Dog Days Are Beginning

By Henry Wolf

Published on Dec 22, 2022


Dog Days Are Beginning Chapter 14: Holiday Special Henry Wolf

Happy Holidays and Season's Greetings! I hope everyone is keeping safe and well and enjoying the festive season wherever you are and whoever you are with. I'll be taking a short break from this series until the New Year, but fret not I have special festive chapter for you. It's kind of cheesy as I wanted something a bit light-hearted for the season that's in it, but don't worry it's erotic too! I'm now on Twitter. Find me @PupWolf12. If you would like to get in touch, you can also email me at

Note: Warning: this series contains violent behaviour and explicit sexual scenes. The events in this story are purely fantasy. All characters are 21+ years old. In real life, please show respect and practise safe and consensual sex.

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"You really outdid yourself this year, babe," Mark kissed Steve. They were both lounging on the couch, wrapping paper strewn on the floor around them. It was Christmas morning and the men had just finished exchanging gifts with one another.

"You too, babe. A lot of surprises," Steve hugged his husband. "And thanks for letting me take a break from submission for the holidays," Steve rubbed Mark's arm. Mark and Steve had agreed to take a break from the Dom/sub roles for the holidays. The past few months had been intense on both of them so wanted a reprieve where they could step back from their roles and return to how they had been before Steve's internship and training. So, they were back to calling each other by their names and Steve was allowed to wear Norm clothes and sit on furniture. It was strange to fall back into their old ways but it was the easiest thing to do with visitors calling and the trips they were to make to friends and family. Steve had been enjoying some parts of his journey into subdom, but he had to admit he did miss some parts of being a Norm, so the Christmas break from work, being submissive and wearing the collar and jockstrap all the time was extra special.

"No worries, you're welcome, babe. It's intense to have to be sub and do that stuff all the time. I know that's what you are now, but you really deserved a break. You earned it after everything you've been through. Plus being a Dom can be exhausting so I needed a break too," Mark laughed, jostling Steve and feigning falling asleep. "Sometimes it's nice to just be with my husband without all the bells and whistles, you know?"

Steve laughed with Mark. "My poor Dom," Steve petted Mark's head as his husband laid on him. "But yes, I agree. I think it's nice to just be with each other sometimes without all the other stuff," Steve rubbed Mark's hair, caressing him as they watched a cheesy Christmas film on TV.

Mark and Steve had finished the film and settled down after the excitement of the gifts. They still had time before the rest of their Christmas Day plans. They were going to Mark's parents for Christmas lunch and then onto Steve's parents for the evening for supper. It involved a lot of food so they had kept their breakfast light. With that in mind, Mark had an idea of how to burn a bit of time before they had to leave.

"I've got one last surprise for you," Mark sat up, a mischievous grin on his face.

"Another present? You're the best. You shouldn't have," Steve smiled.

"It's a bit stupid. You don't have to wear it, but I thought it would be a bit of fun," Mark handed Steve a wrapped package.

"I'm intrigued," Steve raised an eye-brow, tearing open the wrapping paper. He burst out laughing when he got the paper off. It was a reindeer costume, but... sexy. There was a red collar, a harness with jingle bells, a headband with antlers, and shorts with a short fluffy tail. "You want me to wear this?"

"Only if you want to," Mark was acting a surprisingly coy. It made a big change to his domineering personality as of late. "I thought it could be a funny and sexy Christmas activity."

"Does someone have a Christmas fantasy? Want me to be your Rudolph?" Steve poked Mark in the ribs and tickled him.

"Don't be mean," Mark laughed, squirming under Steve.

"Sorry, I shouldn't kink shame," Steve held his hands up. "It's completely valid if that's what you're into," Steve reassured Mark. "Even if you want to dress in a Santa suit while I dress in this, that's cool with me."

Mark glanced sideways at Steve.

"Oh my God, do you have a Santa suit for yourself?" Steve smiled.

"I might have gotten one to go with the reindeer costume," Mark shrugged.

"Brilliant," Steve laughed.

"Want to try them out now? We've some time to kill?"

"Let's do it."

"What do you think?" Steve strolled into their bedroom clad in the costume, the bells on the harness jingling with every step.

"Very hot," Mark smiled. "You look really good in it. Cute antlers and I love the little tail," Mark chuckled as Steve turned around and gave his butt a little jiggle.

"You too," Steve nodded to Mark who had a Santa hat on with a Santa jacket opened baring his naked chest and torso underneath. He also had red boxer briefs and black boots on. "Sexy Santa," Steve ran his hands down the fabric of the jacket and pulled Mark into a kiss.

Mark wrapped his arms around Steve, feeling up and down his back, the bells jingling as Mark's hands hit off them.

Steve's twirled his tongue around Mark's, "Mmm, do I taste cinnamon on you?"

"I got a festive breath spray," Mark explained between kisses. "There's a different scent or flavour on different parts of my body."

"You've really gone all out Mr Claus," Steve squeezed Mark's large pecs to which Mark groaned. He didn't know if his husband was groaning over the physical affection or from being called Mr Claus. Either way, he was happy Mark was getting his fantasy.

Steve sucked on Mark's neck, tasting more of his husband's festive scent on the skin. This time it was spiced apple. He made his way down Mark's body, kissing his chest and abs, all the way down to his crotch. He teased him a bit, kissing his inner thighs and moving closer towards the crotch.

Mark fell backwards onto the bed, unable to stand from all the delicate kisses on his body. He was moaning already from being caressed on sensitive spots.

"Let's see what Santa's got in his sack for Rudolph," Steve was enjoying egging on Mark. He wanted to tease his husband so he could get the most out of the experience. "Is it a carrot? A sausage? Looks like it's a thick piece of juicy meat," Steve pulled down Mark's underwear.

"Yeah, taste Santa's meat," Mark was almost begging Steve to put his dick in his mouth, he was so hard from all the foreplay.

"Ok, Santa, I'll take care of you," Steve swirled his tongue around Mark's cock head, pulling back the foreskin and getting the head nice and wet. Steve tried to figure out what flavour was on his husband's cock. "Is that... a Christmas cookie?"

"Bingo," Mark petted Steve's hair, gently patting the fake antlers.

"It makes your cock taste even sweeter than usual," Steve kissed down the length of his husband's dick, holding the sizeable shaft against his cheek. He took the cock into his mouth again and bobbed his head back and forth, moving his head down the shaft. The warm sugary taste of the festive flavour filled Steve's mouth. Truth be told, the multitude of tastes and sensations was a feast for his senses, so Steve was getting as much out of this experience as Mark was.

Mark held onto the antlers, directing Steve to move back and forth down the shaft of his dick. The bells added to atmosphere and as clinked with every movement. "Oh yeah, baby, that's it," Mark moaned.

Steve continued to pleasure Mark's cock, saliva and precum slobbering out of his mouth and down his chair.

"Ok, now my ass," Mark told Steve, pulling his cock free from his husband's mouth. He grabbed both of his legs and positioned himself so his feet were by his head and his butt was sticking into the air. Mark hadn't been in this compromising a position since before Steve's training, so it was for Steve to see it again.

"Sure thing, Santa," Steve smiled. He moved forward and licked around his husband's hole getting it wet. His glided his tongue around the hole, rotating it in circles. He got the taste of cranberries on Mark's hole. It was practically tasting a Christmas dinner on his husband's body.

Steve grew hard listening to his Mark's groans of pleasure from having his ass eaten. He stopped swirling his tongue around the perimeter and stuck his tongue right in the centre of his husband's hole, causing Mark to flinch and yell with unexpected pleasure.

"Right there, baby, that's so good," Mark could barely ring a sentence together.

"You like that, baby?"

"I love it, thank you babe."

Steve continued like that for a few minutes until his jaw grew sore.

Mark took the hint and said, "Ok, now I want to ride Rudolph." He got off and bed and pointed towards it. "Lay down."

Steve lay on his back on the bed.

Mark removed Steve's underwear and caressed his husband's cock. He lubed it up, rubbing it all over the shaft until it pointed perpendicularly to Steve's body.

Steve shuddered. It had been so long since someone had taken of his sexual needs. What with training and work and putting everyone else's needs before him, they hadn't had time to focus on what Steve wanted. Now that he was being taken care of, he had to concentrate on not ejaculating too early.

With his other hand, Mark lubed up his on hole. It was wet from Steve's tongue earlier, but Mark wanted some extra lubrication. He gently stuck one, two, three, then four of his fingers inside, making sure his insides were thoroughly coated and that his sphincter was relaxed to take his husband's cock. "Ready?" Mark asked.

"Yes, Santa. Ride your reindeer," Steve just sat back and relaxed, his arms stretched behind his head as he enjoyed the ride (laughing internally at his double-entendre). He gazed at his husband in his Santa getup.

Mark's muscular body was all tense as he braced himself to take a dick up his ass. A light coating of sweat glistened against his brown skin. He lowered himself down onto Steve's dick, taking in some deep breaths as the cock head pressed against his hole and pushed passed the sphincter and was in. Mark's thighs and calves were bulging as they held his weight as he moved up and down on Steve's cock.

Steve threw his head back in pleasure as Mark's insides squeezed his cock, sending pleasure through his shaft.

Mark went up and down his husband's cock, gradually lowering himself to the base of the cock, the head hitting against his prostate. All of a sudden, the pain turned to pleasure and Mark's eyes rolled backwards. He was in the throngs of orgasmic sensations.

"You love Rudolph's big dick in your ass, Santa?" Mark asked.

"Oh, I love it, babe. You feel so big inside me. Feels so good," Mark was panting and groaning from the intensity of bouncing on his husband's cock and from the pleasure spreading through his body with every collision against his prostate.

Steve decided to take it up a notch. He braced himself against the bed and thrust his hips every time Mark lowered himself down so he was pumping into him, causing an even more intense contact with the prostate.

The two men increased their speed, Mark bouncing even more and Steve pumping his hips into Mark. They both groaned as the intensity grew and they grew closer to the edge until finally Mark came, hands-free, sending cum flying every. At the same time, Steve came inside Mark, sending squirts of cum inside Mark's hole.

Both Mark and Steve erupted into yells of pleasure. They shook as the orgasms passed through them, their bodies sensitive and all their senses heightened.

Mark climbed off Steve's dick, his legs wobbly from the intense workout. Cum dripped from his hole. He fell on top of Steve, wrapping up in his arms. They both lay there for a few minutes, regaining their breath as their heartbeats beat against their chests.

"That was so hot," Mark said finally.

"The best in a long time," Steve held his husband and kissed his forehead.

"Thanks, Rudolph," Mark smirked.

"You're welcome, Santa," Steve kissed Mark, tasting his husband and all the festive flavours mixed up into one in his mouth. They lay there in each other's arms, dozing off for a quick nap; the quiet jingle of the bells tinkled as slept.

There we have it. The last chapter I will be releasing in 2021. I hope that wasn't too cheesy for you! They series will continue in the New Year. For now, wishing you all the very best. Stay safe, take care, and see you on the flipside! Henry xxx

Next: Chapter 15

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