Dog Days Are Beginning

By Henry Wolf

Published on Jan 27, 2023


Dog Days Are Beginning Chapter 16: Gentlemen's Club and Other Vices Henry Wolf

Apologies for the lateness of the new chapter. I've had a lot going lately but I can assure you the next few chapters will be juicy! If you would like to get in touch, find me on Twitter @PupWolf12 or you can also email me at

Note: Warning: this series contains violent behaviour and explicit sexual scenes. The events in this story are purely fantasy. All characters are 21+ years old. In real life, please show respect and practise safe and consensual sex.

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"Thank you, Mr Rashid, it's great to have you as part of the family," Mr Goldman shook the other man's hand as they exited the boardroom. He had just secured an account from a very rich CEO.

"I look forward to working together," Mr Rashid flashed his pearly white teeth, his Persian accent beautifully inflecting his speech.

"Likewise, and as a celebration of our partnership, we'd like to invite you and your men to our exclusive Gentleman's Club," Mr Goldman lead Mr Rashid, his men, and some of the Goldman and Price senior staff down the corridor to a private room. It had low mood lighting, plush leather furniture, oak tables, and shelves stocked with drink.

"Ah, very impressive," Mr Rashid smiled.

"Have a seat," Mr Goldman gestured to other men, twenty in total. "For your use any time you like. Think of it as a home away from home."

"You are too kind," Mr Rashid made a respectful bow and lowered himself onto a brown leather seat.

"You are also free to use these whenever you like. Boys," Mr Goldman called, and with that, four men entered. Stan, Filipe, Malik, and Steve entered the room dressed in nothing but black jockstraps and bowties around their necks, looking like sharply dressed subs. They had been told to switch out the silver collars for the occasion, and had been given strict direction of the importance of the event. It was an honour after all to be serving for such a high-profile client.

"Ahh, how glorious," Mr Rashid drew his ring-laden fingers wide. "This is what I like to see. You are really spoiling us Mr Goldman."

"Nothing but the best here at Goldman and Price," Mr Goldman smiled.

"I have definitely made the right decision," Mr Rashid smiled as the four subs filtered around the men, serving them glasses of whiskey and cigars. The men touched the subs' bodies as they served, smacking their butts, caressing their torsos, and petting their heads.

Steve spotted Mark in the crowd. He must've been part of the negotiations, Steve thought. They didn't usually see much of each other during work, but as Steve was helping out more with the senior staff, their paths seemed to cross more with. Steve made a beeline for Mark, serving him a glass of whiskey and a cigar. He gave Mark a nod, knowing to stay silent as ordered.

Mark looked solemn, but said "thanks, boy," and squeezed Steve's hand. It was a strange circumstance for both of them. Steve serving his husband almost naked at work in front of his colleagues who were fully clothed in suits, while Mark had to sit there and be served by his husband and try to enjoy the merriment. But they both got on with their perspective roles.

Sweet cigar smoke and the clinking of glassed filled the air. Chatting and laughter came from the men as the celebrated their new arrangement and the subs did their due diligence to serve as waiting staff. That was until one of Goldman's men suggested the subs make out.

"Go ahead, boys, give us a good show, up on the centre table," Mr Goldman said and the room turned to the four subs.

The subs put away the trays and climbed atop the large wooden table in the centre. Steve and Filipe started kissing while Malik and Stan did the same. Filipe was quite gentle and the two men held onto each other. Steve would've almost enjoyed it had it not been for the twenty men staring at them, making comments and low groaning sounds.

"You've got some hot boys," Mr Rashid laughed.

"These are our top subs in our internship programme. They're learning quite fast and are very good at lending a helping hand... and mouth if you get what I mean," Mr Goldman jibed and the room filled with raucous laughter.

"I think I'd like to see that," Mr Rashid said after the laughter had died down.

"Of course," Mr Goldman said. "Alright, you heard him. Let's put those mouths to some good use," he clicked his fingers and the subs got off the table and made their rounds. They each circulated, giving oral pleasure to various men, licking their balls, eating their ass, and slurping on their cocks.

After Steve had sucked his fourth cock, Mr Rashid looked at Steve who was sucking his dick, finally noticing his peculiar accessories and asked, "Why does this one have a plug inside him?"

"Ah, this one is special. His owner is actually sitting right over there," Mr Goldman gestured towards Mark. "Mark here is one of our finest senior men. His husband here is his sub, fully owns him. He likes to keep him all locked up. It's actually proven to be quite effective in his boy's improved performance as part of the internship. Why don't you show us how locked up you are, boy? Let's see that cage. I actually recommended to Mark to add this," Mr Goldman said as an aside, smirking to the other men.

Steve removed his jockstrap. There were a few sniggers and a couple of people saying how hot it was. Steve could feel his face burning. From the looks of the other subs, they were obviously as surprised as the men. Even they weren't as restricted as he was.

"A very hot boy," Mr Rashid leaned forward. "You have him trained well. Good to keep your property all sealed up. Keeps them sharp. Focussed." He nodded in approval to Mark.

"Thank you, Sir," Mark took the compliment for his boy. He appreciated the gratitude. It helped his standing amongst the company and also with the client to have status and power, and flaunting the power he had over his husband and sub did exactly that.

"You're obviously a powerful man, and an even great Dom I suspect," Mr Rashid had a gleam in his eye. Some hidden meaning blossomed in his dark eyes as he grinned at Mark. Neither Steve nor Mark could figure out what was going on in that head of his.

"I would love to see a Dom take control over his sub. Why don't you give us a glimpse into your world? I have boys of course but it's always nice to see how another Dom does things," Mr Rashid gestured towards the cock cage and plug.

Mark hesitated. What was he to do? He wasn't the hard taskmaster that Mr Rashid was suggesting he was, but the accessories made it seem like he was. He couldn't wuss out now though or he'd be putting his position in the company in jeopardy. They'd think he was a fake and that could screw up his chances at advancing or being given high profile accounts. He had to go through with it. He looked at Mr Goldman who just smirked, nodded and took a swig of his drink. With an internal sigh, Mark got to his feet.

"Over here, boy," Mark stood in a clear space so everyone could see. He gulped, trying to hide his nerves. He'd have to put on a real show to impress the others. He clicked his fingers and pointed to his feet, "kneel."

Steve crawled over and sat on his haunches beside Mark.

"Good, boy," Mark petted Steve's head.

"Thank you, Sir," Steve looked up at his owner and then lowered his head, bowing with respect and sitting close to Mark's legs. He kept his gaze on the floor, his breathing calm. He'd have to keep his composure in front of all the high-status men looking at him and his Master. He knew not to be humiliated even though it was tough and he could feel his face reddening. He just had to return to his sub mantra, reminding himself this is where he belonged and it was normal to be in this position. The sub space helped him get comfortable. Mark beside him also allowed him to enter a safe space where he could be his sub self. Mark kept a warm hand on Steve's head. It was firm yet reassuring, reminding Steve of Mark's power and ownership but also his supportive presence and love.

"What a beautiful sight," Mr Goldman clapped his hands together. The men in the room were overjoyed at what they were looking upon: a Master standing proudly next to his owned sub sitting at his feet. Some of them had to reposition themselves in their seats, clearly hard by the scene.

"You can see the Dom's power and control over the sub's subservience. He accepts his role and ownership under his Master's hand," Mr Rashid stroked his chin.

Both Mark and Steve felt self-conscious by the comments and by being analysed as if they were a part of a study. They knew they would have to forget the onlookers and get into their respective roles or else they'd be undermined by their own nerves.

"Why don't you show us how a Dom uses his boy," Mr Rashid smiled.

Mark hesitated. A beat skipped. "Sure," Mark said finally. "Boy, you know what to do. Unzip my pants."

Steve turned to Mark and unzipped the pants, pulling down the underwear, and holding Mark's large cock in his hands. He stroked the shaft but Mark was already quite hard. He licked up and down the shaft, passing his tongue along Mark's sweaty balls, down the shaft and onto the sensitive head.

Mark moaned, balling his fists and throwing his head back.

"Let's hear some dirty talk," one of the men shouted and a few of them laughed.

Mark looked around, unsure, but pulled himself together, getting creative to put on a good show. "Come on, boy, make love to my dick. Afterall, it's the only dick in this relationship. You no longer have one," Mark gave the cock cage around Steve's dick a few light taps with his shoe. With that there were hoots and cackles from the men who were both getting a kick out of the comedy of the humiliation but also getting quite turned on by the Dom/sub play.

"I never knew Mark had it in him," one of the men said.

Steve moved the cock in and out of his mouth, deepthroating it to the joy of the onlookers. He glanced sideways with, hilariously, the cock still moving in and out of his mouth at the other subs who were standing by the wall looking on at the scene. Filipe nodded reassuringly. Malik clicked his fingers, showing his praise at Steve being a high-quality sub in front of the crowd. Stan's expression was hilarious. His face seemed to be a mixture of shock, jealousy, and arousal.

Steve felt the familiar feeling of power rise up through his body from deep within. It grew from his subservience. He imagined it like a light spreading out and shining from him body, casting a heavenly glow across the room at the men as they all looked at him, transfixed, dumb, unable to take their eyes off his hot body, his beautifully locked cock, his muscular biceps as they gripped his Master's legs, his neck encircled in the bowtie, and his wet lips as they wrapped around his owner's cock. In a way, Steve held all the men in his hands. They were his, he owned them with his sexuality, with his submissiveness, they ate every second of it up, he could make them all cum without touching them. That was Steve's power and he relished in it.

Something took over Steve and he felt stronger than ever. He was ignited; he pulled Mark's cock out of his mouth and got to Mark's face and stared into his eyes. "Fuck me, Sir," he climbed onto the oak desk, putting his head on the cool wood and arching his back. "I want my Master's big dick in my pussy. Use your pussy, Sir. You own it."

Mark looked shocked. He had never heard those words come out of Steve's mouth before. He's like some fierce power bottom all of a sudden, Mark thought. No one noticed Mark's shock as all the men were howling with the intensity of the scene. Some were actively stroking themselves.

Steve looked back over his shoulder at Mark, giving him a look, coaxing him on, daring him to get into the Dom role more. It was like they were in a film. They were the two actors and the men were the audience. Steve was clearly doing his bidding to get the Oscar while Mark was just warming up. He needed to step up and meet Steve's energy to commit to the performance.

"Alright, boy, but you'll have to beg better than that. Only good subs get fucked by their Masters," Mark turned the plug in Steve's hole, to which Steve moaned.

"Please, Sir. Fuck your sub. You own that hole. It's yours. It's where your cock belongs. It's made for your pleasure."

Hilariously, some of the men weren't able to handle all the sex talk between the Dom and sub and shot their load over their suits early.

"Such a good, boy," Mark slowly pulled the plug out of Steve. It slid out with a satisfying slurp, showing Steve's loosened hole. "Ready, boy?" Mark pushed into Steve, whose hole was plenty lubed up already.

"Uh, Sir, you're so big. I love your cock inside me."

"You feel so good, boy." Mark pushed in and out of Steve. Although Steve had been loosened up, Mark's cock was so big that his shaft pressed against Steve's insides, filling up the sub even more than the plug.

The other men were taking it all in. A master in a crisp suit, standing bent over his naked sub lying on a table. The power dynamic between the two was mouth watering to them.

Mark sped up, ploughing into his subs hole. "I love being inside my property and using it," he shouted.

Steve was impressed. Mark was taking it all in stride. But some of what he was hearing was pretty hot. His sub space made it even more pleasurable to be used like this by his Master in front of onlookers. He zoned out, ignoring everything else but his Master's cock. He focussed on pleasuring nothing but Mark's cock, clasping the muscles in his hole around the shaft, sending pleasure through his own body and onto Mark's cock, which sent pleasure throughout Mark.

"Oh my God, your hole is amazing, boy," Mark threw his head back, panting in pleasure.

Steve crossed his eyes as waves of pleasure filled him. He could only groan a "Sir" in response. This wasn't acting. They weren't playing characters. They both felt the pleasure, power, and intensity of one another, never having felt closer to one another. Their bodies were joined as one as Steve and Mark, Dom and sub, Owner and property, melted away. They were just one complete being, two parts of one whole that made what they had very special.

Both Mark and Steve felt themselves grow ever closer. Mark's cock pulsed, growing even harder within Steve as his cock hit off of Steve's prostrate and Steve's hole clamped around Mark's cock. They breathed faster until they both erupted, Mark sending ropes of hot cum into Steve, and Steve shot hands-free inside his cock cage, the cum leaking down his torso. Their shouts filled the room to a resounding cheer and applause. Many of the men had managed to synchronise their orgasms to Mark and Steve, joining in the orgy of pleasure.

"Bravo!" Mr Rashid and Mr Goldman stood and clapped as if they were giving a standing ovation at a play.

Mark lay down on Steve, resting his sweaty head on Steve's back, catching his breath. Steve lay there on the table, in orgasmic ecstasy, breathing heavily too. "Well done. That was so good, thanks, boy," Mark reached down and kissed Steve deeply.

"Thank you, Sir. Good job to you as well," Steve smiled up at his Owner.

"Well, that was mighty entertaining," Mr Goldman laughed, clapping Mark on the back. "I don't think there was a man in here who wasn't aroused."

"Very impressive Dom and sub relationship," Mr Rashid came up to them. "It was a thing of beauty to watch."

"Thank you," Mark nodded to both men.

"No, thank you," Mr Rashid smiled at Mark. "I think you will do very well in business. You show conviction and power to lead, and your sub here will do quite well too. His ability to be subservient and flexible to the needs of others, putting their pleasure ahead of his own. I could see all of this in what you just showed. Well done both of you."

"Thank you, Sir," both Mark and Steve said.

"Well, this sub deserves a shower, and maybe a bed to rest," Mr Rashid laughed, petting Steve's head. "One question, though, when you were sucking me, was my dick better than your Master, boy?"

Steve was dumbfounded, both by the question and the fact that he was still coming down of his orgasmic high. "Uhh...," he stumbled. He felt torn between his loyalty to Mark as his Master and to staying in the good books with Mr Rashid as their brand-new shiny client. Afterall, the customer is always right in business, right? Would it be more polite to say Mr Rashid or did he owe his unquestionable devotion to his Master? All these thoughts passed through Steve's head in a matter of seconds but it felt like a lifetime.

"I joke," Mr Rashid before Steve could answer. "The subs face looked horrified not knowing which way to answer. Very diplomatic, boy. Another very good quality. Well done," Mr Rashid caressed his face.

Steve couldn't help but spot Mark's angry. Was he pissed by Mr Rashid's question? Or the fact that Steve hadn't answered by saying his Master had a better cock straight away? Even though Mr Rashid had been joking, it had been enough to make Mark feel emasculated. Steve sighed internally; he'd hear more of this when he went home.

And with that the Gentlemen's Club came to an end. The men cleared out while the subs tidied up, the other subs giving Steve praise, even Stan, surprisingly, who had a new respect for Steve's power as a sub.

Well, I hope you all enjoyed the Gentlemen's Club? This scene was one of the very first I had envisioned when I was creating the series, so I am glad I was finally able to include it. Plus, it was very hot to write!

As for what happens next, how does Mark feel about being emasculated? Find out next time!

Next: Chapter 17

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