.

"Why do you bother me and disturb my rest?" said a gentle voice.

The voice was like music. A soft enchanting sound that lifted their hearts and entranced their minds. They looked up as if hypnotized by the soothing voice of comfort. All other voices they've ever heard in their lives sounded dirty and insignificant compared to this voice. They would each gladly give their lives to only hear this voice once more in their lifetime. None of them moved. All stood still with a silly smile present on their faces.

"Hello, Gandalf my old friend and I see you have brought others with you. I recognize the Lord of Rohan. Welcome most noble king of the Mark. Welcome to Isengard! Are you here to ask for my aid my friends? You all know that it is I who alone has the power to aid you in this darkest hour. What will it be neighbor and once friend?"

"What trickery is this?" broke in Gimli suddenly.

"Quiet! Gimli son of Gloin," said Saruman his black eyes glittering dangerously for a second before it vanished behind a mask of calm once more. "Theoden King what will it be? Do you wish peace?"

Theoden as well as the others seemed unable to speak. His mouth opened but no words came out. He looked like what he was about to say was taking a lot of effort to form into words. "Yes, we will have peace... Peace when your reign of evil is put to an end! Rohan will never again consider you a friend. You are a corrupter of men's hearts and only but a lowly servant of Mordor! Your voice charms no one anymore."

The Riders looked like they had been shaken out of a dream. They stared at Saruman with a new look of hatred. Justin too had broken from his trance. He looked up at Saruman surprised at what had just happened. The once great wizard drew himself to full height no longer looking like a broken old man full of peace. He gazed down at them icily, his black staff in full view.

"Idiots! All of you! Especially you Theoden King! You were once so easy to manipulate! Grown a brain and a backbone lately! Edoras shall fall yet if it's the last thing I do," he thundered. Saruman composed himself gazing down at Gandalf. He smiled silkily.

"Gandalf my old friend, you would never go against me. It was only by haste actions that our last meeting ended so... badly. I regret my unneeded actions. We need to stick together. As Istari and members of the White Council..." He put the words on thick, weaving the magic around his carefully worded sentences. All again were entranced. Justin wasn't however; he had seen the light and knew wizard's false power hid in his charmed words.

Gandalf let out a long laugh that was filled with amusement. The fantasy vanished and the company snapped from their trance like state. Justin raised his eyebrow not getting the joke. He looked back and forth between the laughing wizard and the annoyed one.

Did I miss something?' wondered Justin. Gandalf must really be losing his mind.'

"Saruman your words hold no more charm! You are but a jester in a court of nobility. Your words are just that, words. Stop speaking false promises and surrender now. Will you come down now, seeing as you are defeated? Your tower is no more and your neighbors are your enemies. Even your master is angry with you! His wraith will soon rain down on you for the lie you wove of the false captured Ring-bearer."

Saruman looked down at Gandalf haughtily. His face was twisted with rage and his eyes narrowed with unchecked anger. "I surrender?" He screamed. "Do you not remember your place, Gandalf the Grey! I am your superior! I am the Head of the White Council! You think you can fill my shoes. Don't make me laugh!" He was clenching his black staff in a white knuckled grip, leaning against the iron rail an enraged look on his face.

Gandalf dropped all pretenses. "Saruman, you fool, behold!" he said, voice growing louder with power and loudness. Justin took a step back feeling a sudden outpour of power come from the wizard.

Justin looked wide-eyed at the new man before him. This was Gandalf the White, showing his true power. The power of a Maia those spirits that descended into Middle-Earth at its beginning. They were lesser stature than the Valar but their powers were formidable to behold.

"Behold Saruman, I am not Gandalf the Grey, but Gandalf the White. I have returned from death more wise and powerful than before. You have no color now. I cast you from the Order and from the Council."

He raised his hand and Justin leaned into Legolas as a shiver made its way up his body. The power that Gandalf was putting out was doing a number to his, `spidey sense'. Legolas could feel Justin's tremors and he put his arm around him. He too could feel the power rolling off of Gandalf like waves. He had never witnessed Mithrandir (Grey Wanderer) display so much power. Even when facing the Balrog in Moria was Gandalf this strong.

Gandalf spoke in a clear cold voice that sent everyone into a trance of wonder. He raised his hand slowly, "Your staff is broken," there was a loud cracking sound and Saruman's staff exploded into pieces. The head landed near their feet. "You are defeated so go!"

Saruman fell backwards from the force of the words that knocked him to the ground. He scurried back from the railing and out of their sight. Gandalf stopped exhibiting his power and he gazed up with a satisfied look on his face.

"Watch out!"

A shinning object fell from a higher window. It narrowly missed Gandalf's head and hit a stair, cracking the stone step before rolling down the remaining steps into a pool of water by the riders.

"Oi! I'll get it!" said Pippin, chasing it quickly.

They looked up at the window that was above the railing. Grima looked out, glaring coldly. Justin narrowed his eyes and held up his hand. "Back!" he whispered.

Grima let out a squeak as he was pushed back by an invisible force in his chest. The shutter windows swung close with a loud slam.

"Good job," commented Legolas softly, squeezing his waist.

"I have it! I have it!" Pippin said excitedly bouncing up the stairs, carrying a heavy object. Held in his arms was a dark globe that glittered like crystal, but was glowing as the inside held a beckoning fiery light.

"Fool of a Took!" said Gandalf, hastily taking the globe from Pippin. Justin bit his tongue as he got a good look at the globe. There was something evil and foreboding about it. Something black and evil called out to him to touch it and hold it.

Whatever it was almost seemed... familiar.

Gandalf saw Justin's gaze and hurriedly wrapped the orb inside the folds of his cloak. He spoke to his companions quickly. "We're done here. Let's go. Saruman will regret that this treasure is gone from his clutches."

**************************************** That's seems like a good place to stop. I saw Return of the King, Saturday. It's as good as everyone says it is. The battle scenes were even better than the Two Towers. Legolas blew my breath away. I had this goofy grin on my face every time he had a close-up. If you haven't seen it go and see it for it's an exceeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllennnnnnnnnnnt movie.

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Next: Chapter 22

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