
By eric jones

Published on Feb 21, 2016

  • This is a work of fiction. My experiences and likes influence all my writing, so there might be a nugget or two of truth somewhere within, but don't worry, it's carefully hidden... Any similarity with actual people or places is entirely coincidental.

  • This story involves interracial sex between adult men. There is lot of crude stereotyping, role play, nasty and demeaning language and other things that might be called kinky or just plain ignorant. If any of this offends you, please leave now.

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Dominion, Chapter 1

"Boy, you betta watch where the fuck you goin," he said as he jumped out of the way, damn near hitting the front window of the jewelry store as he just made it by. "Mall full of muthafuckas and you so interested in ya damn phone you bout to start some shit!" Tariq was pissed. He and his boys came to the mall to stunt and be seen. Sure, to look around too, but mainly it was to be looked at. It had been years since he had been "polite" and even moved out of the way for someone walking at him, and never in his life did he have to literally jump out of the way for some little punk white dude.

Spotless Timbs, jeans saggin and the universal wifebeater made the base of Tariq's and his boys' look. You could see damn near all of Tariq's ass pokin out above his sagged jeans, but those boxer briefs were clean as hell. Tariq has shoulder length dreads, not too perfect, but far from raggedy. You gotta look like you didn't spend two hours a day on yourself like a fuckin girl, but still you can't look homeless. His three boys with him were wearing almost the exact same thing, just change the colors around a bit. The young thug uniform didn't allow much creativity when it came to the basics. Hair had to be braided or rowed or dreaded-up - no plain old fades or bald heads for Carolina playas. Timbs were a must even in the middle of the summer.

Add all the bling you can manage, just to set it off, and you've got a good start. Tariq had more tats that his boys, but he was also two years older than anyone else in his crew, at 23. Enough high or drunk nights in the next few years and they would be as tatted-up as Tariq.

But he was better looking than his boys, there was no doubt. Standing 6 feet 3 inches he seemed to tower over his own crew and most everyone else. He had dark, smooth skin, bright, light brown eyes and thick, full lips. He was clean-shaven, but that was because his shit wouldn't grow in the way Tariq wanted it.

Yeah he looked good, as always, and eyes were on him from the moment he stepped out of his mom's house. At the mall he and his boys were getting the stares that Tariq craved. He would rather be dead than ignored. Fortunately being ignored or not-noticed was something that just didn't happen to Tariq Alston. Always the center of attention.

And then on a busy Friday night, making rounds at the mall and stunting as usual, comes this fuckin oblivious-ass white boy with his phone glued to his face.

"Ay! Dude you bout to get fucked up if you don't watch where the fuck you goin" Tariq yelled a little too loud, in a deep, booming voice that would have carried up and down the mall no matter how loud he tried to be. Heads turned in a flash, and for a brief second Tariq regretted he had yelled like he did.

It only took another second for Tariq to get even more pissed when he realized the one person whose attention he was trying to get hadn't even heard him.

His boy Corey couldn't help but notice the whole scene, especially the preppy white dude who was in his own little world, and had made cocky-ass Tariq jump out of the way, instead of yielding like everyone else in the world always did for him and the crew. Corey thought it would be funny as shit if there was an escalator or some stairs coming up, cause no doubt the white dude would fall right off the edge and not even know it. What was on that damn phone that had him on lock while he was walking through the mall?!?!

"Yo, Tariq, dat muthafucka damn-near walked ova yo ass and he don't know a damn thing happened cause he's playin with his damn phone. Dat's fucked up, bruh!" Corey was good and getting under Tariq's skin. He didn't know what was more amazing to him, that he saw Tariq have to jump out of the way like a second-class punk, or that the dude was still ignoring Tariq as he was calling him out in front of half the people in town! Corey knew this wasn't over. That kinda excited him too. Been a boring night so far, but shit is about to pop-off.

"Imma fuck this dude up" Tariq said as he regained his composure and started walking with a purpose toward the white dude who was trying to fuck up his night.

Just like all the idiots who walk the streets texting or reading emails on their phone when they should be paying attention to where they are going, totally unaware of what's going on around them, Eric was walking way too slow. Human nature makes you slow down a bit when your instincts tell you that you're doing something that is bound to cause you harm. Eric just didn't know how much harm was stomping its way towards him at this moment. Instinct can only help you so much you when you're blocking everything out to read the tiny words on a cell phone screen.

WWHHHHAAAAPPPPPPPPPPP! Tariq slapped Eric hard on the back of the head and he half-jumped and half-fell forward. His Blackberry was catapulted out of his hands and into the crowd of people in front of him, and as he tried to catch his balance he thought heard the awful sound of expensive metal and plastic hitting the tile floor. Probably a million pieces somewhere in that mix of people. He was about to fall flat on his face, but that phone was still on his mind.

It never occurred to Eric that there was more to worry about right behind him. He just wasn't afraid of anything, at least not anything in the mall. His mind was elsewhere.

"Ay, yo! Man you just about knocked me the fuck over" Tariq bellowed again.

He caught up with Eric and grabbed him by the collar, pulling hard and spinning him around. The look of surprise on Eric's face was unmistakable, and the anger on Tariq's face was equally clear. But they didn't get to exchange any words, and there was no more pushing at this point.

The commotion of the whole crew bearing down on Eric, and the slap had drawn even more attention than usual, and unfortunately for Tariq it was more than rich soccer moms and casual shoppers who were now focused on what was happening. A pathetic "mall cop" couple came running up, walkie-talkies and clubs in hand. Within seconds everyone scattered, even Corey and the other two members of Tariq's supposedly loyal band of brothers. All that was left as the fake cops arrived was Tariq and Eric, and a ring of onlookers numbering around 100 at a respectful distance - close enough to see the fight but not close enough to get in the action. It all happened so fast Tariq never even noticed he was on his own, and Eric just realized he was in the middle of what looked like a fight ring, all eyes on him and this thugged-out black guy who wasn't taking his eyes of him. Friday was getting strange really fast, for both of them.

Tariq had done some time in juvie, and a few stints in county for minor crap that was just part of life on the streets. For Tariq it would have been weird to not have at least a couple of blips on his record, and for Eric anything more than a speeding ticket would have been even weirder.

The mall cops started their over-the-top SWAT team interrogations of Tariq, but he wasn't taking his eyes off Eric, not even when the cops tried to push him to the ground. The look on his face was so intense, and Eric was starting to realize he had really done something to get this guy worked up. The plastic temporary handcuffs came out and went on Tariq. It flashed through his mind was how quickly the cops assumed the guy with dark skin and dreads was the instigator - regardless of the fact he actually was! He broke eye contact with Eric long enough to look around, still ignoring the worthless mall cops who he knew wouldn't do anything. He realized his boys were gone. "Yellow muthafuckas" he thought to himself. Everyone knew he liked attention, but all alone, being gawked at by all these damn people, was getting him more annoyed.

Tariq was by the wall now, as the fake cops made their rounds asking anyone and everyone what happened. While no one who saw what happened stuck around to talk, there were plenty of gossipy bitches who offered testimony about something they could only guess about! That would work to his advantage.

He looked back at Eric, who had never moved from his original position. He got a good long unhurried look at him for the first time. Eric stood 5'11" or shorter, he had short, business-like blond hair, fair clean complexion and a more than decent body. He was no bodybuilder, and didn't have the arms and upper body of Tariq, but it was clear even with clothes on that Eric could have walked around with his shirt off without embarrassing himself. He had a cute to average face, and Tariq thought he had to be about his same age, or 25 at the most. He had on the prep uniform, with a button-down shirt, khakis and those grey New Balances that every white boy in college owned.

After he had looked him up from head to toe a couple of times, Tariq looked Eric dead in the face. Their eyes were locked.

There was something about Eric's blank expression and the way he stared right back that Tariq liked for some reason, although he couldn't put his finger on it. He was the center of Eric's attention now. He didn't seem to notice the ring of nosey onlookers who were still waiting around for a fight or an arrest or something else to make a night at the mall a little more exciting. Eric was focused just on him. What was it about this dude?

One of the cops walked up to Eric and told him to get lost, and at the same time announced "there's nothing to see here" and told the crowd to move along. Eric paused a moment or two longer, and finally turned and started walking away.

Tariq kept his eyes on his ass as he slowly walked away, and he felt the hairs on his arms prick up a little. About ten feet away Eric stopped and slowly turned back to look at Tariq. Those hairs pricked up a little more. "What da fuck" Tariq thought to himself? But he couldn't take his eyes away, and he couldn't even try to look mean.

The mall cops took off the plastic cuffs and sent Tariq away, telling him to stay away from the mall for three years. He walked off, wondering where his punk-ass boys had got to. He was gonna bust some ass when he found his cowardly crew. You don't leave you boy when the fight is on, especially not because of some fake ass mall cops. "Fucked up nite, man" Tariq fumed to himself as he plowed through the mall lookin for his friends.

He must have wandered around for half an hour, and made two loops through the mall. He remembered the phone on his hip and started to call his friends. Damn, battery almost dead and not signal for shit. "I'm gonna fuckin kill somebody" was going through Tariq's head, getting louder and more insist with each step and each moment.

As he was about to start his third round he thought "I gotta get some air" and settle down, but away from all these damn people laughing and shopping. He walked to the closest exit and slammed through the doors, almost hitting a mom and daughter who were coming in the other way. He pulled out a cigarette and fired up, inhaling deeply. He paced around and realized he had been walking for a long time and needed to sit his ass down for a minute. With all these ashtrays he knew there had to be some damn benches out here somewhere for the shoppers to use on their smoke breaks. This was North Carolina after all, and smokers do get some consideration! Rounding the corner he spotted a bench and was about to squat for a minute. It was kinda dark and as he sat he noticed a figure sitting on the bench just opposite. As his eyes quickly adjusted to the dim lighting he recognized Eric, sitting there with his face cradled in his hands, elbows resting on his knees. He looked like he was totally lost in thought, as unaware of his surroundings as he was with that phone in his hands.

Fire started up deep inside him almost instantly. With his friends having apparently dissed him, and after stomping around for an hour alone he had plenty of frustration pent up inside him. His street smarts and a quick review of his surroundings told him immediately he could beat the ever-living-shit out of this muthafucka right now and odds are no one would ever know. He leaped to his feet and started towards Eric. Bout to be on!!

Eric suddenly picked his head up and looked directly at Tariq, that same blank look and total lack of fear. It was as if he was looking right through Tariq.

He had no idea why, but Tariq never took another step towards him. Instead he turned and took a few steps away. "Dammit" he thought to himself. "Fuck!" He never said a word though, and although his mind was racing his body seemed totally calm. It was like the Twilight Zone. Tariq had lived 23 years and thought he knew himself as well as any man, but he didn't know what was happening at that moment. He turned around, walked back to the bench opposite Eric and slowly sat down. They stared at each other, but not a word. Tariq pulled the pack of smokes from his pocket and fired one up. He took two deep drags, blowing his smoke straight across to the bench where Eric was sitting. He reached deep in to his jeans pocket, and quickly retrieved the contents. Anyone in Eric's position could have easily thought Tariq had pulled out a gun or a knife, but Eric never budged, never took his eyes of Tariq's face.

Tariq had pulled out his cigs and lighter again. He took out another cig. He tossed it the 5 or 6 feet to where Eric was sitting and then tossed his lighter. They landed in Eric's lap. Eric looked down and then picked up the cigarette and lighter, lit it up like he smoked every day, took one deep drag, and then coughed and damn near gagged like any first-time smoker would. He had a head-rush from one drag, but he took another pull and then blew the smoke back across to where Tariq was sitting, watching him.

"Thanks" Eric said.

A few minutes passed with more silence, but the stares continued. They finished their cigarettes just as the first rain drops started to fall.

Tariq had much pussy in his 23 years. He lost his virginity at 15, later than most of his boys, but he made up for the delay with sheer numbers in a very short period of time. He got brain for the first time in the school bathroom, from a fly girl that was a hell of a lot better looking than she was good at taking dick. He used his 10.5 inches to make dozens of bitches go to school the next day without their voice, and with a limp half the time.

He had a 1 year old daughter, who he spent as much time with as he could, but things weren't easy with his baby momma or her momma either for that matter. It was amazing he didn't have more kids roaming around, and maybe he had some he didn't know about.

There had been a couple of broads he cared about, but he was too interested in his own life and his own interests to really commit and stay with one girl for too long. They always wanted too much of his time, or got on his nerves with needy shit or drama. It was easy to just walk away. The bitches were used to the game, so it's not like anyone was surprised when he just didn't call back and stopped coming by.

Right now he had three pieces of ass that were on permanent standby, ready to get dug out whenever Tariq decided he had the need. He loved getting head more than just about anything, but so often the pressures of being a man and the desires of these horny bitches meant he was banging their backs out too, and he didn't really mind. But that head game! He had only run across a couple of bitches who seemed to have any skill at blowing him, and even the ones who sucked at sucking didn't seem interested in it at all. But Tariq had a devious, kinked up sexual side, and often what he wanted he just couldn't get from any hoe, even his regulars. These hoe would let him skeet all up in their guts, but they acted too precious to take his nutts in their mouth, or to let him bust a load down their throats. Shit just didn't make no sense.

Tariq probably wasn't any more aggressive or rough when it came to fucking a face or a pussy, but he had a nasty mouth and talked mad shit to any and every bitch. A broad might be horny or high enough to cave in and to lick his ass in the heat of the moment, but as soon as Tariq made it clear with his shit-talking how low and subservient a bitch was to be doing what he told her to do, then the moment just ended and the proud bitches pulled back and Tariq didn't really get what he wanted. He liked to possess shit, sexually. Claim it, and call it for what it is. Bitches just think they are too damn special...

He had played around with his boys a few times, even had a real fucked-up dude that was a known fag to suck him off, but that was a rare, rare thing, and just an opportunity to get a nutt. Tariq was a man, and titties and ass was what caught his eye.

Now Eric was no virgin either. He had a steady girlfriend since high school, and had his share of pussy. He was a decent looking dude, and like all the other soccer players and cross-country runners he had a body that girls found attractive. He was outgoing and friendly, popular with most everyone. He came from a good family, had a new Honda, and was on his way to graduate from Duke with honors. He would certainly end up a doctor just like his daddy, or at least a lawyer or businessman. Eric liked having a girlfriend. It seemed like the natural thing to him as it does to so many others. Not only the sex, but going out to dinner and to the movies and home with the family on holiday and special occasions. Eric didn't like to be alone, and with a girlfriend you were only alone when you wanted to be.

He had split from his college girlfriend right before the summer break, and for the first time he was alone. He had never touched another dude until this summer, just a week ago, although he had the wet dreams and occasional fantasies that he assumed all his buds had too. Eric may have been 180 degrees from a thug, but he was also 180 degrees from being gay. He had no doubt of that in his mind. Until last week he had no reason to doubt it.

What happened last week with that dude was weird enough, but tonight, tonight made all of that look like nothing. And the night wasn't even close to being over...

"I gotta go."

Eric spoke those words, breaking the silence between him and this thuggish looking guy who apparently almost beat him down in the mall earlier, and who was now was sitting across from him on a bench right outside.

Eric didn't know why he said that. It was almost like he needed to let this guy know what was happening, like he needed him to be okay with what he was going to do. He had never met this dude, but still the words just came out, and although he didn't understand it intellectually, it felt like the right thing to do. He really did need to get up and take care of some business - the mall was going to be closing in less than an hour.

Tariq never said a word. His mind was still kinda numb. Everything in him told him he should have beat down the little punk who had sent his Friday night spinning out of control, and let him all alone in the mall, feeling and looking stupid. He could still do it. But there he sat. He couldn't take his eyes of Eric, even though he didn't even know his name. The kid had just told him he had to go. Tariq didn't mind if he left, he wasn't gonna touch him. He knew that - he just didn't know why. The way he said it, it was almost like he was getting Tariq's approval to walk away. Silence is compliance. By saying nothing he was letting the dude know he had a free pass to get up and leave.

Eric got up from his bench and walked back in to the mall. Tariq sat there. The rain was still falling lightly. He was starting to get wet. Finally he got up and walked back in to the mall himself. The mall was still crowded, but he saw Eric walking ahead in the crowd, and without thinking much about it, he followed.

Within minutes Eric slowed and you could tell he was searching the floor of the mall for something. He was looking at the ground, ducking around customers who were finishing up their shopping. Tariq knew what he was looking for. His phone. They were back in the spot where the slapdown had happened. Eric was so intent on looking around that he nearly ran in to a few shoppers who didn't seem to appreciate him slowly moving and looking at the floor instead of where he was going.

"Muthafucka gonna trip up somebody else, all cause of dat damn phone again" he thought to himself. Tariq walked over to a bench near the wall and sat down. He was gonna keep an eye on this dude. Eric was walking around some of those huge planters with the towering trees and flowering plants that made the mall look like a jungle most of the year. He was watching Eric's movements, noticing how intently he scanned the floor, and continuing to notice how he wasn't paying a damn bit of attention to the people who he kept bumping in to.

Then he saw it. That small glint of something shiny, right under the edge of one of the planters, right there beside were Eric was searching. From this angle Tariq could tell that Eric wouldn't be able to see it, unless he got down on his hands and knees and looked underneath. Eric kept moving, and by the time Tariq got up and walked over there he was 10 or 15 feet away. Tariq reached down and pulled out Eric's Blackberry.

The screen was all scratched up and the battery cover and battery were gone, but remarkably the phone looked intact. Even after that smashup earlier this phone had fewer dings than the one Tariq had on his waist now. He slipped it in to his pocket and turned around. He took two steps and walked right in to his boys Corey and Jamal.

"Man, wat da hell, you not answerin yo phone, you ok?" Jamal asked, looking more concerned and alert than he normally would be. "No signal and battery fuckin dead," said Tariq walking past them. "Yo, you ok," asked Corey following behind. "Get me da fuck outta here, been in this bitch all night," Tariq sneered. He would get back at them all for leaving him tonight, but right now he wanted to be gone and with no phone battery and no car these two knuckleheads were his only way home. "Let's roll, parked out front," Jamal said. Jamal and Corey looked at each other as they walked towards the exit, and both seemed relieved that they didn't get bitched out by Tariq, although they seemed to know that fate was only delayed.

Eric kept retracing his steps, and finally resorted to getting on his knees and looking under benches and planters and anything that might be hiding his phone. In his heart he knew it was in someone's pocket right now. The mall was starting to really thin out, and only a few folks were left. Eric didn't notice the store clerks rolling the security screens down, ready to close their stores for the night. Finally he looked up and realized he was almost alone, and that he was going to have to go home without his phone.

He started up his car and the only thought that kept flashing through his mind was why he didn't activate the password protection. He had work information on that phone, but the stuff that appeared on there today was what he really wanted to keep confidential. Hopefully the phone was in pieces, swept up by cleaning crews and gone forever. If not... "Nah, don't worry about it, man," he told himself. He backed out and pulled away from the mall. He looked in his rearview mirror as he was pulling out on to the main road, and thought he saw the guy with dreds walking through the parking lot with some other guys. He thought about those dreds, and the Timbs and the thuggish look of the dude. He could see his face just as clearly as if he was right there in front of him. It seemed like he had been staring at him for hours. It dawned on him finally that he was lucky not to have bruises after what went down tonight. But he didn't think that dude would really hurt him, he just didn't get that feeling.

What he did know was that he liked smoking that cigarette with the dude, sitting there with him outside, in the rain, not saying a thing, just staring at each other. There was something about him, his look, his attitude. His dick started to get hard, and Eric caught himself. "Huh?" Then he flashed back to his missing phone, and to the events of earlier in the evening, and to what he was reading when that phone was still in his hands. His dick immediately got soft again. "Never again," he said out loud, punching the pedal and speeding on down the highway.

Next: Chapter 2

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