Domination of Tinny Girl (Lesbian/Authoritarian, oral, anal, F/f

Published on Sep 29, 2016



Authoritarian, oral, anal, F/f

This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts between a young girl and older women. If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it.

Copyright 2016 Jan, All rights reserved

Please mail to if you have any suggestions for a future story.

Domination of Tinny Girl



I have to admit that I became a dominatrix because I have a strong sexual desire, and because I am such a big woman I was shunned by boys when I was growing up. When other girls were starting to date boys I was ignored because I was taller and stronger than any of the boys.

My first sexual encounter was with an older woman that thought I was older than my ten years of age. As much as I enjoyed sex with the older woman I envied other girls that were interacting with their contemporaries.

In high school I was recruited to play basketball because I was so tall. By my senior year I was six- foot six, and was well proportioned but guys didn't want to be seen dating anyone taller than them. I was a natural dark brunette with shoulder length wavy hair. During basketball games I put my hair in a ponytail. My breasts were proportionally large and firm. I didn't need a bra to hold them up, but was required to wear a tight sports bra to play basketball. In school I continued to wear a sports bra, just so my tits wouldn't draw attention to me. My long legs were strong muscular well-proportioned things because of the running required to play ball. They would draw admiring looks until people were close enough to become aware of how tall I was.

I was a shy girl until I went to college. I was sought after by a lot of colleges and universities for a basketball scholarship. I selected to attend a university two thousand miles away from home; One to get away from my small town yokels, Two because the coaches that visited my home town, not only told me about the benefits of going to their school, and they invited me to their hotel room and seduced me. The head coach sucked my nipples and made out with me while the assistant coach sucked my pussy and tongue fucked my ass.

In college I got to fuck every member of the team, and several of my female professors sought me out to fuck them. It was fun dominating them, by making them eat my pussy, and rim my asshole. There was one professor that constantly professed her love for me, so to make her prove her love I made her open her mouth and I pissed in her moth until my urine flowed out of her mouth and ran down her body. I had her let my urine dry on her body and then get dressed and go to class smelling of piss.

After college I met a madam that ran a brothel that catered to both men and women. She saw the potential of having me work for her. She coached me on how to dress the part of a dominatrix and how to punish men and women without permanently hurting them.

I quickly learned to enjoy dominating both men and women. There was a lot of satisfaction whipping the ass and genitals of mem in retribution for all of the guys that had made fun of me while I was growing up. I had mixed emotions about women. The pretty bitches in school had shunned me and made fun of me, but the other girls not included in the inner circle were kind to me, even if my size frightened them.

I had been working in the brothel for several years and I developed a following of devoted patrons. I felt comfortable in the stiletto high heeled black tight fitting riding style boots. I even enjoyed wearing black leather corsets with built in push up bras that lifted my big tits even more and allowed my big brown areolas to be fully exposed. As part of the look I took to wearing large flashy ear rings or hops. Any jewelry around my neck was deliberately long enough to show off the deep cleavage between my breasts.

Then one day while I was dressed in civilian attire, but there's nothing I can do to hide my size. I tower over almost everyone I'm in a room with. On this occasion when I was entering a Starbucks in the local mall, and when there was the sound of screeching tires my attention was distracted I almost knocked over a tinny girl. I felt like a heel because at first glance I thought I had just about knocked over a child. She couldn't have been more than four- feet eleven, and a blonde with hair almost reaching the small of her back. When I apologized for not paying attention and almost knocking her down I realized that she was a fully mature young woman. I insisted on buying coffee of her choice for her.

She protested that it had been an accident and there was no harm, but I insisted and bought a couple on mocha late grandees and led her to a patio table. I was intrigued by such an attractive little thing.

I introduced myself as Diana. She said that her name was Linda, and added that my name was appropriate, a Roman Goddess of the moon, and an old European meaning "heavenly, divine". Her definition embarrassed me and I blushed.

I asked her what she did for a living and she told me that she was a senior in high school. That surprised me because I thought she was an adult. "How old are you?"

"I'm seventeen...I won't be eighteen for a little more than three months."

I couldn't help looking around to see if anyone was watching. "I feel like we shouldn't be talking to each other!"

"Why would you say that?"

"If anyone that knows me saw me taking to a minor it could lead to trouble for me!"


"The way I make a living would disturb most people if they saw me talking to minor."

"What do you do for a living?"

I was uncomfortable telling her what I did, "I'm an emotional therapist."

"What does that mean?"

I gave up, "Do you know what a Dominatrix is?"

She gave me a perfect dictionary definition, "A female that inflicts physical or emotional pain on others for sexual gratification." It took her a moment before she caught on, " certainly have the figure for it!"

Now it was my turn to blush. "You can see how if anyone that knows how I make a living could accuse me of trying to seduce you."

"Hmmm...That does sounds interesting to me."

I had been attracted to her because she was such an attractive, angelic looking girl, but I had thought she was an adult. Her body was well proportioned even though she small.

"By the way, why do think men and women pay for your services?"

I thought for a moment, "I suspect that the men come to me because they have latent homosexual desires, but can't face the fact, so when I fuck them with a dildo their desires are satisfied without admitting to themselves that they are gay, because I'm a woman. I also suspect that the women seek me out because they are lesbians, surrendering to me takes the guilt away because I'm forcing them to perform sexual acts."

Linda took a sip of her coffee, to think about what I said. "I'm not ashamed of being a lesbian, but I would find it exciting to be dominated by a woman like you!"

"Look me up when you are eighteen."

"What is your number?"

I wrote down my home number on the back of a business card and pushed it across the little table. She picked it up and put in in her little fanny pack that was around her waist. We chatted about sex until we finished or coffee. I eventually began to feel uncomfortable and wished her a good day, and dropped my empty paper cup in the trash as I made my way to the exit.

I didn't give it much though and had all but forgotten about meeting her. The worst part about my occupation is that you get jaded doing the thing I do to men and women. When I first started doing it I got off punishing the naked bodies of men and women, but over time it became just a job and I didn't get any sexual satisfaction from doing it.

One morning while I was sleeping late the phone rang about 11:00 am. When I picked up the phone I didn't recognize the voice. I don't give out my home number to clients, they contact my through an answering service. I asked, "Who is this...Dear?"

The pleasant voice of a young female said, "This is Mary. I'm the girl you bought coffee for a few months ago. You did tell me to call you when I turned 18."

It all came rushing back, the way I had almost knocked her over, and how attractive she was. She had been like a living Shirley Temple doll. "Hello my dear to what do I owe this honor?"

"Now that I'm legally an adult I was hoping that you would like to be my friend?"

"I would like that, but not in a professional way! I would prefer to keep our relationship on strictly friendly bases."

"Can we meet some place again?"

"There would be no better place to meet than the Starbuck's we first met! Would say 2:00 pm. be convent for you?"

"That would be perfect! I will see you at 2:00 pm."

After hanging up the phone I drew a bath and soaked in the water until it turned cold and my skin on my fingers prune up. I took my sweet ever-loving time selecting the clothes I felt would be appropriate for meeting an innocent young woman. I down played the look, two-inch heeled pumps, nude nylons, simple teal blue matching brassier and panties. I used a small garter belt to hold up my nylons. I laid out a selection of dressed to wear. After some deliberation I selected a silver shift dress that had folded material that dipped deep between my breasts, black pearls were the accessory I added. I selected a black beaded clutch.

I left the house early enough to take my time driving to the Starbuck's. I found an empty parking space near the front of the store and waited until I saw Mary walking towards the store.

I locked the car with my remote to lock my car as I approached her. When, she saw me approaching her face lite-up with a big smile. We entered the store together and I bought our coffees. We chose to sit outdoors where we could talk in relative privacy.

Mary told me all about her family and told me that she hated the fact that she was so tinny. She had slept in a baby's crib until she was twelve years old. She was too embarrassed to invite anyone to visit because she was ashamed that she was sleeping in a baby's crib. She was charged a child's price to get in movies and couldn't see an R rated move to this day. When she drove the family car with cushions behind her back the cops stopped her because they thought she was too young to have a driver's license. She was ignored by her contemporaries too.

She told me that her first lesbian sexual experience was a strange thing. She was 13 at the time. She had planned on playing tennis at the local park, and a girl about the same size approached her to play with her. The girl was impressed with my game and invited me to come home with her, because she lived across the street from the park I accepted even though I knew she had no idea how old I was. In my tennis outfit I was wearing a sports bra that smashed my tits.

She introduced me to her mother and led me to her room to listen to some music. I knew she was a lot younger than me, but she was a horny girl. When we were in her room she started kissing me. She slipped her hand under my tennis skirt with the built in shorts. When her hand slipped under the leg and into the panties she found that I had pubic hair, and asked me how old I was. I told her that I was 13 and she told me that she thought I was 9 too. She continued masturbating me.

Her bedroom door opened and her mother entered carrying a tray with milk and cookies. She even looked embarrassed when she saw her daughter masturbating me and sat the tray down and left the room. That girl and I sucked pussies that day. She was thrilled to play with my tits too.

I visited her regularly for a few weeks, then one day when I knocked on her door her mother invited me in and old me that her daughter was visiting her grandparents. I was about to excuse myself and leave when she took me in her arms and kissed me on the mouth. It shocked me, but I didn't protest. She started feeling me up. She was surprised to find that I had breasts. When she stuck her hand into my panties she found that I had pubic hair and asked me how old I was. I told her that I would be 14 in a few weeks. She had thought I was her daughter's age all along. I got my first taste of a woman's pussy that day. I continued seeing her daughter and on occasion visited her mother when the daughter was not around.

I told her my similar story with the exception that basketball did give me some acceptance except I was still not the person sought out for friendship or dates. I also told her about the woman that had introduced me to sex as a child because she thought I was a teenager.

When we finished our stories and coffee I suggested that she accompany me to my home. She jumped at the suggestion. It was a pleasant trip to my place. As soon as we were in the house she wanted to see my costumes that I wear while working. I was reluctant but at her persistence I relented and opened the closet I use for my costumes.

Mary picked up and felt the leather corsets and boots. She told me that she would love to see me dressed up. I couldn't deny her anything. I sat on the upholstered bench in the closet as I removed my clothes. When I was naked I put on the sexy little thong before putting on the dark nylons one leg at a time. Then I used boot hooks to pull the tight fitting black boots with 4-inch stellate heels. I selected a tight fitting black leather corset that pushed up my G sized breasts. Gold hogs op ear rings completed the look, except for brushing out my hair.

She had to stand on the bench to be able to kiss me on the mouth. She also took hold of my nipples. I picked her up like a child and placed her on my hip and carried her into my bedroom. I stood her on the bed and undressed her like a child.

She had a perfectly proportioned body. Even as small as her breasts were they were large in proportioned to her tinny frame. She had streaked blonde hair that was more than shoulder length. Her little pubic bush was darker than the hair on her head. I kissed her on the mouth while placing my hand between her legs and stroking her pussy.

I eventually laid her on the bed and I lay beside her. The difference in our size was so different that while we kissed she was able to stick her toe into my cunt and jill me with it.

She wanted me to use her like I did my clients, but I felt too motherly to do those kind of things to her. I chose to tie her hands to the headboard with a couple of my nylon pantyhose and her feet the dame way. When she was defenseless I started tickling her feet, tits and pussy until it was driving her crazy. She even peed on my bed. When she recovered I licked her pussy clean. When we had both had several orgasms we got dressed.

I put on a simple dress with two inch heels before driving her home. She insisted on me coming in to meet her parents. The look on her mother's face was priceless when she saw me come through the door. My head only clears the door by a couple of inches. After the introductions her mother commented on what a strange couple we made.

Mary said, "I know people think we are mother and daughter. I kind of enjoy I when they think we are related."

Her mother said, "I thought you girlfriend was closer to your age."

Mary said, "We have a lot in common. I didn't fit in with my classmates and Diana had the same problem because of her size."

Her mother said, "Diana will you take care of my daughter like she was your own?"

"I swear that I do love her like she's my own!"

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