Destiny of an Earth

By Silvenfox

Published on Jan 9, 2004


Disclaimer: I don't know Nsync. I don't know Justin Timberlake in real life. This will be a Justin Timberlake centered story. Also this story is in no way meant to imply that he is homosexual in real life. This piece of literature is simply the work of a fan and is pure fiction.

I don't own The Lord of the Rings or any other works of the series. The rights of the series goes solely to the series author J.R.R. Tolkien.

Now that's out of the way. This story appeared in my head when I was trapped in the car with my relatives for a 24-hour road trip. I was really really bored! I shudder just thinking about that trip. Anyway, if your below legal age to read this where your from, then all I can tell you is stop and don't let your parents catch you. He he that's not much of a warning, but hey what else can I do.

If you have any comments, feedback or you just want to drop a word. Send them to

Chapter 22

The company set out from Isengard, their destination Helm's Deep. The Fellowship caught Pippin and Merry up on the details that had transpired in their absence. The sun sat high in the sky by the time they rode through Helm's Gate, entering the stronghold. They made it without any strange events unlike the previous trip.

The soldiers and civilian people still in the keep gathered around the returning company as they dismounted their horses. Justin could almost feel the excitement and joy in the air from the people gathered. He wasn't the only one because everyone too in the returning group wore a smile on their face.

King Theoden stood before his people with the company around him. With a smile on his bearded face, Theoden stretched his arms wide and said loudly, "Behold, people of Rohan! We come back to you in this hour victorious! Much grief is felt for the fallen that died in the last battle, but let us rejoice because their deaths were not in vain! For the battle was won and more news of joy is here... the White Wizard Saruman, who sent the army of Uruk-Hai, has been cast down and defeated!"

Justin grinned at the applause and wild cheering that filled the air at the end of Theoden's last sentence.

Theoden held up his hand and it became silent once more. "This night let's celebrate our victory! Let us dance and eat till we can't anymore for this is a day that shall be remembered forever!"

There was a loud shout and even louder cheering filled the air. If there was one thing the people of Rohan knew how to do, realized Justin. They sure knew how to party. For within in hour the refuge of Helm's Deep was brimming with loud cheering and singing of enjoyment.

The main part of the party took place in the Hall of Hornburg, the large great hall that resided in the castle part of the refuge. Justin sat with Legolas, Boromir, Gimli, and Aragorn amidst the wild celebration. They laughed as Merry and Pippin linked arms and did a little dance on top of a table, while singing a beer song. The spectators laughed and clapped along in rhyme to the song they sung. Everyone was finally at ease and even Theoden was laughing at the Hobbits' antics.

Gimli nudged Justin with his elbow from where he sat between he and Boromir. "Perhaps you can grant us with a song, lad? It has been awhile since we've have had the pleasure of hearing that singing voice of yours."

"Yeah, go ahead Siren. It has indeed been a long time," urged Boromir.

Justin smiled and looked to Legolas. "What do you think, Legolas? Should I do it?"

"You know I always love to hear your beautiful voice," smiled Legolas.

Justin rolled his eyes, smiling. "You're such a charmer, Legolas Greenleaf."

Justin stood up on the table and the hall quieted when they saw him standing so patiently upon the table. Justin smiled at them and said, "In my land, I'm a performer of sorts. I thought I'd sing you a song that I like. It's somewhat of a victory song in my land.

I've paid my dues, time after time I've done my sentence, but committed no crime And bad mistakes, I've made a few I've had my share of sand, kicked in my face But I've come through

And I need to go on and on and on and on We are the champions, my friend And we'll keep on fighting till the end We are the champions, We are the champions No time for losers 'cos we are the champions of the world

I've taken my bows, and my curtain calls You've bought me fame and fortune And everything that goes with it... I thank you all But it's been no bed of roses, no pleasure cruise I consider it a challenge before the whole human race And I ain't gonna lose

And I need to go on and on and on and on We are the champions, my friend And we'll keep on fighting till the end We are the champions, We are the champions No time for losers 'cos we are the champions of the world"

At this point it seemed the crowd had picked up the rhythm and the repetitive lyrics. Justin grinned as everyone joined along, singing the song with him. Even Gimli was singing while slugging down a tankard of ale, letting dribbles of liquid fly through the air.

"We are the champions, my friend And we'll keep on fighting till the end We are the champions, We are the champions No time for losers, 'cos we are the champions"

Justin had realized that his power came from his voice weeks ago. This time when singing, he was careful to only use his natural singing talents instead of weaving his magic in the words of his song. Justin bowed before the applauding crowd who whistled and shouted their heartfelt approval of the song. Justin smiled politely waving off the shouts of 'again' and 'one more song'. He descended from the table and plopped back down in his seat in-between Gimli and Legolas.

"That was beautiful, luv," said Legolas sincerely.

"Thanks, Las," replied Justin, giving him a soft kiss. The others responded after that, voicing their own compliments of his song.

The celebration lasted well into the night. It was late when they were shown to a room. The rooms were full because of all the people staying at the refuge, so that meant everyone had to share a room. The Fellowship was split up with Gimli, Legolas, Aragorn, and Justin sharing one room and Gandalf, Merry, Pippin, and Boromir sharing another.

Justin lay on the floor curled up with Legolas. The Elf was in the meditative state that all Elves go into instead of sleeping. Legolas stared unblinkingly up at the ceiling walking through the waking dreams, as it was sometimes called. For some reason, Justin couldn't go to sleep. His mind was stuck on that dark globe that Gandalf took from Saruman. The globe that seemed to glow with an inner fiery light that beckoned him to grab it.

'Something about that damn ball seems so familiar...' thought Justin, as he laid beside Legolas, his head resting on the Elf's shoulder. Justin sighed, turning over restlessly. The urge to just go and grab the globe from Gandalf was overwhelming.

"Curiosity killed the cat, Timberlake," Justin muttered to himself aloud to the empty air. He grinned slowly and whispered, "...But satisfaction brought him back."

Justin pulled back the furs covering him and Legolas and stood up. All he had to do was go to the room Gandalf slept in and grab the globe. He just wanted to hold the globe. It wouldn't hurt anyone...

Justin crept to the door and suddenly there was a loud shriek that drifted through the air and effectively awoke everyone in the hall. Justin jumped as the sleeping people in the room shot up, jolted from their sleep. They didn't question why he was already up, since Justin had ran from the room in the direction of the scream with his roommates right behind him on his heels.

They followed the scream to the room that was shared by the other half of the Fellowship. They burst open the door and stopped at the sight before them. Pippin was screaming uncontrollably with the globe clenched in his hands. The shocking thing was... the globe was on fire. The flaming globe was held in Pippin's hands and the poor Hobbit seemed that he couldn't let go of it. Boromir, Merry, and Gimli were trying to help Pippin but he kept moving, trying to wrestle free from the globe's hold on him.

Aragorn rushed into the room and with great difficulty yanked the flaming globe from Pippin's hands. Aragorn wrestled with the sphere till he pinned it on the ground and Gandalf threw a gray cloth over it. Justin rushed to Pippin's side, whom had collapsed after Aragorn took the globe.

Gandalf rounded on the unconscious Pippin with an angry look. "Fool of a Took!" he said harshly. His expression softened when he saw Pippin lying on the floor knocked out.

They crowded around Pippin as Gandalf knelt at his side. Justin bit his lip staring worriedly at the Hobbit. He glanced at Legolas whom mirrored his own worried expression. Justin could have hit himself. If he had got here sooner that would have been him lying in Pippin's place. Gandalf placed his hand on Pippin's forehead after checking his breathing. At the touch, Pippin eyes snapped open and he bolted up suddenly awakening.

It is not for you, Saruman!" Pippin said in a harsh voice, as if in a trance. "I'll send for it at once." Then he squirmed and struggled to get away, but Gandalf held him firmly.

"Peregrin Took," Gandalf said authoritatively, "Come back!"

Pippin collapsed and cried, "Gandalf! I'm so sorry, forgive me."

"Forgive you for what?" Gandalf asked his voice soft yet held a twinge of worry. "What have you done?"

"I took the ball and looked at it, and I saw horrible things," Pippin said. "And then he came and questioned me. He was looking at me, and I could not get away."

'Who the hell is -he-?!' thought Justin curious. He, whomever he was seemed like someone Gandalf knew, judging from his reaction and the reactions of everyone else near by.

"What did you see and what did you say?" Gandalf asked sternly.

Pippin visibly cringed as he squeezed his eyes shut and did not answer. Everyone stared at him in silence, but Merry turned away.

Gandalf just looked into his face with a hard expression and said, "Speak!"

Pippin spoke in a soft voice that cracked with fear, "I saw a dark sky and battlements. There were things with wings flying around the battlements. They looked like bats, and I think there were nine of them. One of them started flying towards me, and then he came. He did not speak, but I understood."

"'So you have come back?' he said. 'Why have you not reported for so long?' When I did not answer, he asked, 'Who are you?' I did not answer, but it hurt me terribly, so I said, 'A Hobbit.' Then he saw me and laughed at me. He said we would meet again soon and that I should tell Saruman that I was not for him, but that he would send for me at once.

When he was gloating, and I thought I would die in the fire till I awoke and you were here," said Pippin the fear and terror still lingering in his voice.

Gandalf looked deeply into his eyes, and then finally sighed and released him. "Very well," Gandalf said. "You were not harmed, and there is no lie in you. You were fortunate he did not hold you long. The next time your palms itch, tell me."

Pippin shuddered and cringed with guilt, and Gandalf's expression thawed.

"Be at peace, Pippin. I forgive you," Gandalf said giving the Hobbit a kind smile and a pat on the head.

Gandalf stood and ordered Merry to look after Pippin. The others followed him out of the room and they entered the great hall. Gandalf stood near the window with the cloth-covered globe.

"Gandalf, what just happened?" asked Aragorn.

"Pippin will be fine," Gandalf said. "In a few days he won't remember what he saw. Sauron did not find out any information from him."

Justin sucked in a quiet breath. That was why the power from the globe had felt familiar to him. He was feeling Sauron's power surrounding the reflecting ball. The power that he had been captured and tortured by in his dreams only a few short days ago in this very keep.

"Sauron discovered nothing of great importance. If anything, we now know that Sauron has not yet found out about the destruction of Isengard. Sauron is now under the impression that Saruman has briefly used the Palantír to frighten the hobbit that is in his custody. The Dark Lord has probably all already sent out his sentinels, the Ringwraiths, to Isengard. This may indeed work in our favor for Saruman doesn't have the Ring-bearer and Saruon thinks he does and that shall pit evil against evil."

"What is a Ringwraith?" asked Justin, wondering why everyone seemed to tense up at the word.

Boromir placed his hand on Justin's shoulder, turning to him. "Nazgûl are their true name. The word Nazgûl comes from the Black Speech and translates into 'Ringwraith'. The Nazgûl are the nine Men who were corrupted by the power of Sauron's Nine Rings in the Second Age. The Rings transformed them into his dark and deathless servants. The Nine."

"Oh," said Justin simply fully now comprehending.

Gandalf nodded agreeing, seeing Justin had understood. "I am happy that I did not look into the Palantír earlier. I fear that in a battle of wills with Sauron, I would have lost. Sauron does not know of my new status and power now and that will work in our favor, for he thinks he is still dealing with Gandalf the Gray."

Justin pointed to the covered globe held by Gandalf and said, "What exactly is that thing anyway? It looks like some kind of fake ass crystal ball."

Gandalf smiled slightly at Justin's phrasing. "This is called a Palantír. There are more like this one and they are called the Stones of Seeing; powerful crystalline globes that enable their users to witness events and communicate with one another over great distances. Seven of these were brought to Middle-earth by Elendil, the first High King of the two kingdoms Arnor and Gondor. They are older than either Sauron or Saruman. Saruman must have found this one and was trapped by Sauron one day while he was gazing into it."

Gandalf paused and looked at Aragorn, realizing that he was in the room with a descendent of Elendil's line. "Will you take the Orthanc stone and guard it? It is a dangerous charge."

"Dangerous, yes," Aragorn agreed solemn, "but not to all. There is one who may claim it by right, for this is surely the Palantír of Orthanc from the treasury of Elendil, set here by the Kings of Gondor. Now my hour draws near, I will take it. I claim the stone by birthright and forever more I shall be its protector."

Gandalf looked at Aragorn, and bowed as he presented the stone to him, to the surprise of everyone. "Receive it, lord," Gandalf said. "But if I may council you on the use of your own, do not use it... yet."

"Hold up!"

Everyone snapped their heads around to Justin, whom was staring at Aragorn not even noticing their stares. Justin pointed to the Ranger accusingly and said, "It was barely a month ago, you were claiming no support or belief in Gondor. You wouldn't even hear of going within a distance of its city. Now, suddenly your all 'yes, I'm the descendent of its kings' and 'Its my right to claim the stone'. What the crap?! We damn near died at Amon Hen because you wouldn't ever go near Gondor! And now here you are proclaiming yourself the fucking heir!"

Legolas grabbed Justin's arm, smiling apologetically at the offended crowd. "Please excuse us."

Justin was pulled out of the hall and outside onto a balcony that overlooked the plains outside Helm's Deep. Legolas looked at Justin incredulously.

"What is the matter with you? What was that back there?"

Justin had reigned in his anger as he was shocked at the fact of Legolas dragging him outside. Justin looked at Legolas in pure surprise at the tone that the Elf had just used. He had never heard that tone used by Legolas before.

Justin bowed his head. "Nothing is the matter with me."

"Then what was that back there? Why did you publicly confront Aragorn the way you did," stated Legolas.

Justin didn't want to admit he had gone too far. He knew hindsight that he probably had, but Justin felt that Aragorn deserved it at the time. And his mouth had opened before he thought.

"The two faced bastard deserved it, Las," said Justin defiantly, his pride not wanting to admit he had gone too far.

"That is not the point, Justin! You publicly humiliated my friend a minute ago!" said Legolas loudly. His constant frustration at Justin snapping at Aragorn all the time was beginning to finally show itself.

Justin glared at Legolas, jumping at the anger in the others voice. His own anger was beginning to show at how he was being scolded. "We may be in love, Legolas, but I'll be dammed if I'm going to let anyone yell at me like I'm a child! So I advise you to take the bass out of your voice."

"Do not tell me how I should talk!" said Legolas loudly.

Justin shook his head, taking a deep breath and counting to ten in his mind. "Legolas this is pointless. How about we both just take some time to cool off."

"This is not pointless," snapped back Legolas. "You are refusing to listen to reason and are responding back with juvenile comments!"

Justin had walked to the end of the balcony but spun back around at Legolas' harsh words. His eyes flashed angrily and he roared, "I did listen, Legolas! And I told you what I thought of your -friend-. So what do you want me to do? Bow at his feet! We bow to no one where I come from!"

Legolas looked at Justin sharply. "There you go with the juvenile comments again. You are acting like a spoiled brat instead of a man!"

"Fuck you, Greenleaf! You're damn near three thousand years old and your standing here arguing with me over Aragorn! ... Aragorn! Last time I checked he was a grown man and could fight his own battles, so why are you out here doing it for him! What are you his bitch or something?!"

Legolas stepped closer to Justin, staring at him coldly. "What is that supposed to mean exactly!"

"It means your acting like Aragorn is your secret lover! Am I missing something? Do you two have some kind of secret past? Come on... what is it?!"

"Very mature, Justin. Make claims that have no base in truth. You know that Aragorn is just my friend. This is about you snapping at him all time and you know it, don't try and turn it around on me. You are behaving like a child and this hate of Aragorn has to stop!"

Justin winced at the volume Legolas had used. He pushed back the hurt he was feeling and only hot, red anger fueled him. Justin shouldered past Legolas.

"If I'm so immature then maybe we shouldn't be together," Justin stormed. "Your so perfect and everything. Obviously, I'm too full of flaws and immaturity to be with you."

Justin walked back into the great hall and the people inside ducked their heads when they saw him. They had heard him and Legolas because of their raised voices. Justin felt Legolas come up behind him and grab his arm.

"We aren't finished talking," said Legolas quietly.

"I think we are," said Justin tugging on his arm, but Legolas held him tightly. Justin looked down at the hand holding him then back up at Legolas with an icy look. "Let me go, Greenleaf..." he said in warning.

Legolas shook his head. "We are not done yet."

"Yes, we are," snapped Justin with such a thundering snarl that even those present in the room winced.

Legolas kept his grip on his arm. "You are acting wild and uncontrollable just like when Haldir died! Are you going to do to me what you did to those Uruk-Hai."

"Son of a bitch," whispered Justin. He looked down at the ground as tears came to his eyes. Legolas too realized that he had gone too far when he said that. They both knew that Haldir was the first friend that Justin had ever seen die in battle. Justin had felt bad afterwards for so carelessly killing the Uruk-Hai the way he did, and he had told Legolas so. And for the Elf to use such hurtful words was... painful.

Justin snapped his head back up, his eyes glowing a radiant blue. "Get the fuck away from me!" he snarled.

Everyone gasped taking a collective step back at seeing Justin's eyes glowing. Legolas stumbled as an invisible force shoved him backwards, and he fell into Eomer's arms, who stood close by.

"Go to hell, Greenleaf!" screamed Justin. "Don't you ever say another word to me again."

Everyone in the great hall would have been scared of Justin and his glowing eyes, if it weren't for the tears that made their way down his cheeks. Justin looked at the Elf sadly down sprinted from the room.

Boromir glared at the people in the great hall and they scurried away. All of the Fellowship plus Eomer and King Theoden stayed in the room. Legolas' eyes filled with tears that seemed to refuse to fall. He staggered to the wall and slumped against it.

Aragorn looked upon Legolas with a sad frown. "You hurt him deep with your last words, my friend."

Legolas muttered a soft apology in Elvish and stared at the floor, as a solitary teardrop fell down his face. "I never meant..."

"This has indeed been a time of sadness. I must give you some bad news. Minas Tirith is not safe. Sauron is mounting his troops to seize the White City and wipe out all who dwell there."

Boromir's eyes widened fearfully. "I must go then! My city is in need of aid. I must get to Faramir and my father!"

Gandalf placed a hand on Boromir's shoulder. "Now is not your time, Boromir. "This may yet turn to our advantage," Gandalf said. "The Dark Lord will think the stone is still in Isengard, and that a hobbit is captive there. It will be some time before he learns his mistake. We must use that time to get farther from Isengard. I will ride ahead to Minas Tirith with Pippin at once and offer my aid."

"Thank you, Gandalf," said Boromir letting out a relived sigh. His posture was still tense at the news just received but it was lessened by the fact that he knew that Gandalf would be at the city in its time of need.

Gandalf looked to Theoden. "Will Rohan come to Gondor's aid also?"

King Theoden nodded. His eyes were serious as he answered, "Rohan will honor our old pledge to Gondor."

Justin walked into the room wearing his blue tunic and Lorien cloak. His sword was strapped to his side and Justin shouldered his pack filled with his things. "I'm going with you."

Legolas looked to Justin, eyes still wet with tears. Justin completely ignored his presence; all his will focused on Gandalf. The wizard didn't miss the tension in the air.

"Why do you wish to come, Justin?" asked Gandalf.

Justin tried to smile but failed miserably, instead settling for a determined expression. His eyes were bright with tears and recent sadness. "Two wizards are better than one," he shrugged.

Gandalf nodded after a pause. "Fine, come along," he said, sweeping from the hall.

Justin nodded once at Boromir and Gimli then departed the hall, following Gandalf.

Legolas watched him go his expression forlorn and dejected. He blinked back the tears in his eyes. "By the One, what have I done," he whispered softly. Legolas exited the great hall from another door.

Justin patted the tall white horse that stood proud next to Shadowfax. Where Shadowfax looked silver as the morning rising sun gleamed on his coat, the horse standing beside him shinned pure white. Eomer had given him the horse and said his name was Lightwings.

"What a fucked up day," whispered Justin brushing the white coat. He was standing with the horses near Helm's Gate, waiting for Gandalf to return with Pippin. The wind blew, causing Lightwings and Shadowfax's white, manes to blow about.

Justin glanced at Shadowfax then looked back to Lightwings. "I know you can't run as fast Shadowfax, but try to keep up. I don't want to drag behind and have Gandalf make us come back. There is no way that I ever want to come back here."

"Are you ready to leave?" asked Gandalf, walking towards him with Pippin in tow.

Justin just nodded, mounting Lightwings easily. Gandalf slung his bag over his shoulder and mounted Shadowfax with Pippin behind him. Gandalf called to the guards and they raised the gate.

"Follow quickly," Gandalf said. "Away Shadowfax!" And Gandalf was off, as swift as the wind.

Justin leaned forward and lightly dug his heels into the horse. Lightwings sprung forward, galloping after Shadowfax with a speed that was surprising to both Gandalf and Justin.

Gandalf looked to Justin, wanting to ask him about him and Legolas, but Justin was looking straight-ahead, his blue eyes unfocused. Justin wasn't ready to deal with what happened today, and had drawn into himself trying to block off the painful memories. But they just replayed themselves over and over in his head.

Gandalf took one last look at the refuge as they raced across the green plains. He could spot a familiar figure standing alone on a tower watching them depart.

Legolas watched the two speed off from the highest of the towers of Helm's Deep, the tower of Hornburg. He gazed at them sorrowfully as they galloped further and further away, riding on the backs of their swift steeds.

"I'm sorry, Luv," he whispered, letting the tears fall unbidden down his cheeks for the first time.

************************************** And they broke up! Angst-y chapter or what? Should I do the further chapters just with Justin's side or do you guys want to see how -both- Justin and Legolas are dealing with the break-up?

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Next: Chapter 23

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