Disc Golf Dicks

By anonymous.a

Published on Apr 2, 2016



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This is a work of fiction. All persons are intended to be age 18 and above.


By anonymous.a

I recently took a staycation, using the week off to putter around the house and yard, explore my hometown, and partake of some downtime. I work at an incredibly stressful job, so the downtime is important. It's the only way I can deal with the stress.

One form of recreation I recently discovered is disc golf. It's a lot like regular golf, but costs way, way less. Ten dollars or so for a disc, maybe an inexpensive towel and you're good to go. Some players have multiple discs, carrying cases, and repurposed baby strollers to carry all their stuff. Go figure. I prefer to keep it simple.

It was a beautiful spring day when I hit the course here in town. The sky was clear, the sun warm, and the trees had leafed out, shading the walking path in brilliant green. I had the course virtually to myself, as it was mid-morning on a Wednesday. Everybody else was at work or in school ... or so I thought.

I started the round with a couple of pars and bogeys, which matched my usual skill level. I don't throw the thing a mile like a lot of guys. I try to make up for my lack of distance on the approach shots.

As I moved through the holes my throwing improved. My score hovered below double digits, which is good for me. Some players can finish 18 holes with a negative score. I'll never be that good.

As wrapped up the 12th hole a group of college-age young men appeared on the walking path. It was then I remembered: spring break. The local college was shut down for a week. Obviously not every member of the student body had gone to Cancun or Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

I checked them out and almost to a man, they were hot little numbers. There was seven of them, and I was guessing their ages to be 19 or 20. They were dressed in the college male uniform – cargo shorts and T's, or tank tops. A couple were sunburned. One was a bit on the chubby side, but the others were either nicely fit or skinny as scarecrows.

More interestingly, a couple looked like they might be packing some serious firepower between their legs. That's when my imagination kicked into passing gear. I tried to picture them with nothing on, and before I knew it a hardness had appeared between my own legs ... which was a little embarrassing when two of the boys broke off from the group and approached me.

"Excuse me, sir," a hot little blonde number with two days' worth of stubble on his sunburned chin said to me. "We've never played this course before. Can you tell us where the first hole is?"

I wanted to tell him where MY hole was, but I decided discretion was the better part of valor, and gave them directions from where we were standing to the first tee box. They thanked me and off the went, across a grassy field and over a creek to the parking lot where Hole No. 1 awaited. I watched them go and studied their asses. That hardness between my legs did not diminish one iota. Watching their cheeks flex as they walked made me want to rush up behind them and grab, then squeeze. God! I needed an icy shower.

I shook my head and exhaled noisily, wishing that I weren't such a horny pervert, and resumed my game. I played the next few holes over par and finished my round with a score of plus 16, which was not my best. But at least it was lower than 20. That was my benchmark. Anything under 20 was good – for me, anyway.

The last hole put me back at the first, and I decided to play another three or four just to see if I could improve my throwing. The course was deserted and I could throw as many times as I liked, something you can't do when crowds are out and you've got a line of people behind you.

As I walked to Hole No. 3 I ran into the group of spring breakers, several of whom had thrown their discs in a creek that ran parallel to the hole. One of them was out in the calf-deep water, fetching discs from the muck while the others stood on the shore and laughed, shouting jokes and insults. I couldn't help but laugh. The creek bottom was nothing but black mud and the kid looked like he had sunk to his knees in the gunk. His arms were similarly black all the way up to his elbows. You could smell the foul muck, even from where I was standing.

They invited me to play through, so I tossed my disc and ended up right in the middle of them, although on dry land (thank God). As I approached their group I joked, "You better get that shit rinsed off as soon as you can. That creek is full of malaria, cholera, anthrax and STDs."

The group laughed and the kid in the creek began rinsing the black goo from his arms, then his legs. He got out of the water and staggered to shore in mostly good order, until one of his pals pointed out he had a big patch of mud on the seat of his swim trunks. He craned his neck and tried to spot the mud, but couldn't see it. Finally, in exasperation, he simply yanked down his shorts and stepped out of them.

Whoa. Heat, and then hardness, returned to my crotch. His ass was choice, not a bubble butt per se but nicely shaped and covered with a decent mat of wiry hair. When he bent over I got a clear view of his anus, peeping from his hairy crack. I pictured myself directly behind him, jamming my tongue into that crack, and I swear to God my cock twitched as if I were starting to cum in my pants.

Without even thinking about it I let out a wolf whistle. Some of the boys laughed, but our boy in question, the one with his swimsuit now in his hands, turned around and said, "You like that, huh? Well, how about THIS?" and hefted his cock and balls with his free hand. His cock wasn't hard and didn't look impressive at all, but then who does? But those balls were magnificent – golf-ball sized in a loose, hair scrotum that had "lick me" written all over it – at least that's what I saw.

I composed an expression that I hoped communicated the thought Not Bad, then said, "I'd have to taste it to be sure."

The guys en masse began hooting and hollering, urging the guy to accept my offer. You could tell he wanted to say no, but they kept egging him on, daring him, and finally I shrugged and said, "Bring it."

So he did.

The kid was not the tallest nor the skinniest, but he was in the running, with a mop of dirty blonde hair and a nice, flat stomach. He approached me, still holding his package, and I dropped to my knees. That elicited a series of gasps from the others.

"No guts, no glory," I whispered, and swallowed his dick into my mouth.

The other guys started yelling and laughing as I sucked on his cock. I could feel it slowly hardening in my mouth, so I enjoyed this moment when it had not grown to such proportions it would choke me. I grabbed his hairy butt cheeks and pulled him in closer. His cock had now acquired some definite wood and I was able to go up and down it with my tongue, licking the bottom, then around the fringes of the mushroom cap, and finally the piss hole, which had begun to leak prostate fluid. I ran that stuff over my tongue and savored the taste. What a total hottie.

The other guys were snickering and whispering, "Oh my God," and at least a couple had their dicks out and were jacking them. I kinda didn't want them doing that – no sense wasting perfectly good spooge when I could take care of things for them. But for the time being I savored this blonde-haired beauty who was now fucking my face with his tool. He had laced his fingers together around the back of my head and was pounding his cock down my throat, completely bypassing my gag reflex. My nose was buried in his pubes, which carried the rich aroma of young male hormones. My hands rubbed his ass and even slipped inside his crack, stoking the heat therein.

He was breathing heavily and noisily until suddenly he paused, like the calm before a storm, and then pushed his cock as far inside me as it would go. I felt nothing at first, but then it began pulsing as he spewed cum down my throat in rippling spasms of ecstasy. I could feel his muscles trembling as the orgasm shook him from stem to stern. I rubbed my finger over his asshole and felt it squeezing and unsqueezing. A pity my cock wasn't buried there right now.

I held him in place a moment, and then he disengaged with a gasp. "Jesus Christ, that was incredible," he whispered as he stepped away, his cock glistening in the late morning light. Before I could even think of getting off my knees the young hottie who had asked me for directions, the blonde-haired kid with the stubbly chin, stepped up and demanded, "Now me."

Who was I to argue?

He was the shortest of the bunch, at no more than 5-6 or 5-7, and he probably didn't weigh 125 pounds. But he was a cute little fuck and his cock had some girth. Like his buddy, his balls were big and pendulumed loosely in a wrinkled, hairy sack. His cock was already hard and he jammed it into my mouth a little too urgently. I almost puked when it hit the back of my throat, but I managed to quell the reflex. Then he was pounding it into me as he held my head. I decided this time I would get something in return for my willingness to blow him. I slipped my middle finger into my mouth, right next to his dick, and got it wet with spit. Then I reached around and found his asshole, a steamy ring of muscle buried deep in his butt crack. I slid it inside as he jacked away at my mouth.

Each one of us has an e-zone, a special place that triggers our sexual desire and sends it over the top. For a lot of guys that's their asshole, though they'd be loathe to admit it. As soon as they get past the idea that somebody has his finger up their ass they actually embrace it, discovering that it feels really, really hot, especially when they've got their dick buried in the forbidden territory of another guy's mouth.

When I started twisting my finger in his asshole, firing off that massive bundle of nerves tied to the muscles that open and close his sphincter, the kid exploded in my mouth with massive spurts of gooey cum. Man, this kid had a bumper crop of jizz. I was swallowing it for all I was worth and it still slopped out of mouth and ran down my chin. He was groaning, almost crying from the sound of it, as he pumped every last ounce of ball juice into my licking, sucking mouth.

And so it went. The young man with the perfectly cut brown hair and perfectly shaped body – I sucked him and licked his balls until he blew his load into my mouth. The chubby guy with the shiny, blondish-brown hair: I went down on him and he blew up in my mouth in less than a minute, a personal best for me in the blowjob department. And then the tall, skinny kid who got out his phone and shot video of the whole session. He had a sizeable dick and big, loose balls. (What was it with these guys scrotums? Usually they're tight and snug the balls right up next to the dick. But these guys were all banging my chin with their nuts – not that I'm complaining.) I asked him to sit on the table they had next to the disc golf basket and I sucked him awhile, then licked those balls and pulled his legs up over my shoulders, plunging my face into his but crack. As he jerked his joint I lapped at his smelly ass, running my tongue over his winking, puckering anus again and again until he erupted with jizz, spraying it all over his stomach. I lapped it up and rolled it around on my tongue, savoring the slightly bitter taste. The kid had been drinking too much beer. It had flavored his cum.

Finally I was down to the last two. Truth be told my jaw was growing tired and my stomach felt like I had a gallon of sperm sloshing around in there. But this kid was cute, with freckles on his cheeks and a mop of dark, curly hair. His cock was the tastiest of the bunch, rich with the funky odor of sweaty genitalia. He had an almost gentle manner, running his hands through my hair and softly pulling me into his crotch, where I swallowed his meat and played with his balls.

I heard somebody spitting repeatedly and suddenly felt my own shorts being yanked down. It was the last guy, a black-haired dreamboat with darkly tanned skin, a narrow waist and a bubble butt. "I'm sorry, man, but I can't wait," he apologized. I felt his red hot cock, slickly emerged from its sheath of foreskin, probe for my asshole. "You're just too fucking hot."

He found his target and I relaxed, allowing his fuck stick to invade my hole. He pushed it in slowly. He did not let up. There was no way he was taking no for an answer, and to distract myself from the presence invading my colon I concentrated on the warm, gentle fucking I was getting in my face. The kid was moaning and slowly gyrating his hips as he worked his cock in and out of my mouth. It was one of the most sensual blowjobs I had ever given, because he truly seemed to be enjoying it and was trying to add another layer to it, unlike the others, who had simply surrendered to their lust and jammed their cocks down my hole.

I felt hands on my hips as the kid behind me bottomed out. He began fucking me in earnest, starting with short, quick strokes that eventually became longer and more forceful, until his body was banging into mine with a loud slapping sound. Then he plastered himself to me, his stomach glued to my back by a sticky layer of sweat, and began thrusting his cock into my ass at an upward angle as he reached around and jacked my cock with his right hand and cupped my balls with the left.

It was too much for me. I felt a delirious tension rise inside me as a climax boiled out of that secret place in the brain where all pleasure is hidden. I spread my legs a little farther and let the kid sink his cock in even deeper, while I sucked hard on the cock inside my mouth. And then suddenly I was swept away by a spasm of pure bliss, arching my back and spraying a spine-shattering load of sperm that seemed to carry part of my life energy with it. At that moment I felt a wet warmth fill my ass as the hot guy slammed his cock deep into me and emptied his balls. And a few seconds later the kid on the table blew his warm, creamy load into my mouth with a sexy "Unnnnhhhh."

The kid pulled out of me. He used his disc golf towel to wipe off his dick, and then pulled his shorts back up. The kid on the table lay there a few moments, smiling almost dreamily. I gave his dick and balls a final lap of the tongue. Then he too was up and hoisting his shorts.

"Well ..." said the blond kid who had originally asked for directions. "That was, um, different."

I laughed as I pulled up my own shorts. I would be finishing my round with cum leaking down my leg and my face. But it had been worth it. Seven hot boys all at once? I'd be telling that story the rest of my life.

"I guess that's why they call it `dick golf,' " I said, and they all laughed. Then the short blond kid said, "Is that what they call it?"

"It is now," I answered, then headed off on my way.

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Check out Part 1 of my erotic novel "One Day in the Life of Josh" at Amazon. It's only 99 cents, but I guarantee you'll get more than a dollar's worth of hot action. Follow this link: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B014ORH9YE/

I've collected all my daddy-son stories into a single volume, "Daddy's Boys," on Kindle. Take a look at it here: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B01CC7PZO4 A companion book, containing most of the stories from "Daddy's Boys," is titled "ANAL-ogy" and is also available on Kindle at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B01D6IRQH2

Let's hook up on twitter. I'm at @anonymous_sexie . Shhhh! Don't tell anyone.

I'm on tumblr at theanonymousa.tumblr.com .

Email comments to clover2209@yahoo.com

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