Doctor Handsome

By Ryan White / Licious Ryan

Published on Sep 18, 2020



I'm overwhelmed at the amount of emails I had gotten for chapter 3.

I really took a chance in writing Covid 19 into this medical story and I was afraid it would backfire...but it didn't. And I LOVE y'all for sticking with me.

My email as always is

Stay safe, y'all Ryan


I was still coming to terms with the mere fact that Dario loved me.

Not liked, not a mere kiddie crush...he had actually said the words that every person on this green planet wanted to hear...he loved his wife, but he had loved me more.

And suddenly, all those times that Candice had invited the Conceicao family over for their Sunday lunch and our dinner parties, and I would make a more than lame excuse to leave early or to not attend at all...that was now looking more and more like spilled chances.

Because now, thanks to this horrible and inexplicable coronavirus, me and Dario had to see each other through plain glass.

My ten yeae old son Kieran's Covid test came back positive unfortunately and therefore me and Candice had to keep him in quarantine and away from other people.

Even though Dario himself had told us over and over that children had a better chance than most at fully recovering, there was always this nagging feeling at the pit of your stomach that something might...drastically and horribly go wrong at some stage. You just never knew with this virus.

Because Kieran was positive for Covid, me and Candice had to get tested as well, of course.

She was tested first and we were told that it would be for the best if we would isolate separate from each other as much as we can, until we got the results. Dario himself, fully dressed inside his spaceman like suit with all the coverings and trimmings that kept doctors and nurses safe from the virus, came into the testing unit to figuratively, do me.

He swabbed the insides of my nose until it felt like I couldn't breathe, but he said it was normal. He asked me if I had any fevers, and if my smells and taste senses had been messed up, all of which I had answered with an emphatic no.

He was very careful with me, as if I would fucking crack if he touched me too firmly. All I could see of his stunningly beautiful features was his blue eyes, through that horrible suit he had to wear. They never left mine, all the while he was testing me for the virus.


"I can't talk now, Calvin. I have to get your test down to the lab. You might have Covid and I'm not gonna stand here and not do something..."

"I can't just forget what you said earlier, dude. Please, just talk to me."

Dario sighed and turned around to face me, well, sort of, as I could only see his eyes.

"What do you want me to say? You want me to take back that I fell in love with you? I can't. I'll be lying. Can I go and do my job now? People are dying out there."

"Dario, if I could turn back time..."

He stopped in mid walk.

The samples he had taken from me, still in his hands. He was now facing away from me. I knew he was protected from any germs what, with all the medical gear he was wearing...I stood up and as innocently as possible, stood next to him so that only he could hear me.

"...if I could get inside my DeLorean and go back a few months ago...I'd have taken you in my arms...I'd never let you go. I'd have kissed my way down that beautiful ass body of yours, I would fucking have made love to all six of your abs, one by one, worshipping them, because it belonged to you."

I heard his breath quicken inside that space suit he was wearing. His eyes flickers dangerously towards his crotch. He totally wasn't expecting this. My heart soaring, I continued ...

"I would have taken off all your clothes...god damn, I bet you look so good naked with that chiselled body you like showing off so much. I bet you have a nice, juicy, delicious, ore cum dripping dick that was just ready and waiting for me. Dario...I'd have taken your Portuguese dick inside my hands and made you nice and hard. Man, I wanna feel that big cock become alive inch by inch...I want blood to fill it up, fill it right up, until it was so hard you could hardly move..."

"Jesus...Calvin, stop this, now. I'm begging you..."

"...I would have knelt before you and caress that dick with my hand palm, make it nice and slick with your natural juices. I'd have look up into your beautiful eyes and without looking away ever, I would have taken your hard penis in my mouth..."


I wasn't nearly finished.

"...and lick up all those cummy goodness that oozed from that piss hole of yours...before finally taking the plunge and giving that dick all my tongue and all my attention. God, your dick tastes so good, my man...your balls looks nice and full...when last did you cum inside someone's mouth, Doctor Handsome? When last did you experience a pair of lips sucking out all your delicious, potent, thick white sperm without it ever seeing the light of day? Sucking it straight from your hard cock right into my mouth..."

Dario had to turn his full body towards me and away from the rest of the medical personnel and it wasn't very difficult to see why...he was as hard as hard could be, his dick pressing up good and proper against his blue scrubs and protective gear.

"Hmm...look at that. Yeah're so hard for me, I can scream...I want that dick inside me, one way or another. In my mouth, inside my ass, I don't really fucking care. Now get your ass into that lab and have me tested so I can isolate and get back to you, because I love you too..."

Dario's head flicked upwards so fast, I would have sworn he had conducted whiplash.

He stared at me in sheer morbid disbelief. His dick, still probing his attire, was suddenly as soft as a sponge. I didn't take it as a compliment. Poor guy must have been stunned as I said those words. The exact same thing that he had told me.

There was a warning inside his beautiful eyes, however.

"Calvin, don't play games with me. Not when there's a deadly virus out there that could kill us at any moment..."


" know what I mean!'re the first man I'd ever kissed. You're the first man I ever had developed such strong feelings for. I'm begging you, please don't fuck with me..."

"Dario, if I could have held you right now I would have. Go and test me. And if I'm negative, well, then we can see where we go from here. Okay?"

He smiled.

Took a few seconds, but he did. For the first time in months, I saw that beautiful Mediterranean smile...I really missed seeing his dark black hair that was so well hidden underneath his suit. He looked happier than I had ever seen him.

"I won't let you down. Be back soon. Hold thumbs it's gonna be good news," he said, and I could see his right hand was nearly, just nearly wanting to reach out and touch mine...but he digressed at the last moment.

Before I had stressed said the words...those three little words that mean everything to so many people out there, I didn't even realise it, myself.

It just came out natural...and I was stunned as I knew it to be true. I did love Dario. Don't ask me how it happened, when it happened, but I wanted to be with him, all the time.

I smiled whenever I saw him, even a text in the past from him made my day seem easier to cope with, especially when I had trouble selling a house to a difficult did I not see it before?

That's why it had hurt so damn much when he broke things off months ago at his son's birthday party. I couldn't understand why my body was seemingly caving in then, but now I knew... oh boy, did I knew.

Me and Candice had long had our own difficulties in getting along and the lockdown had just pretty much confirmed it. We were tried of each other, mentally and physically. Neither wanted to admit it because we didn't know what it would do to Kieran to hear us fighting all the time.

Or how he would handle a separation.


A day or so later I saw Dario was calling me. Part of me wished it was him once more declaring his undying love for me but my mental sanity wasn't so far gone as yet, of course I knew it was about my Covid 19 results.

"Doctor Handsome! And what can I do for you this morning?" I said joyfully, trying to make light of a bad situation.

"You're clean, Calvin. Your test is negative."

A wave of sheer relief flooded over me as I completely digested the magical words from my strong handsome doctor that I had been waiting to hear even since I left the hospital the previous day. Thank god...

"Have Candice spoken to you yet? About her own results?" Dario asked and I frowned.

"No, she hasn't. We kept our distance coming back from the hospital and we slept in separate rooms. Why? What have you heard?"

"Look, it's not my place to tell you..."

"Fuck that, Dario. Is she positive?"

I could hear Dario sigh at the other end, confirming my suspicions.

"Wait just a fucking I'm out here and negative, and yet Candice AND Kieran is positive, but she's not working, and inly goes out to pick Kieran up from school...the parents park miles away from the school gates just in how the fuck does she have it and I don't? We live in the same house!"

"That's what I wanted to ask you. If she only leaves the house to fetch Kieran at school and she doesn't go...other places she shouldn't, it doesn't explain why you and you are Covid free and yet Candice and Kieran are not."


This was going to haunt me until I had some or other form of answers. Candice had seemingly left the house early this morning and she had not come back yet.

That was illegal right now on its own, not to mention dangerous as hell, because she now had the virus and she was god knows where, and probably spreading it around as we speak.

Numerous searches in her cupboards and in her dressing table and even inside her old handbags proved fruitless. I had this nagging feeling that all our fights and shouts ever since we had been forced by Covid to remain in the same house during lockdown , had finally taken its toll on her.

God knows, I hoped I was wrong. I hoped she wasn't having an affair. Not that it would break me, as such but it would break Kieran. He loved his mother. Damn...she had plenty of fucking time to cheat on me, in the past, so why damn decide to do it in the middle of a global pandemic?

I must have gone through the house with a tooth comb twice, and I still hadn't found anything that could lead me to where she was it who she was with...and then it hit me.

I was so stupid...we had a joint banking account! All I had to do was log into the Standard Bank app on my phone and check if she had withdrawn curious amounts of cash!

In doing so, it gave me plenty of food for thought indeed. Evidence of her paying huge amounts of money to stay at the local bed and breakfast even before lockdown had begun, payments made to spa's and motels the very day after the restrictions in South Africa was lifted.

She couldn't have gone to those places alone...I refused to believe it. She was having an affair, I was so sure of it. No wonder she had managed to contract Covid 19 whilst myself was negative. She was with Kieran more than I was during the day, and it suddenly all made sense. It was a god send that I hadn't gotten it.

What was she thinking? That deadly disease in the epicentre of a fucking middle school...can you imagine?


Eventually I received a text from Candice that she was self isolating at her mother's home, and that she was keeping her distance by staying in the basement for the next fourteen days until she was rid of the virus.

She also told me, in no uncertain terms that she wanted a divorce. That we were too different, we had grown apart, and that she was willing to share custody of Kieran with me. She also finally confessed that she had been seeing one if Kieran's classmates' parents off and on after the school's had reopened.

I didn't even feel sad.

I had cheated too. She just didn't know it yet. I in turn, had fallen head over heels in love with a wonderful, stunningly sexy doctor, without even realising it. It was time...if was for the best that we separated. I was NOT looking forward to telling Kieran though. the end, he still had us both in his life. Just not together, as such.


It was about two weeks since I had been at the hospital and had seen Dario. Kieran had fully recovered from coronavirus, as did Candice.

I missed Dario so much that I couldn't even comprehend it. I wanted to be with him so damn much, but we both knew it was impossible.

Or was it?

My front door bell rang. Looking at my watch, I knew it couldn't be Kieran, because he was still at school and he anyway, would have called me if I had to come and fetch him early.

As I opened the door, I had already gotten a whiff of that by now, famous cologne that I loved so much. Manly, freshly showered...a pure clean smell that made my dick totally stand on end.

"Dario..." I said softly, and he smiled that multi million dollar smirk that always made my legs feel like jello.

"Great to see you too. Can I come in? I promise I'll keep my distance," he said, placing both his hands in the pockets of his jeans.

My god...his black hair was flopping all over the place. He must not have gotten a haircut in months, what with all the health and safety regulations. Still, if anything, it turned me on even more. I would have loved to run my fingers through his black mane...I loved a guy's hair almost as much as I loved his dick.

Instead of standing aside, I walked back into the house, and I signalled for him to follow me. When we were both inside, he closed the door, as we both kept distance into the living room, and he stood at the couch nearest to the exit, whilst I was a full two meters or so away from him, and at that point I really wished that I wasn't.

The pure smell of his aftershave was busy flooding through my living-room so dick was hardening and at a fucking rapid pace.

"You're getting hard down there," Dario said, stating the bloody obvious.

"Yeah well, can you blame me?" I pushed back, but I couldn't stop the wide smile that was swimming across my face.

"Look, Calvin...we both said and did things we regret. I dunno how I'm gonna make things work with Janey, when I'm feeling this strong about you. All my life I've been too damn scared to act on what I'm know about how I was raped years back and that ruined everything I had in me...I figured if I married a woman and if I had kids, these feelings towards men will eventually go away. Guess what, it didn't.".

It was with everything inside me that I didn't dare move closer to him. I wanted you wouldn't believe...fuck you, Covid!

"I have a suggestion. If you want to, then maybe we CAN get together, like when things were normal."

That certainly peaked my interest.

"I'm listening," I whispered, wanting so much to just rip that jersey he was wearing, off him, like it was pre Covid. Oh, the things we took for granted!

He smiled and winked.

"As much as I hate lying to Janey and deceiving her by doing all this, I can't stop. I really wanna be with you. In the full sence of those words. So, here's what I think...we both self isolate now for seven days. I'll tell Janey that I'm doing it as a pre caution and I'll therefore stay way from her. After that time, we both get tested, and if we're both negative...well..."

Doctor Handsome...I love it when you talk foreign!

" me a favour..."


"Can you do one, teeny tiny little favour for me?"

"If I can, yes I will," he said, nervously flickering his eyes over my body.

"Take off your clothes..."

"What? You serious?"

I reached up and started to unbutton my own shirt I was wearing.

I had seen him shirtless before but he hadn't seen me. Slowly but surely I got rid of them pesky buttons, until my shirt flew open at the waist, revealing my own decent set of six pack abs.

"Jesus..." Dario hissed and then suddenly covered his mouth like he was a little boy who had said a naughty word. So fucking cute.

I took my shirt off fully, and threw it onto the couch. I then proceeded to unbuckle my belt, and I could fully see his eyes widening by the mere second.

"Like what you see?" I teased the good doctor, who looked like he was in a real kind of trance.

"Calvin...shit man, I knew you had to look good under those real estate stuff you wear but wow..." he squealed as he took just a few steps closer to me.

"Down there, tiger. You can look, but not touch!" I played along, as I licked my lips when my belt came fully unstuck, and I took off my trousers. Suddenly and inexplicably, I was before him in nothing hut my boxers.

"Am I gonna have to do all the work, here? You're way too over dressed..." I said, as I fingered my clothed dick, and I heard him breathe out hard, once more.

Slowly, he received a ray of light inside of his eyes and with a slight smirk, he began to take off his jersey he was wearing.

Must have been his day off, since he wasn't wearing his usual medical attire. He took off his jersey, and the t-shirt that was underneath, seemingly had gotten stuck to it, because it came off as well.

It was my turn to crave what I couldn't have at that point. If I thought my six pack was stunning, Dario's dwarfed mine.

I saw a glimpse of it inside his bedroom months ago, but here and now right before me, it was even more lean and as ripped as I could remember.

"Watch yourself, you're gonna drool, my man," Dario said, finally playing my own game against me.

"I'm still ahead, buddy. You need to take that off as well," I croaked, pointing to his crotch, sick and desperate to see more of this beautiful creature.

"Not for long..." he smiled, and took off his sweatpants he was wearing in one full swoop. Now we both were before the other wearing nothing but our underwear, and there was nothing we could do further, thanks to circumstances, but to look and admire.

"Damn, Doctor, you have a big one hidden in there...can't wait to get my fingers on that finally, for real..." I grimaced as I saw his tool come to life inside his boxers.

"You're kidding right? My mouth is literally watering from looking at that packed bulge you have going on..." he flirted right back.

Both our hands were already on our hard why not go just a little further...

"Calvin, what are you d..." Doctor Handsome had managed to whispere in sheer aww as he saw me slowly remove my boxers.

"Fucccckk..." I heard him hiss through his teeth as my hard seven inches came into solid view seeing it ready for action for the very first time.

My cock head was by now, oozing loads of pre cum and my piss slit was flaring as it anticipated the rich aroma of male to male sex.

I completely removed everything I was wearing, and stood before Dario Conceicao as naked as the day I had come into this world.

"God help''re awesome...scratch that, you're body is amazing, my dude. That dick belongs in me...fucking hell, Calvin, see what you do to me?" he said sadly as he sat down, on my couch, still wearing his boxers.

"Take it off...take it off...take it off," I started to chant as if I was at a fucking bachelor party, and he cracked up at my total lack of adult humour.

"You really want me to take this off, you sexy fucker?" he asked, looking straight at me, and then back at his hard dick underneath that irritating piece of material.

"Fuck yes. I want to see you jack that thing off so bad..." I cried out and sat down on the couch opposite him.

Both of us could see the other now very clearly, even with the more than two meter distance we were having to endure.

I could see that Dario was in two minds over this. It was one thing flirting the heck out with someone, and a total other thing when it came to actually doing it. I guess, in the end his hormones took on his brain for a decision and his hormones won, fair and square.

Slowly, he placed his fingers on his hips, gently taking hold of his boxers. He took a deep breath...before finally, FINALLY sliding them off his groin area and down his hairy legs.

My god...if my dick wasn't already hard as hell, it would have done an immediate U-turn that very moment...

Dario's exposed dick was everything I could hope for. It was reaching to the heavens, pulsing with the beat of his heart. I guessed it a good eight inches, and I felt a sting in my pride that he was bigger than me.

"I knew I called you Doctor Handsome for a reason..." I said softly, as we both started jacking off our already steel hard cocks.

I loved the fact that he still had his foreskin in tact, as I was completely hypnotised at the sheer way it protected his open and engorged cockhead.

"I don't see anyone laughing and giggling now," Dario said, his invested eyes on my chest and then suddenly jumping towards my own hardened organ as he continued to jerk his dick.

"This time it's not so funny..." I replied, meaning every single word.

I couldn't stop gliding my eyes over his torso...he was ripped like hell, and part of me was jealous as that beautiful dick had been inside of Janey and not me. Covid had forced us not to touch and I hated it. But this, at least, was something.

His chest was heaving up and down at a furious pace. His eyes did not leave my body for a second. His long floppy hair dangled over his forehead, and when he reached up to move it away, I had a glimpse of his thick underarm hair, and his strong biceps.

"You want me, Dario? You want this white ass on your dick, Doctor Handsome?" I whispered, my own dick red from the sexual tension and of seeing his sex on legs type body in front of me.

"Fuck yeah...I want you to ride this dick...I would totally drill you apart..." he hissed back.

I absolutely LOVED this new part of him I was only now discovering. Clearly he was a sexual animal in bed. I couldn't wait to test my theory.

"I'm getting close, man...that dick is too perfect..." he hissed at me, as he slid further down my couch and jacked his eight incher off with gusto, his hand was a virtual blur on that big phallus.

Not be left behind, I made more work of wanting to cum, as I imagined that glistening big penis of his slipping and sliding out of my well fucked ass...I was so fucking desperate to taste it and its was right there in front of me and I couldn't take that chance.

Eventually, I felt the build up starting inside my balls...that feeling you usually got when you now your orgasm is near. Those dangling big balls underneath his cock...I would have loved to play tonsil tennis with them both at the same time...oh fuck yeah, to make love to those two golf ball sized marvels, and actually force his sperm out of them.

It was Dario who couldn't handle it anymore, and with a force I would have loved he used on me, and me alone, his dick spat out two clear streams of pure white protein.

That was followed by an even bigger shot, that landed a few feet away from me on the living-room carpet, before more and more dribbles of man juices travelled down his length, and mattering together in his dark, thick pubes.

"Shit...oh god, shit...jesus!" he screamed out loud, so damn loud that I was afraid the neighbours might have heard.

For some reason I didn't really care. My own hard dick was quivering at the sight of him spurting out his seed. I sat up on the couch and pointed my dick at the carpet.

"Jack that dick...I wanna see your cum...god, do it!" came the desperate plea from the man I loved with all my heart.

My cum came out blasting in quick fire rapids...I could see Dario leaping up and in trying to get a better view.

It felt like would never stop! The sauce just kept cumming and cumming! Eventually I sunk back into the leather seat of the couch and allowed my dick to further leak its spermy residue down my own length.

Both of us were suddenly quiet, just my heavy breathing filling the silence in the room.

"Dude...your sperm is right there...can't I just have a little taste ..." Dario said, but I knew he was kidding.

I smiled and I reached out my hand towards him. He understood what I wanted to create, and so did he. Our fingertips nearly, very nearly was such a beautiful, heart warming moment.

"Soon, I promise. I...I love you, Calvin," Dario said as he blushed deeply, still as naked as the day was long, his flaccid, wet penis dangling between his legs.

I hesitated. was a very fickle thing. In my life, you don't just SAY it to anyone you would ever meet.

But in that moment, shocked as I was...I knew what I wanted. And with who, I wanted it.

"You bet your sweet ass, I love you too, Doctor Handsome," I croaked, never have wanted to touch and be close to someone in my entire life.

Just as I thought, this is what life was all about...the front door opened.


Both of us were too shocked and too unprepared to have made a move.

The look on her face when she saw us both, spoke volumes. Any hopes that she would have not seen anything underneath her protective mask, went to jack shit.

"Calvin...what the actual fuck?" she screamed, her voice a token of terror.

Both me and Dario were still was as clear as day what's going on.


"Go to hell. Both of you!" my darling wife screamed as she stormed out of the house.


THANKS FOR READING!! Candice knows of Dario and she gonna tell Janey and create more chaos?

Will she tell Kieran?? Will she be THAT cruel?

Feel free to send me some feedback, I wanna know if you guys enjoyed it lol.

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