Destiny of an Earth

By Silvenfox

Published on Apr 29, 2003


Disclaimer: I don't know Nsync. I don't know Justin Timberlake in real life. This will be a Justin Timberlake centered story. This story is in no way meant to imply that he is homosexual in real life. This story is simply the work of a fan and is pure fiction.

I don't own The Lord of the Ring or any other works of the series. The rights of the series goes solely to the series author JRR Tolkien.

Now that's out of the way. This story appeared in my head when I was trapped in the car with my relatives for a 24-hour road trip. I was really really bored! I shudder just thinking about that trip. Anyway, if your below legal age to read this where your from, then all I can tell you is stop and don't let your parents catch you. He he that's not much of a warning, but hey what else can I do.

Now if you have any comments, feedback or you just want to drop a word. Send them to

Chapter 8

They headed southeast towards the Golden Wood at a fast pace. Everyone was tired but fear of what was behind them kept them going. After traveling for some time they reached the woods of Lothlorien.

"Alas," said Aragorn. "We have reached the Golden Wood."

"Go us-" Justin said sarcastically.

Aragorn gave him a look. Justin met the look evenly, resisting the urge to flip him off. Legolas could see the tension between the two. "Come let us see the Mellyrn trees of legend, while there is still light out," he said to get them moving.

Justin broke of his stare. "What are the Mellyrn trees?" he asked Legolas.

Justin could see a bit of excitement behind the elf's eyes. "They are very old trees that have golden leaves. That is why the forest is called the Golden Wood."

There was no further debating and the fellowship entered the wood. It wasn't long before they were well within the woods. Justin shivered involuntarily. There was some ancient magic at work in this forest. He could feel the magic singing through his bones.

He looked up at the sun shinning through the grouping of leaves. Sure enough all of the leaves in the forest were golden. There was no mistaking the color.

Justin closed his eyes taking in the forest. He could hear the wind rushing through the trees. He could also make out the sound of water running from the stream up ahead.

He opened his eyes at the feel of a hand on his arm. Boromir looked at him brown eyes filled with concern. Justin gave him a small smile. "I'm alright. Just taking in the forest." The steward nodded and they continued on following Aragorn and Legolas.

"Stay close, young Hobbits!" warned Gimli. "They say that a great sorceress lives in these woods. An Elf-witch of terrible power. All who look upon her fall under her spell. And are never seen again."

Justin clapped his hands together. "Ouh! Is she like Glinda the Good Witch from the North."

He sighed as he received eight blank stares. "Tough crowd," he muttered.

Justin happened to look at Frodo the moment the little hobbit started to look around wildly. "Frodo what's wrong?" he asked concerned.

The hobbit turned to him. His blue eyes were filled with confusion and touch of fear. "Noth...Nothing," stuttered Frodo. "I thought I heard something."

Justin nodded taking his word. Gimli puffed up his chest and held his ax in front of him like a shield. "Here is one dwarf she won't ensnare so easily."

Suddenly senses, which he dubbed his spider sense, started to warn him of danger. Apparently no one else felt anything because Gimli continued talking quite loudly. "I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox."

Instantly elves from all sides appeared from the trees. They had their bows drawn and aimed at the fellowship. They all had blond hair like Legolas.

"Well," Justin said breaking the silence. "Did you guys get beat up by a bottle of peroxide."

The elf aimed on him drew his string back a little further. Justin took the hint and shut up. A tall elf that looked like the leader stepped forward. "The Dwarf breathes so loud, we could have shot him in the dark," he said looking directly at Gimli. He turned back to Aragorn.

"I am Haldir of Lorien."

Aragorn tipped his head and started to speak in Elvish. "Haldir o Lórien. Henio aníron, boe ammen i dulu lîn. Boe ammen veriad lîn."

Justin's mind translated the sentence into English. "Haldir of Lorien. We come here for help. We need your protection."

"Aragorn! These woods are perilous. We should go back." Said Gimli eyeing the weapons trained on him with trepidation.

"You have entered the realm of the Lady of the Wood," said Haldir. "You cannot go back. Come. She is waiting." He turned around and started to lead them through the woods. The arrows trained on the fellowship urged them to follow along.

They trekked after Haldir well until nightfall. When the stars lit the sky they decided to camp for the night and continue on the rest of the way tomorrow. Instead of making camp on the ground. The Elves led them up onto raised platforms that resided in the trees. Haldir called them Talans. They're were many stationed high in the trees. Their main purpose was for guard-posts or ceremonial purposes.

Haldir stood before the fellowship on top of the telain. "Welcome Legolas, son of Thranduil," he greeted his fellow Elf. He said this in Elvish, but only Aragorn and Justin understood it.

"Our Fellowship stands in your debt, Haldir of Lorien," Legolas replied back in Elvish.

Haldir turned to Aragorn. "Aragorn of the Dunedain, you are known to us." Aragorn tipped his head, "Thanks."

Haldir then turned to Justin. His eyes flickered to Justin's ears then to his short hair. "You are not known to me."

"I'm Justin," he flushed a little as he felt the elves eyes run up and down body. He had unconsciously reverted to Elvish like the three. Legolas stepped a little in front of Justin protectively to stop Haldir's roving eye.

"So much for the legendary courtesy of the Elves!" Gimli spat. "Speak words we can all understand!"

Haldir eyes narrowed a little as he glared down at the Dwarf. "We have not had dealings with the Dwarves since the Dark Days." Gimli met the Elf's glare evenly. "And you know what that Dwarf says to that?" He retorted. "Ishkhaqwi ai durugnul."

Aragorn turned on Gimli. "That was not so courteous."

Haldir ignored the Elf and turned to Frodo. "You bring great evil with you." He faced Aragorn. "You can go no further."

Aragorn and Haldir walked a little away from the fellowship. Aragorn began to argue with the Elf to change his mind. Everyone was a little worried about the outcome of the conversation.

Justin stood beside Legolas as the blond looked up at the heavenly bodies above. Legolas looked down from the sky and faced Justin. Justin brought his hand up and brushed a bit of Legolas's hair from his face. "Do you think Haldir will agree?"

"We will know in a few minutes," he said smiling tenderly as his love brushed back his hair.

Aragorn and Haldir returned. Everyone stopped their conversations and turned to the approaching pair. "You will follow me," said Haldir.

After a night's sleep in the talans the fellowship and the Lorien Elves set off for the heart of the forest. "How long until we get there?" Gimli grumbled.

Haldir looked back at him. "It is just over these hills."

The company climbed a large hill to see a large elvish city residing in the distance. Haldir's wore a look of pride on his face as the fellowship gazed at the city in awe.

"Caras Galadhon. The heart of Elvendom on earth. Realm of the Lord Celeborn and of Galadriel, Lady of Light."

Justin had traveled all over Earth and had been to more cities than he could remember, but the sight before him was spectacular. He had never seen anything like it in his life.

Justin's head wasn't the only one that turned in every which direction as they walked through Caras Galadhon. They didn't have time to enjoy the sites, since their first stop was to see the Lord and Lady of the city.

They climbed a set of winding set of stairs that was attached to a tree. There were many such stairs like this that they could see all over the city. At the top of the stairs was the grand court of the Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel.

They stepped onto a wide platform that had a set of wide stairs leading up. Glowing crystals was off to the side giving them light to see in the dark. Justin felt his eyes widen as two figures started to descend from the platforms hand in hand. They were garbed in white and they seemed to give off a luminescent light.

They both had blond white hair and stood with a regal air about them. Justin unintentionally bowed before them. Aragorn touched his head reverently in greeting. Legolas touched his hand to his heart and made a seeping motion. The man addressed the fellowship first.

"The enemy knows you have entered here. What hope you had in secrecy is now gone. Eight that are here yet nine there were set out from Rivendell. Tell me where is Gandalf?" he asked looking to Aragorn. "For I much desire to speak with him. I can no longer see him from afar."

Galadriel looked at Aragorn and read the answer in his eyes. "Gandalf the Gray did not pass the borders of this land. He has fallen into shadow." Her voice was soft and imposing at the same time.

"He was taken by both shadow and flame. A balrog of Morgoth. For we went needlessly into the net of Moria," Legolas said regretfully.

"Needless were none of the deeds of Gandalf in life. We do not yet know his full purpose," she said in that soft tone she always spoke in. She looked at Gimli who looked at the ground unhappy.

"Do not let the great emptiness of Khazad-dûm fill your heart, Gimli, Son of Gloin, for the world has grown full of peril and in all lands, love is now mingled with grief." Justin looked at Boromir wondering why he wasn't looking at the Lady.

Galadriel also noticed Boromir's failure to meet her gaze. He was shaking and his eyes were cast downwards. 'Boromir, Steward of Gondor. The White City has fallen along with your father, but fear not. There is hope left,' she said telepathically in his mind.

"What now becomes of this fellowship? Without Gandalf, hope is lost," said Celeborn. Galadriel was looking at everyone as if she was trying to read their minds. Galadriel then looked straight at him. She gave him a deep stare then her eyes widened slightly. Justin frowned inwardly wondering what startled her.

Galadriel turned away from him and addressed the company. "The quest stands upon the edge of a knife. Stray but a little and it will fail to the ruin of all. Yet hope remains while the company is true." She looked at Sam and smiled when she said the last part.

"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Go now and rest for you are weary with sorrow and much toil. Tonight you will sleep in peace," she said. She turned her gaze to Frodo and whispered in his mind.

"Welcome, Frodo of the Shire, one who has seen the Eye!"

An area back on the ground had been provided for them to rest in. The hobbits started to settle down getting ready to sleep. In the trees, the Elves singing could be heard.

Everyone had had a chance to bath and change clothes. Justin and Legolas walked back from their bath hand in hand. They approached their area when they heard the singing. "A lament for Gandalf," said Legolas pensive.

"What does it say?" Merry asked him.

"I have not the heart to tell you," he sighed. Justin squeezed his hand feeling the same way. "For me the grief is still too near."

"I bet they don't mention his fireworks. There should be a verse about them," Sam said sadly. "The finest rockets ever seen. They burst in stars of blue and green. Or after thunder, silver showers came falling like a rain of flowers. Oh, that doesn't do them justice by a long road."

"Justin you have a beautiful voice," said Sam. "I bet you can sing us a song that will do Gandalf justice."

"I don't think I can compete with them," he blushed lightly. Legolas faced him and looked him in the eye. He placed his hand on Justin's cheek. "Trust me. They can't even begin to compare to you."

"I'll do it for you," Justin whispered staring into his eyes. Legolas nodded and kissed his forehead. Justin took a deep breath and reached inside of him for that part of him that loved to sing. It's been a while since he let himself sing. It reminded him a little too much of home.

It took him a moment to come up with a song. The song he chose fit perfectly with the mood everyone was in. All he had to do was change a couple of words.

Though I'm missing you I'll find a way to get through Living without you 'Cause you were my brother, my strength, and my pride Only God may know why, still I will get by

I would've known, that you had to go But so suddenly, so bad How could it be, not a straight memory worthy of All that we had made Now that you're gone, every day I go on But life's just not the same I'm so empty inside, and my tears I can't hide But I'll try, I'll try to face the pain

Though I'm missing you I'll find a way to get through Living without you 'Cause you were my brother, my strength, and my pride Only God may know why, still I will get by

Oh, there was so many things That we could have shared, And time was on our side Ooh, yeah Now that you're gone, I can still feel you near So I'll smile, with every tear I cry

Though I'm missing you I'll find a way to get through Living without you 'Cause you were my brother, my strength, and my pride Only God may know why, still I will get by

How sweet, were the losses to spare? But I'll wait for the day When I'll see you again, see you again, yeah

I'm missing you

Justin raised his eyebrow at his friends. Once again, they seemed to be in a daze. Every time he sung they acted like it was the first time they heard him before. He knew he was good, but he was not that good.

He snapped his finger in front of Legolas's unblinking eyes. "Hello--Las," he called.

Legolas blinked his eyes and shook his head. The others seemed to come out of their daze state too at the sound of his voice. "That was amazing!" Legolas said kissing him deeply. Justin moaned deep in his throat. This boy could kiss!

They broke off the kiss breathing deeply from the lack of air. "Wow! Maybe I should sing more often," Justin said breathlessly.

Legolas wrapped his arms around Justin's waist. They leaned their heads forward so their foreheads touched. Aragorn cleared his throat. They looked up to see their friends looking at them with bemused smiles on their faces. Justin blushed as Boromir gave him a grin that ushered him he would be thoroughly teased later on.

"That was lovely," said Boromir.

Frodo nodded his head. "Yes. That was beautiful song Justin."

"Who said I was talking about the song?" asked Boromir innocently. He grinned cheekily as they all groaned at his bad joke.

So what do you think. Do you like it? If you have any comments, feedback or you just want to drop a word send them to This song is called 'Though I'm Missin You,' and comes from the Set It Off soundtrack.

Next: Chapter 9

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