Destiny of an Earth

By Silvenfox

Published on Apr 4, 2003


Disclaimer: I don't know Nsync. I don't know Justin Timberlake in real life. This will be a Justin Timberlake centered story. This story is in no way meant to imply that he is homosexual in real life. This story is simply the work of a fan and is pure fiction.

I don't own The Lord of the Ring or any other works of the series. The rights of the series goes solely to the series author JRR Tolkien.

Now that's out of the way. This story appeared in my head when I was trapped in the car with my relatives for a 24-hour road trip. I was really really bored! I shudder just thinking about that trip. Anyway, if your below legal age to read this where your from, then all I can tell you is stop and don't let your parents catch you. He he that's not much of a warning, but hey what else can I do.

Now if you have any comments, feedback or you just want to drop a word. Send them to

Chapter 5

It was days later when the company stopped in middle of their journey for lunch. They were close to the pass of Caradhras and the passage to the south. They chose to settle and have their break on a high cliff.

Justin, Aragorn, Gandalf, Gimli, and Frodo were sitting on a group of flat stones watching Boromir teach Pippin and Merry swordplay. Sam was helping himself to sausages while also watching the lesson.

" Two, one, five. Good! Very good," Boromir praised parrying one of their swings.

"You look good, Pippin," Merry said catching his breath.

"Thanks," said Pippin.

Boromir rolled his eyes and blocked another one of their blows. "Faster."

Gimli sighed for the thousandth time today. "We are taking the long way around Gandalf. We could pass through the Mines of Moria. My cousin Balin would give us a royal welcome."

Gandalf shook his head slowly. "No Gimli," he said gravely. "I would not take the road through Moria unless I had no other choice."

Justin was tired of the Dwarf's constant mention of his cousin and the mines. He looked up and saw Legolas standing watching on a high rock over looking the ground below. He rose and went to stand beside the Elf.

"Hello Legolas," greeted Justin.

Legolas gave him a warm smile that made him melt. "Hello Justin."

"For the shire!"

Hearing the battle cry, Legolas and Justin turned around in time to see Merry and Pippin jump on Boromir knocking him to the ground. Boromir took it in good spirit. Laughing he wrestled them to ground pinning them both simultaneously.

"He's a good man," said Legolas.

He nodded not registering the emotion in Legolas's voice. "He is."

Legolas sighed. "I wish you two happiness."

Justin frowned and turned around to meet the Elf's gaze. "What are you talking about?"

Suddenly, before the Elf could answer a feeling of unease gripped them. They whipped their heads around and looked off into the distance. A faint black shape was seen. It quickly became clearer as it rapidly headed their way. Justin thought it looked like a flock of ravens but the feeling of uneasiness was still there.

"What is that?" Sam asked seeing the black cloud heading their way.

"Nothing. It's just a wisp of cloud." Said Gimli.

Boromir stood from the ground and gazed into the sky. "It's moving fast. Against the wind," he observed.

"Crebain from Duneland!" Legolas shouted. He grabbed Justin's arm and pulled them to ground and under the cover of a rock. Justin dimly registered the rest of the fellowship doing the same thing.

Sam put out the fire, taking the pan of sausages with him, while Frodo, Aragorn, and the others took their cloaks and other belongings, hiding behind the rocks. The Crebain come through the area, exploring it thoroughly, as though they know they are there.

The space under the rock was tight and left them no room. Legolas was forced to lie atop of Justin in the cramped space. Justin almost had a cardiac arrest as the heat from Legolas's body started to mingle with his on. Unintentionally he lifted his head and buried it in the side of the blonde's neck. Legolas gasped and wrapped his arms around Justin in response.

'Oh, by my grace. The things you do to me,' Legolas thought while basking in the moment.

Justin twisted his hand around and gripped the Elf's hand tightly. He looked into those electric blue eyes. Legolas was in the same situation as Justin. They slowly began to lean their heads forwards toward each other.

"They're gone!" Pippin yelled.

As if shocked by an electric current they hastily stood up and separated from each other. Boromir met Justin's eyes and gave him a knowing wink. Justin blushed and looked at the ground. He looked back up from the ground and risked a glance at Legolas. He wore an angry expression on his face.

'He's mad because I came on to him,' Justin thought guiltily. He wanted to jump off the cliff they were standing on. Having the Elf mad at him was too much to take. This was another reason why he didn't tell Legolas about his feelings. He didn't want him mad at him for feeling the way he did. And the possibility of not being good enough for the Elf was another thought that bothered him greatly.

Legolas was mad for another reason however. 'I shouldn't have did that. He and Boromir are together. I can't have feelings for someone who is already taken. What was I thinking.' He berated himself mentally. Gandalf's voice drove him from his thoughts.

"Spies of Saruman. The passage south is being watched. We must take the pass of Caradhras."

Legolas looked over to Justin to see the hybrid looking sadly at the ground. He felt his heart tug in remorse. 'He's probably sad that I took advantage of his vulnerability.'

The fellowship began to pack up. One person was sad and another was guilty, but each had their mind on the other man.

Justin knew he should be cold but he was barely even feeling the cold of the biting icy winds. Everyone in the company except for he and Legolas seemed unaffecting by the cold of the mountain.

Justin's first shock came not from being able to feel the cold, but from his ability to walk on the snow. He had been thoroughly shocked when the rest of the fellowship sunk into the snow, while he and Legolas simply walked on top of it as if it were dry earth.

The mountain was steep but the fellowship trudged up it the best they could. Legolas was running back and forth up the mountain helping out their companions. Justin smiled at his show of kindness.

A loud yell pierced their ears. Frodo had lost his balance and began to tumble down the snowy slope.

"Frodo!" yelled Aragorn.

Aragorn helped him up, and placed his hands on his shoulders, while Frodo brushes the snow off his clothes. He then searched for the Ring, only to find he had dropped it when he tumbled over. Boromir picked up by the chain and held it up at eye lever. Aragorn slowly takes his hands from Frodo's shoulders, putting them onto the hilt of his sword.

Boromir looks at ring with a foreign glint in his eye. "It is a strange fate that we should suffer so much fear and doubt over so small a thing. Such a little thing."

Justin sucks in a breath. This was so unlike his friend. He didn't know if they could feel it, but he felt as if he could feel the ring reaching out and gripping his friend's very soul.

Aragorn looked Boromir straight into the eyes. "Boromir! Give the Ring to Frodo."

Justin could mentally see the rings influence loosen and lose its grip on Boromir's soul. He sighed in relief when the glint in his eyes disappeared in the normal twinkle reappeared.

He walked towards Aragorn and Frodo. "As you wish," Justin could see hear fear of what the ring made him do in his voice. He held out the ring and Frodo grabbed it.

"I care not," he said. He laughed and ruffled Frodo's hair. He walks off, and Aragorn takes his hand off the hilt of his sword. He walked over to stand beside Justin. Justin looks into Boromir eyes and the fear of ring's will was still there.

The Fellowship started on again and Boromir and Justin took up the rear positions. "I saw the ring reach out to you," Justin said softly so the others wouldn't hear.

Boromir sighed. "It wasn't me. It was like something just dug inside my soul and started to control my very own body from the inside. It was compelling me to take the ring from the little one, but I just couldn't."

Justin patted his shoulder. "It's alright, Bo. That ring is pure evil. It has a way of controlling Man easier than any other race. I think Aragorn is resisting better because the Elves put some kind of wammy on him."

"What is a wammy?" he said pronunciation 'wammy' slowly as if foreign.

"Never mind," he said grinning.

Suddenly, the wind began to pick up as a storm came upon them seemingly from nowhere. Seeing Frodo had started to fall back from the others Justin picked him up and placed him on his back. Aragorn and Boromir began to help the others since it seemed as if they were about to be blown from the mountain.

Legolas and Justin's ears picked up a voice above the wind.

"There is a foul voice on the air," warned Legolas.

Justin nodded. "I can hear it too. And I don't think it's the Wizard of OZ."

"Its Saruman!" Gandalf yelled. Boulder from the top of the mountain began to fall as the storm got worse. Justin growled. He wanted to smack the old man. Who in their right mind would yell on top of a mountain with thousands of pounds of snow right above their very heads. Hasn't he ever heard of avalanche.

"He's trying to bring down the mountain!" said Aragorn. "Gandalf, we must turn back!"

"No!!" Gandalf yelled. Justin almost stepped back as he felt the old man unleash his power that he previously was holding back. He raised his wand and began to chant into the sky in the direction the storm was coming from. "Losto Caradhras, sedho, hodo, nuitho i 'ruith!"

Justin wasn't even shocked that he understood this language as well. 'Sleep Caradhras, be still, lie still, hold your wrath,' his mind translated before he even had to think about it.

The opposing voice instantly got lowered and spoke with more force. "Cuiva nwalca Carnirassë! Nai yarvaxëa rasselya taltuva ñotto-carinnar!"

Justin swallowed heavily and braced himself and Frodo as he translated the words. 'Wake up cruel Redhorn! May your blood-stained horn shall fall upon the enemy-heads'

A bolt of lightning stuck the mountain and an avalanche of snow and rocks fell down. Justin looked up. 'Gandlaf never should have yelled.' Was his last thought before an infinite blanket of cold engulfed him and the halfling.

With difficulty they dug themselves out of the snow. "We cannot pass over a mountain. Let us go under it! Let us go through the Mines of Moria," suggested Gimli.

Gandalf sighed and looked to Frodo who stood by Justin's side. "Let the Ring-bearer decide...Frodo?"

Frodo didn't want to spend another minute in the cold. If there were another easier way to get around the mountain he would take it.

"Let us go through the mines."

Gandalf sighed and nodded albeit reluctantly. "So be it."

It took a few days to get down from the mountain and all the way to the mines. They encountered little resistance in the form of beast like creatures, which were quickly chased off by Gandalf and Aragorn.

It was the dead of night when they came to the Moria. They stood before a huge rock wall that was so high that top couldn't even be seen.

"The Walls of Moria," breathed Gimli.

Gandalf went to a blank part of the wall and stood there looking pensive. Justin shot nervous glances over his shoulder at the nearby pool of water. It wasn't that he was afraid of water. The water was giving off a feeling of uneasiness the same feeling flying birds gave off. He met Legolas's eyes and they nodded in silent agreement. Something was not right about the pool and they would keep an eye on it.

Justin tapped his foot impatiently. "Merlin! What are you looking for?"

Gandalf glared at him. "My name is Gandalf. How many times must I tell you this!"

Justin just grinned cheekily. Suddenly the clouds in front of the moon drifted away and the moonlight appeared shining down. The light hit the wall and a door appeared in front of Gandalf.

The door was outlined in silvery light that went into some type of pattern. Two trees on both side and silver foreign writing above ended it.

"What does it say?" asked Pippin.

"It reads, The doors of Durin, Lord of Moria. Speak friend and enter."

"What do you suppose it means?" Sam frowned.

Gandalf drew himself up and puffed out his chest. Like he had it all figured out. "Oh, it's quite simple. If you are a friend, you speak the password, and the doors will open."

Gandalf raised his staff and pointed it at the door. "Annon Edhellen edro hi ammen!"

Justin had to bite his cheeks to keep from laughing. The old wizard looked so deflated that his idea didn't work. I mean what kind of password is 'Gate of the Elves open for me' anyway.

Justin sat down on a nearby rock to get comfortable. Even Gandalf looked as if this was going to take a while. He watched as the hobbits released Bill, the pony, to return to the Shire. The Mines of Moria was no place for a pony to be travelling.

Justin gazed at the water absently. He could feel something lurking beneath its surface waiting. Gandalf took off his hat and kneeled down on a rock.

"It's useless."

Frodo sprung up from his seat on a rock. He looked as if he had just had the best idea in the world. "Gandalf! It's a riddle, speak 'friend' and enter. What is the Elvish word for friend?"

Gandalf stood up. "Mellon."

The doors opened. "Bout time," Justin muttered walking with the others into the mines.

"Soon, Master Elf," Gimli boasted. "You will enjoy the fabled hospitality of the Dwarves! Roaring fires, malt beer, ripe meat off the bone! This, my friend, is the home of my cousin Balin. And they call it a mine. A MINE!"

Gandalf banged his staff on the ground and the crystal on the top lit up giving the corridor light. They let out gasps as rotting bodies of Dwarves and Orcs, covered in cobweebs littered the hall.

Gimli fell to his knees and dropped his axe in shock. He covered his face with his hands. "No! Nooo! Nooooo!" he wailed.

They looked down at the dwarf and tried to comfort him as best as they could. It was not everyday you walked into a once glorious city to find it in ruins along with everyone you thought alive dead at the hands of the enemy.

"This is no mine," Boromir said gravely. "It is a tomb."

Legolas walks over to a fallen body of a dwarf and takes out an arrow from its chest. "Goblins," he stated.

"We make for the Gap of Rohan. We should never have come here! Now get out of here! Get out!!" advised Boromir.

They started to back out of the mine. Suddenly, a tentacle appeared from the water outside and wrapped itself around Frodo.

"Frodo!" They yelled.

The tentacle dragged Frodo out of the mine and outside towards the pool. They pulled out their weapons and went on the offensive intent on rescuing their friend.

So what do you think. Do you like it? If you have any comments, feedback or you just want to drop a word send them to Dang! Justin and Legolas were so close too. Hehehe... I wonder if they will get together next time?

Next: Chapter 6

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