
By A W

Published on Jun 9, 2010


The legal stuff: This is a sexually explicit story (at times) involving homosexuality. By continuing to read, you affirm under penalties of perjury that you are not a minor or in the company of a minor and are entitled to have access to sexually explicit material. The content and opinions expressed in this story do not imply anything with regard to the sexual preference of any member of 98 Degrees or other celebrities named herein. This is a work of fiction entirely.


When they arrived at Andrew's apartment, Andrew showed them around. Vanessa and Jessica made their way straight to his closet while Reichen just sat down on the couch. Andrew went into his bedroom, listening to Jessica and Vanessa talk about his clothes. They went through his entire closet before finally choosing a button down white and blue striped long sleeve casual dress shirt with a pair of khaki pants and brown boots.

"Should I say thanks for you pickin' out my clothes or should I be upset that you don't trust my sense in fashion?" Andrew asked jokingly. Vanessa and Jessica looked at each other then at Andrew.

"We trust you...I just wanted to go through your stuff." Vanessa said. "Now, hurry up and get ready. You have three minutes to shower and three minutes in front of the mirror."

"Yes drill sergeant sir...ma'am." Andrew said laughing as he went into the bathroom.

Jessica and Vanessa sat down on Andrew's bed. Jessica started bouncing up and down. "Wow, his bed is totally comfortable."

"It is isn't it? And check out his movie collection." Vanessa said as she got up and walked across the room to where Andrew had his DVD's organized. "Wow, he must really be into movies because there has got to be over a hundred here, especially horror movies. I haven't even seen half of these movies. He's got a movie for every mood. Action, horror, romance, romantic-comedy, and comedy. Who needs Blockbuster when he's around?"

While Vanessa was checking out the movies, Jessica had made her way into the living room where Reichen sat. "What's wrong with you grumpy?"

Reichen looked at her annoyingly. "Tell me again, why exactly are we here hanging out with a waiter?"

Vanessa walked into the room as he said that. She could here the disdain in his voice when he said waiter. "We are here as a surprise to Drew. It's obvious that Drew likes this guy and he doesn't seem all that bad. Stop being so freaking stuck up Reichen. The only reason you are here is because you're dating Lance. Stop making it so hard for us to like you."

Jessica looked at the wall, filled with various frames of pictures. There were a lot of pictures of Andrew with these people. Jessica assumed they were his family. There were also single pictures of each person, with a series of numbers etched into the frames they were in. They were too small for someone to read unless they were to take the pictures off the wall and examine them closely. Vanessa and Reichen were still arguing when Jessica heard the shower cut off. "Chill out you two. The last thing we need right now is for you two to start going at it again. Vanessa, are you sure this is a good idea?"

Vanessa shrugged her shoulders. "It wasn't my idea. It was Nick's. He and I heard the way the two were flirting while Drew was checking on him, waiting for the paramedics arrived. Plus, I think it's such a cute idea."

Jessica smiled. "You're right. It is cute in a romantic comedy sort of way."

Reichen rolled his eyes. "Oh please. I doubt they like each other. It's blatantly obvious the kid is star struck and Drew was just trying to be nice to him."

Vanessa glared at him and put her hands on her hips. "And this is coming from the one who wouldn't have even met Lance if he hadn't won some stupid race around the world? Hell, you are probably only dating him to stay in the spotlight since your 15 minutes of fame was obviously over as soon as the season was over. So, please just sit back and shut up and let us girls handle this."

Reichen didn't say another word. Vanessa and Jessica walked over to the bathroom door and knocked. "Hey, you plan on joining us tonight?" Jessica said laughing.

Just then, a fully dressed Andrew opened the door. His hair was neatly spiked up and he had a toothbrush in his mouth. He leaned over the sink and rinsed his mouth. "Nice ass." Vanessa said as she reached forward and pinched Andrew's butt. He jumped slightly and laughed.

"Now, I'm ready. And for future reference, a gay guy needs more time in the mirror than three lousy minutes. This was a rush job. I don't always look this bad." Andrew said getting on his shoes.

Vanessa laughed. "Bad? You are joking right?"

Andrew shook his head no and had a serious look on his face. When he was ready to go, they left and piled into the car once again. Andrew gave Vanessa directions to the Bank of America Pavilion where the groups were performing. When they got there, they went backstage to the green room to hang out. Reichen disappeared, leaving Jessica and Vanessa with Andrew.

"You two don't care for him very much do you?" Andrew asked.

"Who?" Vanessa said.

"Reichen...you two don't like him huh."

"Not really. How'd you guess?" Jessica asked.

"Please, as if I couldn't hear you two arguin' with him."

"Oh, so you heard huh."

"Even with the shower runnin'. The apartment walls are thin. You can hear everything."

"Oh. Well he's a jerk anyways."

"Yeah I got that just from watchin' him on television." Andrew said laughing.

Vanessa and Jessica were laughing as well. Jessica stopped laughing to say "At least you two don't have to deal with him as much as I do. God, every time Justin and the guys get together, there's Reichen right on Lance's coattails. What's funny though is how he only tags along when..."

"Ya'll go out in public?" Andrew said, finishing her sentence.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Jessica said surprisingly.

"Just a guess...there are just some people like that in the world." Andrew said matter-of-factly.

The three continued to hang out and talk waiting for the show to start. Minutes before it started, Nick and the rest of the group came in and sat down.

"N*Sync is doing their set so we thought we'd come and hang out." Nick said right before kissing Vanessa.

"Well, look who made it. Glad you could come." Justin said looking over at Andrew.

"Well, it's not like I could say no."

Justin threw his arm over Andrew and looked at him. "So, word around is we are your favoritest band."

Andrew laughed. "Well, if "favoritest" was a word, then yeah I guess you would be."

Justin laughed. "Yes! Jeff, you owe me 20 bucks."

Jeff smiled. "Hang on, what do you mean by you guess?"

"Well, you are my favorite band but the guys of N*Sync are so much hotter." Andrew said laughing.

"Ouch that hurts." Jeff said faking hurt.

"I'm kidding. Don't die on me. I'm sure the crowd would hang me for that."

Justin and Jeff laughed. Nick and Vanessa were in their own little world and Drew just sat in his chair watching Andrew joke around with Jeff and Justin. Jessica noticed how quiet he was and leaned over to whisper to him. "Hey, you ok?" she asked with concern.

"Yeah I'm ok. Whose idea was it to invite him?" Drew asked.

"I don't know but don't worry about it." Jessica said.

"Oh Drew, by the way, I don't think I thanked you earlier for helpin' me out in the restaurant. I appreciate that." Andrew said.

"No prob. What kind of good samaritan would I be if I just let you lay on the floor passed out in a drunken stupor?" Drew said laughing.

Andrew laughed. "Ok for the record, once again I was not drinkin' at work."

A minute or so later, it was time for the guys to go on stage for their set while N*Sync had to go back to the dressing rooms to get ready for the set where both bands performed. Jessica went to the dressing room to be with Justin while Andrew and Vanessa sat close to the stage and watched the concert.

"Does it ever get borin' after awhile?" Andrew asked.

"Does what get boring?"

"You know, watching the same concert and all every time they go on."

"Well, I don't go to them all. I usually go out shopping or stay at the hotel but I don't like to miss them on stage. It comes with the job."

"What job?"

"You know, dating a singer."

"Ah ok."

Lance came up to them; apparently he was done getting ready and was waiting to go on. "Have you two seen Reichen?"

Andrew and Vanessa turned to him. "No, he hasn't been with us since we got here. He left when we went into the green room. I figured he was in your dressing room or something." Vanessa said.

"No, I haven't seen him since we left the hotel to come here and he's not answering his cell." Lance said worryingly.

Vanessa put her hands on his shoulders. "Take a deep breath and relax. I'm sure he's fine. Tell you what, since you are about to go on, I'll look around for him. What's his cell number? I can try and call him from mine."

Lance gave Vanessa Reichen's number. "Now go back to your dressing room and have someone fix your makeup. You're starting to sweat and its messing up." Vanessa instructed. Lance nodded and left. Vanessa grabbed her cell out of her purse and dialed the number to Reichen's phone.

"I'll come with you." Andrew said, following Vanessa.

"No its ok you don't have to. Just enjoy the show." Vanessa hung up her phone and dialed the number again.

"Hey, what ringtone does Reichen have on his phone?" Andrew asked.

"I don't know, why?" She turned to look at Andrew. He held his finger to his mouth and she heard a faint sound coming from her left. She dialed the number again and walked toward the sound she heard. It was the theme song from the Amazing Race, the show Reichen won. They ended up in front of a closet, where the tone was the loudest. Vanessa opened the door and saw Reichen inside. She caught him with his pants down, literally as he was standing behind some guy that was not Lance. Reichen yelped and pulled out, trying to pull his pants up quickly before someone else came by.

"Oh...my...god!" Andrew and Vanessa said simultaneously.

They stood there, watching the two fumble around with their clothes. "Hey, have you guys found Reichen yet..." Lance started to say from behind them. Andrew and Vanessa turned around and Lance's partial view became full frontal. His boyfriend, standing in a closet with another guy, trying to get dressed. Jessica and the rest of N*Sync appeared behind him.

"You son of a bitch!" Andrew heard someone exclaim. Joey and Justin pushed their way through everyone and pounced on Reichen. Jessica hugged Lance, who was on the verge of crying, as JC and Chris grabbed a hold of their now violent band mates. Justin landed a punch to Reichen's mouth before they were separated and Joey got a shot in to his eye. Reichen, with his blackening eye and bleeding lip, tried to apologize but couldn't be heard over everyone yelling at him. Lance stepped forward. "I want you to leave now and I don't want to hear from you or see you again."

Reichen stepped toward him and tried to touch him. "Lance, it's not what you think..."

"Am I stupid? Do you seriously think I'm that damn stupid! Get out of here now." Lance said right before he kicked Reichen in the nuts. "Security!"

Two security guys came over. "Get him out of here now and make sure he is not at the hotel when we get there." Lance said rather calmly.

After security escorted a very hurt Reichen away, everyone went to the green room to sit down and relax. Everyone kept asking Lance if he was ok. He seemed to be doing rather good, considering what had just went down.

"I'm ok...honestly guys. I had a feeling for the longest time and ignored it but I'm ok. I had been preparing myself for a couple of days now and it doesn't come as a surprise. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine."

Nick and the rest of 98 Degrees then came in, taking a breather before they went on stage with N*Sync for the final set of the night. They were filled in on what happened. The four guys joined the others in trying to make Lance feel better, especially Drew who was his best friend, although it seemed he didn't really need it.

After about ten minutes, both groups went out on stage, with Jessica, Vanessa, and Andrew sitting close by watching the last of the show.

"Guess ya'll were right huh?" Andrew said, breaking the silence between the three.

"Yeah, I guess we were although I hate being right about things like that." Jessica answered.

At the end of the show, the nine guys walked off stage and towards their various dressing rooms. Andrew, Jessica, and Vanessa followed them when Andrew stopped. He teetered on his feet a little bit before grabbing a nearby wall and leaned on it. Vanessa, the only one to notice he wasn't following them, turned around and saw him.

"Andrew!" she yelled as she ran over to where he was. Everyone heard her yell and ran after her. "What's wrong?" she asked panicking.

"Noth...ing I am f...f...fine, ju...just a lil...little b...busy. I mean d...dizzy." Andrew said, slurring his sentence and struggling to talk. He fell into Vanessa's arms. She started to lose her balance but was steadied by Nick. He lowered them both the floor, where Vanessa cradled Andrew's head in her lap. "Drew!" Vanessa yelled. She could hear Jeff on the phone with 911 calling for an ambulance. Drew came around to them and kneeled on the floor next to Andrew to feel his pulse. As he was trying to check his pulse, Andrew started to violently shake.

"He's having a seizure!" Drew said "Turn his head to the side in case he throws up and make sure he doesn't choke on his tongue or bite it." Vanessa had tears rolling down her face as she nodded and turned Andrew on his side. His eyes were open, looking up into Drew's and Vanessa's faces. "Andrew, can you hear me?" Drew asked.

That was the last thing Andrew heard before the world around faded into black.

Next: Chapter 5

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