
By A W

Published on Jun 9, 2010


The legal stuff: This is a sexually explicit story (at times) involving homosexuality. By continuing to read, you affirm under penalties of perjury that you are not a minor or in the company of a minor and are entitled to have access to sexually explicit material. The content and opinions expressed in this story do not imply anything with regard to the sexual preference of any member of 98 Degrees or other celebrities named herein. This is a work of fiction entirely.


It was roughly eleven in the morning when Andrew woke up on Christmas Eve. He groaned slightly has he still had a little bit of a headache. His cell phone chirped one time. He got a text message. He picked his phone up and flipped it open. There were ten messages, all from Heather checking to make sure he was ok. He sent her a quick message saying he just woke up with a slight headache and nothing more. She was at work that morning, as was Abbey. Since he reluctantly took the day off, he sighed, not looking forward to the upcoming boredom. He decided to take a nice, relaxing bath. He went to the bathroom and started filling the tub with hot water and bubbles. He hadn't taken a bubble bath in a long time so it seemed like a good idea. He stripped out of his boxers and lay down in the tub.

Nick looked at his watch. It read 11:13am. He looked over at Jeff, who just shrugged. The two guys were sitting outside the local mall in their rental car. Drew had some last minute shopping to do for Christmas, so he wanted to go to the mall. Justin and Vanessa decided to go in with him and they had been gone for over an hour.

"Let's call a search party. Did I not specifically say be back at 11:00?" Nick said angrily.

"I know Nick but you should've known the three shopaholics wouldn't come out in time. How close are we cutting it?" Jeff asked nonchalantly.

"Our plane leaves at 12. We would already be back in Ohio now if Drew hadn't insisted on getting a later flight so he could shop."

"Well, you know he has to get something for everyone and he is forgetful. He probably forgot today was Christmas Eve."

Nick laughed. "I know. You're right. I'm going to call and see if we can get a later flight."

"Well, I hope so because looking at the sky, this snow is going to only get worse. There's got to be at least 3 inches on the ground already and it shows no signs of letting up."

Twenty minutes later, at 11:33am Drew, Justin, and Vanessa came out of the mall with dozens of bags. It looked like they had one bag from each store in the mall. They climbed into the car and were greeted by an angry Nick. "Well, well look who finally decided to stop spending money."

"Sorry honey, we lost track of time." Vanessa said, lightly kissing Nick on his lips.

"We are going to miss our flight and I tried to get a later one but they don't have any free seats and they suspect the snow is going to get a lot worse. The radio says they are expecting the worst snow storm in twenty years tonight." Nick said as they pulled out of the mall parking lot and made their way down the road to the airport.

At 12:05, a very pissed off and red faced Nick was sitting in the airport terminal pacing back and forth. The guys and Vanessa just sat there watching him. They had gotten to the airport and missed their flight. They had no chance of getting on another one because of inclement weather. Jeff was on the phone, trying to book them a place to stay.

Justin leaned over to Drew and whispered. "Look at the vein in his neck. He looks like he's about to have a heart attack or something." They started laughing and Nick stopped pacing and went off.

"You two think this is funny? We are stuck in Boston, away from our families on Christmas Eve. This is not how I planned on spending Christmas. This is all your fault Drew. If you hadn't insisted on going shopping like some fag..." Nick stopped when he realized what he said. Jeff immediately fell silent on the phone and Justin and Vanessa looked at Nick shocked. "Bro, I'm sorry. I didn't mean..." Drew didn't hear him finish as he got up and ran off. Nick started to chase after him but Vanessa grabbed his arm.

"Don't." she said sternly. "I'll go. You stay here and calm the hell down. I don't know what has gotten into you. Of course none of us want to be away from family on Christmas but guess what, we will be this year. And it's not like he planned this Nick. He's just as upset as you are and you know he's going through a lot of mixed emotions right now. God, you really need to think before you speak...asshole."

"I didn't mean too. It just slipped out." Nick said.

"Well, I'm not the one you should be apologizing to Nick. God, just get a hotel room. I'll check on him." Vanessa said as she walked off.

Nick sat down next to Jeff and Justin and cradled his head in his hands. Justin put his arm around Nick's shoulders. "Dude, you realize your brother may never talk to you again. But that's not the worst thing."

"What could possibly be worse than that?" Nick asked looking over at Justin.

"You pissed Vanessa off and that means you aren't getting laid for a damn long time." Justin said before bursting out in laughter. Jeff and Nick laughed with him. Jeff hung up the phone.

"Well, I've tried every hotel 411 can connect me to. No one has any available rooms since apparently we aren't the only ones stuck in Boston. They said they got flooded this morning when people realized the worst snowstorm is coming. We might have to sleep in the airport."

Nick groaned loudly. While they were sitting there, a few people came up to them for autographs, which they were more than happy to oblige. As Justin was signing one, a sudden thought came to his mind. "I got it!" He ran off to find Vanessa and Drew.

At 12:30pm, Andrew was still in the bath when he heard his cell ringing. "Ugh, go away." He whined while getting out of the bath and drying his body. His phone continued ringing as he wrapped the towel around his waist and went into his bedroom. He picked up his cell and saw a number he didn't recognize. He flipped his phone open anyways.


"Hey Andrew?"

"Yeah, who's this?"

"It's Justin. Hope I didn't wake you. Are you feeling any better today?"

"Yeah just a slight headache but uh, how'd you get my number?"

"Oh, well we got it from Abbey last night at the hospital. Vanessa asked her for it so we could keep up with you after we flew out today."

"Oh, well remind me to kill her later. So I guess you're back in Ohio then huh?"

"Well see that's partly why I'm calling. Drew, Vanessa, and I went shopping this morning and we kind of missed our flight and we tried all over Boston trying to get a room. The only place we weren't able to get in touch with was your hotel and I was wondering if maybe you could talk to Heather and see if she can work something out for us."

"Oh that sucks. Yeah sure, I'll give her a call. Where are ya'll right now?"

"We are stranded at the airport. We turned in our rental car a while ago and everyone seems to have taken off because of the snowstorm."

"Snowstorm? What snowstorm?"

"You haven't heard the news? They are calling for the worst snowstorm in years to happen tonight. It's actually already started."

"Ok. I just got out of the bath. Let me get dressed and I'll get in touch with Heather and see if we can't do something for you. Ya'll stay put, I'll be there in half an hour."

"Are you ok to drive? I mean with everything that happened yesterday should you be driving?"

"Justin, I'm not an invalid. If it makes you feel better, one of you can drive back but I'll be there soon."

Andrew hung up the phone and walked to his closet to get ready. He dialed the number to the hotel and got a busy signal. "Great. I'll have to keep tryin' I guess." He said as he sent a text to Heather hoping she had her cell on her.

Thirty minutes later, Justin's phone rang. It was Andrew, letting him know they were out front. Nick and Drew had made nice, for now. Drew was still upset with is brother but thanks to Vanessa, he would at least listen to Nick apologize. When they got out to the airport parking lot, they saw Andrew and followed him to his car. "Thanks for coming out here and rescuing us." Jeff said appreciatively.

"It's the least I could do after yesterday. Let's just say we are even now."

"Cool deal." Jeff said. They got to Andrews' car, a 2002, grey Volkswagen Beetle.

"I know this ain't much, but we are goin' to have to squeeze." Andrew said sheepishly.

"Oh my god, it's so cute." Vanessa squealed.

"Five speed standard drive with black leather interior. Nice." Nick said.

"Did you say this is standard drive?" Jeff asked excitedly.

"Yeah why?" Andrew said.

"That means I'm driving!" Jeff exclaimed. Andrew handed him the keys because apparently Justin expressed his concern of Andrew driving with his band mates.

"Ok, so how are we going to work out seating?" Justin asked.

"I've got it all taken care of." Vanessa answered. Her and Nick were whispering to each other and had shit eating grins on their faces. "Jeff is driving, Justin you have shot gun, which means the rest of us are sitting in the back." Nick and Vanessa climbed into the back seat, Nick was sitting behind Jeff and Vanessa was in the middle. Drew and Andrew looked at them like they were crazy.

"Vanessa, I think you need to slide over so we can fit two more people." Drew said.

"I can't. Nick's fat ass is taking up the entire seat so I guess that means Andrew will have to sit on your lap."

Andrew and Drew looked at each other. "Excuse me?" they said in unison.

"Well, I would sit on Nick's lap but his knee hurts so just make do. Besides, it's not that far to get to the hotel."

Drew sighed and climbed into the seat. As he settled down he looked at Vanessa. "When we get to the hotel, you are so dead and you are too Nick. I know that knee excuse is complete bullshit."

"You'll thank me later." She replied in a sing song voice.

Andrew stood at the door and looked in.

"Sorry about this." Drew said to him.

"Not your fault I have a small car." Andrew said. He looked at Justin who was standing next to him, his back against the door. Justin just stood there and grinned. "Is there anythin' funny that you would like to share with the rest of the class?"

Justin laughed. "Nope, nothing at all."

Andrew climbed into the back and sat on Drew's lap. He had to lean his head on Vanessa's shoulder to keep from hitting it on the ceiling of the car. When they were all in, Jeff pulled out of the parking lot and started down the road towards the hotel.

"I've been trying to call Heather, but the phone is completely busy and she ain't answering my texts." Andrew said as they drove down the road. He shifted slightly and heard a sound escape from Drew's mouth. "Oh I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. Are you ok?"

Drew smiled slightly and nodded. He was more than ok. He heard Jeff say something about trying to reach the hotel also but was out of luck. Drew didn't really care what they were talking about. He had his mind on other things. Mostly, he was trying to keep from getting hard as Andrew sat on his lap. He was trying to keep his head clear of dirty thoughts but between Jeff stopping at lights, and the few potholes they ran into on the road causing Andrew's butt and his lap to grind, Drew was literally trying to not get hard. He hoped Andrew didn't feel him; he would die of absolute embarrassment. Nick leaned forward and whispered something to Jeff. Jeff hit another pothole in the road, causing the two to grind even more. He heard Andrew say to Jeff to watch it with the potholes. Andrew turned and whispered to him.

"Getting uncomfortable?" he asked coyly.

"No, my cell phone is in my pocket. I'm sorry it's bothering you." Drew said quickly. That was the only excuse he could come up with.

Vanessa looked over at them and laughed to herself. She looked at Nick and saw him wink at her. Their plan was going along perfectly. Andrew was still on his cell, trying to get through to the hotel as was Justin. Neither one of them was having any luck.

"Ouch!" yelled Nick as Jeff hit another pothole. He had laid his head against the small back window and when Jeff hit the pothole, his head banged against the glass.

"Aw poor baby...here, let Nessa kiss it and make it better." Vanessa said in a baby voice before leaning over and kissing Nick. Drew looked over at them. The two were practically making out right next to him.

"God, get a room." Drew said disgustingly.

"We are trying to." Nick said.

Everyone laughed and Jeff stopped suddenly at another light, causing Andrew to once again unintentionally grind against Drew's lap. A low moan escaped Drew's lips as he realized his erection was now full on and soaking his jeans. Nick laughed. "I think it sounds like we aren't the only two that need a room."

Drew reached across Vanessa as best he could and punched Nick. "Shut up asshole. This is all your fault...you and that hurt knee bullshit."

Nick laughed as Jeff pulled into the hotel parking lot. As he pulled into the space, he slammed on brakes, causing the car to lurch forward. Again, this caused Andrew to grind on Drew's lap but this time something entirely different happened. Drew began to mildly shake and his eyes closed momentarily. No one noticed this except Andrew but not because he saw Drew's face. It was because he felt something making his butt wet.

`Oh my god! He didn't!' Andrew thought to himself.

`Oh my god! I didn't!' Drew thought to himself.

As everyone piled out of the car, Andrew slowly got up. He knew what happened and he tried to save Drew the embarrassment. Unfortunately, the ever watchful Justin noticed the huge wet spot on the front side of Drew's jeans.

"Oh shit!" he exclaimed.

Drew's face turned five shades red as he got out of the car. Everyone walked over to the passenger side to see what Justin was talking about. They laughed as Drew stood up. There was huge wet circle where his hardon was still sticking out but that wasn't all. A wet line ran all the way down his left inner thigh stopping shortly below his knee. Vanessa turned Andrew around and looked at his ass. "Oh my god!" she said laughing.

Everyone looked at the huge wet spot centered on Andrew's ass. Drew was getting redder and redder by the minute. "Look, it wasn't my fault! If Jeff knew how to drive and Nick hadn't set this up..." he tried but no one was listening to him except Andrew who felt bad for him.

"Ya'll, that ain't cool. He can't help it." Andrew said in Drew's defense.

"God bro, how long you been packing?" Nick asked laughing.

"Damn Drew. You could drown someone with that shit." Jeff joined Nick in teasing Drew.

"Alright ya'll enough. It's not funny it could happen to anyone. It's a completely natural reaction especially given the situation. Jeff, if you hadn't hit every damn pothole in Boston, per Nick's command, and if Nick and Vanessa hadn't come up with some bullshit excuse for me to sit on Drew's lap we wouldn't have this problem. So stop poking fun before I start grindin' up against you three. Then we'll see who's laughin'." Andrew threatened.

The guys immediately shut up. "Good, now you three are going to find Heather and see if she can hook ya'll up with a room while Justin and I sneak Drew to the bathroom so he can change. So let's go."

Drew grabbed his bag out of Andrew's trunk and the group made their way inside the hotel.

Next: Chapter 7

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