Dominant Females

By moc.loa@6742BMK

Published on Sep 6, 2001



It's a well known fact that Hollywood is run by a bunch of half wits. However occasionally they do get one right and the decision to cast Rose McGowan on "Charmed" was one of those times where it was a perfect call. Having her, Alyssa Milano and Holly Marie Combs onscreen together is as pure a punch of pussy power that you will ever find. Why it's almost enough to make me tune away from my regular Thursday night viewing of "Smackdown."

So anyone who knows me knows that I have had had the lustful eye toward Rose McGowan for a long time now. When she was cast, a story from me was inevitable. I put some thought into it and wondered, what would Alyssa, Holly and Rose's first meeting be like? I think it would go something like this...

But first, it's time for the disclaimer. If you're reading this you must be over the age of 18 because lord knows that people under 18 aren't curious about sex and reading this might turn you into someone who wants to go out and have fun. Seriously, if you're under 18, hit the back bar and go someplace else. Hey I'll bet you can find a copy of "The Turner Diaries" online somewhere and read that with no problem.

Also, this is entirely fictional. While we would all like to imagine these three ladies can turn into lesbian sluts at the drop of a hat, it probably aint true. This is merely my fevered imagination and not reality.

Please send me feedback. It's what tells me that people are reading my stories. Whether you think it's good or bad I want to know what you think. Please send feedback to me at

Now onto the fun...

Dominant Females By KMB

Tom Petty said it best when he mumbled that, "The waiting is the Hardest part..." That was certainly the case here. It wasn't that what was coming couldn't yet be defined as a good or a bad thing. It was all the waiting and the uncertainty that went along with it that was unbearable.

Holly Marie Combs sighed as she continued to look out the window. Perhaps it was the sign of a short attention span, but she hated to wait. Nothing annoyed her more than being stuck not knowing what was going to happen. She didn't like waiting for answers or resolutions. She liked to know right away. The waiting here was killing her, if for no other reason than a lot of her future as an actress depended on it.

"Haven't you ever heard the expression a watched pot never boils?" a female voice spoke behind Holly as her arms encircled her waist from behind. "I think that applies to waiting for people too."

"I can't help it," Holly admitted while surrendering to the softness of Alyssa Milano's embrace. "You know how antsy I can get."

"Well maybe there's something I can do to make you feel better?" Alyssa purred her suggestion into her co-star's ear.

"Mmmmmm you're insatiable," Holly moaned as she felt Alyssa's lips softly kiss her neck, something her friend knew turned her on to no end. "But she's going to be here any second."

"I don't see why you're so nervous," Alyssa stated. "She's just another actress like you and me. She doesn't bite you know."

"Are you sure?" Holly asked with an arched eyebrow as she turned around to be face to face with Alyssa.

"Well maybe not 100% positive, but I'm pretty sure," Alyssa admitted with a smile.

"Oh c'mon Lyssa, you've heard the same stories I have," Holly pointed out. "There's no other way to say it, this girl is weird."

"Hey, I've heard all the stories and yes I'll admit she seems a little off the beaten path, but don't let that bother you," Alyssa said. "With the Queen Bitch gone, this is our show now. If we don't like her or if she comes in with an attitude then we go right to Aaron and she's gone. It's as simple as that. With the money he's paying you and me now he'd better know who he should listen to."

Holly considered the words of her friend but she still wasn't convinced. There had been so many names bandied about after Shannen Doherty had taken her ego out the door and quit "Charmed." Alyssa and she had heard everyone from Jennifer Love Hewitt to the chick that used to be Punky Brewster mentioned. But none of those actresses had gone for the part and instead Aaron Spelling had settled on the ultimate wild card...Rose McGowan.

Holly couldn't even hear her name without thinking of her non- dress at the MTV Awards a few years ago, her strange independent movies and, most of all, her relationship with Marilyn Manson. Even though that was all over, it still hung over everything Rose did. Every article about her mentioned his name and it made Holly a little uncomfortable.

Aaron had thought it would be good for the three of them to get together and get a sense of each other before the contracts were made official. So Alyssa had arranged for a get together at her house for this sunny afternoon and now they waited, quite impatiently, for Rose to arrive.

"Girlfriend, you have got to relax," Alyssa insisted. "You sure I can't do anything to take your mind off this?"

Alyssa then proceeded to undo the button on Holly's jeans and slip her hand inside. Holly gasped and soon her head was filled with the delicious sensations only another woman could make her feel. She could already feel her pussy moistening in her panties and she knew if she didn't stop Alyssa now, before she knew it they'd be naked and in a wicked little 69. So, with great reluctance, Holly removed Alyssa's hands from inside her pants.

"Ohhhhhh you spoilsport," Alyssa playfully chided. "You owe me now, you know."

"I can't wait for you to collect," Holly replied while focusing on a wistful memory. "You know Alyssa I really miss how we used know..."

Holly let her own sentence trail off and it hung in the air for a moment before Alyssa responded.

"I know sweetie," Alyssa said. "I've missed you too. God we had some fun. You still get me so hot. I miss our little slumber parties."

"We were so wild..." Holly remembered as a blush spread across her face. "You'd always make me come so hard."

"You made me wild," Alyssa pointed out before hugging Holly tight again. "That hot little body of yours got me so wet."

Neither woman let her name pass their lips, but Shannen's spirit hung over their memories...adding hurt to what should have been wonderful, sexy remembrances. When the show began three years ago, they had all gotten along so well. Holly felt like Alyssa and Shannen really were her two sisters and they shared everything together. They were together through bad marriages, new loves, idiot boyfriends and all the victories or disappointments life could throw at them. Sleepovers became a constant thing in their lives and they pretty much behaved like a trio of silly teenagers again.

So Holly reasoned that it shouldn't have been much of a shock when they took their relationship a big step forward. The three of them had spent so much time together and gotten so close that sex seemed to be almost a natural extension of their friendship. Holly had never been with a woman so these had been scary new feelings, but she also knew that Shannen and Alyssa had made her feel better than any lover ever had. Soon those slumber parties had devolved into all night threesomes and with all that beautiful, naked girl flesh around it was pure bliss.

Unfortunately, when they became lovers, things had to change and they changed for the worse. Petty jealousies over men and stupid fights seemed to happen more often than not and Holly could see that they clearly drove a wedge between Shannen and Alyssa. Holly had tried to play peacemaker, but often it was to no avail. Shannen just seemed to grow more and more distant from them until the threesomes had turned into twosomes.

The breaking point had been mid season when the three had gotten together to go over some ideas for the future of the show. Holly could see that Alyssa was excited over the prospect of maybe drawing Shannen into the fold again, but it was not to be. Shannen came looking for a fight and boy, did she get it. An attempt at reconciliation between them went very badly and after Alyssa had tried an impetuous kiss on Shannen, she exploded.

"No! Get off of me!!!" Shannen had shouted as she pushed Alyssa off of her.

"What the fuck is your problem?" Alyssa demanded, her face flushed with the anger of rejection.

"I'm not like that anymore!" Shannen insisted.

"Like what! What are you not like?" Alyssa hotly asked while Holly shrank away and let them fight.

"I'm not a dyke!" Shannen declared, her words cutting like knives. "I'm not a pervert like you Alyssa!"

"What did you call me?" Alyssa screamed as she grabbed Shannen's arm forcefully.

"You're a fucking dyke Alyssa!" Shannen growled. "You and Holly can fuck each other silly if you want but leave me out of it!"

Holly gasped in horror as Alyssa reared back and slapped Shannen right across the face. Shannen rubbed her cheek in shock before running out the door and driving away into the night. They had managed to make it through the rest of the season, but for all intensive purposes it was over that night. Shannen was gone from the show and from their lives.

Holly never blamed Alyssa for what had happened. She knew how hurt she had been by Shannen's behavior and Holly had often suspected that Alyssa might even have been in love to some degree with their departed ex-friend.

Since Shannen barely spoke two words to them off-screen for the rest of their tenure, she and Alyssa had gotten even closer. She had seen up front how Shannen's rejection had crushed Alyssa and, even though she masked it under anger, she knew how much she missed her. Alyssa and Holly just hadn't been able to make it as a twosome. They had tried a few times, but it just wasn't the same. The spark Shannen had given them was gone.

However, Shannen was the past and Rose was the future. Holly had to admit she and Alyssa had had a lot of fun speculating who their co-star might be. Names like Denise Richards, Tiffani Thiessen and, especially, Jennifer Love Hewitt had brought about some lovely fantasies and even led to some spirited fucking between the two women. Perhaps a new type of threesome was to come. When Rose had been announced, Alyssa had been intrigued but shared a few of Holly's concerns about how the spirited, never conventional actress would fit in on their set.

Suddenly Alyssa's cell phone rang and she picked it up. It was her agent and Holly quickly went back to staring out the front window.

"No, she's not here Eric," Alyssa informed her agent. "I said I'd call you after she left, didn't I? Geez, take a fucking chill pill or something! She's not a serial killer. She's just an actress. I said I would call you to tell you how it went and that's exactly what I'll do."

Alyssa then ended the call and sighed.

"God damn it, he thinks she's going to come here and rape us or something," she said, shaking her head over her agent's concern. He had been very nervous when he found out Alyssa had invited Rose to her house. He had preferred they all meet in a restaurant or some other public place. Alyssa had reassured him time and time again that they'd be fine.

"Oh like you'd complain if she came over here and raped you," Holly teased. "You wouldn't be putting up much of a fight, believe me."

"Quiet bitch," Alyssa smiled. "And let me tell you something if anyone is going to be doing any raping it's gonna be me. She may think she's Miss Thang cause she likes to show her tits at awards shows, but she's never tangled with me before."

"Yeah you could take her out back for some topless gardening," Holly laughed, remembering Alyssa's recent confession to FHM Magazine.

"Oooooh lil Holly's feisty side is showing," Alyssa grinned. "I like that. I like that a lot."

"Maybe I'm just getting feisty thinking about the three of us upstairs in that bed of yours," Holly suggested. She wasn't a woman who was bold with her sexuality; in fact she was much more of a follower than a leader. But Alyssa had been helping her break out of that shell lately.

"Oh I don't know if she could handle us," Alyssa replied, her thoughts also turning to images of Rose naked in her bed as she and Holly gave her an official welcome to the show.

It wasn't hard for Alyssa to summon that fantasy. The truth be told, she could barely think of anything else. Ever since Rose's name had first made its way through the rumor mill she had taken on the starring role in Alyssa's daily morning masturbation in the shower. But she and Holly had agreed that this was not going to be that type of meeting.

Rose was new to them and they were new to Rose. Jumping into bed with a relative stranger was probably not the wisest move and Alyssa certainly didn't want any repeats of the Shannen Incident. Besides, they had no idea whether Rose ever entertained a sapphic thought in her head much less wanted to fuck them. There was just no reason to rush into things. Still that didn't stop Alyssa's mind from working overtime in the hot fantasy department. Alyssa couldn't help but think of Rose's movie "The Doom Generation." There had been a scene where she got together with two guys and Alyssa imagined that if she like that, maybe she'd get into her and Holly wearing strap ons.

The waiting was suddenly broken when a buzz announced that someone was at Alyssa's gate.

"Hello?" Alyssa said into the speaker.

"It's Rose..." a voice spoke back. Though the speaker didn't provide the clearest possible voice, it gave Alyssa and Holly their first live interaction with a voice that seemed surprisingly soft as if it could draw you in with sugar with the threat of poison always lying in wait.

"Ok, I'll let you in..." Alyssa replied and opened the automatic gate to her driveway. A few moments later a car pulled up and Holly was immediately impressed.

"Whoa..." she said softly.

"What? Is she wearing that MTV dress again?" Alyssa asked.

"Not quite," Holly replied as Alyssa joined her at the window. Together they watched as Rose cruised in behind the wheel of her Jaguar XKR convertible. Alyssa had wanted a car like that for so long and there was Rose driving up in a brand spanking new model. It was even the color she wanted, British Racing Green. Rose exited the car and, even though the convertible's roof was down, there wasn't a hair out of place on her head. She wore a loose, indigo sundress and a pair of sunglasses. She was also the sexiest thing Alyssa had ever seen.

"Whoa is right," Alyssa gasped. They hadn't even been introduced and Alyssa could just see there was something about her. It was apparent that Rose had this confidence and this attitude that made her instantly desirable, even from the outside. There was no better way to say it than to describe her as sex personified.

"Here kitty...kitty...kitty," Alyssa then said softly.

"We better open the door," Holly suggested, ignoring Alyssa's last comment and breaking them both out of their Rose induced trance.

"Riiiiiight," Alyssa replied, walking over to her doors and flinging them open before Rose even had a chance to ring the bell. "Hi Rose!"

"Hi yourself!" Rose smiled as she walked in the house. A purse was slung over her shoulder and Alyssa had trouble stopping herself from imagining how easy it would be to just slide the dress off her body.

"It's good to meet you Rose," Holly said as she wandered in.

"Good to meet you too," Rose replied. None of the three women were quite sure how to greet each other, so they merely engaged in quick little handshakes and left it at that...for now.

The three of them settled into Alyssa's living room with Rose sitting in a soft chair across from the couch where her two soon-to-be- co-stars sat. It was almost like an interrogation as they sat on the couch and tried to get a sense of Rose and what she was all about. But even as they stared at her, Alyssa and Holly also couldn't shake the sense that she was sizing them up too. It felt like Rose wasn't even worried whether or not she would fit in on the show and was instead deciding whether or not they were even worthy about being in her presence.

The awkward silence lasted a few endless moments before Holly finally broke the ice.

"So...Rose, that's some car you've got out there..." Holly said.

"Tell me about it," Rose replied. "Talk about a major splurge. I pretty much blew my whole signing bonus on that thing, but it's worth it. Sometimes a girl just needs have a ride with that much horsepower."

Rose just let that last comment hang in the air, letting them take it however they wanted to. Alyssa was the next to speak.

"Signing bonus?" she inquired, her mind focusing on that part of what Rose had just said.

" know for signing on the show," Rose explained. "I had to drop out of a film in order to get ready for the season so they gave me a nice bonus payment."

"Excuse me, they signed you already?" Alyssa asked, in disbelief. "You mean like officially and everything?"

"Yeah," Rose replied. "Is there a problem or something?"

" really..." Alyssa replied. "I...we...just thought we were going to have final approval or something."

"Well you didn't," Rose simply stated. "I'm all signed up, three year contract and everything. You didn't think this was like a job interview or something, did you? That's not the way I do things, girls. I've done all the auditions I'm going to do for this part, thank you very much."

"We didn't think that," Holly insisted, a little taken aback by Rose's attitude. "We just wanted to meet you and all. No one was interviewing you or anything. They just didn't tell us they'd signed you up officially, that's all."

"Well you two better talk to your agents or something, cause it looks like you two just got cut out of the loop," Rose said with the slightest of smirks crossing over her lips. It was gone in a second, but both Alyssa and Holly saw it. Holly also saw Alyssa's face tighten a little and her eyes flicker with the temper of hers that seemed to flash always at the worst time. She had to cut this off before anyone got slapped.

"I need a drink," Holly suddenly announced, the afternoon heat starting to get to her, despite the air conditioning. "Does anyone else want anything?"

"I'm fine," Rose said quickly, as if she was bored with the entire proceeding.

"I don't need anything," Alyssa replied as she stared at Rose, her face almost unsure of her emotions. Part of her was furious that this girl could walk into her house and act like she was the star and the other part just wanted to tear that sundress off and worship her naked body.

Holly quickly ducked into the kitchen and returned with a glass of ice water. She figured she and Alyssa would be needing something harder after Rose left, so she kept it simple this time.

As Holly rejoined Alyssa on the couch, Rose stifled a yawn and stretched her arms a little, pressing her body forward against her dress and giving a little tease of the curves that lay underneath. Rose had left Holly and Alyssa almost at a loss for words, they were having trouble getting to know her. It really didn't bother Holly that Rose had signed on, but she knew it aggravated Alyssa to no end. Holly took a long sip from her glass as Rose spoke.

"So...are we gonna fuck or what? I don't have all day, you know," Rose asked in such a direct and nonchalant manner that Holly practically choked on her water.

"Excuse me?" Alyssa asked, in disbelief.

"" Rose asked again slowly and with great relish. "I mean that is why you asked me here, right?"

"What are you talking about?" Holly asked, regaining her composure as Alyssa looked like she'd just swallowed her tongue.

"C'mon...Shannen and I had a long talk the other day," Rose informed her flabbergasted hosts. "She told me everything you did...everything. Well, she didn't exactly tell me everything. She just told me to watch out because you two were going to hit on me. So I guessed that all three of you had been together. She seemed really grossed out about it, but truthfully it really turned me on thinking about you three together. You know playing sisters onscreen and fucking each other offscreeen, I liked that. Seemed kind of kinky. So when you invited me here, I thought you wanted to initiate me to the cast or something."

"We weren't...ummm...what do you mean?" Alyssa stated, her power of speech returning as her pulse quickened. "We...we just wanted to meet you. That's all. We are going to be working together, you know."

"Sure, that's all you wanted...whatever," Rose smirked. "Are you telling me that bringing me over here and fucking me never crossed your minds?"

Alyssa and Holly had nothing to say in response to that, so Rose sat back smugly with her arms crossed over her chest.

"I thought so," Rose stated. "I knew you two wanted me. I could feel you undressing me with your eyes the second I walked through that door. God, you two are worse than a couple of horny teenage boys about to get their first blowjob from the local whore. You couldn't be more transparent. Not that I blame you or anything, though..."

"Look here," Alyssa replied hotly. "I don't know who the fuck you think you are, but you can't treat us like this. This is our show you're coming on and if you want a power struggle then you're going to lose. So you can take your ass and wiggle it right out of here. God you've got an ego."

Rose didn't say anything in response at first. She merely moved her arms down to the bottom of her dress.

"So, you're telling me that I've totally misjudged the situation and that you are two, innocent girls who have never had a wicked thought about another woman?" Rose asked, slowly inching her dress up until her naked pussy was revealed to her audience. "And you're telling me you never wanted to get with this?"

"Oh fuck..." Holly gasped as she saw Rose's naked skin under her dress. She leaned back in her chair and continued to raise the dress up until her pussy was fully exposed and she could easily access it.

"I guess I'm just not pretty enough for you..." Rose sighed before proceeding to wet her fingers in her mouth and stroke the lips of her labia. She began to softly moan as she played with herself, lightly touching her lips until Alyssa and Holly could begin to see her wetness.

"What are you doing?" Holly asked as Alyssa sat silently.

"I'm finger fucking myself," Rose replied lustfully, the softness of her voice falling away to reveal a cutting edge that sliced right through the room's tension. "What does it look like I'm doing?"

Alyssa couldn't believe this was happening. Rose was sitting right there, in her chair, playing with her pussy as if it was the most natural thing in the world to do. She couldn't take her eyes away, not for a second, as Rose spread her lips open and plunged her fingers inside.

"Oooooooh," Rose moaned as she closed her eyes and surrendered to the pleasure she was bringing herself. "Mmmmm I'll bet you wish these were your fingers inside me, don't you? You wish you were here playing with my hot, wet pussy instead of just watching me do it."

Alyssa and Holly were transfixed at the show Rose was putting on for them. Her free hand moved to her chest and began fondling her heavy breasts through her dress. The two of them felt hypnotized by Rose's masturbatory efforts and with each moan it was if they were falling deeper under her spell. She looked up at them and a smile of triumph passed her lips. It was if she was saying with her moans, "Yes, I am the spider and you two are my helpless flies.

Their eyes just could not look away and both women felt the wetness of sexual desire seep from their pussies and soak their panties. They both became rather antsy as they sat on the couch, leaning forward to try and get a better view of Rose's fingers exploring her own pussy. They could feel nothing but desire and their bodies sweated under their clothes, yet they didn't want to strip themselves or even touch their own bodies. All they wanted to do was watch.

Rose continued to finger fuck herself, as her breathing got quicker and more ragged. She was bringing herself to orgasm right in front of Alyssa and Holly and she could feel the heat of their pussy hungry eyes on her skin, egging her on with a sexy stare.

"Oh fuck...oh fuck..." Rose gasped. "Mmmmmm I love fucking my tight little pussy for you two. I can feel how much you want me. I see how much you want to taste me and how bad you need to get your tongues inside me so you can feel how fucking tight I am!"

Her fingers kept sliding in and coming out more slick each time, Rose knew she was close. She saw her rapt audience and decided to give them an even better view. She hiked her dress up more so it was above her ass. She spread her legs so they could get to see her swollen clit. Her moans increased as her fingers pinched and rubbed her aroused clit over and over again until she could take no more. With one final gasp, Rose came, coating her fingers with her sweet cream. It wasn't a big an orgasm as she would have liked, but it served its purpose. She let her fingers collect her juices and was about to raise them to her lips, when she had a better idea and stopped.

"Holly..." Rose began, causing the actress to pretty much snap to attention. "Come here honey. Come to me."

As if she had no choice, Holly rose to her feet, glass of ice water still in hand. She slowly walked over to Rose and stood before her in the chair. Grinning, Rose thrust her sticky fingers toward her and issued a simple command.

"Lick..." Rose ordered. She didn't have to repeat it as Holly quickly bent down to take the cum covered fingers in her mouth and lick them clean, as she'd done to Alyssa and Shannen so many times prior. She cleaned them off slowly, savoring the taste of Rose's pussy. As this was going on Alyssa almost absent mindedly began stroking herself through her jean shorts, her eyes locked on Holly's sweet lips going down on Rose's fingers.

Rose then stood up, her fingers never leaving Holly's mouth. She took the glass of ice water before it was dropped onto the rug and she fished out an ice cube. Looking directly at Alyssa, Rose then took the cube and dragged it over Holly's chest, wetting the material of her shirt and allowing the coldness to harden her nipples until they were poking out of her clothes. She did this over and over again until the water from the melting cube began dripping down, making the light blue of Holly's shirt into a wet form of purple.

"Holly..." Rose began again. "Take me to Alyssa's bedroom...I'm sure you know the way..."

"Yesssss...bedroom..." Holly mumbled as she took Rose's hand and lead her upstairs.

It took several moments for Alyssa to shake her head and more or less snap out of it. What the fuck was going on? They had left her alone in her own house. What the fuck did Rose think she was doing? But, angry as she was, Alyssa couldn't ignore the overpowering heat coming from her pussy. Rose had turned her on so much and she was aching to fuck her. She would figure out Rose another day, right now she just wanted in on the sex.

Alyssa raced up her stairs toward her bedroom and when she got inside she saw her bedspread tossed away and Holly laying down on the cool blue sheets. Rose had tossed her purse to the floor and relieved Holly of her shoes and jeans and was now in the middle of pulling down her panties. Holly's white panties were almost translucent with wetness and she was practically writhing on the bed, wanting so badly to be touched by Rose.

"Alyssa?" Rose smirked. "What took you so long?"

Alyssa hated how Rose could instantly dominate a room. It was as if she could just open her mouth, smile or even wiggle an eyebrow and suck out all the dominance anyone else could have. It left Alyssa at a loss for words and struggling to get control, two states of being she absolutely despised. She had to get back on top again, but how?

"Get off of her," Alyssa commanded.

"Why on Earth would I want to do that?" Rose asked as she finished pulling off Holly's panties and began to trace the lips of her pussy with her fingers.

"She's mine..." Alyssa said strongly, trying everything to resist the temptation to throw her clothes off and join Holly on the bed.

"Are you jealous?" Rose taunted. "What's the matter Alyssa? Too used to being top slut around here? Can't handle a little competition? Besides, I don't think Holly wants me to stop, do you Holly?"

"Mmmmmm noooooo..." Holly moaned. "Fuck me Rose! I need you sooooo bad!"

"Sounds like you've been replaced," Rose observed with a wicked smile. "So why don't you just stand over there and wait for your turn."

Alyssa had never been talked to this way in her life. Not even Shannen had made her as angry as Rose was making her at that moment. But all that anger was combining with the pounding lust she felt to create an absolutely wicked rush of adrenaline. The angrier she got, the more she wanted to fuck Rose over and over again until she couldn't stand it anymore. Clenching her fists, Alyssa watched Rose take on Holly as her pussy practically melted under her clothes.

"Mmmmmm so pretty," Rose cooed as she spread Holly's legs opened and teased her sopping pussy with her fingers. Her eyes were filled with the satisfaction that could only come from a victory. "You have such a pretty pussy Holly. So nice and pink and so wet I can practically taste you already. Do you want me to lick you? Do you want me to eat your little lesbian pussy better than anyone ever could?"

"Ohhhhhhh please..." Holly begged. "I can't stand it! Don't tease! Fuck me Rose! Please! Oh please!"

"Do I frighten you Holly?" Rose asked in a hard voice taking the aroused girl's face in her hand for a moment as she pulled her shirt up to expose the lacy white bra that encased her breasts.

Holly nodded her head meekly in response. It was the truth. Rose was completely overwhelming her senses. She had never met anyone like her and it was a little scary. It was also making her more aroused than she had ever been.

"But you still want me, don't you?" Rose asked as she released her grip on Holly to push her bra up and expose her pale breasts and hard nipples. She eyed Holly like a carnivore eyed a piece of meat. The only question was what part to taste first?

Holly again could only answer with a nod.

"Good..." Rose replied with satisfaction letting her tongue drag slowly along her ruby red lips. "I like making you feel that way. It turns me on."

Rose then cupped Holly chin to raise her pretty face up and began kissing her. It was the first time Holly had kissed another woman besides Alyssa or Shannen and she loved the sensation of the strange woman's lips pressed against hers. Through the corner of her eye she saw Alyssa playing with herself through her clothes and let out a delicious moan.

Taking the moan as positive feedback, Rose leaned down toward Holly's nipples. Instead of sucking on them though, she pinched them, making Holly gasp. No one had ever done that to her and the new sensations continued as Rose pulled the bra off of her and began to softly slap her bare breasts. She made the soft globes bounce and it only served to turn on Holly more. She felt like she was entering new territory with every passing second.

"Such pretty titties..." Rose said before filling her mouth with Holly's breast flesh. She sucked on her mounds till she felt Holly was Properly stimulated. Only when she felt that the woman's cries had hit their proper fever pitch did Rose move on. She made her way down Holly's body kissing her smooth, flat belly over and over again before reaching her thighs.

"Mmmmmmmm....OW!" Holly moaned as Rose kissed the skin of her thighs before she felt a sharp nip. She looked down and saw Rose was in the process of giving her thighs a series of hickeys...marking her territory as it were. Normally this would have been where Holly drew the line, but once again she found herself unable to summon the strength to push Rose away.

Soon enough Rose tired of this little game and moved her mouth just a little bit to the left before it was directly over Holly's pussy. Rose's tongue then slowly descended from between her lips and she dragged it over Holly's labia, bringing a long, loud moan from the woman. Parting the lips with her fingers, Rose proceeded to take her first taste of Holly, sampling all the cream that had collected from the anticipation of that moment.

After the first taste of Holly hit her taste buds, Rose eagerly continued. Her long tongue strokes preceded generous sucks of Holly's clit, driving the girl up the wall with passion. Holly felt like if Rose weren't holding her down, she'd be clinging from the ceiling by now.

Watching this, Alyssa found the heat of her own body had finally become unbearable. She had been feeling her pussy through her shorts with one hand, pressing her fingers into the material and pushing her panties inside of herself. While she did this, her other hand was up her shirt, fondling her tits and pinching her nipples through her bra. It was all too much for her to see Holly give herself to Rose and she began to strip silently to give her body some much needed relief.

Alyssa pulled her tight t-shirt off of her body, her nipples scraping against the black bra and begging to be released. Alyssa ignored that need for the moment and instead kicked off her sandals and set herself to wiggling her shorts down her legs. Normally Rose would have love to watch a lust crazed Alyssa stripping down, but she was quite obviously distracted and unfortunately missed it as Alyssa pawed her pussy through her already wet panties. She pushed the material into herself and let it rub against her swollen clit, giving her the sparks of satisfaction she needed to sustain herself through this period of waiting. Sweat was dripping from Alyssa's forehead onto her body as she stood there in her bra and panties, moaning with a louder volume with every passing second.

Rose was practically rubbing her face into Holly's crotch by now as she sucked hard on her aching clit. Her eyes stared straight up into Holly's rapturously happy face as she pushed her closer and closer to reaching lesbian ecstasy. As her lips kept up sucking, Rose let her tongue explore all over Holly's pussy until she felt it get too tight in there. Rose then ceased sucking and began tongue-fucking Holly, her pink tongue hitting her again and again, making Holly thrash on the bed and howl for more.

Her eyes fixed on the lovers; Alyssa reached around back and undid the clasp to her bra. It felt off her shoulders and she cast it to the floor of her bedroom where it lay, in good company, with her shorts and t-shirt. She then stood there topless, her skin glistening as she watched. Soon her hand was snaking into her panties, passing through the wet material to relieve the throbbing arousal that had manifested itself between her legs.

As Holly came, Rose held steady, swallowing as much of Holly's cum as possible. She watched as Holly's hips unconsciously bucked her face and over and over again, tremors ripping through the woman. When Holly could handle no more, Rose pulled her cum covered face up and turned to face Alyssa. Seeing the actress nearly naked and playing with herself was a sight to behold for Rose.

"I never said for you to get naked..." Rose observed.

"You don't control me..." Alyssa moaned, finding it impossible to stop playing with her pussy.

"Well the day is still before us," Rose laughed. "I think I did a pretty good job on Holly here."

"Not as good as I could," Alyssa contended.

"Is that a fact?" Rose laughed, taking the challenged that had been offered. "Well by all means take the opportunity to show me what you can do!"

"Oh I will!" Alyssa promised as she pushed her panties down and fell onto the bed bare assed naked. "I'll show you how to work a pussy. You'd better start taking notes!"

Rose responded by pulling her dress over her head and becoming the third naked woman on the bed. She then lay on her side, her head propped up by her hand as she watched Alyssa place herself on top of Holly.

"Show me then," Rose insisted. "Show me those pussy eating skills you seem to be so damn proud of. I just hope you're not too disappointed when Holly screams out my name while you're licking her."

I'll show you bitch, Alyssa told herself as she kissed Holly gently and began scooting her way down her body, leaving kisses where Rose had left bites. She then placed her lips on Holly's pussy, kissing her tender sex and making her jump slightly.

"Mmmmmm ohhhhh yesssss Alyssa..." Holly moaned as she kissed her sensitive pussy over and over again before sucking on her clit, drawing it out with her lips before releasing it. Alyssa repeated this several times before moving her tongue over Holly's clit again. She wasn't licking her; it was more like she was rubbing her tongue on her up and down. It was something she had done to Holly several times and she knew it always got her off and it always got her off fast.

Holly was certainly reaping the benefits of this little mini competition that had developed between Rose and Alyssa. Rose had eaten her out so well and she knew that Alyssa would make her come so sweet. She couldn't believe this was happening but the bliss she was being tongued to was too good to not be real. Her pussy was still raw from Rose's efforts but Alyssa was just making her feel so good she didn't want her to stop.

Alyssa took advantage of Holly's wetness by sliding one finger inside her. A second finger quickly wormed his way in and soon Alyssa was pumping away with her fingers while she tongued and rubbed Holly's clit. Holly loved when this was done to her, it made her feel so filled and made her imagine it was a hard cock pumping into her while a female tongue licked her, which was her favorite fantasy. She was too tired from her last orgasm being so soon ago, so Holly knew it wouldn't be long before she was coating Alyssa's face and fingers with her cum.

Seeing this, Rose had to admit she was a bit impressed with the way Alyssa went about this. Perhaps she'd be a good fuck after all. When she had first seen Alyssa she had read the girl as being all talk and no action. Now as she watched the frenzied tonguing Holly was getting, she was starting to change that opinion. Rose quickly got up from her position and got behind Alyssa on the bed. Alyssa had risen to her knees as she ate Holly out and Rose quickly took advantage of that.

"Mmmmm you are a hot one after all," Rose moaned into Alyssa's ear as she pushed against her from behind. Rose pressed her wet pussy into Alyssa's bare ass and began to rub up against her. "Feel how wet you've gotten my pussy Alyssa. Do you think you can lick me as well as you're licking Holly? You think you can handle a real woman or are you just hooked on girls?"

Alyssa was able to ignore Rose's taunts, but couldn't ignore how good it felt to have her wet pussy pressing up against her ass. She loved how the wetness felt on her naked skin and she began to grind herself into Rose while she kept herself steady between Holly's legs.

"Yessssssss that's it..." Rose moaned, her words practically dripping with desire. "You know just what to do you hot little slut. Rub that tight ass of yours against my pussy. Let me coat your skin with my hot girl cum."

For Alyssa that was such an appealing thought that she almost lost herself in Holly's sex. She managed to regain control and dedicate herself to Holly again but she couldn't shake the pleasure Rose was giving her. She couldn't believe Rose was using her like this, but she loved it. Her pussy was crying for attention and she just wanted to take care of Holly so she could please herself or, better yet, shove Rose's pretty face between her legs.

"Come for me Holly...come for me sweetie..." Alyssa urged her friend. "Come all over my face. Give me that yummy pussy cream you know I love so much."

Hearing Alyssa's nasty words was the magic Holly needed to let go. She came for the second time in minutes as she exploded onto Alyssa's tongue and fingers. The walls of her pussy clamped down on the invading fingers, but Alyssa kept working them in and out, albeit at a slower pace.

As Holly began to come, Rose began to ride Alyssa harder. She banged into her ass again and again, the mere contact and the friction that followed it doing wonders for her pussy. She wanted to come all over Alyssa's tanned ass. She loved how tan the girl was all over. She probably did a lot of nude sunbathing. I'll have to come over someday to see if she needs any lotion, Rose smiled to herself. She watched hungrily as Alyssa lapped away at Holly, already conniving to get that tongue in her own pussy as soon as possible.

"Are you going to come for me Rose?" Alyssa demanded to know as she finally pulled her face away from Holly's exhausted pussy. Cream dripped from her lips in a lewd sight that made Rose's pussy get even wetter. "Are you going to come like a slut all over my hot little ass? You act all tough Rose, but you're just a whore that will come anytime on anyone."

"I may be the whore, but I'm not the one whose ass is going to be covered in my girl cum in a minute," Rose pointed out as she felt her body begin to tense up. She wished she had a nice toy to use right now, but this would have to do. She'd have to bring Holly and Alyssa over to her house soon and let them see her little collection.

"Just shut up and rub that tight pussy of yours all over me," Alyssa moaned as she reached between her legs and began to fuck herself. Holly, meanwhile, was too wiped to do much of anything at that point except sit by and idly play with her nipples. She liked watching Alyssa and Rose go at it. Neither wanted to give it up to the other.

"Mmmmm such a dirty mouth you've got there..." Rose said through gritted teeth as the friction was really getting the better of her. Alyssa's smooth skin felt so good as she rubbed herself up and down on her firm ass cheeks. "A faceful of my cum will shut you up soon."

"Not if you're tongue deep in my pussy first..." Alyssa moaned, her fingers giving her the relief she so desperately craved. Alyssa then felt Rose shudder behind her and heard her breathing become labored. She suddenly felt a heat against her ass and she knew Rose was coming against her skin. Alyssa had never felt a girl come like this. She had had guys come on her ass before, but she loved the sensations of Rose's hot cum rubbing against her ass as she got off on her body.

"Ooooooooh baby...take my cum all over this great ass..." Rose moaned as her pussy spasmed against Alyssa's skin. Rose thought about licking it off when she was finally done, but she decided it was better to leave it this way. It left Alyssa with a reminder of things and it showed her who the dominant female was going to be.

When Rose finally pulled away she found herself pulled back quickly when Alyssa grabbed her face and kissed her passionately. Alyssa's tongue shot into Rose's mouth where it found no resistance. Their two tongues twisted and tied with one another before Rose ended the kiss.

"You do know how to kiss, I'll give you that," Rose said.

"That's the least of what I can do," Alyssa informed her with a naughty smile as she traced a finger over Rose's large breasts. "But what are you going to do for me? My snatch needs some attention and you owe me big time."

"I don't think so," Rose countered. "Besides, I'm still horny so you just have to wait your turn. Now if you're not willing to get down and taste me, I think I can interest Holly in getting herself a drink."

"Bitch..." Alyssa swore as she stormed off the bed and into her walk in closet.

"I am a bitch," Rose laughed. "Don't you ever forget that sweetie. Now, as for you Holly, I think it's time for you to show me how well you know how to lick."

Holly, still recovering from her two orgasms, was pretty much cooking on another planet by now. She could only manage a spacey smile as she continued to stroke her own breasts. However, Rose was not to be deterred and she figured she knew the best way to spark Holly's interest. A few pussy licks and maybe a little tickle of her asshole ought to do it, Rose told herself as she got on her knees and moved downward. But before she could get to her destination she ran into a rather rude interruption.

Her body was pulled away from Holly and, to brace herself, Rose had to put down her hands. She was now on her hands and knees and in perfect position for what Alyssa had in store for her now.

"Who's the bitch now!" Alyssa smiled, grabbing Rose by the hips and, without warning, sliding the strap on cock she had just put on into Rose's pussy. "Mmmmm you do have a nice, tight pussy. I'm going to love fucking you hard!"

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh fuuuuuuuuuckkkkkk!!!!!!" Rose screamed as she felt herself be penetrated by the large toy around Alyssa's waist.

"That's right slut," Alyssa smirked. "You came here looking to get fucked and now you're going to get it! Take my cock deep into this wet cunt of yours and we'll see who the number one bitch is going to be around here!"

As Rose adjusted to the toy penetrating the soft folds of her pussy she found herself deprived of the ability to speak. She could only moan and grunt as Alyssa began to fuck her hard, banging into her wet pussy and making Rose's tits bounce with force. The harder Alyssa went the more Rose got into it and she only had one simple request.

" hair...please....fuck mmmm...fuck me...ohhhhhhh Lyssaaaaaaaa..." Rose moaned and Alyssa quickly got her drift.

"Is that what you want?" Alyssa demanded. "Do you want me to do this?"

Alyssa then reached up and grasped Rose's jet black hair and tugged it hard. She pulled it again and continued to thrust into her. Rose's reaction was quick, loud and very very positive.

"Mmmmmm you slut," Alyssa moaned, the nub of the strap on doing quite an effective job of stimulating her own clit. "You love being fucked like a whore, don't you Rose? You're no different than a common piece of street trash. You love being fucked from behind and having your hair pulled like a cheap tramp! I'll bet you love this even more you whore!"

Alyssa then reared back and delivered a hard slap to Rose's ass...then another...then another...and so forth until Rose's cheeks were bouncing as much as her heavy tits were. Her hand continued to make pink marks on Rose's ass as the strap on pressed deep. Rose was, to say the least, enjoying this.


"Yesssssss take it like the whore you are..." Alyssa urged. "Scream my name out and let everyone know that it's me who's fucking your slut pussy so sweet! Tough lil Rose McGowan loves being fucked like a whore, I should have known"

"JUST KEEP THAT COCK INSIDE ME BITCH!!!!!" Rose screamed before she was cut off to a muffled moan by Holly's lips to her own. Holly had awakened from her orgasm-induced stupor and had quickly deduced she had become the forgotten woman. So she had decided to remind everyone about her presence with a kiss and some playful slaps to Rose's tits that were very similar to the one's she had enjoyed before.

"Ohhhhh come on Rose...come like the piece of trash whore you are..." Alyssa moaned, her own orgasm not far off. "I'd take your slutty ass, but I don't think you could handle it!"

"OHHHHHH YOU'RE GONNA FUCKING PAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!" Rose screamed when she managed to momentarily pull away from Holly. She was going to get back at Alyssa for this, but first she wanted to come and come hard.

"COME FOR US BITCH!" Alyssa screamed back, as if trying to outdo Rose in volume. "COME ALL OVER MY STRAP ON. GET IT ALL WET AND CREAMY WITH YOUR CUM!"

"OHHHHHHHHH AGHHHHHHHHH FUCKKKKKKKKK MEEEEEEEEE!!!!" Rose screamed, her voice starting to her horse. Alyssa kept up the pace and, as she felt her own orgasm about to run wild, she paused and then plunged in even deeper.

"HEY BITCH, YOU'RE NOT SO FUCKING TIGHT, NOW ARE YOU?" Alyssa taunted with short breaths, her volume rising as her orgasm began. The sight of Rose on her hands and knees getting it doggie style after all that had happened was a sight Alyssa did not have the strength to resist. Her breasts bounced and her whole body glowed with sweat as she creamed herself under the strap on. The more she came, the harder she pumped and Rose could no longer hold out.

"I'M COMING!!!!! I'M COMINNNNNGGGGGGGGG!!!!!" Rose announced for all to hear as Holly sucked on her tits. Holly quickly moved her hand down to Rose's pussy to feel the full blast of her third orgasm and quickly Rose soaked her hand. Holly, eager to get a taste of Rose, quickly began to suck the cum off her fingers, not missing a single drop. Holly loved Rose's taste and hoped this wouldn't be the last time she had a chance to sample it.

"I'll bet you think you're something special," Rose moaned as Alyssa pulled the strap on out from inside her.

"I'm not half bad," Alyssa admitted as she sought to catch her breath from her own orgasm. "You didn't seem to be complaining."

" got me off," Rose muttered. "Where do you want your monument built?"

"Right here..." Alyssa playfully replied as she got on her back and pointed straight to her pussy. "I'm all sticky and cummy now. Why don't you see if you can clean me off."

"You asked for it," Rose grinned. "You've never come like you're about to come now."

With no further prodding, Rose reached over and pulled the strap on off of Alyssa. She then hungrily dragged her tongue up Alyssa's thighs and over her labia, tasting her cum and sweat and loving the mixture. Before Alyssa could get too used to her tongue, though, Rose wanted to try something different.

"You spank me bitch, I'll spank you right back," Rose stated and before Alyssa could ask her what she meant she felt a dizzying slap right on her pussy. Alyssa gasped in pleasure as she felt Rose do it again, her palm spanking her clit and driving her crazy with resparked lust.

"Seems like you're quite the whore too..." Rose observed. "Tell me how much you love this. Tell me how much you love me spanking your pussy!"

"Oh fuck yeah, I love it! Slap that pussy! Make me come! Don't stop!!!" Alyssa moaned as Rose tongued all over her tummy, including her pierced bellybutton. Rose suddenly moved upward and locked her lips to Alyssa's again. Her kiss was passionate and probing, but tender at the same time. It soothed Alyssa and drove her wild all at once. It was all too easy to surrender to a kiss like that and soon Alyssa closed her eyes and gave in to Rose's passion. She was lost in the kiss, letting the sensations of Rose's warm, wet tongue push her higher and higher when all of a sudden....


"WHAT THE FUCK!!!" Alyssa shouted, feeling her wrists lock into the pair of handcuffs that had just been applied. She opened her eyes and saw Rose grinning the evil grin of the cat that not only got the canary, but swallowed her whole.

"What's the matter Alyssa, I thought you loved surprises," Rose mocked as Alyssa struggled.

"LET ME GO BITCH!" Alyssa screamed. She hated being restrained like this. However even this couldn't stop the constant arousal she was feeling in her pussy. She saw that Rose's now open purse was lying on the bed. That's where she had gotten the cuffs from! That bitch had planned this!

"But that wouldn't be any fun at all," Rose replied as she resumed her hard slaps, smacking the wet flesh over and over again with Alyssa unable to hide her approval. When Rose threw an occasional tongue lash into the mix, Alyssa couldn't help but feel herself sink even deeper into depravity at the hands of this raven haired firecracker.

Knowing she had Alyssa now, Rose reached over for a pillow and quickly stripped the case off. Smirking, she took advantage of Alyssa's weakness and quickly tied her left ankle to the bedpost. Alyssa moaned in frustration and desire. She was not used to being so vulnerable, but her pussy was so wet now that part of her just didn't care. Her face the picture of triumph, Rose then reached over for the discarded strap on. She was headed straight for Alyssa, when all of a sudden she changed course and handed it to Holly.

"Get it wet for me," Rose commanded. "Lube it up. She doesn't deserve to have a toy covered just in my cum."

Alyssa's face burned with humiliation over Rose's attitude, but she didn't say anything. There would be time for plenty of payback later and right now all Alyssa wanted was that strap on deep inside her, fucking her needy pussy.

Holly did as she was told and ran the fake cock all over her wetness, combining her cum with Rose's. Satisfied, Rose grabbed the toy back from her and turned her attention once again to Alyssa.

"Is this what you want you cum hungry slut?" Rose demanded. "Do you want this toy fucking your wet whore pussy?"

"Yesssss..." Alyssa moaned, as she struggled against her remains. She knew she was handing Rose a victory but she needed to come.

Rose then began to tease Alyssa's swollen lips, running the toy over her pussy up and down and promising penetration...but never delivering. As she did this a nifty little idea occurred to Rose and she turned to the final member of the their trio.

"Hey Holly, have you ever licked Alyssa's ass in all those time's you've been together?" Rose asked. Holly nodded her head shyly and Rose smiled. "Then get to it! Tongue her ass while I fuck this hot cunt!"

Totally getting off on acting like Rose's little sub, Holly slid down onto her belly so she could properly snake her way around and tongue Alyssa. This was something she knew she could do quite well and she knew Alyssa loved it. She worked her tongue into Alyssa's tight ring and she could hear her lover's instant reaction as she began to sigh and moan.

Alyssa had never come this quickly, but almost as soon as Holly began her tonguing, Rose took the toy in her hand again and began thrusting it into her. She did this at a speed that could threaten to melt the plastic and Alyssa loved it. Alyssa spread her legs wide without prompting as Rose penetrated the soft folds of her sex and filled her deep with the toy.


"Oh baby that's it...come all over the toy like a good little bitch," Rose requested, her voice calm amid Alyssa's wild screams. "Drench it and then I'm going to make you lick it clean. We're all a bunch of sluts...all three of us. We're fucking made for each other!"

She was right, Alyssa thought. It was never this good with Shannen. Never. Rose brought this smoldering sexuality in and it fit in perfectly with her them. She knew that their future encounters would be even better than this, if that even seemed possible.

"Come for me Alyssa!" Rose continued as Alyssa shuddered from Holly's tongue inside her ass. "Do it! Come for Rose!"

That was exactly what happened next after Rose delivered one last hard push with the toy into her pussy. She began to come violently and Rose quickly moved the toy away and plunged her face into Alyssa's pussy. She let Alyssa fuck her face as Holly removed her tongue and instead slid in a finger to work in and out. Alyssa felt like she was on the verge of an aneurysm and when she blacked out for just a moment she was thinking "What a way to go."

When Alyssa awoke soon after she found Rose and Holly locked in a deep kiss. Alyssa picked up the discarded strap on and brought it over to them. Soon all three of them were tonguing the plastic and tasting their combined essences. The power of three indeed, Alyssa thought to herself with a private laugh.

"You're still a bitch," Alyssa then told Rose after they all shared a long three way kiss. Her pussy was still burning, but she was already thinking of how she could pay Rose back for this.

"You're still a whore," Rose shot back as she cupped Alyssa's tits with her hands and fondle the bare globes.

"What does that make me?" Holly playfully asked.

"You can be the slut then," Alyssa offered.

"Mmmmm if it means we can do this again soon, I'll be whatever the fuck you want," Holly laughed.

"So, did you find me acceptable?" Rose asked. "You think you can handle me for three years?

"Welcome to the show..." Alyssa and Holly said simultaneously as the newly christened trio fell into each other's arms again. They had a threesome again and the fight over who was the dominant female would have to wait...till next time.

This story is copyright 2001 from Sharkboy Productions. Reposting this story without my permission is not allowed and will result in me taking action against your web site.

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