Dogs in Love

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on May 5, 2004




by Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


"Arf, arf, arf!" Bosco said as he jumped up and down, his dark brown body bouncing stiff-legged up and down, it was like he was jumping without moving his legs at all.

"Come on boy, get the stick, get the stick!" I said as I waggled the stick for him. I drew the stick back and Bosco landed, crouched. I threw the stick toward the other end of the dog run and Bosco bounded at it, running full-tilt, ran to the stick, his teeth missed it at first he was so eager to get it, then he tried again, one paw lifted up an edge for him, he got it in the air, then tossed it slightly and snapped it again and, the stick firmly in his teeth, trotted proudly back to me.

"Good boy!" I told him. "Good boy!"

Bosco got up to me and we tussled for the stick, Bosco never liked to let go of the stick, so we had a brief tug of war and I said, "Give it to me, boy, give it to me!" and Bosco released the stick, swirled around, began to bounce up and down again as before.

"Come on, boy, come on, get the stick!" I started the litany again.

And Bosco's head turned from the stick, he landed suddenly, his body stock still. Then his head tilted to one side, his ears perked upright and he said inquisitively, "Grr-ruh?"

I looked to see where he was looking. My new neighbor was bringing his dog in to the dog run.

The landlord had been a genius choosing to set this area aside for a dog run instead of a pool. It was great to have a place where you could exercise your dog, play with him, let him run around free and chase sticks and catch Frisbees. So many places have rules against dogs as pets, but this landlord permitted it, even encouraged it.

This new guy had me perking my own ears up. Blond hair carelessly combed with a part down the middle, his face long and round-cheeked but pleasant and friendly, his body was smoothly muscular instead of bulging, his very aura exuded "boy next door", wearing a black t-shirt and cut-off faded blue jeans over old, dirty sneakers. Bosco barked and then I noticed the neighbor's dog, a German Shepherd with a black back and muzzle; most of his body was the same dark brown as my own Bosco, who was a Border-Collie/Terrier mix. This German Shepherd walked beside his owner neat and orderly, almost as if on a leash.

"Hello." I said.

"Howdy." He said back to me, his accent that indefinable thing that said "Texan" to the accomplished ear. It's a blend of Southern accent and Western drawl that you just don't hear anywhere else. Actors try to imitate it on television and usually do it badly. This was the real article.

Bosco moved towards them and I said, "Bosco, heel!" Bosco stopped but didn't come back. He was intent on the German Shepherd. The German Shepherd didn't look threatened. "I think our dogs want to get to know each other." I said to my neighbor.

"Guess we'd better see if they'll get along." he allowed. "Duke, go ahead, boy!"

Our dogs circled each other carefully, then Bosco approached and they touched muzzles. The German Shepherd licked Bosco's nose.

"I think they like each other." my neighbor said. "My name's Denny." He stuck out his hand at me like a Jack-In-The-Box popping up.

"Frank." I shook his hand. Nice firm grip; when a Texan shakes your hand, he doesn't let go right away, kind of hangs onto it that second longer which makes it intimate. Not rushing it, if you see what I mean. Then his hand just fell away slowly. I looked back at our dogs, Bosco was now standing side-by-side with Duke, nose-to-tail on each of them, and they were sniffing.

"Looks like they're getting along all right." I agreed.

"Yep." Denny said.

Now Bosco had moved around so he could cram his entire nose into Duke's butt. I find that site somewhat nauseating myself, and since the dogs were definitely not going to get into a fight, I turned my entire attention to Denny. "So, Denny, do you live alone?" I asked with what I hoped was casual interest.

"Yep." Denny said and my face broke into a grin.

"Me, too." I said. "You seeing anybody right now?" Okay, upon reflection, I wasn't being that subtle, but Denny didn't seem to mind.

"Just moved here from Austin." he confided in me. "Haven't been around much yet. But I like it out here."

"I'm glad to hear that." I said.

"N-rahr-rahr-rahr!" I heard from nearby and turned.

"Oh, my God!" I breathed when I saw it. Bosco and Duke weren't fighting, that was for sure. "Bosco, cut that out!" I said. How can I put this delicately? I can't. Bosco was hiked up on Duke's ass and was in the process of butt-fucking the German Shepherd. Duke was standing still for it, a blissful look on his face.

"Shit!" Denny said.

"Bosco, come here!" I ordered. "Heel, boy, heel!"

Bosco paused, looked abashed, but he didn't heel, either.

"Bosco." I said sharply.

"Ah, let him alone." Denny said. "Dogs do that sort of thing. It don't mean nothing."

"I'm sorry." I said, turning to Denny, my face burning in embarrassment at my pet's actions. "He's never done anything like that before."

"Well, he's doing it now." Denny observed.

"I'll pull him off." I said.

Denny's hand stopped me. "Aw, let him alone. Dogs just want to have fun." He said.

"You don't care that my dog is...on top of your dog?"

Bosco apparently finished with his, uh, business and got down from Duke. Duke seemed blase about having just gotten fucked by Bosco, he moved around Bosco and sniffed Bosco's butt.

Then hiked up on top of Bosco!

"Oh, God!" I sighed.

"At least they're taking turns." Denny laughed.

I looked at Denny, then covered my face with my hand. "I'm mortified." I said.

"Not your fault." Denny said. "A dog's gotta do what a dog's gotta do."

"But do they have to do it in public?" I sighed. I thought about objecting to Duke fucking Bosco, but after Denny had been so gracious about his dog being on the receiving end, I couldn't think of how to get upset about it.

Duke finished up soon to my intense relief, and the two dogs took to running around the park, chasing each other or just seeing the rather limited sights together. They found a long stick (the dog run had a bunch of sticks lying around loose for dogs to tussle with one way or another) and Bosco got one end and Duke the other, and they began their own tug-of-war.

"Looks like Duke's already found himself a new friend." Denny said as his hand came over and landed on my shoulder. I felt that hand, felt it a lot.

"Yeah, I guess he has." I said. Duke and Bosco began to play-fight, rolling around and around in the grass. They were like best friends.

We got them chasing sticks; Duke and Bosco didn't seem to care which of the two sticks we threw they got, but they always brought the back to their own owner. We got them well exercised and I said, "Well, I'd better get Bosco back home now."

"Nice talking to you." Denny said by way of farewell.

"Come on, Bosco, come on!" I said.

Bosco didn't want to leave, I had to grab his collar and tug him out of the dog run. He walked back with me, then, but it was the saddest looking thing you ever saw. "Don't worry, boy, you'll see your new friend again some time." I said.

A half hour after I got him indoors, Bosco jumped up and ran to the door and started pawing at it, whining.

"What is it, boy?" I said and opened the door. No screen and no way to see out besides opening the door, I opened it and Bosco darted out before I could catch him.

Outside, Denny was taking Duke back to his own apartment. Bosco ran out to Duke and those two dogs were crazily happy to see each other.

"Hello, Bosco." Denny said.

"Sorry, Denny!" I called from the door. "He just darted out when I opened the door."

"That's okay."

"Oh, good grief!" was my reply. Bosco was fucking Duke again, right in the middle of the courtyard. A couple of the neighbor kids giggled, and Denny just laughed. I ran out wearing just my shorts and grabbed Bosco's collar, but the dogs just sort of walked themselves around so I couldn't pull Bosco off. We circled, me very aware that these shorts, while they sort of looked like regular shorts, were in fact a pair of silk boxers and gapped open when I wasn't careful. Denny just stood there and laughed at my predicament, though I know now that he was looking me over pretty carefully, too. For one thing, my boxers had gapped open and he got a look at my cock inside them. This was all stuff he admitted to me later, all I knew then was that he thought our dogs fucking in public was funny.

"We can't let them do this!" I said when I finally got hold of Bosco's collar and could separate the two.

"You're making too big a deal out of this." Denny said. "They're just dogs, dogs are going to do that."

"Not my dog, not in public." I said emphatically.

"So what do you want to do?" Denny asked. "These two seem to be madly in love with each other."

"They're just dogs, they.... Oh, hell!"I said. Duke had taken advantage of me holding Bosco still and had gotten up on him. I pulled Bosco forward and Duke walked with him, hanging onto Bosco's back, a walking fuck.

"Love will find a way." Denny said.

"Stop laughing and help me here!" I snapped and that ended Denny's mirth.

"All right, man, cool it." He said and pulled Duke away. "Didn't mean to get you upset, man. We'll keep them apart from now on."

"Good." I said and dragged Bosco back to my apartment. For the first time since he was a puppy, Bosco whined most of the night.

That next morning, I had Bosco on a leash and that was all that kept him from jumping Duke's bones again when we passed Denny bringing Duke back from his morning walk. It took Bosco forever to get to his business; I was nearly late for work. That evening, I had to block Bosco from running out the door the minute I got there. Denny was in the dog run playing with Duke, wearing those same black t-shirt and cut-offs; I decided Bosco could wait until Denny was done for his walkie.

Bosco scratched the door and whimpered, looked over at me with eyes so big and sad. "Damn it, Bosco!" I said to him. "What am I going to do?"

Bosco looked at the door, whined, and scratched it with one paw, looking back at me over his shoulder.

"Oh, hell, let's go!" I said. I pulled on my sneakers over my bare feet and went out the door, still wearing my business suit pants and white shirt.

"Hey, guy!" Denny said. "I'll take Duke indoors now so you can use the dog run."

"That's okay." I said. "Only...I don't want them doing it in public. I mean, these dogs have got the hots for each other."

"They're definitely in love." Denny said, looking at them. Duke was just hopping up onto Bosco's back and Bosco looked deliriously happy.

"Yeah, they're in something all right." I agreed. "But what can we do? Other people come into this dog run."

Denny thought about it. "Let's take them indoors, then. Come on, we'll go to my place and let them just fuck their brains out. Maybe they'll get tired of it."

I laughed. "I didn't think anyone ever got tired of it."

He laughed, too. "Yeah, but dogs aren't people. Maybe we can just let them fuck themselves out. Ought to slow them down. Come on, we'll order pizza or something and watch them fuck."

"A regular peep show." I said. But I got Bosco's collar and Denny grabbed Duke when Duke finished and we led them back to Denny's place. Bosco didn't fight it as long as we were following Duke.

Denny's apartment was an efficiency, which I knew, all he had besides a few personal effects was a small bed and a television set perched on the bar that separated the kitchen area from the rest of the place where he could lie on the bed and watch it. The wall had pink wallpaper and some pictures I knew were left over from the last tenant; you didn't move here if you were fussy about your accommodations.

I sat on the foot of the bed while Denny stretched out on the length of it. Bosco and Duke were in a butt-sniffing competition.

"I think they're trying to decide who gets fucked first." Denny opined.

Alone with just Denny who obviously didn't care about it made me relax a lot. "So go ahead, Bosco. Mount that German hunk and give him a taste of American dog-dick!"

"Hey, Duke's an All-American dog." Denny defended his own taste in breeds. "Aren't you, boy?" he said to Duke.

Bosco stepped around behind Duke and I said, talking for Bosco, "Yeah, this butt is mine, isn't it, daddy?" Bosco looked up at me when I said Daddy for him, and I said, "Watch me fuck him, daddy!" Bosco hiked up on top of Duke and I said, "Hang on, stud, here it comes!"

"Oh, yeah, give me that hard dick!" Denny said for Duke. Two dog lovers saying the words their dogs wanted to say; at least that's the theory.

"Yeah, get it in you. Uf, here it comes!"

"Ooh, yeah, love that dick!" Denny said as Duke's head rose up and his eyes closed somewhat. "Love that big dick in me, come on, fuck me stud, fuck me hard."

"Yeah, gonna fuck you hard, bitch, really hard!" I said. "Uh, uh, uh, yeah!"

"Come on, fuck me harder, fuck me harder!"

"Oh, yeah, good ass, good ass, uh, uh, uh!"

"Yeah, come on, shoot that load, fucker, shoot it in me!"

"Yeah, yeah, uh, uh...ooh-yeah!" Bosco had given a burst of speed and stopped. I yodeled out an orgasm for him. "Uh, uh-huh, GUH-HUNNKK!"

"Ooh, yeah, nice, juicy load in me, love that cream, love it!" Denny said.

Bosco got off of Duke and I shifted my position on the bed, and that's when I realized I had the biggest, hard boner I'd had in a long time. My shorts pinched my dick and I reached in and shifted it.

"Enjoying the show?" Denny asked me.

"Huh?" I looked at him, his back against the headboard, sitting on his pillow, legs splayed out. He'd kicked off his sneakers and was barefoot, one hand rested on his crotch. I looked at it as I answered. "Yeah, I guess I am."

"I know what you mean." Denny said. "Sex is sex, even when it's two dogs doing it."

"Us talking for the dogs didn't help any." I pointed out.

"Oh, yeah, give it to me, stud, give it to me." Denny said. I looked down, Duke was mounting Bosco.

"Oh, yeah, shove it in me." I said, but the words came out sort of soft and distant rather than loud and raunchy.

"You want it, don't you, man?"

"Yeah, give it to me, give it to me hard." I said for Bosco, watching the dogs as Duke plunged his dog-dick into Bosco.

Then I felt two hands on my shoulders, hard, warm hands. I leaned my head straight back and looked up into Denny's face upside-down above me.

"Why should the dogs have all the fun here tonight?" Denny asked me.

I could have answered that, but his face was just above mine, I leaned back and my head rested on his shoulder, and he craned his neck and kissed me while his hands moved down my chest and circled, stroked, rubbed me.

It was the easiest thing in the world for me to fall on down onto the bed, and my head landed right at Denny's crotch, his legs lifted him up and my head fell on down to the bed and that basket was resting on my face; all I had to do was start gnawing, while Denny leaned down and his mouth clutched my groin and soaked my business-suit pants through in a hurry. Denny's crotch was warm, the jeans weren't extra clean so they smelled like Denny only more so, a thick, rich smell. I reached up and caught the buttons on his jeans as well as I could with him bent over like that, while I felt the release of tension as the soft whisper of my own zipper slid down. Fumbling with oversized brass buttons in crumpled denim, I was still struggling when I felt his hand ease the tension of my briefs by pulling them open by the elastic waist band, and my cock felt the coolness and ease of the open air, then my balls winced as the elastic band was shoved beneath them and I was waggling free to the air...but not for long, for a warm, wet Texan mouth enveloped me, I was sunk in warm moisture accentuated by a circle of velvety lips around the base of my cock, and then those lips moved, and my cock awakened with smooth glory and I shuddered, wrenched at his fly and those buttons gave way, gave way and he slid his legs so his knees were above my head and now his cut-offs could be eased apart and (no jockstrap!) I felt the heavy hot thud of his cock as it fell out and slapped my nose; I gurgled and scarfed that heady-smelling monster down and Denny groaned as he moved on my pud and that groan sent a thrill of sensation through me, a quivering motion like ripples of water where a stone has been thrown in that danced all over my body in concentric circles of delight.

His cock was as aromatic as the cut-offs, heavy and raunchy-hot and moist, it exuded a thick odor that was like the smell of a hot ham fresh from the oven, that first burst of thick hot meat smell, the one that fills your kitchen, this was like that, so much like that that my mouth watered and I crammed that meaty pud into me, feeling the thick foreskin rippling about like the folds of a soft blanket in the morning all warm with your body heat, rich with your night-sweat, redolent with your every pore's relaxation and ventilation, until the cloth is almost wet and it moves on you differently than it does when it is still and cold and you've just climbed into bed. This cock was heavy; thick folds of foreskin drooped and fell from it in massive loops and arcs; taking it in my mouth was a matter of folding all that meat together until it could fit, dropping it into my mouth one fold at a time until the shaft was dragging inside with it and then, only then could I grip this mass of male tubesteak and pull back off from it.

Meanwhile, Denny had a better perch and was mauling my cock like crazy, his head bobbed with energetic fury that was driving me insane, my cock was reverberating far faster than the lackadaisical strokes I could manage in my cramped pose.

Then Denny scooted his knees back up again and that lifted up his cock and as I was about to use this space he had given me, he took it for himself and began to fuck down into my mouth. God, I loved it when a man did that! Just lie there and hold on to his dick as tight as you can and he takes your mouth for his fuck-hole, plunging that rod down your throat; I loved it! I moved so that he could fuck into my throat without having to bend his cock and that spurred him on faster.

My cock was on fire! I was under this horny man and I was about to fucking explode! I grunted my approaching orgasm at him and he plunged his cock down my throat hard, and he stayed down, he rested his body weight on my head so that I couldn't move, couldn't breathe, was pinned beneath him, and he sucked my cock which was a Roman candle of exploding pleasures, and I couldn't breathe, I could only manage a few feeble grunts of passion as he sent his mouth whirling on my prick, he brought to my peak and with his cock buried inside of me, I was spinning in dusk approaching darkness and he sucked me mercilessly and I cried out, a bubble of my air pressed against his dong and then, only then, he rolled off of me and his dick fell to one side of my mouth and I breathed in air around his cock and balls and I hit my climax then and there!

"Mph, muh, muh-mh-MH-HNNNNHHH!" I groaned around his cock and my jism flew into his warm, sucking mouth, he drank me down as quickly as I spurted it, he was feeding from me, sucking me into himself, my jizz was being drawn out of me like soda from a fountain cup, gulp, gulp, gulp and as he drank, I emptied, stars exploding in my brain and fireworks bursting in my eyes.

And limply, I was done, a hot hard prick in my mouth which I suckled on feebly in gratitude, though too worn to do anything else about it.

Denny though was still full of sperm and still full of energy, he pulled his slimy cock from my lips and crawled off the bed, and I looked groggily down to see his hands at my pants, yanking them from my body, spilling off my legs like poorly fitting socks and I was bared below the waist down to my ankles, and he wrested off my shoes and socks and skinned me the rest of the way raw. My shirt was poor concealment and he removed it from me quickly, then I looked over at him as he shucked that black t-shirt and let those cut-offs fall to an oval of blue puddle at his feet and he stepped out of them.

"Time we were doing what the dogs were doing." Denny said. "Get that ass in the air so I can fuck it."

I looked over at our dogs, Bosco was on top of Duke. "My dog's on top." I pointed out. "Does that mean I fuck you?"

"Hell, no." Denny said. "I sucked you dry, you're going to take me up the butt. Going to fuck you doggy-style."

"Shove it in, hunch real quick and spurt it and then get off and sniff my butt?" I smiled at him.

"Something like that." He agreed. "Scoot back on your knees some, so I can get it in you."

I obeyed that command and felt that huge, velvet-shrouded prong all soaked with my spit as it pressed against my asshole, a poor defense against such a thick, hairy invader, he broke through in no time and I moaned as he poked it into me, jabbing thrusts that sent it deeper a little at a time.

"Ooh!"I groaned and threw my head up and closed my eyes.

"That's my bitch." Denny growled. "Get ready, you mutt, this German prick is doing to fuck your butt but good."

"I thought you were Texan." I said.

"I'm both." He said. "Depends on how far back you go. Now hold on."

"GUH-HUH!" I gasped as that prick of his was yanked back and then thrust in to the base. Those jabbing motions hadn't prepared me for that, it was like having it shoved in for the first time.

"Arr, arr, arr, arr!" Denny made little dog-like sounds as he fucked my ass and I whined back at him, "Hnh, hnh, hnh, hnh!"

"Arrgh, grrr!" Denny growled and now he was fucking me hard. It was a rough fuck, I was grunting in pain as much as in joy, but Denny didn't need much time, he was being a dog and a dog fucks fast and gets off fast, he gave a snarl and then a grunt that stretched out and out, and then an explosion of sheer man-made sounds, and I felt my ass being pummeled by heavy splats of jizz spraying out of his cock into my bowels, I shuddered as he filled my butt full, moaned as his thrusts became slower, gentler, now it felt good, damned good, and I crooned out my appreciation as he leaned over, caught one of my ears in his teeth and went "Grrrr!" He worried it a little, not hurting it but making me pay attention to it just the same.

"Whunh?" I heard and I looked over at the dogs as Denny let go and rested his upper body on my back, panting, his chest pressing and releasing on my back with a weight oppressive, then light as he gasped in big breaths.

Bosco and Duke were sitting on their haunches side-by-side, looking at me and Denny, their masters, fucking like dogs. Bosco cocked his head curiously while Duke broke out into a doggy grin.

"Hey, don't look at me like that." I informed them. "You two started it."


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