Destiny of an Earth

By Silvenfox

Published on May 5, 2004


Disclaimer: I don't know Nsync. I don't know Justin Timberlake in real life. Also this story is in no way meant to imply that he is homosexual in real life. This piece of literature is simply the work of a fan and is pure fiction.

I don't own The Lord of the Rings or any other works of the series. The rights of the series goes solely to the series author J.R.R. Tolkien.

Now that's out of the way. This story appeared in my head when I was trapped in the car with my relatives for a 24-hour road trip. I was really really bored! I shudder just thinking about that trip. Anyway, if your below legal age to read this where your from, then all I can tell you is stop and don't let your parents catch you. He he that's not much of a warning, but hey what else can I do.

For those of you who would like to join, I've started a new Yahoo! Group there you can talk about this story and any others that I've written like The Trinity or Love is Universal. If you want to send me an email you can reach me at

Chapter 25

The day was pale and dark, the sun hidden behind thick gray clouds in the sky. This was the direct result of the darkness that spewed forth from Mordor into the night sky last night. Every now and then a screech was heard overhead that would send people running off cowering in the shadows. The cry of the fell beast of the Nazgul had the effect of ensuing instant terrors in the hearts of all that heard them. Even though they couldn't be seen in the sky the people knew they were still out there circling around in the air waiting for their chance to come.

The mood in the Lord Denethor's private chambers was somber. Three members of the Fellowship of the Ring, plus Denethor, and Faramir were seated in lavish room. Justin was worried for Frodo for on the way through the city streets, Gandalf had quietly informed Pippin and Justin of just how dangerous Frodo and Sam's journey truly was now. Which was why at the moment Justin was listening to the meeting going on with one ear. His mind was running on troubling thoughts of Frodo and Sam. A sharp jab in the ribs quickly brought him back to reality. Gandalf was looking at him pointedly and Justin blushed tuning back in to the conversation.

"The Orcs swarmed Osgiliath in droves," spoke Faramir. "As the dark drew on I knew that haste was needed, so I rode thence with three others that could also be horsed. The rest of my company I sent south to strengthen the garrison at the fords of Osgiliath."

Denethor nodded letting out a soft sigh under his breath. "You did well, Son."

Justin's eyes widened and like a light bulb being turned on in his mind, he suddenly remembered. Boromir had mentioned a couple of times when they were sharing stories that he had a younger brother named, Faramir. In all the haste and tension enveloping the atmosphere Justin had forgotten all about Boromir mentioning a brother.

"The men will not be able to defend Osgiliath much longer," Faramir said gravely. "Even the company I sent from Ithilien to strengthen it will not last."

"It is there that the first blow from Mordor will fall," inputted Gandalf.

Denethor laced his fingers together and rested his chin on his clasped hands. His eyes were troubled as he again spoke. "The men there will need a stout captain to lead them." Denethor stopped and looked to his son whom looked as if he would fall over any minute. "Enough of that for now. You are weary, Son. I know you have ridden fast and hard under the pursuit of evil. Have leave so that you may rest. Tomorrow will be a better day to talk of this."

Faramir left after giving a nod to his father. Pippin rose from his seat and quickly kneeled in front of Lord Denethor, surprising them once again at his bravery. "I have made a decision, my lord," Pippin said with calm dignity. "Here do I swear fealty and service to Gondor. In peace or war, in living or dying... " Pippin hesitated but carried on uncertainly.

Pleased by Pippin's honor, Denethor smiled down upon the Hobbit.

"From..." Pippin closed his eyes and took a deep breath a breath. Justin looked to Gandalf and the wizard looked back at him eyes twinkling with pride. "From this hour henceforth, until my lord release me, or death take me, or the world end. So say I, Peregrin son of Paladin of the Shire of the Halflings."

Denethor held out his hand and Pippin closed his eyes and quickly kissed the man's ring. Denethor cupped Pippin's face making him look up into his smiling face. "And this do I hear, Denethor son of Ecthelion, Lord of Gondor, Steward of the High King, and I will not forget it, nor fail to reward that which is given: fealty with love, valor with honor, oath- breaking with vengeance."

Justin clapped his hands together filling the room with loud applause. Pippin looked up blushing, rubbing his brown, curly hair sheepishly. Denethor laughed, chuckling low in his throat at the hobbit's shyness.

All was now said and down so they took leave from Lord Denethor's chambers. Pippin followed Gandalf back to their lodgings and Justin made his way to his. His footsteps made no noise as he walked to his room. Light footsteps were a trait of the Elves. Justin hadn't noticed it but little by little over passing time he had started to pick up Elven traits and habits. Justin stumbled stubbing his toe on a loose rock.

"Shit!" he swore hopping up and down on one foot.

Well, he was still human...

Justin swore one last time and this time more carefully started forward again. He nodded at a passing guard that walked past him to an adjoining corridor. He came to his room and plopped down on his bed with a sigh. The window didn't let in any moonlight or starlight. This was because the sky was a starless blackness that was a blanket of darkness. Justin stretched out fully on the bed and folded his arms behind his head. He stared at the ceiling his mind wandering past the walls of the city. His thoughts turned to Legolas and how he was doing at the moment. He missed the blond Elf so much that his heart hurt thinking about their last time together. So many untrue words had been said. So many words he just wanted to take back more than anything. Without even realizing it. Justin began to sing softly under his breath, while thinking of Legolas.

Justin leaned against the railing of his balcony looking down upon the city streets below. In the darkness of the day people were gathered about in the streets, throwing flowers at a departing group of horseback soldiers. People lined the streets, sadness on their faces as they watched Faramir and a host of Gondorian soldiers depart. In a council held early morning it was decided that Osgiliath had to be retaken as it was their last defense. That city was once one of Gondor's chief cities before the return of Sauron. Now the city was a ruin thanks to the forces of Mordor attacking it. Faramir volunteered, secretly trying to make his father proud. Justin didn't understand the reasoning. Sure, Boromir was Denethor's favorite but going into a suicide battle was fucking dumb.

What good to his father would a dead son be?

"I wish I'd got to talk to him," Justin whispered to himself, as the riders rode out from the city's gates and across the Pelennor fields.

Justin stayed in his rooms all day not wanting to be among all those sad people. Faramir was well liked among the people of Minas Tirith and to see him throw his life away in a battle such as the one he was going into was heartbreaking to the citizens. A knock rapped on his door hours passed noon. The door opened and Gandalf entered carrying in one hand his staff the other was filled with an arm full of thick, musty books.

"Hey, Merlin."

Gandalf rapped him against the head with his staff. "It is not wise to kid a wizard, young one." He sat down on the bed handing the books to Justin. "These books are of the history of Middle Earth and some of its early tales. I think it will be wise of you to read them. If you understand the history of the blood inside you then maybe you will have a better understanding of your gifts."

Justin walked to Gandalf taking the offered books. On the cover of the biggest one was the faded lettering of the title the Silmarillion. Justin touched the inlaid text, running his finger along the gold lettering. Under it in fancy scripture was, 'Written by Cirdan 'the Shipwright' lord of the Falas.

"I have been curious about some things," admitted Justin. "I'll be sure to read it."

Gandalf nodded standing up. "Good, good. We only have a few days before Sauron's forces will be at this city's very doors. Prepare yourself for this battle should not be taken lightly." With those final words Gandalf excused himself.

Justin had nothing better to do, so he picked up the Silmarillion and opened it up. He sat cross-legged on top of the bed with the book propped open in his lap. As he begin reading he quickly picked up that the book was even more interesting than Gandalf hinted at. The history of this land, the entire world was so unique and different than anything Justin could even dream of...

In the beginning there was Eru, the One, who in Arda is called Iluvatar. He made first the Ainur, the Holy Ones, that were the offspring of his thought. He declared to them a vision of the world. They listened and through a mighty song they created the world, Arda. Fourteen of the mightiest Ainur then descended into Arda to make it ready for the coming of the Children of Iluvatar, Elves and Men. The Firstborn and the Followers. The fourteen spirits were then bound to the world until its end. And therefore they are named the Valar, the Powers of the World.

Along with the Valar, came the Maiar. Spirits of the same order but of less degree. They were the servants and helpers of the Valar and they lived with their masters in Valinor.

One of the Ainur who sung too the Music of Iluvatar was Melkor, who in the Elven tongue is called Morgoth. Originally he was the mightiest of the Ainur, but he was rebellious and tried to twist Arda in his own dark vision. Eventually the Valar stopped him by waging war upon him and his dark servants he coveted to his cause. They threw him into the Void where he would forever more wait until the end of time. But that wasn't the end of all evil in Arda. Melkor had many servants who were great spirits. One spirit was called by the Elves, Sauron the Abhorred. Once a Maiar who served the Valar, Sauron was swayed to the evil of Melkor.

The book didn't state things so exactly in this way. It was more in-depth and complex. Justin had never known that Middle Earth was just the lands west of the Outer Sea and Arda was the name of the entire world. He continued reading. Skipping over Sauron and the making of the Rings of Power, since that had been explained to him already. Although he had never heard of this poem before...

Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,

Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,

Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,

One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne

In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.

One Ring to rule them all. One Ring to find them,

One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them

In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie."

Justin paused for a moment feeling the strangest thing. He thought that maybe he had heard the rhyme before. He read a couple more pages learning that Gandalf and Saruman were Maiar also. They and three other Istari, whom Men called Wizards, arrived in Middle Earth from the west after the defeat of the dark lord Sauron. It is said that they were sent by the Valar to contest the power of Sauron, if he should arise again, and to move Elves and Men and all living things of good will to valiant deeds. Saruman, Gandalf, Galadriel, Elrond and other Elf Lords made up the White Council formed chiefly to oppose Sauron.

'They should have got together and nuked his ass,' Justin thought, thinking of how far Sauron's evil had spread. Flipping through pages an underlined title caught Justin's eye. 'OF ELVES'

The First of the Children of Iluvatar. Elves are the fairest of all earthy creatures, and have the ability to conceive and create more beauty than all the Children. They have the greater bliss, a love and eternal tie to the world. For the Firstborn are immortal. They do not die and will remain in the world until the end of days, unless they are slain or waste in grief. These are not true deaths however, since their souls are then gathered in the Halls of Mandos in Valinor where they may in time return to living. The land of Valinor also called the Blessed Realm, where nothing dies, and the Valar dwell can only be reached by the Firstborn. The lands of Aman where Valinor dwell is removed from the world and only those that are permitted can sail the Straight Road to the land. Those that are not will only sail around the world returning at last to the place of their beginning, never finding the Blessed Realm. After the Three Rings of the Elves lose their power the time of the Elves will have passed and the time of Men will come. The world to the Firstborn will grow grey and old. In that time they will sail unto the West joining their kindred in the land of eternal bliss, Valinor.

Justin let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding. No one had ever told him that all the Elves would eventually leave. Would that mean that Legolas would leave Middle Earth too? Of course he would, who would want to live here when they could easily sail to heaven. What if Justin never got another chance to talk to him and Legolas sailed away without even knowing how sorry he was. Feeling his mood suddenly lessen into sadness, Justin gazed forlornly out his window into the distance.

"I really am sorry, Legolas," he whispered. A tear fell from his face and landed on the cover of the book in his lap.

Legolas sat on top of a rock watching the tired men who sat all around the empty grass fields. The Gray Company had just crossed over the river Gilrain. On their journey they had encountered allies of Mordor, but the battle was brief. All feared the Shadow Host riding behind the company. The specters invoked fear and terror in all those who saw their ghoulish and ghostly forms moving with great speed behind the men. Legolas closed his eyes reveling in the wind breeze that sprung up blowing his long blond hair all around in its currents.

"I really am sorry, Legolas."

Legolas snapped his eyes open looking around in shock. The hearing of the Elves was very good, and he knew for a fact that he wasn't hearing things. He would know Justin's voice out of a choir. Legolas closed his eyes trying to again pick up the voice the wind carried. Nothing. He didn't hear his voice again. He opened his eyes and looked to the men gathered about the field. They showed no signs as to hearing the voice.

"Oh, Justin," Legolas sighed for the tenth time today. He didn't know if Justin could hear him but he could hope. Looking towards the south he whispered: "I am sorry too, Love. I miss you so much and I love you always."

*********************************** I took authors creative license with the Silmarillion, so don't get all excited. I own the book so I know its not written such as the way I depicted. To read the next chapter, go and join my Yahoo! Group. Chapter 26 is already posted.

For those of you who would like to join, I've started a new Yahoo! Group there you can talk about this story and any others that I've written like The Trinity or Love is Universal. If you want to send me an email you can reach me at

Next: Chapter 26

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