Destiny of an Earth

By Silvenfox

Published on Mar 25, 2004


Disclaimer: I don't know Nsync. I don't know Justin Timberlake in real life. Also this story is in no way meant to imply that he is homosexual in real life. This piece of literature is simply the work of a fan and is pure fiction.

I don't own The Lord of the Rings or any other works of the series. The rights of the series goes solely to the series author J.R.R. Tolkien.

Now that's out of the way. This story appeared in my head when I was trapped in the car with my relatives for a 24-hour road trip. I was really really bored! I shudder just thinking about that trip. Anyway, if your below legal age to read this where your from, then all I can tell you is stop and don't let your parents catch you. He he that's not much of a warning, but hey what else can I do.

For those of you who would like to join, I've started a new Yahoo! Group there you can talk about this story and any others that I've written like The Trinity or Love is Universal. If you want to send me an email you can reach me at

Chapter 24

On their way to Dunharrow, a city of Rohan, the company of King Theodon met up with a group of strangely garbed people. The men of about thirty in number dressed in clothes of men of the north, the Dúnedain, also known as Rangers. They were the last remnant of a once great race, now wanderers of the world keeping dark creatures at bay, all of their heroic deeds often went unsung and unrecorded. Their leader and chief was none other than Aragorn Elessar, son of Arathorn, heir to the throne of Gondor and the kingdom Arnor of the North. The Rangers delivered to Aragorn a message from Lord Elrond in Rivendell and from his love, Lady Arwen, they delivered a great banner made for his royal House.

Their message from Elrond was delivered by his twin sons whom journeyed with them. The Elven twins, Elladan and Elrohir, were identical both tall and dark haired, eyes the color of light gray. They wore bright silver mail underneath cloaks of silver-grey. Elrond's words of wisdom were for Aragorn that said, `The days are short. If thou art in haste, remember the Paths of the Dead'.

Aragorn heeded the wise words of the Elf Lord. The next day as the sun rose, Aragorn proclaimed that the Rangers and Legolas, Gimli, and Boromir would go with him to venture forth to the Paths of the Dead. The Men of Rohan had heard tales of the cursed road and declined with heavy hearts to journey with their company. No, the Men of Rohan were on a different mission. All of the men in Rohan were mustering together to form an army to come to Minas Tirith's aide.

That was where they were now. The Rangers and less than half of the Fellowship were on their way to the Paths of the Dead. Merry had sworn himself as a knight under Rohan and went with Theoden leaving his friends, but promising to meet up with them in the coming battle.

Gimli grumbled under his breath, on the back of Legolas' horse as their company road along. "I still don't understand what is to be feared from this `Paths of the Dead?"

Legolas bade Gimli a small smile. The Dwarf constantly amused him to no end. The initial mistrustfulness of each other because of the others race, now seemed a thing of the past. Over the course of their journey, Legolas and Gimli recognized their stupidity and were now quite the best of friends.

"What kind of army can we hope to find in such a place? Who would linger there?" asked Gimli.

"One that is cursed," answered Legolas, his voice low so that only Gimli and Boromir who rode near him heard. "Long ago the Men of the Mountain swore an oath to the last king of Gondor. To come to his aid, to fight. But when the time came, when Gondor's need was dire, they fled... Vanishing into the darkness of the mountain. And so Isildur cursed them: never to rest, until they had fulfilled their pledge."

Their horses rode upon a hill that sloped downward. The slope of Dwimorberg was the name of the slope and near was the road to the Dimholt; the door under the mountain. The Dark Door was the entranceway of the Paths of the Dead and from there they would come out on the other side where they would journey to the Stone of Erech. And from their Aragorn would summon the dead army to him.

The sky was grey and it was nearing night, as the sun had not fully climbed over the black mountain they neared. Mist clung to the ground and obscured their vision. The Haunted Mountain invoked a fear of terror and dread through the men. The Grey Company, as the people Rohan named them, ventured on steadily. They rode under the gloom of black trees that were hollowed out and made noises that Boromir found himself jumping at from time to time.

"I feel as though the blood in my veins has left me," muttered Boromir darkly.

"As have I," agreed Gimli.

As they got closer they could make out a dark, hollow opening in the root of the mountain. The Dark Door. Above it was a stone archway that had words written on it, but in the dim light it was unreadable. They dismounted and gazed forth at the door. Fear itself seemed to leak from the door, attacking them in waves. The company was silent feeling the energy to form words leave them. Aragorn whom rode lead walked through the Dark Door. The rest followed after him leading their horses in with them. Boromir's borrowed horse had no urge to go through the door, but when Legolas sung to it softly in Elvish it calmed and went forth. It was only because of their loyalty to their riders that the horses the Ranger rode went in.

They walked along the long dark road on the other side of the door. A few torches that those in the front and rear carried in their hands lighted the path before them. The wind whistled in the dark sounding like a sea of whispering voices all around. The road was wide and the walls stretched high above them the ceiling covering it in darkness. Legolas kept his head clear from such fearful thoughts that threatened to fill his heart. With the thought of Justin on his mind he kept the thoughts and feelings of fear at bay. He remembered the first time that he had met the younger men. The Council of Elrond in Rivendell was when Justin first appeared falling from the sky from another world. Sent by Iluvater himself, Justin was what the land of Middle Earth needed in their time of need.

Legolas could clearly remember how nervous and somewhat bold Justin appeared to be when he sat in on the Council. He was seated near Gandalf and near the wizard Justin looked young and unwise to the ways of the world. That initial attraction Legolas felt towards Justin was magnetic. He had felt a pull towards Justin that he had never felt towards anyone before. Legolas had never seen any other person like him before. Justin's eyes were dark blue, and his hair dark blond almost brown, cut short in a style he had never seen before in all his years. Justin mixed with all three races had the gracefulness and beauty of the Elves, the power of the Istari, and the strong emotions of Man. Never before and never again would Legolas ever met another person like Justin. He thanked the Valar everyday for bringing Justin into his life when they were together. All that time spent thinking that Boromir and Justin were in love was caused a pain in his heart. The feelings he felt toward Justin happened so quickly that they surprised even him. Over time the feelings inside his heart developed and grew, then blossoming into full-blown love.

Their first kiss was almost like magic. A tingly feeling still went up his spine when he thought of Justin's kiss... Kisses that he probably won't even get the chance to feel again. A heavy feeling settled near Legolas' heart remembering their last time together. Hindsight they had said foolish things and now they both were heartbroken because of their hasty, cutting words of anger. What he wouldn't give to just have Justin by his side now... He would be too if they hadn't had their fight. Legolas just hoped that in the days to come he would have a chance to apologize and hopefully gain back his love.

Suddenly the Grey Company stopped. The road seemed to have disappeared and now they stood in a large empty space. The walls were covered in darkness making them seem as if there wasn't any and only shadows surrounded them. Fear filled their faces as they gazed about. Legolas saw a gleam come from the corner of his eye. Aragorn saw it too and he fearlessly walked to the light. He leaned down and with unreadable eyes gazed at the sight. Before him were the white and ancient bones of an enormous man. From what they could tell the man had been clad in mail. For still his harness lay there not changed by the passage of time. His belt was of gold and garnets, and the crown atop his head was hewed with gold that looked as if it would fetch a handsome price if sold. The dead man lay near the far wall of the cave as now could be seen, and before him stood a stony door closed fast. The man's finger-bones were still clawing at the cracks even in death. A worn down and broken sword lay by him, as the man had thrown it at the rock in his last breath.

Aragorn stood suddenly staring into the whispering darkness defiantly. Clutching the torch in his hand he cried, "Do not attempt to bring us into the darkness in which you thrive! Take speed and let us through! Then come for I summon you to the Stone of Erech!"

Their was an outcry of voices in the wind then silence. Utter silence that absurdly was even worse then the whispers. The doors opened before them and they started through. Legolas made sure to keep near Boromir and Gimli as the both stumbled in the dark seemingly lost in a daze that the Paths of the Dead had put on them. They walked for a time that seemed to pass unusually slowly till the company passed through another gateway. This was one was high-arched and broad, and a rill ran out beside them; and beyond, going steeply down, was a road between sheer cliffs. They looked like sharp knives contrasting against the night sky above them. The chasm they were in was deep and narrow and as they gazed above, the sky looked very black and stars shinned down on their company. Legolas knew for a fact that it was still not even sunset on the very day they set out; the chasm just made the sky seem as if was twilight.

"Does my heart ever rejoice to be out from there," smiled Boromir, as the Grey Company remounted their horses.

Legolas helped Gimli on his horse and started again. The wind blew and Legolas could swear he heard a mummer from behind him. He turned his head around looking past Elladan, the last of the company. Before him was an army of greenish, ghostly, rotting appearing men. They were grouped together carrying banners, and riding horses that were mere specters of their former selves.

"The Dead are following," said Legolas. "I see shapes of Men and of horses, and pale banners like shreds of cloud, and spears like winter-thickets on a misty night. The Dead are following."

"Yes, the Dead ride behind. They have been summoned," replied Elladan.

Legolas nodded facing front again, so it seems their mission was appearing successful. It was only time now before they would be at Minas Tirith. There one of the bloodiest battles of Third Age would take place. Then after the battle Legolas could finally do what his heart was crying for... Regain his love back.

Justin walked along the city the next day. Since he was a guest of Denethor he was allowed to wander. After having a much needed bath, Justin dressed in a spare pair of his Elven clothing he had gain in Lothlorien. His cloths were all silver-blue and his cloak was the same one bequeathed to all of the Fellowship as a gift from Lady Galadriel. As he walked men stared at him. Justin knew they were curious as to why an Elf would be in Minas Tirith and why he look as he did. Justin wasn't quite full Elf but he could pass for one easily. His ears were pointed, his face fair, and his features softer than those Man. For all intents he seemed to be of the Firstborn. The only thing that gave him away as to being different was his hair and eyes. His eyes didn't hold that ever-present wisdom like most Elves and his hair wasn't long like those of his kin.

One of the guards that passed Justin took a double take as he walked by. Justin raised his eyebrow, as the guard looked him over from head to foot looking like he was going to start drooling.

Justin shot him the bird and walked away. "Dirty mother fucker," he muttered under his breath.

Justin walked to the top wall that was outside and where many guards were stationed. They gave him a look as he walked past their post but didn't have any qualms with being there. Justin sighed gazing out at the green fields before him. The view he had was very good, allowing him to see miles beyond the city's gates.

"I see that this spot is already taken," said a voice.

Justin spun around surprised to see Gandalf and Pippin behind him. They joined him gazing out. The wind blew blowing Gandalf's snowy, white hair about in its currents. They stood in silence like this neither person saying anything just staring into the horizon lost in their own troubling thoughts. Suddenly, a screech that could only be described as unearthly filled the air. Justin shivered as the loud noise drew cries of fright and screams of panic from the people below nestled in the city's walls.

"Look!" cried Pippin, pointing in the sky.

Justin focused his eyes and his vision magnified and grew sharper. His mouth formed into an o as he stared at the creature flying through the air. It looked like a dragon doped on steroids and bred straight in the deepest, darkest place in Hell. On its back was a rider clothed in black robes that hid their face from view. From the clouds suddenly appeared two more winged creatures bearing riders clothed in similar robes.

"The Nazgûl!" screamed many voices at once.

Justin's eyes widened recognizing the name. These were the servants of Sauron that Boromir had told him about at Helm's Deep. He never imagined that they radiated such a presence of evil. He could feel their evil power even from here miles away. Justin watched as the Nazgûl swooped down on a group of riders riding swiftly across the Pelennor fields that stretched in front of Minas Tirith. The Nazgûl dropped from the sky on them, lifting men from their horses and throwing them to the ground as they rode for the safety of the city.

"Come! Let us ride!" ordered Gandalf.

Justin nodded and Pippin and Gandalf set off for the stables. They mounted Shadowfax and Lightwings and took off for the gates. The Gates were already open when they rode through saving them time. Quickly, they galloped out across the fields to meet the riders whom were quickly losing men to the flying servants of the Dark Lord. Many Gondorian soldiers and civilians watched in wonder from the tops of walls, as the two lone horses rode out to the battle. One rider a white wonder, the other clothed in silver-blue.

The three Nazgûl continued to swoop down onto the riders. Justin followed Gandalf's lead as Shadowfax charged into the thick of the battle. Gandalf raised his white staff above his head, and as he did so, a blinding beam of white light sprouted from its tip. It was like a giant strobe light had been turned on. Justin called on his own power and raised his hand. Appearing in his palm was a sphere of silver light. Raising it to the sky, the light shot out in a thick beam combining with Ganadlf's light, making the light even brighter, and more powerful. With terrified shrieks and agonized wails, the Nazgûl drew back, then took to the skies going back to their lair. The evil stronghold of Minas Morgul.

The way clear now they galloped back to the city without further attacks. The people gathered around as they entered the gates praising the wizards, shouting joyous thanks. Justin watched as a young man dismounted his horse walking towards him and Gandalf. He was one of the men they rescued. He was very handsome, tall, and stoutly looking. His hair was brown and flowed along his shoulders. Justin cocked his head looking into the stranger's eyes... eyes that looked so familiar.

"Mithrandir!" the man said using Gandalf's Elvish name, which meant the Grey Pilgrim. "They broke our defenses, they've taken the bridge in the Westbank. Battalions of orcs are crossing the river."

Gandalf turned around with Shadowfax, revealing the small form of Pippin seated in front of him. As the man laid eyes on the small hobbit, he stared down at him with a gleam of recognition in his eyes. Pippin noticed his glance, and lowered his face feeling shy under the eye. Justin caught the significance of the man's stare just as Gandalf did.

"Faramir?" Gandalf questioned, reading the young Captain. "This is not the first Halfling that has crossed your path."


Justin's eyes widened just as Pippin looked up, his eyes brightening.

"You've seen Frodo and Sam!?" asked Pippin hopefully, his voice anxious and exited at once.

Faramir nodded his head. Justin couldn't put his finger on it but his mannerisms seemed so familiar to him. The name Faramir was right on the tip of his tongue also but he couldn't remember why.

Gandalf looked hopeful too as he asked, "When and where did you see them, Faramir?"

"In Ithilien, not two days ago," answered Faramir.

They looked at each other hopefully and instantly relief washed over all three faces. Faramir looked to Gandalf gravely. "Gandalf, they're taking the road to the Morgul Vale."

Justin watched concerned as Gandalf's face seemed to instantly lose its smile and worry appeared in his eyes. That wasn't good. Not a good sign at all.

"And then the Pass of Cirith Ungol?" inquired Gandalf solemn. Faramir nodded to the question. Justin looked back and forth between them wondering what the hell they were even talking about. Just when he thought he understood something, once again he was thrown for a loop. He felt like some dumbass detective in a low budget B movie.

"Can you vague that up even more?" asked Justin. "My name isn't Batman and some of us can't figure out things by small hints and clues."

"Yeah what he said!" said Pippin, voicing his frustration at not understanding either.

Gandalf sighed. "Young ones our hope has dwindled a little more this day."

"Okkkkkaaayyyy," said Justin slowly. "But once again what the fuck are you talking about?"

"Uhhh... Yeah! We he said!"

************************************************ Here you go! A whole new chapter. See, I can be quick with updates sometimes. :)

For those of you who would like to join, I've started a new Yahoo! Group there you can talk about this story and any others that I've written like The Trinity or Love is Universal. If you want to send my an email you can reach me at

Next: Chapter 25

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