Destiny of an Earth

By Silvenfox

Published on Feb 15, 2005


Disclaimer: I don't know Nsync. I don't know Justin Timberlake in real life. Also this story is in no way meant to imply that he is homosexual in real life. This piece of literature is simply the work of a fan and is pure fiction.

I don't own The Lord of the Rings or any other works of the series. The rights of the series goes solely to the series author J.R.R. Tolkien.

Now that's out of the way. This story appeared in my head when I was trapped in the car with my relatives for a 24-hour road trip. I was really, really bored! I shudder just thinking about that trip. Anyway, if your below legal age to read this where your from, then all I can tell you is stop and don't let your parents catch you. He he that's not much of a warning, but hey what else can I do.

Chapter 28

Justin awoke mid-morning the next day. Sunlight drifted through the balcony's doors, hitting his face, making spots appear behind his eyelids. Mumbling incoherently, Justin groggily opened his eyes, as he stretched lazily like an awakening cat.

"That feels good," he muttered, eyes slipping close in pleasure, enjoying the hand that was running through his short brown hair.

Legolas smiled down at the younger man, whose head rested on his chest, and replied, "You know that we can not stay here?"

"I know," Justin pouted. "I just wanted to spend the day with just you."

Legolas grinned, as he ran a finger along the pointed tip of Justin's ear. A gleam appeared in his eye seeing Justin shudder in response to his wandering finger.

"Was last night not enough for you," Legolas whispered in a deep, husky voice.

Justin swallowed, feeling his groin tighten at the heated look and tone. "Last night was definitely..." he trailed off, as he lost himself in the remembrance of their night of passion. He grinned up at Legolas. "Never let it be said that makeup sex isn't the best on Earth."

Legolas let out a long and light laugh. Justin could only stare, watching as the Elf threw back his head, laughing. His laughter was simply melodious. There were no other words to describe it. Justin scooted closer intertwining his naked body tighter against Legolas. With a sigh he buried his head into the crook of Legolas's neck.

"I missed hearing you laugh, Blondie," came Justin's muffled voice from Legolas' neck.

The voice was muffled, and to a human they wouldn't have heard it, but Legolas was an Elf. And the Firstborn Children of Iluvatar had superior hearing than those of the race of Men, so the words Justin barely uttered were clearly heard by his ears.

"You shall never again go without hearing it, my love," whispered Legolas, placing a feather light kiss against Justin's temple.

"Aren't you just a regular Prince Charming?" smirked Justin.

Legolas gave him a confused look. "I do not know of this Prince Charming, but I am quite a remarkable prince."

Justin ran a finger down Legolas' bare chest. He lifted the sheets, looking at the long, semi hard penis, surrounded by dark blond hair. "I know -- how -- remarkable you are, my prince."

Legolas grinned, running his semi erect length against Justin's thigh. "I would enjoy nothing more than to reevaluate your opinion of me from remarkable to fantastic."

Justin's own organ hardened at the thought of another round of hot sex. He lowered his eyes, looking up at Legolas with a look that conveyed all his need, want, and desire. The Elvin prince leaned down, quickly capturing swollen lips in a hard kiss, which elicited a loud moan of a response. Justin's mind swam as his lust took over, winning over any other thoughts he may have had, and that was fine with him.

Justin and Legolas walked hand-in-hand into the gardens that bordered the Houses of Healing. Smiles lit their faces, as they saw Merry awake and bandaged, but healed, being kept company by Gimli and Pippin. The little hobbit, Merry, had been wounded in yesterday's battle. It seemed he helped the Lady of Rohan, Eowyn, defeat the Witch King, which left both injured. Thanks to Aragorn's healing hands, which is fancy talk for his herb mixing skills, all those injured in some way were on the road to recovery. Even Boromir's brother, Faramir, was healing thanks to the Heir of Gondor.

"Good Morning," called Justin cheerfully, receiving various greetings from the Fellowship in return.

"I'm afraid that you missed Gimli's tale of their journey with Strider, Justin," said Pippin, smiling.

Justin shrugged then cocked his head at Legolas. "Blond boy here already told me the when, where, what."

"Do you ever speak like a normal person," Gimli sighed, smiling a teasing smile.

"It's nice to see you, too, Gimli," smiled Justin. "And for your information, I know how to speak English as good as the next person."

Those gathered in the room shared a glance with each other. Legolas turned to Justin with question in his eyes. "What is English?"

"The language we're all speaking," spoke Justin slowly, as if Legolas was mentally challenged, and speaking slowly would help him better comprehend.

Pippin, from his seat next to Merry's bed, said, "But Justin, the language we're all speaking is Westron, the Common Tongue."

Justin looked around. "So this entire quest, trip, thingy, I've been speaking another language? This Wisten?"

"Westron," corrected Legolas. "And yes, you have been speaking Westron the entire time we have known you."

"Figures," replied Justin, rolling his eyes. "This whole time I've been speaking another language and I didn't even know it. You know it never even crossed my mind why you all knew English... I guess I know why now."

Gimli said something in Dwarfish, and then cocked an eyebrow at Justin. "Did you understand that, lad?"

Blushing, Justin nodded. "Yeah, little too much, I think."

Merry laughed, long and hard, his eyes twinkling merrily with a light that hadn't been there in weeks. "Then I guess you understand every language on Arda."

"Oh, joy," replied Justin, deadpan. "That makes me feel just grand! All warm and tingly inside, just like the time I swallowed those hot ass batteries."

Blank looks.

Justin waved a hand that meant "never mind". A gesture he had to do many a time when they didn't understand his lingo. As usual, they pretended they didn't hear the not understood joke and continued talking.

Gimli smiled widely. "Come lad; tell us of your tales. We have not seen you since Helm's Deep. Surely you have tales to tell us of your journey."

"Nothing much happened," Justin shrugged.

Legolas shook his head, he squeezed Justin's hand held in his, and replied, "Do not be modest, Justin. Word has reached even my ears about how stood against the Witch King yesterday."

Boromir gasped. "You stood against the Lord of the Nazgul!"

Justin smiled wickedly. "He was in my way."

So began Justin's tale. They had a complete run down of his adventures since setting off from Helm's Deep. Really, there wasn't much to tell expect for the Battle of the Pelennor Fields. If someone asked Justin, Gimli seemed a little, too, interested in how much blood he had spilled on the field that day. When he got to the part about bringing the dawn upon the battle and driving back the Witch King, they stared at him in awe and disbelief. When Justin finished even Legolas was looking upon him with shock. The Elf gazed at Justin with wide eyes, staring unblinkingly.

"Your magic has grown powerful," Legolas whispered, stunned.

Merry looked at Pippin then Justin, "Are you more powerful than Gandalf?"

That shocked Justin. He stopped, standing completely still. He thought a moment. He had to decide the best way to answer this question. Gandalf obviously had kept the Hobbits in the dark about his true origins. If they found out that basically he was, quote-un-quote, an angel they would flip, or knowing them, probably not even understand the term. He was betting on the latter.

Did that mean he was part angel?

Or part of the equivalent of what an angel is in this world, Middle Earth.

His brain started too hurt. This was way too much thinking for such a simple question. He would just do as he always did and find Gandalf and hound him for the needed answer.

Carefully, Justin replied. "No, I'm not more powerful than Gandalf. Me and Gandalf are of the same power, but he uses his power in subtle ways, because that's what he was charged to do. I use mine however I feel."

"What do you mean charged?" asked Pippin.

"Gandalf works and answers directly to the Valar. You know, the Powers that Be of this world," answered Justin, reciting, well more like summarizing, the information he had read in the books Gandalf had lent him days ago.

They lapsed into silence each lost in their thoughts. Legolas sat down in a wooden arm chair and Justin took up the spot on the armrest still not losing his grip on the Elf's hand. It had been too long since the bigger, softer hand had been held in his grip.

"I wonder what Aragorn and the others are discussing in their meeting?" mussed Pippin aloud.

Justin pumped his fist into the air, earning startled looks and wide eyes. "Viva la revolution!" He paused, and slowly lowered his fist. "Umm... How about '101 Ways to Whoop a Dark Lord's Ass'. Better."

"I think that I may have fully understood that," said Legolas, breaking silence that descended over the room.

Gimli sighed as he looked at Legolas with pity in his gaze. "Then you have truly been around the lad too long."

"That's because he loves me," Justin smirked, then stuck his tongue out.

A snort escaped Gimli's mouth. His brown eyes practically danced with mirth and humor. "Of course he does. That has to be the only reason why he would put up with you and your insane ways."

Justin humphed and crossed his arms, sticking his nose into the air. "Go eat rocks, Inch High Private Eye."

"Are you calling me short!" Gimli sputtered in indignation. He didn't understand what Justin said but he could grasp the basic gist of an insult when he heard one.

Justin smirked. "Duh." He looked Gimli in the eye, grinning. "Or did that fly right over your head, Lucky. Need your pot of gold do you? Wait..." Justin tapped his fingers against his chin in thought. "You're not a leprechaun. Hmmm... I guess I rather say that you should go looking for your six other friends, so ya'll can go gang bang Snow White buuuut..."

Justin squawked, laughing stupidly, as Gimli closed the distance between them, then with lightning moves jumped on him, knocking him to the ground.

"Ah! Somebody get this axe-aholic off of me," Justin yelled through the chock hold Gimli had on him.

Gimli laughed heartily. "You feel the strength of a Dwarf."

Justin flipped Gimli onto his stomach, using an old wrestling move, then quickly grabbed his arm and twisted it around his back. The Dwarf growled out a few choice words that sent everyone into a fit of laughter. Justin laughing the hardest didn't notice the door, which was to his back, open emitting the other members of their fellowship.

"We have reached a decision."

Justin jumped up, blushing, much to everyone else's amusement. "So are we kicking some Dark Lord ass or what?"

Boromir, standing in between Gandalf and Aragorn, snorted. "I think that it will be more the other way around, my friend."

Aragorn turned grave eyes to the expectant group. "Tomorrow we will gather our strength and march on Mordor."

"We have not a hope of winning!" cried Pippin, clutching Merry's hand.

Justin shook his head. With calm eyes he surveyed those gathered in the door. "That's the plan right?" He sighed. "You don't expect us to win. We are doing this for a greater purpose but for what?"

"Frodo," answered Gandalf, leaning upon his gleaming, white staff. "He needs time to breach Mount Doom. If we keep Sauron's Eye blind to all else but us... it may be the chance that Frodo needs to destroy the ring!"

Legolas nodded, blue eyes serious, as he gazed into a faraway stare. "A diversion."

Gimli puffed up his chest, eyes twinkling with anxiousness. "Certainty of death! Small chance of success! What are we waiting for?!"

Justin turned wide eyes on his short friend. "Does your crack ever wear off?"

The night passed quickly in a frenzy of battle plans, shared memories, and last minute goodbyes. Justin thanked God that he was able to spend the night wrapped in Legolas's arms. Their night was spent making passionate love, sharing pillow talk, and small kisses that brought warm smiles. Whether it was Earth or Middle Earth, there was no other place in both worlds that Justin wanted to be at that moment.

In a daze, Justin woke the next morning doing a surprisingly good rendition of a zombie from Night of the Living Dead. He walked around getting ready with his mind miles away from the white walls of Minas Tirith. Legolas tried to engage his love in conversation but he was unresponsive. They made no sound as they walked side by side down the corridor that led to the stables.

Finally giving up, Legolas grabbed Justin's hand and pulled the man into a shadowed corner. Surprised, Justin stared at Legolas. The Elf placed a finger against the lips of Justin's mouth stopping him from speaking. Justin closed his open mouth, eyes questioning at the gentle look directed solely for him.

"Let me speak, love," said Legolas, softly. "I think that I may know what is troubling you. You are scared, are you not?"

"Not scared per say," Justin argued. Seeing the raised eyebrow, he sighed, "Alright, more like scared shitless."

Legolas placed his hand against Justin's cheek and the shorter man cuddled into the warmth. "It is fine to be afraid, love. We all are afraid. The thing is we have to have hope. Hope that we will save Middle Earth and make it out of this battle alive."

"I'm sorry, Las," Justin muttered, looking toward the ground, sighing. "I didn't mean to go to mopes ville. I just... I worry about today. What if something happens..."

Legolas ran his hand through Justin's short locks. "There is need to worry, Justin, but there is also need for hope. Please believe that we will make it through this. Have faith."

Justin nodded. There was nothing to say to that. Instead of words he grabbed Legolas's hand and they continued on their way. For Justin the day looked a little less dark and little brighter. Not all that much brighter, but enough for him to pick his head up.

To Be Continued...

***************************************** I can't say when the next chapter will be up. This has been finished for some time, but my life is so busy I have little free time. Thanks though to all the people who emailed and asked about the story. Much love to all. If you want to send me an email you can reach me at

Next: Chapter 29

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