Digitals & Denim

By RedDirt Writer

Published on Nov 16, 2012



All rights reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the Author.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

There are scenes of unprotected sex depicted in his story. But this is a work of fiction, you should always protect yourself and wear a condom.


Kyle walked slowly through the scorching heat, determined to get a little down time during his first leave since being assigned to this base. But as he had discovered, August in southwestern Oklahoma was a far cry from his central Wisconsin suburban background. The heat was relentless, each day fused to the next with highs over 100 degrees.

But Kyle hadn't joined the Army for the normal reasons of duty and honor, although he believed in those ideas. He'd joined hoping the Army would cure him, to make him into a man instead of a fag who liked guys. For as long as he could remember he'd been drawn to guys, and as he got older he realized that it wasn't normal to be attracted to someone of the same sex. After puberty, the pull had become almost unbearable. In high school he'd resisted the urges, dated girls and had actually gotten a reputation as a player since he never dated a girl very long.

Having escaped high school with his secret intact, he'd hoped that college would be the time he'd leave these unnatural feeling behind. But his roommate had been on the college lacrosse team and was well over six feet tall with rippling muscles. The sight of Clint walking around the room naked on a daily basis left Kyle in a near constant state of arousal. After one particular drunken episode, Kyle woke to the dim memories of sucking a cock, and the faint taste of cum. In a panic, Kyle had left school and enlisted. He'd told his parents that he needed some time before college, but Kyle had hoped the military would cure him.

But it had only gotten worse. Surrounded with hot young guys on a daily basis was only making Kyle into a walking erection. Some of the guys had even started teasing him about needing a woman so his morning wood didn't last until nightfall. He was hoping a little time away from the barracks would help. Kyle desperately needed something to change.

Pausing to look for the hallmark blue door of the bar, he spotted it through the simmering heat only a block or so away. He quickened his pace and was soon grabbing the scorching hot handle and yanking the door open. Kyle stepped into the inky blackness and let the door shut behind him. Pausing to let his eyes adjust to the dim light, Kyle enjoyed the chill of refrigerated air across his sweat-drenched skin. As he'd hoped, the bar was largely deserted on a hot Saturday afternoon. The only other person in the room was a damn cowboy listlessly knocking around the balls on one of the pool tables.

The sight of the cowboy just served to make his already bad mood deteriorate. It hadn't taken Kyle long after arriving in Oklahoma to realize he intensely disliked the locals. They were all backward southern rednecks so far as he was concerned, and he really didn't want to get to know any of them. A few had tried to strike up a conversation with him, but he had cut them off quickly, making it clear that he wasn't anyone's buddy, son, friend, dude, or any other homey expression, all of which he hated. He didn't want friendly, he didn't want homey. Regardless of what anyone else might feel, Kyle didn't find the quaint country folk persona at all appealing.

Kyle walked to the bar and ordered a beer. Raising the glass to his lips, he drained half of it without stopping, it's icy content going a long way to improving his disposition. After only a few minutes, he had emptied his first glass and motioned to the bartender for a second. Leaving money on the bar, Kyle walked over and watched the cowboy while savoring his second beer. As he watched, he realized this guy was about the same age as himself, which lessened his distaste some. Lining up his last shot, the cowboy finished his game, glanced up to Kyle and nodded.

"Hey, interested in a game?"

"Sure, why not. Name's Kyle."

"Ian. Pleased to me ya, Kyle," came the reply, "What's your pleasure?"


Ian smiled and handed Kyle the rack, "Rack 'em, dude."

Kyle quickly setup the game. As they played, Kyle was surprised to find that he was relaxing in Ian's company. Afternoon melted into evening with a few more people wandering into the bar. Kyle was actually enjoying the companionship with Ian, the evening slid past as they played game after game. At some point in the evening, Kyle had started ordering tequila shots for the two of them, but he drank the lion's share of the liquor. Eventually the bartender cut him off, much to his distain.

"Fuckers!" slurred Kyle, "They cud jess give'm my fuck'n drink."

"It's ok, Kyle. It's probably time for us to both head home," said Ian.

"Fuck. Whatever. Base's close, I walked."

"You sure you don't need a ride?" asked Ian.

"Soldiers don't get rides!" Kyle said, and then giggled. "Oops, that wasn't a manly laugh was it." He stammered out.

Ian chuckled at the drunken soldier, wondering if he should let Kyle walk back. Looking up, he saw Kyle stumbling toward the door. Quickly he put away their cues and raced after him. Kyle barely made it through the doorway before he had to catch himself on the door frame to keep from falling face first onto the concrete sidewalk. Ian chuckled as he took Kyle by the arm to steady him.

"Easy there. I'm not sure you can walk a few feet, much less a few miles. Come on, you can crash on my couch tonight and I'll drive you back to the base tomorrow."

"I kin walk . . ." Kyle said with a slur.

"Come on, Private. Let's get you to bed before you pass out," said Ian. With that, Ian wedged his shoulder under Kyle's armpit, then brought his arm around Ian's shoulders. Almost carrying Kyle, he managed to get the very inebriated man to his pickup. Yanking open the door, Ian shoved Kyle into the seat and buckled him in for the ride home. Ian had a vague worry that he might have taken on more than he could deal with, but he couldn't leave Kyle to fend for himself as drunk as he was.


The trip to his house ended quickly as Ian's mind kept wandering to the man passed out beside him. Pulling into the gravel driveway of the small house provided as part of his job as ranch hand, he soon found himself struggling to get the passenger into his tiny home. After he lowered Kyle to the couch, he rummaged through his closet and found an extra pillow and sheet. Laying the bedding beside the couch, Ian looked down at the hunky soldier, trying to decide if he should leave him dressed, or try to make him more comfortable. Ian wasn't sure what the morning fallout might be, but if he didn't Kyle was going to spend the night sleeping in clothes soaked with sweat and spilled beer. The decision finally became a practical matter; if he stripped Kyle he would only have to wash the sheet, not end up trying to get stink of stale beer out of his couch. Ian had learned to be very frugal with his limited money ever since his parents had thrown him out.

With the decision made, Ian moved quickly get it done. He started by slipping off Kyle's shoes and socks, to be enveloped in the strong scent of a man. As the pheromones drifted through his system, Ian could feel his cock begin to swell and stiffen. Unbuttoning Kyle's shirt, Ian was having an almost overwhelming need to run his hands over the hard body leaning against him. Finally getting the shirt off Kyle's body, Ian let him slump to against the cushion and stepped back to regain self-control. Looking down he realized this hot army boy was even more handsome than he'd originally thought. Even in the dim light coming from the small kitchen light, he couldn't help but marvel at the deep olive skin and the wonderful fan of hair covering Kyle's chest.

Mesmerized, Ian reached down and almost touched the man sprawled across his couch. He desperately wanted to let his fingers slide through Kyle's hair chest. But Ian's integrity refused to allow him to betray someone's trust that way, even if the other person would never know. As he struggled with himself, Kyle suddenly moaned softly and shifted his body across the couch. The movement brought Ian back to reality and he was shocked that he'd even considered what would amount to molestation of the unconscious soldier.

With his morals back firmly in place, Ian quickly unbuttoned Kyle's pants and slid them off. He carefully laid them across the back of a chair with the shirt that he picked up off the floor. Ian paused again to look at the real life wet dream lying on his couch. The firm chest and its light coating of hair, the flat stomach and a dense treasure trail that plunged from his navel to disappear into his boxers. Ian could feel his now rock hard cock flex in his jeans as he stared. Realizing he needed to leave the living room before he did something he would regret later, Ian covered Kyle with the sheet and walked quickly to the bedroom.

Once he was behind the closed bedroom door, he stripped to his white briefs and looked down at the raging cock jutting from his crotch. The growing wet spot was clear evidence that the hot guy passed out in the next room was having a strong influence on him. Reaching over to the nightstand, Ian turned off the last light in the house, plunging it into darkness. The night filled room allowed Ian to relax. Spreading his legs, Ian moaned softly as his hand played across the fabric trapping his cock and balls. Closing his eyes, he began to fantasize about the hot soldier in the next room.

Ian had long ago recognized his attraction for men, but because of a combination of factors, he was still a virgin. At his small town Oklahoma high school, life was miserable for those people who were even suspected of being gay, and Ian had worked hard to not to be suspected. His total sexual experience thus far was a mutual grope session with his best friend. But that had only happened once, and they had never talked about it. Kyle looked to be a few years older than Ian, and while Ian was sure he was straight, he couldn't help but fantasize about being with Kyle. Ian pushed his briefs down to his thighs and then coated the palm of his hand with spit. He wrapped his dripping hand around his now throbbing cock and imagined it was Kyle's hot mouth. Ian closed his eyes, imagining the scene with the smoking hot soldier looking up at him with his mouth filled with Ian's granite hard cock. The thought of his cock stuffed in the handsome man's mouth was enough to elicit a rumbling moan from Ian.

As the fantasy progressed, Ian reached lower, fondling his nuts as he vividly envisioned his first oral sex with this relative stranger. Gripping his cock tightly, Ian pulled his fingers upward, stripping its accumulated precum. Rubbing his hand over the glistening secretion, he quickly smeared it over his dick, covering it completely. Gripping the head of his cock tightly, Ian rotated his hand around his cockhead, imaging Kyle's tongue swirling around its rim. The sensation flooded Ian's system with jolts of lust, the thought of the hot man sleeping just feet away firing the passion even harder.

"Oh fuck, Kyle. Shit yeah! Suck it, lick my big cock," whispered Ian.

Ian let his hand trail lower, using his finger to tease his pulsing hole. Pressing his finger tight against his puckered ass, he reveled in the stimulation of a major erogenous zone for him. As he stroked his work roughened finger against his hole, his cock belched up stream after stream of precum until his crotch was wet with the viscous secretion. Ian ran his finger through the pool of clear discharge, coating it with the precum. Quickly shifting his dripping finger against his pulsing hole, he pressed inward feeling his gut slowly relax as his finger slid deeper and deeper. Once it was completely buried, Ian let out a moan at the sensations flooding his body. Slowly pumping his finger in and out, he again was engulfed in his fantasy, imagining Kyle pushing his thick cock inside him. In the past when Ian had found his sweet spot, it usually started a full body orgasm that left him gasping for breath. This time he was better able to control himself, his body shaking as he gently stroked over his prostate.

Eventually ready for more, Ian's let his finger slide, and then stuck two fingers in his mouth. Licking and sucking on them, he again drifted into a world where Kyle was his lover. He could almost feel the soft skin over the steel hard cock as he imagined Kyle's cock slipping over his lips. The fantasy continued for several minutes before Ian released his wet fingers with a popping sound. Dropping his hand to his butt, Ian again pressed them into his gut, sucking in a breath as his ass stretched to accommodate the thicker intruder. Soon his finger thrusts were becoming more and more urgent, while his free hand gripped and squeezed his hard cock. Ian felt himself plunge into an orgasm as his entire body began to shake.

Cum shot from his cock, leaving a trail of white across his chest. Ian's muscles locked as he tried to keep from screaming with the release. His body trembled as his orgasm rolled on and on. Distantly Ian was amazed at the ferocity of his climax, but finally he was able to relax. As he squeezed the last drops of cum from his softening cock, he looked down and smiled at his coated chest. Dropping his fingers to slide through the thick cum coating, he sadly smiled toward the living room in the acknowledgment that this attraction could never be more than his imagination.


"What the fuck! Where am I! Where are my goddamn clothes!" shouted Kyle.

"Good morning to you too," said Ian with a groan as he walked from his bedroom trying to wipe the sleep from his eyes. "You're at my house and your clothes are beside the couch. You were too drunk to walk back to base last night."

Kyle kicked off the sheet, and immediately tried to cover his morning wood that was pushing his boxers obscenely from his crotch. Turning his ass to Ian, he grabbed his pants and started yanking them over his legs. Once they were fastened, he quickly pulled on his shirt, then the socks.

Ian yawned and stretched; his jack-off session late last night seemed to have satiated his cock since it was behaving well this morning. He had enjoyed the sight of Kyle's round tight ass and was a little sad when he sat down to finish dressing. Ian watched for a few more minutes while Kyle seemed frantic to get out of his tiny home.

"If you'll wait a minute I can fix some breakfast for us," said Ian with another yawn.

"I don't want no fucking redneck cooking for me, ever," spouted off Kyle. Realizing he might not want to insult this stranger just yet, he added, "No offense . . ."

Ian's eyes narrowed to slits as he watched the solder finish dressing before he responded, "Oh fuck no, that's not offensive at all. Next time I'll just let you pass out in the damn alley and see what you have left in the morning, if you wake up the next morning," said Ian blisteringly.

Kyle paused, looked at Ian and then pulled out his wallet to see if he still had his money. When he looked back up, he found the younger man's face was deep red with fury.

"You must be fuck'n kidding me! You think I robbed you? You asshole!"

Kyle stopped, started to apologize, and then decided there was no need. He knew he would never see Ian again, so what difference did it make if they left on good terms or not. Pulling on the last of his clothes, Kyle looked around the couch to make sure he had everything and then glanced back at Ian.

"Thanks," said Kyle. Turning, he walked out the door, and froze on the porch. Surrounding this little oasis was mile after mile of rolling prairie. There wasn't even another house that Kyle could see. He turned back to Ian with desperation etched across his face. He wasn't even sure which direction he was from the base.

"Wha's wrong buddy? Ya'll can't git back inter town er sumton?" drawled Ian with a nearly indecipherable accent.

"Hey look. I'm sorry. I'm just not looking to make friends. I already told you I appreciated you bringing me back. Now can you take me to town?"

"Let the backward redneck have his breakfast, then we'll see how I feel about helping your rude Yankee ass," said Ian with more than a little venom.

Ian disappeared into his bedroom and quickly came back pulling on a t-shirt. He brought eggs and bacon out of the fridge and without another look at Kyle started looking through his pantry for ideas. Smiling to himself, Ian decided it might be a good morning for some made-from-scratch biscuits, or maybe French toast. Hell, maybe he'd just fix both. He suddenly had a tremendous appetite.


Weeks later the memory of Kyle remained sharp in Ian's memory. Once the anger at his rudeness began to lessen, he realized there was an attraction he didn't quite understand. When he arose each morning before dawn to begin his work on the ranch, he thought of the night with Kyle sprawled across his couch. Even when he was building new fence through the miserable August afternoon, thoughts of Kyle drifted through his mind. He wasn't quite sure why this particular soldier had stuck with him so tenaciously, but he was constantly daydreaming about his hot young stranger. Ian thought the feelings and memories would fade, but they only seemed to intensify. Even a hot Saturday afternoon trip into town for supplies was no exception. As he was dwelling on Kyle yet again, he caught the sight of a soldier walking down the side of the rural highway. Slowing, Ian pulled beside the slowly walking figure and rolled down his window.

"Need a ride?"

Ian was shocked when Kyle looked up at him. But it was no less than the surprise etched across Kyle's face when he realized that he knew the driver.

"Nah, I'm fine. It's only a few more miles," said Kyle.

"It's 15 miles and it's already 90. If you wanna walk that's fine. No skin off my nose."

Kyle paused, looking down the road to see the heat already creating a shimmer over the asphalt. As he felt another drop of sweat slowly roll down his backbone, he decided his stubborn pride could rest for today.

"Yeah, ok. I wouldn't mind a ride. I just need to get back to the base," said Kyle.

"Well I have a couple of errands to run. I can drop you off wherever once I'm done," replied Ian.

"That's fine. I don't actually have to be back until Sunday night," said Kyle, who quickly jumped into the truck. As the pickup rolled down the largely deserted rural highway, the two of them began to talk with each other and soon discovered they had a few things in common, a few favorite dishes and a love of Mexican food to name a few.

Ian stopped at a drive-in for lunch and the two of them shared stories of growing up. Kyle described being the only child of upper middle class conservative parents. Ian talked about growing up on his family's farm. Ian shared his memories of a childhood spent outdoors, working with animals, and Kyle could tell it was a life Ian loved. But Ian also noticed that Kyle only talked about memories of childhood, nothing past adolescence. Finishing the last of their burgers, Ian turned and said, "I'm done with the errands. Where did you want me to drop you off at?"

Kyle paused to consider, finally breaking the long silence he said, "Actually, I was enjoying just hang'n with you. Do ya want to go back to your house and chill for a while?"

Ian looked at Kyle with suspicion in his eyes, not certain he could trust his intuition about Kyle again. But something inside told him to give Kyle a second chance. If nothing else, he rationalized, more time with Kyle would give him more material for his fantasies. Deciding to take a chance, Ian turned to Kyle and nodded.

"Sure, but my AC isn't working too well so it's kinda hot," said Ian.

"Is the beer cold?" asked Kyle.

"Yeah," said Ian with a laugh.


As soon as they walked into the house, Ian started stripping. Within minutes he was walking around in nothing but a tight pair of white briefs. He turned on the arthritic window unit that slowly coughed into service and started blowing cooler air into the room. Ian flipped on the television and turned to see that Kyle hadn't moved.

"Get comfortable if ya want. It'll take Bertha some time to cool this place off," said Ian as he retrieved two ice-cold beers from the refrigerator.

Kyle reached up and took one of the bottles. "Nah, I'm good for now. What's on the boobtube?"

Ian chuckled and started flipping channels. He eventually stopped on a hunting channel and settled back to watch them stalking deer through the deep snow, one of many things he had never experienced. But Kyle seemed interested, so they settled in to watch.

Several beers later they were both feeling very relaxed. Ian reach down and scratched his nuts and watched a bead of sweat slowly roll down Kyle's cheek.

"Aren't you fuck'n burning up? I already told ya you could ditch the clothes," said Ian with a laugh.

Kyle looked over, shrugged and started stripping. He quickly took off his shirt and threw it over his chair. Ian licked his lips as he glanced at Kyle's broad muscular chest, with its perfect dusting of hair. His half-dollar sized nipples were distended from the heat and added to the overall effect that was causing Ian's cock to stiffen. Not wanting to throw a boner in front of Kyle, he turned back to the TV in time to see them gutting a buck. As he watched the final scenes of the show, he drained the last drops of beer from his bottle. Ian walked to the kitchen to retrieve another longneck for each of them and saw that Kyle had stripped to his boxers. Then Ian smiled as he realized Kyle had his hand inside his boxers, scratching himself. Coming back through, he handed Kyle one of the beers.

"Cooler now?" asked Ian.

"Oh, fuck yeah," replied Kyle with a sigh, taking a gulp from the cold bottle.

Ian sat back down, but the show in his living room was far more interesting than the one on his television. Kyle's hand was inside his boxers more than not and Ian was enjoying what he was seeing. As Kyle slowly stroked his cock it was pressed against the thin fabric. Ian could clearly see his foreskin sliding up and down the stiff shaft.

"Damn, I need to get off. I'm so fuck'n horny right now," said Kyle.

"Fuck yeah. I know how you feel. I'm horny as a three spotted goat myself," said Ian with a sigh.

"You got some porn we could watch? I really need to unload," said Kyle.

Ian moved to his stash of porn and rifled through it for a bi movie. He popped it in the player and moved back, this time sitting beside Kyle. They quietly watched the first scene as the two actors kissed passionately as the girl the scene opened with slowly disappeared. As the action progressed, Ian glanced over to see Kyle almost panting as he watched one of the actors first rim the other, and then slowly slide his huge cock deep inside the other man's ass.

The movie soon had Kyle hard and throbbing. As the action on the screen progressed, his barriers to accepting himself thinned until they were almost non-existent. He hesitantly looked at Ian, suddenly feeling the need to be honest with someone about his emotions, and instinctively knowing Ian was a good choice.

"Hey Ian, I need to tell you something," said Kyle almost in a whisper.

Ian turned from the video and looked at Kyle, "Yeah? Something wrong?"

"No, yes, maybe, hell I don't know," said Kyle in exasperation.

Ian chuckled and grinned at Kyle, "Whatever it is, it can't be that bad. Just spit it out."

"I think you're sexy," said Kyle, whose face was immediately filled with a look of sheer panic. "I'll go, I'm sure you don't want some fag to stay in your house. I left college and joined the Army to cure it, but I really think you're hot as fuck. Sorry, I know you're straight, I should just go."

Ian grabbed Kyle's arm as he stood to leave, stopping his exit. "It's ok, Kyle. I think your fucking hot too, but I thought you were straight. Come sit down. Just relax. If we are both in the mood, maybe we can have a little fun tonight. But I'll warn you, watching porn is about as much experience as I have," said Ian.

With a mutual smile, the pair settled next to each other with their eyes glued to the video. As the second scene progressed, Ian felt Kyle's hand slide into his lap and gently squeeze his package. Ian sighed with pleasure; afraid Kyle would stop if he said anything. Soon he had fished out Ian's cock and was stroking it in rhythm to the action on the screen. Ian valiantly tried to think of anything other than what Kyle was doing to keep from exploding. Finally he reached down and stopped Kyle's hand, but left it in place.

"Dude, I'm about to nut. I need a little break," said Ian between gasps for air.

Kyle leaned back against the couch and put his arms behind his head. Smiling at Ian, he nodded to his tented boxers.

"How about a little help for me then. I haven't gotten off in a week and my nuts are full."

"Oh yeah? Maybe I can help you out then," said Ian with a smirk. He reached over and slipped his hand into the fly of Kyle's boxers. As his fingers slipped past the soft cotton, he found a dense, wiry bush that was soaked with precum. Trailing his fingers through the dense pubic hair, he reached Kyle's hard cock and wrapped his fingers around it. Slowly he slid his fingers up and down as he teased its entire length. Kyle was pressed into the couch as Ian playfully worked his fingers over Kyle's cock, sliding his finger inside the long foreskin and teased the head. Kyle let out a low moan and started thrusting into Ian's hand.

"Oh yeah. That's it. Jerk my cock," said Kyle through a deep groan.

Ian pulled Kyle's cock out his fly. Taking it loosely in his hand, he smeared precum over its surface until it was covered with the wet secretion. Ian released Kyle's cock and watched the foreskin slither back over its head until only a small circle of glans was showing. Ian watched as another blob of clear cock honey belched out of Kyle's dick. Wrapping his hand back around it, he slowly pulled the foreskin down, watching with fascination as it unfurled to reveal steel hard cock.

Kyle watched him and chuckled, "Never saw an uncut one before?"

"No," replied Ian, "Everyone here is cut. I don't think they'd let you outta the hospital with the wrapper still in place."

"Yeah, for some reason my parents didn't have me circumcised. It wasn't really a topic I wanted to ask them a lot about though," said Kyle with a chuckle.

"Does it feel. . . different?" asked Ian.

Kyle laughed, "Don't really know, I don't know how anything else feels."

"Yeah, I guess that was kinda a stupid question," said Ian quietly.

"Yeah, whatever. You were a little busy doing something that I was enjoying just a minute ago," said Kyle with a lifted eyebrow.

"Oh yeah," said Ian with a grin.

He immediately went back to his careful teasing as Kyle's moans of appreciation escalated. Ian leaned down, took Kyle's nipple in his mouth and flicked his tongue over it until it was a hard little nub that protruded above the short hair on his chest. Moving to the other nipple, he soon had it in a similar state. The sound emanating from Kyle had long ago escalated to unintelligible gibberish as his climax built. Lifting his head, Ian started to kiss Kyle gently on the lips.

Kyle's eyes flew open, with a disconcerted wild look in them. "I don't kiss dudes. I'm not into it," said Kyle in a clipped tone.

"Oh," said Ian unable to keep the disappointment from his voice. "Ok, that's fine."

Ian tried to start again, but Kyle's announcement had thrown him. Deciding it was time to finish him off, he started jerking faster on Kyle's hard cock. Ian did notice that Kyle hadn't softened at all, in spite of the denial. Soon he was again enjoying the sex and he could tell Kyle was getting close. Ian, still fascinated by the peek-a-boo action of Kyle's cock as he jerked him, missed the obvious beginning signs of his orgasm until the first shot jetted from his cock and left a stripe of hot cum across Ian's chest. He looked up to see Kyle's mouth close tightly as his body convulsed through the climax.

By the time Kyle finished, they were both covered with cum. Kyle's eyes fluttered opened and he sucked in, filling his lungs with air.

"Oh god. I needed that so bad. Fuck, I feel amazing," said Kyle with a smile.

He lay across the couch for several long minutes before he looked and saw that Ian's cock was still hard as a rock. With an almost sweet smile, Kyle ran his hands through the cum pooled on his belly, grabbed Ian's cock and immediately started pounding it. Startled at first, Ian quickly lost himself in the hand job. The sloppy wet sounds of cum around his cock added to the pleasure. And unlike Kyle, Ian was anything but quiet.

"Fuck yeah!" yelled Ian, "Jerk that cock. Stroke my fuck'n fat cock!"

Ian's body fucked Kyle's hands, eagerly seeking release. His climax was elusive as Kyle would hit a sweet spot, Ian would almost explode, then Kyle would shift his hands and the sensation would escape. Finally the long minutes of build up brought him to an awaited release. His hips thrust wildly as his cock exploded. It sprayed in a long watery stream, hitting Kyle on the side of his face. Smiling at Ian's response, Kyle continued to pound his cock. Eventually the ropes of cum stopped jetting from his cock and with a final sigh, Ian collapsed against the couch.

"Damn! I never thought you were going to hit the sweet spot long enough," said Ian.

"Nah, it was good though wasn't it?" asked Kyle.

Ian ran his hand through the hair on Kyle's chest and smiled. "Yeah, it was good and damn I came hard."

"See! Then it was worth the wait wasn't it?" said Kyle with a smile.

Ian smiled and let out a soft sigh. "Yeah, it was well worth the wait." Ian relaxed for a few more minutes, his fingers idly playing over his cum soaked chest. Eventually the feeling of warm cum sliding off him motivated him to move. He slowly walked into the bathroom and cleaned himself off with a wet cloth. Cleaning it carefully, he brought the cloth into the living room and dropped it on Kyle's chest. Kyle quickly cleaned himself and then walked back into the bathroom. Tossing the wet cloth into the tub, he lifted his half hard cock and started pissing. Ian walked behind him and watched the thick yellow stream arch into the toilet. After watching for a few seconds, he fished his own cock out of his briefs and joined Kyle in emptying his bladder.

Kyle shook off the last drops from his penis and then let his boxers drop to the floor, walking out into the living room with his plump cock swinging between his legs. Sauntering to the fridge, he bent over to retrieve another beer, giving Ian a great view of the curly hair lining his ass crack. Standing up, Kyle twisted the top off his beer. Leaning against the counter, he smiled at Ian and then lifted the bottle and guzzled half of it in a matter of seconds.

"That was good, really good. Definitely took the edge off. That was about the biggest load I've ever shot," said Kyle with a smile.

"The only thing I've done before was some mutual groping, so this was amazing. I came so hard that my body was shaking," agreed Ian.

"So, now what'd we do?" asked Kyle.

"You mean besides eat barbeque and shoot rats?" asked Ian with a smile.

"Well, barbeque I like . . ."

"I'm kidding. But if we want to eat, we do need to go out to the garden and get some stuff, or we're just going to be eating fried hamburger," said Ian with a smile.

Kyle fidgeted for a few moments. This was starting to feel uncomfortably familiar. He didn't want or need any ties, especially not a queer backward country boy from hell- on-earth Oklahoma. But seeing they had just finished an amazing mutual hand-job, Kyle decided he at least owed the kid a few hours of his time.

"Sure, sounds great. Let's get going 'cause I'm starved!"

Ian chuckled and grabbed a pair of cutoff jeans, tucking himself in and managing to get them zipped, adding a pair of flip-flops to complete the look. He grabbed the bucket he used to harvest vegetables and headed for the door.

"Hey!" said Kyle, "What about me? You got some spare shorts?"

"Sure," replied Ian, "Let me grab you a pair."

Ian loped back into his room and grabbed a second pair of shorts, tossing them to Kyle. He stood and watched Kyle struggle to get into his shorts, enjoying the show. Kyle was roughly the same size as Ian, but months in the Army had left Kyle with more muscles, which also meant his ass filled out the jeans amazingly well. But it also translated into Kyle struggling to get all of his equipment in the cutoff jeans without catching anything in the zipper. Finally after several minutes, Kyle managed to close his zipper and they headed out the door.

As soon as they stepped outside, the blazing midday sun scorched down on their bare shoulders. Kyle followed Ian around the tiny house. As soon as they turned the corner, Kyle saw what seemed to him to be an enormous garden. Kyle watched as Ian waded into a mass of low growing leaves and bent down. Looking over curiously, Kyle saw that Ian was picking cucumbers, quickly filling his bucket. After a few minutes, Ian looked up and motioned to Kyle.

"Are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna to help?" asked Ian with a raised eyebrow.

Kyle stuttered for a minute, trying to figure out how to answer, finally he blurted out. "I don't know how, we never had a garden."

Ian stood up, disbelief written across his face. He walked over and grabbed Kyle's hand and pulled him into the garden. They made their way to what looked like a waist high hedge. Ian pulled back the leaves and quickly explained to Kyle how to harvest black-eyed peas. Ian stood and watched until he was satisfied that Kyle knew what he was doing, and then moved to another area of the garden.

The burning sun didn't encourage procrastination, but in spite of the scorching heat Kyle and Ian began to relax with each other as they worked side-by-side. As their time together stretched on, Kyle had to admit he was enjoying Ian's company. As they came to the far side of the cultivated area, he saw row after row of head high plants with huge flowers. Ian walked over to the side of the garden, opened an old mailbox and pulled out a couple of pairs of gloves. He handed one of the pairs to Kyle along with a small knife.

Kyle looked down at the pink gloves with daisies around the wrists and started laughing. "There's no fuck'n way I'm wearing these? These're girlie gloves!"

"Suit yourself," said Ian as he pulled on a similar pair in lime green and orange, "Okra has spines on it that will eat up your hands. The gloves were on sale, I don't make a whole lot working here . . ." Ian ducked his head and started down the row slicing off the small pods as he moved quickly down the row. Kyle watched for a second, then tossed the gloves to the ground, moving to the next row of plants and started harvesting okra.

Working together, they quickly harvested the last of the garden produce. Ian pulled off his gloves and turned for Kyle's. Seeing he had tossed them to the ground, he stomped back down the row and grabbed them. Walking back, he slapped them against his leg, cleaning off the clinging red dirt. Ian stopped in front of Kyle with a scowl on his face, "Like I said, I don't have much money. Everything has to be taken care of, or I don't have it. You may come from money, but I don't"

Kyle started to retort that his family was not rich, but he paused to think about it. His parents always had a new car. Even he and his siblings had been given nice vehicles when they were old enough to drive. Vacations may not have been trips to Europe, but they were still nice and now that Kyle thought about it, probably not cheap. As he thought about Ian's statement, he began to notice an itch coming from his hands, but was determined not to give Ian another reason to think he was an ignorant city boy.

So without a word about his slightly burning hands, he quietly followed Ian back into the house. Closing the door, he followed Ian and stepped beside him to help put together the meal. He watched what Ian did and replicated it, or occasionally Ian would give him a silent demonstration. Kyle was a quick learner and they soon had okra and squash frying together in a skillet, cucumbers soaking in vinegar and meat sizzling on the griddle.

When his help was no longer needed, Kyle leaned against the tiny spot of counter and watched Ian. In his cutoffs and bare chest, Kyle had to admit that Ian was a nice looking guy. It still bothered him that he was finding another man attractive, having denied those feelings his entire life. But it appeared his stint in the military had not changed the fact that he was attracted to other guys. He was still struggling with it. He didn't want to be different; he didn't want to be the outsider. But as Kyle watched the sun coming through the window highlight the short hairs on Ian's chest, and he recalled their earlier session, he knew. It had felt right, for both of them. But Kyle was certain of one thing. Whatever it was that made him happy, he was going to pursue it. He didn't want to end up bitter and angry like his parents were behind their fa?ade of success.

Ian jarred him from his introspection by handing him the plates, along with a silent admonishment to handle them with more care than he'd given the gloves. With a smile of acknowledgment, Kyle quickly set the small table and then moved over the food that was ready. As he was setting the last one in place, Ian brought out a hot iron skillet of sweet cornbread from the oven, and fished a bowl of cold butter from the fridge, setting both on the counter where they could easily reach it.

Kyle started eating tentatively, thinking this was going to be a meal to be endured, but that was about it. But as he ate, he found each bite was seasoned and cooked to perfection and the freshness of the vegetables were beyond comparison with anything he'd experienced in the past. Digging in with gusto, Kyle quickly cleaned his plate and was sorely tempted to lick it to get the last morsels. But having finished everything on his plate, Kyle looked around for more.

Ian smiled and cut generous wedges from the skillet of cornbread, splitting each one and filling it with thick pats of butter. Giving them a few seconds to melt into the cornbread, Ian opened each one on a separate plate, drizzling them with a thick stream of honey. Handing one of the plates to Kyle, Ian dug into his piece and a look of sheer joy infused his face as he enjoyed one of this favorite sweet treats. Kyle watched for a few seconds, then cut off a generous mouthful with his fork and slipped it onto his tongue. The clover honey and soft grainy cornbread, infused with the generous portions of butter, were wonderful. Finishing a second helping of cornbread and honey, Kyle leaned back into his seat and sighed,

"Damn, that was good. I can't remember the last time I ate anything that good," said Kyle.

"Farm supper, that's what my Mom always called it. I think that was her code for 'poor people food'," said Ian with a melancholy look.

"Well, farm supper is damn good. Even if I am in god forsaken Oklahoma," replied Kyle.

They sat and chatted amicably. The surface information was soon spent, and there were several long moments of uncomfortable silence. Finally Ian looked up and locked eyes with Kyle.

"Why'd you join the Army?" said Ian.

Kyle sat quietly, contemplating his answer. His initial reaction was to lie. He didn't owe Ian anything, and his personal life wasn't any of Ian's business. But with a silent sigh, Kyle acknowledged that Ian did at least deserve an honest answer.

"To become a man, that's why I joined," said Kyle softly.

"So you wanted to grow up?" said Ian.

"No, I wanted to not like guys any more . . ." said Kyle with an almost wistful tone to his voice.

"Not like . . . as in what we did this morning," said Ian.

"Yeah, like that."

"So this morning was a mistake for you?"

"No . . . but I'm not sure what it means. I can't love a guy," said Kyle.

"Why not?"

"Because it's a sin."

"Says who?"

"Everyone! Everyone knows only pervs like other guys," said Kyle emphatically.

"I'm not a perv."

Kyle looked up with a very conflicted look on his face. He nodded in acknowledgment of the truth in Ian's statement.

"I can't go back home. I told them I was gay and they said I had to leave, that I'd give it to my brother," said Ian softly. "But it's not like it's contagious, you can't catch it." He turned and locked eyes with Kyle, " . . . anymore than you can cure it."

The silence stretched out for many long minutes. With a slightly sad look on his face, Ian stood up and started clearing the table. Not sure what else to do, Kyle quickly moved to help him and was soon standing side-by-side with Ian, helping wash up. Space was limited in the tiny kitchen, so each item had a specific place, which meant Ian spent a lot of time directing Kyle on where to put each piece. Finally the last utensil was washed and put away and the two moved to the couch and watched TV.

As the evening wore on the earlier conversation receded and their bodies began to move closer together. Kyle unconsciously put his arm around Ian's shoulders, and Ian leaned in, craving the emotional connection, even if it was a transitory one. But the closeness evolved into gentle touches, which almost left Ian breathless. His hidden vulnerabilities surfaced as his self-reliant shell slowly cracked from the warm touch of the man beside him. His body responded in kind and his cock stiffened, again ready for action.

Ian also explored Kyle's body. The hard muscles of his torso glided under Ian's inquisitive fingers. Both men's breath quickened as their emotions built in tiered cascades. As his fingers grazed the edge of Kyle's shorts, Ian let out a soft moan.

"Suck me, please suck me. I really want to feel my cock in your hot mouth," said Kyle through a groan.

Ian looked up to see the desire on Kyle's face and was lost in the moment. Running to the bedroom, he returned with a hand filled with condoms. Dropping them on the couch, Ian knelt between Kyle's legs. He ran his hands over the strongly muscled thighs, luxuriating in the texture of hair that covered them. Gently he cupped Kyle's bulging package and then reached forward to slowly lower his zipper. The trouser snake trapped inside rapidly uncoiled and was soon sticking obscenely above Kyle's torso, filaments of precum trailing from its reddened tip.

Ian mechanically opened the wrapper and then unrolled it down the rock hard cock in front of him. Pressing his lips against the underside of Kyle cock, Ian rammed his tongue hard against Kyle's glans and then started lashing it back and forth across Kyle's cockhead. Kyle's mouth parted in a silent scream, his body locked at the sensuous performance. Ian wrapped his hand around the base of Kyle's engorged cock and pulled it toward him as his tongue danced down its length. The slight smell of dried cum and sweat wafted to Ian's nose as he smelled and tasted the pungent aroma of the man under him.

Moving lower, Ian tugged down the cutoff shorts and let them slide off Kyle's legs. Pressing Kyle's legs upward and pulling him lower on the couch Ian moved lower, lifting Kyle's balls and lapped his tongue under them. With his face firmly planted in Kyle's crotch, Ian eagerly tongued over his nuts and then his perineum. Kyle was twisting wildly on the couch, his hands grasping the cushions tightly as he thrashed back and forth, all without making a sound.

The dark curls of hair that lined Kyle's crack beckoned to Ian, his tongue dipping lower and lower with each pass, until he could see Kyle's pulsing hole in the dark thatch of hair. Wondering if he was going to ruin the fun, but unable to resist, Ian ran his hot tongue over Kyle hole. His first pass resulted in a low rumbling groan as Kyle opened his legs wider, obviously wanting more.

Ian dove in, licking and devouring the object of his desire. With his face pressed hard against Kyle butt, he was submerged in the textures and smells of a man who filled him with lust. Kyle's wordless, but passionate response to his oral skills somehow were more of a turn-on for Ian than if he had been receiving. His tonguing continued as he aggressively ate Kyle's hole. After a while everything else ceased in the world for Ian other than the two masculine hills of muscle his face was buried between. Pulling back, Ian smiled to see the results of his work, an engorged hole that was deep red and pulsing. He glanced to Kyle's face and saw the cute soldier had closed his eyes and was panting softly from the overload of sensations.

Ian decided to go for broke and dove back in again, this time his stiffened tongue pierced Kyle's butt, driving it's stiffened shape into him. Plunging it in time and again, Ian ate Kyle's ass like it was prime rib. The new sensations had Kyle flailing on the couch, involuntary jerks overcoming his body. Pushing his legs higher, Ian became an insatiable sex demon. Every trick he'd ever heard, or saw on porn, he tried on Kyle. The combination resulted in Kyle's reduction to a mass of nerve endings that were pulsing with the same signal of amazing sex.

Pushing the boundaries slightly further, Ian raked his finger over Kyle's hole while flicking his tongue back and forth with hummingbird fast flashes. This was the finally straw for Kyle's over-taxed system and his orgasm began.

"Ahhh, Uhh, uhh, ahhh," Kyle almost whispered while his passion merged with lust as his body convulsed in a full body orgasm. His limbs shook and his cock discharged round after round of cum, filling the condom with viscous white fluid. With a multitude of small grunts and inarticulate groans, Kyle's climax receded until he finally collapsed against the couch.

"Oh my god," said Kyle in amazement, "I've never came so hard. I thought my nuts were going to shoot out of my dick!"

Ian chuckled and sat down beside him, leaning toward the army stud before he remembered the earlier admonishment about kissing. With a whimper, his carefully built fantasy about Kyle crashed down around him and Ian lay back with a sigh. Then, to his surprise, he felt Kyle's trembling fingers traveling over his chest and to his crotch. While Ian breathed slowly, not wanting to startle Kyle from his exploration, he traced the outline of Ian's cock through his shorts. Ian sighed when Kyle popped open the top button and then slid his hand into the shorts.

Ian gasped as Kyle's thick fingers slid through the precum coated hair and found the base of his stiff cock. Stroking down its length, Kyle chuckled at the huge wet spot formed at its tip. Gently opening his zipper, Kyle pulled out Ian's stiff member and started stroking it. Slow gentle strokes had Ian whimpering with need as his balls pulled up tight against his shaft. Unwilling to match Kyle's silent performance, Ian muttered words of encouragement.

"Hell yes, Kyle. Damn that feels nice. Stroke my cock. I'm so fucking close, keep jerking me."

Kyle gave Ian a feral grin and increased the speed of his hand. Soon it was a blur as it rocketed up and down Ian's hard shaft. Ian could feel the pressure building as an orgasm raced through his body. With a final release, cum spewed from his cock. Droplets of cum coated both of them as Ian's cock sprayed in all directions. With screams of pleasure, his body convulsed with each squirt until he sagged against the couch as the last volley left his cock. Kyle continued to play with his softening cock, seemingly fascinated with his new toy. Ian watched silently until his dick was completely flaccid and then looked back, risking a quick touch across Kyle's jaw.

"I think we should clean up. Come on, at this point I think we can grab a shower together," said Ian with a chuckle.

Kyle laughed in response, "Yeah, since your tongue has been in my ass, I don't guess there are many surprises at this point."

With a chuckle, Ian helped Kyle to his feet, and the two of them walked into the bathroom.


Kyle couldn't get Ian out of his head. He played their day together over and over through his mind. There was no part of it he hadn't enjoyed. But he didn't want to be gay, there was too much baggage. Kyle mulled this over and over in his head for weeks, not sure what to do. Finally he decided that he needed to see Ian to work out some of the things that were twirling through his head.

He had the number for Ian's house phone. Quickly dialing, he listened to a seemingly unending number of rings. With each one, Kyle's resolve weakened. When the answering machine finally picked up, stress had reduced Kyle's voice to a squeak.

"Hey Ian, just think'n about you. Well, you know what I mean. Just wondered if you wanted to hang out, I'm on leave for the next few days. Anyway, when you get this give me a call. Damn dude, you need a cell phone, I mea-"

The ending beep of the answering machine cut Kyle off. He started to dial again, and then stopped half way through the number sequence. As the voice informed him that his called couldn't be completed as dialed, he got a sinking feeling that Ian might not want to see him again.

As self-doubt bloomed around him, Kyle sat in the barracks; the only sound was the din of someone listening to a local radio station. Dimly he was aware of the noise, but was largely tuning it out. But somehow there was one announcement making its way into his subconscious. As it drifted to the surface, he heard the announcer giving times and days for the local county fair. At first he dismissed it as one more hick activity in a redneck town in the middle of BF Egypt. But then he seemed to remember Ian saying something about going to the fair and he had seemed excited about it. Kyle thought he at least should go once before he dismissed it, and maybe he would be lucky and run into Ian.

He quickly showered and changed, then caught a bus to take him to the fairgrounds. Kyle stepped off the bus, and into a world he never knew existed. The midway was somewhat familiar with its rows of rides and games and the carnies hawking you to 'play the game, everyone wins!'. The buildings of groomed livestock and all things hand made, well that gave him a window into a world that he thought was long gone.

His mother's idea of fun with crafts was seeing how many shops she could go through in an afternoon on Michigan Avenue. But these were skills that he thought had died long ago, and for Kyle's family, they had. But obviously there were people who still created things and for a practical purpose, not just to follow some current trend. The more he saw, the more surprised he became at his flippant disregard of this part of Americana. As he looked carefully, he began to notice the skill, and sometimes humor, embedded in many of the items.

Kyle moved from building to building, his interest increasing as he viewed more and more examples of the heartland's art. Finally finding himself back on the midway, he was stopped by the delicious smell of funnel cakes as he walked past. He stood and watched as the vender skillfully fed the ropes of batter into the hot oil, and a few seconds later pulled out a hot filigree of soft cake. He stepped to the window and passed over his money, paying the extra for an additional avalanche of powdered sugar. Continuing his walk through the midway as he ate his treat, Kyle slowly came to realize that he was enjoying this, and it didn't feel like hillbilly land at all, just genuine people who were celebrating what they did.

He stood watching one of the game booths, soaking up the ambiance of the fair. Just as he was licking the last of the sugar from his fingers, he spotted a familiar cowboy hat. Kyle raced toward it eagerly, wanting to talk with Ian and share some of the fair with him. As he rounded the corner, he saw Ian . . . and a friend. Ian had an arm over the other man's shoulders and was whispering something in his ear. Watching the pair break into laughter, Kyle turned to leave. Heartbroken that he had lost his chance, he walked slowly away. Kyle heard their laughter slowly fade away as he made his way back to the bus stop. Tears never disgraced Kyle's face, he'd learned that lesson from an early age, but to anyone seeing his face, it was obvious this young soldier had suffered a broken heart.


"Get up. You can't keep sitting around the barracks moping. So she broke your heart, let's go get drunk and get you laid. Things always look better when you have a woman swinging from your dick."

Kyle looked up at his buddy, and shook his head. He was beyond caring who knew at this point. "Him."

"Him?" came back the questioning reply.

"Yeah, him. I fucked up and now he's with someone else," Kyle flatly stated.

The buddy sat beside him on the bed, surprisingly supportive of Kyle. "You sure? Did you talk to the dude?"

"Nah, I saw him at the fair with someone."

"Well, were they . . ."

"No, just walk'n around," replied Kyle with a sigh.

Hardy laughter erupted beside Kyle. "You don't know shit then! If they weren't making out maybe they are just friends."

Kyle perked up, looked around the barracks in desperation. "I need to get out to see him. But he lives in the fuck'n middle of no where."

"Come on, I've got an idea."


Kyle walked to the door, worried that he was about to make an ass of himself. His other problem, his buddy's scheme got him here, but it didn't get him back to the base. He knocked, somewhat hesitantly, and then stepped back. He heard the sound of boots crossing the wooden floor and then the door slowly opened. Peering in, Kyle saw Ian standing with the door in his hand.

"Hey . . ." said Kyle.

"Hey. Whatcha doing out here?"

"Well . . ." Kyle stopped, thought a minute, and then plunged ahead, "I couldn't get you off my mind. I called and left a message, but you didn't call me back. And then I saw you with that guy at the fair. It just tore me up. But my buddy said maybe it wasn't what I thought it was . . . so I'm here to see how you feel about me I guess."

Ian stood reeling, completely unprepared for this turn of events. He looked at Kyle with an open mouth, not knowing what to say. Just as Kyle was turning to leave, Ian pushed open the screen door. "Come on in, looks like we need to talk."

As they entered into the house, it looked like Ian was about to eat. Kyle thought it was a good thing he did have the garden, because all that was on the table besides veggies, was cheap white bread, yellow mustard and bologna. He motioned Kyle to the chair and then sat down across from him. Kyle found that he couldn't meet Ian's stare. The silence stretched onward, until Ian cleared his throat.

"Well? What did you want to know?"

"Umm, was that guy- Do you and I- Could we- Could I get a-," said Kyle.

Ian chuckled slightly and then looked back at Kyle with a much more sympathetic look on his face. "No, yes, yes, yes. How's that?" said Ian.

Kyle paused for a second, trying to connect the answers with the stammered half- formed questions that he'd asked. Once he did, a bright smile broke across his face.

"So that wasn't a new guy?" said Kyle.

"No, that was an old friend of mine from high school. He was in town for the fair and we were horsing around. Sam is straight, he already has a kid and they think another one on the way," said Ian.

"Oh, cool," said Kyle as he tried to absorb the information.

"So far as the other question, I've missed you too . . ." said Ian with a smile.

"Really? Because I wasn't sure. You didn't call me back."

"Well you can be sure now. 'Cause I missed you. My answering machine broke weeks ago so I never got your message," said Ian. Turning he motioned to the table. "I was fix'n to eat. You hungry?"

Kyle nodded and then moved to the table beside Ian. As they sat in the small space, their shoulders bumped and their eyes met with a smile. Kyle nibbled at a few of the dishes on the table but didn't want to eat too much of Ian's sparse food. Eventually the conversation slowed and Ian gave him a quizzical look.

"Why aren't you eating? Don't you like lunch?" asked Ian with a slightly irritated look on his face.

"No, not at all. It all tastes great," said Kyle quickly.

Ian reached over and made Kyle a sandwich, doubled the meat and then covered it all with a generous squirt of mustard. Handing the sandwich to Kyle, he sat back and watched.

Kyle went for broke, ramming a corner of the sandwich into his mouth and biting off a generous chunk. As he began to chew it, an odd look crept across his face. Ian realized it wasn't a look of distain; it was more curiosity and caution. As he swallowed, Ian stopped him with a slight chuckle.

"If you don't like it, don't eat it. But don't come in my house and not eat cause you think I'm poor, that's bad manners, rich boy Yankee manners," said Ian with a slight smile.

"No, it's good. I've just never had baloney before, and it's got an, odd, texture," explained Kyle.

Ian now started laughing out loud. "They say if you knew what was in it, you'd never touch it again. So I don't want to know what's in it." Kyle chuckled and took another bite, wondering how long it took to get use to baloney. Both men settled in and soon had finished most of the dishes on the table. Ian gathered up the plates and bowls and carried them to the sink. Kyle pitched in to help and soon they were standing side by side, chatting while Ian washed the dishes and Kyle dried.

In the close quarters it was inevitable that they would bump into each other. But Ian soon made a game of it and was bumping his hip into Kyle whenever he was in range. Before long both men were giggling like schoolgirls and sloshing water onto the cheap linoleum floor. Kyle slammed his hip into Ian a final time, only this time Ian didn't have his balance. He slipped on the wet floor and his feet shot out from under him. Kyle grabbed quickly, and caught him just before he hit the floor. As their eyes met, Kyle wrapped his arms tighter around Ian and held him to his chest.

Kyle looked at the slight blonde stubble covering Ian's deeply tanned face. Suddenly wanting to experience the rough texture, Kyle lowered his head until their lips met. Pressing his lips against Ian's, he kissed the man in his arms deeply, feeling blistering passion flood his system as their kiss continued for several long, pleasurable minutes. Eventually they parted, both men giving an audible sigh as they did.

Ian was staring at Kyle, not certain what had just happened, nor why. He wasn't exactly comfortable with the fast turn of events, from Kyle refusing to kiss at their last meeting, to the soul-searing kiss Ian had just received. As he thought about it, Ian realized he had gone limp in Kyle arms and was enjoying it. Kyle ran his arm down Ian's body, and then lifted him into his arms. With Ian cradled in his arms, he slowly made his way to the bedroom where Kyle gently lay him down on the small bed.

Kyle reached up and tugged at the t-shirt until it slid over Ian's head. He smiled at the sexy man under him and ran his fingers over Ian's torso. His body was largely smooth, with just a small patch of blond hair in the middle of his chest, and a line of hair marching from his navel to disappear into his pants. Kyle kissed Ian again, with Ian's head still spinning from the abrupt change in events. But his worries were overwhelmed by the amazing sensations Kyle was creating. Relaxing, Ian gasped as Kyle's mouth covered one nipple and sucked it between his lips. The electricity shot from Ian's nipples and infused his body. Soon his moans were gaining in volume as his system overloaded. Kyle's tongue sent lightening strikes of craving through his body. Ian groaned and his muscles contracted as the sensations built.

As Kyle reached the top of his jeans, Ian grabbed his hands and pulled him back up. Grasping Kyle's head tightly between his hands, Ian pulled him in for a hard kiss. Ian was far beyond any thought about what was acceptable to Kyle; he only knew what he wanted. Ramming his tongue into Kyle mouth, Ian started exploring its depths. Kyle responded in kind, their tongues warring with each other as they fought for supremacy. Ian broke the kiss and they both panted for air, trying to bring their hormone levels down from the stratosphere.

"Damn!" said Kyle, "That's the hottest kiss I've ever gotten."

"Just wait, private. We're only getting started."

Ian quickly slid Kyle's shirt off, tossing it to the side. Ian's lust had risen to the point that he was ready to take Kyle. His bites and touches were urgent and needful. By the time he reached Kyle's pants, he had left several marks of passage across Kyle's lightly haired chest. Ian ran his tongue over the thick treasure trail running from Kyle's navel to disappear into his pants. Once it was soaked with saliva, Ian looked up and smiled at Kyle as he opened the first button on his pants.

Ian slowly licked at the exposed hair on Kyle's abdomen until he had it soaked too. Repeating his actions with each button, he soon had the base of Kyle uncut cock exposed as it snaked down the leg of his pants. Ian slid off the foot of the bed and stood, grabbing Kyle pants, sliding them lower and lower until his cock was released from its fabric prison. As it arched across Kyle's torso to hit his stomach with an audible wet sound, Ian pulled off his pants and dropped them to the floor.

Ian stood and looked down at the handsome man under him, contemplating his somewhat conflicting opinions of Kyle. Leaning forward, he took Kyle's hard cock in his fist and slowly pushed down, forcing the foreskin to slowly retract until the deep red head was exposed. He moved beside Kyle on the bed without ever releasing his turgid cock. Kneeling beside the handsome soldier, his free hand was soon sliding over his lightly haired chest, enjoying the texture of Kyle's body under his work-roughened hand. As his hand slid over Kyle's nipple, he heard a low moan of satisfaction.

"Oh fuck'n A! That feels fuck'n amazing. Damn, keep doing that," said Kyle as he groaned from the feelings of stimulation.

With a smile on his face, Ian lowered himself beside Kyle until his face was close to Kyle's chest. Leaning in, he focused on Kyle's hard nipple, flicking his tongue across it and sucked it into his mouth. As he slurped on Kyle's nipple, he loved the sounds of desire that were seeping from Kyle's mouth. Licking his way across his broad chest, Ian repeated his treatment on Kyle's other nipple.

Time stopped for the pair as Ian worked to pleasure Kyle in every way he would conceive. Eventually he released Kyle's steel hard cock, moved a hand to each nipple and teased them as he leaned in for a kiss. As he pressed his lips hard against Kyle's, he could feel the moans coming from Kyle's body. He gripped Ian's shoulders and pushed him back, breaking the kiss. Kyle looked into Ian's eyes and in a lust filled whisper said, "Strip, cowboy. I want to see that hot body again."

Ian wiggled off the bed and quickly stripped off his shirt and tossed it to the corner. As he reached down to take off his jeans, he heard Kyle begin to speak.

"Slower, I like watching you strip," said Kyle with a smile.

Ian glanced over at Kyle with a shy smile. Popping open the button on his jeans, Ian tugged them down a little, exposing the top of his underwear. Without realizing it, he began to gyrate his hips as he tried to create a show for his lover. Kyle smiled as he watched Ian turn his back to him, pushing his pants down further to expose the top of his ivory white ass. His jeans descended even further, until the clothing was cupping the curve of his butt.

Ian spun slowly, more thrilled than he would dare admit when he saw Kyle slowly jacking his hard cock as he watched. Blushing lightly, the blond boy again turned his ass to Kyle and pushed his pants down. Lifting first one leg, and then the other, Ian was soon kicking his pants into the corner. Glancing back over his shoulder, he saw that Kyle was fixated on his ass as it moved slowly. Ian swayed, moving closer, hoping that Kyle would touch his butt. Putting his hands on his knees, he let Kyle catch sight of a bit of his butthole as his ass cheeks separated.

As he moved away, Ian felt a light touch travel across his ass. The finger traced just along the edge of his crack, touching the beginning of the hair coating his trench, leaving a feeling of passionate fire in its wake. With a gasp, Ian felt his cock flex, leaking out a glob of precum. Shaking slightly from the overwhelming stimulation, Ian turned to Kyle, his cock stiff and tucked against his stomach. He crawled back into the bed with lust filled eyes, pinning Kyle to the bed by his shoulders and leaning in to kiss him hard. Their mouths struggle for control as each tried to dominate the other. Finally breaking the kiss, both men fell against the bed gasping for breath.

"I wanna suck you," said Kyle between gasps for air.

Ian quickly vaulted off the bed and raced to the bathroom. Reappearing almost immediately, he jumped back on the bed and sat beside Kyle. Opening his hand, he smiled at Kyle as he showed him the fist full of condoms. Quickly tearing one open, he took Kyle's cock in his hand and then worked to unroll the latex down its length. Picking up the second to put on himself, Ian suddenly found himself on his back looking up at Kyle's smiling face. Taking the still-wrapped condom from Ian's fingers, Kyle ripped open the packet and pulled out the condom.

Taking Ian's hard cock in his hand, Kyle jacked it slowly, coating it with its own leaking precum. Ian tensed with the touch, his body on fire as his pelvis thrust up into Kyle's hand, his back arched, wanting more. Finally relenting his teasing, Kyle rubbed the condom over the head of Ian's cock, and then quickly unrolled it down its length. Tilting his head lower, he ran his tongue over the head of Ian's cock.

"Ummm, minty," said Kyle with a smile.

Ian giggled at the comment but quickly changed position so his head was between Kyle's legs. Gripping the latex covered dick, Ian slid his mouth onto Kyle's cock. Working desperately to make it feel good for Kyle, he pressed the thick uncut cock into his mouth until he choked slightly.

"Easy tiger! You don't have to choke yourself right off the bat," said Kyle with a chuckle, which quickly shifted to a moan as Ian started swiping his tongue over the head of Kyle's cock. Dropping his head, Kyle slipped Ian's turgid cock between his lips, running his tongue around the head as his own dick disappeared down Ian's throat.

Soon both of them were working feverishly to bring the other to climax. The sounds of passionate sex reverberated through the room. Ian was desperately willing himself to last longer, but the condom was the biggest help in that area, because for a man unfamiliar with giving oral sex, Kyle was driving Ian to his limits.

Unable to last any longer, Ian felt his body convulse with orgasm. Kyle's hot mouth had proved to be too much. As shot after shot of cum raced through his body, Ian was a mass of convulsing, grasping muscle. His hips were pumping wildly into Kyle's mouth, and when Ian heard the sounds of Kyle gagging on his cock, he was strangely pleased. Ian was overwhelmed with the sensations traveling through his body, but soon a massive convulsion wracked his body as the last shot of jizz joined the others inside the filled condom.

Ian collapsed against the bed, allowing Kyle's cock to slip from his lips as he gasped for breath. He felt the light touch of Kyle's fingers as they traced the faints whorls of hair on the inside of his thighs. Ian lay quietly, absorbing the feeling and trying to catalog his many conflicting emotions. Just as he was becoming introspective, he felt a hard piece of flesh bump against his cheek.

"Some of us haven't gotten off yet," said Kyle with a snicker in his voice.

Ian looked up at Kyle's smiling face, reached over and guided Kyle's cock between his lips. Slowly sliding it deep inside his throat, Ian didn't hit a gag reflex this time. He felt oddly triumphant when he felt wiry pubic hair scratching against his lips. Holding it for a few seconds, he began pulling off until only the head was still between his lips. Working a steady rhythm, he soon heard moans of appreciation coming from Kyle.

"Oh yeah! That feels good! Damn, I'm so fuck'n close," said Kyle.

Ian increased his speed, wanting his partner to explode. He could feel Kyle thrashing under him as the sensations built from the amazing blowjob he was getting. But Ian remembered the response Kyle had to having his ass eaten, and decided to try it again. He let some of the abundant spit trail down to his finger and then slipped it lower, teasing Kyle asshole with his wet digit.

"Fuck! No fair! Oh holy shit, that feels amazing!" screamed Kyle as Ian pushed the tip of his finger inside the soldier.

Ian sped up his assault on Kyle's wrapped cock, his finger sinking deeper in his gut with each thrust. Soon Kyle was spit between Ian's thick finger, and his hot mouth. The sensation drove his lust until Kyle was a mass of hungry muscle wanting more and more from the man who was bringing him such pleasure. His slight restraint slipped the rein when Ian slid his finger in deeper and clipped Kyle's prostate.

With a loud groan, Kyle exploded. His animalistic sounds were punctuated by muscle contractions that were impressive in their magnitude. Ian lifted his face from Kyle's trembling torso and smiled at the filled condom hanging from Kyle's dick. Tucking his finger inside Kyle again, he rubbed across that magic spot inside of Kyle, and was rewarded with another low squeal and one last squirt of cum. Kyle's body arched again and then settled onto the bed.

"Shit, I never came that hard before," said Kyle softly, his arm over his eyes as he recovered.

Ian looked up and smiled slightly, "And have you done extensive testing?"

Kyle waved his hand vaguely in Ian's direction. "Not now, before. Oh, crap. You know what I mean. You make me feel amazing."

Ian smiled slightly at the answer and then moved off the bed to take care of his filled condom. Returning, he quickly repeated the service for Kyle, tossing both into the trash. Once he had both of them cleaned up, he crawled into the bed and spooned against a recovering Kyle, who was already becoming drowsy.

Kyle twisted slightly and kissed Ian lightly on the lips. "You are an amazing lover," whispered Kyle.

Ian's heart sang, and for once, just once, he allowed himself to hope that he had found someone special, someone who understood. But he only allowed himself that slight hope, no more.


With the successful rendezvous, Kyle and Ian spent every free moment together. In spite of Kyle's earlier desire to rid himself of his feelings, they bonded on many levels. Their sex was passionate and amazing, but more importantly their feelings for each other were growing beyond just hot sex. They spent hours being a normal, although cautious, couple. Going to movies, dinner out and all the other things young couples the world over enjoyed.

Having just returned from their latest movie viewing, they were cuddled with each other on Ian's couch. As he felt Kyle's fingers gently trace down his back, Ian shuddered at the touch that always filled him with desire. But Kyle seemed a little distant tonight, as if he was preoccupied with something. Ian twisted in Kyle's lap and reached up to caress his face.

"What's up, love? You seem a million miles away tonight," said Ian.

Kyle gave him a tender, but slightly sad, look. "Yeah, I have been trying to figure out how to tell you something all night."

Ian sat up, moving a short distance from Kyle and looked at him with concern. "What's up? It doesn't sound good."

"Well, I've been deployed. I just found out, but I have to leave this week. It's just to a post in Germany, but I'll be there for 6 months."

"Oh," whispered Ian, his fragile world crashing down around him.

Kyle gently cupped his chin and lifted Ian's face so their eyes met. "We can still Skype, I'll pay for you to have Internet if that's what we have to do. It will be tough, but at least the Army doesn't have don't ask, don't tell any more."

Ian wrapped his arms around himself, rocking softly as he could see he was losing his one piece of hope in his meager existence. He'd thought he and Kyle could be together for the long term. He realized that was a fantasy, but he'd let himself drift into it. Suddenly he felt warm, muscular arms wrapping around him and pulling him tight. He looked up at Kyle and then angrily scrubbed the tears that had started leaking from his eyes.

"Damn allergies!" said Ian.

Kyle chuckled and then leaned in for a kiss. His first landed gently on Ian's cheek, enjoying the slight scruff of a days worth of growth. The fine hair's brushed against Kyle's lips as he slid downward, finding Ian's sensuous lips and pressing gently against them. Kyle pulled back, their lips adhering for a moment before they parted. He looked deep into Ian's eyes.

"What can I do to make you believe me that we'll be ok?"

"Don't promise anything. How much time do we have? When are you leaving?" asked Ian.

"This weekend is my last leave. I'll be shipped out next week some time," said Kyle quietly, knowing this wasn't what Ian would want to hear.

Ian took Kyle's face in his hands and kissed him hard. "I want you to make love to me. I want you to make me yours. I want to do everything," Ian paused for a moment and then continued, "I want you to fuck me. And I don't want it with the damn wrapper either. I want to have all of you inside of me. I got tested and I'm clean. Please Kyle, I want this."

Kyle ran his finger across Ian's cheek and then kissed him again. "That sounds amazing, and bareback sounds even better. The Army requires us to get tests every 6 months. I just did mine and I'm clean too. But are you sure that's what you want?"

"Yes, please. I want you in the most intimate way possible," said Ian in a whisper.

"Well we have the rest of the weekend. Are you sure you don't want to think about it?" said Kyle.

"I'm sure, I've been wanting this for a long time. I just wasn't sure, but I am now," said Ian.

Kyle turned silently and ran his hands over Ian's chest. Slipping his hands under his t-shirt, Kyle ran his hands over his bare chest, loving the smooth feel of his soft skin. Sliding his hands higher, Kyle gently pushed Ian's shirt over his head, letting it fall to the floor. Reaching down, Kyle grabbed his own shirt, ripped it off and threw it across the room. Laying Ian onto the couch, Kyle lay on top of him, their torso's grinding against each other as Kyle leaned down and kissed him passionately.

Soon they were entwined, letting the passion take them were it would. Their touches and caresses took on a new meaning with the knowledge of their pending separation. Kyle glided his tongue deep inside Ian's mouth, tasting and exploring with an intensity the pair had never experienced before. Kyle hands skated over Ian's back, feeling the work-hardened muscle in the slender man's body. Letting his lips slide down, he kissed down Ian's neck, nestling against his shoulder and started sucking and biting, wanting to mark his man.

"Oh fuck!" said Ian with a moan, "Yes, god that feels good."

Kyle redoubled his efforts, knowing this was going to be the last opportunity for intimacy for them for a long time. He wanted this to be an experience Ian could hold onto for the long six months of his deployment. He finally released Ian, letting his hands travel down his body, teasing his hard nipples as he kissed down his torso. The sun darkened skin felt warm and inviting as Kyle did what weeks before he would have never admitted he even desired.

Kyle moved down the couch until he was kneeling between Ian's legs. Leaning in, he kissed Ian's navel gently, letting his tongue circle the tiny opening. As his tongue traveled down Ian's faint treasure trail, Kyle's hands unbuttoned his jeans and slowly lowered the zipper. As the last of the zipper opened, Ian's cock sprung free, raking through Kyle's belly fur. Lying down, Kyle trapped Ian's raging hard cock between them, teasing it as their bodies ground together. Soon their breath was coming in gasps as their passion gained in intensity.

Kyle moved off the couch and quickly dropped his pants, walking over he grabbed Ian's hand and pulled him into a warm embrace. As their stone hard cock's fought between them, they kissed passionately, their hands roaming over each other, touching and exploring. Kyle's hands slid lower, letting his fingers glide into Ian's ass and loving the sudden coarse texture of his hair filled crack.

Ian pulled back slightly and smiled at Kyle, "Yeah, I know. The one place I have hair, my ass crack."

Kyle smacked Ian on the butt and chuckled. "I like your ass crack. How would you like your ass crack eaten?"

Ian grinned and moved to kneel on the couch, his ass spread wide as the dark blond hair swirled from around his deep red hole. Kyle watched for a few seconds as Ian shifted and settled in, knowing this was his final refuge, the final hurtle to conquer before he fully accepted his attraction to other men. It might seem like a strange barrier, but fucking another guy was the ultimate act in Kyle's mind, proving he was gay. But deep down he knew, he loved Ian, and loved their times of intimacy. He realized he was just putting up barriers to his own happiness. But he couldn't help it. His conservative upbringing was a difficult hurtle to clear. But he knew with Ian it wouldn't be insurmountable; he just had to prove it to Ian.

As the thought flashed through his mind, Kyle knelt behind Ian and spread his ass cheeks wider, leaned in and inhaled. When the scent of maleness raced into his senses, he knew. He knew he was gay, he knew it was part of his DNA, there was no cure, and he didn't want a cure. The smells and textures of the hot young man in front of him drove him hard. He buried his face in Ian's hairy crack, digging in with tongue and lips to rim him and prepare him for tumultuous lovemaking. Losing himself, he drove his tongue inside his lover over and over again.

"Oh shit! Damn! That's it, babe! Eat my ass!" screamed Ian.

Kyle and Ian were lost, body and soul, in the passion and desire generated from Kyle's determined ass work. Soon Ian's butt was flushed and pulsing with the need for sex. Kyle smiled lustfully and then spit onto Ian's hole, pushing it inside with his finger until he was easily sliding a finger deep inside Ian. His reward was the increasing levels of moans coming from Ian's throat.

"Lube?" asked Kyle huskily.

Ian gathered himself and turned to look at Kyle with lust filled eyes. "Bathroom. Over the sink, a squeeze bottle."

Kyle quickly rose and sprinted to the bathroom. Ian heard a few seconds of noise and then Kyle was back, looking like a kid in the candy store. Popping open the cap, he squeezed a healthy load on two of his fingers and then reached up to press them against Ian's hole. Ian groaned as the fingers sought entry, his back arching, his ass thrust out as his desire to be fucked eclipsed everything else. As he felt Kyle's fingers slide inside his gut, he dropped his head against the couch, ready and willing to be Kyle's fuck toy. As his head spun, he realized Kyle was gently thrusting in three fingers, which Ian pushed back to get deeper inside him. Soon the fingers were sliding in easily, and Ian wanted more.

"Fuck me, Kyle! Slam it in! God I need fucked, Please!" begged Ian.

Smiling at his lovers lust filled need, he smeared his throbbing dick with lube and then pressed the head against Ian's hole and began pushing. Losing any consideration other than his own needs, he quickly buried himself to his pubes in Ian's virgin hole.

"Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Fuck! Take it out! Goddamn, it fucking hurts bad!" screamed Ian.

Kyle froze, not certain what to do, realizing he had gone too fast, but somehow thinking it would be better not to pull out. Instead he ran his hands over the hot man under him, encouraging him to relax.

"Relax baby. It will get better in a minute, just hang in there. Damn you are so hot. I wanna fuck your tight hole. I'll be think'n about nothing except getting back to this tight ass again the whole time I'm gone," cooed Kyle.

Ian focused on Kyle's soft voice, his body slowly relaxing as the pain subsided. In less time than he'd thought, the pleasure being sent through his body was far outweighing any pain. Seeing Ian relax under him, Kyle began making short strokes in Ian butt. Soon they were moving in sync, both driven to a new kind of passion neither had experienced before. Kyle was driving his dick into Ian again and again, suddenly he hit something that had Ian thrashing wildly under him.

"You ok?" said Kyle as he slowed his assault.

"Oh god yes! I've never felt that before. Fuck, what you did was amazing," said Ian around a groan of pleasure.

Kyle grinned and aimed more carefully and succeeded in ramming his cock head against Ian's prostate once again. Soon he was moving rapidly, with each thrust raking across Ian's sweet spot. Soon his lover was convulsing under him, nearing his climax. With a last hard thrust, Ian's cock began shooting cum over the couch. His ass clamped down on Kyle's bare cock, sending a shock through his system that was answered with his own orgasm. Quickly both men were entangled in wet orgasms that had the couch covered with cum and Ian's ass filled with jizz. As they drifted back to reality, Kyle rubbed his hands over Ian lovingly, enjoying the sensations beneath his palms.

As the feelings subsided, Kyle's cock slowly slid out of Ian's ass. After the muscular plug dropped from his sphincter, a stream of white cream ran down Ian's balls and dripped on the floor. Dreamily, Kyle ran his fingers through it and then slid two fingers inside Ian's well-used ass.

"Holy fuck, that was amazing," whispered Ian.

"Ditto," said Kyle with a smile.

Ian rolled to his back, grimacing as the pool of cum covered his back, but then smiling up at Kyle.

"I think we need to clean up, stud. How about sharing a shower?" said Ian with a smile.

"Sounds like an excellent idea," said Kyle. He then reached down and pulled Ian into his arms for a kiss, then hoisted him over a shoulder and carried him into the bathroom with Ian giggling.


Six months, it had been a very long six months. The last hours they had spent together had been a great memory, as was his ass being sore for a week after their passionate lovemaking session. The thought of that little surprise still made Ian grin. Well it did now that it was healed. But then Kyle had been gone, and other than email and an occasional Skype chat, he hadn't got to see his amazing soldier. But now Ian was packed in with the other families of returning service men, and it had been Kyle who insisted that he was welcome.

Ian had been fidgeting the entire time, but the plane had finally landed and the group was moving into the center. He had to admit it was impressive to see them march in and form the perfect lines, and it was a relief to catch a glimpse of Kyle as they filed in. The ceremony was brief, by military standards at least, and then the families swarmed the floor. Ian was looking wildly for Kyle, but to his distress, Ian couldn't locate him again. Suddenly the crowd parted, Ian saw Kyle, and their eyes locked. It was too much for Ian, too much waiting, too much stress, too much wondering. When Kyle smiled broadly at him, he lost control, he forgot where he was and who was around him. He simply didn't care any more.

Ian took off at a sprint in his cowboy boots and then leaped on Kyle, wrapping his legs around him. Not caring who was around them, he started covering Kyle's face with kisses. Suddenly he realized what he had done, and was mortified. He tried to climb off Kyle, but couldn't. Ian struggled briefly and then realized that Kyle was holding him in place.

"I'm glad to see you too, babe," said Kyle softly. He pulled Ian's head toward him until their noses were touching, and then kissed him gently. He then let Ian slide slowly down his torso until they were both standing. After giving Ian another quick kiss, he grabbed his arm and tugged him toward the door.

"Come on! I want some good Mexican food. I'm starved!" said Kyle with a smile.

The pair soon found themselves enjoying fajitas for two at their favorite Mexican place. As they talked, Kyle filled in the few details he couldn't share with Ian through the emails. Ian paused and looked at Kyle with a smile. "I got a new job. Well it's still at the same place but I get more money, more responsibility too. But after you left I decided that I needed to go back to school, so I asked for a raise at work and I've started taking some classes at the community college. I -" Ian trailed off.

"What babe?" asked Kyle.

"I want to be someone you can be proud of, not some down-on-his-luck redneck that you are ashamed to have meet your buddies."

Kyle stopped eating and slowly sat down his fork. Reaching across the table, he took Ian's hands in his and looked at him intently. "Ian, any problem was mine, not yours. If these months have taught me anything, it's that I love you and I was being judgmental of you. You're the best thing to come along so far as I'm concerned. If you want to go back to school, then you should. But do it for yourself, not because you think I'm embarrassed of you."

Ian looked at Kyle, sensing that he meant every word. A tear rolled down his face as he realized that they had passed the test of time apart. Reaching up he fiercely wiped the tear from his eye. "Damn allergies."

Kyle chuckled and wiped his thumbs across Ian's cheeks, "Yeah, damn allergies." Leaning back, Kyle dropped his napkin onto the table and beckoned to Ian.

"Come on, let's go home."

"Home?" asked Ian hopefully.

"Yes, home. At least until we find a ranch that we want to buy. I get out in a few months and the rest of my time will be here. I was hoping we could live together, I've already cleared it on base."

Ian beamed at his lover, "That would be amazing. But I thought you hate farm life."

"I love you, Ian. And you love ranching. So I'll learn to love it too," said Kyle tenderly.

Ian took Kyle's palm and looked deeply into his eyes. "I love you. Oh god do I love you."

"Good," said Kyle. "Then let's get home."

"Home, somehow it's never seemed sweeter."


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