Do You Remember 68

By ku.oc.oohay@namelccu

Published on Jul 4, 2009


This is a story that involves sex between males. If such a story is offensive, or illegal for you to read where you live, then do not continue, go and surf elsewhere.

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Do you Remember '68? Chpt. 2

When I woke Vince was lying there so peacefully, so beautiful he looked. I got out of bed kissed him lightly and went for a piss. When I came back Vince had woken up, "Like a coffee?" I asked, "Yes".

So I wrapped a towel around me and went out to the shared kitchenette. This was a male dorm and guys walked around in all states of dress, especially in the mornings. Usually I was very cautious how I appeared, but this morning I was so relaxed and so full of self confidence I didn't care who saw me. I returned with the two cups. Vince was now sitting up in bed with nothing on, I put the cups down at the side of the bed dropped the towel and got in alongside him. We kissed again, this time at some length but very gently, lovingly.

"We need to talk", said Vince.

He explained a story similar to my own, although his school had been mixed, he used to play his part as one of the lads, but had known from an early age that he didn't quite fit in. He didn't have the same drive for sex with girls that the other boys had. There was always some attraction to the guys. He had fought against it, hidden it and denied it even to the point of being depressed, which was why he had not started college until he was 21. He thought that by coming to college he would either grow out of it, which he didn't want to, or find some solution. As that first term had worn on he thought he couldn't see any way forward and he was scared that he would slip back into depression.

"How do you meet guys," he had asked himself, "How do you know?"

The consequences of making a mistake back then seemed devastating. He had seen me, obviously, and knew I shared with Pete, who was known for his straightforward heterosexuality? To him I had seemed to be so much like Pete that he wouldn't have dared approach me, nor had he wanted to seek friendship with me for fear of giving himself away.

"What a miserable couple of wankers we've been" I said as I kissed him again.

He continued his story. The previous evening he had seen me in the bar, but thought that I had ignored him. I explained that I had been lonely and I suppose feeling sorry for myself and had not seen him until I spoke, simply to find some release to my boredom, but I explained how my feelings had changed over the course of the evening. He said he had been nervous which is why he had drunk a little too much. He had been imagining all kinds of things hoping that something would happen. His emotions had been up and down. Sometimes reading positive signs but at other times, like when I had asked him about girls, he was sure that he was wrong and was misinterpreting me. So when I offered to allow him to stay over not only did that give him a solution to the problem of what to do about going home after having drunk too much, it also meant that he could spend more time with me. But then he had gone to sleep. He remembered little after the bar until he woke up on my bed wondering where he was. He didn't open his eyes but began to remember what had happened and where he was. He realised the light was still on and sensed my presence in the room. So he cautiously looked at me expecting to see me in my room mate's bed or asleep on a chair. He was hoping to get a good look at me. What he didn't expect was what he saw; me wanking looking at him. He said that he nearly came in that instant! He half opened his eyes wondering what to do so he moved his hands to his crotch, being careful to close his eyes pretending to be asleep and rubbing himself. Realizing that my eyes were looking everywhere but his face he had opened his eyes. He decided there was only one interpretation of events but still didn't know how to take things further. Once he saw me look at his face he knew in that instant that he had to act or else all would be lost, he needed to get me to admit what I was doing and why.

Finishing our coffee we lay down again and cuddled.

"Vince", I said, "Yes", he replied.

"What do we do?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean what do we do physically? If you were a girl I would have some idea of where to go from here but I'm so inexperienced I just don't know what to do".

Naive though this sounds this was 1971. There was something inside me bursting to get out, yes something sexual, and emotional. I wanted to do everything with this guy. Just being here with him feeling his cock, his body, was almost overwhelming. But there was also a need for more. I did have some ideas but was actually too scared to express them for fear of being thought weird and as a result being rejected. Vince explained that he had some porn mags at home that he had bought on a trip to London with his parents, and had been able to slip away to Soho. We decided that as I had the room to myself until Sunday evening that Vince would go home pick some things up, come back with the magazines and stay over again until Sunday. He went off after a shower and a kiss.

When he'd gone I cleaned up, I even changed the sheets on the bed. Then I began to worry. I asked myself if it had really happened. I knew it had, but what I feared was that it had been imagination on my part and that Vince would not come back, that he was laughing at me somewhere and that when Monday morning came I would be the laughing stock of the college. Everyone would know I was queer and that I had tried to take advantage of Vince when he had been drunk. Even if that were unlikely I convinced myself within half an hour that once away from me Vince would either change his mind or be too scared. I was sure that I wouldn't see him again that day and that the next time we saw each other in lectures he would ignore me.

So I was in quite a state two hours later. I didn't know where Vince's home was so didn't know how long it should have taken him. I was still both waiting desperately and also convinced that he wouldn't return. I decided that I needed to clear my head. I had just reached the entrance to the accommodation block when I saw him coming across the car park carrying a small bag. I almost ran to him, but kept control of myself.

"Hi", I said opening the door again and letting him in.

We went back up to the room and as soon as we entered I threw myself at him. I was kissing him, I cried in a way I hadn't cried in years. They were tears of relief and joy. Vince was a little overwhelmed by my reaction. He had had a 40 minutes journey each way and he had needed to spend a bit of time with his mother to explain what he was doing, that is that he was going to spend the weekend with a college friend. His mother was delighted, she always wanted him to get out more was hoping he would find a nice girl, and she was sure that if he had found a friend in college, together they would be able to mix with some nice people. So Vince had quickly gathered his things and come back as quickly as he could. But he too had been scared that when he got back I would have changed my mind.

So here we were again, Vince kissed my tears away then we quickly undressed and started to wank each other again. This was quickly over and we lay down again to look at what Vince had brought. I couldn't believe the pictures. As I read the stories I realised that some of the things I had heard were much nearer to the reality than I knew. I became so horny reading that stuff and being next to Vince that part way through an article I put the mag down and turned to him and went to his cock. I kissed it. I started at his pubes, and kissed the whole length of his lengthening shaft. He was responding to my attention. I went to his balls and put my lips to each, and then I worked my way up again. Reaching the head I uncovered the rest of it fully retracting his beautiful foreskin and started to kiss the polished globe at the end of his cock. It was so beautiful everything about this guy was beautiful. I licked my lips and put the tip of his cock into my mouth, I slowly pushed it in and out just letting my lips rest behind his cockhead. I set up a slow regular movement; I was surprised to get an unusual taste in my mouth, "Had I hurt him?" I wondered I pulled off to look then I realised that it was precum oozing, no flowing, from his cock. So I put it back savouring the taste. Vince had put down what he was reading and lay there making slight noises whilst caressing my hair. I went down further onto his cock, I could just get my nose to his pubes but when it was full in I couldn't move it too much without gagging so had to be content with it partly in and working his shaft with my hand. Vince seemed to prefer it when I had just the head in my mouth. I think Vince was getting a little jealous, I know my cock was, I could feel him demanding attention.

Vince took the initiative and we changed positions. We lay on the bed so that I could continue on his cock and he could start on mine. I couldn't believe the intensity of the sensations in my cock, throughout my whole body, as he copied me step by step. First regular movements on the head and then the whole piece disappearing into his mouth; I was beginning to realise that there was so much that we could do and that we could spend as long as we wanted discovering each other. Already I could tell that Vince responded to some things more than others I was already learning that I could please my man and that I so wanted to do that. We carried on and I could tell that I was getting close I wasn't sure what to do about it when suddenly Vince's legs went rigid, his whole body went stiff and his cock seemed to grow in my mouth even more. Suddenly my mouth was full of his cum; the realization of what had happened was too much for me and I shot my load into his mouth. We paused a moment and then turned to look at each other. What a view, Vince had his mouth open as he tried to catch his breath and flowing out from the sides was my cum. I swallowed some of what I had in my mouth but Vince twisted around so that he could kiss me on the lips and as we did that our cum mixed together.

Again we just lay there for a while, just being together, being so close was almost overwhelming. After a while Vince took the initiative again by kissing and caressing, touching and feeling every part of my body. Then he said that he wanted to try and fuck me. I had thought that men did fuck but in my ignorance did not really know what they did. The magazine article had filled in some of the details. I wanted him to, but I was kind of scared as well. Would it hurt? Would he be able to get it in there? Would I like it? Would he? Vince explained that he had brought with him some kind of lubrication that he'd bought; he used to use it when wanking. I was amazed, I'd never thought of that. He said it was what the stories were talking about to help penetration.

He turned me on my front and started to massage my ass cheeks. Then pulling my butt in the air he started to gently run down the crack in my ass. When he arrived at my hole he gently played with it making circular motions. Then I think he got some of the gel stuff and applied it to my hole. He gently pressed a finger against it and I felt his finger go in.

"That was easy", I thought.

He continued very slowly and lovingly pushing that finger in and out I could tell I was getting looser and more relaxed. Now a second finger, that was more difficult, I tensed up again but after a moment both fingers went in. A third and then a fourth went in with similar care and love.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

I so wanted this but was so scared not of the pain but of it being disappointing. Things had gone so well so far I didn't want to spoil anything. He explained that he didn't know how much of this stuff he should use but was going to put some more on his cock. A few moments later I felt what I knew to be his cock head against by butt. I could feel the pressure, but nothing happened.

"You're going to have to push harder than that", I said.

I tried to relax and a second time he pushed, it was painful that time but that wasn't going to stop us. He pushed a third time much harder as I pushed back, the pain suddenly built up, there was an immense shot of pain in my ass, I thought it would be too much for me, but then it subsided.

"Did it hurt?" Vince asked "A bit"

I said "just take it slowly".

But he was in. A man's cock was inside me, no, not just a man's cock; Vince's cock was inside me. Looking back this was not the most proficient fuck I have hand. But it's not all technique is it? It's about the right man at the right time. This was a fuck I will never forget.

He started to go slowly but very soon speeded up. He wanted it so badly, I wanted it so badly. He fucked and rammed and pushed in as if he were trying to get his cock out of the other side. I could feel him filling me up, it seemed to grow bigger inside me as he pummeled away at my mancunt. I was letting out noises each time his cock drove in, he was grunting too. Here was a 21 year old wanker who for the first time had discovered what his cock was made for. He rammed away at my ass and the more he did it the more freely he moved, and the more comfortable I felt. Then I moved from being simply comfortable to being happy.

The pleasure mounted; the more he fucked me the more I wanted to be fucked.

"Speed up you lazy fucker!" I cried,"Don't stop now!"

This, as I had intended, just encouraged him more.

"Right you whore," he cried, "now for it".

With that he did push even further and harder and faster, pounding away, ramming what had been only a short time before a virgin ass. Then he seemed to fill me even more and I could feel his cum squirting inside me, filling me up. He pushed and strained to force out every last drop and then he relaxed, collapsing on top of me.

After a short time his relaxed cock slipped out of me and I started to feel the cum dripping out of my ass. I moved slightly and Vince rolled off me so I turned to him. He had been breathing heavily but I then realised that his heavy breathing had turned to sobs. The poor boy was crying. I hugged him; "Oh Vince what's wrong? What's wrong?"

I was terrified that he was regretting what had just happened, that he was about to get up and leave. I wasn't now bothered about what he might say and the consequences, I was horrified that he might leave me. But he didn't leave; he was clinging on to me and sobbing. Sobbing like a child, emotion pouring out of his body, I felt that I was not only being covered by his tears but by a part of him. After a while the crying reduced and he pulled his face away and looked at me.

"Thanks Jon," he said, "I'm so happy".

That was too much for me, I kissed him and then I too was sobbing. I realised slowly what was happening, years of anxiety, frustration, seeking, loneliness had been building up and in fucking me it was as if all that was suddenly released. Those years of black depression were eliminated.

We started to kiss again frantically. I thought our first kisses had been almost out of control but we were suddenly like mad men. We kissed every part of each other's body. We weren't following what we had read we were following our instincts. I found myself kissing his ass, I didn't know about the term rimming, but I was learning fast! I grabbed the lube and applied some of that to his ass, doing what he had done to me. Then put some on my cock and lined myself up. We were now both of us in such a state of excitement that I hardly waited, I pushed my rock hard cock straight in. Vince cried out a little and I had enough self control to wait and then gradually pick up the pace. When he was obviously relaxed and comfortable I started to slam away. From the back, gripping his waist, I was then showing no mercy. I felt that I needed to catch up on twenty-one years of waiting. I've no idea how long it lasted, my first fuck, the first time I'd fucked a guy. I can't even describe it except to say that it just took me over completely. I knew I had found myself, my place.

Vince and I were to do many more things together, gain much more experience, and learn about each other and the world of gay sex, but as I came in his ass and Vince shot his load again all over the clean sheets we achieved a union of our very beings. We established a relationship that went far beyond anything I had experienced in my life up to then. He was mine and I was his.

Next: Chapter 3

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