Do Unto Others

By David Lee

Published on Sep 3, 2024



Do Unto Others © 2024 By David Lee

It was a pleasant autumn day as Marc Monroe headed home from cross-country practice. He was eager to get there because he needed to hit the books and finish his homework so it wouldn't be hanging over his head all weekend. There was a track meet on Saturday which would interfere with studying, and he didn't like staying up late on Sunday night to complete it. Most of it would be easy, but his math class was killing him.

Since he didn't want to waste a minute, he almost decided not to stop to help the driver of a car parked tightly against the curb with its flashers dimly blinking. However, when he recognized that the driver was Jill, whom he had worked with as a lab partner in biology, he felt that he should render aid if he could.

"Oh, Marc, thanks for stopping! Dad got this car for Jace and me just yesterday, and something is wrong. When it stalled, it wouldn't start again. I seem to have left my phone home, so I can't call anyone. Jace had a dental appointment or he'd have been with me and we could've used his phone. Can you do anything, or at least give me a ride."

"Hmmm, I could let you use my cell, but I think we might be able to jump-start it. I have cables. From the weak blinking of your emergency lights, I suspect the battery is nearly flat. I'll hook up the cables and you can see if it will start."

Marc opened the trunk of his La Crosse hybrid and removed the lid of the battery holder. He asked Jill to pop the hood on her car so that he could get to its battery. He then attached the black cable from the negative terminal to a metal spot on her car. After connecting the red cable between the two, he started his vehicle. When he told Jill to try to start her engine, it popped off right away. He quickly disconnected the cables to protect his alternator.

"I'll follow you home in case it stalls again," Marc offered.

It was only a few blocks out of his way. He hadn't realized how close to him the twins lived. He probably could have just taken her home and saved some time. However, given the hero's welcome he received, it was worth the effort he'd expended.

Jill's father, Floyd, and her brother, Jason (or Jace as he preferred), came out of the house the minute her car pulled into the driveway. Marc was going to just wave and go on his way, but Floyd insisted he stay for a bit.

"I've been worried! What happened? Why didn't you call?" he asked of his daughter.

"Oh, Daddy, please don't be mad at me. The car stalled and wouldn't start. I think I left my phone sitting on the breakfast bar this morning. It's been a terrible, horrible, very bad, no good day like that kid in the story you used to read to us."

"Princess, I'm not angry with you. I was just concerned about your welfare. A thousand things went through my mind. What if you'd been in an accident or carjacked or something? Your brother and I were getting ready to go looking for you."

"Marc was kind enough to come to my rescue."

"Marc, I need to reward you," Floyd said, pulling out his billfold.

"Nah, I won't take a cent! Jill's my bud from class. I'm sure she would have done the same for me. We Cougars have to stick together."

"Well, I really wish I could do something."

"I don't need anything, except help with calculus homework, and I don't expect you to do that," Marc joked.

"Hey, maybe I could help," Jace spoke up, blushing over his enthusiasm. "I think I finally have the hang of it. Aren't you in Peterson's other section? I'm sure our homework assignments are identical."

"That would be awesome! I don't like to beg for help, but I'm really lost. When are you free?"

"Most of the weekend, but you have track tomorrow, don't you? How about after dinner tonight? Your place, or mine?"

"Why don't you come over here, Marc?" Floyd suggested. "Then I can get you to sample my new chicken wing recipe for a snack."

"Cool!" Marc grinned. "I love wings!"

Marc continued his way home feeling that perhaps he'd been rewarded in the form of some help in math and a tasty treat later.

It would be difficult to say which of the boys enjoyed their study time the most. Obviously, Marc appreciated the free tutoring. He found that Jace could explain the concepts even better than their teacher had. Perhaps it was because they were working one-on-one that led to his deeper understanding. Or maybe it was because they were closer in age. Whatever; it was working!

Jace marveled at how quickly he was connecting to this schoolmate whom he'd not really gotten acquainted with until now, despite being on the swim team and in an occasional class together. Jace had often felt awkward in social situations. While his sister had seemingly never met a stranger, he tended to be on the shy side. Marc seemed to be too.

A bonus for them, and the rest of Jace's family, was Dad's new recipe which he'd found on the Mr. Food Test Kitchen site. The combination of mustard and honey in the sauce made for an excellent taste.

Jace was in for a little friendly ribbing from his twin after Marc left.

"So, how are you going to repay me for getting you better acquainted with that stud? You're both too shy to have done it on you own."

"What are you talking about?" Jace cringed.

"Come on, don't tell me you're not attracted to Marc. He's a good catch. I saw you checking him out. Too bad he's not straight, or I'd go after him myself."

"What makes you think he's gay. Have you heard rumors?" Jace asked, perhaps a bit too eagerly.

"No, but I have the sixth sense that gay boys are supposed to have. If you don't have it, are you sure you're not straight?"

"Come on, Sis, you know I'm not into girls."

"Well, if you're truly into boys, I would think you'd be going after this one. He's cute. Besides, he's a kind, sensitive type or he wouldn't have stopped to help me."

"He does have the bluest eyes," Jace sighed. "I wonder if he wears tinted contacts."

"Nope, he's my lab partner sometimes, and I've been able to see them at close range. I tried gazing into them, but he didn't flirt back, so I'm certain where his interests lie. I'll do my best to get you dating on a regular basis."

"Do me a favor, Jill. Stay out of my personal life! I don't need you pimping me."

"Okay... but let me know when you want some help."

"The only help I need is in Humanities, and I'm not asking you to do that either. We'd just end up arguing."

"Hey, aren't you in that AP class with Marc?" Jill a sked. "I'll bet he'll tutor you for free just like you're doing in math for him. You could multitask by learning to write better and studying anatomy at the same time."

Despite the fact that Jace sometimes resented his sister for being pushy, what she had said about working with Marc in Humanities made sense. Marc was acing the course, and perhaps they could act as tutors for one another. It would be an excuse for spending more time together and that sounded like a fine prospect.

On Saturday, Jace attended the track meet since it was at their school and wouldn't require a lot of travel time. Seeing all those fit guys in their brief running attire was, in itself, a treat. It would be doubly so to watch Marc.

Sitting in the very front row of the bleachers, Jace had a great view of the runners when they came to the finish line. He was pleased to watch Marc break the tape, coming in first. He was even more thrilled that Marc saw him and came over to speak with him.

Marc looked really hot in more than one sense of the word. Perspiration highlighted the sinewy muscles on his toned body. It was a beautiful sight. Jace could envision himself licking the sweat off those muscles. The very thought made his shorts feel uncomfortably tight. A part of him hoped his erection wasn't too visible, while another part of him kind of wished Marc would notice his bulge.

Perhaps Marc did observe his woodie, because he asked if Jace had time to hang around with him for the rest of the afternoon. Jace assured him that he was available.

The two boys played a bit of one-on-one with the basketball hoop in Marc's driveway. When Jace mentioned not understanding something from the homework for Humanities, Marc was happy to be of assistance. They drove to Jace's house to work on the assignment. Much like Jace had done for him in math, Marc seemed to know how to explain grammar rules in ways that he could comprehend them. They worked well as a team. Their time together seemed to fly by more quickly than Jace wanted.

On Friday of next week, there would be a half day of classes because of a teacher in-service in the afternoon. Marc invited Jace to come for a sleepover on that night, so they'd have more time to work on their lessons. The two of them would team up for their big presentation in Humanities later in the term. Jace was thrilled to be working with his new friend who was probably the best pupil in that section. Jace struggled some with language arts classes while Marc breezed through without breaking a sweat.

Jace enjoyed being with Marc immensely. Because of their individual strengths, their combined efforts were like two aspects of a very bright student. They joked about being yin and yang, though neither of them considered himself to be the feminine part of the equation.

Since he'd brought his sleeping bag, Jace didn't have any qualms about sleeping on the same queen-sized bed as Marc. Marc didn't seem to either. Nothing was mentioned about the arrangement.

Jace had some erotic dreams, ending in a night emission. He figured that being in close proximity with a guy he considered to be hot might have triggered it. There was something special about breathing the same air. Luckily, he didn't have a large wet spot in his sleep shorts because the wet dream must have occurred early in the night and the evidence had pretty well dried by morning. Any residue would have ended up in his sleeping bag instead of on Marc's bedding.

Having finished all their homework on Friday afternoon, they spent a lot of Saturday doing fun things like playing video games and eating, since Marc didn't have a track meet that weekend.

Marc's parents were cordial, making Jace feel right at home. Jace wondered how they might treat him if they knew what he was thinking about doing with their son. Of course, because they were basically shy, neither boy had let the other know anything about his orientation.

The boys tutored each other for the next several weeks but without a sleepover. Marc's math grades had risen nicely, and Jace was enjoying a similar situation in Humanities. He was especially thankful that Marc had picked him as his partner for a presentation which would determine a rather large part of their grade for the term. Working on this project with Marc was bound to help his GPA.

During all this time, neither guy had broached the subject of sex, so they didn't have any indication of each other's feeling about it. Jace was having more frequent wet dreams and Marc seemed to have a starring role in the ones he could remember.

Marc found himself daydreaming about Jace when he jerked off. To make his orgasms more intense, he decided to space the intervals between practicing his favorite hobby. He had read an article on a website which suggested it. He had to admit that abstinence made him hornier.

An opportunity for an extended time together arose in late October with another teacher in-service. This one was a district-wide staff training session which took up the whole day. Marc invited Jace to stay over on Thursday night and Friday night as well. That would give them a lot of uninterrupted time to complete their presentation on 19th century American neoclassical architecture. With their laptops connected to Monroe's Wi-Fi, they could finish their research without having to stir from the house.

The two of them worked diligently on Thursday evening after dinner. They hoped to have the rough draft of their presentation finished by noon the next day. If they did, it would give them leisure time to have fun on Friday afternoon as well as the weekend. By bedtime, they were satisfied with the almost-finished product. It would be good to look at it with a fresh eye later to see if it was as fine as they hoped.

Although they had the day off from school, Marc and Jace woke up at their usual time. They did a quick washup and donned lounge pants before heading to the kitchen.

Heidi prepared a full breakfast for everyone before William and she departed for their jobs. She showed the boys where the supplies were for their lunch. They wouldn't have to do anything but work on their project and possibly relax in the afternoon.

Once his parents left the house, Marc plunged right into completing their presentation. Jace didn't slack off either. He was definitely pulling his own weight. As a result, they finished up before noon.

Their lunch consisted of sandwiches, chips, and deli salads. There was plenty to appease their appetites.

After tidying up the kitchen, they retired to Marc's room to play a quick video game. When it was over, Marc plopped down on his bed and patted the spot next to him, indicating that Jace should join him. They stretched out, enjoying their leisure time. Stretching out caused Jace's T-shirt to ride up exposing his taut tummy.

Marc got an impish grin on his face as he reached over to tickle Jace's midsection. Jace retaliated. Soon, they were wrestling around on the bed, each trying to get the better of the other. Jace ended up on top, pinning his friend.

Instead of pushing Jace off, which he could easily have done, Marc put his arms around him and held him close. Jace could feel his dick rising. Marc was aware of it too, and he was having the same reaction to their close contact.

"Could we take a shower," Marc asked, in a voice that betrayed his desire.

"Um, together?" Jace gulped, hoping for a positive response, but afraid he might have gone too far.

"If that's okay with you. I mean we have showered in the same facility after swim practice."

"But not all by ourselves. You know what could happen."

"I'm counting on it."

Having said that, Marc got brave and went with his desire, kissing Jace on the lips. There was no mistaking the invitation and Jace certainly didn't. He returned the kiss with as much or more passion.

In a short time, they stripped each other, tossing their sleepwear on the floor, and scurried to the bathroom. While waiting for the water to warm up, they held one another tightly, leaving traces of precum on their loins.

Once in the shower, they spread a substantial amount of gel on the fronts of their bodies which acted as a lubricant, making their frottage movements all the more sensual. Marc moaned in lust with the approach of an orgasm that seemed to permeate his entire body. When he released a flood of his pent-up load, the sensation was beyond anything he'd ever felt before. It was as if a major earthquake had set off a tsunami of epic proportions! From the sounds Jace made, it appeared that he was experiencing something quite similar.

When his euphoria began to dissipate, Marc experienced an attack of guilty conscience. It was a bit like what he'd felt the first time he discovered the pleasures of masturbation. Knowing how much he loved the activity now; he had reasoned that his concern must have resulted from a preconceived notion that what he had done was somehow sinful or wrong.

Aware that Jace seemed a bit distressed too, Marc decided he needed to take some action to let him know all was well. He dried his buddy gently with a big towel. Then he took Jace into his arms, holding him close to his body. He could feel the latter's heart beating in rhythm with his own.

"I hope I didn't lead you into something you're feeling guilty about," he whispered. "I'm sorry; I guess I got carried away."

"You didn't take me anywhere I didn't want to go," Jace replied. "I have a lot of stuff going on in my head right now. This is all so new to me. I mean, I've known for several years that I'm gay, but I haven't had the guts to act on it. It feels nice and scary all mixed together."

"I know what you mean. Remember Ms. Cornell's discussion of empathy last month? What I feel for you fits the definition perfectly."

Back in Marc's bedroom, the guys picked up their discarded clothes, placing them on a chair. Next, they climbed into Marc's bed and cuddled together naked. It was then that they experienced the sweetness of the afterglow that had eluded them in the first moments after their orgasms. Their time of close togetherness strengthened the bond between them even more than the good sex they'd shared. Relaxed, and feeling loved, they drifted off, napping for more than half an hour before waking up smiling and refreshed.

The guys donned T-shirts and lounge pants so they wouldn't get too distracted while going over their presentation one more time. Marc found a sentence which seemed awkward to him. He clicked on one of the words to find a synonym. Once he did, he was able to rewrite it so it pleased both of them. They decided that it was as good as it could get, and they were going to stop obsessing over it.

Because they'd worked hard and completed the major project in Humanities, they chose to reward themselves by playing a couple more video games. It was a lot of fun competing against someone who had the same level of skill. It was also great that they were good sports and could lose graciously as well as win without being obnoxious.

Again, they plopped back on Marc's bed to relax. Instead of getting into another wrestling match as an excuse to touch, they turned toward each other and kissed. They didn't need a rationalization for their contact.

Sitting around the dinner table that evening, Marc's parents couldn't miss the looks of affection passing between their son and his guest. They were relatively sure that the boys at least had a crush on one another. Never-the-less, they resisted the urge to ask, feeling like that would be an invasion of privacy.

Friday night, the two boys retired early, and it wasn't for catching up on their sleep. They rolled up their sleeping bags and stashed them in the closet. Then, they stripped and climbed between the sheets naked. It didn't take long for them to make out, and bone up in the process.

Marc turned the light by his bed back on so that they could see, as well as feel, each other's body. He wanted to inspect Jace's cock at close range. He moved the other direction so that his dick was close to Jace's face. Emboldened by Marc's actions, Jace kissed the tip of Marc's cock. Marc returned the gesture and then rubbed his cheek against Jace's balls. Their play progressed to licking and, finally, sucking. Because all of this was new to them, their orgasms came before they were ready. Both received a mouthful. Both swallowed most of it but shared the reside in a passionate kiss. It was one more step in knitting their hearts together.

Jace woke up in the morning nestled in Marc's arms and feeling Marc's erection pressed against his butt. He loved the contact. He wasn't ready to have that part of Marc's anatomy lodged in his chute, but the proximity of it made his own wood ever harder.

Having worked hard on their project most of Friday, the boys were caught up on their schoolwork. They spent most of Saturday relaxing and having fun. That fun turned intimate when Marc's parents went to visit Grandma for several hours in the afternoon.

Sunday night, Jace went home to sleep in his own bed. He felt kind of lonely sleeping alone. However, he knew that both sets of parents probably weren't ready to have them sharing their beds on a regular basis.

The Humanities presentation which they had collaborated on earned them the highest grade in the class. Ms. Cornell was so impressed that she suggested entering the paper form of it in a national contest which awarded college scholarships to the three top entries.

It was fortunate that they did because they took second place. Having a few more dollars was great, but there was a larger reward in that their parents felt they were good for each other and encouraged them to study together on a regular basis. That meant more overnight stays, some of them even on school nights.

By the end of the school year, Marc and Jace announced that they were dating. No one in either family was shocked by the news.

All that had taken place over a year ago. Now they were roommates in college and still as much in love as they'd been during their junior and senior years of high school. While they weren't making wedding plans, they had little doubt about their future together. Marc smiled at the realization of how his life had changed completely due to the good deed he'd done on the way home from school. He'd been amply rewarded because of following the Golden Rule.


Author's notes:

Thanks for reading this story. If you enjoyed it, please feel free to contact me a and let me know. Your emails are the only reward I receive for writing. Please put the story title in the subject line in case your email goes into the spam folder.

Thanks to David S for editing. He finds typos and missing words! He also makes valuable suggestions.

Thanks to Nifty for providing this free service. It costs the site to do it, so please consider donating to defray their expenses.

Thanks, David

PS: I have a chronological list of all my posted stories which I can email to you if you have an interest.

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