
By A W

Published on Jun 9, 2010


The legal stuff: This is a sexually explicit story (at times) involving homosexuality. By continuing to read, you affirm under penalties of perjury that you are not a minor or in the company of a minor and are entitled to have access to sexually explicit material. The content and opinions expressed in this story do not imply anything with regard to the sexual preference of any member of 98 Degrees or other celebrities named herein. This is a work of fiction entirely.

Author Notes: This is my first piece of work and I would just like to say thanks to HR for being a great friend and a wonderful and inspiring writer. I hope you enjoy the story.


Drew and Andrew left the hotel and went home. Drew gave Andrew a piggy back ride home since Andrew wasn't wearing any shoes. When they walked in Andrew's apartment, they saw Nick and Vanessa lying on Andrew's cream colored sectional couch in each others' arms, Justin stretched out on the matching recliner, Emma was sitting on the floor on the other part of the couch with Jeff behind her giving her a shoulder massage, and Hunter lying down on the floor. They were all watching a movie and judging by the screaming coming from the television, it sounded like a scary movie. Andrew and Drew plopped down on the couch next to Jeff and Emma.

"What are we watching?" Drew asked while Andrew got up and walked into the kitchen.

"Well, since Andrew's DVD collection consists of 98% horror movies and 2% everything else, we decided on watching an old favorite, Scream." Emma said answering Drew's question. "What are you doing in there Andrew?"

"Making popcorn duh. You know I can't watch a movie without popcorn." Andrew yelled from the kitchen.

"Ok so...tell us what happened? Are you feeling better now?" Emma asked impatiently.

Andrew walked back into the living room with a bowl of popcorn. "I am sorry for earlier and after bein' held hostage and havin' some sense knocked into me...I will be callin' the doctor Tuesday morning to schedule treatments."

Emma jumped onto Andrew and hugged him tightly, screaming. Everyone was laughing and the general mood in the room was a lot better. Emma didn't forget Drew either...she jumped on him as well hugging him. After she calmed down, about ten minutes later, she started munching on popcorn. "So...when is the wedding?" she asked suddenly.

Andrew and Drew looked at her as soon as she said it. "Huh? Wedding?" they said in unison.

"Who said I was talking to you? I was talking to Nick and Vanessa but since you two seem so on edge...what exactly is going on?" Emma said.

"Well...um...um..." they both stammered. Andrew and Drew looked at each other, hoping the other one had an answer for her. Everyone else stared at them, eager to find out what the answer was.

"Well...Andrew and I..." Drew started. "I know it's going to sound crazy and you guys might think we're stupid but we're..."

"Oh my god! You two are in love!" Vanessa shrieked. "That is so sweet!"

"Is she right Drew?" Nick asked hesitantly. "Is it true?"

Drew looked at his older brother, trying to read if Nick was going to be ok with the truth. Andrew could tell Drew was uneasy about Nick's possible reaction, and so could Justin and Jeff.

"Well Drew? Are you going to answer me?" Nick asked a hint of anger in his voice. "I need to know if we have to make room for one more at the wedding."

Drew breathed a sigh of relief and started smiling. "I wouldn't call it love...at least not yet." He said as Nick pulled him into a hug. Nick released Drew and ruffled his hair a little bit. He saw Justin and Jeff looking at him and nodding.

"I hate to break up this love fest...but I would like to watch the movie now." Hunter said sarcastically.

Everyone started laughing as Emma started the movie over from the beginning. Everyone settled down into their original positions so they could watch the movie comfortably with Drew and Andrew stretching out on the floor beneath Nick and Vanessa. Drew looked at Andrew, who was having a popcorn fight with Vanessa and he felt Nick's hand on his shoulder. He looked up at his brother.

"You could've done worse sprout." Nick said in a whisper.

Drew smiled and continued to watch the popcorn fight, which now included Jeff and Emma. A few hours later, Drew woke up feeling cold. He looked around the living room, the television was still on, the DVD was at the movie menu, waiting for a command. Everyone was sound asleep around the living room. Andrew was curled up against him, shivering slightly. Nick and Vanessa were cuddling on the couch, Justin was on the recliner, a small blanket barely covering him, Emma and Jeff were wrapped up on the other part of the couch with the comforter from Andrew's bed, and Hunter was curled up under one of the ten comforters they had spread out on the floor to lay on. Drew stood up and adjusted the blanket on Justin to cover him up more before gently picking Andrew up and carrying him into the bedroom. He decided it would be better for them to move than to have Nick or Vanessa either step on them when they woke up or fall off the couch in their sleep and crush them. He pulled the sheet over Andrew and went into the kitchen to get himself a glass of water. He was searching the cabinets, looking for a glass when he heard someone stirring. It was Hunter and Drew watched as he stood up and walked into the kitchen.

"Thirsty?" He said as he opened the cabinet above the sink and pulled down a glass for himself and one for Drew. He handed the glass to Drew and moved over to the sink. The two stood in the kitchen in silence, each drinking their water. Hunter finished his first and set his glass in the sink.

"Drew...I like you guys and everything but let me tell you this." Hunter said with a serious tone in his voice. "If you or your boys do anything at all to hurt Andrew I promise you I will hunt you all down one by one, capture you and throw in a six foot hole with a family of rattlesnakes."

Drew was unsure of how to react until he saw Hunter stifling his laughter. "Dude, I was kidding but seriously you better not hurt him. I'm going back to bed. Good night."

Hunter went back into the living room and lay back down on ten comforters spread out on the floor. Drew finished his glass of water and went into the bedroom to get some sleep. He moved to the desk and set the alarm so Andrew could get up in the morning before crawling under the sheets next to him. He wrapped his arms around him and pulled him close to his chest and listened to him breathing as he slept.

"I could get used to this." Drew said in a whisper to the sleeping Andrew.

Next: Chapter 11

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