Discretion Needed

By Sam Will

Published on Oct 16, 2020


Not suitable for under 18's Support Nifty guys ********************* This is my second story. The characters are separate to the ones found in my first "Becoming Jeff's Leather Slut" that I'm still adding too and you'll find in Authoritarian.

This one explores a relationship between two `straight' married guys that explore their true sexuality. It'll be way more vanilla. *********************

Part 1: Tentative

Coming out. Did you find it easy/ok? Are you still locked firmly in the closet? Everyone is different, everyone has their moment, but some just live a different life. Maybe even one with a successful marriage and kids. That's life, reality.

I'm Dan, in my early 40's. Locked safely in the closet. My chances to come out blown in my late teens and 20's. I'm married (to a woman), have children and despite fancying guys I make it all work. Even the sex.

A couple of years ago I got a new job that involved exclusively working from home. The environment suited me. In fact I was so productive I'd often finished my tasks by 11am and would have the house to myself `till 5pm.

My mind would wander. I'd watch gay porn and eventually, five weeks into the job I started to look on hook up sites. Nothing interesting: Grindr; Recon. I was obviously nervous over getting spotted and outed by some guy that might know me. I'd be the annoying one that just wanted to chat and never meet anyone.

Then Gary messaged me. 44yo. Average looks, nothing special. Married like me, family like me and locked in the closet. He seemed eager to meet me which obviously freaked me a bit.

He went through all the reassurance he could. It was simple, he just wanted to suck and be sucked. He just wanted to feel a guys naked body touching his. Nothing weird, kinky or anything.

To be honest I could have blocked him, ignored his messages, but for some reason I chose not to. For about 10 days he messaged, he was never forceful, never pushed me to do stuff I didn't want to like show a million and one face pictures. It was just simple `if you want to meet up, I'm up for it'.

Then came the days I began to crack. At first it was saying: what about Friday 8.30am' You can park on Wellington Rd' All of which allowed me to ignore him should I feel the need to bail out on the Friday.

But Friday came. "I'm on my way. Send me your full address dude" came flashing up on the app. For about 10 minutes I was frozen not quite sure what to do, did I just trickle away?

But then some unspeakable horn caught me. Caught me in the moment and I messaged my address back `shit did I really just do that'.

His reply was painfully vague "won't be long" which just led to me slightly full on panicking. But there was no way back now. He had pictures of me, messages from me and my address.

It was about 15 minutes later when he rang the bell. He clearly hadn't parked on the drive which relieved me. I opened the door. "Hey, I'm Gary" he said in a cheerful way holding out his hand to shake.

"Oh hey, come in man".

He was dressed in a not remarkable dad kind of way, blue jeans, white trainers, a polo shirt. A small belly. To be honest it was pretty similar to me.

"I'm not quite sure what we do" was my tentative line, looking back and he smiled at me.

"Perhaps something like this" he put his right hand softly onto my face and kissed me. I was frozen so nervous. He leant away from me "you sure about this?" He asked taking my right hand.

I shook my head.

"Tell me, how many years have you known you liked guys man?" He asked.

"Oh umm since I was 10 or 11"

"Wow, and you've held that in your heart all this time, I can't imagine the pain my friend. Maybe it's time to release that pain, maybe it's time to let go!"

He'd taken my hand to his groin and was rubbing against his cock. "Feel good?"

I was slightly on the verge of tears, that kind of emotional release moment that causes you to shrug you shoulders, nervously smile and say "totally". He let go of my hand, leaving me to carry on rubbing him.

He looked at me "do you mind?" And glanced down his hand headed towards my groin now. I shook my head, smiling, "go for it".

His reaction was both flattering and so true. His eyes wide "well Dan, based on what I've got here I'm jealous of what womankind has been experiencing"

I was still slightly emotional "just my wife, her tits send me crazy"

"Oh you're like that. Secretly gay but with a tit fetish?"

I nodded. "You could say that".

He smiled "only human bro, let my cock out, I'll do yours."

There was some fumbling with belts etc, but nothing to embarrassing before we were stood in my hall way carefully jerking each other.

"Oh my god this feels so right" I said more in tune with my whole body than ever.

Gary leant in to kiss me, this time with more passion and this time with me kissing him back.

********************** Very happy to hear your feedback everyone: Sam.willswill@mail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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