Do You Remember 68

By ku.oc.oohay@namelccu

Published on Jul 7, 2009


This is a story that involves sex between males. If such a story is offensive, or illegal for you to read where you live, then do not continue, go and surf elsewhere.

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Do you Remember '68? Chpt. 4

Pete bought me a drink and we sat down and he launched straight into it. "I've dropped a bollock!" (This was 1970's talk for having made his girlfriend pregnant). I felt so sorry for this guy. My own thoughts went to the back of my mind, and my concern went out to him. He explained that his girlfriend had told him that weekend that she'd missed a couple of periods and had been for a test and it was sure. She'd had the results on the Friday. He explained that on one weekend's visit they hadn't used a rubber, they were sure that it was a safe time of the month but .... He'd almost forgotten it, certainly hadn't been worrying about it, but she had. What were they going to do I asked him, he explained that they'd spent the whole weekend discussing and planning and had decided to get married. He would leave college and get a job hopefully starting a part time course as well. I knew that they were committed to each other and that marriage was their intention it was just that they had not wanted it so soon.

Pete said that they had had a very difficult Saturday evening as they had been to see her parents and explain; that had been hard but in the end they seemed to accept that that was the best way. He had also phoned his parents and was to visit them the next weekend. He also planned to speak to the college Principal as soon as he could. As he spoke he seemed to relax a bit. I asked him if he didn't think he could continue to study full time but they had decided that they wanted to give the baby as good a start as possible and wanted to set up home as soon as they could and they didn't want too much debt. I really admired them for their clear thinking; they had obviously covered a lot of ground over the weekend.

As I reflected on the previous couple of days it struck me that we had both had our worlds turned upside down, yet I wondered which of us was happier. As we talked more I realised that Pete was not getting married simply out of duty but that he really was in love with his girlfriend, all that had changed was the when and how of their getting married. Underneath he was happy. Particularly as his girlfriend's parents had been so understanding and he believed he could win over his parents. As we talked Pete was visibly more relaxed; I think I was able to give him a bigger perspective on things and he began to be quite positive. As we continued to talk that evening and over the next couple of days he seemed to return to the guy I had known but I somehow felt a lot closer to him and I think he felt closer to me; just a few short days before I would have been terrified of that, scared that I would have given myself away betraying my feelings. But having gained an inner confidence because of my budding relationship with Vince I could draw nearer to Pete without anything else entering in. I don't mean I didn't think Pete was attractive, he was, but having discovered a sexual relationship I realised that I could also have a non-sexual yet close relationship with a guy.

This didn't mean that I wasn't careful; I knew I had to be. In fact because we shared a room we did see a lot of each other, in every sense. He wanted to talk so much we seemed to be together a lot. On the Tuesday I'd had an early lecture and had left before Pete got up. When I got back he had obviously just got up and went off for his morning piss. When he came back he was wrapped just in his towel and he sat down on his bed opposite me. What was obvious was that he was sporting a boner! He started to chat and my eyes were drawn to his towel; I had to work hard to keep control. I wasn't fully listening until I realised he was saying that because of what had happened at the weekend he hadn't had any sex. He said they had kissed a lot but those kisses had mostly been to comfort each other between the tears. So now come Tuesday he was very horny. The more he talked the more his bulge grew. My cock too was pushing at my pants. "Why was he telling me this? I asked myself. Then as he talked his hand went down to his crotch and his towel moved apart to reveal 6ins of fat cock. I could hardly breathe; it was almost too much for me. Then he lay back on the bed with his hands behind his head with no pretence that the towel was covering him. What it did mean was that I could look at his cock without him seeing me. What I did realise as he talked was that he was so relaxed with me, felt that I was sharing his burden with him that he was sharing his inner self with me that he could share his outer self as well. He had obviously not the slightest idea that I was gay. After a time when our conversation came to an end he got up and went off to shower and change.

I was left with a whole mixture of emotions after that. Sexual excited by the sight of a great cock, happy that Pete thought me such a friend, but concerned that I might not be able to handle much more of that! With this I also felt guilty. I wondered if I should come clean with Pete and explain my gayness, but I thought that that would blow his mind; with all this was a sense of guilt that I was betraying Vince.

This last I could resolve straightaway as Vince was due in for a lecture starting late morning. So I left Pete and went to the lecture hall.

Vince and I had met up on the Monday morning when we discovered that for both of us nothing had changed since the day before. We talked and laughed together as if we had been intimate friends for years. We attended lectures together and studied in the library and I also told him about Pete. Whilst this was in some way betraying a confidence I just had to include Vince in it as I didn't want either to exclude him or have him misunderstand my relationship with Pete. He was great and encouraged me to spend time with Pete to help him. We did find some time to go swimming at a quiet moment and found time to disappear to one of the private changing areas. We weren't able to do much but being naked together kissing and wanking seemed such a precious time.

So when I met up with him in the lecture hall I was impatient for the lecture to end. When it did I said to him that I had something to confess, and I told him what had happened with Pete. I feared I might hurt him telling him but didn't want to hide anything from him now that we had discovered each other. His reply was to laugh! "You lucky wanker" he said, "after all these weeks and you get sight of your mate's cock". I was so relieved with the confidence he showed in me that I wanted to kiss him there and then but in a college corridor it could provoke comment. So I pulled him into a nearby bathroom, which we first checked was empty, then with my back to the door to stop anyone coming in without us knowing we had a long passionate kiss. We spent the rest of the day, working together just being together until it was time for him to go to his last lecture which I didn't have so I said goodbye and left him.

When I got back to the room Pete was there again, fully clothed this time. He explained that he had seen the Principal who had been sympathetic and would get him transferred to a part time course and that he would finish full time at Christmas. Whilst he was happy with the support of the college it all seemed to be happening rather quickly and I could see he was beginning to feel overwhelmed again. As things were moving so speedily he had decided, with the support of the Principal to go and see his parents that evening and then the next day to go with his girlfriend back to her parents. "So I'll be away two nights again and you can have your evil way with someone if you want while I'm gone!" I laughed but nearly choked at the same time, I wondered if he knew something. I glanced at my watch and realised that Vince might still be around so I left very quickly and sprinted across the campus to where I hoped I would catch Vince. His lecture was just ending as I arrived and everyone looked at me running as I arrived. I was embarrassed and firstly tried to regain my cool. Vince saw me and hung back, he didn't want to add to my embarrassment but he was curious as to why I'd come back.

I said to him as soon as I had the chance that I just couldn't let him go without having his cock in my mouth that day. At which he laughed and asked where we should go. I told him then about Pete and asked if there was any chance that he could at least stay on late that night. He glanced at his watch and asked me to hang on a moment then he rushed off. I was left standing there in an empty corridor wondering what was going on. In five minutes he was back. He explained that he knew his parents were going out for the whole evening but he had just caught them on the phone and explained to them that there was something on at college and he was going to stay on and that the same mate would put him up. Once again, he said, that his mother was delighted, she had seen a difference in him and was pleased that he'd found a good friend who had brought him out of himself. She'd then started to worry about clean clothes and other motherly concerns; he'd assured her that I would help him out. Vince explained that since he'd been ill his mother still didn't like to leave him on his own for any length of time because that had been a problem. So that was settled. There was in fact a Disco on that evening so we decided we would go there to establish a good reason for Vince being around midweek.

Back in my room with Vince we made coffee then Pete came in. He'd realised that Vince and I had struck up a friendship so wasn't surprised to see us there drinking coffee. He mentioned the disco and we said that we would probably go. With a sly smile on his face he said, "So if you horny bastards strike lucky you're gonna be using my bedroom to fuck some poor unsuspecting girls are you?" He obviously thought that I had suddenly come up with some plan so that my new mate and I could make the most of the night's dance. Vince was thrown completely by these remarks I was able to cover up by making some remark about hoping to make the most of the opportunity. What was clear from this was that Pete obviously thought we were both completely straight, but that also he was giving us the green stay to stay there, both of us, and that if he saw any evidence of Vince having been there he wouldn't think twice.

Pete was such a nice guy that he absorbed Vince into our friendship and it was suddenly as if Vince was a third roommate. To underline this he went off to get his shower and came back just in his underwear not showing any embarrassment at all. "Did you tell Vince about me?" Pete asked. Before I could answer he said, "The whole college will soon know so you can if you want too" he turned to Vince and said, "I'm leaving to get married, I have to, Jon'll explain." I felt so delighted that I was relieved of my guilt about having told Vince about Pete it but also that my only two real friends at college were also becoming friends. Pete quickly got dressed and went off with his things for a couple of nights. We left with him and went off for something to eat. We were like two school kids excited about the coming two days. We grabbed some food at the college restaurant, I really don't know what it was, and then decided to go to the disco. We said that we would be hiding a lot of things so it would be best not to add to the lies. So after a couple of drinks in the bar we headed towards the music.

Getting there we ran into a group we knew quite well and chatted with them. It was a kind of fluid group some went off to dance others joined some left when they saw other friends. Then suddenly we found ourselves with two girls. I knew them quite well I had chatted with them before, usually separately but this time it was the four of us. As far as I was concerned it was a completely random that we were together but after that none of the others came to join us. I think the assumption was that two guys chatting to two girls should not be interrupted! For the first time in my life I found this situation quite funny instead of feeling uncomfortable. I found myself talking freely, almost flirting with them, in finding myself I'd also found a new confidence around other people in this kind of social situation. I almost suggested that we dance but decided that Vince might misunderstand and that things might get too complicated, but in any case I wanted to get Vince to myself. We got out of this potential difficult situation when one of the original couples came near again and we struck up a conversation and then others began to join us again. So at an appropriate moment we moved away.

As we left the dance Vince said to me, "I thought you fancied those two". "It was strange," I replied, "For the first time in my life I felt really at easy chatting to girls, I could even have asked them to dance; but I have you to thank for that. You've changed me so much, given me so much confidence in myself as a person. I know I have to be cautious and not betray my sexuality but I felt I can be me and not pretend that I am someone else." As we walked across the dark, cold, wintery campus Vince stopped me, turned towards me, then pulled me into a quiet corner between two buildings, and kissed me with a long passionate kiss. The response of my dick was immediate and I could feel the same thing happening to Vince. I so much wanted to pleasure him there and then but knew that it was impossible. So we pulled away from each other without saying a word and went across to my room.

Once in there we forgot the rest of the world. I locked the door from the inside, just in case! Then I tuned to Vince and resumed the kiss. This time I did not need to show restraint. We both slipped off the jackets we had been wearing then our other clothes so that in seconds there was an untidy pile of discarded clothing, something I never do, or never used to do. Somehow the kissing did not stop as we hurriedly got ready then we threw ourselves into a passion of lovemaking. Since the previous Sunday we hadn't done a great deal but now together again and alone we could resume. We quickly moved on, we lay down on the bed and took each other's cock. We lay side by side and I found that Vince not only loved his cock being sucked but that he went wild as I took each of his balls in turn into my mouth. He moved so that he was on top of me so that I had access not only to his cock and balls but also to his ass.

There was a new sensation too, from my sense of smell. We had been out at the disco so neither of us was freshly showered so our natural scents were fresh and strong. I found the musky smell of Vince really quite a turn on, his ass seemed to draw me to itself. I wanted to be in there. I worked my tongue, pushing and probing I tried to get it in there as far as I could. During this Vince stopped sucking my cock, I think the sensation he was getting from the presence of my tongue in his ass was just too much for him to concentrate on my cock. That was OK; I didn't want to be driven over the edge straight away. We moved again so the Vince was on his back I got on my knees and worked a finger into his now wet hole. Grabbing the lube from the bedside table where we had left it I continued with a second and then a third finger. Then I applied some to my cock. Pulling my fingers out I lifted Vince's legs in the air and prepared to enter him. I was on my knees and could watch as I pushed in. A little resistance as my cockhead pushed, but already I felt that I had learned so much in so few days. I could see a reaction on his face as I entered him. I paused then pushed in a little more, then pulled back, not fully out, then in a little further. I did this for sometime pausing each time so that Vince could get use to me. Then I was fully in, my dark hair mixing with the light hair covering his balls. This was a whole new experience for me, for us; being able to look at each other, measuring the reaction of the other. As I was still on my knees I could not go too quickly but I had much more control. With Vince fully relaxed I started to pump him. I varied the pace, sometimes slowly some time quite fast. Pushing my whole self in or just playing with my cockhead at his entrance. I was measuring every move and seeing the reaction on his face each time. But I knew that we needed to move to a new phase and I couldn't do it on my knees.

I pulled out so that I was standing and I pulled Vince so that his ass was just over the edge of the bed. Then I went in again. There was nothing cautious this time about my entrance. Now I knew I could use more power. I was going to be less subtle perhaps but Vince was going to get well and truly fucked, and fucked he was. I put my whole being into it as I slammed away at his ass. I seemed to get faster and faster, deeper and deeper. My cock felt massive as it banged at Vince's mancunt. He wrapped his legs around me trying to get us as close as possible. Then with one final crescendo my cock shot its massive load inside him. I think I screamed out as my seed burst out, and as I screamed Vince's cock too burst out shooting cum everywhere. It hit his face, my face; I think he even hit the wall. I bent down to kiss him and as I kissed him realised that he had his cum on his lips and that in kissing we were sharing his seed.

We lay down on the bed for some time, hardly moving just exchanging the occasional kiss. Then we must have fallen asleep. I woke up feeling very cold. We had not covered up and the heating had gone off and it was about 2am. I pulled up the bedclothes and went to sleep again.

We had the best part of two days like this, getting to know each other, working together and most significantly learning about man sex together. In fact we didn't find anything we didn't like! Thursday evening Vince went home we said goodbye rather sadly but now much surer of each other.

Next: Chapter 5

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