Dog Days Are Beginning

By Henry Wolf

Published on Dec 18, 2022


Dog Days Are Beginning Chapter 13: Climbing the Ladder Henry Wolf

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Note: Warning: this series contains violent behaviour and explicit sexual scenes. The events in this story are purely fantasy. All characters are 21+ years old. In real life, please show respect and practise safe and consensual sex.

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As the weeks went by, Steve slowly grew more into his sub role at work. His acceptance of his place at home with Mark had assisted him adjusting his attitude and obedience to the other staff members. He had been impressing them with his diligence and dedication to his various tasks, but his work collar remained a frustrating bronze, something Stan never failed to remind him, passing snide passive aggressive remarks about how not everyone had the ability to make it big in the real world.

Malik, Felipe, and a few of the other interns had been promoted, despite Stan's schemes of sabotage, and now had gleaming silver collars and wore shirts and socks. Malik and Felipe gave Steve words of encouragement and help when they could, knowing he could make it up the ranks too. It helped when Steve became despondent about feeling like he was in a rut.

"Girl, you got this," Malik told him one day while they were sitting around for lunch. "Just see this like the training week. Remember, you made that dick Master Joe quit because you were such a good sub and he couldn't break you. Don't let this job break you."

"I mean, being more of a sub at home with Master Mark has definitely helped, the Norms are impressed, but I don't know why they haven't promoted me. Maybe it's that bitch Stan, whispering things into their ears to undermine my efforts," Steve looked bitterly around, seeing Stan lovingly giving one of the suited men a lunchtime blowjob.

"Don't drive yourself crazy," Felipe gave his shoulder a squeeze, ever the calm individual. "He's probably talking shit about all of us, but that's nothing we can control."

"Well, what do I do?" Steve turned back, looking at the others for assistance. Anything that would help.

"All you need is one big gesture or moment to prove yourself. Something that will really grab their attention," Felipe said. "That's what worked for us anyway."

"If they realise they need you on the team, that you're a true asset, they'll promote you. We just need a way for them to see that," Malik pondered.

"What did you do that impressed them?" Steve asked.

"I gave one of the guys a killer foot massage; he was in desperate need of someone to loosen all those tight muscles. I had him moaning more than anyone Stan's ever been with. He knew he couldn't live without me so he put in a good word and I got the promotion. What can I say, magic hands," Malik twinkled his fingers. The three of them burst out laughing.

"For me, I tracked down some really important files that we thought were deleted. Even IT weren't able to find them until I showed up. Being a computer nerd has it's benefits," Felipe smiled.

"There you go," Malik held his arms wide, "all you need are the strong hands of a masseuse or the computer skills to outwit the IT department."

Steve through Malik a look. "Cheers. My problems are solved."

Malik chuckled and gave Steve's hair a tussle. "Don't worry, you'll figure something out."

"Malik's right," Felipe chimed in. "An opportunity will come up when you least expect it."

Steve went back to finishing his lunch, taking in the advice of his friends.

Days passed by. The opportunity to make a big gesture and break through to the ranks of the silver subs didn't present itself. Steve carried out all his usual tasks but he needed something juicy to stand out from the crowd. He was getting disheartened until one afternoon when he had to deliver some reports.

Steve had to run some reports for a client with growth projections for the coming years over to the boardroom. He had just finished printing them out with 15 minutes to go before the important meeting. Steve stapled the sheets together, sorting them into need piles when he spotted something on one of the pages. The figures and bar charts seemed a bit off. The notes mentioned the percentage projected growth over the next year but they didn't match up with the sums, profit, or the charts, which all projected a smaller margin of profit. Steve checked and double-checked the calculations, concluding that there was definitely something wrong. He had to notify Eric, the guy he was assisting, as it had been his report and his calculations.

Steve ran out of the printer room over to Eric who was stretched out on his desk chair, his legs up on his desk. "Sir, you have to look at this," Steve waved the report in front of the other man.

"Oh, is that the report? Great, where are the others, boy?" Eric was clearly only half listening to Steve, not hearing the panic in his voice.

"Sir, you don't understand. There's a mistake in the report."

"What are you talking about? You went through the report? Subs are meant to just do their tasks. Who said you could go through the report and read confidential information, boy?" Eric took his feet the desk, agitated.

Stan, who had been straddling the lap of one of the junior staff nearby, looked over, clearly savouring the juicy drama that was to come. They had been making out as the suited man sat on his desk chair and held Stan in his lap and squeezed Stan's butt.

"I'm sorry, Sir, but I noticed the figures were off. The projections aren't matching the calculations. Here, look," Steve pointed to the page.

"Let me see that," Eric grabbed the page, scanning every line and bar chart. His brow was furrowed in deep concentration.

"Fuck," Eric yelled, holding his head. "This is a major fuck up, and the meeting is in a few minutes. I'll have to redo these." Eric opened the report files on his computer and scrolled down to where the calculations were. "How am I going to do get all these redone in time?" Eric said, more to himself. He was getting red and sweaty.

From the next row, Stan laughed a coquettish snigger. He played it off as being tickled by the man he was making out with, but Steve knew Stan was lavishing in seeing someone else struggling.

Steve ignored Stan. This was his moment. If he could solve Eric's mistake and avoid humiliation for him and save face with the client, he would be in the good books. He had to concentrate. "Sir, if I may, it may just be a mistake with the calculation code since every month is incorrect. The figures you inputted may be fine, it might just be the calculation that's messing it up."

"Let me see," Eric scanned the file, looking at the calculations.

"There, Sir," Steve pointed a number in the calculation that appeared to be wrong.

"Ahhh, there," Eric checked it against the notes and substituted it for the correct number. Immediately, all the sums, figures, and bar charts updated, projecting the correct profit margins and growth. "Yes!" Eric yelled. "It's updated, they're all correct now. It was the calculation that was wrong. Well done, Steve, you saved my ass for sure. I owe you big time," Eric clapped him on the shoulder, his smile beaming.

Steve noted that Eric had used his name instead of calling him "boy." He quietly lavished in the respect he had gained. "You're welcome, Sir," Steve smiled, passing his glance over to Stan who was still making out with the suited man, but the wicked grin had been wiped from his face and he looked disgruntled by the fact that Steve had gained some praise.

Eric and Steve printed out the updated pages, stapled the sheets together into neat reports, and readied them for the meeting that was about to begin in less than a minute.

"Want me to run these to the boardroom for you, Sir?"

"No, you're ok, man. You've helped me loads already, go take a well-deserved break. I'll run down and deliver them myself. Thanks again," Eric gave him a quick hug and ran off.

Steve nearly burst out laughing, he was giddy with elation from the praise and for Eric calling him "man" and hugging him. It was the most affection and comradery he had been shown by someone besides Malik or Felipe. He just hoped something came to fruition because of it.

"Well, it took you a while, but you earned it, boy," Ryan stood before Steve who knelt on the ground before the other man. Ryan enclosed a shiny new silver collar around Steve's neck, clipping it into place. The cool metal made him shiver but he welcomed the new accessory.

"Thank you, Sir," Steve replied.

"No, thank you, boy. You really saved our asses by catching that mistake in the report. It prevented a lot of humiliation on our part, and the client was impressed by our projections. It avoided some serious damage and put the company in real good standing, so it doesn't go unnoticed," Ryan caressed Steve's face.

Steve accepted the pet, closing his eyes and leaning into Ryan's warm hand. It was new to him being touched by another colleague, but he was now a silver sub so he best get used to the newfound affection.

"This is really going to solidify you as contender to climb the ranks. Your Owner is going to be very happy."

"Thank you, Sir, I appreciate you saying that," Steve had started developing slight pleasure from his Owner's happiness or whenever someone told him his Owner was proud of him. He was beginning to derive pleasure whenever Mark was pleased, placing his Master's pleasure ahead of his. That was the way of the sub after all.

"You're very welcome, boy," Ryan kissed Steve on the forehead and tussled his hair. "Now, why don't you put on your new uniform and go show off your new collar."

Steve got to his feet and dressed in his newly appointed silver sub uniform: a crisp white shirt that he buttoned up, leaving the top button open, and some long black socks that went almost to his knees. He left Ryan's office and, unapologetically, strutted through the hallways and through the aisles of desks.

Steve felt as if he were on a catwalk or in the part of a film where things go in slow-motion as the main characters makes an entrance. He was turning the heads of the junior staff who gazed at his shiny new silver collar and upgraded uniform. There were some wolf-whistles and cat-calls. Normally, Steve would've been intimated by the attention, but he ate up every second of it. He had done it, he'd been promoted and was on an upward trajectory.

Steve walked past Stan who looked positively fuming at seeing Steve as the same rank as him. He winked at Stan and gave him a wide smile and strolled onwards, savouring every second of the other guy's jealousy.

Malik and Felipe ran up to Steve as he entered the lunch room. They were awaiting the news when he had been called into Ryan's office. The were ecstatic to see Steve with his new collar and uniform.

"Yes, girl, I knew you could do it," Malik hugged Steve and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Well done, man, you did it," Felipe squeezed Steve's shoulder.

"Thanks, guys, it took long enough, but now I've arrived. And you should've seen Stan's face," Steve laughed and the three sat down for a celebratory lunch.

Later that afternoon, Steve was called to attend his first senior boardroom meeting. As were the rules, bronze subs only helped out the junior staff with administrative tasks around the office. But silver subs assisted both junior and senior staff, which included attending meetings to help in any way they could.

There were ten senior staff members sitting around the long wooden desk, all very dapper looking in their suit and ties. They had notepads in front of them with sheets of paper with facts and figures splayed over them. Steve, Stan, and John, another one of the interns who was in his late 40s, were in attendance to help out. Mark wasn't one of the senior staff at the meeting. Steve hadn't seen an awful lot of him in the office as their paths hadn't crossed, but he assumed they'd bump into each other more now that he was helping more senior staff.

The meeting began and the men began discussing marketing strategies and various clients. The interns stood patiently by the wall, waiting for any cues from the suited men who may need assistance. Steve zoned out from the discussions after a while, instead concentrating on the men, they all seemed greater than life, leaning back in their chairs with ease but remaining professional, serious, and commanding attention. There was a power to all of them, as if exerting a dominance just by their dress and body language. It was tantalising to watch.

One of the men, Mr Paul, clicked his fingers, pointing towards an empty glass in front of him. John sprang to attention, grabbing a water jug from a tray and went over to fill Mr Paul's glass. As he was pouring, his hand slipped on some condensation on the outside of the jug and splashed some water onto the desk.

"Ah, fuck. What a mess," Mr Paul yelled, leaping out of his seat.

"I'm s-s-sorry, Sir, it slipped," John stammered.

"Boy, that's sloppy. Look what you've done. I'm telling you," Mr Paul directed his attention towards the other suited men, "they promote these subs way too fast. This one shouldn't be silver until he knows how to compose himself. If it were up to me, you'd get the chop." Mr Paul was red with fury, patting down some damp splashes on his shirt.

"Easy, Paul," Mr Lance said from his seat. He was a white-haired man in his early fifties, muscular in his brown suit. "Just let the subs clean up the mess," Mr Lance looked towards Steve and Stan and gestured kindly at John.

Steve and Stan moved to help John but Mr Paul scolded them, "Don't you two move. This boy here is going to clean up his mess. It's the only way he'll learn. And later I'm going to have a nice chat with your supervisor about you being promoted too early. Now, run and get something to clean up this mess." And with that Mr Paul gave John a mighty smack across his butt. It left a red hand print that was brightening across John's pale butt cheek by the time he returned with supplies to clean the mess.

Steve was surprised by Mr Paul's fury. Some men here really went off on one by the slightest misstep. He'd have to by way more cautious with these senior staff. He was in the big leagues now and there was no messing about.

The meeting passed on without any other drama. Steve was asked to help connect a laptop to a projector and Stan had to bring some extra sheets of paper to write on, but there nothing too exciting. That was until towards the end of the meeting when Mr Lance looked over towards Steve and Stan again and gestured for one of them to come over.

Stan moved forward expectantly. He had more experience working these meetings and assisting the men so Steve let him take this one, but Mr Lance stooped him, "no, no, I want to try out the new one." Mr Lance passed his gaze over Stan and landed on Steve.

Steve hesitated, unsure of what was happening, but after a beat, his body went into automatic and he moved past Stan, who tried hard to swallow the bitter expression on his face before he moved back to stand against the wall.

"Yes, Sir?" Steve asked as he got to Mr Lance, his deep blue eyes even more commanding up close.

"On your knees beside me," Mr Lance said softly so as not to interrupt the other speakers in the meeting. It was strange how everything else around them continued as normal while Steve and Mr Lance were having this exchange.

Steve lowered himself onto the floor, sitting on his haunches as he looked straight ahead. Even with his back straight and head up, his eye-level fell below the table so all he could see were the legs of the men around the table.

Mr Lance reached down and petted Steve's head, face, and shoulders, passing his calloused fingers over Steve's skin absent-mindedly as he continued to engage with the other men in the discussion of the meeting.

Steve kept calm. This is what he had been practicing at home with his Master Mark. He was just an object, he told himself. He was there to be used, to be caressed, like a piece of furniture. He should feel grateful that any man had chosen him. These thoughts helped Steve become more comfortable sitting on the ground. He was beside a practical stranger who was petting him while he barely paid any attention to him, as if he were merely a dog sitting loyal by his Master. But it was ok, as the company owned Steve. He was property of the company so Mr Lance had fair use of him, just as if he were using the water cooler or coffee machine. Plus, Mr Lance had chosen him, and not Stan, and that made the situation more palatable, even sweeter, if Steve had to be honest. Steve smiled but tried not to get giddy, remaining stoic as he was thought.

Eventually, one of the other men used Stan as a footstool, but Steve could tell Stan was miffed by not being first choice.

"Boy," Mr Lance whispered to Steve, who snapped back into attention. He had been in a sort of sub space daydream to keep from going bored and was also enjoying the gentle caress of Mr Lance. "Make me feel good," Mr Lance tapped his crotch and guided Steve's head towards.

Steve moved under the table and around Mr Lance's leg. He was on all fours under the darkness of the table in between Mr Lance's suited legs and polished shoes.

Steve gulped. It's just like what you learned at training, he told himself. He unzipped Mr Lance's trousers, lowered the underwear, and pulled out the firm dick. It was long and underneath bushy white pubes. Steve took the shaft into his mouth. He pulled the foreskin back and licked the round, bulbous head, passing his tongue in circles around it. The salty flesh was strong on Steve's tongue.

The most interesting part of the experience was the fact that Mr Lance continued to take part in the discussion. He didn't falter or hesitate once as he made points, took part in arguments, and chatted amiably with the other men. And all the other men continued normally as if nothing were happening below the table. Of course, they all knew what was happening, but it was like this was totally normal, an everyday occurrence that happened as part of their meetings.

It surprised Steve that he was so inconsequential, that his part in all this was so small yet seemed major to him. He was practically giving oral sex to a stranger in a room full of men, but there was no big fanfare about it. He was just there. A mere tool being used, a toy for casual pleasure amid a more important discussion going around him, without him. Steve had struggled with being ignored before. It had really gotten to him. But his work on becoming an object both at training and at home helped with this resistance. He kept it in his head as he continued pleasuring Mr Lance. The suited man's pleasure was all that was important, it didn't matter what else was going on, that's all Steve needed to focus on, and that's what he did.

Steve took in more of the shaft into his mouth, gliding his tongue along the shaft, moving it in and out, trying not to gag as he moved down further, the pubes tickling his nose as he gradually made it down to the base of the cock and the head tapped against the back of his throat. Steve placed his hands on Mr Lance's legs, gripping the silk fabric of the trousers to gain some traction so he could really pump the dick with his forward momentum.

Mr Lance had gone quiet, instead leaving the other men chat and give their points of view. Steve smiled around Mr Lance's dick, knowing the quietness was due to the fact that Mr Lance was getting some extreme pleasure and wasn't able to speak in a measured tone, deciding to keep quiet instead.

The table groaned as Mr Lance gripped the edge of the table. His other hand grasped Steve's hair as he spurted hot ropes of cum into Steve's mouth, his breathing ragged as he tried to keep calm, the waves of pleasure spreading throw the man.

Steve could feel every drop of cum hit the back of his throat and tongue as Mr Lance emptied himself into Steve. He swallowed what felt like gallons of the warm liquid. He moved his head back, licking the shaft as it fell out of his mouth and bobbed in front of him. He made sure not to waste any drop of that precious cum.

"Well, that about wraps it up," another one of the suited men clapped his hands and thanked everyone for the meeting. The other men left as Mr Lance rubbed Steve's head, allowing him to climb out from under the table as he tucked his dick away and zipped up his pants. Some of the suited men winked at Steve or threw him flirtatious smiles as they walked past, loving the show that had been put on below their feet even though they hadn't seen anything. Stan brushed past, clearly annoyed he wasn't the centre of attention anymore.

Mr Lance held the back of Steve's head and placed a hand on his butt, pulling him in for a kiss and licking some his own cum off Steve's face. "Mmmm, I love tasting me on a boy," Mr Lance gazed into Steve's eyes. "Wow, boy, I must say, that was very impressive. Usually, you have to coax subs into sucking dick under the table. They get nervous by the public setting and feel like they're being used but you really know your stuff. There was no hesitation, you just went to town. That was so hot. You're such a good boy," Mr Lance kissed him again, swirling his tongue around Steve's mouth, gathering up saliva and some remaining cum.

"How do you feel after that, boy? Not too much for you? I know some subs get scared by all this, and I wouldn't blame them, it can get intense."

"I enjoyed it, Sir. I'm glad I could be of service to you, and to the company. Seeing you in pleasure gave me pleasure." Ok, sure, Steve was sucking up a bit (literally and metaphorically) to impress the senior members. He knew he had to do a bit kissing ass, but, truth be told, he did enjoy part of the experience. It was strange sucking dick while your colleagues all sat in chairs around the table above you, but there was a sort of power that Steve had felt. It was the moment when he was pleasuring Mr Lance so much that he had to stop speaking; Mr Lance was so enthralled that he couldn't take part in the discussion anymore. For Steve, holding that control over someone his senior was powerful, and he enjoyed it. He had had Mr Lance in his grip by just his mouth, and he very easily could have sent him flying over the edge, had him moaning in front of the other suited men and causing him embarrassment, but he had played it safe and just pleasured him a suitable amount. But just the possibility that he could do that was enough to make him feel like a powerful sub. The same sub who had taken down Master Joe in training.

"That's a good answer, my boy," Mr Lance laughed. "I can see a lot of potential in you, boy. No one can fake that sort of mastery of submissiveness and pleasure. You've got something. You're going to do well here with that dedication to the company," Mr Lance began tidying himself up and gathering his notes. "I'll be passing on my positive feedback about you to others, and to your Owner, of course, he'll be very pleased with how well you're doing." Mr Lance looped an arm around Steve's waist, "Hope to see you again soon, boy," Mr Lance gave him a quick kiss and with that left the boardroom.

"Thank you, Sir," Steve whispered, almost shaking with giddiness.

Steve's really turned the tide with being a sub. Will he continue on his upward trajectory? How does Mark feel about all this? Check in next time!

Next: Chapter 14

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