
By andy t

Published on Dec 24, 2000



Don't read any further if you are under the age of 18, or if you live in an area where jackbooted Nazi's still control the masses with their own hate-filled, hypocritical propaganda. If you are an uptight, repressed republican douchebag who gets offended by tales of sexual relationships between consenting teenage boys, then do us all a favor and take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut.

One more thing, if you are looking for a story containing a new sexual adventure in every other paragraph, then you should probably look elsewhere. This is a story that although is fiction, contains several events of my life. Names have been changed, and the time period was moved up a few years. Only a gopher, two llamas, and an armadillo were harmed in the process of writing this tale. Now on with the show.

"How the hell does he do that?", Nate thought to himself. It had been nearly four weeks since his fourteenth birthday, and he was getting a little more than perturbed. "Those fuckers on tv make it look so damned easy, why the hell can't I do this." The "this" at hand was a bass guitar, and Nate was a little more than upset that he couldn't play like Flea yet. Jarret, his best friend, plays guitar and had tried to show him a few basic scales. Those scales flew in one ear and out the other, and upon exit had smacked dead into the wall. Patience was not Nate's best attribute. In fact you could saw that he had next to none. There were several times where he was a few seconds away from doing his best Jimi, and burning the damn thing. Only the wrath of his father had stopped him. "Screw it!!!," he sighed as he conceded defeat for the day. Fleadom will have to wait for another day.

The bass was a gift from his father for his birthday. There were a few conditions that Nate had to agree too before he got it. First no more troubles at school, that meant grades must not drop and no more calls from the secretary saying that Mr. Mathers did this and that today. Secondly, Nate had to play football. It seems his father felt that this would be a good outlet for his sons often misguided anger and hostility.

Nate's coaches agreed, the team hadn't been practicing in pads for a week before he racked up his first casualty. Unfortunately, it was the starting quarterback of his own team who bore the brunt of a helmet straight to the ribs. Fifteen laps around the field and an hour long ass chewing later, he was assigned the starting middle linebacker position. His coaches felt that was a natural. Not only did he have the size, but he had the attitude and instinct. They thought they knew where the attitude came from, but they were only partly right.

Nate's mother ended her life with a shotgun blast that still echoes in his ears. He was the only one home at the time, play his Playstation up in his bedroom when he heard a sound he knew well from his hunting trips with his father. He ran downstairs and saw......

"Damn dude," Jarret yelled, running to catch up with his friend. "That was fuckin' tits when you wrecked Ryan yesterday, what the hell did Meitler say to you after practice?"

"He just wanted to let make sure that I got it through my `Godamned head' that Ryan was off limits during practice. What a puss, I didn't hit him that hard!"

"Well he didn't take a breath for about an hour after you planted him. Anyway, I was gonna wait for you but after about the tenth lap I finally grew a full beard. I had to go home and shave"

"Yeah right," Nate retorted. That face will never have a single hair on it, that beautiful face will remain as soft as a babies behind till you die. God I want you, Jarret. Why can't you be mine and only mine.

"What?", Nate blurted as he broke from his lust induced daze.

"I said, you deaf dick, did you learn `Higher Ground' yet?"

"Uh, no. I was a little bit whipped after last night so I just went home and burped the worm"

"Sick fuck!" Jarret said in mock disgust.

"What? Like you've never rubbed your rhubarb!"

"Uh, yeah. But I don't feel the need to tell you about it every time I do it. If that were the case I'd never shut up."

This sent them both into fits of laughter. Jarret was the only one who could make him laugh like that anymore. If it hadn't been for him, Nate probably would have painted the wall like his mother did six years ago. It felt good to laugh, he only wish he could do it more.

They finally reached Nate's house and promptly raided the fringe. Being the growing boys that they were, barely anything survived. Except for cottage cheese and a container at the back that held only God knows what. Both boys, stuffed and bloated from the afternoon feast hit the living room for some Grade A loafing. Football practice was still another two hours or so away, and Nate was still sore from the extra miles he ran.

"Let me hear you play a little bit." Jarret said refering the Nate's source of musical frustration.

"Alright, but it's gonna suck dick as much as you do!"

"OK fucker," Jarret screamed is a shitty accent somewhere between Japanese and Swahili, "Yoo villl di lite nowww". He flung himself on top of Nate, who had been trying to escape to the safety of his bedroom. He didn't make it. He may be the stronger one, but when it comes to speed, Jarret is the guy.

They tumbled into Nate's room in a swearing tangled heap. This is normal, wrestling each other has become almost a daily occurrence. Something has to be seriously awry for these two not to engage in some form of combat. As Jarett tried to claw his way out of the bedroom too regroup, he forgot one small detail. After the food binge, he undid his shorts to relieve the strain of his belly. In his attempt to escape, Nate lunged out of his bedroom and grabbed the legs of Jarret's shorts just as he was turning around. Down came everything. Leaving Nate at face level with the crotch of his best friend, the boy whom he secretly loved. They had seen each other naked plenty of times, but never could he smell the musky odor of his friends beautiful organ.

"Oh My GOD!!! I'm SO SORRY!." Nate cried as he jump to his feet. He didn't notice that he had spit a little bit onto Jarett's cock as he had spoke. God he felt so awful, so dirty for thinking these things. He's gonna hate me forever. Five years, kaput! Gone just like that. He ran to his bedroom in tears, nearing hysteria.

Jarret stood there with his shorts around his ankles. He was really confused by what had just happened. So what if he saw my dick, it's not the first time. What the hell is his problem. Bending down to pull up his shorts he noticed a glob of spit along the length of his penis. He couldn't help but chuckle a bit, then he remembered that he had felt Nate's breath on his crotch. This strangely aroused him. putting his bits and pieces back together, he went to Nate's room to try and talk to him.

The door, not surprisingly was locked. He knocked softly a few times. No response from the other side.

"Dude, c'mon let me in. Talk to me dammit." No reply. Just the sound of his best friend sobbing.

"Will you please talk to me? What the hell is wrong? So what if you were an inch away from my cock? I'm not pissed in the least."

Nate sat up on his bed and stumbled to the door, eyes blurry from the tears. He opened the door and allowed Jarret to come in. Nate sulked onto is bed, staring straight ahead, not looking at Jarret.

Standing in the doorway, Jarret just looked at his friend, trying to think of what to say. He didn't know whether to comfort him or to just try to say something funny to bring a light to the situation. Humor won out, it usually does.

"Jeez, you know if girl's act that way when then see my dick, I'm gonna have the world's biggest ego and the bluest balls."

Nate looked up at him, totally unimpressed.

"Oh, c'mon! Quit acting like that, will ya? You're making me feel as if I did something wrong. What happened that was so fucking bad?"

"I can't tell you cause if I do, you'll hate me. You'll walk out today and I'll be left all alone, and that can't happen, I can't be left alone." Nate started to cry again. He couldn't help it. Jarret came into his life at a time when he was all alone. When his mom died, the kids at school acted as if he were a leper. They weren't calling him names or saying mean things, they just didn't say anything to him. He figured that they were giving him time to heal, but no one ever came up to him to talk. How hard was that? To just talk to someone, not to offer half-ass sympathy, but to talk about the stuff that nine year olds talk about. You know, sports and cartoons and shit like that. But no one did. No one until Jarret moved here from Indiana. Jarret had been a savior to Nate. He sat by him in the cafeteria on his first day at the new school. Jarret told him a few corny jokes, and Nate laughed for the first time in the months since his mothers funeral. They became fast friends and soon were inseparable. All that Nate could feel now was every day of loneliness that he felt before he met Jarret. Every minute of that period of time had just landed on top of him. Crying was the only thing he could do.

"Dude, please talk to me, whatever it is can't be that bad. You know that I wouldn't just walk out on you. You mean way to much too me."

"I can't"

"Look, I swear upon everything that I hold sacred in my life that I will not hate you or walk out on you. Now talk to me!" Nate was genuinely concerned about his friend, but was also starting to get pissed that his friend didn't trust him with whatever the hell he was holding back.

"Ok", Nate blubbered through his tears. "You want it, here it goes. We've been friends ever since we met. You are the on that pulled me out of a deep hole of despair and loneliness. You're the only one I've ever been able to talk to. You're the only one who makes me smile when I'm sad. The only one that makes me laugh. And I love you"

Nate, taken aback from this was for the first time speechless. The two of them just stared at the other. Waiting for one of them to break the silence. Finally, Jarret spoke.

"Well you're my best friend. I love you too. Is that why you were crying because you didn't want to say that?"

"Jarret, I think I'm gay," he paused, face flushed with the embarrassment and uncertain reaction of what he just said. "No, I know I'm gay. And you're the person I love."

"I thought that you might be gay, but I never suspected that you had a crush on me," Jarret said not knowing exactly how to react. He was trying to be as delicate as he could be, knowing that is best friend had just bared his soul to him. How could his best friend be gay? Why does he love me? I know I love him, but not like that. Do I? What the fuck is going on?

"It's not a crush Jarret, over the last year and a half, I have become more and more in love with you. I think about you all the time, I miss you when you're not around, I can smell you in my clothes, I wonder what it would be like to be with you. I love you."

Both boys were awash in a sea of emotion and confusion. For Nate it was the feeling of fear and the anticipation of what would happen next. Jarret didn't know quite what to say or exactly how he felt. It might be fun, it would sure beat jerking off, no one would ever know. But would it be right to drag Nick along like that? He may do something drastic if I hurt him like that. If I do this, I have to be in it for the long haul. I do love him allot, but is it like that? God, why did this have to happen right now? Is it like that? I don't want to hurt him. Please, let it be like that.

Nate was still lightly tearing up, Jarret picked up a shirt off of the floor and tenderly dabbed at his friends tear streaked face. Slowly drying up every drop that had ran down his cheeks. He tossed the shirt in an aimless direction and said, "Nathan Mathers, I love you too." He slowly moved his face to his friends and they embraced in their first kiss. A tremendous feeling of relief and stimulation flooded over Nate's body. His biggest fear had been laid to rest. Jarret was quite so sure, he wasn't grossed out by what was happening, but he knew that he didn't feel the same as his friend. I hope this is the right thing, he thought to himself.

Jarret slowly broke off the kiss. He looked at the clock and realized that they were going to be late for practice. "Fuck dude, we gotta floor it!!! Meitler is going to fuck us up if we're late."

They made it with two minutes to spare. They both had a great practice session. That day the coaches decided to scrimmage the JV against the varsity. Under normal circumstances it would have been a blow out. Most years the varsity would win by six or seven touchdowns. They weren't anticipating the hell that two new lovers were about to unleash on them. On the first defensive play, the varsity ran an outside sweep. The supposed bread and butter play for the offense. On the snap of the ball, Nate flew through a gap and stuck the running back so hard that all anyone could hear was the crack of a teenage femur. Justin Thommassen, the all-state candidate, the star of a championship contender, the consummate teenager heart-throb, lay there on the ground, writhing in agony.

Nate had a scarlet letter for the rest of the scrimmage, the varsity coach called play after play that would directly at Nate. Every time, he had something to do with the tackle. On the other side of the ball, Jarret was running like hell had been released. He burned the varsity defense for over 200 yards, including 5 touchdowns. Final score, JV 42, varsity 28.

Jarret, Nate and a few of the other JV players were hanging out after the scrimmage, reveling in their glory as if they had just won the Super Bowl. Mainly, they hung around to watch the varsity get punished by running a ladder on the football field. It was a great sight to behold.

"MATHERS, CARLSON!!! GET YOUR ASSES OVER HERE, NOW!!!!", barked varsity coach Grinstead.

"Shit, dude he's gonna make us run for fucking them up," Nate said. "No, if he makes us run at all, it's because we are now on varsity," Jarret replied. "Damn!", was what they both thought.

"OK BRING IT IN," the coach hollered, bringing and end to practice. The boys stood there uneasy, uncertain about what was going to happen to them as they were quickly surrounded by guys much older them. It didn't help things any that everyone of them wanted to kill them at that moment. All eyes were on them, and every one was cutting right through them both.

"Gentlemen," Grinstead cut the silence, "say hello to your new teammates. Carlson here will be your running back, and Taylor, if you don't pick up the slack, Mathers has your job. Now give them a warm greeting." All the coaches left, and Jarret and Nate were left to fend for themselves.

They made a futile attempt to escape, but they were quickly swarmed upon. Within seconds, both of them were butt assed naked, and alone in the middle of the practice field. "Now what," Jarret asked. "Well, I think we should just walk back like nothing happened. We can't let them think that they got the best of us. We just walk back casually, get dressed, go to my house, and get naked again." "Sounds good to me, let's go."

Upon their arrival to the locker room, both boys had nearly forgotten about their lack of undress, it was the sound of the applause of their newly acquired team mates that alerted them back to reality. The entire varsity squad had gathered around their locker to present them with their new jerseys. 33 for Jarret, 57 for Nate. They both took their time getting dressed, while they were barely 15 years old, neither of them had anything physically to be ashamed of. Nate was five-eight, 165 pounds and built like the proverbial brick shithouse. A proud testament to all of the anger he bestowed upon the weight set he received for his thirteenth birthday. Jarret was two inches taller, with a 160 pound frame that had absolutely no fat on it what so ever. He was easily the fastest guy in the school.

True to their word, when they arrived at Nate's house, their clothing hit the floor faster than gravity. Each one stared at the others body in silent admiration. They had seen each other naked countless times since they had known each other, but never with the anticipation of touching one ather looming so near.

"I love you Jarret," Nate spoke,"I've wanted this for so long. You are everything to me." "I will be everything I can be," Jarret breathed through trembling lips.

The two virginal boys came together in a passionate and heated, albeit clumsy kiss. Nate wrapped one arm over Jarret's shoulder, and his other fell lower, clutching Jarret's firm cheek in the other. Their embrace found it's rhythm, and the two lads were soon on Nate's bed. Nate took control over the scene and broke off the kiss after what seemed like a lifetime of love. He started to nibble on Jarret's ear, moved his way down past his neck to the well-formed chest that lay beneath. He took an erect nipple into his mouth, causing Jarret to twitch and moan with delight. Nate soon left the nipple, slowly and carefully working his way farther down the chiseled six pack that stood guard over the ultimate prize. Reaching without looking, Nate found the swollen gift that awaited him. It had already reached its fullest capacity, one more drop of blood would have fatal. Jarret moaned with approval as Nate slowly worked up the pace. Jarret was at the point of no return when Nate swallowed him whole. The newfound sensation on his already straining cock set him off. Jarret's loins exploded deep into his lovers mouth, washing the back of his throat with the sweetness of a tonsil glaze that only boys can produce. While he lay there trembling, Jarret's capacity for speech had failed him temporarily. Not knowing what to say, or exactly how to say it, Jarret reciprocated the only way he could. Leaving out the subtleties, Jarret quickly engulfed Nates already dripping cock. He worked furiously, yet carefully. He wanted his new lover to feel the sensation that he could still feel running through his own body. He wanted him to feel it, and feel it now. His efforts were quickly rewarded when Nate splashed him with a an enormous amount of boyjizz that had begun to overflow the seal that was meant to direct its flow. Jarret lovingly licked up every visible drop that broken free. Neither boy said much, they just curled up and held each other silently. They were exhausted. A brutal practice and their recent sexual adventure left them totally spent. They laid there like that until morning.

End part 1

Well, what do you think? This is my first story. It's been about eight years since I took an English class, so please excuse any grammatical errors. I'd like to hear any opinions or constructive criticism. Flames will be ignored. email me at caspast@yahoo.com

Thanks, Drew.

Next: Chapter 2

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