Divorce Sucks So Good

By Frank Grimes

Published on Jun 6, 2013



Please check out my previous and first story on Nifty called "bisexual/adult-youth/better-with-company".

Divorce Sucks So Good

When you live the traditional suburban upper middle class life, it seems that all the people you are surrounded with are living a common existence. We graduate high school with lots of AP credits, get a decent college degree, enter the job market, find a girl, get promoted, married, eventually kids. Life was easy when we all spent a year celebrating each other's twenty-first birthday, then going to each other's weddings within the same couple of years, and sometimes to each other's baby namings. It's this life that becomes so predictable and is repeated person to person throughout your group of friends and acquaintances that it feels our destiny is as scripted as Saved by the Bell, Family Ties, or The Cosby Show. It's at this point of a successful career, marriage, and kids that I started to find cracks in the storyline. As we got into our mid-30's, our clear cut destiny became a whole lot more fuzzy and those little unique decisions, experiences, and mistakes made over time started to really define our own individuality and path.

Honestly, it's been a confusing last year or two. So many of the relationships among our group of friends that seemed like perfect matches began to break down. Arguments over money, the ability to have kids, house valuations, and car leases seemed to expose weaknesses in relationships that otherwise seemed perfect. My marriage is no permanent honeymoon by any means. I wish she shared more of my interests, watched less HG TV, and wanted to have sex more spontaneously than only right before we went to sleep. Maybe we're all suckers for the grass is greener trap and never take the effort to appreciate what we have, or maybe we hold ourselves back from truly being happy because we're too scared or self-conscious.

Something about this breakdown definitely snapped something inside me. I found myself jamming to music as loud as I could in my car, smoking more, taking work less seriously (or just seriously enough to keep my job) and without a doubt, was so damn horny all the time. I couldn't keep my eyes off every set of tits that passed by, no matter the quality of the woman they were attached to. I spent time on backpage, craigslist, and even dating sites targeting a younger demographic (like plenty of fish). I didn't really act on this but felt energized looking at all the sex and lustful bodies that were available out there.

But, staying married 10 years these days isn't easy and the fact is I'm still getting laid even though it's not porn star quality, which is more than many of my friends can say these days. I owe a lot to my wife's mid-30's surge in sexual appetite and of course the effects of that 50 Shades book that somehow turned on the juice faucet in her pussy. Let's just leave it that I'm conflicted about my marriage but in no way want to leave it.

So it was about 3 months ago that one of my really good friends from college called me to say that he and his wife were getting a divorce. I was floored. We'd been a tight group since freshman year of college and now their own personal fairy tale was over. She worked too hard, striving to make partner and traveling the world (no doubt with some very horny and ambitious men), while he worked for his family business and was more concerned about taking care of his dog then the winds of the M&A market. It felt like one of those events that seem so obvious it was going to happen after the fact yet you never could have imagined it before. So my buddy Bradley was now to be a single guy again. Mid-30's, nice bank account, no kids, a house, and a solid job with family money.

It was strange but I found myself varying between feeling bad that his life-story fell apart with this divorce and feeling extraordinarily jealous that he was an eligible bachelor in a big city and was about to have an eternal "hall pass" from his now ex-wife. Damn, I'd kill for 24 hours of that freedom and he has all the time in the world to enjoy. And to top it off, Bradley wanted me to join him on a trip to Vegas to celebrate his newfound freedom. I didn't think I had a chance in hell to get my wife to agree to leaving her with the kids while I party in Vegas with a recently divorced guy but to my amazement she agreed (I think she even shocked herself).

So the plans were set and after what felt like eternity the day of the trip finally arrived. We met up at the casino hotel, unpacked, and hit the first bar we walked into. He really broke down and admitted to so many issues his marriage had suffered from while at the same time how he didn't want it to end. I could tell he was going to need some hard work on my part to snap him out of his depressed state and into someone that would realize the opportunity that lay ahead of him. We hit the blackjack tables, drank a ton, and hopped around the strip. But, somehow despite all this, Bradley just couldn't snap out of his funk. I walked up to girls that seemed appreciative of the attention but who bailed when they realized that my friend was clearly no fun.

The first night we went to a strip club and you'd thought he was in a library. I threw lap dance money his way and certainly indulged myself in some grinding but still he was too damn depressed and clearly not enjoying himself. The next 2 days again were pretty much the same and I was both pissed off at him and frustrated with myself that as his friend I couldn't help him to move on. On the third night, we left the casino area earlier than usual because neither of us were having fun by that point. We got up to the room, sat on the couch, and watched some boring TV. I grabbed some liquor bottles from the mini-bar and we proceeded to drink and watch in silence. After about an hour we started getting a bit more tipsy. I figured if he was stuck in the past then let's have some fun with it. I started asking Bradley about his now ex-wife and what she was like in bed. He started getting pretty graphic about the early years when they would fuck anywhere and anytime. He recalled stories of getting his cum right into her eye so she couldn't see right for a day. He talked about blowjobs in elevators and having the best titty fucks from his well-endowed spouse.

We both had already resolved to stay in for the evening so we were just chilling in a t-shirt and our boxers. During this conversation I could tell we were both starting to get a bit flush and we'd frequently have to stand a little to adjust our boxers and t-shirts hanging over them as the tents started rising and we were both sporting some initial chubs. At this point in the trip I was intensely horny and frustrated after watching all the hotness that Vegas offers in abundance but trying to stay loyal. I spoke up with the suggestion that I really needed more tits in my face and recommended just watching some hotel porn. He resisted at first saying how expensive the rates were and how free porn was so readily available on computers. But considering neither of us had our laptops with us the hotel porn would have to do.

I purchased the 24 hour access pass and in seconds the screen was filled with huge fake tits and gigantic cocks getting sucked. It was then I realized that I hadn't really watched porn with another guy since I was back in high school reading Hustlers during sleepovers. I also realized that the couch we were on was less of a couch and more like a love seat. It had two cushions and we were right next to each other while moaning and money shots came from the TV show. We started off by laughing and commenting on the action on screen but more and more we started to rub our own dicks over the boxers. The liquor must really have taken ahold of inhibitions because normally two 30-something straight guys would keep these activities to themselves. But we'd known each other a real long time and none of that seemed to matter in this moment.

The action on screen definitely got intense during a scene where two lesbians were in a 69 position and eating each other out while the guy rammed one of them from behind. We laughed about how his balls were hanging right above the bottom girl's face and were slapping her in the head. At this point I just needed relief. I popped my cock through the opening of my boxers and just started openly stroking myself. Bradley gave me a glance, lingered for a few moments, then gave a sort of "Why not?" look and started stroking himself too.

While the action was going on the screen, I couldn't help but steal a few glances at my bud stroking. He was bigger than I'd expected but not much more than me. His stroke style was pretty aggressive and he was squeezing down pretty tight on his dick. I noticed that little bubble of precum at his tip then noticed how he rubbed it on his palm and used it as lube. It was then I realized that I had been likely more than glancing and was watching him more than the TV. He caught my eye, turned back at the TV, and said "Fuck yeah, this feels great!". I was relieved that he didn't call me out for watching him and at the same time wondered why I was so intrigued by his performance. He then stood up and dropped his boxers and sat back on the couch. However, when he sat back down I noticed that we were all of sudden even closer to each other. Actually, I could feel the hair from his leg brush against mine and our knees would knock together every few seconds. I could feel the heat from his body so close to mine. I was amazed I didn't feel uncomfortable with any of this. What the hell was I doing jerking while sitting right next to my best buddy. What I enjoyed though was I was getting some fulfillment for my pent up lust and I didn't feel any bit disloyal or unfaithful about it. Hey, it was just my good friend and we were trying to get some relief. I wasn't out with a mistress or hooker, it just never felt any bit harmful.

In my head I told myself "What the fuck, here we go" and stood up and dropped my boxers as well. When I went to sit down I felt the booze hit my head and I sat back down unsteadily. In the process I almost sat on his thigh and sort of slid down so that I was literally squeezed right next to his side. I could feel the heat from the side of his butt pushed up against mine and our legs now sort of rubbed together. I told him I was sorry about that clumsiness but I found that I didn't scoot over or move at all. I just went right back into stroking myself as was Bradley. It was strange for a few moments there. We both realized how close we'd gotten but neither made an effort to move but we didn't acknowledge it either. We just went on watching the porn and enjoying ourselves.

Now since we were sitting so close (Bradley on my left), I had to figure out where to put my left arm. I at first had it over the back of the couch behind him but then got uncomfortable and tried to find a better resting position. I ended up putting my left hand on my left leg, just inches away from his right leg. My hornyness and desire was so high at this point. The physical contact we had was driving me wild and I really had to pace my strokes so it didn't end too fast, I was having way too much fun. I craved that human contact, the heat, the sweat I was feeling between us. My head was spinning and my mouth was bone dry. I don't remember deciding to move my hand between our legs but when I looked down my hand was on his thigh gripping into his skin while we both were getting really into our strokes and the scenes on TV. After about a minute of this, Bradley adjusted his right arm between us and unbelievably put his hand on top of mine that was rubbing his thigh. He shouted out some "Hell Yeahs" and "Oh Fucks" and made sure my hand was rubbing and gripping his skin. Then I felt some pressure on my hand in what felt like was an effort to slide my hand more inside his thigh. I released any resistance as he took this opportunity to move my hand right by his crotch. I kept up my rubbing and he kept up his pleasing shouts and moans. There was no mistake or unintended actions here.

This Bradley was not the same one I'd been hanging out with this whole trip. He was alive and energized and I was feeling proud that I was the one to bring this out, whatever it took to get there. It was with this pride and relief that I kept this moment going and reached out and grabbed his cock. He let out a loud moan and I felt the stiffest, hottest rod I'd ever held in my hand. I slid my hand up to his tip to grab some precum and my stroking got real slick and smooth. It felt so strange to stroke another cock but I loved the repetitive movement and Bradley's moans of approval furthered my pride in helping him out.

Being that I was using my left hand and I'm a right handed person, I felt I could do better than I was but I couldn't reach with my right hand. So I sat up a bit and leaned over him to grab his cock with my right hand and started to give him a handjob up to the standards that I would love to be given to me. In that process, I was really leaning on him and my dick was squished right up against his leg. My hips instinctively started to thrust and grind my dick against his leg. As I did this I rested my head on his upper chest and he put his arm around my back. We felt so close, so together in this moment that I proceeded to do what I would have wanted if I was in his position. I leaned over until my mouth was right over his cock, licked my lips, took a deep breath, and lowered my head so his dick slid into my mouth. He let out a lustful moan as I tried to find out how deep I could take him. Once I reached my limit I started bobbing my head and slathering his dick with my tongue. A fleeting thought crossed my mind wondering why women are so hesitant to give blowjobs. I absolutely loved this feeling of a stiff dick deep in my mouth and knowing the pleasure I was giving.

Given the short couch we were on and the positions we'd contorted ourselves into, we both became a bit uncomfortable. He looked down at me and said, "I hate to ask you to stop but can we get a bit more comfortable in the bed?". I looked up at him with a silly grin and nodded my head and went into the bed and got under the cool comfy sheets and blanket. Bradley walked over more slowly and I watched as his dick bounced with every step. I wanted that piece back in my mouth as soon as possible and felt my mouth water in anticipation. He crawled in next to me and I immediately moved to the edge of the bed and got into position. I quickly took his meat in my mouth and continued my head bob to his moans and shouts. His hand pressed on the back of my head guiding my pace and depth. I used my hands to caress his ballsack while increasing my pace. His hand was telling my head to go faster and deeper and I readily complied. I sensed his tensing up and increased moans and prepared myself for what I knew was coming. A second later the back of my throat got hit with a glob of goo, I swallowed what I could, the rest starting to leak from the corners of my mouth. I slowed my pace to long strokes with my mouth until I could tell he was dry.

He was breathing heavy and sighing with an incredible relief. I slid up next to him and saw a huge smile across his face. We turned onto our side facing each other and held each other tight while looking into each other's eyes. He leaned in and lightly kissed me. I scooted even closer to him so that our dicks were entangled and our legs were intertwined. I leaned back in and was met with his open mouth. We kissed with incredible passion and hunger as our tongues explored our mouths. Once again I felt my hips grind upon feeling contact on my dick. His dick was still mostly stiff and we ground our dicks together, feeling the slickness from my mouth and his cum as it helped us rub. I was hard as a rock and our kissing made my dick keep jumping and flexing as it rubbed on his. I wanted to continue forever but the feelings were too intense and I felt myself shooting my cum right onto his dick. The cum was entangled in our pubic hair and I kept rubbing myself on him as I started to come back to earth.

We stopped kissing and looked at each other with a knowing grin. He told me how great that experience was and how he felt so much relief. He apologized for being a wet blanket these past few days and kept thanking me for being so patient and finding a way for him to break through. I told him I'd always be there for him as any good friend should be. I told him how much I wanted him to be happy and to learn to find his own path out in the world. To find someone that makes him happy and to leave work stress at the office and enjoy life. He promised me he would.

The next day was like we had arrived in Vegas for the first time. He found his courage and motivation to approach so many hot women that we had our pick of the best. Having our sexual energy awakened was coming through in our attitude and the ladies were feeding off of it, even craving to share in it. That's when we settled on a pair of brunettes from Milwaukee that were in town for a conference and were looking to have some fun. I still didn't want to screw around on my wife though. Being with Bradley was different but fucking a random chick was truly cheating. So I let Bradley finish his night up in our suite while I stayed downstairs playing Blackjack and feeling damn good about myself. It was probably 5 in the morning when I went back upstairs and found them all asleep in the bed. Bradley was naked on the bed with both ladies on either side of him. I normally would have been thrilled to find two naked ladies right in front of me but all I could focus on was his dick, soft and hanging to the side with cum stains around the tip. Our flight was later in the afternoon and knew he was flying back to his hometown far from where I lived and that he now was going to find a happier life. I was ok with the fact I was going back to my wife and family but felt a tiny urge to have one more taste before I left. I quietly crawled onto the bed and slid between his legs. I took his limp dick into my mouth tasting his cum, sweat and pussy juice caked onto him. It only took a moment before he opened his eyes slightly, smiled, and put his head back and closed his eyes again with a slight moan. After about a minute, his moaning got louder and the two ladies started to wake up and figure out their surroundings. They looked down at me blowing my friend then looked at each other saying, "Well, what do we have here?" as they both stretched and started sliding along Bradley's body meeting me at the main attraction.

I was then truly ready to take ownership of my life and my happiness. Plus, damn, I really am a good friend, huh!

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